#looking at my answers it seems that izar has so much nuanced stuff going on
izar-tarazed · 4 months
In a fight my muse...
Bold the applicable, italicize if more situational or nuanced for what fits your muse tries in battle.
-closes distance / makes distance -uses overwhelming force / whittles down an opponent -can endure a long fight / cannot -is quick to start a fight / is rarely the instigator -tries to dodge / tries to block -uses psychological tactics / focuses on martial approach -is a graceless fighter / elegant fighter -values honor / uses dirty tactics -accepts defeat / begs for mercy / cuts and runs
Izar will usually rely on her sorceries and try to stay out of melee range whenever she can.
She has some powerful sorceries at her disposal (hence "overwhelming force" applies sometimes), but will only resort to them if she can afford the casting time (and otherwise rely on swifter sorceries such as her beloved comets).
If she is forced to engage in melee, she can handle herself for a while, but it’s still not her strong suit.
She has a shield. She always wields the shield. Every once in a while she will remember it's there.
She might accept defeat depending on the opponent, but will usually rather opt for a tactical retreat. This might include dying and waking up at the next site of grace (unpleasant and painful).
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-closes distance / makes distance -uses overwhelming force / whittles down an opponent -can endure a long fight / cannot -is quick to start a fight / is rarely the instigator -tries to dodge / tries to block -uses psychological tactics / focuses on martial approach -is a graceless fighter / elegant fighter -values honor / uses dirty tactics -accepts defeat / begs for mercy / cuts and runs
If fighting alongside Izar, Ensha will try to draw attention while in melee so Izar can cast her sorceries unbothered.
He’ll occasionally use his gravity sorceries. Collapsing Stars is frequently his solution to yank an enemy away from Izar.
He has absolutely no qualms to start a fight, especially if it grants him the element of surprise.
Fights are about survival, not honor.
Even with the focus on survival, Ensha is unlikely to retreat (and even less to accept defeat). He might run eventually, but first will usually opt for an even more reckless approach.
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Tagged by @rotten-pest (thanks! This was fun!) Tagging: whoever wants to do this!
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