#lol this is the shortest stater
durkhankes-archived · 5 years
Luke and Dei geared up for their next mission. Wearing a fitting padded suit, covering their entire body before they approach the Quantum Tunnel. As soon the Artificial Intelligence open the gateway for the Quantum Tunnel, there was a glowing sign above the gate that indicate that the tunnel is for Universe D 3667Z. It’s their destination.
"I feel proud that we actually found our 3667th Universe, Luke. When you think there's nothing else outside there but there they are! Have you ever think Earth ever tired of having different verses?" Dei said with a wide smile towards Luke.
Luke was glancing away, with a discontent expression spread all over his face. "Earth? Tired? I'm the one that's tired."
"Oh come on, as soon we are able hunt that book, we can seal it and the universe's dimension will go back to normal, right?"
Luke sighed. "....You make it sounded so easy. Alright, Quantum Tunneling Section 7, firing up sequences!!" With his command, the gateway immediately harvest the power available, thrusting immense power in few seconds before Luke and Dei disappeared.
A portal just opened and the two young man arrived in a matter of second. They supposedly arrived in Yokohama Japan but they seems to be in the middle of a very quiet road. Luke noticed there are some destruction and black smokes arises from the burning metals. He only could assume the casualties must have been less than an hour. Luke's eyes were observing the surrounding until he spotted someone nearby.
"...Dei." He simply called his name for a responses. Dei understood what he wants and he checked the details on the device.
“We are in the right dimension. Just that we might have not expected to arrive at a quiet road like this.."
"No. That's not it..!" He pointed something in the nearby. Perhaps a man. He sounded almost horrified as he immediately approached the dying man. Dei checked the man's heartbeat and his details.
"...Luke, he is one of the ability user.."
Luke looked around then looked back at Dei. "It will be dangerous if someone sees us right now. I can feel dangers lurking around. Let’s take his body to somewhere else. I think he can be saved if we bring him home now." Dei at first kind of hesitated but since it is Luke's order, he will follow it. So they head back to their own universe bringing Kunikida with them.
Upon arriving back to the universe, a group of medics quickly took the man for emergency treatment. Isolated him in the private patient room. Few doctors were assigned to monitor his progress as they continuously treat him. They even able to fix up the wound in short amount of time. 
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