#there is so much potential with loki and amora
Characters that should’ve been in the Loki show but weren’t (fuck everything):
-Theo Bell
-Verity Willis
-David Alleyne
-Leah of Hel
-any of the Warriors Three
-any frost giants at all
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celestefox13 · 5 months
I know I'm in the minority of people that even care, but it's always weird to me that, for all the times Carol has interacted with and worked with Thor, and fought Amora, she very rarely runs into Loki. Mind you, it feels like he tends to appear just about every other time those two do.
For example, I can only remember one distinct moment of them being on the same page/interacting in the comics so far:
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In the dialogue we get, Loki knows who Carol is. Knows her last name the same way Thor does, refers to her the same way that Thor did when they initially met, and occasionally still does. There's even some level of respect there to refer to her by name, even if it's just a base level acknowledgment kind.
And it's not like Carol never interacts with magic users. Hell, her most recent run had her on trial with a magic council after she went around asking all kinds of magic users for help with a thing, which ends in asking Amora of all people for help:
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Mind you, these two don't really get along, especially not after this most recent run.
So, of all the magic users, I have to wonder why Carol has never really had any on panel interactions with Loki. There's arguably potential for a strong story or two at least.
Carol's current main weakness is magic, and Loki’s main strength is just that. Meaning that, if you pit them against each other/put them at odds, then Carol is gonna need to use her brain and/or get help without the need of depowering her again.
Put them in a scenario to work together and you've honestly got a well-rounded duo that can't be stopped by much except potential disagreements on morals/end goals, I would think. After all, Carol's not above causing chaos to achieve a result so long as she doesn't see/anticipate a significant negative effect on the lives of innocents/civilians:
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Something like stealing and wrecking one of Tony's cars can be fair game in her book though:
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Anyways, TLDR: Let Loki and Carol interact, Marvel, you cowards
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
what’s you’re favorite non romantic enchantricks moment
I’m sorry idk how old these are I never check my asks😅
Hmmm perhaps when Loki is defending Amoras unconscious body in Axis, because it shows she CAN trust him when it comes down to life or death. Axis Loki and Amora were only a little altered because they were grey villains rather than pure evil (anymore they’ve both had lots of dev) the writer confirmed that their love does not change during the alignment flips in axis, Thor still loved his brother but since Thor is overwhelmingly good his character change made him blindly evil. So while they both need a lot of therapy, and learning, to be open to themselves (let alone be with each other) when it comes down to it they can rely on each other. I think it’ll take a long time for them both to realize that though and will probably be on and off until they do.
I also enjoy the old panel when Loki gets mad and yells something liked “terrible” and Amora shows up and goes “you called?” They’re a such idiots. They know they’re both awful and are cool with that.
Gosh there’s so many moments I love, it’s hard to pick a few platonic ones. In Where Mischief Lies def when Loki steals Amora’s high heels and is wearing them around.
Also when Amora tries to kill the world tree and Loki (who is in Sifs body at this point) is astounded at her power. Just hadn’t realized how much potential she actually held.
Lastly in the cartoons when Amora is disguised (very poorly) as a mortal woman and she reveals herself and Loki is like. Damn so this is what it’s like to be double crossed. I don’t like it much.
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worstloki · 4 years
Amora: if you die WHO is going to have subtextually homoerotic sword fights with me that stem from our major unresolved tensions with each other?
Loki: If I die the Midgardian "World Health Organization" is going to do WHAT
#loki and amora#that's it that's the post#just two platonicly unplatonic friends/enemies wanting to hold a literal/metaphorical knife at each other's throats#the ideal friends to enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to friends to enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to friends pairing#never a boring moment with those two#they could be in entirely different realms and manage to spice things up for the other in the worst possible way#thor: amora I heard you and loki broke up again I would like to apologise- why do you look like you haven't slept in a week#amora: because I HAVENT slept in a week. dumb curse wont let me sleep unless I'm within a metre of loki or break it.#thor: huh. you're going to get revenge once you have broken the curse?#amora: what? no! we have a project to work on involving magic grenades and we've got to finish that first. AFTER that he's fair game...#- a week later -#thor: ah brother I was just looking for you- what happened to your eyES??#loki: blinding spell. but she managed to combine it with an inversed tracking spell so I can't see any people other than her.#thor: that's a horrible punishment for looking at a different women but at least you can hear people. try not to go overboard with revenge?#loki: why would I get revenge for this? The way she fused the spells is ingenious and being able to study it first-hand is barely punishment#there is so much potential with loki and amora#they're the dubious pair where they're both the bad influence but also have high standards and have good influence on each other#when they're not killing each other or outdoing each other in spellwork
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bubbleteycosplay · 3 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 2
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @puckwritesstuff @timeladyjamie @marvelentertainment
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Big thanks to @jonquilclegane who supported me. She wrote the story for five Sigyn's in Part 2. Anyone who would like to write a story about Sigyn's or has a story that would like to be presented can simply contact me ^^
Sigyn Raben daughter
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In this universe, Karnilla The Queen of Norns is the mother of Sigyn. Anyone who has read the Marvel Comics knows that although Nornheim was on the Asgardian landmass within Asgard's own dimension, and Karnilla appeared to be of the Asgardian race, she did not consider herself under Asgardian rule. Rather, Nornheim was an independent country of which Karnilla was absolute monarch. And just as we don't know much about Karnilla, we don't know who Sigyn's father is either. She doesn't even talk to her daughter about it and Sigyn knows it's better not to ask. Sigyn was raised very strictly by her mother and trained in the magical arts. Every mistake, every failure in her mother's eyes was severely punished, so that developed a very strong ambition. Sigyn is very attractive and seductive to outsiders, somewhat surpassed by her cleverness. Through her mother's guidance, she knows when to invite herself and who to turn down. Karnilla uses her daughter as a secret weapon to achieve her goals. Sigyn is her mother's raven so like Odin's seals, she always gets the information she needs to give to her mother. She uses everything for this, including her body. The name Raben daughter was given by her mother and Sigyn's only real friend is a raven named Ubbo.
King Sigyn of Vanaheim
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King Sigyn is the only son of king freyr and his Ausgard-born wife Gerda. Sigyn has two more sisters Idunn and Sontra. The two live happily married in Asgard with their families and visit their brother regularly.
When Sigyn's father was murdered by civil wars, Sigyn fled to Asgard with his mother. Asgard stood by the family and put an end to the civil wars once and for all. Gerda abdicated in favor of her son and handed over the regency to him. Sigyn gave several freedoms to the people and so the parliaments in Vanaheim were formed. Working closely with the people, Vanaheim attained a previously unknown magnitude in trade issues. Sigyn's closest friends are Loki and Lorelei, who always stand by their boyfriends. And when Lorelei is very happy to offer her hand to Sigyn in marriage, the joy is great. Just not with Lorelei's sister Amora. Amora who feels betrayed by Loki because she had betrayed her several times and even had an affair with her sister. Crushes the thought of her sister being happy when she herself is suffering so much. Still, she wants to teach Loki a lesson and the plan pretty much backfires. Broken by depression and despair, Sigyn puts her best friend in front of her to save him and Sigyn dies. Lorelei swears bitter revenge for the murder of her beloved.
The Sigyn Story
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I won't write anything here to know their health follow @sigynthevictorious blog ^^
Sigyn Queen of Asgard
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We know from the Marvel Comics that Marvel married Odin to Frayer. But what Marvel can do, so can we. So we married Odin to Sigyn, but before everyone throws stuff around, let's get to the story.
Frigga was dead, it is only appropriate for a great ruler to remarry after a certain period of time. And Odin also had Frayer in mind at first, but she simply sent her third daughter to Asgard as a bride for Odin. An affront for Odin himself, but some advisors spoke out in favor of this marriage and so it was concluded. Which in turn was a shock for Frayer, she hadn't expected a move. The marriage was only on paper at the end anyway, and paper is long-lived. Odin and Sigyn met each other in a friendly and respectful manner, but nothing else worked. Which was probably based on mutual agreement. This went on for 10 years until Odin died. And since Thor could not yet take the throne, Sigyn was proclaimed Queen of Asgard. Until the day Thor would be ready to take over the throne.
Squirrel Sigyn Story idea from @jonquilclegane
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In this timeline, Sigyn was betrothed to Prince Loki, and both were very much in love. However, Amora did not like it, as Loki was not paying attention to her anymore since he had met Sigyn. She tried to reason with Loki, show him how weak and boring Sigyn was, how weak and boring she would make him. But nothing seemed to change the Prince’s heart. Therefore, the sorceress decided to act. During a feast, she lead Sigyn into a trap in the forest, and turned her into a squirrel. Let the pitiful little ginger beast be devoured by the wolves!
This might become a fanfiction in the months to come, so I’ll leave it there 😉
Fanfiction CommigComing soon by @jonquilclegane
The Princess of Magic Sigyn Story idea from @jonquilclegane
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Sigyn was born Princess of Vanaheim. Her mother was Queen Freya Njorddottir, former captain of the Valkyries. When an alliance was necessary between her realm and Asgard, Queen Freya decided Sigyn would be the one to be sent to the Golden realm as a potential bride for one of the princes. Queen Frigga took an immediate liking to the girl, so well-mannered and well-read, and, since the Vanir princess was quite gifted for magic, it was stated that she would become Loki’s bride. Freya was not too happy, as she thought Thor would be a better match and, most of all, the crown prince of Asgard. However, as her daughter seemed happy with her groom, she said nothing. But when it was revealed that Loki was actually a Jotun, the Queen of Vanaheim flew into a rage and demanded that the wedding was annulled. Sigyn refused, as she was now married to Loki, and had promised to stand by his side, for better or for worse. Freya disowned her daughter on the spot. When later, Loki failed to conquer Midgard, he came back in shame, as a prisoner to his own brother, the AllFather stripped him from his former title of Prince of Asgard. Therefore, Sigyn was not a princess of Asgard anymore either. It did not matter to her, as her husband was alive, and she fought to see and visit him as much as she could. Seeing her undying fidelity to Loki, Frigga ordered that, since her daughter-in-law was so proficient in magic, she would be from then on called, “Princess of magic”.
Sigyn as dove Story idea from @jonquilclegane
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Dove Sigyn
In a timeline where the Aesir people are animals, Sigyn is a dove. She is a peaceful goddess, but in love with the Snake God, Loki, bringer of Chaos. Usually, Sigyn would not get involve in her lover’s plots, but seeing him in such danger, with the Avengers and Thanos after him, she cannot stop herself, and decides to help him, even though she knows that what he is doing is wrong. The fear of losing him is stronger than her conscience or reason. Therefore, as Snake!Loki cannot hold the tesseract, Sigyn decides to grab it with her little paws and fly away. Hawkeye tried to shoot her, but seeing such a pretty dove, he did not have the heart to actually hit her, and so “missed” his target.
Warrior Sigyn of Asgard
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A big dream, of big goals and the love that takes everything. This is the story of the warrior Sigyn.
From the son of a simple craftsman to a soldier of Asgard it was a bumpy road for Sigyn. But it was also his dream and it's worth working hard for. His goal of becoming part of the palace guard is worth every effort, but that Loki of all people has to cross his path, well... That Sigyn eventually falls in love with the guy who doesn't even pay attention to him. Because for Loki, Sigyn, like any other palace guard, is someone of no real importance. Hard going when love is unrequited and even harder when knowing the other person isn't even seeing you. And then comes that one moment that changes everything for you, you have to make a final decision for yourself.
Child Sigyn Story idea from @jonquilclegane
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In this timeline, the royal houses of Asgard and Vanaheim were friends, and therefore, their children met very early. The Queen of Vanaheim, Freya, had eight daughters, but Loki’s favourite was Sigyn, a very quiet but kind little girl, with honey blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She was such a sweet child, wise beyond her years, and already gifted for magic. Loki thought he had found the perfect little sister.
However, Freya was plotting to overthrow Odin, and her intrigues were soon found out. The AllFather decreed the whole Vanir royal family was to be executed for treason. Loki tried to save her friend, but he was too late. Freya and her eight daughters had already been killed by the Einherjar.
Empress Sigyn
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It's time to introduce you to the next Sigyn variant. The next What if story, she even has her own fanfic on Archive of Our Own written by @jonquilclegane
Empress of Yggdrasil:
Odin found Laufey's child in the ruins of the temple, but it was not a boy he took that day, but a girl. He had in mind to marry her to Thor, but his plans were not to pass... All of this, because of a girl, Princess Loki's friend and lover, Sigyn.
Had Kang not interfered, this would have been Sylvie's timeline...
Part 3 is in progress ^^
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adorablelokie · 4 years
a ‘Loki’ series theory
Been seeing some theories being spread around so I had to chime in. It might be a bit crazy, but even crazier stuff has happened in the mcu.
Particularly about her:
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She’s very likely playing young Sylvie Lushton, the second Enchantress. It’s the only Sylvie that has any connection to Loki and the connection they have, oh boy. In the comics Loki’s responsible for her existence.
At first it was believed Sylvie Lushton is a normal midgardian girl who suddenly woke up with mysterious and powerful magical abilities that rivalled even Amora’s. (Also Sylvie kind of pretended to be an asgardian and ‘borrowed’ Amora’s identity)
However it was later revealed by none other than Wiccan, that she has not only been gifted powers from Loki, she was entirely created by Loki.
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And Loki and her had such a tight connection that when he died, she became sick and weak as well.
It’s interesting that out of two available Enchantresses, they chose to introduce the lesser known one and the one who was entirely created by Loki, and not Amora, the more popular, an actual Asgardian and a character fans have wanted to see in the mcu for years.
Even now fans falsely believe that young Cailey is playing Amora because most mistakenly confuse Amora and Sylvie of being the same person - which they’re not.
The fact that they decided to introduce Sylvie, and not Amora, makes me theorise that her origin will be explicitly tied to Loki.
But that births the question. How?
In the comics Loki magically creates her but unfortunately mcu’s Loki hasn’t been shown to be as powerful as his comic counterpart/s and has been considerably nerfed compared to them. 
Another possibility is that they pick the ‘midgardian girl who was empowered by Loki’ option, which is something even comics Sylvie believed in at first. But again, why her and is mcu Loki even capable of doing something like that? He barely uses magic on his own, relies on his illusions and knives and I don’t see that changing much in the show either if the trailer is anything to go by.
But Loki is probably still linked to her somehow. Otherwise, why pick her for this show? Why pick his creation?
So I’ve been thinking, what if Marvel does another one of their twists and, while staying as close to the source material as possible, they simplify things a bit, and instead of making Sylvie Loki’s creation, they make her his daughter from another timeline?
It might sound ridiculous, but hey, they literally made Hela (a daughter of Loki) into Odin’s firstborn daughter, borrowing traits from numerous other characters including Angela. Marvel isn’t afraid to switch things up.
And the show is all about time travel and different timelines. And if that brilliant D.B.Cooper reference is anything to go by, then it’s clear that 2012 (or that scene from Thor 1) wasn’t the first time Loki visited Earth. If he’s been D.B. Cooper all along, who’s to say he hasn’t fathered a child in one of the timelines? Maybe even this one, but we and possibly even him, don’t know that yet.
And before you scoff at the idea of Loki potentially having a half human child, int he comics he’s himself admitted to having numerous kids, even half human ones, like Tess Black.
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He magically created Sylvie, but he also has a daughter named Sylene, who comes from another reality and models herself after her father, Loki (and is practically a new Loki)
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And she was actually mentioned last year as one of few characters who could, given the nature of the show, be making an appearance in it. 
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I wouldn’t be too shocked if Marvel pulled another one of their ‘let’s mash these two characters together’ shticks and combined Sylvie and Sylene, make her his daughter, but half human.
Interestingly enough, both characters Sylvie and Sylene are known for emulating other people. Sylvie modeled herself after Amora the Enchantress (yes, that’s why people confuse Sylvie and Amora), her appearance, powers matched Amora’s and Sylvie went as far as to even borrow her alias, The Enchantress (which displeased Amora).
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And Sylene, as evident emulated her own father, Loki. If one didn’t know better she could easily pass for Loki’s female form.
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I’m mentioning this because in the show we have a mysterious female character who by some reason clearly models herself after Loki.
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If it weren’t for those combat boots and trousers her attire would look suspiciously similar to Loki’s - which still does, but it has some very ‘midgardian’ sprinkles thrown in it. However, the similarity is noticeable and many have assumed she’s female Loki, but I personally don’t believe in that theory because of her attire and most of all, her hair. I’ve heard rumours that the actress playing her, Sophia di Martino, has naturally dark brown hair and she dyed it blonde. I looked it up, and it’s true. Why dye your hair blonde if you play a character who has always been portrayed with black hair? Even the rumoured (or not so, heard he’s pretty much confirmed it by now) actor playing Kid Loki has dyed his hair black. At this point, black hair is Loki’s signature look. And after some casting decisions lately I think it’s safe to assume Marvel strives to be as comic accurate when it comes to their characters’ appearance as they can.
And as I mentioned before, Cailey Fleming is playing ‘young Sylvie’ which means there’s also an adult Sylvie in the show. The fact that we’re getting a young and adult version of the same character could indicate that this character will play a major role in the show. So far, out of all known cast, only Sophia di Martino fits the bill.
I’m convinced Sophia and Cailey play the same character but at different stages of her life. Sylvie, who for some reason emulates Loki. 
Perhaps Marvel really did pull another Hela situation and merged two (or more) characters together - which clearly seems to be the case. In this case, Sylvie (believed to be a midgardian girl but turns out she was created by Loki, extremely powerful, has a thing for copying certain someone and even goes by their alias) and Sylene (Loki’s daughter from another reality/timeline, emulates her father and is basically Loki 2.0).
Even their names are kind of similar.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Loki at some point in his past (or a different timeline) fathered a daughter. The guy has a plethora of kids in the comics.
It would certainly explain the resemblance between Loki and Sophia’s character.
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twh-news · 3 years
Loki (TV): 5 Things the Disney+ serie got right (& 5 it ruined)
With its new Disney+ shows, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has managed to expand its reach and develop characters that didn't quite get enough attention in the movies. WandaVision grants Wanda Maximoff her rightful role as the Scarlet Witch while also developing her relationship with Vision. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier tackles some heavy themes as Sam Wilson struggles with the weight of Steve Rogers's legacy and Bucky tries to overcome his trauma.
In Loki, fans are reunited with a beloved character, one many deemed lost with his death in Avengers: Infinity War. The show centers on the adventures of a variant of Loki created after the Avengers' Time Heist. Loki's return to the MCU is more than welcome and gets many things right, but some elements could have been dealt with better.
10 Got Right: Loki's Enduring Affection For His Family Still Stands Out
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Loki is easily one of the best villains in the MCU, and a big reason why he stands out is his affection for his family. He has a genuine bond with his mother Frigga, who is among the few people who support him. His rivalry with his brother Thor gradually disappears, and the two eventually mend their bond.
In the Disney+ series, Loki hasn't yet reached the right mental state to forgive and be forgiven. He is forced to confront the fate of his people--and his own--and it's one of the most touching moments in the series. Tom Hiddleston's portrayal is as always impeccable, adding another layer to the emotionally aloof god.
9 Ruined: His Character Doesn't Shine As Much As It Could Have
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Despite the series being titled Loki, it doesn't really focus on him as much as it should. After Loki makes his escape using the Tesseract, he's taken captive by the Time Variance Authority and eventually joins them. He's then forced by circumstances into cooperating with a female variant of himself, Sylvie. Caught in a web of events he's unprepared for, he often seems just along for the ride. This wouldn't normally be an issue, but the limited number of episodes makes the pacing a problem. With a better balance, Loki's character could have shined through properly.
8 Got Right: Loki Is Confirmed To Be Bisexual And His Relationship With Sylvie Is Very Interesting
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During a conversation with Sylvie, Loki comments that he's had relationships with both men and women in the past. The admittance of his bisexuality isn't a surprise, but it's still a welcome element. His subsequent relationship with Sylvie--who is, in the end, a version of himself--is interesting and chaotic, suiting the nature of the rule-breaking god.
7 Ruined: Sylvie Creates A Missed Opportunity As Viewers Would Have Liked A Truly Genderfluid Loki
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Sylvie's character has its origins in the second Enchantress, Sylvie Lushton. Her look--mimicking Amora's in appearance--is combined with the concept of Lady Loki. Unfortunately, her presence comes at the expense of a highly-anticipated element of Loki's character.
Before the series came out, rumors were rampant that the show would finally give viewers a genderfluid Loki and tackle his sexuality in a more elaborate way. Loki's bisexuality may have been confirmed, but it doesn't feel like enough. Sylvie just isn't the Lady Loki viewers wanted.
6 Got Right: Loki's Relationships In The Series Make Him Grow As A Person
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Throughout the series, Loki builds close relationships, not just with Sylvie, but also with TVA agent Mobius M. Mobius. Mobius places his faith in Loki and helps him realize many things about himself, even risking his own life for Loki. Meanwhile, Loki's romantic connection to Sylvie is so powerful it creates a nexus event. It gives Loki hope that he doesn't have to be alone, making him grow as a person.
5 Ruined: His Abilities Become Even More Confusing
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Loki's abilities in the MCU have always been somewhat puzzling. He's a highly skilled sorcerer, but half the time, he doesn't use his powers. Thor mentions his brother shape-shifted into a snake as a child, but the ability is never used.
The Disney+ series makes things even more confusing. Loki is easily incapacitated by the TVA, even if their physical strength shouldn't be enough to overwhelm an Asgardian/Jotun. Later, after he makes his escape, Loki uses highly advanced telekinesis to hold falling buildings upright on Lamentis. The addition of Sylvie's strange form of mental projection muddies the waters further. It's not a new thing for characters in the MCU, but it could have been dealt with better.
4 Got Right: Classic Loki's Sacrifice Steals The Show
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Sylvie isn't the only variant of himself Loki meets throughout his journey. After being pruned by the TVA, Loki ends up in The Void, where he meets Classic Loki, Boastful Loki, Kid Loki, and Alligator Loki.
Classic Loki easily steals the show, and his sacrifice to help Sylvie and Loki defeat Alioth is one of the best scenes in the series. Richard Grant's portrayal of the character is as powerful and emotional as Hiddleston's and leaves a true impression on the viewers.
3 Ruined: Most Variants Of Loki Barely Receive Any Attention
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Despite the huge potential of the Loki variants, most of them don't get enough time in the spotlight. Kid Loki is said to rule The Void because he killed Thor, but the concept doesn't go anywhere. President Loki appears briefly as a villain, but his background is unknown. Alligator Loki--affectionately called Croki by the fandom--receives more attention than most other variants of the character. It's truly a shame, as each individual Loki had their own fascinating stories to tell.
2 Got Right: The Inclusion Of The TVA Tackles An Important Theme That Leads Into The Multiverse
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Loki isn't the first MCU release that has mentioned the Multiverse, but it develops the theme much further, in a way that leaves a lot of room for further expansion. The concept of the "Sacred Timeline" sets into question the idea of free will, of the consequences of each choice. The TVA polices the path people have to take, enforcing a fatalistic design that would make many want to rebel.
Loki and Sylvie understandably want to topple it, but they soon learn that the TVA may very well be the lesser evil. With Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness just around the corner, the themes and issues that appear in Loki will doubtlessly be even more important than ever.
1 Ruined: The Overabundance Of Elements Makes The Final Villain Underwhelming
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The addition of the Multiverse may have been a good idea, but the multitude of elements end up clashing against each other due to the format of the series. The introduction of a whole new figure as the villain ultimately makes him fall flat. He Who Remains may have great influence and power, but he doesn't do much except monologue. Presuming that he is indeed Kang the Conqueror, he isn't a bad choice as an antagonist. The series just doesn't do him justice, and the finale feels weak and underwhelming.
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diamondcitydarlin · 3 years
Just for fun, are there any circumstances under which you might have actually shipped S-lki? I'm not a fan of it either but sometimes when I have a NOtp I try to make it over in my mind until its palatable lol
Unpopular opinion, but actually yes, because I enjoyed Sylvie and I honestly loved her dynamic with Loki in the moments where he wasn't acting weird and lovestruck and, her, uncomfortable lmao. I liked when they were arguing, exchanging quips, when Sylvie would call Loki out on something and he wouldn't be able to argue with it bc he knows she's right (and I wish there could've been more of it from Loki's side too towards her, fair dos and all that).
The problem for me is mostly two-fold:
- Yes, as far as we can tell they are the same being, share the same family members and are for all intents and purposes more or less twins (not quite, but that's about as close as one can get to a real life comparison and it's mostly true). Again, this alone didn't necessarily have to be a dealbreaker for me, but I don't like that it's never really addressed? Yes, Mobius acknowledges it as strange and maybe even toxic in Loki's last interrogation, but I feel like we're being led to believe this isn't a reliable take to have on the relationship because Mobius is feeling angry and betrayed and speaking from a place of hurt. Like yall, even Jamie and Cersei are known to have debated the strangeness of their dynamic back and forth. There were real, tangible consequences. Cause like, if you're going to do a plot that is more or less incestuous? Don't be a fucking coward about it. Acknowledge it for what it is instead of pretending that everyone's discomfort with the situation is just contingent on shallow factors (you know this was their attempt to shut up anyone in the audience that had issues lol). OR make her not a Loki variant maybe. She could have easily been Amora for instance and we could've avoided this whole discussion. I'm not even sure why making her 'another Loki' was so necessary tbh, considering there are apparently no female Lokis anyway except for her. Even though Loki is supposed to be genderfluid and chaotic regardless so why on earth WOULDN'T there be more if not QUITE A FEW fem Lokis running around- is anyone else's brain melting yet?
- The other issue for me being the fact that Loki falls so hard, so fast, trusts her so hard, so fast, and reprioritizes everything so that she is first. His ultimate motive and concern is her. Now, short of him being under an enchantment, I find this behavior both an annoying and nonsensical choice for what we know of Loki's character thus far, and establishing the potential of a romance between Sylvie and Loki doesn't necessarily require dumbing Loki down and changing his personality completely or even making Sylvie his first priority after they've known each other a collective 12 hours. Compared to Lokius, we see the slow progression of Loki lowering his walls for Mobius and gradually, piece by piece, falling into a kind of trust with him. We see Loki's eyes start to light up more and more every time Mobius talks or does something and it just seems a lot more organic of a progression to the character we've been watching for the past 10 years. And I mean...even after Lokius' development heavy scenes in ep 1 and 2, Loki ultimately still chooses to go through the portal door and against what he promised Mobius he didn't do. Whether this was justified of him or not is another debate, but I can say that it feels much more naturally 'Loki' to make many missteps in a close relationship first and not necessarily jump right to prioritizing that person above all things after a few cute dates. Because ultimately Loki has trust issues and giving all of himself like that to anyone so quickly, after knowing them such a short time doesn't feel honest. I can't imagine Loki trusting anyone that hard without first having a long period of development in which he fears it and subconsciously tries to sabotage things. GIVE ME CONFLICT.
- I lied, it's three-fold and this one is a lot simpler, because we literally got two episodes of a carefully constructed, slowburn, gentle dismantling of Loki's defensive walls with Lokius, such that really felt like a natural beginning to a close dynamic for a character that has never and probably will never trust easily, and then by the end of ep 3 we're told 'nevermind forget about that, Loki's in love with this person now ok?' and it's just...weird? Why not just focus the entire show on that so we're not having to deal with the whiplash that results from 6 episodes essentially being two different shows entirely? Why not give most of the time to the relationship you've deemed should be most important to Loki? It might have been better! It's like when the person with the stronger presentation goes first and leaves everyone after them to pale in comparison lol. It's strange to, in the same 6-ep length show, give Loki both well-written and forced relationships and expect the audience to find them both equally good. It's also not fair to whatever potential Loki and Sylvie might have ever had tbh.
-But honestly...the relationship was always going to be stronger/better as platonic, considering especially Marvel's history of mashing together any fem-presenting person with any masculine-presenting person that shares screentime with them. There is nothing about them, imo, that begs anything other than frenemies/chaotic twins/gay bestfriends.
That said though, yes, it could have been better and it maybe could have even been something I enjoyed if some simple alternatives had been taken instead.
But this is just my take, as always your mileage may vary
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
Blue Monday, Chapter Thirteen - Loki x Reader
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TW: Mention of the word ‘suicide.’ Not discussed in graphic terms.
Author’s Note: It’s been a long journey! There is still so much more story to tell, so please send me questions or feedback if you liked this chapter!
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The last day of Amora Freyadottir’s life had begun like... well, almost any other.
Loki had woken up next to you. His Amora.
The pair had risen in synchronization, methodically buckling up armor after armor, sword after shield.
And when you were both ready, you’d descended down the stairs together, one perfect unit, marched down to the castle courtyard, where Odin and several other highly-trained soldiers were assembled. He’d instructed you on the mission-
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to escape the flood of memories that had suddenly fallen into your mind.
"I’m... I’m what?”
“You,” said Mobius. “You’re Amora. You always have been.”
“Loki, I don’t... I don’t understand,” you stammered. “You lied to me, you swore you knew I wasn't her, you swore it-”
“I didn’t,” Loki promises. “You aren’t. These lies are simply a diversion to distract us from Mobius’ misdeeds.”
“Oh, Loki,” said Mobius. “Poor, poor Loki - if only that were true.”
He gestures, and a T.V.A. guard rushes in, restraining you both.
“Our story begins in Asgard, I think,” Mobius spoke, sipping from a tumbler of whiskey that had magically appeared. “Yes, that’s the one. Asgard. You and Loki had just marched off to the battle of Vanaheim... a terrible, terrible battle. Oh, they found you in pieces, Y/N. You died a warrior’s death.”
“Not me,” you said, stubbornly. “Amora did.”
“Yes, well... Loki got kinda despondent after that... not all that surprising, since he obviously loved ya-”
You glanced at Loki. He paled.
“And, well, Loki usually gets what he wants... and he decides he wants you back. Only problem is, he wasn’t sure how to do it. You were about as dead as it gets, sweetheart. So he studies, right? He studies for months and weeks, until he finds the plan that works best for him... that he’s going to reincarnate you.”
“No,” you argue, stubbornly. “No. No, that’s not true, it’s not true, it can’t be-”
“Crazy, right? I thought so, too. But I saw potential, in his failures, cause, the thing was... I’d started to see where things were going, even then.
The Earth was on the verge of nuclear war. The stars, divided by piracy and battle. In the middle of all of it... the two of you. I’d been trying to leave this universe for a long, long time - only problem is, the Watchers have kept me here. Something truly cataclysmic would have had to happen in order to let me destroy it - and, well... this little Romeo and Juliet story was a pretty good disaster-in-the-making, if I do say so myself. I knew if I stoked the fires of it, Loki would find a way to make the universe burn.
Soon enough, our friend Loki here uses a considerable amount of dark magic to reincarnate your soul into that of a mortal. He’d thought... well, I imagined he thought that once you reached a suitable age, about the age you are now, he’d give you your old memories, and find a way to make you immortal again. But you just couldn’t stay away, could you, Loki?”
“What does he mean?” you asked.
“I don’t know,” Loki stammers, and Mobius snaps his fingers - and suddenly, Loki’s eyes glow bright green, and a single tear rolls down his cheek.
“I visited you,” Loki whispers, slowly. “In your dreams, I -”
He paused, removing his glove and resting his palm on your forehead. You couldn’t see everything, not just yet - so many of your memories were still blocked out.
But you saw him. You saw him... throughout your life. Long walks, chess games, dives into swimming pools. He’d appear in your dreams, even. You were never alone.
“You didn’t have any friends,” Loki said. “And... I didn’t want you to be alone.”
“But if you were there, for everything... why can’t I remember any of it? Why can’t you?”
“Well, you can’t remember much of anything, can you?” said Mobius. “Only... the moments without him. The moments with your father. And, of course... your would-be death. But you never could remember what drove you to make that choice, could you? Only that you did, that cold Monday morning, and that I saved you, and swept you away to a life with us. You have wondered, haven’t you?”
You had.
“That was my work. I needed you to get to a point of desperation, so that the T.V.A. would seem the perfect option for you, so that you’d feel you had nothing else left. The thing was, when I made Loki forget... I kinda altered his memory two years before yours. So I doomed you, you see. I left you for two years, without him. He abandoned you... or, so you thought. And without your protector, well, you were a mess, weren't you?”
You had been.
“And without him to stop you, you made the rashest decision you could. You made an attempt upon your own life - and thus, my plan fell into place.”
“So it’s my fault,” said Loki. “If I’d never visited you... none of it would have happened. You’d never have thought I left you. Mobius never would’ve been able to manipulate us. It’s my fault you... died. Or, almost did.”
This was almost too much for you to comprehend. You were Amora? Loki had known you all your life? His leaving caused your depression, and set Mobius’ plan into motion?
But something more important stood out, too -
You loved Loki.
And he loved you.
Somehow, that had to mean something.
With a growl, you kicked Mobius across the room.
Loki turned to you, and without wasting a moment -
The two of you ran.
“Loki!” you found yourself shouting, tempted to shake him and make him listen to you.
“We can’t just run!”
“Why ever not? I’ve used this strategy - it’s worked for me, many times.”
“Because your last enemy didn’t have access to every timeline in existence! We can’t hide - he’s just gonna follow us there!”
He considered this.
“Fine,” Loki said. “How about this - we’ll fetch some back-up.”
You had to admit, your heart began to pound a little faster about the idea, just imagining the heroes you and Loki could recruit.
Alternate Iron Man. Alternate Black Widow. Perhaps even Thor himself-
“I’m sure me, being me, would be more than willing to help.”
Just like that, all those hopes came crashing down, all at once.
“Uh... what?”
"Well, in this scenario, I can really only trust myself, darling. You of course can understand. We’ll simply locate a variant of me... and enlist their assistance.”
You shrugged, helplessly.
“I... I guess.”
By this point, you figured you were going to die, anyway. You may as well just give in to his flawed logic and see where it would lead you.
“But I’m not dealing with another Lady Loki,” you insist, as Loki started to focus his energy on programming the tesseract with coordinates. “Not again.”
“No, no, of course not... then again, we would have gotten along, had I not possessed something she wanted. So, it seems to me... all I have to do is find a ‘me’ that hasn’t yet lost his Amora.”
“Okay, how do we do that?”
Loki focused on the tesseract.
“There,” he uttered, after a moment. “It’s... it’s programmed. It’ll take us somewhere, I know not where... to me. A me who has a version of Amora with him. That me will have no need for jealousy, and I’m sure I can reason some way to tempt them to aid us-”
“And... we’ll take her with us, too? The other Amora?”
“Jealous already, darling?”
“No,” you said, raising your gun to blast an approaching T.V.A. soldier. “Never.”
He grinned, and takes your hand.
And together, you both disappear into the icy-blue light of the Tesseract.
@bepo-is-sorry @the-obelisk @buckybarnes1982 gorgeourrific-nerd @suwupremeleader​​ @sserpente​ @tripleyeeet​ @kcd15 @rorybutnotgilmore 
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godliest · 2 years
my  hot  take  but ,    loki  spent  the  majority  of  avengers  as  the  “villain”  yes ,  but  he  cared  about  nothing ,  and  absolutely  nothing  other  than  to  hurt  odin.  him  trying  to  take  over  nyc  ,  all  that  chaos  and    havoc  for  attention.  a  literal  cry  for  help.    the  loki  book  is  the  reason  i  can’t  stand  odin  ,  the  “ father  “   that  had  an   anti  -  magic  use  in  asgard   because  he  feared  loki  so  much.   he  “  saved  “   loki  for  brownie  points ,  placed  a  glamour  upon  him  to  hide  the  frost   giant ,  any  physical   indication  that  would  show  he  wasn’t  asgardian ,  and  continued  to  allow  him  to  think  he  saw  loki  and  thor  as  equal  potential  kings  to  the  throne.  odin’s   true   reason   for   saving  loki  was  to  use  him  as  collateral   damage  in  the   alliance   with   the  frost  giants  ,  he  was  nothing  more  than  a  collected   relic.    odin  banishes  amora  to  her  death  on   midgard  that  will  drain  her  power ,   and  to  loki’s  face  told  him  it  was  on  purpose  because  he  knew  what  amora  meant  to  him.  it  was  a  warning.   he  didn’t  like  the  challenge  of  who  they  were  together ,  and  how  they’d  continue  to  be  years  from  then.   amora  was  the  one  that  opened  loki’s  eyes  on  who  odin  really  was ,  and  she  was  the  one  who  pushed  him  to  practice  his  magic.  odin  even  sends  loki  to  midgard  just  to  keep  him  out  of  asgard.  
 the  constant  battle  and  argument  between  he  and  thor  is  loki  trying  to  make  thor  see  odin  the  way  he  does.  even  in  childhood  its  clear  as  day  the  mistreatment ,  but  thor’s  understandable  respect  for  odin  will  always  hold  a  veil  over  that  truth   and  thats  why  i  find  it  so  interesting,  but  also  need  the  automatic  distrust  that  comes  from  thor  to  be  scrapped  because  their  brotherhood  in  the  book  is  just  so  well  written??     i’m  so  sorry  but  the  only  reason  loki  is  seen  hurt  when  odin  actually  passes  in  ragnarok   is  because  he’s  relieved  to  be  apart  from  the  reminder  there  was  never  love  there.  odin  hated  him  purely  ,  he  despised  him.  he  wanted  him  to  be  a  specific  version  that  was  never  really  true.   every  day  of  his  childhood  moving  forward  was  a  reminder  he  was  never  enough  and  actually  ,  odin  was  the  monster. 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
So, this is going to be a long, two-part ask (apologies in advance for that). Thank you so much for your Loki series thoughts. I discovered your blog by accident, and I am so glad I did. I was trying to figure out why I felt so hollow/not-great after watching the episodes each week, and your posts helped me find the answer. I was so looking forward to this series, to see more Loki, but what we got...wasn't Loki. I tried to see past the flawed writing and absurd 'plot', tried very hard, but eventually I just stopped lying to myself, and finally let myself think 'I did not enjoy this'. It is very clear that Waldron didn't bother watching Thor and TDW, and it also seemed like he only skimmed Avengers, because the characterization comes off like he only watched Ragnarok (and somehow made it worse than it was in that film). It was a huge disappointment that in a show titled 'Loki', Loki wasn't even the main character after the first (or second; everything blended together for me) episode. (Side note: I like the concept of Sylvie, but like...she didn't need to have that much focus, or take over the plot. Also...I don't understand why she was named the way she was; Sylvie Lushton was a completely different character in the comics. Show!Sylvie seems like Waldron tried to mix Sylvie Lushton--in terms of looks--with Lady Loki, and even a bit of Amora the Enchantress thrown in there. Which is...a strange choice. It would have been so cool to see Amora get an MCU appearance, especially given her ties to both Loki and Thor, but I digress.) I even, slightly, shipped Sylki for a bit due to the concept of it being interesting to me, and even did some art for it, but as the show went on, and Sylvie started taking over as the main protagonist, my interest in it waned. (I am much more of a LokixJane fan, anyway. -shrug-) I also shipped it because I just...cannot ship L*kius at all. Like you, I cannot stand Mobius as a character; you are absolutely right: he is what Pierce was to Bucky. Except this show paints that in a 'positive' light, and even worse, that Loki deserved it. I have no problem with darkships or darkfic. My issue lies with the majority of people shipping it treating it is if it is a healthy, fluffy relationship in canon, when it is clearly the opposite. (Also, ever since Mobius told Loki that his only purpose was to basically be a stepping stone for others to reach their full potential, I knew that I would never like him or ship him with Loki. Perhaps it is personal, but a toxic person I used to associate with said basically the same thing to me in terms of my role in my friend group, and it messed me up for years, at least regarding how I thought my friends saw me. It got better when we no longer were close to them, and of course it wasn't true, but still. It screwed with my sense of self esteem for a long time. So seeing my favorite character being told essentially the same thing made my stomach twist.) 1/2
2/2 (continued) And don't even get me started on how Loki's mistreatment is used for comedy. Or how he is shown as incompetent, while in his earlier appearances in the MCU, he is clearly very intelligent. (These asks are all over the place, sorry about that.) That whole 'narcissist' comment also infuriated me. Because Loki is not a narcissist. Mobius, on the other hand... His trauma also constantly being erased did not sit well with me, either. Ugh. And of course, I have to mention how, while Wanda, Sam, and Bucky got new outfits for their shows, Loki did not. Just a few of those drabby TVA outfits. (Which, I am fine with him in Midgardian clothes. But like...these did not suit him. Even Ragnarok did 'Loki in Midgardian clothes' better. :/ Now, there were some things I did enjoy, like meeting the other Loki variants in episode five. Episode one was okay, too, since I thought it was going in a different, darker direction. And there were bits and pieces of some other episodes I enjoyed, too. But as a whole? Definitely disappointed. However, I flipped through my art book of TDW and immersed myself in the beautiful designs and characters, and fell in love with them and their world all over again. (Sorry, these got so long!)
Very eloquently put! Also so sorry that happened to you. <3 So many people have been hurt by the toxic and dangerous messaging of this show. Just remember that regardless of how the show presents him, Mobius's behavior is not justified at all. Not only is he not a good friend but in real life he would face very serious repercussions for what he did to Loki and would probably end up going to jail for a very long time. Torture and slavery are heinous acts that are against the law for a reason. The fact that this is normalized in the show doesn't meant these acts are ok and I just a reflection of the moral corruption of Mike Waldron and Kate Herron and the Disney execs that okayed this. Thanks for this very thoughtful ask! And yeah. Going back to the good Loki movies is a great way to deal with this. I rewatched Thor 2011 and Avengers and I'm going to rewatch TDW soon. And read my favorite fics. And forget about this. And so glad you’ve enjoyed my blog!!! <3 
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Honestly im more annoyed bout Sylvie like even if she was a Loki variant I was really hoping we'd get like they enchantress like Amora's actual personality but no she's just there to drive Loki's story arc while being badass but honestly having little development beyond that they coulda done so much more. Like Loki yes people are dissapointed but because they already love him in the MCU so im less worried bout future if his character they'll still keep him around. But Sylvie? Like they dont treat female chatacters great to begin with but if she dissapoints on her first major role it makes me more worried they might just scrap her all together. Not that i blame the audience if they are dissapointed. Im just salty @ the MCU
I think there’s something about Sylvie that makes me root for her as a Loki, because she has something that he lacks. The things Loki does is because he wants to. She does them because she needs to. And while at first there’s the idea that she’s the best of them, that isn’t necessarily true at all. And there’s so much here that they can play with that I hope season two goes into, because she’s a character full of potential.
I still don’t see her as an Enchantress rip-off because a major part of the Enchantress’ character is her using sexuality to her advantage, and Sylvie wants revenge and to murder those who wronged her. I think we will see her elsewhere, and I expect to see her in the films before the show, though with a new dimension to play in, who knows.
But I don’t worry about the story leaving Sylvie behind. Because they would be super fucking stupid to after making her that integral to the show and the eponymous lead.
~Mod R
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gavillain · 3 years
Thoughts on the Loki tv show then?
Short version: I'm liking it! I fully expected to hate the show given that I hated almost everything they did with Loki in the MCU after Dark World. However, they're doing a pretty good job. I think overall, it's a mixed bag for me, but a mixed bag is so much better than I was expecting that I'm very happy with it. Episode 3 really was a big step up after the first two eps and I hope future episodes continue.
Now if you want the long version, I've been writing up my thoughts after each episode to share on a private forum, so I'll copy and paste under the cut. Also spoilers galore past this point:
Ep.1 "Glorious Purpose" Loki himself is the big important thing so I'm gonna talk about him first, and I was both happy and disappointed with his characterization here. Let me explain. Tom Hiddleston obviously plays everything perfectly, and he did a great job on every moment. But the writing on Loki's character is pretty inconsistent. There were a LOT of moments that genuinely felt like they were right out of the golden era of MCU Loki that captured his speech patterns perfectly, his mannerisms, his world view, his humor. Those moments were legitimately there, and they were there more often than I was expecting. Ragnarok had Loki written wrong down to the dialogue and his manner of speaking, and so it was actually very refreshing to see him written generally well, particularly in his conversations with Agent Mobius. However there were multiple moments where he was blatantly written out of character to pander to jokes or to dip into that Ragnarok jokey joke tone. I audibly groaned at the "Am I robot" bit, which was SUCH low brow human and so not in line with the fact that Loki literally knows exactly what he is and had a "species reveal" that was very important to his character. I also would have liked him to be a little more violent. This man came out of a portal, saw SHIELD agents threatening him and immediately went into kill mode in Avengers. Yet this guy stands around and lets himself be taken and forced into situations a lot. But overall, I was happy with his general characterization because I expected the bad stuff to be much worse and it wasn't and the good stuff was more plentiful than I expected. I wasn't fond of the "I don't enjoy hurting people" bit because it's weepy and wrong, but it also was an expected development and I do appreciate that they're at least delving deep into his character on an intellectual level and playing off that "Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself" line of Frigga's. There's potential to do something interesting with him here, so I'm intrigued if not convinced. The Time Keepers concept I hate, but I think I hate it because Loki ALSO hates it and we're a bit too alike in a few regards even here XD I just kind of wish it was less bureaucratic and "we're a joke about corporate offices" and was something more mystical and other worldly. I feel like if it was more science fantasy and ethereal feeling, I would probably be a lot more down for it. But I guess you gotta save money somehow. Agent Mobius is likable, and I like how he can go toe to toe with Loki and how he's kind of morally neutral. I called that Loki was the dangerous time variant disrupting the timeline before it was revealed, but I have to wonder why in the final scene they kept his face hidden. That would have been a great opportunity to show Hiddles hamming up the evil bloodlust, and I am HUNGRY for that. But they kept that Loki hidden in shadows for a reason, and I have two theories regarding why: 1. It actually ISN'T Loki and Agent Mobius is wrong and our villain is someone else. 2. Our villain is LADY Loki and they're saving the reveal that villain Loki is a woman for a later episode. We'll see if I'm right. I HOPE it's number 2 if they kept him in shadow for a reason. So yeah. Not exactly what I wanted but we're on the right track at least for now. I hope this track leads somewhere interesting.
Ep.2 "The Variant" So, first things first, this episode had "I Need a Hero" during a fight scene and TOTALLY botched it. It was way too early to play that card, the action didn't sync with the battle, and it was between a few nameless TVA agents and the evil Loki with the evil Loki still masked in shadow and not really doing much. It just lacked the OOMPH that I felt was necessary for it to be satisfying. This should have been done better. Loki characterization update: less good and less bad than episode one at the same time. There was no "Am I a robot?" cringe, but there was a lot less of the really good Loki dialogue that caught my attention in episode 1. His seemed to have kinda settled back to the mediocrity of Ragnarok Loki with occasional moments of intrigue such as his whole bit about a wolf's ears and teeth. Loki's obviously planning to overthrow the time keepers and to become the new master of time, and he even says as much to his alternate counterpart this episode. I have a sick feeling they're going to have him grow to like the TVA and to save the time stream, but I really want him to follow through with his plans because I think that's much more interesting than the alternative. Will they do it? Time will tell. I also like how much he utterly does not give a shit about Mobius's condolences about Ragnarok happening. That was a good touch. Speaking of Mobius, I still don't care for him or the TVA. They're all just very boring to me, and I don't like Loki being caged to follow their bidding. It's restraining a hurricane of excitement by forcing it to play within this very structured framework instead of burning through freely. With Loki escaping into the timestream to chase after the other Loki, hopefully that will change for the better next episode. Mobius himself gets his character expanded a bit, but his expansion is literally that he is just a cog who doesn't question his purpose and does what he does because it's what he's told to do. And that's just not compelling to me. Sidebar: Ravona, Kang the Conqueror's lover, is the head of the TVA. A fun tidbit but where's Kang? I like the way the episode explored how time variants can't happen during massive catastrophes and apocalypses because everyone dies and everything gets destroyed, so they're safe places for time variants to hide and interact with history. I enjoyed Loki and Mobius going back and messing with Pompeii right before Vesuvius erupts to test that theory. That was fun (though I wish Loki would have, instead of just acting silly and making a scene, would have done his "Kneel before me" bit on the Pompeiians or something more villainous). And I liked the whole aesthetic of them exploring a massive hurricane in Alabama in 2050 and the whole aesthetic going on there. It gave the episode an epic quality. The evil Loki was revealed in this episode, and the twist is that she's Lady Loki. Yeah, I called it. She hasn't done much herself yet and we haven't seen her do much except posses the bodies of various others and then break the timeline with multiple sprawling timeline variants, both of which is very cool. I'm excited for her, though my biggest complaint is that she has blonde hair. No. Lady Loki has BLACK hair. Why didn't they stick her in a black wig or have the actress dye her hair??? AMORA is the blonde Asgardian villainess. Lady Loki has the same hair color as Loki. And... look, I know it's a dumb detail to get hung up on, but the black hair matters to me because Loki has black hair and his beautiful female form does too and I always liked that for personal reasons. Also, she doesn't want to be called "Loki" apparently which is weird but okay, so what DOES she want to be called? I swear if they name her Amora or Sigyn, I'm gonna throw something.
But yeah, the next episode I think promises to be a change of pace, and we can see if Loki can truly spread his wings free of the TVA. I hope he does.
Ep.3 "Lamentis" This was the best episode yet! And for MULTIPLE reasons. This episode sees Loki and Lady Loki Sylvie stranded together in time. It was away from the TVA and it's boring qualities, which was great, and it put two very interesting characters in a situation where they had to rely on each other. This is more of what I was HOPING we'd get from the show. It's a lot more engaging and fun. The TVA always feel like they have their boot on our necks, and having that boot gone, it's amazing how much easier it is to breathe. And I honestly think that was intentional too with regards to how Sylvie outright calls them tyrannical fascist time police. The whole thing with Loki and Sylvie being stranded on the planet Lamentis during its apocalypse is super cool too. First of all, Lamentis is BEAUTIFULLY designed. I can tell they relied on desert locales to save on the budget, but the purple sky, the colorful train, and the neon alien city are all really pleasing to look at. And with the sky literally falling around them, it looks even cooler and the stakes feel cosmic and intense because they ARE. A very good setting that felt refreshing after the very mundane TVA headquarters and Earth scenes. Loki continues to be a sort of mixed bag with weird moments of humor that feel like they were written by someone else for another character, but those moments were a lot more sparse this time around too. Tom is still unmatched in the role, and I love the way he got to be serious, smug, manipulative, and sincere in this episode. I've kinda accepted and settled into anti-hero Loki for this series, and I'm honestly pretty okay with it here. See, I think my issues with Loki being "good" is that it comes with making amends with Thor or working for the TVA. Seeing him pursuing his own agenda on his own terms and collaborating with a kindred spirit who he seems to genuinely like is a lot easier to stomach because it feels a lot more true to the freedom that is so potent about his villainy. I loved him talking about Frigga and how she taught him her magic. That was a genuinely powerful moment. Also even though his dagger metaphor for love got kinda undercut by a joke, I think it was quite good writing and really cut to the point of what makes Loki tic. Also this episode marks a VERY important moment: Loki was canonized on screen as being bisexual in the MCU. He is the FIRST queer main character in the MCU and the first queer main protagonist of a Disney show. And I like the way they did it too! The way Sylvie asked about if he had any dalliances with princesses and then adds "or princes" and Loki says "a bit of both." It was simple and direct and unambiguous, and I love it because Loki has always BEEN queer in the MCU and the writing for him has been very queercoded. Even if that little moment is all it amounts to, it really matters and means a lot to me that they did it and I'm so happy for it. I hope they give him a boyfriend though. Like PLEEEEASE Marvel. Sylvie I'm more okay with this time around. She IS established as Sylvie and not really identifying as Loki anymore, so I can separate her from my preconception of Lady Loki and not mind the BLONDE so much. Sylvie is the name of the second Enchantress in the comics, an Enchantress that Loki himself created. I'm interested to see where they go with her backstory and who she is and what her deal is because they've been implying that she differs from the main Loki quite a lot to the point where she barely even remembers who Frigga was. I also like that Loki's response to the bisexual question implies that Sylvie is bi too. Get that MLM/WLW solidarity. I hope they don't ship them, but I hope they DO stay friends and allies because I'm loving their friendship chemistry. Also, a minor thing in the grand scheme of this episode, but Loki SINGS in this one! And I love it! Tom's always had a very pretty voice that he's gotten to show off in other roles so I'm glad he got to show off his singing in this role too. The Norse folk song he sings was both jovial and somber all at once, and I
loved it. We deserved this Minor nitpick: please give Loki his Asgardian clothes back or something. Because this TVA suit is fucking ugly and I hate it. Sylvie looks so good next to him, and he deserves to be just as stylish. This was a GREAT turning point. PLEEEEEASE keep it up. F&WS failed to. But I genuinely believe that Loki can do it.
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comicintheheart · 5 years
SDCC: Thor and Loki
Well... I saw the videos of Thor's and Loki's panels and those are my thoughts:
First, I have to admit that I didn't see all the video of Thor's panel. I couldn't. It was so... Cringe
Taika seemed to be trying too hard and Chris seemed... Uncomfortable? I don't know, he joked with Taika and all but I didn't get the feeling that he was truly happy.
And the title... Love and Thunder? Really? It fits more to a fanfic than to a movie.
And Loki... I was so happy when the crowd cheered Loki's name. Tom's seemed very happy too. No matter what Marvel tried to do, Loki is still powerful among the fans.
The crowd seemed more happy in Loki's panel than Thor's and I won't denied that made a little happy. I really can't be excited for Thor 4. There is no Loki and no Thor, so there is nothing for me to be excited.
Not even Amora and Jane. I was surprised to find out that Jane as Thor will be in Thor 4 but as much as I like Jane's Thor I don't believe she'll be well treated by Taika. Not her and not Amora. Even Valkyrie could be handle better, I think she has the potential of be a very interesting and strong character not just "one of the boys"
I'm trying not be too excited about Loki's series. I want to see and then decide. I'm doing the same thing with The Witcher's series. I'll see and then form an opinion about it.
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 13
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @roruna
Amora's promise
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After the death of the only person who always welcomed Amora with open arms, even though she betrayed Sigyn more than once, she just couldn't help it. Amora promised Sigyn, no, she swore to protect her child with her own life no matter what the cost. It was ironic in all of this, but much too late Amora realized how much Sigyn had trusted her and would do it even beyond her life. And now Amora was standing here on a peaceful planet holding four year old little Vali, overcome with grief and guilt. But she would keep her vow!
Olympian Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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After the fall of Vanaheim, the Queen and her daughter ran away, very very far. Sigyn, one of Queen Freya’s daughters, thought she could find refuge in the realm of her father, Nidavellir. But alas, Thanos soon attacked and destroyed everything. The mad Titan killed everyone, and Sigyn barely escaped. She had now a very powerful enemy looking for her, wanting her dead. She decided to lay low, but soon met an old friend: Thena. She comforted Sigyn and reminded her she could always find refuge among her kind, the Eternals, or ask for the Olympians’ help.
And so, Sigyn took the disguise she had chosen centuries ago, when she visited Mount Olympus with some of her sisters. She was still Goddess of Victory, it was true. But for the rest? No one, except for Thena, would have known. She had wings with beautiful golden feathers, and her hair were brown instead of blond. She was now Nike, Thena’s little winged friend and lucky charm.
Some gods, male and female, tried to flirt with her and get her into their beds, but she never accepted their advances. Her heart belonged to a god, yes, that was true, but the god in question was far, far away, and he did not even know she existed.
She had loved Prince Loki with all her heart since childhood, but had been much too shy to ever speak to him. Now, he was dead, or so they said. It was much too late for regrets.
When she heard of Ragnarok, her heart broke for her friends and the few family members she had left on Asgard. Loki dying again… she did not know how to take it anymore. Surely, he had survived, as he always did. She wanted to go to New Asgard and check for herself, investigate, find out if he was truly gone this time, but Thanos was too close and powerful. She did not dare to leave her hiding place.
Was she turning into a rat now? She cursed her cowardice, but after crossing paths with Thanos, she was still traumatized, unable to forget the murder of her father and brothers in front of her very eyes.
One day, however, Zeus had some visitors whose faces and names were familiar to her. One of them was a Valkyrie, a former friend and lover of her mother, and Thor, God of Thunder, Loki’s brother. Some of the goddesses fainted at the sight of his naked form, which made Sigyn laugh. She did not care about it, however, she wanted to speak to him, and ask if he had news of his sibling.
Unfortunately, before she could, Gorr the Butcher attacked and killed most of the Olympians. Sigyn helped Thor and his friends, but alas they were separated in the battle. Gorr wanted to kill all the gods, and so, she knew she would be on the list.
Once again, Sigyn went into hiding, finding refuge on some desert planet, far way from the fights and the god-killing villains.
The last queen of Jotunheim story by @jonquilclegane
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When Sigyn had married Prince Loki of Jotunheim, none had rejoiced. Laufey had had what he wanted: a princess bride for his son, one that would bring him the blood of Freya and the Dwarves’ gold. Prince Loki was already married to a Frost giant lady called Angrboda which whom he had three children. Therefore, the Vanir Princess was meant to become his second wife and consort, with no hope of ever being queen or seeing one of her sons on the Jotun throne.
The Jotnar royal court was dangerous and deadly. The young bride knew better than anyone a word spoken too quickly or a clumsy gesture could bring her downfall. Sigyn seemed meek and weak, but she was not. She was a survivor. At first, she had been depressed to be sold to an another realm as some common broodmare, but it was the fate of most princesses. Her husband was feared by all the gods, and slightly terrifying at first. But with time, Sigyn learned that it was only a mask. He needed others to fear him, so they would not plot to have him assassinated. She gave him two sons, Vali and Narvi, and was rather happy neither of them would ever be kings.
However, Laufey suddenly died – poison, some said. And Angrboda and her children decided to leave Jotunheim, hoping to discover and conquer some exotic realms. Sigyn became Queen, though she had not wished for a crown, knowing its weight and deadly danger. However, she accepted it with grace, always a smile on her face. The perfect lady, as her mother had taught her to be, even if her heart and soul knew this glorious day would end in tears and blood.
A new war arose, one with the Aesirs. Loki had been a threat to the AllFather for centuries now, and he had finally decided to crush his rival under his boot. Jotunheim stood strong for weeks, not giving their mortal enemy any rest, never showing any sign of weakness.
Unfortunately, during the final battle, the royal palace fell into the enemy’s hands. The men – adults and children- were killed, the women enslaved. Some nobles, seen as potential hostages, were made prisoner. This was Sigyn’s case, as Odin knew her father would pay an enormous ramson to see his daughter given back to him unharmed.
But the Queen of Jotunheim refused to leave her husband’s side – even more after their old enemy had killed both their sons in front of their eyes. Odin wanted a show of force, and he did. The scene was atrocious, barbaric. Any person with some heart witnessing this monstrosity would have understood who was the real villain, and revolted against the bloodthirsty tyrant.
Yet, no one moved. No one did anything to save her innocent children.
Sigyn was outraged and sickened. She wanted to kill them all. But there was no point. Even if she conjured her axe, she would not be able to slay the AllFather… only a few would perish. Not enough. Angrboda and her children would take their revenge. For now, Loki needed her.
Her poor king was bounded to a rock, Vali and Narvi’s entrails turned into chains. A huge snake was hanging over his head, unmovable, his venom dripping into her husband’s eyes.
Quickly, the Last Queen of Jotunheim conjured a bowl and protected her king as much as she could.
She hoped Angrboda and her children would be victorious. She prayed they would make the Aesirs pay.
Evil Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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Her whole life, Sigyn had been good. Too good. Too kind. When her sisters wanted one of her toys, she gave it to them. Whenever her mother asked for something, she did all she could to obey and give her satisfaction. Her uncle Feyr demanded of his nieces to be pure and virtuous, and so she was. One day, she went to a tournament on Asgard. That’s when she first met Theoric. He asked for her favour, and she gave it to him. When he won, everyone applauded, and he soon asked for her hand. Her father agreed, and so she did.
When Loki demanded she would be his, it was the first time she ever said no to anyone about anything. But what he asked of her was so fundamentally against everything she had been taught, how could she have ever accepted?
However, when it turned out Theoric was dead and she was now stuck with Loki, she accepted her fate and resigned herself to become his wife. At least, she was not his whore, so her uncle Feyr would be satisfied.
But with the murder of her children, something snapped inside of her brain. It was too much. The unfairness of it all, the tragedy she had not deserved. Why were the Norns so cruel towards her? She had never done anything wicked. She had always been a model of kindness, a perfect wife and mother. So why did all those bad things keep happening to her and her family?
Her husband hated her, humiliated her, cheated on her, and yet, she kept her calm, kept on loving him, even if he did not deserve such love and devotion.
Her father-in-law, Odin, despised her for not being enough, for not being able to change her son into a good person. He had expected her love for him to turn him into a son he could be proud of. Unfortunately, it had not been the case. So the AllFather looked down on her, casting her aside, sending her away with some words of reproach.
She was tired.
She started wondering if the Norns were expecting something else from her, if her sweetness was not the reason for all her pain. Maybe they did not want her to be good and virtuous as she had been raised to be. Maybe they expected of her to be pure evil.
Kindness had brought her nothing but misery. Could evil lead her to worse? Sigyn was starting to doubt it…
So, when Amora, one of her husband’s mistresses, came to her one day, to gloat and insult her, Sigyn smiled at her gently, while hiding her knife. The stunning Enchantress did not see the blade and fell on the ground, surprised, holding her own slitted throat while her blood soiled the ground.
Loki was next. When he came home, Amora’s corpse was still warm. He saw it, and then looked at her, as it was the first time he truly saw her.
“You do have a spine, after all this time?”, her husband asked with a laugh.
Sigyn held her head high, and casted a spell on him quicky, turning him into a rabbit. Before the God of Mischief could turn himself back, she snapped his neck and looked at the dead animal, before nodding.
“Yes, you’ll make an excellent pie for the AllFather. I’m sure he will love it”
The story of a crazy bet
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Sigun always won all bets he never lost. Until Thor and Loki met and this bet would lead him not only to Amora but also to the adventure of his life.
A Sigyn x Amora story
Life is beautiful, falling in love is even more beautiful (AU)
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Sigyn is a lawyer and her best friend and companion is Amora. Together they are a resilient team. They simply share everything with each other, their feelings, their life, even their life is not excluded and what could be nicer than losing yourself and your partner also doing it.
The shadow I killed
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When Sigyn was born, Frayer was near death. And Sigyn was also born sick, she didn't manage to survive her mother. Frayer died 3 months after birth but with her last words she cursed Sigyn's father who lured her into his bed just to father this child. With that she died and Sigyn father became the sole ruler of Vanaheim.
Sigyn had 4 siblings who were all much older than her and three of them were just her half siblings. They all became very married and lived their own lives on other worlds. If they come to visit, it was only on occasion and otherwise they never came.
But Vanaheim has always had its difficulties with Jotunheim, and during one of her raids, one of the Jotun mages stole Sigyn's shadow, causing him to fall into a coma and never wake up.
Sigyn's body was treasured and her father did everything to get her shadow back. But he was unsuccessful and Asgard didn't want to interfere, happy to be at peace with Jotunheim. And so the centuries passed until Loki attacked Jotunheim and half destroyed it. The magician who had once stolen Sigyn's shadow was also killed with it, so Sigyn also died and her mother's curse was fulfilled. Her curse was that her father should lose the most precious thing in his life and Iwaldi`s precious one was the love of his wife and their last child together.
Avengers Sigyn Story by @roruna
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Beth was just a waitress. Or at least, she worked as a waitress and her name tag said “Beth”.
She actually had no idea if that was her name. She couldn’t remember. She had no memory of her life before a college student going on a road trip over winter break found her walking along the interstate leading into New York City and took her to the nearest hospital.
Beth stayed in the hospital for a couple of days while they ran tests and took MRIs, only to find that other than not remembering anything about herself like her name or where she came from, she was perfectly fine. Beth was actually a name she picked for herself because while she was stuck in that boring hospital room, she found a copy of Little Women and read it over and over until she was released.
The only clue she had to who she used to be was a business card for a crumbling apartment complex in the Bronx and an apartment key. When she first stepped inside ‘her’ apartment, she missed the hospital room. It was worse than anyone could have imagined. It was smaller than a toolshed and had all the personality of a motel room. If she burned the whole block down, it would’ve been a nicer place to live. The best she could say about it is that it had a bed, an ancient creaking mess that folded up into the wall, electricity and running water. It looked like she’d just moved in but for a total lack of boxes.
She got a job as a waitress for a Manhattan restaurant across from Stark Tower. It drew huge crowds of tourists on weekends and Mr. Stark was known to order delivery sometimes which meant serious tips. Except for her tiny studio apartment where even the cockroaches were just staying until they got back on their feet, life wasn’t bad. It was just lonely. And exhausting. And empty.
The loneliness was really starting to get to her when an attractive blond man came to eat at her restaurant. He was drawing the view of Stark Tower on his paper place mat. He wasn’t the first person she’d seen do that but there was something about him. When she went to talk to him, she hoped, she prayed that he was someone from her past life. But when he spoke to her, there was no hint of recognition. He was just another customer. But he reminded her of someone.
Just not someone she remembered. Someone quiet and artistic or someone old fashioned and larger than life.
She tried to remember all day until someone turned on the restaurant TV for a bit of background noise.
There was breaking news that some… terrorist or something attacked a charity gala in Stuggart, Germany and killed a prominent scientist. She almost dropped the tray of dirty glasses when the camera fixed itself on the terrorist. He was dressed in leather armor in black and green and a gold horned helmet that should have looked silly but on him, looked terrifying and stunning.
He spoke of subjugation and of freedom and humanity’s true nature was to kneel. She couldn’t breathe. And she wished that she was that appalled by his bloodshed but she wasn’t. All she could think as she watched him was how beautiful he was. He looked every inch a conqueror.
He looked divine. She had to lean against a chair to keep herself from falling to her own knees.
Then he smiled at the camera like a little kid sneaking a cookie before dinner and her legs buckled under her.
Her boss made her leave early and asked one of the dishwashers to take her home. She didn’t sleep at all. She just got on her cheap laptop and watched online videos of the Stuttgart attack.
She went to work the next day because it was either that or pace around her miserable apartment. She’d been hoping for some semblance of normalcy and fate laughed at her.
There was an alien invasion just outside her door and she didn’t know how but she was sure it had something to do with the man in Stuttgart. She searched the skies as often as she dared looking for some sign of him. He was the key to understanding who she truly was and where she came from, she just knew it.
The next time she saw him was when a reporter approached her to ask her questions about the invasion, the Avengers who stopped it and the man who started all this trouble in the first place.
The reporter showed her the mugshot and said ‘Loki’. Then it all came back to Beth in a huge wave. Her name wasn’t Beth, it was Sigyn. And her previous job before becoming a waitress in New York was as princess of Vanaheim, daughter of the goddess Freya.
She grew up haunted by dreams of a beloved that was kept hidden from her but she inherited her mother’s talent for seidr and those dreams that were supposed to only be vague memories of parallel universes bleeding into people’s subconscious became as clear and vivid as if she’d lived them herself. She knew that Loki Laufeyson was supposed to be her husband, she knew their love was the stuff of myths and she knew her love wasn’t supposed to be a failed alien conqueror but something terrifying and unstoppable like a firestorm.
Sigyn followed Loki and Thor back to Asgard, concealing herself from Heimdall’s sight just as Loki had done the previous year. She found Loki’s cell. She broke him out. She told him everything she knew about the multiverse and their past life together. And he believed her because he had those dreams too. So together, they fled Asgard. Even knowing that it meant a life on the run from Odin, from Thanos and from the wicked fate that exiled Sigyn to earth in the expectation that she would die by her own husband’s hand, they were happy and hopeful because they were finally together.
The Melody of Death
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There is a legend that when someone dies they leave a melody. This melody holds in all living beings that were connected to each other. But why does Sigyn's melody stop in Loki again even though they never met.
Murder mystery story by @jonquilclegane
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One day, the Allfather called upon his two sons in the throne room. They were still young, but both were princes, and therefore had duties towards the realm. Their father explained that an alliance with Vanaheim was necessary, and that one of them would have to marry Queen Freya’s daughter, Princess Sigyn.
At the time, Thor’s heart was taken by Sif, and to break them up seemed too cruel, as Sif had loved Thor for all her life. And so, it was decided that Loki would marry Sigyn, though he was not enthusiastic at the prospect. His mother could not stop praising the girl, but she was obviously only doing that to calm him down and soothe his justified apprehensions. After all, princesses were boring and frivolous. The moment she would see Thor and Loki, she would prefer his brother and start a tantrum over it, Loki was sure of it.
Most of all, why was Thor allowed to have a love match while he was stuck with an arranged, loveless marriage? The whole thing was so unfair! Of course, the AllFather would not have let him marry Amora, as she was not trustworthy enough to become a Princess of Asgard… still. She was so fascinating and beautiful, she would have been a more amusing company than Sigyn of Vanaheim, plain and predictable.
But then, some news arrived from Vanaheim that changed everything.
Princess Sigyn had died.
How sad.
Anyway, that meant Loki was free, so he was relieved. Not happy, as he would not have wished such a sorrowful ending to an innocent creature, but still. This settled everything, so he was certainly not going to complain.
However, his Father was not satisfied. It turned out the circumstances of the Princess’ death were suspicious, and he asked Loki to investigate.
Great. That silly little girl would have been a bother to him, even after her death.
But the more he investigated, the more things did not match up, and he ended up being fascinated and obsessed by the whole affair. Who could have want the Princess’ downfall? Some jealous rival? Another realm who hoped Asgard would pick one of THEIR princesses over the Vanir one? Or had Sigyn some secrets of her own? At first glance, no, she was your typical princess, courteous, her nose on some tapestry she was embroidering, or some other nonsense noble ladies were told it was fashionable to do these days. And yet, after searching through her things, he found a small book under her bed that made him start to wonder.
“Spells and traditions from the Elvish realm”
Well, well, well… Had his future bride been interested in the magical arts?
Had some of her magic tricks turned against her and caused her death?
He had to be sure.
Vanaheim was the realm of Sigyn’s mother. Her father was, Iwaldi, a famous smith living in Nidavellir. The AllFather had wanted him to marry a half-dwarf lady? Ugrh! How repulsive must she have been!
Most importantly, he had to figure out who she truly was – he only knew parts of her Vanir side. But what about the Dwarf one? Surely her family in Nidavellir could tell him more about her…
So he went to her Father’s shop. Iwaldi was not there, but his two sons greeted him with more interrogations than he himself had.
“And why are you asking questions about our precious sister? You’re free now, so why do you care?”, Nabbi asked in a threatening fashion.
“Yeah, why come bother us with your questions? We are in mourning, don’t you see?”, his brother Daenne continued.
In truth, they did not look in mourning at all, busy with their work and with their father’s shop.
It seemed… strange, to say the least.
But before Loki could say one more word, the two dwarves had taken him into their forge and had chained him to a metal chair.
“You talk too much, Dark Prince!”
Loki had not said a word.
“How about we sew those pretty lips of yours, so you stop asking questions, right?”, Daenne was now holding him tight, while his sibling was preparing metal threads. Oh Norns, they were not going to sew his lips for real, were they?
“Have you lost your damn minds?”, a female voice screamed, making both brothers stop their infernal plans.
“Sigyn, don’t bother with this! That demon has come to take you away!”, Daenne explained.
“Yeah”, Nabbi went on, “He has come to force you to marry him, but we won’t let him! We will protect you, sister!”
“That’s touching, but there is no need to sew his lips for that, I can protect myself!”, the princess – alive and well, it seemed- replied.
“I mean”, Daenne suggested, “we could kill him. Now that he has seen you, he has to die!”
But their sister would not let them hurt Loki, and for that, the Prince of Asgard was grateful. She shielded him with her own body, looking defiantly at her brothers.
“No, he does not. You two don’t realize the consequences his death would have on both Vanaheim and Nidavellir. Please, think before you speak!”
She was right, of course, Odin would destroy both realms if he ever found out Dwarves had hurt his son, and to protect the Vanir princess’ secret. He was not the favorite, that much was obvious, but he still mattered, he hoped. At least, enough to be avenged.
The princess helped him, unbinding his chains with an incantation… Oh, an incantation fetter? How rare! How intriguing! Looking at her now with more interest, she was very pretty. More than pretty, if he was honest… The essence of beauty in truth. She was not very tall, but not a dwarf either. Pretty eyes, pretty hair, pretty lips he could not wait to kiss… Her voice was melodious, when she was not screaming at her brothers, but even then, she had done so to protect Loki from them, which made Loki love her even more.
“I am very sorry, your royal highness. Please, forgive my brothers. They are …something. But they meant well. They only wanted to protect me.”
Loki smiled and nodded. He still would have to take his revenge on Daenne and Nabbi, but that would be for another day.
For now, his lovely bride had taken over his mind. Her plan to fake her death to escape their arranged match showed a spirit full of mischief that pleased him more than he could tell.
She would make him a fine bride. His mother had been right to praise her and assure him she was his perfect match. What a fool he had been not to listen…
Sigyn was looking at him, a little unsure, a little doe watching carefully a walker in the forest, wondering if he was there to admire her or hunt her down…
Feeling his desire rise inside of him, Loki took Sigyn’s hand delicately and kissed it gallantly before winking at her.
It would be fun to seduce his wife, he decided, and give her all the reasons in the Nine realms to stay by his side.
Here you can find the last 4 parts
Part 14 is in progress ^^
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for the fic ask: 3, 19, and 23?? :-D
Ahhh thank you for the ask :))) 
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
Oh noooo this is hard. I typically don’t really like anything I write cause there’s always something wrong with it. But hmm. I feel like I did kind of progress this year, maybe, even if just a bit. Umm. I guess I kind of like all the awkward conversations I wrote between Heimdall and Loki in If Anything It Was Unexpected just cause they were fun to write honestly, and writing interactions are kind of hard but they’re pretty fun to explore. Also maybe this line:
“I’ve got you now,” she said and the hands were kind and safe where they tangled in his hair, rubbed gentle circles into his back and maybe he could almost pretend it was mother -
Cause it’s the only one I can think of right now, and this was the point where I pretty much broke Loki in that fic. Oops…?
19. any new fics to start next year
Aghghgh I’ve had so many ideas just kind of churning around in my head for months without me having acted on them for fear of later abandoning them or having to choose which one to start among them freezes me up and it’s so annoying. But what I can think of right now:
Potential Loki fics: God I still want to write a stupid crack fic where Loki was actually the rat in Endgame I still don’t know why. I want to get at least close to finishing If Anything, I want to write another POV for it doesn’t matter (I can’t feel it anyway). I want to write a fic exploring if Loki’s Jotunn heritage was discovered in Thor, and I want still kind of want to write a side fic for If Anything, like a prequel kind of exploring some bastardized norse myths, and how Amora really factors into the whole thing. Idk I think it would be kind of fun… None of these ideas are very original but eh, I’m a tired human. 
I also have lots of ideas for other fandoms (such as fma, ml, Lucifer, Iron Fist, and a few others) but since I don’t think you’re in those fandoms, I’ll just breeze along to the next question.
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
Okay, yup. See #19 above, as those are pretty much fics I wanted to get around to at some point this year and I didn’t and I am very disappointed in myself, but, maybe my new year’s resolution or whatever will be to actually do things and to try to stop worrying so much. That would be great. And maybe since it’s the turn of the decade, maybe it will stick please pretty please 
Anyway, thanks so much for the ask :))) and Happy New Year!
fanfic end of the year asks
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