#look...he'd absolutely deck a guy when he found out said guy had laid hands on the woman he loved im js
this post gets a warning for statutory rape & also child abuse bc scott’s dad is a dick
we open ch11 with stiles pov, he has been ditched by everyone, is alone in the woods, and terrified for all his friends
this is reading like night school tbh
aww he's talking about how he got booted out of cub scouts for being too talkative during meetings
"I couldn't find them," Derek said, coming up behind him, and Stiles let out a shriek.
listen even though i dont like the ship this is honestly a great dynamic i love derek being terrifying let my boy have some comfort in being able to scare other people
derek say the alpha is setting the fires to throw him off scott's scent, or maybe the argents are, and stiles is like PFFFT you dont seriously think allison is in on this and derek's like you shouldn't be surprised you know who the argents are & what they do & he stares into the campfire and Remembers oh god here comes the flashbacks 
"six years earlier" goodbye! this is gonna be so fucked up
so young derek is in the pool swimming laps and talking about the wolf moon where all the hales from around the country will be coming in to do a ritual where they honor their ancestor—and this is interesting—the beast of gévaudan
who is actually the argents ancestor in later canon lmao but it's cool that originally it was the First Werewolf. maybe this is like as close to religion as werewolves get
anyways derek and his cousin josh are gonna be competeing for some honor (derek's dad and peter have a bet going - peter's better against derek :/) so he's doing extra laps and workouts. apparently laura makes gentle fun of him a lot god im so sad
anyway the lifeguard has to leave the school for a few weeks bc his wife is having a baby soon and the sub might not let derek stay and swim after hours
obviously the sub is going to be kate i know this
awww apparently the swim coach keeps beggin derek to join the team but he's too worried about shifting at school and full moons to join
yep here's kte, wearing a Sexy Swimsuit and making eyes at derek when he happens to look at her from scross the pool. she lets out a "lusty chuckle" as he gets embarrassed and looks away
he thinks she's really pretty and can't stop looking at her body but he's content enough to just blush about it and swim it off UNTIL he realizes he's been swimming for ages, the pool is empty, and it's just the two of them, but she's still swimming in his lane
"He thought about reaching out, touching her. He wanted to, with all his straining body. But she was practically a teacher, and he was only sixteen. Of course she was just toying with him."
yeah fuck there it is jesus christ
"Flustered, even a little frightened, Derek ducked beneath the nylon lane divider, reached the side, and climbed out of the pool. He left without saying a word, heading for the boys' locker room. Her amused laughter trailed after him. He was almost afraid to shower, but he quickly rinsed off and changed into street clothes, still mostly wet. He practically ran out of the school, looking over his shoulder."
like this scene paints derek as instantly and deeply attacted to her which lol me over here in ace derek camp i don't buy it but GEEZ even with all that the fucking...predatory nature of how she acts—like she's standing in the parking lot staring at him and waiting for him when he gets out, and he runs away and leaves without a word
you could argue that he's shy and doesn't know how to handle a crush bc it's probably true but she's corraling him and cornering him. she's hunting him. FUCKED up
he's like in utter disbelief that she'd come onto him and you get the sense that he wouldn't know what to do if she was more direct
and then derek goes to the beaconburger, which i am absolutely putting into a fanfic, and meets laura for dinner, to ease the flow of traffic in their own kitchen at home
he actually does IMMEDIATELY tell laura about what happened when she asks why he's so upset and she's pretty scandalized that it's a teacher at first, but then she asks if they banged and just sort of gently teases him when he gets embarrassed because "in our world 16 is mateable" yikes that's some bad writing
laura: so she came onto you like a big slut? derek: [instantly shutting down]
man :////
i'm pretty disappointed lol for all the ways this book is good at depicting kate as predatory you'd think it'd make laura a little less "sure fuck a teacher thats fine"
lol and then she accuses him of being in puppy love and we end the scene alright then
oh my god baby scott!!!! i am highkey prepared to fight his father
scott and his parents are a few booths down
his parents are arguing about something, and they always argue, but today something Bad has happened but he doesnt know what
he like, says he isnt hungry and asks if he can go play at the arcades to get away from the fighting and jesus FUCKING CHRIST rafe says that they don't have the money, melissa says she has a couple of quarters, scott holds his hand out, and and rafe grabs his wrist: "I'm getting mixed messages. First, we don't have enough money to pay for cable. But we have enough money for Scott's inhaler. We don't have enough money for a down payment on a new car but we can stop in here at the Beaconburger instead of eating at home, where mac and cheese is a dollar a box."
and scott begins to have an asthma attack but he tries not to show it bc he doesn't like to have them in front of his dad
and melissa is like "u let go of my son" and tries to give him his inhaler but his dad is like "you baby him, it's all in his head"
and melissa has to threaten to hit rafe before he finally lets go and lets scott have the inhaler jesus fuck like he was seeing spots he nearly passed out
"Her eyes narrowed. She hated his dad. Anyone could see that."
rafe gets mad and gives him a five-dollar bill and tells him to go play his damn games. and he passes by a table with a boy and girl talking about being in love (laura and derek, obviously)
and he promises himself that eh will never, ever, fall in love, end chapter
jesus CHRIST
scott mccall who has so much love in his heart it is bursting full and running over i'm SO SAD for him
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