#look this is funny because the way some people talk about her fight you’d think this is how it actually is
dimitrscu · 2 years
i want malenia to have unbreakable poise… and all her attacks one shot you.. and she heals back to full, so to add insult to injury as you’re dying you see her health bar go back to 100%.. and then she tea bags you as the “you died” screen pops up and a laugh track starts playing
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ickadori · 6 months
Damn, that unwanted images fic? I can imagine sukuna constantly trying to trick Yuuji into giving Sukuna his body just for a bit so he can go seduce reader. Maybe even pop out and whisper filthy nothings whenever she passes by cause she has to know about what he wants to do to her.
[cws] fem reader. sukuna being a pervert. groping. minor scent kink activities. oral. i think this is dubcon… one big unedited ramble tbh. writing sukuna is hard!
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Being around Yuji could sometimes be… tiring, to say the least.
He’s a nice guy, very nice, funny too - he’s made you laugh to tears on quite a few occasions, and he’s cute to top it all off. Everyone you spoke to always have good things to say about him, and you have to admit that you do, too—even if his preference in partners had made you raise your eyebrows when you first heard it.
So, with this in mind, you always try to ignore Sukuna and his ‘antics’, although it was getting increasingly more difficult to ignore the curse’s brazen words when they were blurted out in the midst of a silent classroom, or whenever you happened to pass by Yuji in the hallway, or even when he had managed to pin you in an innocent enough position during training.
You couldn’t count how many times you had been left with your mouth gaping and hot in the face due to the comments Sukuna threw your way. They were always crude, brash, lewd, and left you with a strange twisting feeling deep in your gut — it was weird. The words were Sukuna’s, obviously, but if you didn’t look at the mouth sprouted on Yuji’s cheek, or pay too much heed to the deep, rough drawl of the voice speaking, you could pretend that it was Yuji saying those words, and for some reason that made it all seem a tad bit better…but not by much.
You had spoken with Gojo about it, as much as you hadn’t wanted to. Talking with your past teacher about the strange obsession that the curse inhabiting your friend’s body had with you was at the very top of your list of things you absolutely never wanted to fucking do, but you had to do something.
Sukuna’s comments were getting out of hand, his most recent having kept you from venturing to the training field — you had been engaged in a spar against Maki, attempting to work on your hand to hand combat, when you had heard that unmistakeable voice, his attention fully piqued by the presence of you - and while you never liked to be full of yourself, it was common knowledge that he only made his presence so obnoxiously obvious either when you were in sight of Yuji was banging on death’s door.
At first, you had thought he was rudely critiquing you like he usually did, commenting on your speed and how you were just so slow, you’d be dead in a fight against someone who was actually strong, or one of the many other things he liked to say to get your spirits low, but no, he was in a different mood that day.
Maki had just tossed you onto the ground for the umpteenth time, and you had decided to call it quits then, desperately wanting to submerge yourself in a hot bath to try and soothe your aching body.
Yuji, who had been observing from the side and having a somewhat one-sided conversation with Inumaki, had sensed your beaten to smithereens will and hauled you up off the ground, a smile on his face as he tapped you on the shoulder and gave you a bit of encouragement, only for the good deed to immediately be overshadowed when Sukuna spoke.
You hadn’t caught it at first, or rather, you had tried to pretend that you didn’t actually hear what he had said, because there was no way in hell that you wanted to acknowledge that he, in front of all of these people, had made a comment about how your shorts were just ‘so damned snug that he could practically see your clit—do you even have on any panties?’.
He had no problem repeating himself, even throwing some new things in, things that made your ears burn and the hairs at the back of your neck raise and your stomach flutter when you took on Yuji’s sheepish expression coupled with the way his eyes kept flitting down to between your legs and off to the side.
Recounting the many tales to Gojo had been humiliating, and his amazed ooh’s and ahh’s hadn’t made it any better, but you had desperately wanted some kind of resolution to all of this. He was the strongest, after all, so surely he could do something? Muzzle him at the very least?
“I’m afraid that’s out of my capabilities—aww, don’t look at me like that, I want to help you, but there’s not much of anything I can do.” He had been wearing his blindfold as he usually did, but you were certain that had been a hint of amusement in his eyes as he spoke, as if this was some funny story and not a serious matter that required a serious resolution. “I can’t control who Sukuna takes a liking, too, even if it is one of my beloved students. As it stands, he can’t do much of anything but talk. Yuji has him under control in that aspect, so you’ll just have to grin and bear unfortunately.”
There was only so much grinning and bearing you could take — Sukuna was unrelenting. While the comments had been sparse before, they were now frequent. You couldn’t go a single day without some part of your body being commented on.
Wearing skirts earned you comments on your thighs of how soft they looked, of how they’d feel wrapped around his head as he tongued your cunt, of how he wanted to mark them up with his teeth, his hands, his nails. So you wore pants next, only for him to admire the way they hugged your ass, and oh, he sees, you’re showing off for Yuji now, ya know he’s an ass man, is that what this is? The want the brat to fuck you instead of him, a real man, a man that can make you cry and moan and cream on his cock with little to no effort?
If your shirt happened to be a bit tight that day around your breasts, you could bet your life and win that Sukuna was gonna tell you ten different ways that he would fuck them, eventually. He’d describe it in vivid detail; how your tits would look squeezed around his cock, how he’d cover them in his cum (don’t worry, he’d be considerate enough to lick it off of you, as long as you didn’t squirm too much when he latched onto your pretty nipples), how they’d bounce when he’d fuck you—and don’t make that face, he knows you like what he’s saying. You don’t? Then let Yuji reach in your panties and see if you’re wet or not. No? It’s fine, he knows you are, just too shy and prudish to admit it.
You’re careful eating consuming certain foods and drinks around him, but when he made a remark about how greedily you gulped down your water after a morning run, wondering aloud if you ‘guzzle cum down just as eagerly’, you chose to forfeit your basic human needs in his presence altogether.
It seemed like you couldn’t do anything around Yuji without it being turned into something perverse, and after much contemplation, you decided to just avoid him all together. It took a lot of detours and changes of your schedule to ensure you wouldn’t run into him, along with skipping out on hanging with your other friends because he’d be there, but you managed. It was incredibly boring and dull, and you found yourself lazing around your room more often than not, but you figured this was better than listening to the many ways Sukuna wanted to fuck you.
You’re in your room now, fingers massaging a new moisturizer into your cheeks as you only halfway pay attention to the show that’s playing on the tv. You had just gotten out of the shower, dressed in a baggy sweater that you couldn’t remember who you had snagged from, and was nearly ready to retire for the night.
A knock at your door draws your attention away from the tv, and thinking it’s more than likely Nobara come to once again lament about how pissed she is that you took a rain check on yet another outing with them (the trio had ventured out into the city earlier) you move to open it without thinking.
“If you’re here to scream at me for staying in tonight, I’m gonna need you to make it quick. My show is…” Your words die on your tongue when your eye finally clash against red ones, and there’s a lurch in your chest when Sukuna steps into your room, lips twisted into a grin as he invades your space. “…Yu—!”
You help when his hand shoots out to snag ahold of your jaw, fingers pushing into your cheeks as he quirks a brow. “I know you’re not stupid enough to call me by another man’s name, right?” Your hand is still gripping the door knob, and it tightens as you jerkily nod, eyes wide and unblinking as the gravity of the situation takes its time weighing on your shoulders.
He smushes your cheeks together, a hum leaving him as he turns your head side to side, and you can’t help the feeling that he’s appraising you, ogling you, judging you, just as he had been when he wasn’t in control, and all the things he had said suddenly come rushing back to the front of your mind.
A choked noise manages to escape you, and his grin widens, his free hand pushing yours away from the door so he can push it closed. “Wonderin’ what I’m gonna do to you?” He guesses, and you make another noise, your hands itching to do something. You are a sorcerer, not the strongest but definitely not the weakest, but this is Sukuna standing in front of you, what could you possibly do against him?
He takes another step forward, and the cologne that Yuji frequently wears wraps around you and makes your head spin. “I was wondering the same thing on my way over.” His front presses flush to yours, and you jump when something firm and big pushes into your hip, the hand that had been on your face dropping to rest against the side of your neck, thumb positioning itself underneath your chin so he can tilt your head up. “What to use first… your mouth,” he eyes your lips, and a shaky breath leaves them at that moment, “these tits,” his free hand gropes you through your sweater, and you yelp and jump in his hold, protests stuttered out as he kneads and squeezes at the flesh.
“S-Sukuna, you can’t—”
“Or this fat little cunt you’ve got.” The hand that had been on your chest dips low, and you both make a sound when his fingers are met with a sticky, clear fluid. He snarks out a laugh, and you furiously shake your head as your skin burns. “You’re fucking wet.”
“I’m not!” He pushes a finger up against your clit through the cotton of your panties, and you cross your ankles in an attempt to keep him from rubbing against you, but it doesn’t deter him in the slightest. He presses against you harder, and your teeth sink into your bottom lip as you weakly push at his forearm. There’s the fleeting thought that Yuji is somewhere in there seeing this, and it’s almost enough to have you melting into an embarrassed puddle of goo, but then Sukuna is saying something about being on ‘borrowed time’ while lowering himself to his knees in front of you.
You gape down at him, hurriedly trying to scramble back, but his hands come up to grip the backs of your thighs, the look he gives you making you stay put. Once he sees you’re not going anywhere, he loosens his grip on your legs, hands venturing up until he’s roughly gripping at the fat of your ass, gaze fixed on your face as you fight to keep it somewhat expressionless… although by the pleased look on his face you’re sure that you’re failing.
“You should revel in the knowledge that I’ve never kneeled before anyone else.”
With a harsh tug your underwear is pooled around your ankles, and Sukuna is roughly pushing up the material of your sweater, his head moving in until you can feel his breath fanning over the curly hairs covering your cunt. A misplaced stroke of insecurity covers you as he takes in the sight, and you don’t want to ponder about why you seem to care if he prefers a full shave or not, because you shouldn’t.
You should kick him away, king of curses be damned. He could cut you into a million pieces with a swipe of his finger, but still! You should do something other than just stand here and allow him to—
He buries his nose into your mound, a deep groan sounding as you hear him breathe in your scent, and your breath catches in your throat as your knees wobble, hands flying to his shoulders as you steady yourself.
You sweater covers his head as he lets it go to instead spread apart your lips, and you can’t help the gasp that comes out when he immediately begins to lap at your cunt, tongue moving from your clit to your hole and back again.
It’s too much too soon, and noises that you’d be horrified at making later tumble out of your mouth as Sukuna messily eats you out, one hand harshly gripping at your ass. His tongue feels as if it’s everywhere all at once, and you can feel yourself teetering on the edge in no time, hips unconsciously rocking against his mouth, calves tensed as you stretch your on your toes, fingers curling into the material of his hoodie.
“Suh…Su-kuna,” a broken cry of his name falls from your lips as you come, his tongue pushing impossibly deep into you as his hand tugs you closer. The sound of him slurping at your slick is loud in the room, and the bruising grip on your ass trades in for a caress, the harsh sucking at your cunt switching to slow, languid licks that threaten to throw you into overstimulation,
When the fog clears, you stiffen, face screwing up and eyes widening as you look down at the lump in your sweater. Before any thoughts can come, he’s pulling back, pink hair coming into view as your sweater falls away from him, and you think you may just die on the spot when take note of the lack of black markings marring his face.
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jarofstyles · 22 days
‘Tis The Season
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Hello my ducklings! I have pure filth for you, and it’s been so long since I’ve given you guys any Wolfrry so I figure you’d enjoy some after a little drought!
Send in requests and feedback
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Warnings- breeding, knotting, use of the word 'bitch', degrading, unprotected sex, wolfrry, its an au so the world is diff, etc
WC- 2k
The beginning of spring was always a magical time in the pack.
The snow melted and little flowers began to sprout. The sunshine warmed them up, the crisp air and emerging leaves sent a new layer of hope into the coming year. It was the true new year for them, something that put a spring in their step and warmth in their hearts, defrosting them from winter
Y/N sat in Harry’s office, next to the tall alpha as he looked over her plans for the pack gardens. “I think that’s a good idea, but I’d move the peas over to the side.” She mused, letting her body melt as the man’s arms wrapped firmly around her body. As much as she knew she needed to pull away in order to finish these plans… it was the season, wasn’t it? “H… We really need to finish the plots.” Her breathy voice echoed in his office as his hands lifted her dress up and his teeth grazed her mating mark. She shuddered, sagging in his arms- the man was playing dirty, but that was the one spot that would make anyone melt. Having your mate brush it, lick it, press it? It felt like the aftershocks of an orgasm. “Y-You’re not playing fair.”
“No, I’m not.” He hummed. “Because you’re mine, and I don’t have to. You can play hard to get all you want, little mate, but I’ve been able to smell that sweet cunt since you’ve left our bedroom this morning.” The accusation made her want to fight- but there was no ground to stand on. She had been helplessly horny all morning. It was the beginning of the mating season, the breeding season, and she was panting for it. Of course she was trying her best to be a good leader, to get on top of plans, but was it so wrong for her to want to look at her strong, handsome, powerful mate? To see his green eyes darken when he caught her scent, to have him corner her and have his way with her because that's what she dreamt about? It was just in their nature.
“S-So what?” There was one last stitch effort to pretend she wanted to work on the plans. “I’m always wet for you.” It was the truth. It was hard not to be when the man had proved time and time again he was the most incredible lover to exist, that he knew her body like the back of his hand.
“I know that. All I’ve got t’do is walk into a room and you’ll roll on your knees and present that perfect cunt for me to fuck.” He chuckled, making her whine. She always got worked up when he talked to her like that. “That’s why it’s so fuckin’ funny t’me that you’re trying to continue this charade. Acting like the point of being in here is for that blueprint when in reality, all you want is for your mate to bend you over this desk and knot you up.” He was quick about it, following his words as he roughly bent her over. Her tits crinkled the papers they’d just been working on as she let out a gasp, her dress being flipped up and a rough palm slapped the curve of her ass.
“Look at you. My sweet little bitch, came all prepared for my cock.” He crooned, using his foot to knock her legs open. She was obedient, deciding not to even feign a fight because this was exactly what she wanted. “Should spank this ass raw for running about the den with no panties on and your silky cunt bare for anyone to see, but we both know all of them have no mistake on who you belong to.” He’d taken her so many times where people could see, let them watch as he plowed her into a whimpery, sobbing mess. It was no secret that their Alpha was the one who owned Y/N.
“M’sorry, Alpha.” She bleated, cheek pressed against the wood as she heard the distinct clink of a belt buckle and the pull of leather through the loops on his pants. It sent a wave of excitement through her, knowing damn well she was in for it. She’d poked the beast, literally and metaphorically, and now she was going to suffer- or enjoy- the consequences.
“I don’t really think you are, my love.” He murmured. “I think that you’ve been gagging for my cock and I didn’t fuck you hard enough this morning. Was nice and soft with you, showered you off and everything. Let you go about your day… But I didn’t fuck you hard like you beg for. Silly me, making love to my mate, my wife, during the breeding season.” His tongue clicked as she heard his pants fall down to his ankles. “I should’ve known that my pretty bitch needed to be bred properly. Needed to be fucked until your knees were weak. You’ve always been a bit of a whore for it, haven’t you my Goddess?” Y/N couldn’t think of anything other than his cock that had begun to rub through her embarrassingly wet folds, a soft keen leaving her mouth.
Harry was right. She was desperate and hot, needy for him in all the ways he’d just described. Y/N couldn’t deny that she really did need to be fucked stupid during this time of year. Don’t get her wrong- she adored when he was so soft and sweet with her, whispering about how perfect and beautiful she was. But when this time of year came around, she wanted to be used. To be filled and fucked and see his most primal part come out. It was only natural.
“Please, I want it.” Her pathetic simper came out as she wriggled her hips, trying to taunt him. She knew damn well that he would give it to her but she was going to play into it even more.
“I know you do. Could’ve just told me you needed a good fuck, but you like to play games instead.” He wouldn’t admit that he liked those games just as much. The sharp slap on her other ass cheek resounded around the room as he got her to stop teasing him with her ass shaking, notching the tip of his prick in her hole. “Since you want t’be a whore, I’ll give it to you like one.”
Her breath was stolen as he entered her in one go. The sting of the stretch made her yelp but her toes curled as she was finally full, his heavy hand pressing her down between her shoulder blades. Keeping her pinned there and pulling out just to repeat the action, she moaned loudly at his rough treatment of her. This was what she needed. A dirty, quick, hard fuck. “Yesssss…” She elongated the word only to be cut off by a wet gasp, his hips thrusting into her again. “Give it to me, please. Please, Alpha.”
“Now she’s begging.” He laughed,a  cruel undertone to his words. “Pretty slut is begging for my cock like she should have done to begin with. I know you need it, but I forget every year just how much of a desperate, wet cunt you’ve got.” His pace started to steady, rocking her on the desk while she whimpered at each press inside of her. Her body was quite literally made for this, made for the stretching and filling and being knotted but Harry’s cock was fucking big. The biggest she’d ever seen, and people sure as hell weren’t shy about nudity around here.
“Now you can’t even talk. Finally got a prick stretching you open and that smart little mouth can’t form words. What about those plans, huh?” His snicker was followed by a harsh thrust. “Silly girl. Should’ve just gotten on your knees and begged.”
Harry loved this season. Loved how Y/N became a little minx, slinking around and trying to figure out how to get him to pounce on her. Like he wouldn’t drop everything to give it to her if she just asked. It was entertaining to make her do the work for it, like a little game. As much as he said he didn’t like them, he liked feeling her desire, knowing she was a little shy even still about asking him for sex- except when she was in heat.
“M’sorry, I just-” She whined as his cock began to fuck into her a bit faster. “I just want you all the time. I can’t help it.” If she had it her way, they wouldn’t leave the bedroom. The scents were crazy right now, everyone throwing them around to attract each other if they weren’t mated. All she wanted was his scent smeared all over her, she wanted it coating her body and there to be no question, even if they had visitors.
“I know you do. My beautiful cockslut. I love that you want it so badly. I’ll give it to you…” His words melted into her being as she felt a thumb brush against her ass, gently pressing in- and she was gone. He knew her weaknesses and this was one of the biggest.
Y/N’s brain could only focus on the pleasure. His hands on her and his growling, her cheek being pressed into the wood as she panted. She’d probably have bruises on her hip bones but she’d wear them with pride. It felt like she was just a hole to fuck and that’s how she wanted it. Letting him use her and reaping the benefits of his primal instincts raising up with his pretty mate splayed out for him. She lost count of the moans she let out as her nails sharpened, scratching the side of the desk as she began to feel his knot.
“Please Alpha, Please, please, please, I want it.” Her pathetic mewls only seemed to spur him on. “I want your knot, I want your cum, please give it to me. Give it to me, give it… I’ll be your good girl, I’ll be your bitch, please-” Y/N sobbed into the wood as he pounded her into her end. She squirted, releasing a gush of wetness over his thighs and trickling down her own as her thighs shook, a high pitched sound leaving her mouth as she felt him give one sharp thrust to be filled with his knot.
She felt it expand, her whimpery mess of a face being pulled up slightly as he folded his body on top of her, grinding inside of her cunt to continue her orgasm and work his cum inside of her. “There you go, goddess. Perfect little breeding bitch, s’what you are. Made to take my knot, my cum, my children.” He growled, babbling as his teeth grazed her mark and made her shudder. His eyes flashed before he closed them, grabbing her hair in his fist and angling her mouth so he could kiss her with the grumbles in his chest calming to a purr as he was stuck with her. Her orgasm had splashed all over the both of them, his balls and thighs wet and her poor cunt stretched and full. Her ass would need a salve from his spanking, but that’s how he knew it was good. She’d been flaunting herself around his office for a reason, and now they were both sated… for a while, anyways.
“I love you.” She slurred, bleary eyes looking up at him. “Love you Alpha.” Her sweet words softened his heart, a fond smile tilting up the corners of his lips. No matter how rough he went on her during sex, this woman was his soul mate. His goddess. No one could ever comprehend how much he loved her.
“I love you more than the moon and the stars.” He whispered, nudging his nose against hers sweetly. “My sweet Goddess. You own me.”
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finelinevogue · 4 months
sad beginnings,
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summary - everyone sees you as this weird and crazy ravenclaw. everyone except remus and sirius.
pairing - ravenclaw!reader x wolfstar
word count - ~2.5k
tw: angst | no happy ending (yet) | bullies | blood | fight | self deprecation | she pronouns used
You thought breakfast would be better than a bowl of porridge, but that’s what you get for waking up late.
You’d overslept on your alarm clock by 45 minutes and were now paying the consequences by eating disgusting gruel for breakfast. There wasn’t even any honey to drizzle on top, thanks to some older Ravenclaws hogging it for their pancakes.
Half the tables were empty, as people started to head off for their first lessons of the day.
You had potions in half an hour.
Potions was one of your favourite lessons of the day, not because you liked the subject - in fact you despised it - but because you got to secretly crush on two of the prettiest boys in school.
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.
They were currently the only group of Gryffindors still at their table, making a rather loud ruckus as they stood up from the table to leave.
James was teasing Lily about something and Sirius and Remus couldn’t stop laughing over it. Lily pretended to be offended and fake punched Sirius for laughing at her, only to have Remus lean down only slightly and kiss Sirius’ clothed arm all better.
It didn’t help that the two boys you would of course have a heavy crush on would already be in a well established relationship.
I mean, they were the prettiest boys in the school and they were opposites to each other so their relationship made perfect sense.
You just wished you had gotten there with one of them first. But who? You admired them both the same.
Both of them had—
“Oi, Y/N!” A Ravenclaw in your year, named Philip, shouted from down the table, making your porridge slide off your spoon and splat against the table.
You looked towards where Philip and his band of quite mean friends sat.
“Daydreaming about boys you could never get, again?!” Philip laughed, causing others around him to as well.
You didn’t reply. You knew better than to reply. Just keep your head down and trouble should go away.
Your eyes drifted from Philip over to where the Gryffindors had nearly exited the Hall, only Sirius and Remus had stopped just shy of leaving.
They were stood talking to each other.
“Who is it this time Y/N? Hm?” Darcy, one of Philip’s friends teased.
“Remember when Y/N tried to date Isaac? As if she could ever date him.” Someone else joked.
You looked back down at your porridge, still listening to them but trying your best to block them out.
Looking at your breakfast made you think about Isaac. He was just as bland and boring. Until he wanted to have sex with you and you really didn’t want that, well then he became an absolute prick. Started spreading horrible rumours about you, showing his true colours.
Isaac started spreading stories about how you tried to come onto him, only to deny him. How you had been weird and crazy the entire night, when in fact it was the opposite.
Now everyone thinks you’re weird, a prude and a bitch.
One of the reasons you have no friends.
Isaac had managed to isolate you and Philip and his cronies had taken advantage of that.
“Think she was looking at Remus and Sirius.” Someone snickered, making you love uncomfortably.
“No way! Y/N has hots for the dogs,” They thought they were funny, “Is that true, Y/N? You want Remus and Sirius to be your little boyfriends?”
They all laughed, until they went silent.
“You alright, Phil? Can I call you Phil?”
Your head shot up to see Sirius leaning down over the bench next to Philip, resting his palms on the table and glaring him down. Remus stood right behind him.
Your heart rate increased at the sight of them magically appearing.
Did they hear? Did they know? Were they in on the sad and pathetic joke?
“It’s just Philip.” Philip gulped.
“Great, Phil.” Sirius smiled, but it definitely wasn’t genuine. “We heard your filthy mouth speak our names and, well, I for one don’t like pricks speaking about me or my boyfriend behind me back. So keep your goddamn mouth shut or I’ll hex you back to Year 1. Okay?”
“I said, okay?” Sirius asked again.
“Yes, yes!” Philip stuttered.
“Good.” Sirius moved back to stand up.
It was lovely that Sirius had come over here to defend his boyfriend like that. You craved someone having the kindness, and definitely the courage, to stand up for you like that.
You watched as Sirius took Remus’ hand and you wondered what that felt like.
You could imagine Sirius’ hands being quite rough and Remus’ hands being calloused, but both still having a sense of softness to them. They’d both be very grounding and warm to hold on to.
Then they both walked your way.
You quickly started to eat your porridge again, keeping your head down. You don’t think either of them would make a scene with you, but maybe they’d caught on to your gazes and blushing and they’d had enough.
You thought you were subtle but maybe you’d been far more obvious than you intended. You cursed yourself, but only knew it was a matter of time before you made a fool of yourself.
Maybe they weren’t even walking towards you. Why would they? They didn’t know you, except for your name maybe.
But then you saw them stop in front of the bench on the other side of you.
You looked up to find them both smiling warmly down at you. You gulped, thinking the worst.
“You have potions next right, Y/N?” Remus asked kindly.
He did know your name…
And he knew your timetable…
“Yes?” You asked, cautiously.
“You want to walk over with us? We’re heading there now.” Remus asked.
You were a little gobsmacked that they were asking you to do something with them.
No one has asked you to do anything in a very long time, even something as simple as being asked to walk to class with them. So this was a huge deal to you.
“Really? I mean, sorry, I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“Intrude?” Sirius laughed, “Never. C’mon.” He kindly smiled and you nervously got up from the table.
You picked up your robe and wand.
“Are you sure?” You asked to make sure a second time.
“Y/N, if you don’t hurry up then Sirius is probably going to pick you up and carry you there himself and then I’m going to have to deal with him moaning about crippling back ache later on… Oh my God… That want be implying anything about your weight… Um… Should I just stop?” Remus rambled and looked to Sirius for help.
“You really should.”
And you smiled.
Genuinely smiled, for what felt like the first time in a long time.
The hallways were starting to become busy.
People moving from morning time to lesson time, especially the first years with their overpacked bags and reckless running through the corridors to get to their lessons on time.
One darted past you, causing you to wobble. Luckily Remus was behind you and he put his hand on the lower part of your back to balance you carefully.
“Thank you.” You said, whilst trying really hard not to blush.
You failed to notice Remus blushing too as you turned back around. You definitely didn’t fail to notice the way Remus kept his hand on your lower back, helping you weave through the halls.
With two of the most popular guys in school, you didn’t realise how easy it was to actually manoeuvre through the corridors.
You’d spent too much time being infatuated with the time that Remus and Sirius were giving you, though, that you’d forgotten your potions book.
You stopped short, feeling the boys bump into the back of you abruptly.
“Bloody… Are you alright Y/N?” Sirius asked.
“I’ve forgotten my potions book. I’ll catch up with you, I just need to run to get it.” You turned to say to them, feeling slightly small underneath both their pretty eyes looking at you.
“Here, just take mine.” Sirius offered.
“No.” Remus swatted his hands, “Another “forgotten” book and you are going to get detention.”
“Oh screw that.” Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Y/N, take mine instead.” Remus insisted.
“What?” This time Sirius hit Remus’ hands away, “And mess with your perfect record? I don’t think so. Y/N…”
“Hey, listen.” You chuckled at the sight of them arguing… over you. It felt like the most surreal situation. “I’m just going to get my book, okay? Then none of us will be in trouble. I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
You smiled at them in thanks, before darting around and away from them.
After you’r turned the corner, Remus hit Sirius over the head with his textbook.
“Ow! What the…” Sirius rubbed the back of his head.
“Really? You were about to give yourself a detention?” Remus chuckled, knowing exactly that was what Sirius was about to do and why.
“For Y/N? Absolutely.” Sirius smirked.
Remus shook his head and kissed Sirius’ cheek in admiration, before taking his hand and leading him off to potions.
As you rooted through your belongings in your dorm, you hummed to yourself with content.
You felt ten times lighter than you ever had felt before and all because the two pretty boys you’ve been admiring for so long had looked right back at you. They’d even gone as far as walk with you to potions.
Sirius was willing to get a detention for you and Remus was willing to break his golden reputation. That was flattery of their highest form.
You finally found your book, before pivoting to leave your dorm.
Only to find Darcy standing there with a cat in her arms, looking malicious as ever.
“O-oh Darcy. Hello.” You said, losing your hum and your smile with one look at her.
“Cut the pleasantries. You made us look like fools at breakfast in front of Sirius and Remus, you foul witch.” Darcy spat at you.
“I’m sorry, I never meant for that to happen.”
You felt yourself caving in on yourself, becoming that shelter of a shy person that these horrible people made you.
“And you think an apology will make it all better?”
“I don’t know.” You lowered your head.
“Well it doesn’t.” She moved towards you and you gulped in fear of her. She’d pulled at your hair and enchanted curses on you before, so you were terrified of what she might do now. Especially when it was just you two here.
“I’m sorry.” You looked up at her, hating that she could probably see the fear in your eyes.
“Show us up like that again and you’ll leave with more than just a scratch.”
“A scratch?” You asked, but maybe you shouldn’t have.
Before you knew what was happening Darcy’s cat attacked your face, clawing at your cheek with one powerful hit. The cat screamed what sounded like a war cry and you screamed in pain.
Your head turned to the side, leaving the cat’s claws to drag slightly down your cheek before letting go. You didn’t reveal your face again until you heard the door slam shut.
It only took a minute for you to delicately touch your cheek and see the blood for the pain to come flying in. You cried as you sat on your bed, cupping your cheek from dripping blood everywhere with one hand and the other hand resting on your forehead as you came to terms with what just happened.
You’d just been attacked for trying to apologise for something you hadn’t been in control of.
Your tears ran down your cheek and stung as they ran into the cuts on your cheek.
Walking to the little mirror hanging up on the wall, you looked in to see yourself. There were three lines scraped down your once bare cheek, running from just under your eye to resting on your jawline.
You cried some more, completely getting lost in the self loathing, before rushing around the dorm to find some healing lotion and tissues.
It took you ten minutes to clean up the mess on your face, and another five for the bleeding to calm down. It was an angry red mess, but you had to get to potions before the class ended.
You breathed out through your mouth a shaky breath, dabbing under your eyes with the sleeve of your jumper to wipe away the tears.
“You’re okay.” You said to yourself in the mirror. “You’re okay.”
You found that talking moved the cuts on your face and they stung even worse. So no talking it was. Brilliant.
“You’re okay.” You reminded yourself one last time.
But your words felt far from convincing.
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callsign-rogueone · 4 months
our girl - d.a + x.r.
Dain Aetos x reader x Xaden Riorson You and Xaden have been hooking up for a while now, but Threshing throws a wrench (and another person) into your relationship. [request] words: 2.5k (went a little overboard lol, this dynamic was so fun to think about) 🏷: FOURTH WING AND IRON FLAME SPOILERS. NSFW at the end. she/her reader. I did this one a little differently; a full scene with dialogue, and then headcanons about what the relationship would be like (sfw, nsfw + angst; I apologize in advance…) banner made by user cafekitsune!
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You dismount, managing to land on your feet. Maybe the gauntlet had been good practice after all, and not just a form of torture. The flight field is slowly filling in with dragons and their chosen riders. Dain is standing next to you with a massive red daggertail. Nice.
Your two dragons look at each other, and for a moment you’re worried they’re going to start a fight, but they just bump heads softly. They’re… friends?
Then Dain’s dragon turns toward you, looking you in the eye, and you freeze, holding completely still as it sniffs you. You must pass inspection, because he pulls back after a few seconds, satisfied, but you don’t dare move, your heart still pounding.
“Relax, girl. I will not hurt you.”
You startle at the second voice speaking to you, stumbling back in shock. A shimmering red string has appeared beside the soft blue one you share with Lann. You tug on it gently, and Dain’s eyes snap toward you, having felt the pull.
“They’re mated.”
“Smart boy,” Cath purrs.
You’re still trying to get used to having another being speaking in your head, hearing your every thought, but now you have two?
You don’t have time to complain about it before Xaden comes running toward you.
Both Lann and Cath stand taller, flaring their nostrils. Cath looks like he’s contemplating how Xaden would taste.
Xaden comes to a stop a few yards away, not wanting to provoke them. It’s easy enough for him to put it together, seeing Dain standing behind you with the mated pair. “Is this some kind of joke?”
Cath blows a puff of foul-smelling steam at Xaden in warning. “Tell him to watch his tone.” 
You don’t.
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Xaden says, a look in his eye you’ve never seen before; pure anger.
You take a step back, bumping into Lann’s foreleg. She curls her neck down, placing her head between your body and Xaden’s. You’ve only been bonded all of ten minutes, but she’s already willing to protect you with her life.
“It wasn’t her fault,” Dain challenges, crossing his arms. “Nor is it mine.” 
Your stomach flips. You’d never expected that Dain would be the one defending you here.
“I should gut you before the bond gets any stronger,” Xaden threatens. What is he so mad for?
“You of all people should know that the consequences can be dire. You won’t risk her life in that way.”
“What the hell are the two of you talking about?” You ask, but they don’t answer, too busy threatening each other.
“Human males and their arguing,” Lann sighs. “Were they dragons, they’d fight to the death and the victor would keep you.”
“That remains a possibility,” you reply quietly, still watching the two of them. Xaden certainly looks like he’s contemplating murder right now. 
“I could just incinerate him, but Sgaeyl would have my head if I did,” Cath muses, sounding bored. “And you seem attached.”
You turn to glare at him. “Not funny.”
“Threats from someone your size are only humorous,” Cath replies, still watching the two men argue.
“Like it or not, Riorson, she’s my responsibility now,” Dain says firmly. What is that supposed to mean? Why does Dain care all of a sudden if you live or die?
“Do not forget that you have a voice in this matter, too,” Lann adds.
She’s right.
“Quit it, both of you!” You interrupt before they can come to blows, and both boys turn toward you, quieting. “Stop talking about me like I’m not even here!”
Their eyes soften.
“Darling, I didn’t mean-“ Xaden begins.
You cross your arms over your chest, glaring up at the boy. “I’m not done,” you say, and he falls silent. “Dain’s right; neither of us asked for this, but it happened, and there’s no changing it now. I know you two hate each other, but I will not have you two fighting over me like I’m some kind of object. Neither of you have any claim to me. I’m not your girlfriend, and even if I was, you still don’t own me. I’m an adult, I can make my own decisions and keep myself safe.”
Neither of them respond, silent and guilty as your words settle in.
“And that is why I chose you,” Lann says proudly.
You ignore the compliment, stepping away from her and turning to leave, swiping the tears from your cheeks.
“I apologize, shrewd one.”
“It’s okay,” you say quietly. “You didn’t know.”
“Professor Kaori?” You ask quietly. “Can I ask you a few questions?”
He already knows why you’re here. “I heard about you and Aetos. Cath and Lann have been mated for nearly two centuries. Their bond is strong.”
“Have you known many other pairs like them?”
“A few,” he answers. “Dragons can live for millennia. Unlike us, they do not fall in love at age twenty, and they are quite selective with their partner. It is a lifelong commitment for them, and not one they take lightly.”
“And their riders?” You ask, holding your breath.
“A pair at Montserrat, who are now married, and another pair who regard each other like blood sisters.” 
He doesn’t mention anyone like you and Dain, who hardly know each other and don’t really care to.
“I‘ll make this clear with you, cadet, as you need to know this and accept it; you and Aetos will be stuck together until the end of your days. The four of you must exist as a functional unit. The grief of one of your deaths may be enough to end you all.”
Your eyes widen. So that’s why Xaden had been so pissed.
“You are both excellent students who will undoubtedly become skilled riders,” Kaori says. “Get to know each other in the coming weeks, and settle your differences sooner than later. The health of your relationship, even if it remains strictly professional, is vital.”
You thank him quietly, heading back to your room. You don’t have time to stew over the news; you have assignments due tomorrow.
Two hours pass. You’ve just finished proofreading your essay when there’s a knock on the door.
Dain and Xaden. You motion for them to come in, knowing that the two of them together outside your door will look deeply suspicious to any passerby. 
“What the fuck do you two want?”
Xaden nods at Dain, motioning for him to talk.
“We discussed it, and we realized you’re right. We’re just going to have to deal with this, and there’s no use in us fighting about it.”
Xaden speaks next. “You’ve proven that you can handle yourself, but we both still want to protect you. We care for you deeply, and that’s not going to change. We’re declaring a truce.”
“Whose idea was that?” You ask, wary.
“His,” Dain answers. Interesting. 
You look to Xaden. “And you’re fine with this,” you say, motioning between you and Dain, “that we’ll be able to speak directly to each other, that we can’t be apart for more than a few days, that we’re going to be stationed together for life?”
“Yes. I trust him not to hurt you, if only because his life is now tied to yours.”
That’s high praise coming from Riorson, who doesn’t fully trust anyone. You don’t dare ask why he feels this way.
“As you said,” Xaden continues, the tone of his voice making your heart flutter, “I hold no claim to you. You remain your own person, no matter how strongly I feel for you or how many nights we have spent together. The decision lies with you.”
“Dain?” You ask. 
He’s been silent, watching you with a softness in his eyes. He’d never taken a good look at you before, never appreciated how beautiful you are. “If he’s okay with it, and you are, then I am too.”
You’d never felt compassion for Dain, never cared if he lived or died, but now you’re overwhelmed with a sense that you need to protect him — to guard that little red string until your last breath. “I care for both of you as well. You’re both good men, who are important to me, and I’d like to have you remain in my life, if you promise to play nicely.”
You extend a pinky to each of them.
Dain looks confused.
“She doesn’t fuck around with pinky promises. This might as well be a blood oath for her,” Xaden explains, interlocking your fingers — this isn’t new to him.
Dain reaches forward, the warmth of his skin against yours sending a wave of soothing energy through you.
“Are you going to make us pinky promise each other too?” He asks playfully, the first joke you’ve ever heard him crack.
Xaden is unamused. “Don’t push it, Aetos.”
You giggle at his barely-restrained contempt. This is gonna be fun.
Most of the quadrant know that yours and Dain’s dragons are mated, and that messing with one of the four of you means invoking the wrath of the other three. For the first time since conscription day, you can walk the halls alone without fearing for your life.
Nobody is aware of Xaden’s role in the relationship, and he prefers to keep it that way — it keeps the target off your back, and this way nobody can say that he’s giving you special treatment or shame you for having two partners. Garrick is the only person who knows about all of this, and he’s sworn to secrecy (that had certainly been an interesting conversation to have).
Xaden may not declare his feelings for you publicly, but he and Sgaeyl are always watching your back, ready to jump in should Dain not be there or should things get out of his control.
The two act generally indifferent to each other, but their love of you is enough for them to behave when you’re around.
They find a good balance between treating you like a princess and pushing you to be the best you can be, letting you do your own work and prepare yourself for what’s to come after graduation. 
The first time you felt Lann and Cath going at it was... interesting.
Xaden knew that this would happen eventually, having felt the same feeling before from Tairn and Sgaeyl. He had warned you days prior that the overwhelming need could lead you astray easily, but that he wouldn’t be mad if you and Dain acted on it.
And act you did. You became addicted to Dain’s touch as soon as you felt it, not wanting it to be a one-time thing, and that’s when the three of you decided that the boys would share you.
We all know Xaden is possessive. He used to call you “my girl” when it was just the two of you hooking up, but now you’re their girl.
“Aww, is our pretty girl needy?”
“I think our girl deserves a reward for being so good.”
Dain is shy at first, but he works up the confidence to start teasing you through the bond. He loves to watch you squirm from across the room as his voice speaks directly into your mind, telling you how hot you looked sparring, what he’s going to do to you tonight…
Xaden does something similar, his shadows brushing your arms and neck, sometimes even slipping under your clothes to touch your body when he can’t, giving soft caresses to your back and waist, but he’ll never take it too far — just enough to make you want his hands on you instead. 
They’re competitive as hell. They’ll tag team you, taking turns to see who can make you cum harder/faster. Your personal record is six times in one night, three apiece before you nearly passed out. They declared a tie, putting aside their egos to care for their sweet girl who had taken it all so well for them.
Sometimes you get both of them at once, and it’s a little overwhelming but so so good. Making out with one while the other is on his knees for you, or one holding your hand and telling you how pretty you look while the other pounds you into the mattress…
The two of them together are the ultimate brat taming combo, with Dain’s strictness and Xaden’s strength. If you give them attitude, get too cozy with another rider, purposely put yourself in danger, or neglect to take care of yourself (overworking, skipping meals, not getting enough sleep…), you’ll have some consequences to face when you’re back behind closed doors that night.
Xaden will tie your hands behind your back with his shadows, Dain edging you until you cry and apologize, promising that you’ll never break their rules again (but you inevitably do, and then they have to teach you your lesson all over again, hehe)
Despite how rough they can be with you, they always take incredibly good care of you afterward, staying to clean you up and hold you close, reminding you how much they love you.
You’re always in the middle when cuddling afterward, as they refuse to touch each other more than absolutely necessary, but you don’t complain, just happy to be held and fall asleep safe between your two strong men 🥰
and now some angst, because that’s what I do:
When you and Dain came back from RSC, bloody and limp, Xaden took care of both of you, finally showing some love to Dain and taking pity on him, helping bandage his wounds and wash the dried blood from his skin.
Eventually Xaden starts distancing himself from the two of you, worried that Dain will read his memories either on purpose or by accident, and find out about his dealings with the gryphon fliers, which you have no idea about.
He plays it off as being busy with third year / wingleader stuff, and you and Dain don’t think anything of it; Xaden has always been withdrawn, never the type to share his thoughts unprompted, and he likes to spend time alone.
When Violet bonds with Tairn at threshing, you realize how Xaden had felt when he realized you and Dain were tied together, only you were less angry and more sad. 
You knew this would happen, that Tairn would have to choose a rider eventually, but it still hurt you deeply. Dain held you all night, whispering sweet things to you while you cried and promising that he would never ever leave you.
You decide to rip the bandage off first, finding Xaden alone a few days later and telling him that for the sake of all four of you and your dragons, this should end here.
He agreed quietly, giving you one last kiss and holding you for a few minutes before finally letting go. 
When Basgiath found out about the revolution, about everything going on beyond the wards, the two of you didn’t hesitate to follow Xaden to Aretia — he may no longer be yours, but you still love him and would gladly fight by his side until the end of your days. 💔
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sluttyhollow · 9 months
I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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Byakuya Kuchiki (Bleach)- Oneshot
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“Did you see him, it’s Kuchiki-taicho!”
The squeals were the only indication you needed. Whenever new reapers came in this is typically how it went. They’d gush over the captains.
Especially him.
At this point you should expect it. Standing at attention, you watch as the captains walk pass. Truthfully you admire their strength. Your ultimate goal was to someday obtain such a position. It was far-fetched, but you couldn’t help it.
There’s a powerful aura that seems to emit from simply their presence. Your eyes follow every movement. When they connect with a pair of steel gray hues, your body froze. It’s just a glance, nothing more, but it holds much more than you expected. You break eye contact hurriedly, looking down at your feet, flustered.
“What the hell am I doing..”
Why the hell would you look directly at him?
It felt quite the same as declaring a love confession. You huff, agitated and you keep your eyes planted down for the rest of the time that they are there. Once it’s finally over, you feel as though you can finally breathe easy. The lieutenants begin ushering the reapers to their designated squads and you follow as people begin to divide up.
The rest of the week is preparation and training. You’re grateful that you’re a member of the thirteenth squad. Being as far away from Byakuya was ideal. He’s too much of a distraction. You know it’s wrong to harbor any feelings for him. He’s emotionally detached. His views are of duty and protection of the integrity of the Soul Society. Even though that’s the case, you can’t help it. You’d seen him in battle one time and you haven’t been able to get over how effortlessly extraordinary he is.
“This is aggravating.”
Jushiro chuckles and you straighten, flushing. You hadn’t realized that you’d been talking to yourself. You’ve been doing that a lot.
“Is there a reason you are aggravated (Y/N)-san?”
You scratch your head with a laugh.
“I-I was just rambling, it’s nothing really.”
You hope that’s enough for him to drop the topic. There’s a part of you that wonders why you couldn’t have fallen for someone like him. Even if he had rejected you, he probably would have done it so nicely you would end up apologizing. You laugh internally at your thoughts and Jushiro gives you a curious look.
“Ukitake-taicho, is Rukia-san back yet?”
“Ah, no she hasn’t returned. If I remember correctly she should be coming in a few weeks. The head captain has asked that she stay close to Ichigo for the time being to ensure his powers have fully returned.”
“That sounds so cool! Rukia-san always gets the cool missions.” You mumble.
“Given her relationship with Ichigo, I believe the head captain was just trying to avoid the inevitable. Abarai-san has a bad habit of getting into fights when he’s there. He wanted to avoid damage to the town.” You giggle.
“I suppose you are right.”
It’s funny to watch the way they bicker, you’ll admit that. Renji would never say it, but he respects Ichigo. You would too if you’d survived the things he’d been through.
“Do you think that-”
The fluttering of black and crimson wings startles you.
“Ukitake-taicho, there is hollow activity in the tenth squad.”
The alert makes you clench your teeth. It’s not a shock that hollow activity is increasing. With the recent shift in energy, the head captain has accounted for just about everything.
You both take off without so much as another word. There’s a part of you that expects chaos when you land. But Jushiro is wearing the same comical expression at the sight before you.
“We got them Taicho!!”
“Take that stupid hollows!!
“Leave some for me!” Kenpachi calls.
There was obviously no need for cavalry, because members of squad eleven are handling the distress call.
If anything you feel a bit sorry for the hollows. A few of them appear to be running for their lives. One is grabbed by the leg, and you sweatdrop when Kenpachi grins down at the very large beast.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
It’s sweating profusely. All he does is swing his hand. It’s flying into the air. You know he intends to go after it. At least you think he does. There’s nothing but a glowing light in the distance like a star of its descent into another world.
“Kenny you threw it too far, he’s gone.” Yachiru comments.
“Damn.” He looks unaffected and you just sigh.
“I don’t think our services are needed.” Jushiro sheaths his blade and you do the same.
“We should do a sweep of the squads around to ensure no others have breached.”
You nod.
Jushiro goes left and you go right.
With your eyes fixed ahead, you’re ready for anything. You’re jumping from building to building, but you don’t see a thing. You’re a bit relieved that there isn’t any damage. At least none that the hollows made. Kenpachi is definitely going to leave a mess wherever he goes.
By the time you make it to the sixth squad you realize that the area is clear. You intend to keep going straight up to the first, but the pink petal drifts into your line of vision and you turn your head. Your eyes widen when you spot him. He’s standing next to a tree and the entire atmosphere feels as though it has changed. Your arms drop slowly and your feet touch the ground quietly.
All he’s doing is standing there. You’re possibly fifty feet away at best, but you can’t stop staring.
He just looks so..
Apparently you said that aloud. His head turns and once again you’re completely frozen. That harsh gaze is fixed on you. You should say something, inform him that you’re only doing a patrol. Words refuse to form and when he steps away from the blossom tree, your heart is going much faster than it has ever gone.
Even in battle.
His steps seem to echo, and you want to swallow, but you can’t. None of your usual body functions are working.
He’s right before you and he stops.
“Were you referring to me.”
He’s talking to you, he must be. But you can’t formulate a sentence, much less respond.
“I asked you a question.”
You flinch and bow fully. It’s an instinct.
Why are you even apologizing, it’s not like you’ve done anything wrong. You just feel like you have.
“I-I was just doing a sweep for hollow activity. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You’re almost afraid to lift your head.
“You said that I was beautiful.”
The statement made your eyes widen. You feel absolutely embarrassed.
That’s all you can get yourself to say at this point.
“Are you so superior that you refuse to meet my gaze.”
Just the insinuation makes you panic.
You jolt upright.
“O-Of course not Kuchiki-taicho I-”
Your words come to a stop, because you expect his eyes to hold irritation, or at the very least anger for saying what you did. Yet, his expression looks almost…soft..
How could such a stoic person look so effortlessly attractive?
“I was right, you are beautiful..”
The slight change in his eyes alerts you that you’ve once again opened your big mouth and blurted out something that should never leave your lips. Your face heats up immediately as you begin to stutter.
This is mortifying.
He says nothing. He just watches you as if trying to make an assessment. Without so much as another word, he turns.
“Let’s go.”
“G-Go? G-Go where?”
He just glances back at you, and a pleasant shiver rushes up your spine.
“Y-Yes Kuchiki-taicho!”
You prepare to follow and he takes off. You’re so consumed in your rushing thoughts that you don’t take notice of the small smile that briefly crosses his lips. 
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10 things i hate about you — part two
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part two: the way you talk to me
chapter summary: having agreed to the deal, billy tries to win you over. series summary: when your younger sister is banned from dating until you get a boyfriend, her and her friends hatch a plan—now they just have to find the right guy to bribe. category: fluff pairing: billy hargrove x fem!reader chapter content warnings: 17+ for sexual themes(no explicit scenes), a lot of language, mentions of underage drinking word count: 1.9k
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Two days later, it was easy to forget about the ultimatum your father had laid down for your sister. After all, it seemed as though she had dropped the issue entirely, occasionally bringing up a single guy in your year but otherwise leaving you alone. You were sure you were home free to coast through the rest of the year utterly unbothered by the talk of dating and relationships.
That is until you were standing at your locker at the beginning of Wednesday and a body leaned against the ones beside yours.
“Hey, Sugar.”
Well, fuck all it all. You let out an audible sigh, slamming your locker door closed and turning to face the guy smirking at you now. “What do you want?” 
It was never a good sign for Billy Hargrove to wander outside of his usual ring of people. Usually, it meant he was bored with the options of women available to him, and he needed someone else to entertain him. Well, screw him if he thought you’d fall for that smirk.
“It’s nice to know you and Laura really are related. You have the same charming attitude,” Billy teased and though he might not have expected it, all you saw was red. Because as much as the two of you fought, she was your younger sister and you’d do anything to make sure she didn’t make the same mistakes you had at her age. It was easy to fall for what these pretty guys had to say, but you knew all the trouble that would cause.
“I don’t know if you think you’re being funny or if you’re genuinely trying to start a fight, but listen up. You stay away from my sister,” you snapped, knowing his reputation as one to be concerned with but knowing you’d take whatever retaliation needed if it meant keeping Laura out of trouble.
“I haven’t touched your sister,” Billy was quick to correct, sending a pure wave of relief through you. “But I was thinking, you and me at Tina’s party on Friday. I’ll pick you up at eight.”
Was he serious? You watched him for a moment, waiting for that overconfident look to morph into something more joking. When it didn’t, you laughed and shook your head, holding your books closer to your chest. “No way, Hargrove. Find someone else, I’m sure you won’t have any troubles finding a girl to fall at your feet.”
You hurried away after, hoping to put as much distance between you and him as possible. What did he think would happen, coming up to you who as far as anyone was concerned here hadn’t dated anyone? You had never even been seen in the same scenes as him, why would he all of a sudden try to ask you out now? All you could think of was that he was trying to get every woman in the school for some messed-up triumph list and that it was your turn to have his attention.
As far as you were concerned, you were determined to never be one of his conquests.
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As far as Billy was concerned, you were the most irritating person he’d ever met. 
He didn’t even want to ask you out, so why was it so damn hurtful that you’d turned him down so quickly? It wasn’t often, or at all, that someone would turn down a chance to go to the biggest party of the year with him. 
“So?” There she was again, that irritatingly persistent Junior, already sitting at his lunch table. “Do you have a hot date for the party Friday?”
“Don’t you have some other guy to bother?” Billy snapped, pissed off that the day was going so poorly. Already he’d been rejected and now he had this girl constantly bothering him about getting a date with her sister. Was the five hundred worth it?
Think of how much closer you’d be to getting out of here with that money.
Billy sighed, closing his eyes and taking a moment to settle the burn of unexpected rejection before he faced Laura again. “Your sister isn’t interested.”
“Oh trust me, she is,” Laura corrected, leaning forward conspiratorially. He only had a half-second to wonder what that meant before she continued, “We just have to remind her.”
“We’re not a team.”
“We are now, Hargrove,” Laura laughed. “Now, don’t go in there asking for a date. She’ll want it to be her idea. Oh, and don’t smoke around her at least until you get the date.”
“Don’t smoke?” Billy repeated, raising his eyebrows and waiting for Laura to admit all of this was just to mess with him. It seemed like far too many rules, far too many things he’d have to change about himself to make this work. “I’m not doing that.”
“Then you won’t get a date with her and you can kiss that five hundred goodbye,” the girl in front of him threatened. “It’s just for a few days, then you can go back to smoking and fucking as much as you want.”
“Does your sister know what a crass little girl you are?” Billy called back, hoping to regain at least some control in this situation.
“Does yours know what an arrogant shit you are?” 
His hands clenched against his jeans at the insult. If this were any other person, he’d yell back. He’d throw worse words around that he’d heard and collected over the years, he’d make sure Laura knew not to ever mess with him like that again. But she was your sister, and as irritated as he was by the whole situation, Billy knew it would be silly to pass up that much money because he couldn’t handle a couple of well-placed comments from her.
“No smoking. No flirting. Anything else I should know?” he sighed. He couldn’t wait for the week to be over, so he could finally be done with you and your sister.
“Yeah, there’s a bonfire at the edge of town tonight. She’ll be there.”
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The bonfire was an easy way to forget about the odd encounter you had earlier that day. In truth, you didn’t think you’d ever be over what had happened no matter how much you told yourself it needed to be so. 
Because Billy fucking Hargrove didn’t stop at the locker conversation. No, he moved Hell and high water to be able to pester you. In every class that didn’t have assigned seats, he’d slipped into the seat beside yours at the last second. You knew the guy only ever sat in the back of the classroom, but all day he was parked right beside you in the front row, leaning over every second he could to convince you to go to the party with him.
You weren’t sure why it was so important that he got a date with you, but you did know that it couldn’t end well for you.
So you joined your friends at a bonfire at the edge of town like you did most Wednesday nights. The lot of you would blast music that wasn’t as popular with the rest of the Hawkins High population—for tonight, Madonna and Bowie would be swapped out for The Smiths and The Replacements. 
There’d be people from a few towns over, even some who were home from college for the week. All of you could have a few drinks and party with other people who understood.
It was a way to escape, and yet twenty minutes into the night there he was.
Billy. Fucking. Hargrove.
“Are you stalking me or something?” you asked the moment he approached, grabbing your plastic cup of shitty alcohol and hurrying away from your closest group of friends. You didn’t want them to hear this, to hear how much he had an effect on you. Because as annoying as he was, who didn’t think Billy was hot? Who wouldn’t want the top guy in the school to notice them, to want to be with them? He was the king of the school, and it would be impossible not to wonder what he had to say to you. So maybe that was why you didn’t run away, slip into the crowd to purposefully lose him.
“I wanted to see what this bonfire was about,” he answered instead, a different approach than the one he’d taken at school that day. “That allowed, Princess?”
“I don’t care what you do,” you countered, finding a seat on one of the hay bales that had been collected for tonight.
“I don’t think that’s true.” Fuck him and fuck his perfect hair. He was still looking at you, a loose smile playing at his lips as he watched you process what he’d said.
“Don’t you have some other girl to talk to like she’s stupid?”
“I could,” Billy admitted, scooping up his own cup of who-knew-what and taking a seat just a little closer to you than you would’ve liked, “but you’re not stupid. I like that about you, L/N.”
“Oh is that so? You want a girl to recite some Shakespeare before you bed her?”
“If you’re into that, then I can handle it,” Billy couldn’t help but quip back, smirking at the dramatic way you rolled your eyes. “For the record, I don’t intend to ‘bed you’ tonight, as you so eloquently said it.”
“Eloquently, that’s a big word. Know what it means?”
It was Billy’s time to roll his eyes, and you tried to force away the smile pulling on your lips at the amused exasperation clear on his face. It was nice to see something there that wasn’t anger or pure confidence.
“I’m not stupid either, Princess,” he told you in a quieter voice, barely heard over the loud music around you.
And maybe it was the drink that gave you the bonus confidence, or maybe it was the way the bonfire lit up his face in a way that pulled your eyes to the freckles marking his cheeks. You swore it should have been impossible for Billy to look so soft, and yet despite the easy gaze and the permanent smirk on his face, he managed. Maybe this was a sign that there was more to him than he wanted to let on. 
Or maybe you just weren’t as smart as he seemed to think you were.
“Pick me up at eight then,” you told him.
“What?” Billy asked, confusion crossing over his expression as clearly as you’ve ever seen before. Billy was an open book in that way, never seeming to hide how he felt to spare anyone. It was refreshing, never having to wonder what he really thought of you.
“Friday, Tina’s. I’ll go with you,” you told him resolutely before standing up. As far as you were concerned, there was nothing left at the bonfire that would make your night any better than it was now. So you walked away, if nothing else proud of the shocked expression on Billy’s face.
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greenhikingboots · 2 years
For the @jonsaprompts “snow.” It’s my favorite premise: marriage for the sake of the North! Pretty pleased with this one. Might have to put it on AO3. 🥰 Sansa sat on a windowsill in one of the spare chambers which overlooked Winterfell’s courtyard. A book rested in her lap, though her eyes were not on it. They were, instead, on the group of men training outside, three stories below. “Admiring your husband?” Jeyne asked as she approached, for Jon was among the men outside, and he had worked up such a sweat that he’d taken off his jerkin despite the cold. “He trains like a madman,” Sansa replied. “It’s as if he plans to kill fifty wights for every one the other men kill.” “He sets a good example for his bannermen. Surely none of them doubt his commitment to protecting the North.” “Slashing a sword through the air is not the only way to protect the North,” Sansa said curtly. “People also need to be fed. They need to be clothed.” Jeyne shook her head, a gentle rebuke. “You said the King’s been generous with his praise regarding how you’ve handled such plans.” “He has.” “Then why are you angry with him?” Sansa released a heavy sigh, touched her temple to the window, then closed her eyes. “I don’t know. But I am angry, Jeyne. You’re right to say so,” she confessed. “I feel it in my whole body, nearly every second of every day. Perhaps I should slash a sword through the air as well. Release some aggression.” They were quiet for a moment, until Jeyne spoke again. “He’s grown more handsome than I would have guessed when we were children. Don’t you agree?” Sansa opened her eyes and looked out the window once more. “It’s all that extra hair,” she said, allowing herself a small smile. “I like his beard best of all.” Jeyne smiled too, then patted Sansa’s legs as if to tell her to move them out of the way. Sansa did, and Jeyne joined her on the windowsill, her back pressed against the window. Once she was settled, she draped Sansa’s legs over her lap. “Have you told him so?” she asked. “That I like his beard? Or that I’m angry all the time?” “Let’s start with the first one.” “We don’t talk much outside of council meetings. Why? Should I tell him?” “Some men like to be wooed as much as women,” Jeyne explained. “Perhaps you could return Jon’s praise with some of your own. Perhaps then you’d both feel a little less aggression.” “What are you saying? You think that —” Sansa pointed out the window at Jon who was, at that very moment, fighting against four men at once “ — that is about me? Not the war to come?” “Why can’t it be both? Perhaps our King feels pressure to save the North and bed his lady wife in order to produce an heir.” “But I haven’t pressured him,” Sansa counted. “Not at all.” “Nor have you invited him to your chambers,” Jeyne chirped. “I don’t understand. When the idea to marry was put before us, we were assured we wouldn't have to — to rush. And now you’re saying I’ve done something wrong by not rushing?” “I’m saying I suspect your husband is ready to be invited to your bed.” Sansa scoffed. “Invited? No. He shouldn’t need to be invited. It’s his right to have me if he wants me. The problem is that he doesn’t.” Jeyne made a funny little noise with her tongue. Tsk, tsk, tsk. “I think I know why you’re angry,” she teased. “You want to be wanted.” “Of course I want to be wanted,” Sansa grumbled, giving up all pretenses at last. “I —” She groaned, then dropped her legs from Jeyne’s lap and stood on the ground next to the window. She whirled around, put her hand on her hips, and stared out the window once again. “I want to be wanted by Jon,” she said firmly. “I want him to come to my chambers in the middle of the night, not out of duty but out of desire. I want him to tell me he cannot resist me any longer.” Jeyne nodded primly, clearly pleased with herself for getting Sansa to admit all of this out loud. “And you’re angry because —” she prompted. “Because he hasn’t, obviously. And because before I was married, the men I encountered led me to believe I was desirable. But that must have been a farce because I’ve been Jon’s wife for three moon turns now and he hasn’t so much as held my hand.” Sansa noticed how loud she’d gotten, how rushed her words were. She turned away from the window, crossed the chamber, and flung herself onto a velvety chaise. A moment later, Jeyne was by her side again. She lowered herself to the ground and sat on the floor, her skirt puddling around her. Taking Sansa’s hand in hers, Jeyne said, “Couldn’t you at least tell him something to that effect? Tell him to come to your chambers when he desires it, and not to ruin it by speaking of duty.” “And make him feel as though he must pretend the deed means something different to him than it really does? I couldn’t ask that of him.” “Honestly, my lady, I think he’ll be relieved you’ve learned to see him as your husband and not the boy who was raised as your bastard half-brother.” Sansa gave a doubtful look. “I would be relieved if I were in his position,” Jeyne went on. “To know my beautiful wife — who is also a magnificent Queen, mind you — wants me to want her? Actually, I’d be more than relieved. I’d be exhilarated.” Sansa smiled appreciatively. She suddenly felt as though they were little girls again, whispering scantilizing things about the lords who came to visit from other castles. “Promise me you’ll invite him to your bed,” Jeyne said playfully. “Promise it? No, I can’t. I really can’t.” “Promise me,” Jeyne insisted. Sansa shook her head. “If it’s so important to you, invite him to my bed on my behalf.” Jeyne sat up straight, her eyes wide. “Jeyne, no. That was a jape.” But it was too late. As fast as any creature Sansa had ever seen, Jeyne got to her feet and fled from the room. “Jeyne! Jeyne, come back here!” But Jeyne did not. Sansa took after her, lifting the bottom of her dress to help her pace. She arrived in the courtyard as her friend was calling out to Jon. “Your Grace! Your Grace, it’s urgent! I must speak to you at once!” The men in the courtyard stopped slashing their swords, and Jon approached Jeyne. “Jeyne, don’t!” Sansa hollered. Jon noticed her then. He hesitated, his eyebrows furrowed. But Jeyne was relentless. “Please, Your Grace, I must say it quietly,” she said, waving him closer. Jon closed the remaining distance between himself and Jeyne, then bent down so she could whisper in his ear. The whispering lasted entirely too long, and Sansa’s heart pounded in her chest. When Jon looked at her again, his expression impossible to read, she thought she might die of embarrassment.  His eyebrows relaxed, then one of them quirked. A question. Is this true? Sansa gave a tiny nod. And Jon, a tiny smirk.
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Hey, Little Songbird
Chapter 28 - AO3
“Well,” Felix spoke, breaking the unbearable silence of the room. “As you can see, we have a bit of a bigger problem than before.”
Alya collapsed into her desk chair, the force sending it spinning for a second. “Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth.” She covered her face with her hands, threading her fingers through her hair. “I’ve been in his house. I’ve talked to him.”
“And I’m related to him, and Rossi is working for him, and Adrien is his son; come on, Alya, snap out of it!”
She shot him a look. “Do you even know what this means to me? To Paris?”
“It means you’ll finally have a chance to get rid of your terrorist. Why do you think I came to you?” he asked. “As far as Gabriel knows, I have no way to contact Ladybug or Chat Noir, nor would he expect me to ask you for help since the two of us ‘fighting.’ He’s going to try to get this—” He showed off the brooch— “back soon, so we need a plan. Now.”
She took a deep breath. “A plan. Right, a plan. It’s past time for Ladybug’s patrol, but I can track down her down tomorrow. We need to tell her right away,” Alya said, nodding resolutely. “Do we need to worry about Gabriel sending an akuma after you?”
“Possibly. Has he ever created any tracking akumas?”
“Nope!” Duusu called out. He’d almost forgotten they were here. “I don’t think you really have to worry about Hawkmoth right now; he’s not bonded with the butterfly miraculous, so he doesn’t have a lot of control of his akumas.”
Felix eyed the little beast. “What are you talking about?”
“Gabriel’s forcing Nooroo, the Butterfly’s kwami, to work with him. That means the two aren’t bonded and Gabriel only has the bare-minimum of powers, including no mind control and no control over the abilities his akumas have.”
“So, when he akumatizes people, he doesn’t know what powers they’re going to get?”
“He can suggest them, but the powers are ultimately decided on the people he akumatized. And people typically only get one or two akuma forms.” So that was why the three akumas that attacked him on the anniversary of his aunt’s disappearance were akumas that the Ladyblog had covered before.
Duusu giggled and continued. “It’s the same when he tries to control them. Hawkmoth takes advantage of strong emotions and gives people an easy way out of their problems, but he can’t force them to do his bidding. They’re only really obsessive towards their goal and attacking Ladybug.”
Felix wanted to ask how Duusu knew this, but bit his tongue. He supposed being held hostage by Hawkmoth allowed for some knowledge to leak through.
“And fighting Ladybug and Chat Noir?” Alya asked, skeptical. “I know I certainly didn’t want to fight my heroes. Are you saying that’s not mind control?”
“Correct!! It’s just self-preservation. Complete instinct. Akumas know that Ladybug will take away their powers, so they fight for themselves. It’s funny—” Duusu snickered to themselves— “Even if Hawkmoth akumatizes himself or Mayura, it won’t make a tracking akuma. And if he managed to give that power to someone else, there’s no way that akuma would care enough to track you down. Your scot-free!” It laughed, high pitched and loud.
“Why do you know all this?” Felix asked. “Why are you telling us this?”
Alya elbowed him in the side.
“Because you freed me, silly!” Duusu flew up in a spiral, stopping centimeters from his nose. “Gabriel Agreste had trapped me in that safe and is abusing my friend! So what if I bended the rules a little bit by thinking you were Adrien. As far as I’m concerned, it’s just what he deserves!”
“You mistook me for Adrien… on purpose?”
“Well… no. I did think you were him for a second. He’s looked through the safe before, and even stole the Book of Miracles, but he didn’t see me. My most recent holder, Mayura, told me not to appear to anyone who didn’t know Gabriel is Hawkmoth, so I just… assumed Adrien was in on it, since he’s been in the safe before!” Duusu said with a shrug. “By the time I realized that you weren’t Adrien, you’d already put on my brooch and became my new holder. Oops!”
“…I guess that’s one way to get around a villain’s orders,” Alya said.
But Felix was fixated on something else Duusu had said. “I’m not your holder.”
“Yes, you are.”
He glared. “No, I’m not.”
“Yes, you are!” Duusu got up in his face. “You put the brooch on, that makes you my holder.”
He immediately snatched the brooch off his chest and threw it on Alya’s bed. “Find someone else then. I’m not a superhero; I don’t want to be one and I’m not going to be one. You can’t make me!”
He jabbed a finger into Alya’s chest. “Don’t try to change my mind, Cesaire! All I wanted was to bring down Rossi and get my family’s rings back, not… this.” He gestured at Duusu, who pouted. “I’m not a hero and I would have been perfectly fine not getting involved with the Miraculous at all if given the choice.”
“I was going to agree with you!” Alya snapped. She rubbed her eyes. “You don’t have to be a hero if you don’t want to. No one, especially not Ladybug, is going to force you. But what about Hawkmoth? Even if he can’t track you down, he’s still going to send them after you.”
She… had a point. His uncle was stubborn, but had laser focus. Gabriel could work for days without a break, without sleep. And now Felix was the sole focus of his undivided attention.
But, Felix realized, he was horrible at multitasking.
“I can stay out of Gabriel’s sights for a few days.” He already had arrangements made with his lawyer; despite what Gabriel had claimed, he was not Felix’s guardian and had no right to hold him captive in his mansion. “Once my suspension is over, I’ll come back to school and we’ll enact the plan against Rossi.”
“But she’ll get akumatized!” Alya protested. “We’d anticipated that before, but this time Hawkmoth will be actively gunning for you!”
“That’s the point. I’m not too keen on being a superhero, but bait?” He smirked. “I’ve survived a few rounds with an akuma before. I can do it again. And while Hawkmoth is focused on me, he’ll never see Ladybug coming.”
Taglist: @graduatedmelon @novicevoice @dur55 @kris-pines04 @18-fandoms-unite-08 @moonlightstar64 @bee-a-garbage-shipper @sol-o-shade @kittyotakunoir666 @tinyterror333 @allieoftheenemy @marichat00 @xgxmxtx @two-faced-biatch @feliciakainzofspades @evil-cricket @emilytopaz @spicybelladonna @chocolateherringtacofan @user00000003 @wannajointhecrabcult @happymonster-pants @duquesapincarrasca  @throneoffirebreathingbitchqueen  @sxltinette @kittydemon9000 @thetrashypanda423 @unoriginalmess  @toodaloo-kangaroo
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oddly-casual · 1 year
I mentioned this before but Osomatsu being Aromantic is one of my biggest hc for his character because I mean how can it not.
Like throughout the show I just found myself relating his experiences with mine in terms of being Aro so maybe it’s like 50% projection but I have evidence for the other 50 I promise hear me out.
One thing I thought of was the fact that Osomatsu was the only brother who didn’t take the rental gf’s out on a date. He only asked for a single hug and he only went on a date when all of his brothers went on a huge date with all of them.
I know the point of the scene was to be funny and that Osomatsu gave away all this stuff for a split second hug but he’s never shown wanting to spend time with these girls actually on a date until he has company around him.
Osomatsu also quickly grew bored of watching Jyushi on his date. Sometimes Aromantic people don’t have an interest in romantic relationships and things such as dates. The rest of the brothers follow the couple nearly all day and Osomatsu seemed to have left once he was sure Jyushimatsu was safe and everything was fine.
‘The way home’ Osomatsu doesn’t mention a thing about wanting to be married or having a partner to love. He even says that he specifically doesn’t want to live with somebody else.
Then there’s the episode with the drug store girl that Karamatsu and Todomatsu fight over
Osomatsu and Jyushimatsu are the only ones to see the situation for what it is. It makes sense for Jyushi, not just because he’s not that stupid but also because he’s been in love before and knows the difference. You’d assume Osomatsu would also be all over this because just look at him- but he’s not, he just gives that same ‘are you serious?’ stare the entire episode. Maybe that could be because his ego is so small, but I believe he doesn’t have that level of interest in anyone so that means he can see right through it all. (Like how Aro people tend to be better judges of romantic situations because they don’t have those feelings (or don’t have them as intensely)
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I think the biggest piece of evidence I have is the entirety of the episode ’just don’t’. Osomatsu clearly had no interest in dating and didn’t even remember Nyya until she told him they’d met before. He even jokes about going on a date before laughing and waving it off.
When Nyya admits she does want to date him Osomatsu completely freaks and hides away. We see him really struggling with this decision and we know that he accepted her offer but he clearly wanted to take it back. Even offering one of his brothers to take his place. (It was his opportunity to finally have something over them, we see how much he loves rubbing this kind of thing in their faces and yet he completely surrenders his sweater to them and lets them fight over it)
Osomatsu, the one who always says he would be fun on dates and loves holding achievements over his brothers head, who does and says whatever he feels like, was too scared to go on a date and nearly flaked.
I think the scene can be read both ways. On one hand Osomatsu doesn’t have the biggest ego. It’s actually the smallest out of all the brothers. So it could be read as him being afraid to go on this date because he feels he’d ruin it or that he didn’t deserve to. Also because having someone love him as he is, piece of shit and all, is terrifying.
But I also think it could be seen in an Aromantic lens. Osomatsu felt pressured to say yes because that’s the natural order of things and when he doesn’t feel the way he thinks he should he gets scared and hides away. He looses sleep over this revelation and only when Totoko gives him a talk does he give it a chance. When he’s rejected he freaks because not only does it establish he’s unlovable as he is but if he can’t force himself to fall in love then does that mean he’s going to be alone forever?
Obviously not, but the point still stands. Some people before they realize they’re Aromantic assume they’re destined to be lonely or that they’re broken in some sense and while it isn’t true, it’s a thought even I had before I realized I was Aromantic. I believe that’s what happened to Osomatsu in that moment. The fear of being different, the dread of realizing something doesn’t feel as it should.
Anyway- Aromantic Osomatsu for New Years!
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
☼ new positivity game ☼ tag your fave people on this website and say something nice about each of them ❥
HIII ANON! yes yes i love to spread love and positivity
i’ve had this sitting in my inbox for a couple of days until i wasn’t working and/or exhausted so now it’s got my full attention. time to dive right the fuck in. get ready to be loved on folks
(i just got halfway through this post and realised how long it’s gonna be lmfao whoops. all the compliments are under the cut ♥️ i have a whole lot of love to give.)
i’m gonna start this with @tisziny. everyone has to know by now how much they mean to me. so supportive and kind and wonderful. always the first person in line to offer help or advice, or the first to say something nice. silly and hilarious, but so warm and open as well. my day wouldn’t be complete without talking to them now. and i wouldn’t have gotten this far in the fic writing scene without their unrestrained support and enthusiasm. i owe them a great debt (it’s my heart and they already have it). my sweetest cheese ♥️
@skysofrey do NOT. get me started on Kaitlin. i will genuinely cry. i will weep. she’s so funny and sweet and nice and pretty. and so unabashedly supportive and so fuckin’ funny. oh my god. do you ever just th…. surjwbueeh just think about your friends (or your wife 6 times over) and hehdiw… idiewj start weeping????? she’s so cool. like she’s way out of my league but we’re gonna set the world record for most times married you watch. i’ll show you all
@blakbonnet ohggg. Meow. you’re so so funny and so evil to me. but i forgive you because i love you so dearly. so creative and talented and wonderful. ill even overlook the beard situation for you. we can’t all be perfect (like me) but you come pretty damn close. can’t wait to settle down in a mansion and adopt like 7 dogs with you love 💕
@stedebonnets ARA!!!!!! everyone look. ara without a word of exaggeration is one of THEE NICEST people I have ever had the absolute pleasure of knowing. puts everyone else first, cares so so much about the people around her. will sometimes just drop into my inbox and say the sweetest most genuine thing and it reminds me that there is in fact goodness on this barren and hideous planet. the world would be a kinder place if there were more people like Ara around. it’s you me and Arthur against the world Ara and we’re gonna MAKE IT!!!!
@bunnyandthejets Bun. ougyggghh it’s Bun Time. I love you forever and ever and ever. unbelievably hilarious and so so kind. every time i see you in my notifs or in my inbox my heart does a whole song and dance. you’ve made me laugh more times than I can count and I am so so grateful for your endless support. if Big John was real you’d be his favourite <3
@vampirebutterflies ASTER!!! my favourite queer in crime!!! absolute darling angel from heaven. still waiting for our planetarium date babe. the way i kept seeing you being fuckin hilarious and sexy in my notes and went THATS IT!!!!!!! WE HAVE TO BE FRIENDS FOREVER and then made a blood pact with you. to the grave babe mwah <3
@epersonae so so kind and so supportive and delightful. been here since day one, cheering me on and being so open and sincere. there are few in the world as good and as kind as you. such a skilled and thoughtful writer as well!!! writes some of the most wonderful fic I’ve ever read and if you’re not here for Hungry for love, ready to drown what are you even doing
@xoxoemynn ohghhhh you’re just so full of love marianne. so full of love and light and beans and i am obsessed with you. so friendly and thoughtful and so NICE!!!! i dunno what we did to deserve you for real. it takes practice to be as sweet as you are and my friend you are a master of your craft <3
@blackbeardskneebrace miles. my beloved angel miles. you’re so so skilled (one of the most impressive artists on All Of The Internet) and so thoughtful and sweet and sincere. you’re way too cool and funny and smart for me but here we are. i would fight god for you bud. i’d win btw i have insane person rage <3
@leatherdaddyteach oh MANNNN don’t get me started on Joey. sexiest most wonderful mfer in these whole entire woods. hilarious and kind with also the most elite taste in music (not even my opinion that’s just objective fact babe mwah) also we are kissing right on the mouth. i’d give you all my teeth if i could. like i don’t need them babe they’re yours now
@chocolatepot cassidy is one of those people who are just effortlessly kind and thoughtful. so ready to share everyone’s creative endeavours and also persists in being an absolutely incredible writer. i’ve said it once i’ll say it again but More Nicer is one of my favourite one shots. it’s so so cute and i think about it every day.
@wearfinethingsalltoowell Joy my beloved. so nice and thoughtful and sweet. a fellow olu enjoyer to the maximum and a fellow Team Bared Until We Die. We got each other’s backs out here in the trenches. i forgive you for all the times your angst posts have made me cry <3 (no i don’t i hold a grudge. think of my organs)
@nofeelingisfinall Zed my darling my dear my angel. you’re so sexy and smart and kind and 💍 what if we smooch forever. you make my heart go so fast (bc i’m in love with you). another person with yummy delicious music taste and also your web weavings make me cry and weep. like i love you why must you hurt me. i just want peace
@sassygwaine adrian you are so so nice and sweet. like when i picture you i picture a forest that’s full of greenery and life after a little bit of rain ya know? that’s the kind of person you are. so full of love and sincerity and also you’re hilarious and smart and always correct. i’m building us a blanket fort. the door’s the blue cushion
@flightoftheconnie fr you’re way too cool for me. i know this down to my bones. but idc, you me and kaitlin are getting married come spring. let’s run away together and hijack some cars and rob some banks and then make out. i’ll kill all your enemies for you send me a list of names and it’ll be done. mwah <3
@snake-snack-stede oh man. outtghhffg man. Olivia. you’re seriously one of the most creative and delightful people on this shit-hole app. every single post you make is pure gold. don’t get me started on your tags. like being that effortlessly funny is such a skill and you’ve mastered it. but also you are so so kind and sweet too. i’m convinced you could rule the world and i think you’d do it perfectly. i have a huge crush on you btw can you tell?
@jellybeanium124 another person with a godly sense of humour. how dare you all be funnier than me. nina you’re so nice and also you’ve never been wrong ever. all of your takes are objectively correct. how does it feel being cooler and sexier than the rest of us?
@awkward-fallen-angel ohhh heather you’re so sweet!!! and super creative as well!!! always super happy to have a little chat you’re always so enthusiastic and excited about the things you love and care about. so much love for you my dear friend
@sherlockig hi alexz!!!! a stede bonnet lover first and a person second. you’re such an absolute delight, and you’re always cheering on and supporting your friends which i really admire. certified hot as well. come here i gotta give you a smooch
@cheersmequeers kate!!! hi hi!!! you’re so genuine and fun and nice, and i’m always so so happy to see you in my notifs. you’ve got so much love in your heart and i think that’s beautiful. a thousand smooches for you <3
if i've forgotten anyone (and I'm sure I probably have) then pls punch me in the head :) put me straight in the bin fr. just know that even if you aren't on this list that I am very in love with you and I think we should fuck nasty <3
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teotalksaboutstuff · 1 year
Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2: Episodes 3, 4, and 5
Episode 3
-so no teruko traitor reveal? pog 
-monotv’s incompetence makes him my favorite host of any killing game. reminds me a lot of danganronpa: safety’s on, basically DR1 but Monokuma is about as incompetent as MonoTV is. it’s a great read, highly reccommended.
-teruko being bad at caulking a bathroom is so me. also of course monotv isn’t going to reveal the information but him not knowing it himself is interesting.
-hey, nice caulk.
-people changing clothes being this big thing is very funny
-charles’ straight up phobia of blood is uh... there’s clearly something deeper going on here
-teruko, put the fucking knife away. as much as it’s within reason that you’d be this paranoid, this does make you look like you are trying to murder Charles here, at least to him.
-id love to know whose motive Charles had, now that Teruko’s got it.
-loving charles and teruko actually being friends of some sort now that their positions have basically reversed since chapter 1.
-Chiteruko? i actually like the idea of those three as a polycule and want to see more whit/teruko interactions.
-MonoTV jumping on charles XD
-teruko playing with cacti i literally cannot???? best scene in chapter 2 by FAR
-living for the eden jumpscare here
-Eden’s hope speech is also iconic. Her knowing the world is kinda fucked but still being kind anyways is something Teruko clearly needed to hear.
Episode 4
-what is the tea
-the gurlz are fighting
-teruko sandwich duck face
-ace markey, the ultimate allistic
-by all rules of danganronpa arei should have died here, and i am so grateful monotv isn’t competent enough to actually enforce the rules but at the same time is arei the mastermind? ofc he wouldn’t kill the mastermind.
-veronika living for the fights is also very me
-’you’ve been acting jerkishly as well’ eden she is literally being deadnamed and STALKED are you blind. J is 100% in the right here.
-nico fucking roasting ace is funny, and i get why he’d think its constructive criticism because i too am autistic and would think much the same.
-see, veronika gets it
-when death threats are the only way to properly resolve an argument
-arei lashing out at monotv is iconic tbh
-jesus christ arei yeah that reaction is a sensible one given your circumstances
-”hey, just so you know, failed hanging attempts are pretty painful” teruko wtf, im not entirely sure how that was intended to be helpful?
-we know what the tea is
-the gurlz are still fighting
-teruko has 99 problems and these bitchez aren’t about to be number 100
-charles making cucumber flowers is iconic
-yeah people are gonna be... super hesitant about the motive secret thing, and teruko defo needs to talk to the person whose motive was originally charles’ as well as rose, whose she has
-see, j at least has the decency to ask the person before telling their secret
-eden has a dude’s motive secret evidently, maybe levi’s? that would be significant.
-who is the someone they’re inviting
Episode 5
-Arei’s typical ew reaction to everything, unsurprising. Makes sense she’d want to talk about motive though given her position.
-Teruko’s reaction being what it is does not surprise me.
-oh wow arei actually wasn’t bluffing when she said she had nothing to hide
-is _ illegal nahhhh let arei be a girlboss yall just dont want to see women win
-teruko please stop acting as if you have any moral high ground here 
-i mean unless something like this happened to you then thats another matter entirely
-the true arei trauma dump. contextualizes literally everything about her in a way that actually makes me fascinated with her as a wonderfully complex character. 
-naturally this would develop into a philosophy where kindness is weakness, yeah
-ah, rose time
-yass art therapy, but i can understand why teruko was so freaked out by it
-in all fairness i dont know how you would respond to someone saying the stuff rose was about teruko
-naturally, rose is fine with the secret coming out. she even has her own trauma dump scene with teruko
-i mean we been knew that teruko didn’t actually mean any of that and now rose maybe does?
-nico was mother for that tbh
-please don’t forget him down there ;-;
-the implication that nico actually likes the teruko gore art is an interesting one
-loving how nico wants rose to teach him painting omg
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bowiebond · 2 years
Nancy and Steve give it another go. They’re older, wiser, and Nancy doesn’t mind the idea of trying again with this new, older and more mature Steve.
Except Steve has a habit. At first, it didn’t irk her. But eventually, the bottle bursts. He casually brings up Katie Anderson from his freshman year, a junior girl he didn’t date but slept with, who he was tutored by until he adequately distracted her, and Nancy shoves his head up and out of her lap before she stands.
“Stop talking about them, Steve!” Steve looks at her, bewildered and confused.
“I— I’m sorry?” His brows furrowed into a soft pinch and Nancy feels like she’s vibrating with her own anger.
“Stop talking about your exes like you’re still in love with them.” It’s firm and quiet near the end, Nancy’s jaw clenched shut.
Steve looks dumbfounded, pinching at the lint of his sweatpants. They had just been talking about highschool, academics, Steve thought it was a funny story, and yeah when he remembered Katie he remembered good times. She had been funny, and sweet, a touch sardonic with a slightly crooked smile. She had been his first, actually, with gentle nails scraping through his hair as he fumbled to please her. He had barely been King Steve yet.
Maybe he had kind of been in love with her. Just a bit. Not at much as he loved Nancy, but he had definitely been attached to Katie until she dropped him for an older boy.
“I…I’m not though?” Steve didn’t want to make it seem like a question, but this conversation felt perplexing to begin with.
“But you talk about them like you are.” There’s a slight whine to her words, but before anything he can pick up the hurt, the anger. He had never liked making her upset, never liked having loved ones angry at him. He quickly stood to take her hands but she pulled them back and crossed them across her chest, hands hidden in the crooked of her arms like she didn’t even want him to think about holding them.
“Nancy, I love you.” And he did. He had for years, had loved her fiercely and loved her softly, had ached with it and soared with it. He had loved her even when she wasn’t his, had been certain of that fact every time he thought of her, even when the thoughts became less frequent, like they were going dormant only to resurface and spark brighter when he spoke to her again. “You don’t need to worry about my exes.”
“I don’t think you’d cheat on me, Steve,” And Nancy meant it, Steve loved with his entire being, devoted to her, he never once strayed, not even when they were fighting or she ignored him to dwell in her anger. He only looked at her because Steve loved her, and she knew that was true, but… “But it hurts to hear you talk about people you used to love like you still love them. It’s like you can’t let go and move on.”
“I am moved on.” Steve furrowed his brows. “Nancy, I’m with you, I’m not— Yeah, I loved those people, and I can remember why, but I don’t…I’m not gonna leave you for them.”
“You do it with everyone, Steve.” Nancy huffed out of her nose, blue eyes looking up at him and bottom lip jutted just the tiniest bit. “I want you to only think of me like that. It doesn’t feel like you do. Even when you talk about Carol or Tommy, if you talk about them like you still love them.”
“In some ways I do!” Steve pursed his lips at the outburst. “I’m allowed to remember the good parts of people, Nance.”
“It’s not good parts though, Steve! You talk about them like you love them. Like how you talk about me. It’s frustrating to be on the same level as people you don’t even talk to anymore.”
“I don’t talk to them because you don’t like it!” Steve snapped and quickly withdrew, taking a step back. But the words had hit and Nancy looked shocked before quiet fury etched into the furrow of her brows.
“When did I ever stop you from talking to anyone? You can’t make your own decisions on who you talk to, Steve, is that it?”
“I could talk them.” Steve clenched his jaw. “I could find them in the phone book. But I didn’t because the one time I bumped into Jessica from sophomore year, you nearly chewed my head off.”
“You were smiling at her like she hung the fucking moon, Steve!” Nancy’s voice was rising and Steve’s own rose in his defence.
“Jess has a very nice personality and she helps her grandma still in the nursing home! Of course I was talking to her like I used to because she’s still a good person and I did love that about her! I still do!”
“Then maybe you should be with Jessica!”
“Jessica is married!”
“That’s your only excuse?” Nancy scoffed in disbelief. “You’re just like your fucking dad.”
That shut him up, his retort vanishing with a snap of his jaw. There wasn’t enough time to feel good about it, Steve’s brows pinched and brown eyes shiny and wide. Sad. Hazily, she wondered if this was the expression he made when she called him bullshit years ago at that party. She couldn’t remember.
“I can’t help that I love people, Nance.” Steve spoke softly, words strained as he blinked and looked away, eyes wet. “I love you. I have for years. But I also loved other people before you, and after you. But I have always been loyal to you when we’re together. Even when I thought some days that you hated me, or regretted being with me, and not someone else.”
“Steve…” Guilt gnawed at her insides as she stepped closer, reaching out for him, but he shied away even as her hands rested upon his arms.
“I never move on, not really. I can’t seem to, Nance. Because I think about how good it felt to be with someone I loved.” His breath hitched and she wondered if he’d actually cry. Steve had never cried much, not in front of others, even her. That was something she had to get used to after dating Jonathan, who seemed to catch other peoples tears like a contagious yawn.
“I just— I want to hold on to the feeling of loving someone. And being loved back.” Steve’s voice was wobbly but after a deep breath in, it managed to smooth it out just a bit. “I will always love my exes, my old friends. Not loved, but love. And it hurts sometimes, but I remember the good parts of them and it’s like being with you, Nance. I get butterflies and my heart races and I just feel so elated.” He licked his lips and fumbled even as a small smile made its way onto his lips at just the memories of those loves, fleeting but intense and still lingering in his very being because that’s all he seemed to be made up of. Every atom, every cell, was simply brimming with love and the need to be loved.
“But I’d never take them back. Something went wrong, whether it was me or them, but we wouldn’t work. Even if I wanted it to. And I love you so much, Nance. I couldn’t fathom cheating on you. So, no,” His voice grew firmer. “I’m not like my dad, and you don’t get to say that just because you wanna hurt me back.”
Nancy looked down, unable to form the apology in her throat into words. All she could think about was the way he described it. She couldn’t understand. How could he love them all still, actively love them every time he thought of them, when he hadn’t spoken to most of them in years. Nancy had had past crushes and boyfriend and she could care less about them now. She cared for Jonathan, but that was different. Deep and more profound. They were bonded by trauma and understood each others hearts. When she ended things with him, it had been sad but mutual (she tried not to think about how Jonathan liked to lie, especially about his feelings, to make others feel better). She had been certain she loved Steve.
She still did, she thinks. Maybe that’s why her next words hurt so much.
“I can’t be with you if you don’t only love me, Steve.” She’s always been independent at heart, and she never let herself have less than what she thought she deserved. She wanted Steve to only love her, but if that wasn’t possible, maybe she needed to find that with someone else so she wouldn’t constantly be burning with jealousy inside every time she saw him talk to someone with that same smile he gave her.
It felt like emotional infidelity, if anything.
“I—“ It’s that look again, like she’s taken his heart out and stomped on it with her designer heeled boots. “I do love you, Nance. I always have.”
“But it’s not just me, Steve.” Nancy’s lips thinned, eyes burning. “I deserve to be loved without feeling like your love is so easily shared. I— I want to be the only one who has your heart.”
“You do.” He insisted, reaching for her this time, but she stepped back with a hand out like a mother withholding a hug from her weeping, recently scolded child. It was an scenario Steve was too familiar with. “Nance.” His voice broke around her name, but still, tears did not fall.
“I think— I think I should go.” Nancy said softly, stepping around him as he stood there, unable to figure out how a funny story about Katie Anderson had led to this. “And I think…We should stop seeing each other, Steve. For both our sakes.” She picked up her coat from the rack and Steve turned to look at her, eyes wide and hurt.
“Nancy…Nance, please don’t go.” He made his way towards her, his pleading voice soft, only heard because of how silent the room was. Nancy pursed her lips and closed her eyes as she turned away from him, wiping her tears quickly as he crowded her side. He took her elbow and curled himself around her like he could protect her from her own hurt. Steve was always like that. Looking out for other people. He had a big heart.
Nancy’s heart was so much smaller, and it had fit in that space, as large as his parents home but so much warmer. She thought a part of her heart may forever nestle in one of the valves, that every breath Steve took might rattle it and keep him loving her too, and it was selfish.
Because really, she was taking her whole heart with her and planning on giving it to someone else. Leaving that space she had filled cold and empty. Like a childhood bedroom that had been cleared out, ready to move out and on.
She wondered if Steve would ever fill the space in his chest entirely, or if he would be continue to fill it with smaller hearts, fragments and tears of what used to be homed there. Like peeling paint from posters that had once been taped to the walls but were striped away, leaving the space bare but imprinted with the knowledge that something had been there once. Maybe, he never let them leave. Locked them up in that giant space in an attempt to fill it, to keep them beating with every thud of his own heart.
Nancy’s lip trembled.
“Goodbye, Steve.” She pulled away and didn’t look back as she opened the door.
“Nancy, please-!”
It shut behind her and Steve stifled a sob, biting his lip so hard it might bleed.
Steve did love her. Truly and entirely, but maybe she was right to some extent. He couldn’t love just one person, would always love more than his fair share.
Not that it mattered. Nobody stuck around to love him back anyway.
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I’m so fucking close
In like two months I’ll be done
I’ll be out of this fucking hell hole of a high school
And I hope I can get out of this house
I want to leave and never look back
But god
Oh god dude I wish
I wish my entire high school experience wasn’t wasted on this fucking cult
Growing up in the Mormon church as been living hell
I missed out on so much just having to survive
I still remember shit of having to constantly be afraid of my own well being because I didn’t know if my family was safe, the people at church where safe, if my own friends where safe
Dude my parents OH MY FUCKING GOD dude they home schooled me for middle school then signed me up for a fucking Mormon private school taking their online course
I was so fucking isolated from anyone outside the fucking church
It was wake up, go to seminary at 5 FUCKING 30 AM, than listen to your classes talking about Jesus and how you can find him in every subject there is, after that go to a church activity, still have some time? How about we invite the MISSIONARIES over for a small FUCKING DINNER PARTY.
Im an atheist
I’m gay
I’m trans
I’m half Mexican
The treatment I’ve mostly gotten has been micro aggressions at best and physical/sexual assault at worst
I will never know what it’s like to just be a normal kid because of the people that preach they want “kids to just be kids” 
It’s so fucking shitty
Ever since I was outed at the age of 12 or 11 it’s been hell
At first I was fine because I still had my best friend that supported me
It was funny even
You’d be minding your business, then someone would try to talk you out of being gay, try to argue why it’s wrong, get mad at you for being gay. You’d fight back
Laugh at them with ur friends. Poke the bear with a stick
Then the tide would shift
Suddenly they didn’t try to pray the gay away, they weren’t trying to argue you out of it
Now they saw you as a threat
A threat to their friends’ sexuality, a threat to their kids’ sexuality, a threat to their own sexuality.
They where more aggressive
Often yelling at out, picking on you, singling you out, even threats that they love to call jokes
But that’s okay,
You’ll hold your head high
Stand your ground
you won’t swallow your pride
so you’ll fight with your words
And if they decided they didn’t want to play with words
Then you’d fight with every tooth and nail you have
You’d be very really win a fight
Like ever
They usually get broken up by adults or they’d get the upper hand and stop when they’re bored
A rare occurrence actually having to fight
But it changes you
Before you where creepy
Now you try to be off putting, to appear as batshit crazy as you can
But it’s okay because when it gets too much you go to your friends
The tide shifts again
Your friends are closer to other friends than before
They stop hanging out
Then the excuses come
“My dad thinks you might be making me gay. Sorry. Yeah I’m going to have to block you.”
“My mom said if your mom weren’t friends with her, that she wouldn’t let me hang out with you, can we maybe stop hugging?”
“Being gay is one thing, but being trans is a bit much. You’ve always been a girl and i can’t see you any other way.”
“Are you just trying to be a guy so girls can like you more? That’s really creepy.”
And the worst of all you best friend
“I just think marriage should stay between a man and a woman.”
“But you said that you’d support gay marriage despite what your parents say. Your aunt is gay, and you’re a witch.”
“changed my mind.”
Now it’s harder to hold your head high
To stand your ground
You start to retreat
You cant appear normal for the life of you
But now you laugh at their jokes
You play along with them
Make yourself small
You’ll expire soon
It doesn’t matter
You promised
You took away life now it’s your turn
But you can never actually mange to do it
Then your friend finds out
He makes you stay
You decided to brake that promise but now it’s too late
Now your sister knows
You make another promise
Before you know it there’s too many promises to brake
They watch you like a hawk
Make sure you get better
But it doesn’t erase the fact that they pushed to here
You’re at this point because of them
And now it’s less than three months from graduation
You’ll never have a real high school experience
You’ll never be able to be a real teenager
You’ll never be able to be a real teen boy
What are you going to do about it
You graduate in less than three months
Can you make it to crawl out of this hell hole?
Or will you lay there in the grime you’re so well acquainted with?
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reddie-fangirl24 · 2 years
Proposal (A Reddie Fanfiction)
Eddie groaned very loudly, stomping back and forth around the run-down truck Bill lent to them to drive in for the wedding. It had been a full hour of fighting because Richie locked the key in the car. They missed out on getting a ride because they had to pee getting a ticket for the illegally parked car. And now they were going to miss their best friend’s wedding. 
“We ruined Ben and Bev’s night! Now they’re not going to have a fucking cake! That’s the most important part of a wedding! We can’t call anyone because our phones are locked in the fucking car that you locked! And it’s too dangerous to hitchhike. Who knows what psycho is out there ‘cause I’m not sleeping out here in this shithole!”
Out of frustration, Eddie kicked the tire, but it hurt more than he anticipated. Richie walked over to calm his boyfriend down. They sat down in the back of the truck. Despite how furious they were, either about the situation or with each other, that all went away as they enjoyed the silent night air as they held one another.
“We’ll think of something, baby. Haven’t we always?” Richie asked him, kissing his head.
Eddie sunk into Richie’s embrace, his worries diminishing. That hot feeling disappeared in his stomach. “I’m sorry, Rich. It’s really not you. I just...”
Richie waited for him to continue. He could feel the lingering fear from Eddie, embarrassed. He stroked his hand lightly down his back. “What’s a matter?”
The man shook his head, listening to the crickets. “It’s silly.”
“Do you have any idea who you are talking to?”
That made Eddie laugh. “You got a point.”
“Hey, this is not an ‘insult me’ time! I’m just trying to make you feel comfortable!”
“I don’t know... I guess I’ve just never liked weddings,” Eddie admitted, some weight lifting off his shoulders.
Richie’s stomach fell, his insides panicking. He faltered from their cuddle a bit. “Oh, you don’t?”
“I guess I used to until my own... with Myra.” He didn’t have to say her name, but as soon as it left his mouth, Richie could sense all the distaste. Maybe he should have had this conversation with him before going through with the decision.
“What was it like?” Richie asked, massaging a hand up and down Eddie’s back.
“The cringiest thing you’d ever see. None of what I wanted to do. Or even wear! It was all so fake. Plus, it was all of Myra’s friends and family. Just my mom came. But... her illness was bad at that point. I didn’t even want to fucking get married!” Eddie covered his face with his hands, shaking his head.
Richie kissed his head again, sniffing the scent of his shampoo. A little breeze swept through the area. Subconsciously, he pulled his boyfriend into his warmth a little closer, ignoring his own anxiety. “What would you do differenty?”
“Huh?” Eddie looked at him funny.
“I mean...” Richie struggled a bit. “If you were in charge, how would you have done it?”
Eddie’s eyes sparkled. “Well, I wouldn’t have it in a church for one thing. I’d rather have a wedding outside. Nothing in public, just a private space.”
“Like a view overlooking the ocean?” Richie asked with a smile.
Eddie nodded vibrantly, like a child. It made Richie giggle, his insides warming. This man was so adorable. God, he was so lucky! “An ocean or a gazebo in a park! And it would only be a small group of people.” Eddie’s face fell a bit. “I wish I knew you guys when I was with Myra. I was so lonely at the wedding.”
Richie snorted, his bellowing laugh echoing, interrupting animals from their slumber. “You’d really want to have me at your wedding to Myra?”
Eddie burst out laughing. Hearing Eddie laugh was enough for Richie’s ears. All he needed to hear was Eddie laughing and he was satisfied.
“Oh, she wouldn’t approve of that! Neither would my mom!”
“I probably wouldn’t have been allowed to come,” Richie nudged him. “What day was your wedding again?”
“June 1, 2001.”
“Really?” His eyeballs skyrocketed.
“Yeah, why?”
“You had your wedding the day I had my first comedy routine?”
“No fucking way!”
“You know, I think I recorded that,” Eddie told him, holding Richie’s hand. He smiled brightly at Richie which melted the man's insides. “I didn’t know you, but deep down I remembered you. Once we were at our hotel, Myra was so exhausted that she passed out in bed. I turned on the TV and I watched you. That was the best part of the day.”
Richie nuzzled their noses together. “Glad I was part of your wedding in some way.”
Eddie kissed him, deepening it by swerving his tongue through his mouth. This was not the right place but they had the urge to rip off their clothes and have the most romantic sex ever. Plus, there was this big cake.
“I think you’d look good in a purple suit,” Eddie said after a good minute of silence.
“A purple suit?” Richie asked, amused.
Eddie looked at him with the most loving smile he’d ever seen. “I don’t like traditional weddings.”
“How about a song?”
“‘You’re my Everything!’” Eddie answered without hesitation.
Eddie’s eyes never shined so bright. Richie swore that the moonlight made him look sexier, casting his smile, and the twinkle in his eye. “The song I sang to you in the hospital. I was just humming it. And you were asleep.”
“I still heard. It helped me fight.”
Richie kissed him. “Wow, Eds,” he uttered through the kisses. Eddie tussled his hand through his curly hair, bringing him closer, and sending wet kisses down his neck. Before this could really get out of hand, both heard a car engine stop.
“Richie? Eddie?” It was Beverly. In her wedding dress! And the other Losers!
“What are you doing here?” Eddie asked, relieved. Beverly ran up and hugged both of them.
“We thought something terrible happened to you!” she cried.
“No, this stupid car broke down!” Richie explained, pointing towards the vehicle.
“And then you locked the keys in the car!”
“Well, I told you to stay in the car!” Richie confronted him.
“Who doesn’t take the keys with them when getting out of a car?”
“If we were all Eddie Kaspbrak, then would you be happy?”
Ben broke up the lover's quarrel, knowing that it would go too far. “Guys, we really hate to interrupt, but we have everyone waiting at the wedding.”
“You didn’t start yet?” Eddie asked, again relieved.
“Of course not. How could we start a wedding without our best friends?” Beverly asked, waving her hands in the air.
“Let’s get the cake and head back,” Stanley insisted as he and Mike went to take it out of the trunk.
“Sorry about the car. Didn’t know it was almost out of gas,” Bill apologized, embarrassment written all over his face.
“Trying to figure out that ending has definitely gone to your head,” Richie smirked, patting him on the shoulder.
Beverly shook her head, hugging Richie. “Please, tell me that you didn’t go through with it, Rich. You know we all want to be together to see it!”
“See what?” Eddie asked, his brow turned up, startling Richie. Realizing what she said, Beverly threw her hand over her mouth.
Sweat pooled Richie’s forehead as he stared into his love’s eyes. Richie felt complete. The first time he saw Eddie again, standing in the restaurant, Richie felt like he melted into a puddle. Eddie was so handsome, and supportive, and kind, and brave, and wonderful... this could go on forever.
Grabbing a rock, Richie aimed it at the passenger side window. “Bill, may I?”
Shrugging, Bill nodded, confused. “As long as you’re not hitting yourself.”
Richie threw the rock, smashing the window. Hopping in as he scrambled to get the ring out of the glove compartment, Richie felt his heart racing. When he walked up to Eddie, the world disappeared. Only he mattered. Slowly, his knee popping, Richie got down onto one knee.
“Eddie, Eds, my Spaghetti-Eds, where do I start? I’ve loved you since kindergarten when you wrapped a bandaid around my finger because I had a papercut. You are an amazing man. I have been the happiest I have ever been with you these past five years. Waking up next to you, spooning you, or seeing a little drool hanging off your mouth is the definition of beauty.”
“Oh, fuck you, Richie!” Eddie sniffled, smiling so big. Tears prickled in his eyes.
“Jeez, I never expected to hear you say that when I’m proposing to you!” Looking at Eddie’s handsome face was enough to make his insides melt like ice cream on a hot day. Tears leaked from Eddie’s eyes. Clearly, he was seconds away from collapsing into tears.
“Eddie, you have made me so happy. I don’t know what my life would be like without you. I’ve learned so much about myself in the last year that I should have known but I’m too much of a self-pitying dumbass.”
“Would you stop?” Eddie swatted him.
Richie took another moment to look up at him to study all of his beautiful features. This was the man who made him feel better right after he read his first hate comment when he came out as gay. Eddie, the man who adored every inch of his body. Eddie, the first and only person he ever loved.
“Eddie, will you marry me?” Richie presented the ring.
Tears streamed down Eddie’s face as he burst into tears. “Yes! Yes, I will!”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the Losers Club as they applauded their best friends. Now they had two exciting events to celebrate tonight. 
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