#look nice for publishing
whatimdoing-here · 9 months
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hes-a-tough-kid · 1 year
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blablaganov · 7 months
Non is the one behind the mask and Jin is our living for now proof of that
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So our homeboy just found out that no, Non didn’t ride off into the sunset with teacher Keng, but based on what we learned in episode 10 was handed over to Uncle Joe and vanished. And Jin’s initial reaction to this reveal isn’t horror at the thought that Non might already be dead, but anger at how the story of Non’s supposed escape with a teacher has affected his family?? Which is sweet, to care about them, but you just learned that your friend has really disappeared, so maybe focus on that first? But at least this reaction is consistent with what we’ve seen from him so far: Jin's response is emotional and explosive. It checks.
And then Tee drops the bomb - Non is dead. This should have been a huge shock for Jin, who was the only one to still hold on to the belief that Non was still out there, alive. Reactions of Tan and Phee is understandable; they have had years to accept that Non is most likely no longer alive, but Jin BELIEVED. So, I fully expected him to lash out, to start yelling at Tee, to start a fight. And what Jin gives me? Nothing.
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Except for a murderous look, he does not react at all to the news about the death of someone he claims to care about and feel guilty towards.  The character who shown to be impulsive, to react without thinking, whose emotions can be explosive DOESN’T SHOW US ANY REACTION. Which, of cource, is a reaction on itself, so my question is: Jin, sweetie, do you maybe have something to share with class?
Speaking of murderous looks. We’ve already seen them twice:
in the first episode, when Phee puts the tape on
And everyone from the original group looks various degrees of uncomfortable, especially after asked about Non, but not Jin. He is too busy trying to murder everyone with the glare until the mention of the camera snaps him out of it.
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in the second episode, when the gang discusses what to do next
And again, while everyone’s anxiety is almost palpable, Jin is just standing there, looking disgusted by everyone but not in the slightest bothered by the fact that someone got Por impaled?? Someone left marks on his arms! The conversation isn’t merely about the possibility of Non’s ghost; it’s about the real, tangible danger lurking in the woods. And yet, Jin doesn’t look scared or concerned in any way, too busy trying to once again commit murder with the glare.
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The marks on Por’s arms are the main reason I’m convinced that Non is the one hiding behind the mask. It's possible that Tan somehow slipped out of the living room and lured Por into the trap, but what about the marks? We’ve seen several times that Tan is one to outsource his murder, not too eager to harm with his own hands. Even after Tee’s confession about Non’s death, Tan doesn’t attempt to snatch the gun and kill Tee himself. So why get personal with Por? To convince everyone that it wasn’t an accident? But cuts don’t look ghosty; if anything, it’s a proof that a real, leaving person is behind it. And who has all the reasons to get personal with Por? NON And it with the same knife he used three years ago – a knife that someone present at the scene after Non got dragged away had to pick up and keep until now.
I am also mildly convinced that the knife attack is the main reason why Jin lied to the police in the first place. If he had admitted that Non was with them that day, everyone else would have probably said, 'Oh yes, he was with us, and he attacked us with the knife. He was screaming about killing us all, poor Top even got a scar. Here are the security camera recordings as proof.' We've already established that Jin is not the best decision-maker, so I can see how, from his perspective, lying to the police seemed like a better option.
And isn’t it interesting how Jin was the one who first noticed the cuts and also the one who took the knife in his hand to compare it with the cuts?
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Jin, dear, no one said anything about someone hiding in the house...
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Uncle Dang
I'm unsure which one of the brothers is responsible for this death, but it is interesting how closely it mirrors one of the scenes in episode 7.
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In the past, Por sends Non to get food on Uncle Dang's bike, while he himself starts shooting. In the present, Uncle Dang dies delivering food for the boys on the same bike, simultaneously extinguishing their last chance of escape.
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In the past, everyone was so eager to exclude Non and shoot the movie he wrote without him. In the present, they are willing to do anything just to get out of this place, and Por, bleeding out on the couch, needs it more than anyone. Sorry, but it's too late; this time around, you'll have to play your part the way Non wants you to.
Episode 7 is also where this dialogue between Jin and Por happens.
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I know that logically Phee and Tan were the ones who slipped in the cassette, but were they also the ones who created it? Or did they just find it when they came to the house for the first time to scout it out? Because the last scene with Jin running out of the house was shot after Non's disappearance. It wasn't merely an old version; Someone intentionally added Non's scene post-credits. And who was the one doing all the cutting? Right.
Jin’s hallucinations were what sold me on the "Non is alive" theory. Everyone who thinks Non is already dead also sees some version of Non/masked murderer. Not Jin, of course; he convinced Non to be alive and well, somewhere far away with teacher Keng. Oh wait… How is it possible that he believes something terrible happened to teacher Keng, but not to Non? That the video he took is the cause of teacher Keng’s death, but not Non’s? Haven’t they supposedly run off together? Unless Jin knows that Non is alive. Unless Non told Jin that Mr. Keng was killed by the mafia.
It also would explain Jin’s reaction after Phee confession.
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The person you have a lot of complicated feelings about
so many that you decide the best time to bring up your past situationship is while you both are trapped in a creepy temple. One also doesn’t try to bite off the dick of someone they are indifferent towards
just confessed to being Non's ex-boyfriend and getting close to you to get information about him, and your first reaction is not a "Was Everything Between Us a Lie?" rage but a sad puppy "So You Never Saw Us As Friends?" Once again, Jin, sweetie, we need to talk about your priorities; also about the fact that you not once looked surprised about the whole thing.
Fun fact: One of Jin's listed hobbies is camping, so hypothetically he should know his way around the woods, yet he doesn’t even attempt to help Phee while they are looking for the way out of the forest. The only thing he does is complain and cling to Phee in a very damsel-in-distress fashion. And still manages to be the one who points in the right direction in the end. I'm not even sure if Jin’s shoulder dislocation is genuine because if horror movies have taught me anything, it's to never trust a character who injures themselves while escaping a murderer, especially when they then very conveniently trip over the air at just the right moment for another character to drop their weapon.
To sum it up:
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Did he now?
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They didn't have Zuma nor Marshall... I was planning to buy one now and the other two on my next pay. Guess I'll still buy the other two later, but online, as they don't have them here at this mall. Maybe I could check the other malls in the city but aaaaaaa I'm lazy MAYBE, WE'LL SEE
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good-beans · 1 month
Me: Woo I'm taking a copyediting class! I've done tons of writing/communications courses but editing has always just been something embedded in it -- it'll be really nice to get a focused look at the craft, take time to learn it, and really master it :D
Professor: Yeah so here are 5 novel manuscripts by other students in the program, start proofing these simultaneously on tight deadlines okay? Remember, these are your peers, they're counting on you 👍
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garrettwrites · 3 months
I am so tired of how Quotev/Wattpad level fanfiction, written by what reads as a 15 year old getting into their first fandom, gets pushed up the book ratings in the gay romance genre (m/m). Why is Red White and Royal Blue always at the top. Why is Boyfriend Material. Why must I suffer. Where are the standards. Why is a 30/40 year old recommending me, a grown adult man, stories that feel like they were written for highschoolers who don't like to read so they pick up the trashiest, most easily digestible shit in order to have the bare minimum of fun while doing their reading interpretation project for class.
This is coming from someone who had fun reading goddamn Twilight by the way. I'm not a book snob. I can enjoy objectively bad media if it's fun. My favourite book series with LGBT main characters is All For The Game, and that's a shitshow! But at least there's passion in it! There's fun!
I am going insane!!!!!
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guideaus · 1 month
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ngtskynebula · 9 months
Dear diary,
It's 01:14 in the morning. I should be sleeping, but I am searching through the typesetting tag on Tumblr after I scoured YouTube's searches for Scribus guides 💣💥
I've decided I am going to learn how to typeset fics/books this year, even if I don't get around starting with actual fic-binding in 2024 ☝️🧐
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faunandfloraas · 3 months
I still can't get over how bad the lighting and colouring is in some of the magazine shoots and the fact they actually go ahead and publish the pictures looking so unfinished like that
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repotting · 2 months
people who don't normally read sci fi have such bad taste in sci fi 😭
#which makes sense because they're there despite having no attraction to what makes sci fi sci fi#but it's funny because they're always so excited to give their recommendation#and it's always like. ready player one or bobiverse or the locked tomb or something else horrendously tacky#like it's either awful marvel style quipping or something painfully twee that thinks it's deeper than it is a la Becky Chambers#and you have to try to be nice while they rave about some of the worst writing a mainstream publisher has put out#that only counts as “sci fi” bc it's in space or whatever#the other option is they like some military shit linked to a video game about how some genocide is necessary#don't get me wrong I read mostly bad sci fi and I'm aware good sci fi is rare#but it's like you had taco bell exactly once and someone's like 'any good Mexican restaurant recs in this town?'#and you just HAVE to respond with how good your dorito taco was and it's the best Mexican food#and in this scenario you don't even know enough to say “hear me out” you don't know other restaurants even exist like it's never occurred#to you to look and after that one dorito Taco you never had any interest in having Mexican food ever again#and yet. if someone is talking about Mexican food you just have to bring up you ate a Dorito taco one time and everyone should have one#how it's the best Mexican food in the world#also tumblr stop saying books are good just cuz there are lgbt people in them challenge#one time i asked for ppls fav sci fi nobody's heard of and fully half the replies were Becky fucking Chambers btw
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concordewillfly · 1 year
why is every book cover ugly nowadays what happened to fun and creativity. going on goodreads feels like walking through the desert on my knees repenting
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whitelotusherald · 1 year
Not me thinking about buying Nimona's new edition with the movie cover just because they actually changed Nate's name as well
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Giant personal vent time
This guy stole somewhere between 3 to 6 MILLION dollars from my grandmother by conning my great aunt into signing over her estate and medical & financial power of attorney to him literally on her death bed
I and my aunt have been working basically a whole second job the last 3 months trying to get together a legal case to go after this guy. And now my grandma wants to drop it. And no one else has standing so what the fuck can we do.
This man has absolutely done this to other ppl before, there is no doubt in my mind. I’ve seen his property records for just what’s publicly available in my county and it’s sketchy as hell. I am never going to get over this but there’s nothing I can do.
Gonna put like a million more thoughts in the tags because I’m losing my fucking mind.
#it’s not like we don’t have the money#the estimated legal fees are like $100k but we’d definitely get it back from the estate in the end#but grandma doesn’t want to look like she’s going after her sister’s money#and she won’t admit she has dementia so I’m not allowed to tell the lawyer that she can’t handle testifying#so he just thinks we’re being wishy washy#and my aunt is so conflict avoidant she won’t tell the lawyer anything that’s happening that he could absolutely be helping with#and my dumbass step cousin is so conflict avoidant he’d literally rather let the family business go bankrupt than actually deal with this#why the fuck did she make him ceo#I know why she trusted this guy but jfc whyyyy did she trust him#god if only I had a time machine I’d go back 6 months and make sure we kicked him out of her house#I really really didn’t think he’d go this far. I just thought he was a weird dude she was being too nice to#but no. actual con artist#the more we learn the worse it gets#and grandma just cannot handle it. even though she has the money!! I’m so mad#I wanna email every reporter I can think of until I find someone willing to publish an article about this guy#so that at least that way someone would see how fucking sketchy he is when they Google him#so that maybe the next person won’t fall for it#is there some kind of legal action you can take that’s basically just like#hey we’re not willing to spend years to prove that you’re evil#but just for the record we need everyone to know you suck and we hate you#like just so ppl know#maybe I should ask our pastor to send out a PSA to all the other little old ladies at church#since that’s how my great aunt met him in the first place#I could get at least 3 good books out of all the drama in my fucking family I think#one for this whole thing. one for my dad’s insane parents. and one for all the bad decisions I made in Seattle
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6blackfilin9 · 2 years
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... i was thinking of him as Emhyr while drawing it
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writing bsd fics really is like some sort of palate cleanser for me like anytime i get unhappy with the way i write i go work on a bsd wip for a while and for some reason it’s always so much more relaxing than any other writing i do
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Doing all the legal and administrative stuff for transition feels like clearing a path overgrown with briars without any gloves for me. Walking through it and ignoring it hurts a lot less than uprooting them.
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