starswordsovereign · 6 years
✨ sword admiration counts as affection I think
soft affection || accepting!
“Ah that…m-may I see that weapon of yours, Siegfried?”
Seofon’s tone of voice shook a bit as he extended his hands towards the man’s sword as it laid on the table before him. His fingers wiggled a bit, eyes wide and sparkling as they set on the sword, gleaming in the light, the blade red with that interesting black metal inlay…when the Dragon Knight actually agreed, Seofon let out a soft gasp, picking it up into his hands gently like one might pick up a baby.
“This…sword. It’s splendid. I’ve never seen one like it…not of this color, nor with this kind of filigree work…it must be very special, one of a kind.”
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“It has a name, right? Surely it must. Would you share it with me?”
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toestalucia · 6 years
🎶, 🚀
relationship meme
🎶Do they have a type?
while not a type in itself, gran will be a lot more visibly open and caring for people who doesn’t dismiss estalucia as nothing but a dream. people with strong convictions are also people they’re very naturally interested in, finding they have a common ground aside from the whole attraction to people with goals. if they can hold their own in battle and on top of it look graceful while fighting it’s pretty much a sealed deal.
🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
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murgleys · 6 years
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lystsyn-blog · 6 years
peacock blue, cadmium yellow, anise
colorful headcanons. || accepting !!
peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
vira isn’t a… chronic liar, but she’s also definitely not the most honest woman on the planet. she attacks any given task with a sort of single-minded determination; if she’s forced to fib or spin outright total fantasies to achieve her goals, she won’t hesitate to do so. having been schooled into a position of leadership at the head of an academy with ties all over the skydom to countless opposing groups, dishonesty was hammered into her skillset at a very young age. she learned to tell lies and she learned to tell them well, and use her outward appearance and demeanor to divert attention from her intentions.
( it is partially for this reason that rosetta in particular… unnerves her. to be so quickly picked out as someone who is not only familiar but ready to tell complete lies was a rattling experience, and for good reason. up until the crew arrived at albion, vira was absolutely secure in her perception of herself as above all others – even later on admitting that she had never allowed herself to view anyone as an equal. to be so accurately analyzed and then held accountable wasn’t something that was respectable, at that point, but a blatant threat to her and her way of thinking. 
now, she treats rosetta with a quiet respect tempered with a good bit of wariness. )
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
vira doesn’t enjoy talking or thinking about albion, especially since she still feels a sort of obligation to the place. sure, it contributed a lot to problems in her life she was forced to iron out later, but in the end the root of those problems was her father, not the academy. she used to hold her memories there in a very favorable light, but after coming to terms with the extent of her personal projection onto katalina, she realized how lonely she was – and that even without katalina’s departure, she would have only felt more isolated as time went on. 
as the ‘former’ lord ( technically, she might still hold authority, but for all intents and purposes she has fully signed over her rights to the throne to the current regent ) she is bound by a sense of personal obligation to oversee large events, if only as a figurehead. vira adheres to no code except her own, but she sticks firmly to her own.
does she appreciate what albion allowed her to experience? yes, and that’s the only reason she still bothers to assist them from time to time. does she appreciate what it symbolizes as a part of her life? 
anise: when it comes to self-care, what does your muse do to take care of themselves? do they take care to spend time on it, or do they feel they don’t deserve it?
she wanders, mostly. wanders and indulges in stuff, like buying pastries at a shop she didn’t know about or watching a play at a theater she’d never been to.
vira is absolutely entranced with the concept of her own freedom, and in fact vanishes from the grandcypher fairly often ( though she always comes back. ) the concept of being able to do whatever she wants as long as she’s personally able to do so, without boundaries, is an entirely new experience for her, especially after being physically bound to an island. 
actually, the first couple of times, she disappeared into an unfamiliar town without telling anyone, just because it didn’t really occur to her to do so, since when she’d lived for so long among people who knew she couldn’t run away. 
she tells people when she’s going out now. 
self-care for her is being able to spend time with those she loves without having to think about a set-in-stone departure date and being able to experience whatever she wants. at first it was a frantic undertaking, but over time she adjusted to her new life -- and stopped being utterly consumed with the nagging fear that it would all disappear in an instant. 
she used to think it wasn’t important, or that she didn’t deserve it, or that it was impossible for her. it’s been quite a journey for vira to be herself, and do things for herself, and no other. 
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glassedwings-blog · 7 years
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Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ “Siegfried-san, I understand you push yourself for the sake of the Dragon Knights, but don’t you think some tidiness is overdue?” An obvious glare of concern clouds her eyes and shoots directly to the fellow swordsman. She refers to the excessive scratches on battle-worn armor and debris from training on his greatsword. In the end, however, she cannot help but smile at his efforts and offer a bit of praise as well. Just like a caring sister. “But your style is quite intriguing. I do have to say you’re quite more practiced than I am.” || @lombredhier !
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nezhai · 7 years
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my friend @lombredhier made this last night and I’ve been crying ever since
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toestalucia · 6 years
@lombredhier (s.c)
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           “ Siegfried ! Great timing ! “ they’re barely letting him take a single step onto the ship before approaching him, notebook in one hand and pen in the other. “ Did the mission go well ? Thanks for covering for me, I’ll repay you somehow “, it’s not the question they called him over for, but it’s one they can’t ignore either. “ I’m gonna need another favor later. “
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fatedeternity-a · 6 years
@lombredhier liked for a starter!
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     ❝ You know, I have to admit-- carrying this sword with one hand is REALLY impressive. I can’t even pick it up with two! ❞
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battlegowned · 6 years
“ okay. we have a deal. ”
interrogation starters ( not accepting )
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        ❝ Wait---really!? ❞ the jubilant reaction from djeeta seems to echo through the halls of the grandcypher. ❝ Ooh, Siegfried you’re the best! ❞ she calms down a bit before continuing to speak, but she still refuses to stand still. the captain rocks back and forth from heel to toe, quite obviously having a more difficult time than she thought. ❝ I really wanted to do something for the people in the main crew. Like, the veterans. Rosetta, Io, Katalina, Lyria, Vyrn, Rackam, Eugen, Lecia... ❞ she taps her lower lip with her index finger. ❝ But if you help me come up with venue ideas then I’ll totally treat you to some really nice family cafe I found on Lumacie! ❞ 
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toestalucia · 6 years
❝ You want to be a mess, be a mess. I don’t care. I can take it. ❞
ga meme
           “ That— That’s what you take from all this ? “ there’s an accusation carrying in their tone, finding his statement as nothing but straight up offensive. “ I’m not a child “, is the only counterargument they muster, as if their age negated the full twenty minute rant they had just finished in Siegfried’s living room, “ so I’m not going to cry, sorry. “
   They’re fully aware they’ll regret the sarcasm later and it takes all of their willpower to keep their mouth shut to not be carried off in the heat of the moment. So Gran pause instead. For a moment, for another, with fists clenched and eyes focused on the worn red dragon plush sitting on the couch until they won’t throw baseless insults Siegfried’s way. “ I’m not a damn charity case “, is muttered under their breath regardless, “ it’s not my fuckin’ fault I have a dad who never comes home. “
   Hands snatch the plush toy to sit down at its place, feet placed on the edge of the couch and dragon on their knees, voice softer and still laced with annoyance when they all but confirm Siegfried’s statement: “ I really thought he’d be coming this time. “
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pyretail · 6 years
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toestalucia · 6 years
“ Just go instead of worrying. ”
bts meme
   The itching in their fingers rapidly increase at his words, forcing them to push themselves away from the window and move towards the sitting area of the almost empty inn. The intention had been to calm down and not appear so desperate in their worry for the other group’s well-being, a failed attempt since their gaze immediately found the windows again once they leaned on one of the armrests. Not that it mattered anyway, Siegfried had already noticed.
           “ I promised I wouldn’t follow this time “, a defeated sigh as fingers dig into the cushion, finding it hard to be still when one part of their crew was out working and they, the captain, had seemingly no tasks to do besides resting. They ignored a request like that in the past back when Percival was adamant on going by his own back to Wales, but that was then and after the endless back-and-forth there wasn’t any reason for Gran to break their current promise. Even if staying behind was absolutely killing them. “ But what if they’re in danger “, and that’s when the worry slips through more than their behavior. “ I know Percival’s strong and the request is easy and none of them would ever let Lyria get hurt but he…! “ was similar to Gran, was he not? And that’s why Gran couldn’t calm down.
   One slow breathe and then they continue, pained smile forming halfway through: “ I want to go. But I can’t break this promise. They’ll be fine, I know they will. “
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