astrologygirl · 9 years
what the signs paint
Aries: their anger; dark colors including black and a variety of reds, use greens for jealousy.
Taurus: scenes of romance; use soft tones, pastels, rustic scenery.
Gemini: split personality portraits; paints one person portrayed as two, uses light vs. dark colors, contrasts.
Cancer: scenes of heartbreak; paints people crying of broken hearts, deep colors, blues, purples, greens.
Leo: royalty; portrays royalty in abstract ways, uses bright colors that pop, yellows, pinks, oranges.
Virgo: vintage life; paints life from the old days, uses greys and other neutral colors, captures the beauty but also the corrupt of old america.
Libra: their fears; paints of isolation, uses their pictures to portray loneliness, uses dark colors, sometimes uses a single dot of a bright color to show the isolation between the dark colors and the light.
Scorpio: the human body; sometimes paints the whole body exposed, sometimes covers it up with flowers and other parts of nature, uses skin tone colors, some pastels, paints all skin tones ranging from darkest to lightest.
Sagittarius: the world; listens to people describe how they perceive the world and then they paint based off that, uses any range of color, nothing limits them.
Capricorn: science; paints things that explain how, makes you think, likes to paint brains, formulas, makes you stop and stare, their work is a puzzle.
Aquarius: splatter paint; uses different colors depending on their mood, leaves interpretation up to anyone who sees it, takes a psychological approach at painting.
Pisces: the land and sky; paints of the land combing with sky, usually the land melting into the sky, can be ocean with sunset, mountains with sunrise, anything of that sort, uses colors found in nature.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Are you naturally a spiritual healer?
There are some innate signs of people destined for a path of spiritual healing. We all have the potential to heal ourselves and others, but there is a unique passion in some of us–an intense drive towards healing that manifests in many ways. Some of these healers can naturally intuit other’s emotions and energetic needs, and this divine guidance truly helps them to help others and themselves. These below traits represent the manifestation of a healer, but not all healers have these traits. 
This post is meant to help you self-actualize and discover your healing potential, if it is indeed in the path the Source energy has for you.
If you are a healer, you probably…
Have a degree of empathy, like crying at sad movies, feeling others emotions, picking up on anger, sadness, joy, etc when it is around you. There are lots of traits of empaths. Although empaths usually struggle with their own emotions, healers naturally absorb and release emotions easier; they don’t tend to hold on to negative energy as much as a non-healing empath. 
Can instantly sense when someone is sick or in a bad mental state. 
Give off a lot of energy, sometimes affecting physical things around them: light bulbs popping, internet radio frequently skipping, attracting energies and spiritual presences to you. Others may describe you as having a large aura.
Have people either really like you or really dislike you, depending on whether they reject or accept healing energy. 
Have certain pharmaceutical drugs, particularly painkillers, are ineffective. Some drugs, or the idea of taking them, gives you an adverse reaction. 
Have children and animals gravitate towards you.
Are told that you’re more mature than your years, or that you appear to be older or wiser than your age tells. 
Frequently have positive intentions and fostering a genuine personality, not keeping many secrets (within the reason of safety). 
Are introverted, but not often shy. 
Have hands that often feel warm or like they are vibrating, usually due to a presence of healing energy.
Attract people into your life that need help.
Have a desire to surrender to a higher power, to your inner healer, or to the Source.
Understand how energy healing works without direct experience, or little experience. 
You easily see the easiest way people can heal in their lives, and how they are blocking their healing. You want to help and struggle to step back at times. 
If you feel inclined towards energy healing, there are many modalities out there you can learn! Trust your intuition about which feels best for you, it might be acupuncture, aromatherapy, massage, intuitive healing, energy readings, counseling, Reiki, or many other things. Healing is a blessing, and be sure to honor yourself for the capability. You are a beautiful being.
As always, I’m open for questions~
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Hot or Iced Coffee
Hot: Gemini, Scorpio, Aquarius, Capricorn.
Iced: Virgo, Pisces, Taurus, Aries, Leo
Both: Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
The “ I’m not a regular mom. I’m a cool mom.” squad
Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio, Libra, Aquarius
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astrologygirl · 9 years
The signs when they date someone new
Tells everyone about it: Gemini, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries
Tries to keep it lowkey but actually everyone knows it: Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer
Keeps it lowkey: Virgo, Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Signs as Aesthetics
Aries: red lipstick, lighters, cat eye sunglasses, roses, flashing lights, graffiti, leather jacket, cigarettes, 
Taurus: coffee mugs, floppy hats, deserted beaches, gold iPhone case,fancy food
Gemini: fireworks,party lights,smiles,piercings,coachella,mickey mouse
Cancer: kittens, checkered skirts, pink,ballerina shoes,dance,rain,flower crowns
Leo: waterfalls, blue eyes, mac makeup, neon lights, foggy mountains,starfishes 
Virgo: butterflies, brand names, city skylines, high pony tails,rose gold rings
Libra: vintage, drawings, sugar skulls,henna,fruits,long hair
Scorpio: black and white, quotes, fatima hand, grunge boots, nirvana merchandise
Sagittarius: parties, over-sized sweatshirts,black nail polish,bikinis,
Capricorn: vinyl albums, Louis Vuitton heels,cash,voss water,
Aquarius: Trees, healing crystals, lava lamps, ripped jeans,emojis,
Pisces: galaxy,worn out books,swimming in caves,lying in a bunch of daisies,peace sign
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astrologygirl · 9 years
if you’re an astrology blog and I don’t follow you, or a non-astro blog and want me to check you out, reblog this and I’ll have a look at you all :) 
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Where the signs should move
Based on US cities.
Aries: Honolulu, Hawaii.
Taurus: Chicago, Illinois.
Gemini: Miami, Florida.
Cancer: Orlando, Florida.
Leo: Los Angeles, CA
Virgo: Las Vegas, NV
Libra: New Orleans, Louisiana.
Scorpio: Yosemite Valley, CA.
Sagittarius: Portland, Oregon.
Capricorn: New York City, NY.
Aquarius: Seattle, WA.
Pisces: San Francisco,CA.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
What The Planets Rule in One Word
The Sun rules your personality 
The Moon rules your emotions
Mercury rules your mind
Venus rules your love
Mars rules your drive
Jupiter rules your wisdom
Saturn rules your challenges
Uranus rules your originality 
Neptune rules your dreams
Pluto rules your power
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Astrology posts on tumblr slowly start taking over your life when you are exposed to them. First you discover them and think they are funny. Then you start screenshotting them and sending them to your friends and laugh about them. Then all of a sudden you have an astrology blog and question how it all happened.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Crystals for the signs
These are not your signs birthstones, they are the power stones.
Aries: Ruby is known as the stone of love and passion, it is said to attract ones soulmate and reputed to bring true lasting love into the life of the wearer. Aids stamina and strengthens the immune system. [x]
Taurus: Green Jade is known as the stone of success and power, and it boosts self-confidence. When worn with pearls it is reputed to increase financial and personal wealth. [x]
Gemini: Citrine increases mental agility, creativity, decisiveness and mental focus. It will help to express and receive emotional love. Also promotes and strengthens the body’s immune system, bones and circulation. [x]
Cancer: Moonstone is a protective stone for those who are emotionally sensitive people underneath their tough exteriors. Carrying a Moonstone will help to build resilience to life’s knocks by increasing your confidence and courage. [x]
Leo: Diamonds are said to grant your hearts desires and bring good luck and abundance. They are thought to promote loyalty, integrity, and faithfulness. They emit white light or pure energy and are a powerful medium for the third eye to pick up on during meditation that can increase or heighten intuition. [x]
Virgo: Yellow Sapphire is known as the stone of prosperity, it brings wealth and turns dreams into reality. The Sapphire ray will travel along the index finger and thumb of your power hand said to bring you untold wealth and good fortune. [x]
Libra: Lapis Lazuli is known as the stone of heaven; it is reputed to make all things possible. It is used for healing, protection and good luck. This is probably one of the most powerful psychic stones to be found, should you acquire a piece of Lapis Lazuli treasure it as you will be blessed with good fortune. [x]
Scorpio: Black Onyx emits powerful energies that will help to take control of your destiny as it is known to stimulate the power of wise decision-making and is said to bring happiness and good fortune. [x]
Sagittarius: Fire Opal is a pure energy stone, it is a powerful transmitter of positive energy and uplifting vibrations. When combined with silver the Opal it is known to attract new love and will help to bring lovers closer together during time of conflict. [x]
Capricorn: Malachite is a green stone that is known as the stone of transformation, it is said to bring success to any venture. Capricorns who need rapid results in any area of their lives should befriend this powerful stone. [x]
Aquarius: Iolite is known as the water Sapphire, it will help you to reach for the stars and realise all your hopes and dreams as it boosts insight and inspiration. It emits strong positive creative vibrations and promotes harmony, it is also said to attract friendship and love in to the wearer’s life. [x]
Pisces: Rainbow Obsidian is known as the stone of fulfilment as it brings happiness, contentment and pleasure to the wearer. This is the stone of wishes. Rainbow Obsidian is an excellent stone to help reduce stress levels. [x]
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astrologygirl · 9 years
what the signs fall in love with
Aries: selflessness, dark features, working good in teams, sharing things
Taurus: familiarity, loyalty, tenderness, sharing relaxing/intimate memories
Gemini: the details (sparkly eyes, high fives, clumsy grins, sighs), mysteries
Cancer: comfort, the color blue, people with golden hearts and snarky humor
Leo: clumsiness, cute laughs, gentle physical contact, messy hair, confidence
Virgo: (falls with) time, suits & ties, ponytails, aesthetical prettiness, neatness
Libra: playfulness, kept promises, closeness, sharing secrets, caring words
Scorpio: winks, funny jokes, meaningful conversations, bright/shining eyes
Sagittarius: freedom, late night talks, cute smiles, good style, luscious lips
Capricorn: sweetness, cuteness, nice hair, passion, kind & hard working people
Aquarius: mind connections, friendship necklaces, super nice sense of humor
Pisces: affection, coziness, heated sarcasm and funny stories, inside jokes 
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astrologygirl · 9 years
my fave things about the signs
Aries: loveable asshole. when you’re being an ass you’re just speaking the truth. unlike scorpio you manage to be humorous when you’re being an ass. 
Taurus: this is going to sound like a bad thing but i love how predictable you guys are. i just love that’s there’s no bullshit and surprises with you guys.
Gemini : funny. funny. funny. You think you suck at cheering people up but you’re actually the best at it. You make people laugh and smile through the pain.
Cancer: never ever make people feel ‘weak’ or bad about expressing their emotions. you are the best person to go cry to. you’ll probably cry with me. i love that.  
Leo: you are so generous. with your love and time. you may be busy people cus your’e so popular and hardworking but when people need you you’re there. always. 
Virgo: you guys are so hard on yourselves. always wanting to improve and never satisfied with the minimal. i really admire this. You’re always growing and open to learning new life lessons. just wish you’d be nicer to yourself.
Libra: you guys really do try to treat people fairly. i admire your effort to be fair and unbiased. also, you’re the most loveable people. super charming and funny.
Scorpio: wow. passion and dedication oozes out of your pores. so intense. the good kind. some call you obsessive buts its just that you don’t do things in halves. you’re either all in or nothing. intense, the good kind. 
Sagittarius: you guys are so accepting and carefree. honest as heck.  seriously, the funnest sign and along with libra you guys are so loveable. huge respect for sags. 
Capricorn: you guys are all work and (sometimes) no play. with your goals, love, and friends. seriously, you guys are an unstoppable force when you know exactly what you want. capricorn’s always get what they want. 
Aquarius: people feel most comfortable with you. you are open to being friends with people from all walks of life. you are for the people. always putting others before yourself. 
Pisces: fucking hippies. you guys give out all the good vibes. very chill and serene people. also, very charitable people. you cant stand seeing others suffer and you’re just an all around good person.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
one thing that reminds me of each sign
aries: bonfires
taurus: diamonds
gemini: clever jokes
cancer: moonlight
leo: red lipstick
virgo: good literature
libra: intricate clothing
scorpio: rain
sagittarius: the outdoors
capricorn: mountains
aquarius: old records/record players
pisces: candles
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astrologygirl · 9 years
things the signs tend to do a lot
aries: using lots of hand motions while talking
taurus: wiggling eyebrows
gemini: taking deep breaths
cancer: playing with their mouth/lips
leo: winking
virgo: smirking
libra: blushing
scorpio: laughing uncontrollably
sagittarius: picking at their nails
capricorn: absentmindedly tapping their foot
aquarius: looking deep in thought
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Late night thank you for...
Aries: Taking me out on adventures. With you, people get an adrenaline rush Gemini: always brightening up every room you walk in. You know how to beautifully formulate your words. Taurus: Sharing your food with me, especially your Trader Joe’s snacks. You motivate people to become the best they can be! Cancer: All the giggles and dance parties. You have so much love to spread. Leo: Fighting for what is just and standing up for others. Everyone admires you and respects you. You are on point. Virgo: Taking care of everyone and finishing up my math homework before 12am. You are one of the most intelligent people I have met and you know how to have so much fun! Libra: All the late night heart-to-heart convos at Taco Bell. Heart-to-heart convos become so deep with you.   Scorpio: Letting me vent to you. You are the best listener and you are very reassuring. Sagitarrius: being such a goofball. You always know where to go to have fun! I think everyone should go on a night out with you! Capricorn: your compassion and helping people who don’t have as much as you. You are very talented and crafty. Aquarius: all the feminist talks and for being very open minded. Also, you are super artsy. Pisces: always being down to try something new and thinking about others before you.
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astrologygirl · 9 years
Things that remind me of the signs
Aries: bold makeup, moshpits, running from security, sex in a car, talking about heartbreak, movie theaters
Taurus: fistfights, drunk sex, gold jewelry, Adidas, public speaking, festivals, holding hands when it's cold
Gemini: library books, high school crushes, cheesy movies, gossip, blizzards, numb fingers, playing with hair
Cancer: black tattoos, 3 a.m. talks about existence, running til your lungs hurt, false promises, freckles
Leo: pumpkin spice coffee, warm hugs, cosplay, beautiful make up, crying in bathrooms, scarves, thigh highs
Virgo: doodles, drunken kisses, old TV shows, flirty texts, forgotten tea, cheesy puns
Libra: I don't know a single fuckin Libra this is an outrage
Scorpio: holding hands, spicy food, talking for hours, being protected, scary movies, incense, thrift shops
Sagittarius: smoking weed, flirty conversation, cigarette smoke, cheap perfume, running make up, sarcastic humor
Capricorn: throwing knives, bloodied fists, binge eating, hearts beating fast, dry humor, angry emails
Aquarius: pick up lines, blended coffees, road trips with loud music, cuddles, insecurity, beanies
Pisces: slow texts back, redbull, thin hoodies, bruises, emotional fights, spooning til you fall asleep
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