#look me in the eyes. i WANT bad queer movies. i WANT cheesey queer movies. i WANT dumb queer movies
pa-pa-plasma · 2 years
just watched They/Them & like. might get attacked for this but I don't know why everyone's shitting on it so much. It's okay. It's not any worse than any other cheesey slasher movie. It could've followed a more traditional slasher flick storyline (to fit with the title more) but other than that I think it was fun & people are being too hard on it simply because it's queer.
And yes, I mean queer people are being too hard on it because it's queer, not just homophobes & transphobes. You're holding this fun dumb movie to an absurdly high standard compared to similar cishet ones. god forbid queer people have anything
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