#look all im saying is nrs could do better but they don't
mrstsung · 25 days
I'm doing this shang tsung MY WAY!
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Which ignoring canon that he was in. And placing him in my version of mortal kombat. (Which aligns more to the original timelines)
So a young shang tsung,who was once an earthrealm warrior,felt betrayed and was cohersd by shao kahn to join his court in outworld and fight on "his side" so to speak.
As for the dark magic/soul magic. He was always curious,but only curious. He only dived deeper because he was 1. Forbade to without so as much as a decent explanation on why it's "forbidden" and 2. Because he was trying to help earthrealm in any way possible,by any means. But he was again told no. So in his mind. It's like "wtf do you want me to do? It's like i bring a solution and you don't like me playing by the rules you created,which i try to follow yet. I get it spat back in my face" type deal. Course there's nuance to this and it's mainly raidens falt for not telling shang properly and handling things better. And yes,shang was his chosen and student before great lao. Great lao came in a tad bit later. Then came the tournament. He was actually trained by the shadow priests,who worked for shao kahn but revered shang. As they saw a prodigy in him. And magic aside. That man was a fucking excellent warrior,deadly as is. Add sorcery to him and he's a beast. <3
But anyways
Like i have a whole backstory more on shang tsung and i feel alan lee's shang is a good baby days shang tsung. Freshly cursed,freshly courtly mage,etc.
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When we get tagawa's shang,is only after he gets his island. Which i hc was given to him by shao kahn as a gift. He wasn't gonna use it. So it was shang's dominion. In doing so he kinda fucked up because now,shang tsung was a lord of his own realm or pocket dimension. He has full jurisdiction and power over his island. The island's natural soul well was fortified to work in shang AND ONLY SHANG TSUNGS favor. He made the island self sufficient. (More on shang's island in another post) now. Only after spending years there,gaining knowledge,power,secrets,etc and a bit of forcefed defeat. Does our lovely sorcerer become more of the shang tsung we know and love. Wisdom and decades even centuries of knowledge gained.
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Now back to young shang.
Young shang(alan lees shang/ mk12/mk1 shang) is a tad more prideful,maybe even jovial,always ever confident but in a youthful way. A spirit never breaking no matter how many times kicked down. These traits are amplified in his youth. He gets chiller and more relaxed and composed as he becomes more and more like out like elder shang tsung (tagawa's shang tsung/mk 95/mk11 shang) so that being said. Not too much difference,yet the aura is different and more of someone genuinely scholarly. Tagawa's shang is already a master,to get to that part. We need more development.
Now Lee's shang has great potential but i doubt that nrs ever would give him that genuine opportunity given how the script and story is being written. It feels its holding him back. And that kills me because it's such an amazing talent.
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Now a young shang tsung to me is ever the curious. Not that ever stopped. But in his youth,he was always asking why or how. He wants to just know. He has to know. That can bite him in the ass or save his ass. Either way that is a core trait.
Shang tsung not being given an opportunity to join earthrealms warriors is a crime and honestly really really stupid on nrs.
It's rushed and they know it but they dont care because $$$ and micro transactions...
Anyways. Young shang tsung to me also needed a lot of reassurance not because of that lack of confidence,nah it's more of a reminder of "is this good? Is this wise? Am i crazy for feeling this or is this pride getting in the way?" He is confident in skills,he is not with other aspects more so he just doesn't want to disappoint. And Because he doesn't want to screw things up for the long run. But as trial and error happens,he gets more confident in his decisions.
He has his moments too and showing vulnerability and humanity in antagonists is very important. But not done in a backhanded slap to the character and audiences intelligence. Which unfortunately mk12/mk1 kinda does unfortunately.
And honestly,i felt bad for him. More than i ever did.
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In conclusion,young shang tsung should be shown and given an opportunity to show with that an insight into shang's mind,heart,and things we actually don't see.
And some things in mk12/mk1 shang i absolutely am like "YES YES YES!" but because of everyone else,it's hard to enjoy because everyone else is insufferable.
Genuinely. Insufferable.
Like compared to shang tsung who gets something real,raw,human,believable,grounded,and interesting.
Nobody else in the story feels like characters,they feel like action figures playing along. And in a way that feels forced and fake to fit a boxed in trope. The script and writing feels ai generated.
Shang tsung seems to be the only one given some kinda agency and not even 100% either. It's not the greatest and it has flaws but by comparison it's great. Comparing that shang to every other shang tho? Kinda rushed and sloppy. And a disappointment. But it sucks because i want to really like that shang tsung.
So i jusy said fuck it. Im rewriting that shang.
Young shang tsung,mr. Alan lee. You deserve better. And honestly i think it's a wasted opportunity to have a shang centric game for once. It would be different,fun,and a change of pace.
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*kisses forehead* lemme save you from shitty narrative and writing shang. Plz.
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stormyoceans · 5 months
Monica, you and me both. i seriously hope they don't do anything to mess up what we've going on now. because it's been a perfect streak so far and i really badly don't want it ruined. but i don't really trust thai bls that much. the dad showing up completely uncalled for like that was a little bit of turn off for me in that matter. (cause i dint think that was a very important storyline, barely relevant at all to what we've seen of Day's story so far) and i hope that doesn't take more than 5 mins to get resolved. forced separation my beloathed. i also worry night and day will not be resolved as satisfactorily as i want it to (tho i hear we can trust p'aof on that) as there are only 4 more eps left and it's probably not gonna happen in ep 3. andd. as for one last thing, i also wish and hope desperately we get a bit of a reversal in their dynamic. with day being more of a crutch to mohk than the other way around. you know just to complete the picture on both sides. anyways, manifesting nothing but the best. -Skate
MORE RAMBLINGS AND SPECULATIONS AND PERSONAL WORRIES AND FILMING SPOILERS ABOUT LAST TWILIGHT UNDER THE CUT (just to be safe because i really don't wanna ruin people's excitement with my negativity. im also afraid my nomnom card might get revoked ;;;;;;;;)
i personally didn’t mind day’s dad showing up at the end of episode 8 because he has been mentioned since episode 2 and there’s also been a lot of emphasis on day’s mom being a single mom who raised him and night by herself, so i did expect day’s dad to play a role in the story at some point. i do agree that his introduction was rather abrupt tho, like day bringing him up out of nowhere while talking to mork and implying that songkhla was his hometown was a bit too on the nose imho, i think it could have been done a little bit better, but i’ve forgiven shows for much worse. once again my main fear with day’s dad is that he was introduced just to explain why he and ramon separated hence kind of foreshadowing mork and day also eventually separating, which as we previously established i would HATE
and you know it's not like im against separation on principle, i do think it could work for morkday if, let's say, mork was offered a job he's really passionate about in another town and was upfront about it with day and day told him 'you can't be my caretaker forever, you are my boyfriend, i want us to be equal, take this opportunity and make your dreams come true', because i do also agree with you on the fact that we've always seen mork supporting day and i need to have day supporting mork as well to balance things out a little bit more (not to always bring up vice versa but one of the main reasons i love puentalay is the mutuality and equality of their relationship). if this were to happen, they could still talk to each other on the phone and have mork go visit day over the weekend, they would still have a relationship based on love and understanding which is what their entire journey has been about. if this were to happen, i would become separation nr. 1 fan. i would be ready to print every single word of doubts i've ever expressed about the last 3 episodes and literally EAT THEM. the problem is that even if we're talking about p'aof, i can't fully trust him with not going down the misunderstanding route and not making them broke the promise they made of always holding each other's hands. i know that in bad buddy he made everyone think patpran broke up only to say SIKE, but unfortunately that's not enough to reassure me
the only hope i have is this picture
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which to me does look like a 'mork is torn about leaving for his dream job but day is giving him his full support', but unfortunately I HAVE TRUST ISSUES OKAY. I'VE BEEN HURT BY SHOWS BEFORE. and i can't really explain this shot of mork crying in the trailer unless it's about day breaking up with him
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day and night's reconciliation is honestly the thing im less worried about because i do fully believe it's gonna happen, maybe not right away because if night was indeed somehow responsible for day losing his sight i think day is gonna need more time, but i think we're gonna see them finally have a proper talk with each other and by the end of it day is gonna leave an opening for their relationship to heal and go back to what it used to be
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
first of all i’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everyone who’s been interacting with my work!! and obviously, enjoying my content&&following me!! it’s unbelievable to me that 2k people now appreciate my writing (and my personality too i guess😌🤚)
that’s why i decided to do a small ask game! below i gathered a bunch of prompts and threw in some of my ideas!!
here’s how it works (although i think you know how such games work): you send me an ask. simple as that! now, the rules are simple as well. you just have to write a number with a prompt or quote it + a member. you can ask for up to 3 dialogue prompts and up to 3 action prompts (you can request them all together tho, eg. prompt nr 71, 75 and 40 for dialogue with nr 7 and 38 for action)
when it comes to members i write for bts, enha, skz, txt aaaaand *drum roll* svt!! i thought it’s gonna be a good opportunity to start writing for them as well :D
so, here’s the list (sorry for such a long intro ㅠㅠ). also!! the ones in cursive are my faves hehe :D
“shit, wait… i’ll patch you up”
“it reminded me of you”
“i’ll walk you home”
“can i have this dance?”
“can i hold your hand?”
“i’ve got you”
“we’ll figure this out, i promise”
“you owe me”
“be careful”
“i think i picked up your coffee by mistake”
“wait, are you jealous?”
“you’re kinda cute… you know, only kinda”
“can you come with me? i don’t wanna go on my own”
“i like my shirt on you, it looks cute”
“tell me about your day. let me make it better”
“you’re staring again”
“i missed you so much”
“im going to marry you one day”
“the bed is cold without you”
“can you carry me up to bed…?”
“i like having you here”
“i’m all yours. not going anywhere”
“it’s okay, you can sit here with me for as long as you’d like”
“just trust me, yeah?”
“will you just… hold me? please”
“let me take care of you, okay?”
“i can never say no to you”
“please look at me”
“why are you so stubborn?”
“oh don’t get so shy now”
“"what are you do-“ “look, now we match!”
“...who do I need to punch?”
“kiss me, old man”
“just one kiss?”
“hey, what's wrong? talk to me”
“i promised, didn’t i?”
“we have a problem”
“i just want to go home”
“i’ll protect you”
“that feels nice”
“don’t get up. i’m comfortable like this”
“i came as soon as i could”
“i don't think I'll ever get used to waking up next to you”
“wanna bet?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“i’m only here for the dog”
“my mom adores you”
“is that… my shirt?”
“i’m sorry, what were you saying? i keep getting distracted because of your lips”
“say that again”
“don’t be ridiculous, there’s enough room on this bed for both of us”
“you might be an idiot but you're my idiot”
“did you just… bite me?”
“i’m not even that drunk…”
“make me”
“please tell me this is not why you woke me up”
“i have troubles falling asleep without you next to me”
“but admit it, you love it/me”
“did you just kiss me?”
“why are you avoiding me?”
“are you seriously giving me the silent treatment?”
“you’re acting like such a child sometimes”
“i haven’t seen you all day, i might pass out”
„your hair is so soft…”
“i’m not going to stop poking you until you give me some attention”
“c’mere, you can sit on my lap”
“are you warm enough?”
“it’s me! it’s me! calm down, baby, please”
“do you not have better things to be doing?”
“you’re being all cute and sweet, it’s making me want to kiss you”
“don’t touch me, i’m all sick” “it’s alright”
“sorry for waking you, baby. go back to sleep”
“you think i’m cute?”
“my heart is beating so fast right now”
“you’re stuck here because of me”
“take my hand”
“you were my first kiss”
“just like i expected, you’re much comfier than my pillow”
“i trust you. more than anyone else”
“i promise you that whatever you saw was just a nightmare. it’s not real, i’m here now”
forehead kisses
knuckle/hand kisses
holding their/your waist
back hugs
ruffling hair
glancing at their/your lips
fixing their/your hair
cupping cheeks
hiding their/your face in their/your neck
playing with their/your hair
napping together
massaging their/your shoulders
nose kisses
playing with their/your fingers
resting head on their/your shoulder
tying their/yours shoelaces
holding hands
intertwining fingers
comparing hand sizes
piggy back ride
resting their/your head on their/your lap
bridal carrying
standing on your tip toes to reach their lips
smiling between kisses
dancing together
wearing your/their clothes
being tipsy
cooking together
cleaning together
wiping the corner of their/your mouth with their/your thumb
being sick
talking in their/your sleep
having a fight
waking up together
squeezing hands
midnight talks
snuggling in a blanket
dancing/running away from the rain
poking cheeks
taglist. @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Ok huge vent ahead.
If you dont wanna read vents or hear me being pissed at NRS and some fans. Plz scroll. Plz ignore. Thank you.
Srry your fave being edenian,a lover of that particular part of mk lore. Really don't make you special. In fact it makes you look like a haughty asshole.
Look they are great. Dont get me wrong. But.....acting like they are the best,greatest shit since sliced bread is kinda irritating.
Especially recent iterations of that part of the lore. Urgh .
That was supposed to be a mysterious and not in the forefront of mk. The forefront being the tournament itself.
The realms are a minor background flavor.
And there is more realms than "eDeNia" a small part in outworld (which is huge and made up of other smaller realms btw) and earthrealm.
Plusno offence. Kitana isn't you special uwu princess. She is a warrior and heir to a kingdom first and foremost.
It isn't some dumb western biblical story. That pisses me off. Idgaf what nrs is feeding y'all.
To me i would rather take it more as eastern myths and legends n beliefs of heaven,the nine immortals,mythos,etc
Because im sick of y'all thinking eurocentric shit when it comes to asian cultures. Even fictional based ones.
Like idgaf if edenia isn't based on one group or is fictional. The fact y'all defult to Christian-europian type of religious imagery is disturbing.
Like if we dont get enough implications in canon that edenia was colonized.
Like srsly tho. I'm kinda sick of some peoples stupid hot takes on kitana. Like my girl is asian. Deal with it!!! Mileena is her cloned sister. Also asian.
Sindel? Asian. Shao kahn? Part Dragon AND ASIAN! Maybe Mongolian if you wanna be specific.
Hell even the shokan can be asian cultures based. They are part dragon. No not the "typical" western European dragon. (Sick of people thinking that thats the only kind)
Jade? A beautiful dark skinned Indian woman, WHICH IS ALSO ASIAN BTW!
Skarlet? She is half edenian,so part maybe part asian. Either way. I want edenia to be a hodgepodge of ALL asian cultures and based mythos. Because fuck you,we need more positive asian cultures representations thats why!
Nor is it palatable or likeable in a story. It's 3rd grade lvls of writing to a point where i find better shit on wattpad then in canon. some fans(not all) dont help the matter.
Like they could be done so much better. The characters within that part of mk could be done so much more justice. And make it less nauseatingly and eyerollingly typical.
I wont apologize for being pissed. Because it is a problem. And has always been a problem in mk. 30yrs and they continue to ignore it. Fans and game writers alike.
But like can't edenians be better? Like making them like elves or the "special people" isn't good writing nor is it likable.
It's boring and making them mary sues of mortal kombat isn't helping. Like nothing was corrupt before shao kahn? Bullshit. Yiy know damn well there was. They aint pretty perfect. So stop acting like they were or are. Its not realistic even for a FANTASY world! Like canon and fans alike do not write world buliding very well. I know,i know what you're gonna say. "But thats not the point of mortal kombat,its a fighting game" yes true. But it established lore and a story for years and then took a huge dump on it because $$$. And fans buy into it anyways because they dont actually wanna properly give a critique where it is needed. And if we are gonna actually call out the bullshit,and the bigotry,and the sexism. ACTUALLY CALL IT OUT WHERE IT IS. AND ACTUALLY ADDRESS THE ISSUES. you can still love mk,WHILE ALSO calling out the crap that the company nrs,boon,and the writers pull.
Look not all fans are like this. Most are great. But it grinds my gears when i meet or see a few that miss the fucking point of why 11's "interpretations" of the characters were so assbackwards. And why it pisses long time fans off
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Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange Masterlist 
A huge thanks to every person who signed up for our gift exchange, we got 18 really wonderful fics! For anyone who isn’t sure what this was all about, this was a double blind gift exchange where each of our eighteen (18!!!) writers were assigned four tropes from an anonymous recipient, and were tasked with writing a fic that fit our holiday theme, and included all the tropes. The only guidance from their recipient were a couple of brief notes they included during the sign up, and both the writer and recipient were revealed when we shared all the fics! These fics, as with all our Chopped fics, were creative and unique, and found ways to utilise tropes that may seem so simple in really spectacular ways! If this gift exchange, or any of our other Chopped events, have sparked your interest, keep your eyes peeled on this page for some future events we have planned, and sign up to join the fun! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy these wonderful holiday fics!
Love to everyone who participated, Bailey and Sara <3 
Let it Snow (And I’ll Get Sentimental) [G] (Memori) 
Written by @mylifeiskara, for @hostagetakerandhistraitor​. The four assigned tropes were 1) friends made a bet, 2) one character kisses the other and the one who got kissed is shocked still, 3) amnesia AU, 4) ark AU (or any other AU where the story takes place in space).
All John Murphy wants for Christmas is for Emori to remember who he is.
Won’t let you go [G] (Clurphy) 
Written by sapphictomaz, for @vmreed​. The four assigned tropes were 1) childhood friends-to-lover, 2) grounder au, 3) tattoos, and 4) body painting
There is nothing shared in Clarke and Murphy's lives. They come from opposite clans who have a history of warfare between them. She lives in the jungle, while he calls the mountainside home. She celebrates the holidays by dancing the year away, and he does so by claiming dominance on another year that has passed.
They meet, anyways, and realize that sometimes, you have to make your own traditions.
Contained Constant Chaos [T] (Murven)
Written by @vmreed, for sapphictomaz. The four assigned tropes were 1) Post-Apocalypse AU (different from canon), 2) Found Family, 3)Hurt/Comfort, and 4) "You're an asshole to everybody else, but you're nice to me"
“Please don’t kill me.” He said, stupidly.
She raised an eyebrow, saying nothing, but offering him a box of tampons.
and i’ll die by your side if you want me to [T] (Memori)
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman​, for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were 1) based on a tv show (author chose Timeless), 2) soulmate AU, 3) fake dating, and 4) timeloop/groundhog day AU.
Murphy got tapped to come work for a special project after he was arrested for stealing a military vehicle right off of the base (long story). Turns out the special project... involved time travel... so theres that. About 6 months after he signed on, it all went horribly sideways, and now they were chasing their friends across history, trying to stop them from making a horrible mistake.
Thats how they end up in the middle of World War I France on Christmas day in 1914. Thats how she dies.
And then... somehow... the day begins again. Can he figure out a way to stop The Blake Siblings from wrecking history forever and also save the girl?
This Christmas, You're All That I Want (Just Don't Tell Anyone) [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @bellarkestitchdelena​, for @captaindaddykru​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Joke kiss turned serious, 2) The main ship must share something (can literally be anything), 3) Two characters giving extremely biased flashbacks to an event, and 4) Secret Relationship.
It all starts trying to prove Murphy wrong
Season’s Grievances [G] (Multi)
Written by @hostagetakerandhistraitor​, for @teeandsnowflakes​. The four assigned tropes were 1) a terribly loud crash and one of the characters yelling ‘IM OKAY’ from another room, 2) huddle for warmth, 3) found family, and 4) one character is ‘icy’ and slowly defrosts. 
Bellamy and Raven have been best friends for over 3 years. They found each other at their low points and bonded to turn each other into better people. But when Bellamy starts dating Raven's ex, Echo, things get icy. This is a story of family, friendship, romance, betrayal, culinary inaptitude, with a slight zest of things I wanted to be canon. Also a Blake family Christmas party.
Kiss Me Babe, It's Christmas Time [M] (Bellarke)
Written by @eyessharpweaponshot, for @shen-gong-oops​. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character has a child, 2) Characters are not together but are mistaken for a couple, 3) Terribly loud crash and one character goes ‘oops’ in a casual voice, 4) Two characters giving extremely biased flashbacks of the same event.
How long have you been in love with him? Seven years now?’ ‘Eight’ Clarke corrects him, her voice muffled through her hands as she cups her face. She’s still trying to calm her heart rate down. Murphy simply laughs, his amusement of this clear as day. ‘Don’t know what you’re laughing at. You were in the same boat with Raven’ Clarke reminds him. ‘Not for eight years, I wasn’t.’ Clarke rolls her eyes. She should never have told Murphy. The results of too much wine and being the last ones standing after a night in Grounders a couple of years ago. ‘Look, all I’m saying is it might be worth telling him’ he shrugs, leaning against the broom in his hand. Clarke gives him a pointed look. ‘Nobody is telling Bellamy anything.’
Christmas time, a harbouring secret and a festive get-together. The perfect combination.
where the love light gleams [T] (Murven)
Written by @teeandsnowflakes, for @kuklash​. The four assigned tropes were 1) meet cute, 2) first kiss, 3) surprise proposal, 4) pregnancy AU.
Raven hadn't been home for Christmas in four years, but the one year she did, she met Murphy, new in town since she had last been there, and learns a very important lesson about the holidays.
i know you can feel the magic we don't need to talk about it [T] (Bellarke)
Written by @captaindaddykru , for @eyessharpweaponshot​. The four assigned tropes were 1) exes, 2) jealousy, 3) protectiveness, 4) modern au. 
Christmas eve, Clarke's sort-of-ex shows up at her door in the middle of an awkward family dinner and so she ends up flashing him. Holiday spirit and all.
Dance Your Way Home [T] (Becho)
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​, for @dylanobrienisbatman​. The four assigned tropes were 1) historical AU (1920′s or earlier), 2) almost kiss/interrupted kiss, 3) holiday party, and 4) sunrises.
“We need to get you home. You’re freezing.”
Home. She has no home.
Everyone Telling You Be of Good Cheer [G] (Clurphy)
Written by @kinetic-elaboration​, for @hopskipaway​. The four assigned tropes were 1) amnesia, 2) found family, 3) oblivious pining, and 4) and mistletoe kiss.
“Merry Christmas, by the way,” Clarke adds, which settles that.
“You too. Merry Christmas.” He takes down Bellamy’s NYU mug without thinking, tries to shake the feeling that he’s no more than an extra in Clarke’s amnesiac version of Groundhog’s Day. That this is, somehow, normal. That he is not wondering, the thought like an invasive little jingle in his ear, what she thinks yesterday was.
The day after Murphy, Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven return from disappointing family Christmases, Clarke wishes that they could have spent the holiday together instead. A fall down the stairs, a bout of amnesia—and suddenly it’s Christmas again. And again. And again. Reliving the day puts even Murphy into the holiday spirit, and helps him learn to open his heart to his friends, and to the possibility of love.
3 Times Murphy Lost a Fight, and 1 Time He Didn't  [M] (Clurphy)
Written by @kuklash​, for @mylifeiskara​. The four assigned tropes were 1) 3+1, 2) Oblivious Pining, 3) Work Party, and 4) First Kiss.
Dec. 20th, 2003
"This party is gonna fucking suck, Clarke."
"Of course it’s gonna suck, Murphy, but if you want this job you have to schmooze," the blonde said with an eye roll. "The best place to schmooze is the company Christmas party."
A Little Brighter [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @shen-gong-oops​, for @bellarkestitchdelena​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Rivals to Lovers, 2) Arranged Marriage AU, 3) Pregnancy, and 4) Sunsets.
Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Clarke. "If I were to take up your father's offer for knighthood, please know, I do not wish to be the knight to the princess of all Arkadia."
Or: Bellamy takes a really long time to realize he's being a hypocrite.
when i’m feelin' alone (you remind me of home) [G] (Clurphy)
Written by @hopskipaway​, for @probably-voldemort​. The four assigned tropes were 1) royalty au, 2) marriage pact, 3) clumsy character, and 4) roommates. 
Within the walls of the palace, Princess Clarke of Arkadia lives a quiet and lonesome life.
That is, until John Murphy waltzes into her life and changes it forever. She’s not complaining.
sweet dreams of holly and ribbon, mistakes are forgiven, and everythin' is icy and blue, and you would be there too
make my wish come true [T] (Murven)
Written by @probably-voldemort​, for @kinetic-elaboration​. The four assigned tropes were 1) almost kiss / interrupted kiss, 2) holiday movie (as in being in a holiday movie), 3) friends with benefits, and 4) band au. 
It's been ten years since the Delinquents went off air, so clearly it's time for a reunion in the form of a Christmas special. Yeah, it sounded like bullshit to Murphy, too, but he hadn't seen the crew since Raven's wedding a few years back, and he'd managed to convince Kane that his character should have a dog, so there was no way it could be all bad.
Last Christmas [NR] (Bellarke)
Written by @bellarkeshoe​, for @hiddenpolkadots​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Exes, 2) Fake dating, 3) Kiss under the mistletoe, and 4) Modern Au.
Bellamy Blake never thought he would see Clarke Griffin again in his life. At least, not after the way things ended. He wished that things had gone differently because well, he cared about her. He loved her and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He never even really got the chance to tell her that.
Everything happened so fast. One moment he is as happy as he can be, enjoying his life as a professor with an amazing girlfriend, and just like that, his world came crumbling down and over one huge misunderstanding.
But when they ended it, they both said some things they didn’t mean, or well he hoped she didn’t mean what she had said, he knows he didn’t.
But that is all in the past now, he can never forget about her, he still thinks about her everyday, but there is nothing he can really do about it. Clarke hates him for some reason and he doesn’t know if he’s totally over the fact that she ended things.
He is sure she had a good reason to. I mean at least that’s what he hopes. If the love they felt for each other was genuine and real than she should have had a very good reason to end things, right?
your eyes outshine the town, they do [T] (Bellarke)
Written by @hiddenpolkadots​, for @thelittlefanpire. The four assigned tropes were 1) magic au, 2) competing businesses, 3) secret relationship, and 4) kiss in the snow.
“I’m going to make you enjoy Christmas,” she tells him, her confidence in herself almost overwhelming. “I can’t do anything about the weather but I’m pretty sure I can handle the rest. By the time the season is over you’re going to love Christmas.”
“I highly doubt that,” he says, staring at her hard. “I may just tolerate it at best.”
“I’ll take it,” she says, “Bellamy Blake, prepare to have the best Christmas of your life.
or, sometimes christmas is you and your rival falling into a snowbank together.
Taste of Arkadia [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @thelittlefanpire​, for @bellarkeshoe​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Rivals to Lovers, 2) Character A catches Character B crying, 3) Modern AU, and 4) Competing businesses (author’s choice).
Before Christmas, the Chancellor of Arkadia charges his son with the task of repurposing the city’s warehouse district into a cool, hip hub for commerce and camaraderie.
At its opening, an impromptu competition among the many businesses in the area begin for the best spot in the ARK.
Take a read! Leave a kudos/comment! These fics are so unique and fun and the authors worked so hard on them. Thanks so much!
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mrstsung · 5 months
Vent below if you like liu kang this post isn't for you. This is basically an anti liu kang and really angry post.
Giving y'all a warning.
Again DNI if you like liu kang or "stan" him. Or are a fire god liu kang fan. Because this post isn't for you.
Like I'm giving a warning for a reason because im not gonna be nice rn. I choose violence today ok?
Trying to cite warnings and tag this so people don't get up in arms. (Which they may anyways but hey thats on them if they click further)
Cw:vent,angry admin.
Last warning. If you like liu kang. Plz for the love of god dni and keep scrolling. But if you dont like him. And especially hate fire god liu kang. Plz Continue.
Vent below cut
If you like or stan liu kang but more so mk12/mk1 god *redacted titans derogatory* liu kang.
Kick rocks. He's an asshole. Have a nice die liu kang. 💀🗑⚰
Nah. You can miss me with that. Liu kang deserves nothing but death and suffering. In fact everyone BUT shang tsung deserves it.
Nah if yall would have gave shang something actually decent,livable,love and care,maybe a fucking decent friend that wasn't a previous roster member?,etc. None of this would be a problem. But nope. Liu kang had to be a petty whore bitch with bias agenda. Could have made him evil and made him like dark raiden. But nope you had to make him insufferable and unlikable.
Like a guy who hides behind the im nice,till you disagree or reject his ideals and suddenly you're gaslighted and given shit. Omg much like religious indoctrination. How interesting. But they dont wanna talk about that.
People don't wanna talk about how shitty the writing is. But people don't care so as long as the characters are pretty and fuckable enough. But the more things change the more they stay the same i guess.
Everytime i see mk12/mk1 liu kang i wanna spit on him and punch him and set him on fire and just want him dead and gone for good. Because i fucking hate him. I have never hated even kronika this bad,more so i felt she was a waste of potential, and redundant af. Nah He deserves die.
Like go to Super hell liu kang. Piss off with your shitty fanfic Timeline. Loser bitch ass hiding behind a fake ass smile and preaching peace. Peace my ass. Shit happened anyways. Makes fucking shinnok look like a fucking saint sweetheart in comparison.
Like im not even joking. I don't even care about his reasons. I dont even care what canon says. Or these fucking mk1 liu kang fans say anymore. Im tired.
Which we all know it's because he has weird hang ups over kitana when he could have just fucking left,said fuck it and married her anyways. She would have said yes. But he had to be weird about it,roundabout af,and make everyone suffer because he couldn't get edanian pussy.
Or it's because maybe he thinks he can do better than raiden. The arrogant prick. Nah that god dilf raised you and you give him this shit?! After all he went through?! Thi s is the thanks you give him?! Liu kang im not just disappointed in you im disappointed in the fact raiden didn't kill you off when he had the chance when he went dark. Would've Saved us a shitty game and a half.
Like liu kang did all the things and still had bad things if not worse things. Happen. Preaching peace and prosperity my ass. Fake ass ugly ass hoebag bitch. I hope he chokes on his spit in his sleep. I hope sand get in his ass and never comes out. I hope he dies from this bullshit lame tarkat disease and gets ultra mega plague. I just fucking hate it man.
The villains are lame. The story is lame. Liu kangs fanfic is lame. And nrs is lame.
I'd rather deal with the shitty 2021 movie than this shit. I'd rather deal with shitty writing in mk11 than this. Fr. At least it's entertaining shit.
And shang tsung isn't a fucking dumpster fire in the story. Shao kahn while a meathead is still terrifying. Quan chi isn't there but in 10 he was fucking beeeeeast. Shinnok. Poor shinnok. You deserve better. Cetrion was a waste. Kronika too. Geras was actually scary,but now he's a tool.
Legitimately the gameplay is just juggle better,gimmicky kameos bullshit,and same ol crap different wrapper.
Mk12/mk1? More like mk11.5 . Nothing changes thats worth the money.
I can find better shit on emulators.
Graphics aside what does the new game really truly have to offer? Nothing.
Wishful thinking. Like a bag of lays chips but unlike potato chips which is useful. This game sadly. Is not.
(Liu kang is only valid if he's from the 95 movie thats it. Fuck every other version. But even then it's thin ice at this point. Nrs has ruined liu kang for me.)
So yeah kick rocks liu kang. I hate liu kang and anyone who stans his ass rn in the story and the new game can fuck right off.
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mrstsung · 5 months
Ask game time!
Original post:
who’s your main(s)? (character you play as most often): in most mk games i play shang tsung,kung lao,scorpion,or raiden. The rest i can wing it with but those i can get down quicker than the others on the roster.
who’s your favorite character(s)?: shang tsung(big fat duuuuh!) Kung lao(my first videogame crush,so him baby),scorpion(hanzo hasashi is the only scorpion i will die on that hill). Those 3 are my top 3 faves.
what character do you think is underrated?: honestly,shinnok. I don't understand why he isn't utilized more and better. It's honestly sad and a waste of potential. Although i can say this for a majority of characters especially the "villains" or bosses. It's honestly a crime. A close 2nd is maybe onaga. Like god damn man he could have been so fucking cool.
what character do you think is overrated?: dont hate me but. Liu kang. Specifically fire god liu kang. Like don't get me wrong i love liu just tye very specific one i have in my head. Like i feel the story revolved too much around him. It was worse than johnny cage and the bladedashians and special forces trying to take center stage. And that was awful. But sadly,how they did liu kang was worse because they could have wrote it better. In fact it felt like it was leaning into liu becoming what he hated and we could have had shang tsung,lao and raiden teaming up to stop liu. Liu realized what he has done and then stop the bigger bad and exile and atone for what he's done? I mean holy shit man talk about waste of potential.
character you hate having to fight against?: ok you mean in game or as if i was actually in mortal kombat? Well. Gamewise,i still get scared fighting shao kahn,even if he isn't at his best. It's still scary. Look childhood gamer trauma rage is a bitch. (Looking at you mk:sm/mortal kombat shaolin monks for the ps2!) But one I'd be scared to fight irl would be a bit of everyone but shang tsung. Oh not because he could kick my ass,that's a given. But the fact that soul snatching sexy sob would know i like him...a lot. And that magic is scary af man come on. He can shapeshift,shoot flaming skulls,suck my...soul. with 500+yrs of martial arts experience. Wtaf,how could you not piss your pants in terror?! But anyways. Shao kahn overall tho. (Fucking bastard owes me still)
how did you get into the series?: mortal kombat shaolin monks for the ps2. But shortly after that i started to play the og arcades more. Mk2 to be specific. Then i saw the mk 95 movie. Good shit,even to this day. Mk could learn a thing or two about its roots but that would require nrs to give a fuck.
what was the first entry you played?: see above.
favorite entry in the series?: mk shaolin monks. Mk2. Somewhat of deadly alliance. Maybe 3 or 4 but im very picky with it. As much shit as i gave mk11,I'd rather take it than mk12/mk1(2023) fr. The only good thing about it is shang tsungs voice actor,and even then i just am sad how they've done things. Not even for blorbo is it worth the money or investment.
favorite entry-specific (re)design, if you have one?: honestly i prefer mk11 aesthetic wise minus a few personal nitpicks. But overall visually it's beautiful. So yeah. Mk12/mk1(2023) all it has is aesthetics and none of the spirit of mk. Honestly it feels like one big joke or excuse to do a movie cheaply as possible. I dont know man,i just am sad about mortal kombats current state. If you were an old fan like myself,you'd understand. Im not saying some things aren't interesting ideas,i just feel the execution of said ideas have been piss poor and some things honestly should have stayed in drafts. I feel they are trying too hard rn to be "relevant" and not give out a good story. Or just reinventing their own lore....AGAIN. and it's annoying at this point. So much many people are making their own lore and shit because canon lore sucks. The world Building in mk has never been solid and thats it all weakest point imho.
favorite canon ship?: i only do self shipping. I dont care for canon ships. Or canon x canon ships.
favorite non canon ship?: same thing as above.
if you could pick a guest character, who would you pick? (can be as detailed as you want here): duke nukum. It's about fucking time. But they'd butcher him now. So im not sure.
if you could pick a character from any of the earlier entries to bring back, who would you choose?: honestly they need to get their story right before adding any characters to the roster otherwise to me its lip service. But I'd love bo rai cho to return. Plz. For the love of elder gods,can i have funny drunken master back?!
which do you prefer doing first/more: completing the story mode or completing towers?: honestly if local play/ vs mode is shit. Towers and storymode mean nothing. If you can't 1v1 your friends in the same room. I dont want it. But I'd play towers above storymode. I'd love storymode more. If the story was actually good or consistent or konsistent in this case ;) . But fr in all seriousness,nrs NEEDS to get their head in the game anf out or corporate ass,if they wanna see this not blow up in their face once hype dies down and people move on to something else. Which it will happen. And is happening.
favorite fatality?: honestly i fucking love shang tsung soul swapping inside the opponent and exploding/killing them from the inside. Fucking simple but badass af. Like fr imagine seeing that shit irl,terrifying. Which is what we need. It's so extra. But it fits. Other than that. There isn't many fatalities i dont like. Cept mk11 johnny cage but thats because it goes on too damn long. We get it johnny!
favorite stage?: honestly shang's throne room,warrior shrine,the deadpool,and visually? Shirai-Ryu fire gardens. Absolutely stunning.
favorite stage theme / ost?: all of mk(original),mk2,and mk shaolin monks tracks are the best. Mk shaolin monks for atmospheric ambiance. The og arcades the first mk and mk2 for absolute bops. Tho deadly alliance has good dance and tencho edm vibes. Tho everyone can kollectively agree that the og theme is the best. Come on man!
opinion on any of the non-game media? (the live action films, mk legacy, the animated mk legends films, etc): ok mk95. Still is the goat for a reason. Mk legends films are good visual and animation wise but story is too fast paced for my taste. And can be better but still ironically,better than the current games storywise. I hate to say it but yeah. Honestly they haven't made and non game media for me that really speaks to me yet. But if they do. I'll let ya know.
skin / kosmetic you want to be in mk1?: dont care for mk12/mk1. But if they could bring back mk9 shang red robe jammies for shang that would be appreciated. Give me that much plz.
do you prefer hanzo hasashi or kuai liang as scorpion?: if you say anything else but hanzo hasashi you need to log off and not talk to me ever again. Hanzo hasashi IS SCORPION. anyone says otherwise is not a mk fan. Period. I will fight you!
which character reveal for mk1 shocked you the most?: like i said. I do not care for the new game. It's more pissing me off that shang tsung who has been a staple for mk is reduced to dlc. Twice. And you can't even get him rn in the new game less you got money or pre order codes or some shit. And that's why i feel that the new game is shit. Because you shouldn't have to pay money for a half baked game. For a character you should have already had. Especially if they are a main focus in the storymode. So yeah. Nothing shocks me.
have you ever cosplayed an mk character? if you haven’t, would you want to, and who would you choose?: i have. I have done 95 shang tsung. And am going to do a genderbent fem hanzo hasashi scorpion (THE ONLY SCORPION IS HANZO I WILL STILL STATE THIS. ONCE AGAIN!) soon. So stay tuned. Future cosplays I'd love to do is fujin,kung lao,kitana,and a genderbent Johnny cage (jenny cage?)
do you have any cool merch? (figures, posters, shirts, etc): got some cool shirts and a few cosplays and little stuff like that. Pendents. But i wanna get some figures but holy shit dudes it's expensive. Oof. But some day. Some day. I will obtain that scorpion figure. Some day. Wish they had shang tsung merch more. Ugh.
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