colt-and-jody · 3 months
Yeaaah! 🦄🦄🦄
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the2amrevolution · 1 year
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Take it off. Take it off. Take it off. Idol Human Theater
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atosofficial · 7 months
are you (I'm assuming type will see this) and Lyra married?? (If I may ask, feel free to ignore/delete tho)
Hello, yes, this is Type.
Lyra--though she is very much the love of my life--is my best friend and not my wife. 💔 Hahaha, in all seriousness, I (Type) am in a serious relationship irl and have been since before Lyra and I even met! I don't talk about it (or my offline life) much because I try to keep fandom stuff and irl stuff p separate :3
That said, if my partner and I were ever to invite a third into our relationship... 👀
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serralarla · 10 months
I will be 20 soon but, I have fun with shopping carts, I'm book crazy, I'm even crazy in general, I'm in love with life only cats and the sky, I constantly dream by listening to music... Do you think I might have a problem with someone other than myself?
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spring breakdown very low effort sketch but that's okay :P
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♡ ˢᶠʷ ᶦⁿᵗᵉʳᵃᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ ᵒⁿˡʸ ♡
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kyunsies · 18 days
And you deserve that ring!
HDHSJJDJD charlie !!! thank you <3 my bf and i are coming up on 2 years soon (we need to wait a lil longer) but he’s definitely the one :)
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toyfulbox · 10 months
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❝ i can't keep doing this. i'm losing myself, and myself was all i ever had to begin with. [ From Daisy to Cream Unicorn Cookie ] - @caramelcuniculus
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Well if this wasn't the least bit of concerning that came from the little dog. Even though Cream Unicorn did not know this specific individual, that did not mean that they would turn down a plea for help from anyone.
"If I may ask, stranger, what seems to be the problem?" They ask, putting their hand under their mouth ever so slightly. "I know we may not know each other on a personal level, but if you need someone to talk to, I am willing to listen." Cream Unicorn spoke in a gentle manner, smiling as they do so.
"Please, tell me, what ails you?"
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kaolincrush · 11 months
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part joke and all fun, meet cresteen fylladyne the toothpaste gnome ✨
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beatriceportinari · 2 years
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Unicorns paper tests!
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epithet-beloved · 1 year
hi im back but for something different
mentor/protective guile perhaps?
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synopsis… You get into some trouble with Guile’s enemies, and for once, he actually steps up.
ft. Guile Manning, the Jennys (cameo)
tags… anime campaign, platonic, banter, use of guns, I use italics to write Guile’s weird emphasis of words, Guile is bad at feelings
word count… 1297
a/n… I have never written for Guile before, so this is my attempt at capturing his utter silliness. Thinking about it now I still haven’t watched red stitch report actually ✧ 🦄
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Guile always gave the vaguest directions, you swore.  You knew he was ‘on the run’ and all, but would it really kill the guy to just send you an address?
Apparently, from the way he texted you to meet him today. 
How complicated did a meet up for lunch really need to be?  You were just hoping to be able to chat over some takeout of choice, but Guile, true to himself, decided to instead send you on a wild goose chase to find the ‘trash can’ he told you to wait by.  I mean, there are at least ten different trash cans on the same street!  How the hell were you supposed to know which was which? 
The result of this was you leaning against one of many trash cans in the area, hunched over your phone typing up a confused and angry message to complain to your friend.  He’d probably just reply with a ‘k’ or something like usual, but you needed the catharsis. 
For a guy that was always running from one enemy or another, he sure had some awful planning thereof.  When you met, you thought he was a pretty cool guy — and you still do most of the time — but worrying over his lack of responses to your phone calls only to learn he had just forgotten could be pretty frustrating sometimes. 
“Hey! I’m talking to you!” 
A wadded up paper ball hit you square in the forehead, causing you to blink in confusion and look to the source.  You were instantly blinded by the sight of an obnoxiously bright yellow uniform —banzai blasters.  Shit, were they here for Guile?  The girls didn’t exactly look too happy, which didn’t appear to be good news for you.
“We’re looking for someone.  It’s orders from the boss.”  A girl with a red bow, presumably the ringleader, just about confirmed your worst case scenario when she spoke.  “Do you know some guy called Guile Manning?”
You did, in fact, know some guy.  But there was no way you were gonna let them know about it!
“Um.”  With eyes as wide as saucers and a light stutter, you just blew any chance you had at intimidation in this encounter.  “No. No I do not.” 
“Really?”  The girl with a yellow bow peeked out from behind her teammates, sounding genuinely confused.  “But we got intel from the big boss that he was hiding out around here!” 
Attempting to recollect yourself, you shrugged and feigned indifference.  “If he is, then I wouldn’t know.  He’s probably using a fake name or something, so good luck with that.”  Using a fake name, indeed.  Guile actually hadn’t told you what his latest alias was, so you were looking forward to hearing his latest pick from the online anagram generator.��
The ringleader clicked her tongue, clearly not ready to leave without fishing some sort of lead out of you.  “Mhm, and just what are you doing hanging around here, huh?  Waiting for someone?”  She put heavy emphasis on the word, seeming to imply that you had some sort of connection you weren’t telling them about.  Even if they were absolutely right, it’s not like you were gonna let that stand! 
“What?  Who says I’m not just loitering?”  Now more aware of the fact that you were outnumbered three to one, you straightened your posture, hoping to appear more intimidating like you were all alley cats in a scuffle or something.  “You banzai blasters love to loiter around, don’t you?  You don’t see me interrogating you about it.” 
Evidently, your confrontational behavior was not received well, as it drew an offended gasp from all three of the girls. 
“You got some sorta fight to pick?”  A dark haired girl with a green hair bow called out to you now, one hand hovering over the holster of her pea shooter.  Great, this was the exact last thing you wanted to happen.  Especially since you had essentially brought a proverbial knife to a very non proverbial gun fight.  “Or are you tryin’ to cover up for Guile Manning?” 
“Unfortunately, you young ladies appear to be….mistaken.” 
That awkward, monotone voice.  Those randomly placed pauses!  You could recognize those anywhere! 
“Guile!”  The second you whipped your head around to see your friend, you realized what you had said and slapped a hand over your mouth.  So much for keeping it on the down low… 
In contrast, the banzai blasters seemed rather pleased at your slip of the tongue.  From behind her opaque visor, the ringleader would size him up and giggle.  “So you’re Guile Manning?  Some fashion sense.” 
With no other option in front of him, Guile Manning did what Guile Manning always does best: pulled a gun. 
“My name is Aligning Menu.” 
Oh, anagram generator.  You never disappoint.
Before you could even blink, all three girls had pulled out their peashooters, and even faster than that, Guile had shot them out of their hands as if he’d known what they were thinking. 
“I reckon you should reconsider your plan of action.” 
One of the blasters was about to scramble for her own gun, but her teammate stopped her with an outstretched arm.  “Whatever, Jenny.  Let’s just get out of here and tell the boss!” 
All three girls would abandon their guns and turn on their heels, but not before sticking out their tongues and promising they’d ‘be back’, whatever that meant.  Honestly, you weren’t really paying that much attention.  Your mind was too preoccupied by the mind bending yet undeniable fact that Guile actually risked his own safety for another human being.  Was the world ending?
With the biggest, face-splitting grin, you would ask him,  “Guile?” 
“Aligning Menu,”  he corrected without hesitation, though it fell on deaf ears.
“Did you actually put yourself on the line to save me?” 
He avoided eye contact, which was a common ‘Guile in denial’ behavior, as you put it. Through gritted teeth, he said,  “Don’t mention it.” 
“That was so cool!  Loyalty actually really suits you, I think!” 
“I’m serious.  Don’t mention it.” 
You still had some respect remaining for Guile’s clear embarrassment, so you begrudgingly shut yourself up.  “Alright, alright, I won’t tease.  But seriously, thank you.”
“If you wanna thank me,”  Guile resumed eye contact,  “You could start by paying for our takeout.  I’m short on cash lately.” 
“Maybe you shouldn’t invest in so many dramatic costume changes.”  It took a great amount of energy to hold back your giggles at the sight of your friend dressed in what was likely a vampire costume he snagged from a thrift store.
The initial response you got was a heavy sigh, which probably meant that Guile wasn’t exactly proud of his life choices either.  “Listen, it’s been a long day.”
“I know, buddy, I know.”  With little resistance from your companion by this point, you slung an arm around the man’s shoulders and took the liberty of guiding him along the sidewalk.  “Maybe you shouldn’t have made me wait so long, though.” 
“I was the one waiting.  Didn’t know you were…..here.” 
“What?”  You gawked at him.  “All you told me was to wait by a trash can!  There’s like, a million of those literally everywhere!”
“You see, that’s where you’ve got it wrong.”  You paused walking as Guile held up a hand.  “You were waiting by a trash bin. It was rectangular and plastic.  I was waiting by a trash can.  It’s round and made of metal.  The only can in the area.  There is a clear and distinct difference.” 
It took all of the strength in your body to clench your fists and smile tightly at the man you so gladly called your friend. 
“Guile, I think I see now why you have so many enemies.”
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the2amrevolution · 1 year
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찬이의 “방” 🐺 Ep. 204 - Club 33 Chocolates
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iridescent-moon · 1 year
Happy Otherkin Day from your local alicorn/seal/wolf! Stay awesome! :3
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serralarla · 1 year
kötü biri değilim sadece iyi olmaktan yoruldum...
I'm not a bad person, I'm just tired of being good....
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nymfaia-archive · 7 months
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rini is back on my public roster. her page was never inaccessible but now it's more obvious. a few psa's regarding s.ailor moon as a whole and my portrayal of rini:
yes, the age gap between mamoru and usagi is weird thirty years later. a 14/15 year old with a 18/19 old is a bit much, but the manga was of it's time. i don't really care strictly because of my own bias and i'll own that. if i watched an anime today with a heroine falling for a college student, i'd be weirded out. but i've enjoyed sailor moon for over twenty years. it doesn't bother me. if it bothers you, please let me know and i'll tag appropriately.
that being said, as a kid watching sailor moon, all the characters felt old to me: as a result, i've always struggled to see chibi usa as young as she is meant to be. i've been consuming this media since i was literally five and i always saw rini as older than she was written to be, possibly due to the s.exualization in general that was done with the girls in the show. in addition, the characters were portrayed as growing up throughout the series. that being said, when not writing with someone else, my mini moon defaults to 16 or 18. i specifically have her listed as canon divergent for this reason. i'm more interested in exploring her character as a princess, as a shadow to her mother, and finding her own role in the universe than i am as a bratty child, lol.
i know her love interest is... an ageless pegasus. i don't care. if we're being technical, none of the sailor scouts are Human, so??? gestures???? i don't care.
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kyunsies · 2 years
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mingoosgf · 1 year
They really eliminated Chanelle... I can’t imagine fumbling the bag SO BADLY LMAO
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