#long time no memeposting
oki-coma · 11 months
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I love customer service Nai
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irlcats-bracket · 11 months
are you gonna take part in the tumblr blackout thing? idk if youve heard of it.
no. short answer: it won't work anyway
slightly longer answer: the og post has like 42k of notes as of me writing it ive seen recent memeposting getting more
long answer:
i am sure you've heard about it already but the thing about reddit blackout that was so effective is that you didn't actually need that much people to convince for it to have an impact. for tumblr blackout to happen you would need to convince a huge chunk of userbase
i also just rechecked the demands on the og post and
the demands of the protest would be along the lines of:
reverse the recent image viewer update
scrap the new users 'for you' page default setting
let us turn off tumblr live indefinitely
increase efforts against spam / porn bots
make reporting abuse and hate speech as easy as reporting as reporting spam
let us go nuts show nuts again... for real this time
commit to improving usability and accessibility, and listening to users!
these are.. not good. the nuts showing is out of their hands they are doing everything to combat the bots already (and even shadowbanning now lasts less time than it was in december 2022! speaking from experience). the for you setting is there because every other person always fucking complains about not having anything on their dash this is literally build in for users from other sites before they manage to build their dash. you can change it later. tho i think they should let you choose whatever will be there when you register.
detailed hate speech reports are necessary. like. come on. we are on the internet not everyone here is smart. if you can't type in why something is a hate speech can you really be sure it is? are you not mindlessly repeating things someone else said? it's also just not that hard come on
and that leaves as wiiiith... reversing image viewer, turning tumblr live off indefinitely and generally immproving usability and accessibility. that's not impressive and definitely not enough for a strike
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star-crossed-mid · 6 months
so for a long ass time I only played Huedhaut, he was the first god I chose when the game first came out bcuz i liked that he was nice and his hair was cool. When I rediscovered the game I also again only played Huedhaut for a few months.
Huedhaut is still one of my favs and his route is pretty mundane compared to the others, its very fairytale romance the plot builds up slowly and nothing happens until MC goes into the lake and remembers Clotho, then life and death scenarios happen at the end. I thought all the other stories were like this where its fairly calm
Then I played Ikky, Scorpio, and Dui
tw topics discussed
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I got WHIPLASH going from Huedhaut's 'maybe we were lovers in a past life maybe we're not' to child soldiers war brutalization, suicide attempts/mental health, and mortality plotlines in their stories
I still do not know how to feel about Dui's story like I am BEGGING voltage to release a follow up story to this day about Dui just having a good day he has gone through so much. This isnt about the mc romance with dui, its the IS DUI OKAY. DOES HE KEEP THE CAT HE ADOPTED IN HIS S1 I NEED ANSWERS
also i have a karno/leon meme coming out I just need to work on it sobbing I need to go back to memeposting
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a letter to my (new) boss (i'll never send)
it's important for me to process this here so. i know i've got that work 24/7 in my veins and i know i've got that need in me to change this city and to change the world. make this city nurturing, and feed the whole world and i can't help but constantly feel i'm getting distracted from it and traumatised from that distraction, being forced to do stuff that felt off course. what is on course? do i still remember it? what is the dream? why do i keep feeling caught up in other people's dreams, and dare i say, their idols? a vision of myself i cannot be?
i keep thinking it's like gender dysphoria and but actually. actually it is it's like. i'm sick of my whole life being told to climb up these ladders yknow? this whole structure that was constructed by the patriachy and isn't my gender at all. empowerment of women or whatever shouldn't mean we have to be that. should mean we get to be valued for who we are, whatever that is, instead of being forced into this box that some people won't even acknowledge the existence of (and that is the invalidating, repeatedly traumatising thing).
and that's why i love working in this field that facilitates the change of the industry. but to be bridging this gap requires sacrificing who i really am and the true iteration of the vision i have and i'm stretching myself, pretending what's hurtful isn't hurtful but still trying to steer the whole world away from what's normalised and in there, i feel so lost. I fought to do this project because it felt like finding myself. and it has been, to some extent. but what it has done is opened up floodgates. made me have to face things that are easier left unsaid. it's led me to face the dysphoria that has stayed under the surface for so long.
and i've realised who i am, and also realised, i don't think anyone realises and in some ways it's for the best because i can almost guarantee that in a lot of ways people are not going to like it. the right people will. in fact, i can think of a few who will. i'm almost feeling like i can bring it to the table. almost. but my art is always going to be a reflection of who i am. yes, even linkedin articles. even this bougie course. it's all kind of terrifying, really, because i belong precisely because i don't belong. it's that disparity that's keeping me employed and the way i call everyone else into line because the perspective i bring is outside of the boxes we can see when the boxes are moving too far out of what might be broadly acceptable, encroaching on and stepping on the feet of the invisible and vulnerable, or worse. i speak for the trees. i speak for the punks and the addicts and those who are oblivious to the whole grind. how i sometimes wish i could be.
but i once watercolour painted a wall hanging for an old friend and creative muse that said 'learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist' and that's kind of how i've lived my entire life.
i find it ironic, sometimes, when people look at the have-nots of various backgrounds with different stories who often seem not to be trying under capitalism and think they feel entitled to things without working for them. i know people who think that to various degrees with various caveats and i don't even fight them anymore. no, i intend to do something so much greater. because i've figured it out
i've figured out that I'm the imaginary picture they have of these people they know nothing about, but the other way around. i have this core, and i mean CORE belief that's as fundemental to me as gender (and i get emotional thinking about it, like i don't think it's going to change, self destructive as it is, it's baked into me like DNA and at almost 23 my brain is nearly finished developing. it's stuck) that I'm put here on earth to work hard and provide for everyone else. i've memeposted about it but it's true. i've tortured myself over the lack of success I've had here and come back a million times to the fact that i don't have to, i'm held safe by supernatural hands from that one time a god put on DNA and became a meat suit and made some enemies who then killed it and called it a victory.
i know i don't need to for me and i know i don't need to prove anything and i know i know i know but the strongest sense of gender euphoria i've ever felt is when i fully surrender to both that and this feeling i have that iwanttoiwanttoiwantto. i feel like it's my role in the diversity and it's the big dream i've had since i was an age i could count on my fingers and toes without thumbs. social role or gender, right? this is incorporating some of the themes of womanhood and going global with them, provisioning and nurturing, and i don't care about logistics or what is fair i won't let anyone take this away from me, even though i see in their eyes they often want to try.
it's not even necessarily feminine. it could be masculine if you like. the opposite of toxic masculinity i guess? i know i get gender envy from some who embody this idea. but it's me and i know that and it might be a belief, a dumb one i will admit it, in that i need freedom to live it out. but it goes deeper than that.
and i have to say i've approached this with an attitude of utmost surrender. i have no way of guaranteeing this is going to work but i know i feel good when i'm following the same intuition that lit this passion in me and i know things go wrong when i try to suppress it. i know in order to be my best me i have to be fully me.
and i feel like i need to get comfortable and confident in these shoes before i expose myself too much to things that freeze the flow state of my brain and have power over me that they try to use to mold me into someone i'm not. someone who makes better financial decisions or hangs out with better people or has a more reliable sleep schedule or whose concept of equity isn't so complicated or who can enjoy hedonist things a little.
but don't you get it? it's when i get this out of my system at the same rate it goes in that i'm happiest. least self-destructive. i can celebrate with whatever joys i please within a liberated liberator's moral code and i can actually be present in the moment instead of trying to stem a tide that might give me that fulfilment i've been chasing for my whole life. i'm hesitant to say it's God talking to me except for the fact that i should relax. i don't know for sure, no one does, but what if it is? what if sometimes the counterintuitive best thing to do is just let me be deranged? because when i'm liberated this is as deranged as i get. just trust me, please.
and when you trust me i'll show up to those corporate events in a classy dress and block heels and i'll charm those investors or whatever they are (i won't let them know that i've forgotten their role as soon as they said it) and I'll have them seeing just a seed of my perspective, the one i've collected from thousands of stories i've sought out and will continue to until i represent millions. billions. i'll negotiate and cut to the heart of it in meetings, just let me grow and i can learn to do that. i know my skillset. i'll do admin organisational stuff and make a system for it. i'll finish my drinks and complete your jokes, don't you see who i could be? don't you see who i am? i'm the same me when i work in impact investing as when i work in special education and when i work in conservation and when i work in consulting and i work in urban design and i work in manufacturing and i work in hairdressing and when i'm a mother. i'll defeat your systems and i'll climb ladders horizontally like the monkey bars i slayed on as a child and i'll do it classily. i promise. i'll spend my whole life giving and i'll have fun doing it.
that's the dream isn't it?
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Two new leaders in one year? Morsteth demoted from his perch in Grim Gest? Hopping from one guild to another, the PCU is a swiftly melting Iceberg and we love to see it.
Perroy, in exile. Gruggosh, missing in action. Morsteth, deported.
PCU status? A circus on fire. Hotel? Trivago.
The Rotgarde, the longest standing guild within the PCU, the originator in fact, has all but disbanded and gone into sleep mode (hopefully to never awaken again).
Hand of Conquest, reduced to memeposting and mixtapes on their guild thread with the disappearance of Gruggosh, spiralling the drain until they find something new and shiny to latch onto.
Grim Gest, inactive since Morsteth made his big no no remarks. A guild built around a cult of personality with half of its members being die hard alt-righters and the other half being passive and compliant (until recently at least)? Of course there is a schism. Those who supported Morsteth have gone with him and Perroy to Neverwinter Nights.
The Dustpaw Caravan, a dead guild with more sleazy ERP hiding under the surface than any other vulpera guild, just keep it quiet. Want an actual genuine Vulpera experience? Try the Dust Scavengers.
Ronin, the Pandaren cabal that tried to become the sole Pandaren guild on Argent Dawn, 106 characters reduced to 7 online at any one time.
Order of Oronaar, A Draenei guild more obsessed with purity testing and organising bullying campaigns in their own guild discord server than actually engaging in Draenei RP, oh and cannibalizing other Draenei guilds that pop up.
Ardent Pursuit, the Argent Guild that has systematically harassed any Argent RPer not in their guild into joining if they operate in Lordaeron. A guild that can't seem to decide if it's PCU or not, though more often or not too ashamed to advertise their affiliation.
Dirge of Teldrassil, joining a long line of Night Elf orientated guilds that get superseded by the lore and bogged down in their own internal egotism. The guild itself has no longer any use, Night Elf lore has moved on from Teldrassil, the Alliance and Horde are co-existing and the age of Ashenvale skirmishes are over.
BOOMTEC Inc, surprisingly thriving ever since they left the PCU. Funny how guilds immediately start thriving once they're no longer in a cult eh?
The only PCU guilds that can even attest to regular activity these days appear to be Red Venturers, Cleft of Shadows and Painted Shields. Few in number perhaps but consistent at least.
The diehards have already jumped ship into their security guilds (mostly on Alliance no less) with Sword of Triumph (Hello Teyha/Swordmaster) and House Bemoux (Elfguild master Lunarglade repainted as a human noble guild) and many of its other former members scattering across the remaining 'Northern' RP guilds on the server, hoping and praying they won't be found out.
Indeed, it has been entertaining to watch though we do encourage the PCU to shrivel up quicker please.
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kindagirl · 6 months
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niki's baking blog ... (๑´ﻌ`๑) ( ctrlverse. ct!nihachu. art. )
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❝ type of girl you wanna take her home right up to mama.. ❞
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canon div nihachu blog! part of ctrlverse -> kindagirl is a roleplay in character blog for ct!nihachu. in ctrl canon, this is her baking blog & personal diary of sorts. currently ct/cl!niki is set in the manburg era. asks, anons & interactions are 100% okay and encouraged! blog is penned / run by theta! [ 18+ & they/(s)he ]
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about ctrlverse...
ctrlverse (stylized as CTRLverse, CTRLverse, or ctrlverse) is a verse based heavily off DSMP. it focuses on the untold stories of some of the characters (such as niki & quackity), as private entrys based on events they experienced. ctrlverse is not a play by play match to the dsmp. anything goes in ctrlverse. (almost anything, at least.)
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about ctrl!niki...
ct!niki is close to her canon counterpart. she is a baker in manburg, and a loud part of the resistence to ct!schlatt's reign of terror.
ct!niki is doing what she can to survive, but it is diffcult when she is in-dept and outnumbered. she is not weak- not in the slightest, but she tries to play smart. she puts up with the emperor for now, and works under the table to help pogtopia where she can. when she isn't helping her friends or working, she spends her free time baking, with her animals or knitting.
she comes from a far away place, and joined the esempi at nineteen to help wilbur. at current, she is around twenty, though ages are difficult to keep track of when you've been through so much in such little time.
ct!niki uses she/her , they/them pronouns (currently). this may change as their character progresses. she identifies as bisexual, and considers herself cis, though she is questioning her comfort with the label. ct!niki has bpd, diagonised and treated. she has depression as well, and with the state of manburg, she is very often anxious and jumpy, though good at hiding it.
ct!niki is a hybrid, most visibly so as a rabbit. she reveals this to very few- but she also is part angel, which plays into how she ever even met wilbur & was invited into the esempi in the first place. she has long rabbit ears, that she often dyes to match her hair color. she doesn't seem to have any visible angelic features, though there is a sort of glow to her.
niki has all three of her lives. she does not disclose this to anyone.
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❝ the kind of girl, I know your fellas, they'd be proud of.. ❞
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tag guide...
out of character:
lore related ooc tag : #ctrlverse ooc tag : #ooc + #icing cakes! roleplay threads : #made with love! heavy topic roleplay : #still hot! ( + [content] tw ) [ ex: blood tw ] end of threads : #out of the oven! sillies / joke / memeposting : #pie splat! submissions / etc : #supply delivery! angst : #wish i was ( a normal girl )
in character:
lore esc reblogs : #be proud of aesthetic reblogs : #piece of cake! in character asks : #to the bakery! in character posts : #what baking can do! recipe posts : #easy as pie! /r & yearn tag : #how do i be your baby?
tags for others:
@amongfeathers : #birds of a feather @raccoondiscs : #the bakers apprentice @mistforest : #some bunny loves you @lackhumanity : #slime time @citrusdoctor : #I need a doctor @radioactivezon : #sweet little bumblebee @divisiveexplosions : #a familiar place
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nori357 · 1 year
*obligatory pinned message*
henno and welcome to my silly wumblr blog, this is where i post all of my artwork, writing and other various things that interest me, feel free to message me and send me asks!
~ fandoms ~
07th expansion
doki doki literature club
shoujo shuumatsu ryokou
hidamari sketch
houseki no kuni
hunter x hunter
jojo no kimyou na bouken
and a lot more i may have forgotten about, feel free to talk to me about any of these and expect to see them all randomly pop up from time to time
the binding of isaac
yume nikki
~ tags ~
#nori357 art - stuff that is mine
#nori357 rambles - posts of me talking
#other's art - stuff that isn't mine
#friendshaped - animals, includes weird ones
#fishies :) - marine life special interest
#longpost - posts that are really long
#memepost - memes and sillies
~ socials ~
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