#long long post so I Read More'd it
mmxstrangers · 2 years
Starter for @goodoldstrength​​
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Sweet relief.
Among rocks and rubble laid the being, freshly labeled a Maverick and sought after by the Hunters after his unfortunate outburst earlier. He couldn’t remember too many clear details - the faces he saw were blurry, and the bright lights blinded him. All the “Maverick” could recall was a single, overpowering desire that drove him deep into these tunnels in the first place.
After somehow managing to evade the Maverick Hunters, he ran straight into the less-maintained part of town. There was an intimidatingly tall overpass located over the dilapidated buildings and failed projects. It was practically a breeding ground for unsavory activities, so irregulars were often sighted in the area. The being’s intentions were anything but malicious; the moment he saw stairs leading underground, he practically jumped down and charged through it.
He ran as fast as his legs would allow. He wanted to get away from the pain as much as possible - anything to escape the torture of the surface. Still overwhelmed and firing off on all cylinders, the Maverick kept driving himself deeper into the abandoned subway system. In his panic he refused to stop, only doing so when he suddenly collapsed and couldn’t move anymore.
His systems were overheating. Internal readings were screaming at him and threatening to involuntarily shut down. Vents needed to breathe and cycle out the thermal energy he produced. There would be no more running for now.
Thankfully, the oppressive strength of the daylight could not reach him here. The cool ground provided a wonderful heat sink for him, and he could catch his breath knowing that he was probably hidden from the Hunters. The being slowly came down from his overstimulation, deep breaths of cold air helping to stabilize faster. Eventually, he could sit up and look around himself.
Despite his sensitivity to brightness, he was not built with night vision. A glow illuminated from his head-fins and eyes, which helped with discerning surfaces, but he couldn’t see beyond his immediate vicinity. While he wasn’t complaining in any capacity, unease was starting to set back in.
However, the silence was interrupted by the approaching sound of hydraulics and footsteps, making the Reploid turn his head.
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velkyr · 4 months
DUSK QUESTIONS MOMENT. 1, 10, 40, 52!! 👀
ON IT BOSS!!!! o7 (tysmmmm for letting me ramble mwah. I wrote more than I expected as per usual 💖)
(original ask game post here)
I've read more'd this because oops it got so long sorry orz
Why did you pick the race you did for your Tav?
the short answer is always just going to be I love tieflings, I am weak for tieflings, this is a universal unchangeable fact amen 🙏 I think 3 of the... 6(? I might be forgetting some other oneshot-only characters idk) characters I've played at a table have been tiefs or homebrew variants of them! they're very gender to me, I felt that way before I even really knew jackshit about my own gender. absolutely batshit that I still thought I was cis when I started playing d&d lmfao. also horns tails fangs and claws need I say more. I shan't, I don't have to
but yeah specifically for Dusk, I wanted to base them off of my first d&d character in particular, who was a tiefling homebrew to represent an au ra from ffxiv in our homebrew campaign based around the game. so it was important to me they were also a tiefling draconic sorcerer to match!
a lot has changed about them while I've reworked them, but many of the fundamentals have remained the same. gender, motivations, reasoning and general force of personality have been altered towards things that I find more compelling or more fitting, 6 years down the line - but race and class, the idea of them being nobility who left their home(land) and has a bunch of hangups around it, that's all as it was back then.
10. If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
this is an interesting one, I've been stewing on it a fair bit recently while I've been thinking about what they'd do post-bg3 shenanigans. the thing with Dusk is I've infused them with So Much raw adhd (to the point of it far surpassing my own, oops. this seems to be how I bestow love on my favourite OCs at this point), they Need enough outlets in their day-to-day life or they'll end up in an understimulated mess pretty quickly.
adventuring is obviously a solid option for that need! but without that on the table, I think it needs to be something that caters strongly to their interests and whims. I can see them working well in a profession involving enchantment and/or working with jewels and precious metals. enchanting things would be a good way to siphon off some of that raw sorcerer magic - if they don't use it often enough, there's a build up of sorts. with it being lightning based, it's a bit like having an unstable motor that runs way too fast, and it makes them incredibly irritable.
as for the crafting part of the equation, well, they're already fascinated by shiny things, they're pretty detail oriented and good with their hands, and it's the kind of skilled manual work that requires Just Enough focus to be stimulating. the only thing they'd probably end up hating about either of these would be dealing with noble clientele lmao, but I have no doubt they'd find a way to exploit that anyway. while they may not be the most book smart in the world, they're people smart by necessity. (something something insight proficiency)
and really, as an alternative or perhaps on the side, I don't think they'd be opposed to sex work if it were an environment they felt comfortable in, with a well-vetted set of clientele that they have full autonomy over.
40. What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
welcome to 'pick a struggle' with Dusk, they have their fair share,,,
there's a couple of things that stick out, but I'll stick with one that's pretty fundamental to them. they deeply regret having lashed out at and pushed away the people that tried to help them when they were younger, still stuck living in elturel.
while they can't entirely be blamed for it - they were conditioned to think and feel a certain way, and those patterns were ingrained across a lifetime, all the hallmarks of the abuse they faced - at the end of the day, the friends they'd made after they started sneaking out at night were only trying to help them see how awful their living situation was.
by the time Dusk fled home, they'd burned all the bridges they'd tentatively built over the years. their best friend at the time was the one who made a sort of last ditch attempt to convince them, and it came at the right place, the right time to push them into leaving. but it was outright said that none of them wanted to see them again, after all of the vitriol.
with the distance of years and the gift of hindsight, they regret it all the more. they haven't really forgiven themselves for it.
52. What is your Tav’s worst fear?
oh you already know this one I'm sure 🤠 but I'll elaborate it into something a bit broader that pokes at the Theming more.
they fear being forced back into a gilded cage - whether that's being dragged back home to their family or pushed into a new one. they fear the loss of the autonomy they've carved out for themselves. they fear a loss of identity, and the concept of having it stripped from them, reducing them back into some (feminine) trophy to be given away for material gain.
at its core, it's a loathing of the idea of heteronormativity, really. that's what I always parallel it to, and it's pretty on the nose in that regard.
granted, it's kind of a paradoxical fear for them. they're so thoroughly weary after spending so long living with their guard up, molding themselves into someone who can take on the world alone, that in secret, there's a part of them that just doesn't want to fight anymore. that part would be tempted to give up - to let themselves be reshackled, so to speak - if the circumstances were dire, so long as there were the promise of them being safe and cared for at the end.
as a secondary but very much related thing, they've also come to fear and resent being alone, and the idea of being left behind by people they care about.
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nyctarian · 6 months
i love to have something under readmore the entire time i am typing it and then when i post it tumblr says. what if it isnt under read more. so sorry for that long post just now lol it is now read more'd
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tinypigeonlord · 5 years
Was reading about how American school systems are ridiculous and will expell you for the dumbest most unreasonable shit and that’s just how America is. But tbh it’s not just American schools which are like this? Throughout my time on a highschool in the Netherlands, I have experienced plenty of dumb shit and I have a mighty need to rant. SO! To name just a few examples:
• I once injured my right hand during school volleyball, which is my dominant hand. It was badly swollen, bruised and taped in, so I had to write with left. My handwriting was barely readable at the time, and soon enough I was approached by my teacher, who was pissed. He accused me of bullying and mocking him specifically, because he was a left-handed kid in school and had been forced to write with his right hand because at the time writing left handed was ‘wrong’, leading to a lot of bullying for him. I didn’t even know this, and had to show him my messed up hand to prevent getting expelled.
• I dealt with a lot of bullies in school, and teachers did jack shit to stop them because I had no evidence, and ‘if two people have issues, then both did something to cause it’. So basically I was accused of provoking the bullying somehow. To deal with the frustration, one day I made a crude doodle of a chimpanzee, drew an arrow to it and wrote the name of one of my bullies next to it. Said bully went through my bag at some point, stole my notebook from me and showed the teacher that doodle. I was forced to apologize to the bully and shake his hand, otherwise they had no choice but to expel me. The bully did not face any consequences for going through my belongings and stealing my stuff. Nor did he have to apologize for provoking me into drawing that doodle.
• One day my teacher caught me doodling something in a corner of my workbook while she was explaining things I already understood, and so she confiscated the workbook to make me listen. Next it was time to do homework assignments. I asked the teacher how I was supposed to do this, since she took my workbook. She kicked me out of the class for sassing her and I got detention.
• I was also kicked out of class once for being unable to find my books in time. This was at the beginning of a new year and I didn’t have a locker yet. We had 9 different subjects that day so my bag was filled to the brim with big books, and it took me a bit to find the correct book. The teacher assumed I had just forgotten the book and we have this rule here that if you forget your stuff, you get thrown out of the class. I did find the book and showed her that I had it, but by that time I was too late and had already ‘disrupted class’, which was another reason to kick me out and write me up for detention.
• One time when I was on my period, I asked to use the bathroom when class had only just started. The teacher told me to wait until class ended, and I really couldn’t wait that long, so in my frustration I said to him in a hushed voice: “Sir, I will paint this chair red with my blood if you don’t let me go...” I could go after that, but I was also told I shouldn’t come back in class and just stay out then. + Detention.
• This didn’t happen to me, but one of my teachers haaaaated one of my classmates because she argued against his opinions a lot. So he would kick her out of the class for the most unreasonable things. He caught her looking outside the window for a moment, for example, and told her that if she was not interested in his teachings she should just leave the room. When she told him he was being unreasonable and that she had been listening, he did kick her out. Another time, she opened her mouth to yawn, and the teacher immediately yelled at her to not fucking dare to argue against him again. She stood up for herself and said she only had to yawn, so he yelled at her for disrupting class.
This same teacher even kicked out our entire class once. We all got fed up with him shitting on this one classmate for BS reasons, so we opened our mouths against him as well. Everyone, even those who just glared at the teacher without saying anything, got thrown out of class and written up for detention.
• I had to write a formal apology to a teacher once. Basically, I had been sick for a while and forced to stay home, and immediately on the day I returned to school, I had to do a math test without having had the chance to prepare. I explained the situation to the teacher, who literally told me in my face: Tough luck, shouldn’t have skipped school, I’m not making exceptions for you. I replied: “we’re not done with this yet.” and he perceived it as a threat, and told the entire class what I had said to him, hoping that the class would chastise me for saying such a horrible thing. Instead the class clapped and cheered for me, and as a result I not only had to write that apology letter to him, but I also got thrown out of class for being a disruption.
This same teacher once gave me a 5.9 for a presentation. You have to realize our grades range from 1 to 10, with 6 being kinda like a C. It’s the minimum required for a passing grade. Meaning he JUST failed me. The class argued against his decision and asked him why he didn’t just give me a 6, since I didn’t really give a bad presentation, it was just a very simple/basic one. It had no real faults or wrong things in it. He said he gave me a 5.9 ‘just because he felt like it’.
• I almost got expelled once for presumably having gotten into a fight. Holy shit, Pigeon Lord getting into a fight??? Yeah no, the only fighting I did was with a skeeter. I am allergic to mosquito bites and my legs were completely covered in bruises from a particularly aggressive skeeter. My classmates had seen the bruises and reported me to our mentor. They wouldn’t believe such bruises came from a flippin insect and I needed my mom to confirm that yeah my body does NOT like mosquito saliva.
• I got in trouble for being too thin basically. People complained when I wore tight and form-fitted clothes because I looked anorexic and it made them uncomfortable. When I wore loose clothes, people complained that I looked sloppy and like a hobo and that I needed to look presentable in a school setting. I couldn’t win, and was told to not show up at school until I could dress properly.
• Same with my face. I had a teacher complain to me that I always looked tired and sick because of my dark circles and acne. ( I actually was tired and sick 90% of the time tbh) and that I needed to fix that because she hated the looks I gave her.
• Speaking of being sick! My mentor wanted to fail me for the year and make me redo it, because she thought I was fake. Like, she accused me of faking everything to gain sympathy and told me that if it was up to her, I wouldn’t pass the year, even though I scored passing grades for all my classes. She couldn’t get it done, but she made the rest of my classes she taught VERY miserable. :’D
• Meanwhile my sister was her mentor’s black sheep, and her mentor did fail my sis and made her redo the year. Not even because my sister was sick a lot, but because her mentor despised my sister’s ‘attitude’ towards her. She thankfully didn’t get away with it: my sister’s new mentor that next year overruled her old mentor along with her other teachers, and she passed after all, but not after a serious fight that lasted for 3 months.
• I in the meantime was locked out of my final exams. I had been sick during an oral test date, and the school had claimed that I didn’t call in sick for the day. Nor had I shown any initiative to apologize for not being there when I was expected. (I didn’t get a chance. The splitsecond I arrived at school after being sick, I was called into the office and yelled at with no chance to defend myself) Therefore I was not allowed a re-do, and therefore I couldn’t do my final exams, because I didn’t complete all my tests. This actually went against the law; the school can’t deny me a re-do based these things. Mom requested the data from our phone company regardless, and had evidence that I did make a phonecall to the school on the date I was sick and missed the test, and that whoever had taken the phonecalls that day was lying. But the school still would not accept it. We had to hire a lawyer who threatened to take them to court for lying because of a personal vendetta against me, not to mention disregarding the law, before they let me re-do the test and my exams.
• The school actually threatened to call the police on my sister. She presumably had written on social media that she wanted someone to burn the school down, and she’d be eternally grateful for that. The school claimed they had screenshotted the post and wanted my mom and sis to immediately make a formal apology to them. Now here’s the kicker: When my mom asked to see the screenshot, it wasn’t even a screenshot of the website. It looked like someone had literally just opened a Word document and typed my sister’s first name + that sentence of her requesting the school to be burnt down. The school then claimed that the teacher who had spotted her post had lost the screenshot, but they had no reason to not trust a teacher. Mom shut them down by telling them: “My daughter’s social media account is set to private and it’s only visible to peers in her friendlist. She doesn’t even use her real name on this website. Meaning that your teacher has either been pretending to be one of her peers to gain access to her account, or they faked this entire message. Either way, I myself will press charges if you don’t get off her case immediately.” The school then claimed that they didn’t mean to cause any misunderstandings, and they didnt mean to threaten my mom and sis, they weren’t actually gonna call the police. HAH.
There are MANY more things that happened, but these events stuck with me and I’m still bitter 7 years later. So yeah I felt the need to tell the interwebs I guess.
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musingmycelium · 2 years
21C? :)
21- "i'm sorry i can't get up" C - "nighttime"
Forests in southern Nevarra grow thick enough to blot out the sky, trees with sweetly scented needles and trunks wider around than Noure though it isn't like the last of that is hard to be right now. A wraith flickering under the moonlight. White hands dragging on knobby knees made of bark leaving dark trails behind. Perhaps even the sweetness of cypress needles in the breeze isn't going to cover the sharp smell of blood.
Wet earth grips the bottoms of their feet viciously, selfishly, unwilling to let them go. Like Noure this time in how it clings to skin and chills to the bone.
Defining oneself in opposition and similarity. Noure looks up towards the moon and raises a hand, pale skin and thin bones and red blood and silver moonlight and deep dark sky. Figures they would find themself in a cemetery when they're dying.
They've used the last of their mana to get this far and it's running out fast. Bleeding out of them through the open wound of their chest. Sinking to the base of a cypress tree Noure drapes themself over a root with as much dignity as they can manage. Even with more blood on the earth than in their body Noure can muster energy for the drama of it all. Why go out with a whimper if you must go out at all.
Noure's fingers glow but their magic is dying too. Pain closing in around their vision to turn the corners rust red and run their breathing ragged. The cypress supports them upright but just barely. Just enough.
It wouldn't do to greet a friend lying down.
A new glow in the cemetery, conjured not by the moon nor by Noure. A true ghost walking through the trees. A voice carrying like needles shifting in the wind. "Why is it every time I see you it is because you have brought trouble with you."
It isn't really a question and Noure huffs a laugh, and when they reply their own voice is weaker than the apparitions. "Good to see you too Valor. I'm sorry, it appears I can't get up." They struggle to breathe now, the words taking too much out of them too quickly.
"I can see that." Valor reaches out and strokes their arm, less real than a breeze but it leaves the hair on Noure's skin standing up. Like a friendly stike of lightning Valor is, so unlike the way Noure burns. "Did you come here for aide or peace?"
Well if Valor is blunt and stinging too then there at least Noure can say they're alike. "I think it's too late for help now." Too late for many things, maybe too late from the beginning.
Valor's hand sinks through Noure's skin and instead of a breeze it's a storm. "Not necessarily but it will be soon."
Pain doesn't just filter through their thoughts it stops them from thinking entirely. "What do you mean?"
"I mean you have a choice, to accept my aide or accept the peace of death." Valor says it simply, maybe it is. Their presence rests under Noure's skin and warms them from the inside out. Keeping the chill of the earth at bay.
Once Noure would have said no without thinking about it. There was a time saying yes would have been too easy. Now though..
Sweet cypress fills their nose, mud hardens on their soles, blood drips slowly and weakly down their chest.
Noure uses everything to lift their hand and grip Valor's arm in return. "I accept."
prompt list
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fantastiicals · 4 years
Have you had any lovers in the past?
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     “Again, with the personal questions…” Mokou grumbles. As much as she didn’t want to answer this one either, her mind just wouldn’t allow her to have the peace of mind to ignore it and carry on. Once again, a few distant memories were starting to cloud her thoughts. It wasn’t her first love that she suddenly thought of… but it was a different first love for her.
     It was the first time she had fallen in love with another girl.
     It happened during those long years when she had just become an immortal, wandering aimlessly but staying out of the view of other humans. She knew better. She couldn’t live among people anymore… If her appearance alone didn’t scare them, then the fact that she was unchanging eventually would. But, sometimes, there will be people who didn’t care about such small things like that. Regardless of Mokou’s attitude toward herself and all the things she had gone through, there would always be someone out there to love her.
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     She remembers the several weeks she stayed with her. The one who hid her away from the rest of her village just so Mokou could stay with her. How, no matter how terribly Mokou acted, she would always dote on her and make her feel loved. Those painful hours waiting on her to return home just so she could see her bubbly, cheerful face again. The softness of her lips… It was incredible how weak she made Mokou feel time and time again. Mokou could clearly remember their first kiss… and the last one she gave her. The last one, she remembered it all too well. If only she could have returned it…
     In real time, it only took her brain a few seconds to wrack through their shared past. For Mokou however, it felt like she had gone through all those months once again. It stung just as much as it did back then… As the memories rushed through her mind, her face twisted into many different emotions. Embarrassment, regret, sorrow… and then finally landing on rage.
     “Mmnn…” The noise she made was a mix between a groan in a growl. It had been such a long time… Why did those memories have to plague her like this? “F… Fuck…! Fuck off!” Her voice started at a meek whisper, but quickly ascended into shouts. “Stop asking me shit like this!” Suddenly, the phoenix lady’s hands exploded into flames. They grew larger and brighter until there were two sizable balls of energy in her hands. “No! Never… Never again!” She roared. Just like how her emotions were spilling out, she couldn’t hold them back anymore and launched the flaming balls of fire at the anon.
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     Shortly after… she collapsed onto her knees, her hands still smoking. It wasn’t from exertion, no. So many emotions that she buried… So many feelings that she swore she’d never relish in again. They flooded over her so fast… It hurt. And that anon could surely feel that burning, consuming pain that she felt… They were lucky though. Their suffering would end soon enough as the flames immolated them to a crisp. Mokou hunched over, one hand clutching at her chest and the other arm hanging limply by her side. “Haruka… Haruka…” She whimpered. That woman had made her crumple once again.
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cinnnabunnn · 7 years
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bevensie · 2 years
There's a new setting on mobile that shortens long posts and that wouldn't be so bad but it shortens anything longer than like 4 images so all kinds of gifsets are getting cut off and text posts with multiple replies are getting read more'd. Thankfully it can be turned off so I did just that
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