ieatmybroccoli · 7 years
Fields of Gold: Bullshit is tiring and why my social life is on hold
I have become that person.
I’m looking into getting a life coach.
Can I afford it? Not really. Are the self help books I bought working? Yes and no.  Do they hold me accountable? Definitely not. 
So why am I getting a life coach? Because I’m tired of being 35, living with my father, and scraping from paycheck to paycheck. 
The good news is I am working through a program for copywriting with the help of a friend of mine. She currently makes $5000 a month, which is the exact amount I set as my first financial goal. You can’t tell me that wasn’t a loud and clear sign from the Universe. The sky might as well have been flickering like a neon sign in Las Vegas.
Okay, so great. I have a plan, right? If following the program and winging it from there is a plan, then yes, I DO have a plan. Only problem besides having super strong faith that everything will work out is my incredibly abundant, never ending supply of self doubt. 
This is where the life coach comes in. 
I have to stop letting doubt and fear get in the way of my dream of spending my days in yoga pants or leggings as I sip tea from my two bedroom apartment in the city. Or from someone else’s apartment I rented off of Air BNB. 
I am not living the life I want; therefore, I have to make it happen- no matter how crazy or ridiculous the methods. It’s uncomfortable and anxiety inducing, but the end result isn’t going to come easy.
And I am tired of not getting what I want.
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