#long sleeve dresses for me!!!
ofliterarynature · 7 months
Unsolicited shopping advice time but I just tried on some dresses I ordered from JCPenny and they’re so nice???!?!!! They fit pretty well and the fabric actually has weight and drape to it, it’s nothing like the tissue thin garbage I’ve seen at Old Navy recently. Absolutely over the moon.
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weaselishmcdiesel · 3 months
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back when i wore dresses there were only two id ever wear, one because it was like a sweater and the other bc it had watermelons and i thought that was rad. he'd probably share the mindset i think
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intotheelliwoods · 3 months
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Poptart in poncho..... poptart in poncho so I dont have to worry about empty sleeves and so his hump back shell can fit.....
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kenneduck · 10 months
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Twitter posts about Bazz and Kenne while I get ready for an IRL wedding. 🌸💕
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cannibalgh0st · 3 months
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depoteka · 4 months
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✨ finished crocheting my dress
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strawberryteabunny · 13 days
I saw a post about this and now I’m curious…
It can sometimes take a lot of searching to find a specific dress listing that’s not missing the sleeves or neckties… but it can also be hard to keep track of those parts in your closet!
Detachable parts such as waist ties, sleeves, neck ties, pin-on bows, brooches, ribbon ties, collars, overskirts, etc. If you bought something as a special set (ex: JSK and hair bow that were only sold as a set, not separately) and then lost part of the set, feel free to also mark yourself as ‘yes’. If you bought it with the pieces already missing, that does not count unless you yourself then also lost more pieces.
I’m also curious what people’s thoughts/practices are on storage of detachable pieces- I have a friend who stores all waist ties separately in a special drawer, whereas I keep them attached to the dresses, but often end up storing detachable bows in their own box. What do you guys do?
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alangdorf · 9 months
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I got married this summer!! And I spent the year leading up to it designing & patterning & making my dresses! So here they are; unfortunately my photo selection is pretty limited cause our photographer got almost no fullbody pictures of me alone from the front, but w/e
My wedding dress/outfit/what have you consisted of an Edwardian-ish blouse and a skirt which I drafted off of an actual Victorian walking skirt pattern except since I didn’t wanna obtain/wear a corset & bustle I took out the hip shaping so it just turned out to be a partial circle skirt that’s a little longer and fuller in back. Oh, and the front panel was actually two overlapping panels which could be folded back and attached to the inside of the skirt. I wore it closed at the actual marriage part which I didn’t get good pics of, and open at the ring ceremony, which is where all the above pics were taken. The pants were resale, but I did make my veil and bouquet!
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The second dress was very inspired by this set of classic lolita OP’s (particularly the one in the first two pics) which I first saw back in 2021 and I’d been itching to make something similar ever since, so I picked up the fabric for it when it was on sale back at my old job and then pencilled it in as my reception dress so I would actually get around to making it. (Although fun fact both of these outfits STILL need more sewing done before they’re completely ready for regular wear lol. Someday) I got the cameo for the brooch off Etsy (it has a butterfly on it) and my grandma bought me the shoes for Christmas last year, though I added the bows to them (they’re removable and I also made a pink set) and also made the earrings and hair bow.
Anyway we recently got done moving and stuff so hopefully I will be able to do more art soon! (Also they/them preferred as usual 💜)
#sewing#victorian#edwardian#lolita#wedding#ok search tags are done I can relax#Yes my wedding dress was very hot to wear outdoors but I didn’t wanna make it for just one event so it’s also my temple dress#which had certain requirements including long-ish sleeves#I call the reception dress my snail dress because the fabric is patterned with ferns and mushrooms and one little snail per repeat#continuing the animal trend of my peacock skirt & bee shirt & butterfly dirndl#also not very visible in the photos but covering up the ruffle seams are length of lace which I snipped slits in to run tiny ribbon through#and then I had to sew it on BY HAND and oh man that yoke seam got sooooooooooo thick with the ruffled net lace and tulle#(which were nylon cause that’s all I could get cheap in person at joannes & such) and also several layers of quilting cotton#I never would’ve finished both dresses (the exterior at least) if I hadn’t tried taking aripiprazole for a month#cause I got the whole skirt for the snes (snail dress) finished in like A WEEK#sadly it gave me weird physical side effects so I had to stop taking it. sadge#oh yeah also I finally drafted my own bodice block for the snes cause I couldn’t find any princess seamed high neck bodice patterns#and for the white blouse I made changes to the shoulder seams and collar of my bee shirt pattern buuuut I probably shouldn’t have#ended up a bit wonky#anyway future planned projects include… watercolor painting for the apartment (feat. kirby)#Elfilin/Elfilis gijinkas which are. being somewhat difficult#Magolor gijinka minecraft skin LOL (I have the account migration cape and it goes perfectly with his EX colorway)#not sure if I’ll ever get around to finishing that pmv. we’ll see
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tomatoluvr69 · 3 months
Honestly at this point, whenever I have an attack of weird doubt and self consciousness about wearing men’s clothes it’s kind of comical to me. Like 🙄 this again?? As if you haven’t been doing this every single day of your life since you got out of the plaid uniform skirt era and won’t be doing it every single day until you pass away from a cardiac event in rush hour traffic at age 53.5 and would rather die than change your ways. So why are you getting all dramatic about it nowwwww
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yoinkschief · 9 months
Hello Jay, I would like to hear your headcanons about Tom and his mom 👀👀👀 Go on, speak into the mic 🎤
Taps mic 🎤 ahem
Buckle in cause this got absurdly long I did not expect to get this long omll
So I guess I'll begin when he was younger,, when his mother and father first got married they were just going into their 30s, and while weren't actually trying for a kid they did end up having one: Tom
Barbara (Tom's mom) was ecstatic at having a kid whereas Peter (Tom's dad) was terrified, he knows he has anger issues and is very aware of how he's gotten easily frustrated with children in the past and doesn't want to get angry towards his soon to be son (though Barbs has been a dear with helping him and his anger, truly he'd be in jail by now if not for her)
Fast forward a bit, Tom's born and while Peter isn't magically cured of any anger issues, Tom is just the sweetest little guy and he, genuinely throughout his fatherhood, has not once gotten angry at his son. Gotten angry a good few things, but his son and wife weren't in that list
Tom is also born completely nonverbal (this is a little reference to how 2004 he's drawn without a mouth,,, I know that all the characters are at this time because mmm animation but in most fanart of 2004 only Tom is the one kept without a mouth because that and his one eye gives him creechur vibes I love it so I incorporated it like this) due to his autism, and he did get formally diagnosed early on due to this
It's a bit of a struggle trying to figure out what he's saying but he's a quick learner for how to read and write so if he can't get what he's trying to say through hand motions or actions he'll go and write it down (at least when he gets around 5yo, the years before were hard and they had to learn a weird, Tom version of sign language,, to clarify not actual sign language just learning what motions of his mean what)
One interaction I think about a lot with Tom and his mother is in Tom's youth when he's, maybe, 4? And he sees his mom shave her hair for the first time. Tom didn't like the sudden change as she looked like a different person and was having trouble understanding why it was gone
It took Barb a while to fully understand what he meant, why he was crying and whatnot, but finally able to sit him down in her lap he started making a lot of motions towards his own hair and then Barb's, and the interaction goes something like this:
"Are you talking about my hair?" Barbara quietly concerns, gesturing to her now bald head.
Tom made small grunts with wide eyes, rocking in his mother's lap incessantly.
"Okay, okay," She nodded holding her son's hand gently in her own- less so holding and more resting them in her own. "It's gone, baby."
Tom didn't seem to like that answer, shaking his head no with his hand reaching up to grab and tug at his his in distress. His eyes were screwed shut, why would his mom do that? But Barbara was quick to respond with carefully holding her son's hands again, their fingers interlaced as he squeezed on her hands instead in his temper.
"You don't like that it's gone?" She tilted her head to the side, bringing Tom's hands away from his face and towards her chest.
He shook his head no with an upset grunt, swinging his hands (and by proxy his mother's) side to side to drive the point further.
"Ohh,, pumpkin," Barbara gave Tom a sad smile, resting their hands in her lap as she gave him a small, reassuring squeeze.
"It’ll be alright-”
Tom hated that answer more, giving a frustrated noise as his eyes started welling with tears.
“Honey,” Barbara frowned at the tears coming out of her child’s eyes, it hurt to see him so upset, gently running her thumb along his cheeks to swipe them away. “I’m still mama, I’m still you mom.”
She led Tom’s hand over her heart, letting him feel the steady beating of it. The constant and steady pattern of thumping seemed to entrance him for a moment until his mild rocking and distressed noises slowly came to a halt.
“See? It’s still me, baby.” She cooed, running her thumb along the back of her son’s hand. “My hair is gone, but I’m here.”
“Sometimes, in life,” Barbara began, setting Tom’s hands down in his lap again now that he was calmer. “things change, and we can’t control it. Like my hair, you couldn’t control that, could you?”
Tom looked up from watching his hand feel the steady movement of her heart pumping, looking up at his mother’s face. He still looked displeased and upset, but less so, even going as far as to reach for where her hair used to be, trying to grab at the air around her head like it was still there. Fruitless.
She held his hand again, pressing it against her cheek with a broad smile, one she gave him often. He couldn’t keep his resentment for long, giving his own goofy smile back with a giggle. The way her gap tooth showed when she smiled that big was forever burned into his memory, only disappearing from her face so that she could kiss the palm of her son’s hand.
Tom shook his head, frowning at the thought but keeping a wide eyed expression to his mother as she continued her lesson. She smiled to him once again.
“Well, that happens a lot in life.” She sighed, cupping Tom’s cheek in her hand. “And no one likes it, you’re not alone for thinking that. But what you can control is how you deal with the change. Like how you showed me how upset you were, so now we’re talking about it. Do you feel better about it now?”
Tom took a moment, eyes casted down as he thought on it. He gave a small nod as he looked back up at her.
“Good.” She beamed. “And from now on, I’ll do my best to let you know beforehand when I make a change like that, alright?” She kissed Tom’s forehead, causing the child to give a small giggle. That was her favorite noise.
Now, Tom was always a Mama's Boy (not in a derogatory way, he just loved his mom a whole hell of a lot) but even moreso after his father died. They both were grieving and so it caused them to cling closer together because of it, to the point that had it not been for his friend (at the time only Matt, but later Edd too as this was before Tord was introduced to the friend group) he probably would've completely self isolated
They do a ton of things together as Tom gets over and they both eventually heal from Peter's death, baking, sewing, shopping, watch movies, anything they can do when they have the chance to hang out together
They were so close in fact that Barbara was genuinely the first person he came out to for being nonbinary (He/They pronoun user :) ) and of course she loved him unconditionally, but he didn't even tell Matt, Edd or Tord (now in Highschool and having been introduced to delinquent) that yet
However, later in his highschool years, around late Junior year (11th grade) or early Senior year (12th grade) of highschool his mother dies as well. Not from a freak bear with a gun attack though, instead from Pneumonia, which is something she tends to get a lot and always had in her youth, and while it usually isn't fatal and there is treatment and whatnot and she definitely took as much as help as she could, this time just hit different it seemed.
This really fucked with Tom during some of his most important years of his life and caused him to go into a BIG depressive episode for a long long time
Side note that I guess also kinda applies: Had it not been for Tord being just as stubborn of a jackass as Tom, he would've completely self isolated. Edd and Matt helped a lot in his youth but he also had his mom to encourage him, but now with his immediate family all gone he didn't see much of a reason to interact with people. And where Edd and Matt lack in persuasion, Tord more than makes up for in the lack of giving a fuck and would literally drag Tom outside even if he was kicking and screaming. This is mostly because Tord is second only to Tom himself in how durable he is, like a brick shithouse (built like one, too) and not afraid to make Tom hate him if it meant getting him better in the long run (a running theme I have for their relationship :) they're less so "GRR I HATE YOU I HOPE YOU DIE /GEN" and more of like have this weird understanding with eachother where like "I'll literally kill you if you touch me but I'd kill anyone you touched you" type beat, unafraid to get the other to hate them for the greater good because they have the understanding that they wouldn't do something so wildly stupid for no reason. Yes that plays into The End and the future events of WTFuture)
I love them so much oh my god you have zero idea
Anyway, TL;DR
Tom and his mom are extremely close and helped each other get through the worst of times while Tom continues to learn the lesson of "everything changes, it's out of your control, and you can only control how you proceed with it"
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noel-levine-fan · 2 days
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ft. my headcanon that noel really likes seashells + gay panic
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dreamertrilogys · 1 month
as a fellow trans grade 12, can i ask where u got ur suit for prom? idk where to get something that will fit and also not be super dysphoric lmao
yeah ofc! i got my suit at moores which i thiiink is canadian so sorry abt that if ur not. but my friend (also trans guy) got his blazer at the thrift store & just bought dress pants elsewhere. my button downs r both from uniqlo (they have good small sizes which is rly helpful for me) but tbh decent button downs aren’t that hard to find (try old navy, h&m, etc). ok wait back to the suit -> i did get a 2pc set (suit jacket + pants) but ngl its also not super difficult to match dress pants (again, old navy has some p decent ones) to a suit. hardest thing to find was def the suit jacket so imo ur best bet is to find any local men’s clothing store n try to find the smallest blazer they have or even look in the boys section tbh. as for the tie i just googled “tie” & found some store at the mall to go to (but first check ur male relatives’ closets tbh. if my dad had a rly nice one i wouldn’t have bought one)
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mejomonster · 16 days
I genuinely like long hair. I aspire to have long hair and look like a lot of men whos looks i admire.
I got compliments on looking so feminine and pretty recently
I cannot tell u how urgently i desired to shave all my fucking hair off. How unpleasant it felt to just Bam get reminded the way i intepret my own choice for wanting to look Any particular way in this world is always overshadowed by anyone outside me deciding theyd Prefer me a certain way for their own reasons
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m-kyunie · 1 year
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#dgm#D.Gray-Man#Alma Karma#cw blood#my head is filled w thoughts of Alma as a bride in a huge kitsch 80s dress#okay maybe not 80s more 60s/70s. thinking of my moms dress actually so#lots of lace long gloves puffy sleeves swooping neckline muah smtg guady#UGH or Princess Diana's oh exactly like that#just think about how past!Alma wldve thought abt potentially getting married and starting a family 'after the war'#Her covering Her face as an Akuma saying 'don't look at me' lives in my head forever. her excorcist uni#is quite tradtional and seems unpractical for battle but its def feminine to the MAX#so just. idk how to explain it but the body dysphoria i guess#Alma wanting tofit that echo of pretty but being all wrong for it. hair too dark to unruly adams apple sharp angular broad all wrong#wanting to be soft and slim and pretty pretty pretty.hiding it under layers of clothes and lace and accessories...#or being basicly the same height as Kanda and lamenting  over it like nonono this is all wrong#tearing at their hair and picking the skin and scratching and ripping the dress and breathing awful#'not pretty not a woman will never be Her for //Him// never be enough' mentality#evevn tho Kanda literally does not fucking care about any of that like it doesnt even cross his mind hello hes trans duh they all r#idk i interpret them both as slightly diff like Alma seems much more in-tune w Her on an unconscious level its very emotional = turmulious/#VS Kanda who is very mentally inflicted its very physical and obsessive/conious thought near impossible to ignore ie the lotus n Her vision#so they act diff bc the influence of their Other is different. idk what im trying to say anymore actually. lmk if that makes sense T-T#ALL THAT JUST TO SAY I WANTED TO DRAW ALMA IN A WEDDING DRESS LMFAO IM SORRY IM CRAZY
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cyborgpulsebooks · 6 months
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Part 2 - Pluvie's casual adventurer outfit, plus a super cute glam meant for someone of a more modest sensibility (you can take the Elezen out of the church but you can't take the church out of the Elezen). Included are what I imagine Pluvie's hands to look like (vis a vis the spaekona's wrist torques and my favorite rings) post-shb through the ew patches.
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whaleiumsharkspeare · 6 months
*me at 25 thinking about how much the movie Aquamarine has subconsciously influenced my life*
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