#look at the Tumblr favourite rulling
bookholichany · 10 months
Tumblr media
Well, that explains a lot...
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fleeblesim · 5 years
15 Questions
Tagged by @alfvenn Thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? Well apparently I’m kinda named after my great grandmother. Her name was Maren at least and I got a “diploma” for it when I was younger, as well as a chow chow LPS, lol.
2.  When was the last time you cried? Just a few days ago, actually. Surprisingly little is needed to “push me over” to be honest. I am however planning to make my brother watch Christopher Robin with me later so I mught cry then too.
3.  Do you have kids? I’m 16 (17 on Friday). I’m the kid, lol.
4.  Do you use sarcasm a lot? All the time
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? Oh man, I don’t know. i tink I tend to look at the shape of people’s faces and their eyes and nose and stuff, lol. i like to draw sometimes and I often find myself just staring at shapes.
6.  What’s your eye colour? Brown, and according to my dad, vey brown at that.
7.  Scary movie or happy ending? As someone who detests horror I have to go with happy endings.
8.  Any special talent? I mean, my teacher calls me a language person and English is probably my best subject in school. My uncle also thinks I read fast, but I don’t think I read that fast.
I could quote the whole “A Film by Peter Parker” part from Spider-Man: Homecoming once though. 
9.  What country were you born in? Norway, far up north.
10.  What are your hobbies? I like to read, and write fanfiction, and play games, and watch movies, and draw, and Tumblr of course.
11.  Do you have any pets? I have a bunny named Rulle. Used to have more. His brother, Tassen, actually died on New Years eve so that was fun, and our cat, Tornerose, was run over by a car the weekend before school started, so now It’s just Rulle and an aquarium full of fish. We just had a bunch of baby fish though and they’re tiny. It’s honestly hard to believe ther’s space for their organs in them, lol.
12.  What sports do you play/have you played? I’m very not a sports person, but my gym teacher says I’m good at badminton.
13.  How tall are you? I was just at the hospital and they measured me as 156.8 cm. My whole family is short, to be honest.
14.  Favourite subject(s) in school? I really like English and French. I’ve wanted to learn French for a few years now and it’s fun to actually be able to now.
15.  Dream job? I really don’t know, but I think it’d be fun to do something within either languages, art, writing or photography.
15 people is a lot to tag tbh. Uhhh
@teekalu @amessofsims even though you’ve already been tagged @tragicpixel @simside @aridridge @zebrajuices and whoever else wants to do this. Don’t do it if you don’t want to though.
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