shirecorn · 3 years
i need a longimal as my orthopedic bodypillow a huge cuddle snake
h.... how tall are you....
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terfslying · 5 years
Having a known token of a raging transmisogynist come to your defense isn't a good look, especially one that takes pride in recoining an TERF insult. Also again it's not your place to call anyone out. Get of your high horse and admit that you either don't really care about trans women's struggle or that you clearly stepped out of line by coddling a transmisogynist. But tbh I've buried to many friends to care at this point. You are more interested in feeling superior than helping us.
Who are you even talking about lol?
Sorry to interrupt your monologue but i have literally no clue what you’re talking about or if you’re the longanon from before
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terfslying · 5 years
All longanon answers:
also why does nobody care that gc men/radfems talk positively about intersex issues FOR THEIR OWN SAKE not just to confuse people about sex. Some of us have CAH or AIS, PAIS. 2nd, a GC opinion: men want uteri & to go by she? Go for it. I think it's reactionary, & I'll be open about that, but it's not my choice. But pushing lines like "lesbians like dick, afab-exclusive=fetish" is WRONG. My family has already brought up transdick as a gotcha. Too few of yall care about fallout for gnc/gay people.
Not sure if this is out of order however: “afab-exclusive = fetish” is wrong, it’s not a view I support, and I agree there’s fallout for gay people, so why are you telling me off for pushing it when I don’t?
where do I see lesbians like dick? everywhere. Not explicitly here, though implied with referencing that some lesbians might like no-op transwomen. You are carving out a niche balanced view, and I appreciate that. Don't pretend like it's the majority of the trans/nb community, or the liberal or leftist take on things.
Why are you talking to me as if I am speaking for the entire liberal or leftist ‘take’? You’re talking to me, you get my viewpoint.
there's a lot more going on with ‘erase women’s anatomy and oppression’ than I even have knowledge of. But for me some big ones: it's no longer women's reproductive justice. It's pregnant people, despite us all knowing damn well the intersection between our potential reproductive system and how woman has meant (still means) property too often. Femininity isn't social control, it's fun! It's expression, medically necessary, a part of womanhood. Rapes/assault being covered up.
“Pregnant people” vs “pregnant women” is important in medical contexts to prevent female people being denied medical care on account of not being ‘women’. It also makes self-help resources more inclusive for gnc female people.
“Femininity isn’t social control, it’s fun!” - femininity is social control for female people. Non-female people practicing femininity are literally breaking their prescribed gender roles and undermining the patriarchy.
“Rapes/assault being covered up” - specific examples?
And I'm sorry but I've seen some of the same trans-activist people in threads you're on, who you interact with positively, say shit like "anyway terfs die". Now, maybe someone they perceive as a terf has threatened them. Someone I know to be trans has threatened me. Is it ok for me to go online and say "TRAs, die"? Ofc not. So you tell me you call hateful TRAs out equal to calling out terfs, and I have doubts. Perhaps you could title your blog Terfs and Misogynist TRAs lying, and work on that.
I like how manipulatively you have phrased, “someone they perceive as a terf” vs. “someone I know to be trans”. I’ve also seen hundreds of TERFs online post shit like “Trannies die”, and had death threats personally from people I KNOW to be TERFs. Both sides behave like shit in that sense, and both sides feel like they are on the defensive. The only way to end that nonsense is to STOP participating in “well they do _____ so it’s okay for me to do _______”. But guess what? I’m also not the Tumblr police. Do you personally check the blog history of every person you interact with on Tumblr to ensure they’ve never said anything Problematique? Because I don’t, sorry.
re: erasing women's oppression, there's also a deliberate attempt to chuck out all the shit from the 70s you apparently hate. God forbid we misgender a rapist, or "cancel" any man for misogyny, but reading even excerpts from old radical feminists? Heresy, evil, invaders. Quite fucking honestly, I'll look into the history, but this calling some women political lesbian and thus dead to us thing has all sorts of potential as antifeminist slander. Especially if men think they can talk on it.
I’m talking about actual events in the 70’s that set up the trans-discourse-in-lesbian-spaces-non-stop situation, not whatever shit you’re talking about here.
Also, I have literally done readings and annotations of many radical feminist texts on this site. Stop using me as a puppet to argue with every person you’ve ever thought was a TRA.
I’m also curious if when you became "ex-" radfem, does this mean you also became against being critical of porn and critical of the sex industry? Note - critical of the INDUSTRY and culture, as in the corporations and bosses, pimps, traffickers, johns, and the academics, "art", and media who cover it as queer or fun or sexy or a good way to pay off student loans... not the workers or the prostituted (i'm differentiating here based on a spectrum of how much autonomy and liberty is retained)
No, it doesn’t mean that. I’ve said before - I am pro sex-worker and believe in evidence based rules for helping women in that situation, which means no Nordic system, but I don’t believe that you can ‘manage’ any sex workers in a brothel-type situation without it being dangerous.
I also am passionately opposed to all kinds of trafficking and slavery for personal reasons, and that obviously includes people trafficked for sex work.
at the end of the day I'm still just like... why can't women who love cis and trans women (or men who love cis and trans men) just say you're bi and that's your preference? Why does gay and lesbian have to always theoretically be flexible? It's obviously used against us, in a biased manner (again, does anyone really expect and go after straight people to be flexible?) ... and is it really worth it? Is temporary relief of a social construct borne pain worth it?
It’s not for ‘relief of a social construct borne pain’ - it’s just to accurately describe myself.
Because I’m not bi. I’m a lesbian. I exist in my city’s lesbian society, as a lesbian who dates lesbians. Then later, I became trans-inclusive. ‘Lesbian’ has to be flexible because human beings are flexible.
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terfslying · 5 years
I got a heap more anons from the same anon overnight so when I reply to them I’ll be tagging them “longanon” in case anyone wants to give that a miss (+ just for context)
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shirecorn · 3 years
It's just hooty from the owl house
Heckle me not! I have been drawing longimals since before owl house was announced!
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I really need to see the owl house though... It seems right up my alley.
But since you were so bold, you are now condemned to scroll through the entirety of longanon. Woe is ye!
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Hey owlhouse if you're looking, hire me ;)
Ermine Hagfish | Grass Gongor | Seahorse Wyrm & Dragon Dog Do You Love the Color of Anon?
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shirecorn · 3 years
I think the only thing that would improve the Long Anon would be the lower end with 'bitch' in tiny text
fun fact this was what i had until i took it out last minute
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but no, I like bitch better and I need to edit longanon anyway because it showed up on my dashboard and the background stood out
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terfslying · 5 years
Your answer to the longanon ask is really really disappointing. First you misgender trans men, then you draw false equivalents between trans people demanding their rights and bigots litteraly advocating their death. And then you literally agree with transmisogynist talking points. Honestly you just sound like another transphobe and transmisogynist who opposes TERFs for their own gain rather than out of solidarity with trans people.
I’m assuming the ‘misgender trans men’ bit was the ‘gnc female people’ bit? That is one of the phrases I will tend to use when talking to a TERF who is using it - I don’t specifically mean trans men, but anyone who might be uncomfortable with being assumed to be a woman. But I can 100% see how that’s still kind of shitty, now that you mention it.
Some words I absolutely will not use even if the TERF is using them (eg. “TiM/TiF”, straight up slurs + unqualified ‘male’ or ‘female’) and I can always expand that list if trans men are uncomfortable with ‘gnc female people’ as an umbrella term for basically any trans or nonbinary person needing obgyne medical care.
For the “false equivalence” bit, do you mean the discussion of anon hate? (eg.  “TRAs die” bit). I really specifically only meant the use of anon hate + mean words on tumblr for that part - that’s why I said “Both sides behave like shit in that sense”, since I felt like longanon was using “trans people have sent me anon hate before” as a reason that TERFs are superior.
As always, followers please feel free to comment on this with what you think about those answers & the problems with them. More information is always good when I’m trying to improve.
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