#lol tricked yall with belphies part :p
soursvgar · 2 years
The brothers and what they love about Christmas
demon brothers x gender neutral reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
If confronted, he will deny it, but Lucifer's favorite during the holidays is the time spent together with his family.
For Lucifer, December is exactly the opposite of a period of tranquillity. There are permission slips, documents and arrangements to take care of for upcoming winter festivals, devil day celebrations and other seasonalities. In fact, his work would increase tenfold during the holidays and more often than not, he would spend Christmas in his study trying to catch up with all the work.
The day felt like no other, Lucifer drags himself back home from RAD at a late evening, overlooking the illuminated town as fatigue take over every cell in his body. Finally making it back, he hangs his coat on his way to his study, briefly passing by the living room as he detects a figure recumbent on the couch. Lucifer sighs at Belphegor's carelessness and carefully drapes a blanket over his sleeping body.
"Lucifer, you're finally back!" He turns towards your voice, spotting you on the floor along with Satan, Leviathan and Mammon in the middle of a heated game of cards. Beelzebub is heading back from the kitchen with snacks for everyone while Asmodeus is hanging the stockings over the fireplace.
"I apologize, but I have to hurry back and finish the rest of my work for today."
"Oh come on, it's Christmas!" You object, the rest of the brothers backing you up and call for him to join in. "Work will still be there tomorrow, we'll even let you pick the movie!"
Lucifer suppresses a grin; it's not every night he gets to see a lovely picture of his siblings happily socializing with one another, with one uniting force to bring them all together- you.
With no further retaliation, he ditches his responsibilities for one night and one night only.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Mammon's favorite Christmas tradition is, of course, the presents.
Prior to your arrival, Mammon had attempted multiple times to convince Lucifer to celebrate Christmas at the house of lamentation. Over and over again, Lucifer refused, claiming it's a waste of their time and energy and that he has work to fulfil during the holidays regardless. But when you came along, he finally had a good enough reason to coax Lucifer into it, implying it would really impress lord Diavolo if they could arrange a proper celebration for the new human exchange student. Lucifer finally caves in to his demands, under the condition that he will be the one to take care of all the preparations.
"I'm telling ya, Christmas in this house is a blast, we'll knock your stockings off with our decor." As per usual, Mammon bluffs his way into impressing you, talking your ear off while the two of you are out holiday shopping. He detecs a hopeful gleam in your eyes and is determined to give you the best Christmas he can, despite being away from your home in the human world. After all, here in the devildom, with him, is where you belong now.
"You head home first, The Great Mammon have shady business to attend to here in sum places, not stuff ya wanna be involved in, m'kay?" Mammon pulls you closer by your hip and plants a loving peck to your forehead before releasing you on your merry way. When he's assured you're out of sight, he sneaks into the jewellery store you and him walked past earlier on your spree to get you the trinket he caught your gaze linger on.
Mammon loves presents, but not for the reason everyone will first assume. While he may be an enthusiast of all things that come free, the actual reason Mammon loves presents so much is because he is addicted the sheer joy in the eyes of his loved ones when they receive a gift he grinds at hell's kitchen for, then goes and hand pick it, specifically tailored to the person's liking.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Levi's discovered that he has a passion for building gingerbread houses.
It was actually you who caught onto Levi's knack for creative activities; whether it's sewing costumes for a cosplay, fixing his figurine collection whenever Henry 1.0 accidentally slithered over his belongings and knocked them over, or pitching his art in a TSL covers competition.
"So, did they ever feature Ruri-hana's house in the series?" you ask Levi during one of your game nights, already mentally preparing yourself for a lecture on the subject in case the answer is yes. He beams, then proceeds to tell you in detail about the colors of the windows in Ruri-chan's house as seen on episode two hundred and thirty-seven of volume six of the anime. From there, the road to convince him to assemble a copy of it from gingerbread and sugar cookies with you was very short.
"Woahhh! this looks just like Ruri chan's house!! And we even created an exact replica of her companion from a miniature dorayaki!" Levi babbles in excitement, proud of the work you and him input into this project. "And what's the inspiration behind yours, y/n?" He ducks his head to take a closer look at the cozy looking confectionery house on your tray.
"My inspiration is my home in the human world!" You cheerfully exclaim. Levi clamps a hand over his mouth, now realizing the intent behind your shared project. Is he, actually... touched?
"W-Well in that case, we have to make it perfect! Go ahead, tell me everything about your house in the human world so we can create a perfect mini version of it. We can even make two gingerbread people to impose as you and I. Well, I mean, i-i-if you will actually want to invite someone like me into your house..."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Satan's favorite Christmas activity is secret santa since it's a good excuse to play detective.
Satan loves solving mysteries, to top that, he's also fond of games. (though, in a very different way than Levi.) Therefore, a game of secret santa, extreme devildom version, sounds like a perfect holiday tradition for him. That is, until he gets Lucifer as the person he has to give gifts to.
"This can't be happening to me." Satan announces the minute you step inside his room. Perched on an armchair, he rocks his foot nervously while staring at a piece of paper, gaze flickering back and forth between you and the note in his hand. You carefully tread between the mountains of books on the floor in order to reach to his side, wondering what exactly was the emergency he convened you in for. You crouch to see the small print on the paper in Satan's hand, the letters clearly reading out as 'Lucifer'.
"I knew I should've refused to take part in a silly human world tradition. What am I to do now? What gift could I possibly give Lucifer apart from a cursed item that turns you into a fruit, then incorporate you in Beel's shake, ultimately dooming you to live the rest of your short life inside his stomach, where no one can hear you screaming for help." Satan's sorrowful expression suddenly changing into a malicious smile, his villain like laughter echoes through the walls when his mind fogs with more and more ideas of secret-santa-presents-gone-wrong.
"Well you could do that... or, you can actually give him something nice. Imagine how much it will mess with his brain when he finds out he received a thoughtful present from you." praying reversed psychology is by your side, you attempt to save Lucifer from the fate of accidentally turning into a door knob in Satan's room as a Christmas present.
His face lights up, what's better than to play into the most unexpected scenario? always be one step ahead of your enemies. Satan cradles your face within his grasp, peppering it with kisses before he places a peck to the crown of your head.
"You are a genius, y/n!"
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
With his love for all things beautiful, it comes as no surprise that Asmodeus' favorite are the holiday decorations.
It's known to all that Asmo has an eye for design; from his own phonecase business to nail painting, his entrepreneurship sees no boundaries. However, it is not always easy to be the sole provider of finesse to the kingdom of hell. Whenever Asmodeus needs help, the responses often flow between disinterest to plain out repulsion, leaving him to his lonesome. Of course, he could always charm someone into helping him, but there's a difference between forcing another to engage in your passion and have them genuinely take interest in it.
Its during breakfast that you hear Asmodeus sighing more than usual, cheek resting on his palm while his utensils mindlessly playing with the food on his plate. You seem to be the only one, as the others conveniently pay no mind to his dispirited look, seemingly fed up with his flair for dramatics.
"Hey Asmo, you okay?" you question, causing the latter to reveal a pitiful gaze, lip quivering and all. He immediately gushes on and on about the fact that it's nearly Christmas and none of his brothers appreciate the beauty of an illuminated backyard, tree, and essentially every nook and cranny you can turn festive.
You make the mistake of offering your services, not paying enough attention to the alarming glances the brothers had tried to sneak towards you. Unfortunately, you only realize the weight of this decision when Asmodeus drags you to the twenty seventh ornaments store of the day, quite literally, because he made you carry all of the bags. But it's the look of pure euphoria on his face that makes you pummel through it, and you can swear you've never seen him this happy before.
At last, you're done with the day. Asmodeus requests that you go through the park, stopping at a near bench and places the bags on it, finally ridding your tired hands off of the extra weight. "I promised Beel a holiday meal at his favorite restaurant in return for him to come and help us carry all of this home." Asmodeus grins and takes your hands in his own, gently massaging them. "I know today must have been a lot... thank you for coming with me. I don't think anyone else would've done this for me."
He's aware that he might be a piece of work sometimes, but he always ensures to make up for it with a hot bubble bath, a routine of some of his finest skin care and a sleepover full of your favorite activities. If the day was all about him, it's only fair that the night will be all about you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
in a very predictable revelation, Beelzebub's favorite is a good, comforting holiday meal.
If there's one thing that's been said about Beel many times before, its that he inhales any food regardless of what's in it, and so he's unaware of the decadence a well prepared meal guarantees. Beel disagrees, however. Like every other person, he has delicacies he absolutely indulges in, and others which he couldn't digest even if he tried. (For instance, Solomon's cooking.)
Your eyes pick up from the book in your hand when you sense someone's presence, taking notice of Beel hunching over you, practically drooling over the picture on the cover. "Hm? Oh, the picture making you hungry huh? Barbatos suggested to host a Christmas dinner in the demon castle and asked me to pick from this human world recipe book, do you want to help?"
You did not have to ask twice, within seconds Beel places you on his lap and flips through the pages with your aid. "This one has celery and leek, so I'm sure it would turn out delicious." Beel points to a certain dish. Surprised, you turn to face him. "What? As a professional eater, I know what flavor combinations elevate a dish."
"I had no idea." You state, smiling at him. For some reason, it makes you happy to learn that detail, most likely because you feel like learning about his interests in depth brings the two of you closer.
"Everyone think I just eat a lot because I'm always hungry, but in reality, I'm kind of a foodie. Of course, I'll never turn down a mc'devil, but my palate is refined enough to properly appreciate complexed things before I swallow them to the black hole that is my stomach." Beel mindlessly speaks out as his fingers slowly turn the pages, eyes scanning eagerly over the list of ingredients in every recipe.
"This Christmas dinner is going to be so tasty if cooked by Barbatos, but..." His glance shifts from the book towards you, fluttering over your frame before smoothly traveling back to your lips. "What I'm most excited for, is dessert."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Being somewhat of a homebody, Belphegor's favorite Christmas tradition is an annual Christmas movie marathon.
Whenever night approaches, knowing it's almost time to go to bed puts Belphegor in high spirits. He loves sleeping, but is less fond of everyone else being awake, resulting in him missing all of the action. In other words, it gives him comfort knowing his brothers, and you, are not leaving him out of some lively adventure while he comfortably snoozes away in his bed; in fact, he feels the best recognizing the tilt of your weight sinking the bed to his side, and your arms wrapping around him, lulling him to sleep.
"Can you pick the next one? I'm getting tired." Belphegor lifts his head from your shoulder to request. Beel is passed out besides him after eating an amount of candy that could fill three Halloween buckets and experiencing a sugar crash. The rest of the family retreated back to their rooms after the celebrations, leaving you and the twins on an exciting holiday night in that includes fuzzy socks, hot chocolate with whipped cream (courtesy of Beel) and a pile of Christmas movies. Which is all you needed, really. By the first twenty minutes of the next movie, you already chuckle at the soft, hot breaths at the shell of your ear. You pull the blanket over the both of you, accidentally waking Belphegor up from his nap.
"It's pretty late, why don't we make it a party for two in the attic?" Belphegor whispers, careful not to wake up his brother. You giggle your way into a soft bed, but the arms inviting you into their embrace are even more captivating. Locking you in his grasp, Belphegor tangles your legs together to be near you in every possible way, not allowing even one inch to part you. His fingers brush through your hair as his breath ghost over your pair, leaving the slightest distance so he can smirk at you, gaze dripping with lust.
"It's your fault for making me watch all these romantic movies, making me want you all for myself. And you being in my bed gives me all kinds of ideas." He hoists your leg over his waist. "I think that with you around, Christmas might just be my favorite holiday. Promise me we'll do that every year?"
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