#looking at her wiki page... god forbid women do anything
cenobitepaw · 6 months
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#6, curlfeather
i swear this cat near frustrated me to tears to draw, i have no idea why she specifically was so difficult but at least she's done... i kind of like this design and i kind of don't. i spent around 2 hours on the sketch for this picture just trying to get it to look right, then decided i'd never get it to look right and just delved into the lineart and got on with it. on the other hand i really like her caramel swirl ice cream looking hair lol
i actually did two other designs for her before this one and even lined one of them before zooming out and deciding i hated it. the lined design is based off an old oc i used to have back in the day that actually reminds me a lot of curlfeather.
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the third picture was the original design before i decided i didn't like it.
anyway, i don't know anything that much about curlfeather than what i've vaguely read, but from what i have picked up she seems fun in the way that suffering saint sebastian was fun. her modern warrior cat sainthood vibe
note: as i was just searching what clan she was in so i could tag this i noticed apparently she's in the dark forest..? is that like legit she's there as a resident? and not trapped or anything? because if so she's about to get a killer df design. let me know 🫶🫀
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moodymisty · 2 months
Anon that talked about Fulgrim here. The same thing is happening to Yvraine. Also this a rant sorry
She's such a cool character. I'll say that I haven't read any books on her, I only watched some yt videos and read her wiki page. But from what I gathered, she's a total badass who'll do anything for her people. Then why she's just left as "Guilliman's eldar gf"? Because the people who say those sorts of things don't know how to see female characters. The elf being paired with the humans is essentially an ancient thing now and it also comes from this. But, at it's core (and in the case of Warhammer), it's fetishization.
Let's take a closer look at this: Guilliman is, obviously, the golden boy of the Imperium. He's an hard-working and logical man, in many of the main he is the main character or an incredibly important character. Of course, somebody will relate to him, they'll say: "he's just like me". Then comes Yvraine. She's from a different cultures, she looks much different and she, and her kind, are considered barbarians. She and Guilliman develop an "partnership" on a bases of a treaty but they still hate eachother. They tolerate one another for the good of their people. These people, who previously related to Guilliman, will toy with plot so Guilliman, basically them in this context, will get the xeno big titty gf and live happily ever after. They do this because they fetishize how different Yvraine is. They want the main lead to get the girl, essentially.
I've seen on Reddit (god forbid) people actually ask if this relationship is canon. They depict Yvraine as an hungry whore for the human dick. This went to the other Primarchs too. They make a list of which xeno races would be most compatible with each primach. Fir example, I've seen a lot of art showing the Khan and Lelith Hesperax together. My brother in Christ, that woman hates with all her heart pregnancy and pregnant women. I seriously think she's a lesbian (if it isn't canon already). Poor Khan is stuck in the Warp, probably wanting to go back to his sons. He'll not look at an Drukhari and say: "I'll smash that" 💀. Lelith won't fall at her knees begging for his cock, she'll already either have fought him or is fighting him.
Sexualization is completely fine. Hell, I fantasize about the Primarchs or other characters from any piece of fiction all day long. But when this fanon headcanons become canon to some people, I think we should tone it down. I laughed at the Guilliman x Yvraine jokes in the beginning, but these jokes should just stop, they're unfunny now 😕
The Yvraine x Guilliman is totally canon guys posts are always so insane to me because, they've literally spoken twice. Shortly after guilliman woke up, and before Yvraine left. And Guilliman was very firm in saying 'thanks for bringing me back, but that's it. please leave.'
Like there was no UWU THANK YOU YVRAINE~ and no OOOOO~ MON'KEIGH ~
Like i don't mind the shitposting to be clear. If people want to ship it or meme about it thats fine i don't fucking care, what's frustrating is now that it's been a few years since that event happened, people are coming into the fandom thinking that this stuff is like, actually real. And they have some political secret romance going on and Yvraine is going around getting that primarch dick on the reg. And yeah the fact that she's one of the few female characters i'm sure doesn't help matters.
I just wish the memeing wouldn't blend into people's actual interpretation of the lore, like it has with a lot of fans. Brain melting literally.
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