#long story short. kid called me ugly for some severe skin issues i was having (it was pretty bad
the-owl-tree · 10 months
pwease frostfur she’s my favorite girl ever i love her
im sorry brightheart ended up taking more focus but i couldnt resist drawing these two
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+textless version
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
Skin deep - Chapter One || B.H.
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Synopsis: Billy survived the battle of Starcourt but is left with a body full of scars. Scars that remind him of the pain he had to go trough and the horrible person he has become. In order to forget about all of that and move on, he wants to get them covered up. Good thing Hawkins has a brand new Tattoo studio and the girl who works there might just be the help Billy has been looking for.
A/N: I needed a TattooArtist!Reader x Billy story so I wrote one and you know me, I can’t keep it short and simple. There will be several parts to this. Don’t ask me about an updating schedule because I don’t have one. I try my best to be consistent but I make no promises. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. 
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
Billy’s palms are clammy as he steps out of his car. His eyes wander towards the sign hanging above the door, welcoming him to “Little Bear Tattoos” as an American traditional bear face grins back at him.
This isn’t his first time getting a tattoo, by all means, he shouldn’t be as nervous as he is. But things are different now. Everything is different. Things change after you almost die because you sacrificed yourself to an otherworldly creature to save a little girl.
He had just turned 18 when he got that stupid little skull inked onto his arm. That’s now just a little over a year ago but it seems like a lifetime has passed since then. Sometimes, Billy thinks, sometimes It feels like that was another person altogether. That dumb little boy who thought he knew shit. The one that paraded his tattoo around like a complete and utter douchebag. He thought it made him look rough and cool and dangerous.
In retrospect, it just made it more obvious that he didn’t know shit about anything. Not life. Not death. And most definitely not about what it means to look rough and cool and dangerous. Sometimes he wishes he could go back to that moment and just relish in ignorant bliss. Most of the time he tries not to think of the past though because thinking of the past means thinking of all the things lost that night in July. Most of all himself.
Back then, getting a tattoo was easy. Now, it feels like the entire world is resting on his shoulders. It feels like he can barely keep it all from crashing down on him. 
The bell above the door chimes as he steps inside the tattoo parlor. It’s a relatively small shop but it looks clean and the walls are covered in framed drawings of very intricate designs. If those have been drawn by this place’s artist, he’s in good hands.
A fluffy little brown dog is lazily resting on a pillow by the shop window and only raises his head as the sound of footsteps approaching fills the room.
“ Hi, welcome to little bear. “ a cheery voice calls out to him as a girl steps out from behind a curtain leading to some backroom. She has a big radiant smile on her face though it exudes a certain warmth that only genuine smiles do. 
“ Hi uh — I was wondering if you have a free spot. “ 
“ Hmm… that depends. What are you wanting to get? “ 
To be quite honest, he hadn’t really thought much about it. All he wanted was something to cover up the ugly scars still streaking most of his body. When before, he felt a certain kind of pride whenever he passed a mirror, now it sends a sharp pain straight to his heart. Everything about him, from the perpetually tired look in his eyes to the scars, it’s al a reminder of the bad things he’s done. And the worst part is that he can never talk to anyone about it. Ever. No one will understand but the people who’ve been there, and though he and Max are getting along much better now, he still doesn’t fancy having long profound conversations with her about his demons.
“ I uh — I’m not sure but it needs to cover something.” 
“ Old tattoo? “ 
Billy swallows audibly “scars.” 
He’s not sure what reaction he’s expected from her but a casual “Okay, we can figure something out. “ is not it. Though he avoids wearing short sleeves these days, whenever someone manages to catch a glimpse of his damaged skin he got 1 of two reactions. Either people started regarding him with pity or disgust and he honestly wasn’t sure which was worse. At least those disgusted by him left him well enough alone and didn’t hold a million questions they expected him to answer in great detail.
“ Let’s sit down and we can talk about some things you like and see how we can incorporate those into a tattoo. Also, I would have to take a look at the area you want me to tattoo and see how bad the scarring is just so I can take that into consideration when designing the piece. Scar tissue is harder to tattoo but don’t worry, I promise I can do it. “
“ You’re gonna be tattooing me? “
It seems like a dumb question but honestly, Billy hasn’t met or seen that many female tattoo artists in his life and this girl seems to be about his age. That’s not something you see every day.
“ Yup. I’m (Y/N), this is my shop. Now, do you want something to drink while we discuss the piece? I got all kinds of sodas, I got water and I got non-alcoholic beer. 
“ Dr. Pepper? “ 
“ Good choice. Coming right up. “ 
She walks behind the counter with the cash register and reaches into a small fridge taking out two cans of Dr. Pepper before leading him towards a little seating area by the window. 
The fluffy little dog lifts his head once again regarding the two of them with only mild interest before plopping back down. 
“ Oh, you okay with dogs? I can take him to another room if you’re uncomfortable. “
Billy shakes his head. Nah, he loves dogs. Always wanted one but Neil, being the miserable bastard he is, never allowed the kids to have any pets. Too much work, too much responsibility. What an asshole. 
Though Billy is never going to admit it, the bedside drawer, that was once filled with issues of Penthouse magazine, now holds a bunch of self-help books and magazines dealing with topics of PTSD and trauma. A lot of them mention getting a support animal whether that be a specially trained dog or just a hamster to keep you company. It makes sense, it gives you someone who listens to you vent about all your problems and insecurities. If only his dad cared enough about his mental state to reconsider his stance on pets. Then again, when has Neil ever cared about him?
“Nah, it’s fine don’t worry. He’s cute.”
“Thanks. His name is Bear and he’s kind of the mascot of this store.”
There’s a twinkle of pride in her eyes while she talks about the shop and her dog. Something Billy is infinitely envious of. Everything he’s ever felt any hint of pride in is gone. His car. His looks. All of it.
“Okay so tell me a little about yourself. Is there anything you can think of that you’d like to get inked? Any interests, hobbies? Maybe you wanna tell me a little about yourself.”
Back before, when things were different, Billy would’ve packed as much ego enlarging words and compliments into it as possible. Would’ve mentioned his car and his most satisfactory performance skills in the bedroom. But now, he hardly knows who he is these days. 
“ Um … my name is Billy. I’m 19, I’m from California. ‘Bout two years ago my dad packed us all up and had us move out here to the end of the world. Then … things happened.”
“You miss California?”
“Every day. The thought of going back one day is the only thing that keeps me fucking going. I miss the ocean. I miss surfing. I miss home. I miss all of it.”
She looks at him intensely for a moment, sizing him up, contemplating her next words. He can almost see the creative gears running in her head. 
“Alright. I might have an idea. I’d have to see the area first though.”
He expects pity in her voice though there is none. Her words are comforting and warm and calm. Billy wonders how often she has to deal with clients like him. Those who come to her with painful and ugly reminders of their past.
His hands are shaking as he pulls off his denim jacket and reveals his left arm to her. The skin is streaked with scars. They’re the same paths that used to wind up and down his arm in inky black hues like poisonous vines. Now they’re a faded pink but that doesn’t mean he hates them any less.
Billy can feel his heart beating in a fast rhythm as anxiety floods his system. Maybe this was a bad idea, maybe -
“Okay how big would you want to go,” (Y/N) asks, her voice gentle and soothing and her eyes switching from his arm to his eyes. She doesn’t ask him what happened and that’s a relief.
“As big as you can. I know you can’t make it disappear but I’d like as much of it covered as possible.”
“ I won’t be able to do an entire sleeve today but if that’s something you want we can start with a bigger piece on your upper arm today and then work our way to a full sleeve in the future?”
“Sounds good. I just want the scars gone. I need them covered.”
“Well my guy, you’ve come to the right place. It’s my specialty. You’re in luck too, I’m free all day so depending on your pain tolerance and the trauma of your skin, we might even be able to finish the first piece today.”
Pain tolerance, he wants to scoff at that. What he’s been through, the pain and the anguish and the emotional trauma, nothing will ever compare to that. Not even close. He’d get a 100 tattoos all at once and it still wouldn’t measure up.
“Alright, let’s do it.”
“Cool awesome! Imma go over to the drawing board and you can feel free to keep yourself entertained in the meantime. We have an arcade machine in the back. There’s records in the corner if you want to listen to some music. I’ll even let you choose.”
“Is that an honor?” Billy asks, a small smirk on his face. Every once in awhile a flicker of the person he used to be shines through. But then it’s gone and he’s left as this shadow of his former self.
“Oh you have no idea.”
As (Y/N) settles behind a big wooden table and starts scribbling away, Billy wanders over towards the corner of the studio. A bright red record player is resting on a sideboard surrounded by several boxes filled with vinyl records. They’re sorted by band name then chronologically. There’s all kinds of genres too. AC/DC and Judas Priest but also Stuff like The Mamas and the Papas and the Monkees.
“Anything, in particular, you wanna listen to? Kinda hard to make out your taste with this selection. There’s … everything.” Billy calls out to her, leaving through the records.
“What can I say? I like a bit of everything. Don’t like to limit myself.”
Old Billy would’ve raised his eyebrow and asked her if that extends to her love life as well. But old Billy is gone and so he keeps his mouth shut.
“I know it seems like just your kinda music, but maybe stay away from the hard rock. Maybe something a bit more mellow.”
He hasn’t really listened to a lot of music since … well since everything. He mostly sleeps or reads and sometimes when it’s a good day he even attempts to do a bit of writing. It’s nothing spectacular but it’s - something. An outlet really. The stories vary from an autobiographical retelling of the incident to silly tales of young boys going on space adventures. It's a way to get lost in the save parts of his mind. The ones that can create make-believe worlds and happy thoughts. Not the ones tainted with gruesome images of the past.
The opening notes the Monday Morning by Fleetwood Mac fill the air and Billy doesn’t miss the smile tugging on the corner of (Y/N)’s lips. 
“Nice. Didn’t really think you were a Fleetwood Mac fan.”
Billy shrugs his shoulders casually “they’re a classic.”
He sits back down in the seat by the window, watches as the clouds pass the sky and the people go about their day. That’s until a furry little ball of fluff settles down in his lap and demands to be cuddled.
“Oh hey, you.”
“Sorry about that. Bear does not understand the concept of personal boundaries. He thinks everyone is only here to pet him. If he bothers you just set him down.”
But he doesn’t mind one bit. In fact, combing his fingers through the curly brown fur fills Billy with a sense of calm and it grounds him a little. He really needs to adopt a dog for himself. 
“It’s fine. No bother.”
Time passes with Billy cuddling the dog and ever so often glancing over at (Y/N) while she’s working on the sketch. She’s drawing then erasing then redrawing. Copying then throwing it away then doing it all again. All the while she’s dancing along to the music. There’s a lightness about her that Billy wishes he could possess. Even before the Stacourt situation, he never had this unbothered lightness about him. That’s just not the person you turn into when you grow up in a house with Neil Hargrove.
A light drizzle falls outside and Stevie Nicks sings along to it and life feels … almost peaceful right then. Billy lives for these small moments of normality. These glimmers of what life used to be. 
“Okay, I’m ready. Wanna have a look?” 
There’s a bright smile on her face as she looks at him and waves the sketch around. “I think I nailed this one. I hope you’ll like it.“
Billy can see that she actually means it. It's not just a silly phrase she’s tagged onto her sentence. She’s genuinely nervous for him to see it.
Bear follows Billy as he walks toward the counter, a smiley (Y/N) watching their every move. There’s something about how passionate she is about her work that makes Billy both happy and sad. There used to be things in life that he was passionate about. His car. His clothes. The music he loved. Now it’s all dull and trivial and he’s lost. So damn lost.
His eyes wander towards the sheet of paper. Delicate black lines run across the page, swirling and arching and creating a beautiful composition. It’s a lighthouse. A tall and sturdy one. It shines it’s light out into the distance to guide the ships safely around the sharp edges of the cliffs. It’s a beacon of safety and hope surrounded by the rough sea and crashing waves.
“I thought it was a nice symbol, you know. Light in the dark. Guiding ships to safety.” (Y/N) explains. She’s biting her lip nervously and Billy thinks it’s insanely adorable. This piece is perfect, to think she’s uncertain and nervous about his reaction …
“I tried to incorporate the ocean and the crashing waves. You know, as a reminder of your life in California.”
Billy is speechless for a moment. Everything he wanted. All the ideas swirling around in his head. She put it down on paper, made them visible. And he didn’t even have to voice them. They were all just mushy gray clouds in his head, non forming a coherent picture. Just a feeling. A feeling of peace and belonging. Of being strong when everything around you tries to push you down to your knees.
“Do you like it? I can change it if you —“ 
“I love it!”
Her mood immediately changes after hearing those words. As if a switch is suddenly flipped and sunshine floods her face. Her eyes light up and her smile widens.
“Okay perfect! Wanna get started?” 
“Sure, let’s do it!”
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The black leather chair is soft underneath him as (Y/N) puts the stencil onto his skin. She has a soft gentle touch which only matches the tone of her voice. Very calming. A complete opposite to the rest of Billy’s life.
“Okay, so it’s not gonna be pleasant since I have to tattoo over scar tissue. If you wanna tap out or take a break just let me know.”
He’s fairly sure that whatever pain he’ll have to endure, it will be nothing compared to what he’s already been through. Pain has a completely different meaning to him now. 
“I’ll be fine.”
And he means it. Not just about the tattoo, about everything. It feels like this is the first step into a new life. One that won’t be determined by his past mistakes. By the trauma.
The buzzing sound of the tattoo gun fills the air and (Y/N) starts pulling the first few lines. Short strokes. As if to test his pain tolerance. Her eyes wander up to meet his, a silent question shining through them.
He grants her a nod. One of pure determination. One that says, without question: “I’ll be fine!”
For a while, they sit in comfortable silence. There’s just the humming of the machine and the raspy voice of Stevie Nicks to lull them into a soft tranquility. 
“ I’m not gonna ask about the scars but can I ask about the skull on the other arm?”
Billy lets out a mix between a laugh and a scoff. “Sins of my youth really.”
“ Oh geez, that makes you sound so old. You’re what, 19?”
“ Almost 20.”
“ See. You’re still in the prime of your youth!”
Billy shrugs his shoulder as she dips the tattoo gun back into the ink. Truthfully, it doesn’t feel like he’s in the middle of his youth. He feels so damn tired. He never got to be a kid. Never got to be a teen. Always wandering in between it all, lost and disillusioned with no one there to guide or help him.
“ How old are you?”
“ Just turned 20 a few days ago.”
“And you already have your own shop. That’s impressive.”
“Yeah well, it’s all I ever wanted to be. Worked my ass off. Spent all my free time at my cousin's tattoo studio up in Carmel. He taught me everything I know. Worked after school and on the weekends and then when I graduated my cousin gave me a little loan and I had enough to open the shop. He believed in me when no one else did and it means everything to me. Hope I make him proud. I just always felt like this is what I'm meant to be. An artist. And this way my art gets immortalized on people’s skin and in some cases it can help them overcome difficult times in their lives. I hope I can make even the smallest change in people’s lives. “
It doesn’t get lost on him, that she doesn’t mention her parents. Something must be up there but it sure as hell isn’t his place to ask about it. Families, he knows quite well, can be a touchy subject.
“Well, you’re definitely making a change in mine.”
She looks almost bashful as the question tumble from her lips.
“Yup. I … I need to make those scars disappear. They — they remind me of the worst time in my life and of a version of myself I never want to be again. Having you cover them for me with this art piece that’s so fucking cool, it means everything.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“You should be proud of yourself.”
There’s a connection there, one he can neither grasp nor explain. It’s like she understands parts of him he doesn’t even put on display. And it’s both scary and exciting. And maybe, he understands parts of her she’s not aware she’s putting on display either.
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“Okay. I’m done!”
There’s an infinite sense of pride exuding from her words. Billy wishes there was something in his life that he was good at. Something to let him be proud of himself.
“Wanna take a look?” (Y/N) asks with the most radiant smile playing on her face.
His legs are stiff from sitting in the chair for so long but he can’t wait to see the finished piece. Slowly he walks towards the full-length mirror, (Y/N) hot on his heels.
His eyes fall onto the artwork now permanently inked into his skin. There are vibrant shades of blue and dark black lines. The sea is alive, it’s unforgiving and rough. But there’s the light from the lighthouse, the hope, the safety. It’s all there’s and it’s beautiful. Where there used to be ugly pink scars thick and burning, there’s now a beautiful painting. The scars are gone. The pain is gone. All that’s left is beauty and hope.
He doesn’t realize that tears are running down his cheek until she hands him a tissue. His first reaction is to wipe them away and pretend they weren’t there in the first place. A Hargrove man isn’t allowed to cry. Not in front of people anyway. Especially not in front of women. Hargrove men are bitter and numb. They’re stoic. Silent. Angry. Above all they’re sad.
But isn’t that the person he wants to leave behind?
So he lets himself feel it. Lets the tears fall as if it were nothing. 
Maybe this can be the next step into becoming the person he wishes so desperately he can be.
“I take it you like it?”
“I love it.”
And he hugs her. Pulls her close and tight as if he’s known her forever. She reciprocates the hug in no time. Softly oats him on the shoulder.
She smells like flowery perfume and clean cotton. Soft. Sweet. Intoxicating
“I can not thank you enough.”
“Billy, trust me this means as much to me as it does to you.”
He doesn’t disagree with her but he’s sure that’s not true. It means everything to him.
They talk for a little longer then he pays her, way too little if you ask him. She deserves way more and he suspects that some kind of personal sympathy plays into the price. But he’s not one to argue. Not when he’s sure he’ll come back. There are more scars. More pain. He’s not fixed but he’s at least a work in progress now.
She takes a few Polaroids of his tattoo, to put on her wall. To show people she can cover scars. Can help them. Help fix them. Make them feel less broken. 
“They’re burn scars.”
Billy finds himself sharing a piece of his story. One he’s kept so close to him, sometimes he almost wondered if it was true. But it is. And there are more reminders all over his body. It feels right to share it though. She helped him cover part of it, without judging. Without questions. She deserves to know.
“My scars. They are burn scars.  Not — not from the outside but from the inside. Like fire going through my veins. I uh don’t know how to explain but that’s what they are. You can tell that to your clients. That you covered burn scars. That you’re that talented. “
For a moment she just stares at him, a deep sense of affection shining from her eyes. It’s comforting and nerve-wracking all at once. But he lets himself feel it. He promises himself to let himself feel the good things even if they seem scary.
“That’s … hey, would you like to grab some dinner with me? I could really go for a burger at the diner round here. It’s real good. “
And with the way she smiles, how the hell is he supposed to say no to that.
“Sounds good to me. Lead the way!”
The sun hangs low above the horizon almost dips behind the line to vanish and make room for the moon but not quite yet. They step out into the dawn, Bear pattering alongside them his leash grabbed tightly in (Y/N) hand. 
As hues of red and pink and orange surround them and dip the world into a golden haze, Billy feels like maybe this is the way. Maybe this is his path leading into a new future. With less pain. Fewer scars. More color and more smiles.
And maybe a beautiful and talented girl and a little dog by his side.
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angelzackery · 4 years
WORD COUNT: 1,920 CHARACTER(S) INCLUDED: Laurel ( mentioned ), Bishop ( mentioned ) SUMMARY: Angel is too tired from her night shift at the Garbage Plate to be dealing with her boyfriend’s bullshit. Ghosts don’t make it any easier. TRIGGERS: binge-drinking, emotional abuse, mentions of death & alcoholism NOTES: The ghost story from my app! Gives insight into the toxic dynamic between Angel & her boyfriend.
The crescent moon and a chorus of cicadas are Angel’s only company as she walks home after her night shift at Garbage Plate. As much as she liked to crawl into bed and sleep the day away, she has to contend with her opening shift at Lollygag in just a few short hours. The thick stench of grease is stuck to her skin; she debates on whether to waste precious time showering or take all the sleep she can get. Rest is precious, even if she’d be responsible for stinking up the truck. Angel draws up a mental image of this week’s schedule, trying to remember who she’s opening with tomorrow morning — er, today, technically. Laurel. A blessing, because at least Angel can count on the blonde to make the shift go by quickly. But her friend definitely wouldn’t hesitate to say something about how bad she smells. A shower it is, then, if only to save Laurel from a tortuously stinky shift.
Pain pounds in her feet with each tired step and weariness sinks into her bones, but Angel’s grip on the hot pink bottle of pepper spray remains vigilantly tight. Better safe than sorry. It’s not that Angel makes a habit of walking alone late at night, but Bryan said he needed their car that evening for… something. Angel doesn’t remember questioning him about it, but she knows he was probably shooting the shit with some of his dead-beat buddies from high school. 
Some (Bishop) would argue that Bryan was also a deadbeat, but Angel would argue that at least Bryan was trying to get a job. It didn’t help that someone (also Bishop) had taken it upon themselves to beat the living crap out of Bryan. How was he supposed to show up for a job interview with a black eye? As a result, Angel’s been doing what she can to make things easier for him, since it was her (ex?) friend responsible for all the trouble. And in Bryan’s eyes, that meant she was responsible. So he wanted the car for the evening? Fine, he could have it. As long as it meant Angel didn’t have to put up with another drawn-out argument about that batshit psychopath.
The car is in their driveway, thankfully, but the living room light is still on. Angel finds herself torn between feeling relieved that he’s home and worried about why he’s still up so late. Coming up to the worn-down old house she shares with Bryan always leaves Angel feeling dejected, like someone is slowly squeezing all the air out of her. It’s far from the idyllic family home she envisioned they’d share in their teenage years, back when they had the whole world ahead of them. He called it a “fixer-upper” when he first convinced her to buy it with him, promising that he’d transform it into the house of their dreams. “A castle fit for the Prom Queen.” Several years later, and the only thing that’s been “repaired” was a leak in the roof, thanks to Bryan’s ingenious use of duct tape.
It takes her a while to open the front door; a busted front lock is just another thing on the long list Bryan keeps promising to repair. When she finally gets it open, she fills her voice with all the leftover cheer she can muster to sing out, “Honey, I’m home.” The greeting is a long-running joke between the two; Bryan used to blast the Shania Twain song every time he picked her up from one of her part-time jobs in high school. They hadn’t sung together in a long time, but hopefully Bryan was in a good enough mood to reply off-key, “And I had a hard day.”
“—the fuck took you so long?” a grouchy voice calls from the living room. Angel visibly deflates, and immediately feels twice as tired. She hears the way Bryan slurs his words before she notices the empty beer bottles littering the kitchen. He didn’t usually binge-drink, knowing how sensitive she was about it due to her father, but the fight with Bishop has left Bryan acting more destructive than usual. It’s not a good look on him.
Angel doesn’t know if he’s serious with his question or looking to pick another fight. She’s not in the mood either way, too tired and too disappointed to get into it with him. “I, uh, had to walk home,” she says flatly. She doesn’t tell Bryan about how she didn’t want to trouble her coworkers for a ride, slightly embarrassed for them to see just how rundown her home is.
“You couldn’t have called me for a ride?” He stumbles out of the living room as he says that, tripping over his own unsteady feet. Angel flinches at the sight, ugly childhood memories of her father blooming in her mind without her permission. Angel hates it when Bryan gets like this, and he knows it. He of all people knows how her mother was the casualty of a drunk driver, how her father was always too drunk to properly parent her. It’s cruel of him to greet her like this, to act as though this behavior is any way appropriate. Either he’s too upset with himself to care or just that angry with her.
You’re in no shape to give anyone a ride, is what she wants to say, with all the hurt and anger festering deep within her fractured heart. But she has no energy to lash out at him, knowing that in his own way, he’s hurting, too. It’s hard to look at his face, all bruised and swollen — no doubt his pride hurts even more. 
So she schools her face, and tries to keep the ice out of her voice when she responds, “I hope you didn’t drive home like this.” The thought of it makes her hands shake, house keys rattling despite her efforts to keep her cool. Not that Bryan would ever do that, but seeing him like this makes her think the worst. He reminds her too much of her father.
Bryan looks repulsed that she’d even suggest the idea, as if it’s the last thing he’d ever do — even if he just drunkenly offered her a ride. “Are you fucking kidding me right now, Ang? Is that really what you think of me?”
Immediately, she realizes her mistake. The last thing she wanted to do was pile on him even more. “No, I just—”
But it’s too late. His rage gets the better of him, and he goes off at her and her daddy issues and her “weird thing” about alcohol. How all he wanted to do was relax after a stressful day, and she comes home late accusing him of heinous things. He reminds her too much of her father like this, and Angel hates herself for making the comparison. She hates herself even more for feeling like the lost little girl she once was, alone in grieving her mother and taking care of a father who lost all his cares with his wife.
She needs to get far away from Bryan and all the toxicity he breeds. But he keeps blocking her path to their bedroom no matter how many times she tries to walk away from him. It doesn’t occur to her to go out the front door and just leave. After all, where would she go at this hour? How would she explain the mess she got herself in?
I’m trapped, is all she can think as Bryan goes from disparaging her to asking her for her tips from that night. But he doesn’t settle down even after she empties her apron pocket of all the loose change and crumbled bills she has to offer. He begins accusing her of pocketing money without him knowing, and that’s the straw that finally breaks Angel’s back. She starts hoarsely shouting back about how it’s her tips and so what if she wanted to set aside some of it for her meager college fund? And then he gets on her for hiding things from him, and she accuses him of hiding his drinking from her, and that’s when shit hits the fan.
The argument has gotten so heated that neither one of them notices the sudden chill in the air, a blanket of frost covering the room. Then without warning, one of Bryan’s empty glass bottles flies from the living room and shatters against the wall in the kitchen, on the complete opposite side of the house. It’s the unexpected explosion of glass that finally shocks the two of them into silence.
Angel is left frozen in fear, paralyzed by the knowledge that they are not alone. It’s as though a spell has been put on the house, the air thick with something so otherworldly that it’s hard for her to breathe. But Bryan, predictable as ever, merely leers at the mess and grumbles, “Go clean that shit up.” 
He finally trudges back to the worn-down living room couch, repelled by the mess. It’s as though he doesn’t mind the company of any restless spirits so long as they don’t get in the way of his plans to drink the night away. Meanwhile, Angel gapes at the wreckage, as if waiting for something else to come of it. But after several long moments, the spell breaks on its own. The air relaxes, and she finds herself gasping for breath.
No one’s ever thrown a beer bottle at her, but her father had accidentally broken plenty of them in drunken stupors. There’s a scar on Angel’s palm from one of the times when she got cut trying to clumsily pick up the glass. As she cleans up the mess in the kitchen, she doesn’t wonder about how the bottle propelled itself against the wall. Her fatigued mind wanders to dark corners she tried to abandon years ago, but never could. Despite everything that’s happened, all she can think about is her father, with nothing but liquor for company. Wondering if he even notices that no one’s cleaning up his messes anymore.
She wraps herself in blankets when she finally crawls into bed, unable to shake off the chill. She doesn’t sleep at all.
“You must’ve just knocked the bottle over,” Bryan tells her the next day when she brings it up. The argument is long from settled, but they’d both silently agreed to move past it like they always do. Rehashing it out would just lead to another and besides, it was just one stupid argument. There will be plenty more to look forward to in the future.
“It flew from the living room.” She wants to question just how drunk he was that night, to think she knocked it over. But that would just piss him off again, and the last thing she wants to do is sour his mood when he’s been so sweet to her today.
The two of them are Screamer natives, born and raised, and no stranger to every spooky legend lurking in the town’s history. Angel never thought much of it — every place had its quirks, and she was always too consumed with her father’s demons to deal with any others. But still, Angel couldn’t deny there was something haunting about their little small town.
“Flew?” He stares at her as if her mind just fell out of her pretty little head. “Babe, bottles don’t fly. You take one down, pass it around—”
“Oh, shut up.” And then he kisses her, decidedly ending the discussion for good. It’s always his call, even if she wants to analyze the possible paranormal activity even further. So she doesn’t bring it up again, too exhausted by life to be concerned with the supposed spirits of the dead. And with enough time and no more supernatural interruptions, she begins to remember it the way Bryan told her to. Maybe she did knock over the bottle without realizing it. 
After all, wasn’t it usually her fault?
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claimingtheflame · 4 years
Lincoln Trail Mental Health Facility Part 1
Once again I want to reiterate that a lot of these posts are diaries I wrote never finished. Some of them jump around in my life. The story is about something that took place several years after D left
I remember the moment I turned in the paper. It was nothing. The last question asked my thoughts on the final death of Juliet. I sympathize. To this day I do. Many people probably do. She ended her life because she was in the grip of a mythic tragedy. Who could walk away from such a fate?
Except. Even though this is exactly how I felt, my teenage brain did not yet have the skills to articulate this. I ended up writing something like "I feel what juliet did was right. The world is ugly and filthy and who wants to live in it without someone you love." Because I was an edgy goth kid.
This would send me into the clutches of my own sort of tragedy. A brutal, destructive storm began churning that friday that would completely knock me out of my stupid unlaced combat boots on monday.
It happened like this. I walked into first period, Biology. I sat next to Adam, my closest friend. A knock came shortly after the period started and it turned out to be a senior girl who wanted me to be escorted to Mrs Mudds office. I did not know who that was. It turned out she was a counselor. She had coppery hair and a long, perky, somewhat simian face.
In this story, there is a long list of incompetant people who should not have had their jobs, and possibly should have been in prison. Mrs Mudd is not one of them. As much as I dislike her to this day. Maybe she did really mean well. Maybe she was just swept away by the drama of the whole situation. This is Elizabethtown KY after all.
We talked for a few hours. Looking back, I really don't think I said anything to her that should have been construed that I was depressed or suicidal. We talked about a secret place I visited in the woods behind my neighborhood. We talked about various religious beliefs and about music I listened to. Either way, my mom picked me up from school and I was somewhat excited for the break-in monotony.
We have drove to Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health Center , and I really didn't know what was happening. I had friends who had gone, but I didn't really believe that's why we were there until I saw the look on my mom's face as we walked in. There was a serious feeling of betrayal then. Like God woman haven't you put me through enough. This was an unfair thought. My mother is the second person blameless in the story. I would find out later that basically everybody from my school was telling her I was planning on killing myself quite literally. Mrs. Mudd had apparently told them that the place in the woods was my planned spot to die. I had self-harmed in the past. It was all pleasure related though and I thought it had nothing to do with my mental health. Either way it had been months prior to this, but it added to the Snowball Effect.
I'll admit that I didn't really understand my own mental health at this age. I had just been released from D's clutches only a few precious years earlier. I had no clue what was going on. I was going through a suspended childhood in many ways. All that said, Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health System did not help or address any my mental health issues. Let me reiterate. Aside from some experimental self harm 6 months prior(I received counseling, was evauted, etc), at age 15 I was pretty well behaved. I rarely got in trouble. I certainly never acted disturbed. Lincoln helped nobody who actually went there. In fact I barely escaped with my life and sanity. This is not a dramatic statement. This was a terrible place, as you will learn.
I was obviously scared the moment I walked into this place, all the stories I heard. We were buzzed through a security door after a few accusatory last looks at my mother when I went in quietly. I heard if you resisted or yelled that they gave you a shot in your ass of some kind of sedative. I did not want to give anybody the satisfaction roughing up the goth kid and shooting them in the ass. This was a short-lived Triumph. I would learn quickly that this place was not for me and that there was some horrible mistake pretty early on . I was led to a room and told to take off my clothes down to my underwear. I was told to turn around in front of this guy, who nodded with approval after watching and told me to put back on my clothes. I was wearing really baggy SpongeBob boxers. I guess I could have gotten away with hiding something into the facility. That's the thing. I wasn't a f****** delinquent. Not yet or not anymore depending on how you look at the chronology of things I did as a teenager. Anyway I do remember a kind moment here. The guard escorted me down a hallway and a girl smiled at me brightly. "It's really not that bad here." She said. I smiled and shrugged. This was more of a kind gesture than I realized, I would find this out later.
I was then led to the office of the first real fuckup in this story. This would be my counselor. I don't remember her name. She was somewhat nice to begin with. I'll call her mrs. Wannabe because later she would read a bunch of poems about her Native American ancestry. This extremely blond, blue-eyed woman with a square German face and freckles. Me and Wannabe would talk for about 30 minutes and she would send me on to my actual psychiatrist. I do remember this man's name. I will never forget it. His name was dr. Kodali. We can call him King fuckup. Fuckup prime.
He was a small man, with a small mustache, and skin the color between a beet and a russet potato. He spoke in broken English. He asked me why I thought I was there. I told him about the paper I wrote. He smiled and said " yes we all say things we don't mean. " he asked me if I follow the rules at home. I said yes as long as they are within reason. He laughed at me and said " my own daughter thinks several of my rules are not within reason. Children come to learn to obey. " we did not talk about depression, and this statement would turn out to be significant in many ways. It would come to outline the failure of this institution to children who actually suffered depression. Which I will admit that back then I might have been suffering from. Certainly anxiety. But who doesnt, to some degree?
Let us frame our Shit Pit King with what I didnt know about him before I explain my own experiences. He received kickbacks for pushing certain medicines. This is an important detail. He had been accused on several occasions of over-prescribing meds. He was widely hated as a doctor, and I can't believe he still has a job.
During my first visit, he was mostly dismissive. Interrupted me and laughed at me often. He was mostly interested in my behavior. If I acted up. If I respected authority. Literally nothing about suicide was discussed. So why did this guy prescribe meds at the end of our conversation? He picked up the phone, called my mother, and gave her the dosage information. I narrowly escaped this medicine, whatever it was, due to a surprising hero figure in the story who we will discuss later.
He dismissed me and I was sent to "group" for the first time. This is nothing like "support groups" you see in Lifetime movies. It was a huge room, an obnoxious amount of desk chairs crammed in a circle. Boys on one side. Girls on the other.
I immediately dislike this. It feels tense, and I feel scrutinized. I try to ask a girl near me if I can use one of her pencils. She folds her arms and rolls her eyes. " I can't talk to him." She says to the ceiling. This gets the attention of the counselor of the group, who is actually just an early 20-somethings aide of some kind, there are a few of these. This one I call Nick neckbeard. He says " we are here to work on our problems, not to date. " I am immediately embarrassed. I definitely wasn't trying to date anybody. I let it go but it does set the tone.
Since I am the new kid, a round of introductions is done. Not a lot of these people are notable other than the fact that a lot of them are in here for drugs. Some are in here as an in-between stage between Juvenile Detention and Society. I get the distinct feeling that most of the boys are here for drugs and violent crime. I reflect bitterly that I am in here for writing a stupid paper.
There are several thug wannabe types, maybe two or three other white guys that aren't like that. One obvious skinhead as well. It's split in half racially. Five white Boys & 5 black. There was a round of introductions. Most were there for, as mentioned, substance abuse and violent behavior. The skinhead boasted of being in because he stuck foreign objects in his body. He stabbed himself with pens and various utensils. Another boy was in for desecrating graves. The girls were almost exclusively substance abuse. There was one Arab girl that was in there, and though she talked much I never quite understood why except that I knew she definitely needed to be in there. She either talked incessantly of sex or repeatedly told this story about a "bad doll" that lived in her house- all in broken english.
So this was the introduction to the place. Honestly yes, I would have problems with the other patients. That's really out of the scope of the story though. They are mental patients. What do you expect?
The true problem with Lincoln trail was its staff and overall structure. Such a problem was this structure that it would break me down to that kernel of a child you see on all the other stories on this blog. Such that Lincoln trail would reduce me again to that boy child whispering a question to the darkness: "Why am I being punished?" It would make me know, through recognition and reinforcement of abusive themes I was already familiar with, that I was not in a safe place.
The first night I felt this first blow through humiliation and guilt. It was a simple thing really. We were sent to bed. A corridor with a small basket on the outside of each door. A female counselor was pointing each of us down the hall to our rooms. When my time came, she pointed vaguely down the hall to the right side. I tried to ask for clarification and she shouted "Right there!" And my immediate reaction to being chastised like this was to go to one of the rooms with my belongings. She did not stop me.
I noticed one of the wooden bed frames(they were double rooms with single bathrooms) had no mattress. My roommate was a boy my age. He had close-buzzed haircut. He seemed politely surprised. I shrugged and got in the shower. When I turned the water off, I heard yelling on the other side of the door.
The boy was yelling angrily that he did not know who I was and that he had nothing to do with me. He was explaining that I came into his room unbidden and to no fault of his own. I dressed quickly and came out of the bathroom as soon as possible. A middle-aged blond woman grabs me by the arm and began leading me out of the room. When I asked her where we were going she did not say anything but tightened her grip and sat me down in a chair. This woman becomes important later. Five minutes later Dr kodali came into the office with my other counselor, both looking at me sternly.
I apologize for not knowing the exact words of the conversation. Basically the boy was supposed to have his room to his self. He was gay and had been known to have had sexual contact with other patients. They grilled me hard about whether or not I was gay and deciding whether I should be disciplined. Dr kodali somehow remembers that that my girlfriend had given testimony(positively) over my mental health and he seemed to leave it at that. The blonde lady didnt seem convinced.
When she led me back to my(actual) room, she took the liberty of going through my clothes and belongings. She confiscated basically all of my clothing, saying that it would distract patients(black jeans and tees...none of my flashier stuff). She confiscated my copy of Cannery Row, all my homework, and my shampoo. She really let off on me while doing this. Talking about how sneaky I was and if I was planning anything with Chester(the gay guy) that she would know.
This was Day 1. I would kneel beside the bed that night and pray(I just prayed to 'the goddess' back then), just to feel peace inside. I was so put-upon about the stupid clothes. They were my armor, in a way.
The next day would be a lot worse. I'd learn a lot.
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thetravelerwrites · 6 years
Ironblood Interspecies Daycare
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Rating: Teen Relationship: Male Orc x Female Human Additional Tags: Exophilia, Orc boyfriend, Daycare, POV First Person, First Person Perspective, Male Reader Content Warnings: Kids, Children, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Worth Issues, Disowned Words: 5035
An orc running a daycare takes on a new employee and feels an immediate attraction to her, having to struggle with his own feelings of inadequacy to get close to her. Commission for @ban23​. 
The Traveler's Masterlist
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You might think that running a daycare would be a weird job for an orc, but orcs are a clan-oriented people. Caring for and watching over the young is sort of ingrained in our nature. I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.
Of course, since my daycare is open to all species, we have quite a few kids. There are a lot of human-only care centers, orc-only, fae-only, and so on. They’re usually pricey and exclusive, so an interspecies daycare that takes lower income families was a boon to the community.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t take all the kids whose parents applied, which made me feel terrible. According to the law, there had to be one care worker per five children, and I only had four employees plus myself. I was hoping to expand, but I was having trouble finding more caregivers.
It wasn’t for a lack of wanting to pay more people, it was more a lack of experience. I didn’t hire weekend babysitters; I only hired people with professional experience in child care, whether it’s a degree or a teaching position or several years of homecare, like a nanny or au pair, accompanied with references that were nothing short of glowing. Just because these children came from poor families was no reason to think they deserved anything less than the best.
Thankfully, there was a new applicant with a degree in child psychology with a special focus on interspecies relations, and spent four years as a school counselor. She was also a registered nurse. She sounded perfect, and if hiring her meant we could take more kids, then that was all the better.
I had scheduled her interview after close of the business day, when all the kids had gone home. I always tried to be in the back when the parents arrived; some of the moms were… handsy.
After closing, the five of us gathered in the back area for coffee and so the others could grab their personal belongings to go home.
“Ms. Jones keeps asking if you’re single,” Jacob said as he grabbed his things from his personal cubby.
“Mrs. Peterson, too,” Said Emily, wrapping a scarf around her neck. “I swear she’s gonna start camping out near the front door to ambush you when you leave.”
“Please, Karen from the grocery store has been leaving notes with her weekly fees. I keep giving them to Jukah and he keeps throwing them away.”
“They’re wildly inappropriate and very graphic,” I said, sipping coffee and looking over invoices.
“Really? Oh, damn,” Jacob said. “If that’s the case, I’m going to keep them from now on, then. I’m not above living vicariously.”
“Why don’t you ask one of them out, Jukah? They’re clearly into you, and there’s no shortage of options,” Emily asked, putting on her coat. She was the only other person besides me who worked here that wasn’t human. She was a bright blue kobold with dark spikes along her jaw and two sets of horns. Her tail was smooth, however, and dragged the ground when she walked. She often let the smaller children ride on it to make them laugh.
“They’re too pushy,” I replied dismissively.
“I thought orcs liked pushy women,” She said.
“That’s a gross stereotype and you’re wrong for saying it,” You said playfully. “Different orcs have different tastes, just like everyone. I don’t push you toward every buff bodybuilder I see, do I?”
“Gross,” Emily said, her face scrunched up.
“See? Because I know you like skinny weirdos,” I told her, laughing.
She laughed too. “You’re right. I can’t even lie about it.”
“So what kind of woman do you like?” Esther asked me. She was the grandma of my employees, having been a pediatric nurse for decades and started working at the daycare because she refused to retire.
“Why are you people so interested in my love life all of a sudden?” I protested.
“Because it’s weird that all these women are literally throwing themselves at you and you’re not interested in even trying with one of them,” Kody said. Kody was non-binary and was a big help in teaching the kids to be respectful to each other.
“I keep my work life and my personal life separate,” I said simply. “End of story.”
To be honest, I really didn’t know why these women found me so appealing. By orc standards, I was considered extremely ugly. I’m about a foot and a half too short for an orc, and even though all orcs are born with a natural muscle tone, I was way too skinny. My tusks are too small, though that’s actually fine for my line of work. I even file down and cap them, just to be sure I don’t accidentally gore a kid when I pick them up. I don’t wear my hair long the way other orcs do, in braids or plaits; I keep it short so the kids can’t pull on it. I even catch flack because of my eye color, a flat turquoise, which is exceedingly rare among orcs.
It wasn’t just my looks that made me unusual among my people. I’d grown up in a typical stronghold, but I’m quiet, introverted, and self-conscious. I’ve never felt the same sort of personal pride that other orcs feel in being an orc. I don’t hunt or fight or spend my time in other typical orcish pursuits. Timidness and a lack hubris are seen as personality defects for my people. In the eyes of other orcs, I might as well be human, and that’s in no way a compliment.
My only redeeming features were my skin, which was the deep, dark forest green found most attractive among my kind, and my natural ability and instinct to care for and teach the young, which is a high priority in orcish culture. That’s probably the only reason I wasn’t thrown out before I came of age. When I was old enough, however, I left the stronghold with no intent to return, and I’ve never regretted that decision.
So, these womens’ attention, especially the more aggressive ones, is baffling to me. I’m nothing special, in fact, I’m downright substandard, so this new-found attention was jarring.
“Just think about it, man,” Emily said. “You’re a nice guy. It’s a shame for you to be alone.”
“Guys, seriously, stop worrying about me. I don’t need to have a girlfriend to be happy. Now git,” I said, waving my hands. “I have an interview to conduct in thirty minutes.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Kody said. “Whatever you say, Boss.”
I shooed them out and started cleaning up the play area. I enjoyed the time alone in the daycare after work. It gave me time to think about ways of improving the atmosphere for the kids. It was always good to have new things for them to do or they’d get bored and tear the place apart.
I heard the front door open as I was stacking tiny chairs and a voice say, “Hi. Are you Jukah Ironblood?”
“Yes, I am. Can I help you?” I called over my shoulder without turning.
“I’m Briauna Ramos, I’m here for the interview.”
“Oh!” I said more animatedly. “Of course, come in, I’ll be right with you, let me just finish up here.”
“No hurry,” She said pleasantly, closing the door.
I picked up the last of the chairs, stacked them, and turned. And stopped in my tracks.
The woman standing patiently at the door with a expectant smile on her face was petite with thick thighs and a cute little belly, wearing a flowing yellow top with black jean leggings that did nothing to hide these features. Her skin was a deep brown and her amber-colored eyes were wide, framed in long, black lashes. Her hair was silky, wavy, a little fluffy, and fell to her shoulders. She wore a small barrette in the shape of a bee to keep it out of her eyes.
She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen in my entire goddamn life.
“Something wrong?” She asked, her eyebrows drawing together in concern.
I realized I’d been standing with my mouth open for about a solid minute and shut it so quickly that my teeth clicked.
“No, sorry, um… please,” I said, gesturing at the door to my office. Once there, I sat at my desk and motioned for her to take the chair on the opposite side. She lay her coat over the back and sat down, pressing her her cold fingers together and putting them between her thighs to warm them. I tried my best not to stare at her thighs. I wanted to put my own hands between them and feel how warm…
I mentally slapped myself back into reality. Stop it.
Her application was on the desk in front of me, and I riffled through the papers for a moment to collect my thoughts.
“You come highly recommended,” I said, attempting to keep my voice even. “Your references and credentials are incredible.”
“Thanks,” She said. “I’ve wanted to work in childcare my whole life. Working at the school was okay, but I actually didn’t have all that much to do. Most kids who need a counseling are already in therapy, and there wasn’t much need for a nurse most of the time, so I spent hours in my office with nothing to do. I want to work more directly with children. This daycare seems like a perfect place, especially since it caters to lower income families. They deserve the same degree of care as private facilities.”
I felt myself smile. “I completely agree. That’s why I only hire the best. And you’re pretty close to perfect for this job.”
She smiled with her whole face, and I found it hard to breathe. “Thanks. I’ve applied at a few places, but I like this place the most. The facility is large and clean, and the list of activities for the kids is diverse and stimulating. You seem like you really care about kids.”
“I do,” I said. “Providing a safe environment for them is my first priority.” I looked through her papers again. “We have a former nurse on our staff, but she’s no longer practicing, so your nursing status is great. We get all kinds of bumps and scrapes here.”
“I can imagine,” She laughed.
“Well,” I said with a tired sigh. “I’m satisfied with your experience and I think you’d be a good fit here. When would you like to start?”
“Well, I just moved to the area, and I’m getting my apartment unpacked. How about Monday?”
I nodded. “Sounds good to me.” I stood and held out my hand for a handshake. “Welcome to the team.”
She took my hand, shaking firmly, and it was like an electric shock passed from her into me, making my whole body tingle. I gulped and tried to keep my professional demeanor in place.
“Great, I can’t wait to start,” She said enthusiastically as she pulled her hand away and threw her purse over her shoulder. “I’ll see you Monday, Mr. Ironblood.”
“Oh, just Jukah, please. Formality goes out the window pretty quick in this place,” I said, laughing.
She laughed with me. I could listen to that laugh all day.
“Thanks again,” She said, and left. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t help sneaking a peek at her ample rear as she walked away. I said down heavily at my desk and tried to calm myself.
Well, shit. So much for keeping my personal and professional lives separate.
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She arrived early on Monday morning, before the others got in, and you had a few minutes to show her around.
“This is your personal cubby,” I told her, showing her a cubby on the lower shelf. “You can keep your phone with you in the common area, but try to use it as little as possible. If you have to take a phone call, either come back here or go outside.”
“Gotcha,” She said. She was wearing a powder blue sundress and darker blue leggings with her hair in a tight, fluffy ponytail two tendrils of hair hanging on either side of her face. She looked adorable.
The others wandered in shortly after the two of us put our things away and I introduced all of them. They greeted her politely and engaged her in light conversation, asking where she was from and how she was liking town so far, as they started on the coffee and pastries I brought in for them every day.
I had about fifteen minutes before the daycare opened, so I went to the waitlist to notify the families at the top that I could take them. A couple of people had already found accommodations, but the ones who hadn’t were overjoyed, two of them even asking if they could fill out the intake paperwork that day.
A paper plate with a pastry and a cup of coffee was placed in front of me. I looked up, and Briauna winked and smiled at me before returning to the back room.
Oh, god. This was bad. Love at first sight doesn’t exist, I told myself. She’s pretty and sweet, sure, but this is just an infatuation. Don’t even think about it. Didn’t you just tell your team that you didn’t need a girlfriend to be happy? Besides, dating a co-worker is always a bad idea. She probably wouldn’t be into you, anyway. Just get a grip and let it go.
The children began arriving, and I was out front to greet them, dodging the over-eager mothers as best I could. Kody, Emily, Jacob, Esther, and Briauna came out of the back when they heard the children’s voices. They quickly fell into their roles, including Briauna, helping the kids take off their jackets and instructing them to put their shoes and lunches in their cubbies.
I’d say only a third of the kids were human. The rest were a mix of orcs, fae, beast creatures, and even a little half-demon girl. Most of the children were between the ages of two and five, though we did have a couple that were under two years old, and they were mostly Esther’s responsibility. She was the best at handling the babies.
“Okay, little ones, sit in the circle and play the quiet game for a minute,” I said to the group, and they scrambled to find a spot in the big, red sitting circle in the middle of the room. “We’ve got a brand new friend who’s going to be helping us out from now on. Her name is Briauna.”
Briauna waved at them and said, “Nice to meet you!”
“I want you guys to be nice to her,” I continued, “And stay on your very best behavior, okay?”
“Yes, Kah-Kah,” said the chorus of little voices.
“Kah-Kah?” Briauna asked in an undertone. “That must go over well with the Spanish-speaking parents.”
I grinned. “We’ve all got nicknames. Emily is Emmy, Jacob is Jay-Jay, Esther is Essa, and Kody… well, Kody doesn’t have a nickname, but theirs is easy to pronounce, even for the littler ones. Just wait, I’m sure you’ll have your own by the end of the day.”
Sure enough, the children had started calling Briauna Na-Na by lunchtime.
“Told you,” I said as we began laying them down for their afternoon naps. She grinned at me with the tip of her tongue between her teeth. I felt like slapping myself after wondering what that tongue might feel like on mine.
Naptime was when we took lunch. One of us was assigned to sit with the kids as they slept so that the others could eat, and there was a rotating schedule. Today was Kody’s day. I made a note to add Briauna to the schedule later.
“So, how was your first day?” I asked her over my club sandwich.
“Amazing,” She said. “It’s exactly what I was hoping for.”
“Yeah, the kids are great,” Emily said. “They almost make the pay worth it.” She grinned and stuck her forked tongue out of me. I reached out and whacked her spiny shoulder lightly.
“I wish I could pay all of you more,” I said a little regretfully. “We’re applying for low income care grant for businesses that involve children, and when the grant comes through, I’m hoping I can give you all bonuses.”
“Bonuses,” Jacob, Emily, and Esther all said in unison, like zombies.
Briauna shook her head and laughed softly. “Honestly, I don’t care about the money. Today was probably the best day of my professional career. If I didn’t need to eat, I’d do it for free. It’s exactly what I’ve always wanted. Kids deserve a good start, no matter who or what they are, or where they come from. I’m so happy to help do that for them.”
I stared at her in an awed silence, feeling as if my heart had taken up all the space in my chest, leaving no room for my lungs. There was no point in lying to myself anymore: I was head over heels in love with this woman.
I forced myself to look away from her, and ended up glancing at my other three co-workers, who had sudden knowing smirks on their faces. I scowled at them and lowered my eyes, eating to occupy my mouth so I wouldn’t have to answer questions.
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Walking home that evening, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I knew myself well enough to know I’d never have the courage to just ask her out. I’ve never been that confident. All of my exes had asked me out, not the other way around. I thought about having someone ask her out for me, but I shook the thought out of my head with a grimace. This wasn’t high school. I was a goddamn adult and running my own business. I should be able to ask her out without a buffer.
Thinking that was easy, doing it was another thing entirely.
As I passed a novelty store, I stopped and looked in the window. There was a very tiny stuffed deer sitting in a little gift bag with chocolates cookies.
I stood there, staring at the stuffed deer. In the old days, orcs wanting to charm a mate would go through a courting ritual which usually involved hunting large game, like bears and deer and the like. I definitely wasn’t the hunting type, but… the point was to show your adoration through gifts, to show what you can provide for your mate. I certainly didn’t intend to leave dead animal on her doorstep, but I did want to offer her affection and companionship.
I ducked into the novelty store and bought the gift bag without really thinking about it. And now that I had it, I had no idea how to present it to her. I couldn’t just give it to her during work in front of the others; I was too self-conscious. I hadn’t seen her anywhere outside of work, so I couldn’t “accidentally” bump into her someplace else. I wasn’t going to show up at her house unannounced like a goddamn creep. I sighed, hoping I’d figure it out.
The next day, I was sure to get in before everyone else and hide the gift in my desk. As it happened, that day was my day to sit with the children during naptime. After the kids were sleeping and everyone went into the back room for lunch, I snuck quietly into my office, retrieved the gift, and slipped it into one of Briauna’s coat pockets.
After naptime, Briauna took out a book she’d brought from her own home and had all the little ones sitting in a semi-circle around her. She was naturally gifted at holding their attention. Well, not just theirs. I couldn’t stop staring at her.
I had put a high precedent on early education, so lessons on shapes, colors, numbers, and letters were a weekly thing. Not enough that it overloaded their still developing brains, but just enough to keep them engaged and help them retain the knowledge. We often did a flash card game with a points system, and the winner got a reward from the toy chest.
“You’re going to scare the kids if you keep making faces at Briauna like that,” Kody told me as they looked over the children’s worksheets.
I scoffed. “What are you talking about?”
Kody gave me a deadpan look. “Come on, man. I’m not blind. You’ve been staring at her all day. Hell, you practically drool. You’re really going to act like you’re not attracted to her?”
“Just drop it.”
Kody raised their hands in surrender, their eyebrows shooting up to their hairline. “Fine, fine.” They shook their head at you. “You’re a hot mess, you know that?”
“I’m more than aware, thank you,” I told them. Again, they shook their head and wandered off to set out the art supplies for creative time.
They rest of the day passed without incident. Briauna pulled on her coat without checking her pockets. I watched her with my heart in my throat as she left with the others. Kody shot me a meaningful look before following her out of the door.
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The next morning, she came in with the giftbag in her hand.
“Who left this in my coat?” She asked.
“That was in your coat?” Emily said. “There’s no note or anything?”
“No, I found it in my pocket when I got home,” She said. “I thought maybe one of the kids put it in there, but the price tag on the bottom said it was, like, twenty bucks, and I don’t think toddlers keep that kind of cash on them.”
I winced internally. I’ll have to remember to take the tag off next time. I’d never done this before, so some mistakes were bound to happen. I’d have to be more careful in the future.
“So, which one of you gave me this? Jacob?”
Jacob snorted. “Girl, you cute and all, but I’m gay as the day is long. It was one of them,” He said, gesturing at the rest of us.
“Not me,” Kody, Esther, and Emily said in unison.
“What about you, Boss?” Emily asked.
I tried my best to look affronted. “Please, I spend enough money on coffee and donuts for you losers every day.”
“So, none of you are going to own up to this?” Briauna said. “Really?”
“Hell, maybe it was one of the kids, you don’t know,” Emily said.
Briauna rolled her eyes. “You guys are impossible.”
“You like it,” Kody said, grinning.
Two days later, a teddy bear and some caramels found their way into her pockets. A week after that, there was a stuffed tiger and gourmet hard candies.
On her day to sit with the kids at naptime, I brought her a coffee, and she whispered, “Who do you think is leaving me the presents?”
“Dunno,” I said. “Could be any of them, really. Well, except Jacob.”
“Not you, though,” She asked shrewdly.
“I’m your boss,” I said. “Wouldn’t that be inappropriate?”
“I guess,” She said, shrugging. “But I thought you said formalities went out the window here.”
I gulped my heart down. Thankfully for my slowly crumbling facade of professionalism, the soft bell that alerted the end of naptime went off, and it was time to get the kids up for afternoon playtime outside.
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That evening, while I was alone in my office, I was going through this months invoices while also looking at edible fruit and chocolate arrangements on my phone, when I saw my office door open. Kody stood there, leaning on the doorframe with their arms crossed.
Putting my phone face down and fixing a neutral expression on my face, I said, “What’s up?”
“Dude, do you really think I don’t know what you’re doing?” They said.
“I’m filing invoices,” I said.
“Come on, man, you know what I’m talking about. I know you’re the one leaving Briauna the gifts. Esther’s married, I’m asexual, and Briauna’s not Emily’s type. It has to be you. You’re not that slick.”
I sighed. I knew they’d caught me. “Are you going to tell Briauna?”
“No,” They said. “You are.”
“I can’t,” I said, scrubbing my face with my hands.
“And why not?”
“A lot of reasons,” I replied, reclining in my chair.
“Name one,” They said.
“I’m… weird.”
Kody laughed. “We’re all weird, Jukah.”
“It’s...” You sighed. “I doubt she’d even be into me. I’ve got… a lot of baggage, and not everyone is strong enough or willing to carry it with me. Trust me, I know. Every girlfriend I’ve had has seemed to buckle under the weight.”
“So you’re saying she’s not enough for you?”
“No!” I retorted, sitting up. “I’m saying I’m not enough for her. This place,” I gestured at the walls. “It’s all I’ve got. I’ve got no family, no friends besides my co-workers, no life outside of my work. Hell, I don’t even have my health. I’m a shit excuse for an orc. I mean, I’m too damn shy to ask a girl out. What does that tell you?”
“Maybe she likes shy guys,” Kody argued.
“Orcs aren’t supposed to be shy,” I said with a scowl.
Kody sighed in frustration. “Why are you so obsessed with what orcs are ‘supposed’ to be like?”
“You don’t understand, Kody,” I said with a return sigh. “I grew up in a stronghold, a traditional one. The pressure they put upon us to be the best orc possible was suffocating. I wasn’t the only one who who had to deal with it, but I was the only one who couldn’t live up to the expectation, the only one who didn’t grow up into the orc I should have been, and that has severe repercussions in orc communities. I was my stronghold’s biggest shame. None of my family speaks to me. My clan won’t even acknowledge my existence anymore; I’ve literally been erased from the book of clan lineages.”
“Dude… I do get it,” Kody said. “When I told my family that I was non-binary, asexual, wasn’t planning on having kids, wasn’t a Christian, and had no intention of taking over their business, they fucking lost it. I was their only kid and they had placed all their expectations for the future on me without asking me how I felt about it. They kicked me out, cut off my tuition, wrote me out of their will, refused to see me or take my calls. I went from working on a degree in medicine to living on a park bench. You were the one who gave me a chance. You gave all of us a chance.” They came in and laid a hand on my shoulder. “I don’t really give a shit what other orcs think of you, and you shouldn’t either. You’re worth so much more than they’d want you to believe.”
“Thanks, Kody,” I said. “It’s hard to undo an entire lifetime of being told you’re not enough.”
“I know,” They replied. “But do you really think Briauna is the kind of person who would think that? And if you do, why would you want to be with someone who does?”
“I don’t think she’s like that,” I said. “That’s one of the reasons I like her.”
“Then ask her out.”
I sighed sharply and ducked my head. “What if she says no and things are awkward, and she decides it’s too weird to work here? I’d have to kick out all the new kids we just took in,” I shook my head, resolved “I can’t do that. The kids come first.”
Kody groaned and rolled their eyes. “God, you are insufferable!” They walked to the door and leaned out. “Would you please come in here and put him out of my misery?”
To my complete shock and horror, Briauna walked in with a sheepish smile on her face.
I stared at Kody in disbelief. “Wow… you are… just… so fired.”
“Please, you need me,” They said, backing out of the room. “I’m basically your conscience.”
“You are the exact opposite of that thing.”
They laughed as they made to exit the building. “You kids have fun.”
Briauna stood there with one of the stuffed animals in her hands. “So it was you, then?”
I stood up and raked my hands through my hair. “Yeah. Sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? It was sweet. A little creepy, but mostly sweet.”
I snorted. “I wasn’t trying to be creepy. I just wanted to get your attention.”
“Well, it worked.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out a little stuffed bunny, something I hadn’t given her, and held it out to me. “Would this be enough to get your attention?”
I laughed and took it. “Yeah. And… maybe… dinner when you’re free?”
“I’m free now,” She said. “And there’s a curry place I’ve been dying to try since I moved here, but I’ve never had the chance to go.”
“That sounds perfect,” I said, grabbing my coat.
“Kody’s right, you know,” She said as I opened the door for her, stepping out into the chilly winter evening. “You shouldn’t care what people think about you. Well, except for me.”
“And what do you think about me?” I asked her.
She put her arm around my waist. “I think you’re really cute. I did the day we met. I was hoping the gift giver was you. And I think shy guys are adorable.” She lay her head on my chest. She was a short little thing. “I’m also hoping you won’t be too shy to kiss me goodnight.
I put my arm around her shoulder in return and lifted her face with my other hand. I kissed her softly and she pressed into it, parting her lips as if asking for more. My tongue reach out to toy with hers, and she moaned into my mouth. I pulled away, licking my lips.
“Dinner first,” I said, smiling.
She snorted. “You might regret that. It is curry.”
“I’ll take my chances,” I said, leading her down the street.
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My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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Love on Ice Chapter Two
Because I no longer know how to write just a oneshot. Still based on this ask
When Yuuri opened his eyes the first thing he saw was his fiancé’s face and he had to resist the urge to pinch himself in order to see if he was still dreaming. Although it had been almost two years since they’d met, most of that time they’d spent being engaged, the fact that Victor Nikiforov was in love with him still seemed like an impossible thing. The black-haired man had idolized the skater since he was a child, he’d even taken up ice skating himself because of him, and it had been the reason Phichit had called him at three in the morning one day.
“You’re not going to believe this!” His friend practically screamed into his ear after he managed to answer the phone in his half-asleep state. “You have to audition, it’s the chance of a lifetime!”
He hadn’t understood what Phichit had been saying, it was too early and he’d stayed up late playing Don’t Starve the night before, and instead of responding he’d simply hung up. The Thai boy had only screamed louder when he called again only seconds later.
“Victor Nikiforov is looking for a boyfriend!” That had gotten his attention, which had probably been the point. “Yuuri, he’s signed onto one of those dating shows and they’re looking for people to be on it, they want athletes or former athletes to apply and you need to do it!”
“No.” He’d hung up again and Phichit hadn’t called him back, no instead he’d waited until Yuuri had properly woken up and came to his apartment to persuade him, and he’d been prepared. He had used his social media powers for good and obtained several articles on the new show in addition to his usual bribery binder of Victor pictures that he’d gotten from his reporter friends. As usual, it had worked and in exchange for an unused photo from a perfume advertisement the application was filled out, if only to shut his friend up.
A month later he’d gotten a phone call from an unknown number and he’d almost ignored it, but some weird impulse told him to answer and Yuuri found out he’d passed the first screening phase. He’d had to send a video of him talking about himself and his interests with cheeks flushed from embarrassment partially because of how awkward he felt and the fact Phichit kept making kissy faces from behind the camera.
Another month passed before the second call came and changed his life, “I think I’m going to be sick.” He muttered after he’d hung up and his friend stared at him with wide eyes.
“Did you not make it?”
“That’s the thing, I passed the auditions and I’m going to appear in Love on Ice...”
Phichit had screamed again, launching himself at Yuuri and hugging him while simultaneously shaking him. “Oh my baby’s all grown up and appearing on TV!”
“I’m older than you are.”
“Shhh, someone has to take care of you and the only way you can get me to stop is if Victor replaces me.”
Somehow he’d survived the months before he needed to fly out for the show, he even survived the six hour flight and car ride to the largest mansion he’d ever seen, not that he’d seen many. Upon seeing the massive white building, three stories tall with an entrance lined with stone columns and sprawling gardens, it finally sank in that what was happening was real. He’d kept expecting someone to pop out of nowhere and tell him that he was the victim of some elaborate prank, for someone to say it was a mistake that he’d been chosen, but nothing had happened.
“Name?” A man with a clipboard and an earpiece stared at him disinterestedly.
“Yuuri, Yuuri Katsuki,” he stammered as he played with the zipper pull on his messenger bag, the rest of his luggage would be brought to his room while he met with the producer along with the others. The inside of the mansion was no less impressive than the outside, a huge staircase rested against the opposite wall with a crimson carpet leading to the gray marble floors his shoes clicked against as he walked. Windows were set every few feet in the walls, stretching nearly from ceiling to floor and hung with curtains that matched the carpet. Potted plants rested in alcoves and on tables in glass vases, and on the wall behind the staircase sat a large painting of a forest at nighttime.
He and the other nineteen men were shepherded into an office off the entrance hall where a short man with thinning black hair addressed them about what would be required of them while they stayed in the mansion. “I’m not saying that we don’t want you to act as you normally would, but there might be kids and teenagers watching so don’t do anything too inappropriate while the cameras are rolling. That being said I don’t want anyone harassing another person while filming isn’t happening, if I see someone acting in such a manner I will not hesitate to send you home immediately.” He took a sip of water before continuing. “On the other hand, if you feel uncomfortable with anything that’s going on I want you to tell a crew member, even if it’s Victor making you feel that way; we want everyone to get along even though it’s a competition.”
It was nice to hear that the director actually cared about the contestants, at the very least Yuuri wouldn’t be pressured into awkward situations for the sake of good television. It didn’t erase the twisting feeling in his stomach though, and the day before shooting was about to start it only took an hour of staring at his closed eyelids before he accepted that he couldn’t sleep and needed to get away. There had been a bar he’d noticed during the tour of the town and it seemed as good a place to go as anywhere, maybe some alcohol would relax him enough to actually fall asleep.
The black-haired man remembered sitting down at a table and ordering a drink, then another when the first one vanished too soon, but anything after that was a blur and he’d woken up the next morning with a throbbing head. “I’m going to appear on TV for the first time ever, and I have a hangover,” he stared at his reflection before taking a handful of painkillers and going down to the makeup and clothing people. His hair had been gelled off his face and he’d been forced to put his contacts in before he was practically shoved into a suit he vaguely recognized as his own, the tie had been a gift from his mother who was somewhat confused about fashion.
Everyone was herded into the entrance hall and arranged into lines, last minute adjustments to hair or clothes made before the cameras and microphones turned on and the announcer began speaking although he wouldn’t actually appear. This was real, Yuuri felt sweat break out on his palms as his insides lurched, why had he drank again?
“Presenting Victor Nikiforov!” Oh god, it was happening, the man he’d idolized and fantasized about as a child was descending the stairs in front of him and all he could do was pray that he wouldn’t pass out. The skater had agreed to this show because he’d been forced to sit out this season due to a torn ACL which had required surgery to fix but he walked without issue, the only thing that seemed off was his expression. It was a look Yuuri was familiar with, one he’d grown used to seeing during interviews with the man in recent years, a forced smile without any real emotion in it; it was almost painful to look at.
Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs the silver-haired man merely aimed a finger into the throng of men before him. “You, with the black hair slicked back and the ugly tie,” Yuuri pointed to himself and received a nod in confirmation. “Yes you, step forward.”
On shaking feet the black-haired man took a few hesitant steps forward, the other contestants moving aside as he made his way to the front and stood by himself wondering just what he did wrong to have been eliminated off the bat.
“What’s your name?” Victor gave a small smile but it was already more real than the one he’d had on his face moments ago.
“Y-Yuuri... Yuuri Katsuki,” he stammered as his cheeks flushed with color and he wanted to cry.
“Yuuri Katsuki?” His name sounded wonderful coming from Victor, but he was too terrified to do more than nod. “I pick you, everyone else can go home.”
He was one of the many people to shout in confusion, but apparently the skater was deadly serious and refused to change his mind; they’d been separated from everyone else so they could be interviewed separately. “He says you met last night in a bar,” the announcer asked from behind a camera. “Is this untrue?”
“I don’t really remember anything when I drink...” Yuuri tugged on his collar, a nervous habit he hadn’t been able to shake. “I know I went to a bar but the details are really fuzzy... Sorry that’s probably not helpful.”
Victor burst into the side room grinning more than the black-haired man had seen in years and wrapping long arms around his chest. “Yuuri!” “What kind of cake do you want at our wedding?”
“Wait, what? Wedding?” Yuuri’s felt his face flush even more and he turned to look into the camera before mouthing the words “help me” before the skater had one hand around his wrist and dragged him out of the room. They walked in silence before coming upon a set of huge double doors and entering the room behind it, a room with the largest bed he’d ever seen in it.
“I’m sorry, I just needed to talk to you away from all the cameras, although there might be ones set up in here but...” Victor glanced around the room before shouting. “There had better fucking not be or I will be very upset!”
Yuuri stared at the man before him and wondered if he was dreaming, before he could stop himself he’d slapped one hand across his cheek; it hurt, it hurt quite a lot if he was being honest with himself, which meant one thing.
“Why did you do that? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?” The skater ran his fingers over the skin that had already started turning red before jerking his hand away as though he’d burned himself. “I’m sorry, it probably hurts I shouldn’t have done this.
“I’m not dreaming,” Yuuri rubbed his cheek dazedly before a bubble of amusement swelled in his chest and burst free. He couldn’t help it and Victor stared at him in confusion as he laughed until his sides hurt, before he stopped and wiped tears away from his eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just... I don’t know how to react right now, I don’t really understand what’s going on.”
“What don’t you understand?” The skater looked concerned, his silver hair had become mussed slightly and his tie was crooked but he seemed more human than ever.
“I, I’m nothing special... I can’t see why you’d pick me out of everyone, especially right at the start...”
“Yuuri, I told you last night that I didn’t want to do this show to begin with and after meeting you I considered just quitting; the last thing I wanted to do was be forced to go on dates with other guys when you were all I could think about. God, I even dreamed about you and I didn’t know your name, so when I saw you among the others I felt like it was destiny or something.”
“I don’t remember last night,” it had to be said, before Victor got more attached. “I just, I had a lot to drink and it’s all hazy.” As if the mere memory of how drunk he’d been the night before was enough to overpower the painkillers his head gave a painful throb.
“Are you okay?”                                              
“Hangover, I’ll be fine,” Yuuri groaned before returning his gaze to Victor’s. His blue eyes were wide with both confusion and concern and he looked as though he wanted to... hold him?
“You don’t remember anything? We talked for hours,” he sounded dejected as he broke eye contact.
“I’m sorry, drunk me is really different from sober me and it’s okay if you want to change your mind about everything...”
“Why would I do that? You’re still you, and I want to get to know the real you even if we have an audience for our dates.”
“I don’t understand, why are you so interested in me? Yuuri had to know, he needed to find out if he was being led on as some cruel prank.
“You were the first person to see me for who I am in years, you could see that I wasn’t happy skating anymore and that I didn’t love the ice like I used to. It was like I’d been underwater for years and you pulled me up out of the surface, everything looks different now and I have you to thank for it. I want to be with you, if you’ll have me.”
Without realizing it Yuuri had started crying, and he was not pretty when he cried, his nose got red and his eyes became puffy but the tears wouldn’t stop. “Oh no, I’m sorry! Please don’t cry!” Victor looked terrified now, completely out of his comfort zone and unsure of what he should do.
“I... I’m happy,” he sniffed and wiped his eyes with the back of a hand. “I’ve been your fan since I was a kid, my childhood friend owns an ice rink so she showed me some of your routines when I was ten and I was captivated. I’d already been doing ballet for years but I started skating because I wanted to be like you, but my anxiety got in the way and I choked at every competition so I gave up. I just dance now, I’m a ballet instructor, but I never stopped being your fan.”
“My friend Phichit, he told me about this show, made me send in an application even though I didn’t want to; then I got chosen and I thought it would be enough to just spend time with you even if I didn’t win. I never thought... I never expected to hear you say that you actually want to be with me.”
Victor stared at him with wide eyes for a few second before pulling him into an embrace. “I am going to have to thank this friend of yours.”
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