#lookism gimyung
akiyamanemu · 1 year
So... I came back here to post this drawing 🤭💖
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I liked him a lot, even though it took a long time, I can imagine them talking, Gi making fun of Seong a little bit, it's very cute!
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jkmc · 7 months
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koiiiji · 4 months
summary ; no-one dead au, Gapryong love his kids, him and Baekho thinks their youngster have crush on Jinyong’s daughter, while he being delulu and calls their sons wolves (Jinyong secretly cheering for Jake)
tw ; none, pure fluff and actually happy Kim family
pairing(?) ; kid!jake kim x kid!reader(?)
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The celebration at Gapryong Kim's mansion was in full swing,the occasion was significant - his birthday - the air thick with laughter, clinking glasses, and the warm glow of camaraderie. The adults, slightly tipsy and buoyed by nostalgia, sat around the large dining table and in clusters throughout the spacious living room.
Jake, with his boundless energy and cheerful demeanor, was busy running around the garden, making jokes and laughing. Jerry, more reserved and stoic, watched his friends with a calm smile, while you, being a bit moody yet generally happy, played nearby. Gitae, Gapryon’s oldest son, sat on the steps, brooding and occasionally rolling his eyes at the younger kids' antics. He was in that difficult transitional age where he felt misunderstood and often annoyed by everyone around him.
Inside the mansion, Gapryon and his right-hand men, Jinyong Park, Baekho Kwon, and other members of Gapryong's fist enjoyed the party. Gapryong, a fierce yet caring leader, laughed heartily with his friends, while Jinyong kept an eye on whole buster - trying to mesmorise warm moments with his dearest friends.
Suddenly, the door to the grand room burst open, and you ran in, tears streaming down your face. The room fell silent as you launched yourself into your father’s arms, sobbing.
"Daddy! Daddy!" - you cried, clutching Jinyong’s shirt tightly. - "Jake is threatening my life!"
The adults in the room exchanged confused glances. Jake, the sunny and optimistic boy, threatening someone? It seemed impossible. Moments later, Jake stumbled into the room, his face flushed and red as a tomato. His heart raced with a mix of embarrassment and panic, as he feared what you might say. - "I'm not threatening her life!" he exclaimed, clearly flustered. The room erupted in confusion at the sight of the two young children so passionately arguing. Jinyong petted your hair gently, trying to soothe you.
"What happened, sweetheart?" - he asked softly. You wiped your tears and took a deep breath, ready to present your case. - "Daddy, Jake said he wants to MARRY ME! Can you imagine?!"
Laughter filled the room as Jake, embarrassed and blushing even harder, protested, - "No, I don't!"
"Yes, you do!" - you insisted, sticking your tongue out and pointing at him with your finger. But Jake kept arguing and room filled with child's screams of "Yes" and "No"
"I'm gonna marry only my daddy!"
Gapryong, who loved you as his own child, chuckled and decided to tease you a bit. - "But doesn’t your dad already marry your mother, huh?"
You froze, shock and confusion crossing your face as you turned to look at your father, your eyes welling up with fresh tears. Gripping his shirt tightly, you asked, - "Daddy?... Is that true?" - Jinyong, trying to contain his laughter, nodded. - "You know, baby, your mother still needs a husband, right?"
"Traitor! Daddy is a traitor!" you declared dramatically, eliciting more laughter from the adults. Jake watched you, feeling a pang of resentment and a deeper, unspoken feeling. He had a childish crush on you, and though he didn't fully understand it, he knew he liked you a lot. The idea of marrying you seemed natural to him, even if he was too young to grasp its full meaning. Determined and full of childish resolve, you slid off your father’s lap and marched over to Gapryong. "Then... then..." - you stammered, trying to form your next plan. Gapryong, enjoying the moment, leaned down to your level. - "Then what, little one?" - he asked with a warm smile.
"Then I'll marry... Uncle Gapryong!" - you announced, much to the amusement of everyone present. Gapryong laughed heartily and scooped you up in his arms. - "Well, I'm married as well! And I’m afraid I’m too old for you, sweetheart."
As everyone in the room tried to hold back their laughter, you pouted, realizing your grand declaration might not work out as planned. But the genuine affection and warmth from your family made the moment one to remember. Jake, still blushing, sighed with relief and muttered to his father, - "See? I wasn't threatening her life..."
The room erupted in laughter again, the adults and children alike sharing in the joy and absurdity of the moment, making it a birthday celebration to remember. Just as the laughter began to die down, Gapryong, still smiling, said, - "How about Jake anyway, huh?"
You shook your head vigorously. - "NO!! Uncle Gapryong, don't you understand that Jake spends all his time with Jerry! And they're always hugging!" - You crossed your arms defiantly, misinterpreting their fights as affectionate embraces - "I don't want my husband to hug someone else!" - More laughter filled the room, but you remained serious, big tears still streaming down your cheeks. You jumped off Gapryong's lap, desperately looking for a solution. Your eyes landed on Gitae, who was brooding in the corner of the room. With sudden determination, you ran to him and clung to his neck.
"Then I'm gonna marry brother Gitae!" - you announced with a bright, triumphant smile. It seems that a clear vein of discontent appeared on your father’s forehead and with an innocent smile the glass in his bare hand burst with a crash.
Gitae, caught off guard and visibly annoyed, was about to complain, but you turned to him with the most serious face, as if you were already an adult. - "One wrong word and I will say that I saw how you smoked this morning." - Gitae swallowed hard. It wasn't that he was scared of his mother's reprimands about smoking, but he simply nodded, not wanting to cause more drama. - "Whatever, kid," - he muttered.
Jinyong, not a big fan of Gitae, still with his eyes closed and that innocent smile said, - "I will apply for divorce next morning, hun. Come back to daddy."
bonus :
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The adults had announced their departure a thousand times, each attempt to leave thwarted by another round of drinks, another shared memory, or another joke that sent the room into peals of laughter. Gapryong, at the center of it all, held court with his booming laugh and sharp wit, Jinyong Park matched his pace drink for drink. The room was alive with stories of old scars and forgotten battles, of triumphs and losses, each tale punctuated by hearty toasts and the occasional rowdy song.
In the midst of the adults' revelry, the children, worn out from their own antics, began to succumb to sleep. Jake had run out of steam, Jerry yawned widely before finally giving in, and you, found your eyelids growing heavier by the minute.
As the night deepened, the adults continued to assure one another that they really should be heading home, only to be drawn back into another round of drinks or another hilarious story.
Unbeknownst to the adults, the three of you sneaked out of main room to try to distract yourselves from the impending sleep and fatigue, and decided to play hide and seek. As the hours ticked by, the party showed no signs of waning. But eventually, the night began to wind down, and the adults started to gather their belongings, preparing to leave.
"Alright, everyone, I think it's really time to go now," - Gapryong announced, albeit somewhat reluctantly. His words were met with nods and murmurs of agreement, though none made a move to actually stand up. Jinyong glanced around, suddenly realizing that the children were nowhere in sight. - "Where are the kids?" - he asked, a note of concern creeping into his voice. The adults exchanged worried glances and began to search the mansion, calling out names and checking every room. The once noisy and cheerful group was now a flurry of anxious activity, peering behind furniture, checking under tables, and opening every door they came across.
"Jake? Jerry? Where are you?" - Gapryong called out, his deep voice echoing through the halls.
It was Baekho Kwon who finally stumbled upon the scene. Opening the closet door, he found the three of you nestled among the fallen clothes, fast asleep. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight before calling out to the others.
"I found them! They're in here!"
The adults rushed over, relief washing over their faces as they took in the adorable sight. You, still peacefully asleep on Jake's hand, throwing your head back and drooling on his arm, while he drooling on your shoulder and his arm protectively around you, Jerry's head rested gently on your lap, his calm, steady breathing a testament to the deep sleep only children could achieve. Gapryong smiled warmly at the sight. - "Well, would you look at that," - he said softly, his voice full of affection. - "Looks like they had their own little adventure."
Jinyong knelt down, carefully scooping you into his arms, not wanting to disturb your sleep. - "Come on, sweetheart," - he whispered, - "let's get you home."
Gapryong and Baekho followed suit, gently lifting Jake and Jerry, who barely stirred, their exhaustion too great to be roused by the movement.
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loool i love annoyed daddy Jinyoung so much!!
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anticapitalistclown · 5 months
Hi my fav writer can you made lookism men meet the far S/O parents the first time?
hi! sure! <3
Lookism men meeting their s/o parents for the first time
He makes a really great impression even from the start, once they see him standing on the doorway they look at him with good eyes, the meeting goes really well, he's so respectful, your parents take a soft spot for him.
Daniel, Jay, Jichang, James
At first, your parents were doubtful to let their guards down, yet once he got the chance to show his charms, your parents completely warmed to him, during the stay he would set up the table, wash the dishes (he would gossip with your mom)
Jake, Jaegyeon, Jibeom, Goo, Sinu, Zack, Jace
Your parents were not exactly pleased to see that type of man coming along with their child, he was so serious it kinda looked like he was rude, yet, as the meeting progressed, your parents understood he was reserved rather than rude. Some little gestures coming from him like serving a drink to your father, holding the chair for you to sit, stopping your mother to bend from catching something from the floor and doing it he instead... Those gestures made them accept him - your father especially, the two of them would enjoy each other companies with respect, and silence.
Taesoo, Warren, Jihan, Jerry, Hudson, Gun, Johan, Samuel
At first, they were taken aback, yet it didn't last long for him to show his most pure side, it made your parents melt. They enjoyed his company, especially your father, he was happy about the fact that you brought a gentle soul yet capable to protect you from any danger.
Vasco, Jibeom, Daniel, Zack, Lineman, Eli
He showed so much respect from the start that your parents didn't even have the chance to judge him, yet, on that same night you will receive a text from them telling you to be careful about that guy you're dating.
Eugene, Goo, Samuel, James
You could see from your parents expressions that they didn't like him at all. But don't worry, after a few more meetings they will show more empathy towards him and even accept him. (bonus if you have siblings, they adore him sm that helped you convince your parents).
Vin Jin, Koji, Sinu, Ryuhei, Jake, Eli
They ground you for even thinking about dating that guy
Gitae, Gun, Geongseob, Ryuhei, Olly
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sasucaty · 5 months
someone on reddit pointed out how gitae looks like gap and samuel's mom's kid and y'all I can't unsee it anymore
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i hope he doesn't turn out to be both jake AND samuel's half-brother but it would be fucking plot twist if he is lol
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wannaeatramyeon · 3 months
Jake Kim x Reader: Right Person
G/N. 5.2k. Childhood friends to lovers, sorta canon compliant.
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The first time you meet Jake, you are the right person at the right place.
Both precocious pre-teens and families already intertwined.
Your father does something with his father, but that always seems to be the case, everyone knows Gapryong. Works with him in one way or another. He has all sorts of connections.
The peculiar thing though, at least to Jake's pre-pubescent mind, was that he met you.
Few of his father's underlings or 'business partners' have a child that tag along. Fewer still that are seen as an equal.
Apart from being told to call him Oppa, you don't have any other formalities to follow. You stick your tongue out at him, tease him, laugh at his jokes. He in turn shares his candy and sticks of gum and saves all his best punchlines for you.
Minseong, or Auntie as you call her, always smiles at you; calling you precious and talking about how you and Jake would be a great match to join the families.
That could have been a possibility. If fate had been kinder his childhood crush could have blossomed into puppy love and everyone would have been thrilled at the development.
But before anything was allowed to flourish, fate had other plans.
Gapryong is murdered, and your and Jake's life take a different course.
You attend the wake, offering your condolences and saying all the right things in these unfortunate occasions.
Holding Auntie's hand in yours and telling her you're sorry. In the quiet of his bedroom, you wrap your arms around Jake's shaking body, rubbing circles into his back, kissing his forehead, even as he tries to hold it together.
For a brief moment of time after, you and Jake are like glue. Joined at the hips, never seen without the other.
Staying by his side as he gets his irezumi tattoos, oohing and aahing as he unveils the healed ink to you. Pouting as he shoots up like bamboo, puberty taking hold; growing tall and gangly and a full head or three taller than you. Walking each other home from middle school, him waiting for you outside your school gates. Dropping the bombshell that he has to stay behind for another year; besotted as you lecture him about his awful grades.
Eventually, time moves on.
Your family find better connections and ventures - respectable, creditable, without any of the Kim family's gangster past, and quietly and without fanfare remove themselves from the late Gapryong's inner circle.
They distance themselves, and though you ignore their request to do the same - Big Deal's boss, Sinu Han finds Jake Kim and so does Samuel Seo and the distance naturally grows.
Jake stays in the periphery of your life.
The occasional text, and rarer run-ins.
But he always keeps an ear out for you. Looks for you in every reflection. Hopes for you round every corner.
Right person at the right place but at the wrong time.
He does purposely seek you out once.
When he is on the cusp of joining Big Deal and needs someone sane to talk to.
To decipher his thoughts and feelings with the one person who knows him best.
It's you, it's always been you but-
After, he fully realised how different you both are. The trajectories you are on. You, untainted by all this gang shit, and him about to dive head first into it.
He can't marr you with this.
Wrong place, wrong time.
You sought him out once too, in the form of a letter as he serves his time in juvie.
Jake marvels at your handwriting, chicken scratch somehow turned graceful and elegant with time.
Awkward silences punctuate the end of each sentence, and disappointment is found between the lines. Your tone is almost pleading, and there's a desperate yearning for yesteryear.
Jake chooses instead to focus on the crumbs of your life you offer. Thinks at least you're happy and safe and ignorant to the sort of life he leads now.
He keeps your letter under his pillow. Reads it over and over until he can recite it off by heart. Drafts a different reply in his mind every night though he can never bring himself to respond.
The next time you see him again, he barely recognises you. Whether that was due to seasons apart or his focus on other priorities, he isn't sure.
He turns his head when you call his name, Johan Seong following suit.
"You look different," you comment and he does. Jake finally fills out his tall frame, lean muscle showing through his suit and a scar now adorns his lips.
He tilts his head, trying to place you until you frown. A familiar look of impatience, rolling your eyes-
"Y/N?" Your name feeling rusty on his tongue and his eyes widen at your appearance. How well the years have treated you, how kind puberty has been and how amazingly you clean up.
"Too important now to remember me?" You say, folding your arms but smiling.
"Me? I'm a nobody," Jake grins, relaxing in your presence as Johan mutters his agreement somewhere in the background. "What are you doing around here?"
In the end, he rejects your entrance to Club Vivi.
"Aw Jake, cmon for old time's sake!"
"You're underaged!" He says, but what he wants to tell you is this place is bad news. The further you stay away from anything to do with the Four Crews, from himself, the better.
You manage to refrain from stomping your feet like a bratty child, distracted by the way that Jake smiles at you. Even with the pulsating music spilling out onto the street, the heaving queues of people, it feels just like it used to.
A wave of nostalgia hits you.
You reach out, yanking him down by his tie until he is eye level with you.
"Whatever." You thought you might be more upset with the rejection but you can't bring yourself to care right now. Not when Jake Kim is right there. "Text me, ok? I don't hear from you anymore. I miss you."
Jake's throat is suddenly dry.
How many years has it been since he's been eye to eye with you. He remembers his mother's fondness of you, your tinkling laugh in his ear. You by his side, the kisses on his cheek and soothing strokes on his back.
"I miss you t-"
Then Johan Seong clears his throat, uncomfortable at being caught up in this scene and wanting to be literally anywhere else, and Jake's eyes dart towards him.
God Dog.
One of the four gangs.
A mess of underhanded dealings involving Gun Park and Goo Kim. God Dog and Big Deal and Hostel and Workers.
The current situation draws sharply into focus, and Jake is reminded of his main goal - Sinu Han.
The spell is broken and Jake's mask as Big Deal Boss slams firmly back on.
"Sure thing," Jake straightens up again and you have no choice but to release your grip.
He doesn't plan to. Doesn't want to drag you into his mess. Swallows down any regret and feelings and offers you a wink instead.
Still the wrong place, wrong time.
Despite Jake's best intentions you are reunited.
You join Big Deal.
...Or more accurately, you find employment on Big Deal Street.
"Y/N?" Jake calls out to you and today your role is reversed.
It takes you a while to recognise your Jake dressed in his suit, a new scar across his nose and flanked by intimidating looking men. Body language serious, powerful and domineering.
"Everything ok, Boss?" Someone asks and your eyebrows quirk at 'Boss'.
"Fine, Jerry," Jake dismisses any concerns from the hulking man to his right and turns his smile on for you once more, "Just nice to see an old friend."
He lips says friend but his heart wonders if he has the privilege of calling you that anymore.
Are you barely even acquaintances? Someone you might bump into and give a polite nod to. Was he that teenager that you used to hang with once upon a time who you occasionally reminisce about? Do you ever think about him and wonder how he is doing? Do you think about the moments that you had together and the lives you could have had?
Turns out it doesn't matter anyway.
Jake catches the softness in your eyes and he sees that friend is enough.
It could be enough.
Now working part time at the restaurant Jake likes to frequent, you bump into each other time and time again. You become a regular fixture in his life once more.
Serving him extra large portions with a grin, offering up pickle juice with every stew.
"You still add this to all your jjigae, right?" You pull a face, it was never to your taste even if Jake acts like it's the most delicious thing in the world.
Jake blinks in surprise. "You remembered?"
You wipe your hands on your apron, then rest them on your hip. "Duh."
The other faces you gradually put a name to.
Jerry, Brad, Jason, Lineman, and later Lua.
You join them occasionally for the odd drink, perched at the end of the bench next to Jake and soaking up the warm atmosphere, or more likely the boys getting a telling off from Lua even as she throws you a small sly grin every so often.
Sinu and Yeonhui join the group now and then.
The latter takes a liking to you and the former gives you unsubtle glances, elbowing Jake and murmuring things in his ears that causes him to blush and bat Sinu away.
He's talking about you, that much is obvious but you wonder what it is exactly that turns Jake that cute shade of pink.
"What are you saying about me?" You whisper into Jake's ear one time and he jerks sharply at your proximity. Banging his knee against the table so hard that it topples some drinks.
"Jake!" Yeonhui tuts, "Be careful."
Sinu, arm around her, just grins like a maniac.
You: Sooooo...
You: What is Sinu always whispering about?
Jake: Don't worry about it 😘
You: 😒
Jake: Sorry we didn't get to talk much today.
Jake: Hope you're ok
You: Don't worry about me!
You: I know you're super busy
You: It's just nice being around you again
Jake: Same 🙂
Jake: Are you going to get fired for giving me that free lunch?
You: You look like you needed it
Jake: I'm fine 💪
You: Nuh uh. You're tired. And stressed. I can tell
Jake: ...
Jake: Thanks for looking after me
Jake: I've missed you
You: I've missed you too
You: I've still got your jacket!
Jake: No worries I'll get it tomorrow
You: Thanks for letting me borrow it
You: and walking me home
Jake: M'lady
You: 😒
Jake: Good morning 😁
You: Too early 😪
Jake: It is. But i'm looking forward to seeing you later
You: Still can't believe you sprayed jjigae out your nose
Jake: You caught me off guard!
You: It was just an innocent comment
You: Who knew where your filthy mind went
Jake: 😒
Jake: You made Brad blush!
Jake: brad!!
You: 🤭
You: Can you ask Jerry to stop calling me ma'am?
Jake: Will do
Jake: Sorry ma'am
You: 🙄
You: Do you always train like that?
Jake: Yeah why?
You: Oh 🫣
You: Why does everyone in your crew keep bowing to me
Jake: Who knows why they do what they do
You: And EVERYONE keeps calling me Ma'am!
Jake: 🤷🏻‍♂️
You: Shirtless was unnecessary
Jake: 😉
You: 🙄
Jake: you try running laps around the street
You: can't put those abs away can you
Jake: not when they get so many admirers
You: 🙄
Jake: I had the weirdest dream about you last night
You. Go oooon
Jake: 🤐
You: Stop distracting me! You're going to get me fired
Jake: Who's gonna fire you?
You: Jake!
Jake: I'll speak to the owner don't worry about it
You: Jake NO
Jake: Now who's distracting who
You: Well who's gonna fire the boss?
Jake: 😒
You: Besides I didn't even do anything
Jake: That uniform cannot be regulation 🥵
You: 🤫
You: Thanks for taking me to see Auntie!
Jake: Moms so happy to see you
Jake: Found someone else to slander me with
You: It's all from a place of love
Jake: Sure 🙄
Jake: You working tonight?
You: Yeah and you better keep me company 😚
Jake: Always
During your closing shifts, when Jake is around, your boss and owner, is frequently nowhere to be seen.
You wonder if Sinu is responsible for this but you can never bring yourself to mind when Jake stays behind, offering to help.
Removing his jacket and rolling up his sleeves as he wipes down surfaces with you, loads the dishwasher, clean the floors.
"Isn't this beneath the Big Deal leader?" You ask tonight, mopping as he clears and re-organizes the counter.
Jake shrugs, "I don't mind."
(Truth be told, Jason and Brad had given him a questionable look through the shop window once, when they were patrolling the streets at night and found their beloved boss performing menial duties.
Then they saw you grinning next to him and the way Jake looked at you.
And they got it. They, and no other Big Deal member, had questioned it since.)
You resume focus to your task at hand, wringing out the filthy water and scrubbing with earnest.
Damn, this patch of floor is dirty.
Despite pouring all your strength into this section, the mysterious grey splodge, which has likely accumulated from years of slipshod mopping, still has not shifted.
Noticing the sheen of sweat along your brow, Jake plucks a napkin from the holder and offers it to you. "Here."
"I'm fine."
"Your sweaty face says otherwise."
"Nah, I'm good."
You narrow your eyes at the stain, so absorbed in your task you don't notice his approach.
Contemplate getting on your hands and knees to examine it when Jake's hand edges forward, gripping your chin gently, and disrupts your train of thought.
"Come here." He huffs with amusement, angling your face to his.
Your eyes widen comically large and he chuckles. He brings the napkin up to your brow, dabbing attentively. Your temples and down the side of your face, the tip of your nose, before cupping your cheek.
There indeed.
You lean into his palm and sigh. A sigh built up from the depth of your being, that started from years ago, and your eyes flutter close when you feel Jake's thumb run along your bottom lip.
It's more intimate than you have ever been before but doesn't feel anywhere close to enough.
"Y/N-" he murmurs. Your name feels rusty no more.
Jake leans closer. LIke a moth to a flame, and your flame burns undying and gold.
Knuckles rap on the window, shattering the moment. You both turn and see Jerry with a solemn look on his face.
"One moment," Jake says, eyes apologetic and he exits.
The moment stretches as you watch Jake talking to Jerry outside. Both their expressions growing more fierce, exchanged more heated, by the second.
Jake sighs, and his sigh is nothing like yours only minutes ago. His eyes catch yours. He thinks he might regret this forever, wondering about the lingering what-if, but he thinks about your safety and the safety of Big Deal, and he leaves. Striding off into the night.
Jerry comes in, contrite and bows. Tells you sorry but Jake has somewhere else to be.
Leaves you even more bewildered and confused, wondering what has happened.
Workers storm the street only a few days later.
The Hunt for Big Deal peaks when Eugene, not able to get his way, calls in his favour.
Holding back the police, intrusive thoughts of his failure as a leader enter Jake's mind. The state of the street, the crew. Members of Big Deal lie bruised and bloodied around him.
The one silver lining, at least, is that you're nowhere near.
You're not tangled up in this.
Maybe it could have been the right place.
But the time cannot be more wrong.
You and Jake had left your friendship hanging at an odd place that night.
Then he never called, never texted.
(Neither did your boss, but you didn't care about that.)
You glumly scroll through your text chain with him. All the flirtatious words that you had assumed were building up to something.
You sent him one message asking if he was ok, an olive branch and permission to forget everything if it made him uncomfortable and he didn't respond.
The silence said everything you needed to hear.
You are left to wallow and mope in your gloom.
Jake is awake. Broken and bruised but alive.
Left to deal with the aftermath, the pieces of his crew, with the ever loyal Lineman by his side.
Forces himself to push on when all he wants is to curl up in a ball somewhere. Put on a brave face because what else can he do? Recollect his thoughts, rethink his strategy.
Lineman and Lightning Choi are very little comfort to Jake during these hours. Even as both their loud personalities fill in the silence, camaraderie building between them by the day, Jake feels fragile. Stretched thin and strained.
Regardless, he plasters on his plastic smile. The one he used to wear when he was looking for Sinu and trying to hold on to his sanity.
Funny how life comes full circle.
In his heart and head, he knows that all his focus should be on getting stronger, on saving his crew.
But your latest text, left on read and left hanging, haunts him.
The Wanted posters capture your attention and snap you out of your mood.
'What the...?''
Pictures of your friends pinned up in the convenience store. Bounties in stark black font show beneath their faces.
You abandon your goods, your treats and pick-me-ups mid purchase and make your way to Big Deal Street as quickly as you can.
Navigating public transport and running until you're panting and out of breath and sweat blurs your vision.
Everywhere is shuttered and closed.
Everything Jake does, tastes, drinks is tinged with bitterness.
Nevertheless, a routine forms and with each passing day he feels more like himself.
Determination returns.
He trains alongside Lineman even though Lightning Choi insists that he can't teach Jake anything.
Feels his strength returning and muscle growing. Busies himself with preparation in all forms.
“Here,” Jake sets down fresh cooked ramyeon in front of Lineman who looks up at him in surprise. “Eat up. You need it with all your training,”
Lineman wells up with gratitude, “Boss!”
It's a simple meal.
Packaged noodles Lineman has had thousands of times before but it's the best thing he has ever tasted.
In return, Lineman does something for Jake.
He's not sure it's the right thing to do at first, but anyone with eyes can see Jake moping around like a lovesick puppy.
He extends the reaches of his network.
Calls in long owed favours, reconnects to people in his old Monster Crew, people he trusts that won't spill his whereabouts. Asks everyone to keep an eye out, keep their ear to the ground.
Gold is struck when Lineman manages to locate Jerry.
Encouraged by agreement from Lua, who has stayed in contact with the No.2, that this is what the boss needs-
Lineman sets forth his plan.
“Boss?” Lineman knocks on Jake's bedroom door, a makeshift backroom full of cobwebs with a rickety sleeping cot.
Where Jake currently lies, face illuminated by his phone.
Lineman refrains from rolling his eyes. Probably going through his texts again.
The guy thought he was being subtle, but it's obvious as hell whenever he's looking at past messages with you. It's the only time a genuine smile graces his face before it inevitably turns forlorn.
“Hmm?” Jake clicks the screen off and sits up as Lineman pokes his head around.
“You got a sec?”
“Sure thing.”
“Ok.” Linemans head disappears again.
There's some minor commotion behind the door. Hushed voices squabbling and-
The door cracks open again and you step through.
When you got the call from Lineman, you leapt at the chance of seeing Jake again. To see that he's ok with your own eyes.
Give him a piece of your mind for icing you out, probably under some misguided sense of chivalry.
For not explaining a single thing to you and keeping you in the dark even as this huge shit storm rained down on him.
Worse of all, the audacity for leaving you on read.
Unfortunately, at seeing Jake-
The bruises, now mottled green and yellow, the cuts and scratches littering his skin, body bandaged and tender, the way his eyes have lost their light.
-Everything you planned to say and wanted to say goes out the window.
And you burst into tears.
Lineman, taking that as his cue, clicks the door shut.
Jake is stuck somewhere between elated and miserable.
You're here? You're really here?
But fuck. You're here.
Caught in this chaos.
When he thought he had managed to at least protect you if no one else, you show up when he's at his most powerless.
Then your lip quivers, and your nose lets out a telltale sniffle and-
None of that matters.
Jake tries for a smile of his own but feels his own lips turning down.
“What you crying for, dummy?” Tone aiming for jovial, his own voice betrays him and cracks at the last syllable.
A small voice in your head is outraged. Who exactly is he calling a dummy, has he even seen the state of himself.
But you don't move, stay standing by the door, staring as the tears come thick and fast.
Jake opens his arm, an invitation, and you throw yourself at him.
He winces feeling your weight collide into his body and disturbing his injuries. Luckily your arms coming to hug him around the neck quickly dulls the pain.
He embraces you, one arm holding you close and other hand stroking your hair while telling you it's fine, he's fine, everything's ok.
God. He didn't even realise how much he missed you until you're here. Even the scent of your hair, the feel of your clothes.
Nevermind being able to touch you and hold you.
“Don't you dare ditch me again,” you growl into his shoulder.
Jake opens his mouth, about to argue-
Then you squeeze him tight, lips brushing along his skin and all fight leaves him.
The initial reunion is sweet. Glued at the hip once more, one never seen without the other.
You forgive Jake with little drama and he is extra attentive. If he's not next to you then he seeks out your eyes in every moment, every scenario.
Quietly checking you're ok, you're happy. That this situation isn't more than you can handle.
When your eyes meet his, your face lights up and you give him a smile that melts his heart and all his defences.
“I will go with you anywhere,” you tell him one night, sitting on some dusty stairs.
“I know,” he grins.
Realistically, it's a problem. The other problem is that he always wants you with him too.
The patience from others is short lived.
Lineman is pleased to have his leader back. See the bounce in Jake's step, the grin on his lips that reaches his eyes.
And who is Lightning Choi to get in the way of young love?
Watching you two laughing together, talking in hushed tones, sharing inside jokes warms his heart
You and Jake are a thorn in his side.
The incessant giggling is annoying. The constant whispering is distracting.
“Get a room!” He shouts over one day, at the end of his rope when Lineman mishears an instruction and ends up face planting.
That did the trick. Both of you avert your gaze and blush furiously.
Hmph. Young idiots in love.
“You're leaving for Gangnam tomorrow?” You ask, lying beside Jake and resting your head on his shoulder.
“The First Affiliates,” he confirms, clipped and tense.
With D-Day drawing closer, Jake has grown more on edge. Doubt creeping in if he's strong enough to infiltrate and reach Jinyoung Park. Even with the temporary alliance with Daniel Park, he's not sure if it's enough.
After all, the last team up with Charles Choi should have proved sufficient.
With 1A, Jake has given you information on a need to know basis. Kept the details light lest the worry extends to you. Despite his best efforts, you're concerned.
Although, for other selfish reasons.
You prop yourself up on your elbow and face him.
“You said you're not going to ditch me again.”
“You said!” You jab at his chest with your free hand. “You said you wouldn't ditch me again. No matter what happens.”
Jake pulls a face, and it's one you recognise as regretting his words. Weighing up if being together is worth the potential danger you're put in and trying to worm his way out.
You cut off his spiralling thoughts with another jab and scowl at him. “Promise, asshole.”
His eyebrows shoot up in affront, “Who you calling asshole?”
With one swift movement, he flips you over. You lie flat on his back as he smirks down at you.
“Don't distract me, asshole.”
“It's not my fault you're getting distracted,” and the cocky little shit has the audacity to wink at you.
Ugh. You're serious and he's treating this like a joke. This position is also causing your thoughts to run away with itself.
“Jake,” your gaze dips down to his lips and you angle your face up to his.
He peers down, half-lidded and playful.
“Yes?” He inches closer.
“Stop it.”
"Stop what?” And closer.
“Promise me,” you murmur, lips gently brushing against his. Tips of your noses grazing, his hair falling out of place and breath, minty and sweet on your skin.
“I promise.”
Jake pulls back, enough to look into your eyes. Searches and searches, warm brown eyes boring into yours for what feels like an eternity.
Then finally-
Finds what he's looking for.
And he kisses you, hard. Pours everything, his heart, his hopes, fears and doubts, into the one kiss.
Jake finds Jinyoung but loses Samuel.
Finds out more than he expected about Samuel’s background. Pieces together his background with their falling out, his complexes. At least Jake is able to understand him a little more.
Jerry is safe, if not further wounded from his fight with the Fifth Affiliates - no, with Hostel.
But he's safe. So are Brad and Jason and Lua.
Overall, he considers it a success even if it's middling at best.
Jake has promised you.
He wonders if some promises are better to break.
He thinks it would break you too. A little. In a way that you can recover from, he lies to himself.
He opens his mouth, wanting to ask Lua a favour, a huge goddamn favour. Maybe she can be the one that tells you.
Jake would be indebted to her forever. Probably get eaten alive by the guilt, but surely it's the kind thing to do.
Lua glares at him before he even gets a word out. It's the most angry she has ever looked.
Jerry is the one who responds. “Don't you dare, Jake.”
The thing is, there might never be the right place and right time. At least not in Jake's foreseeable future when there's danger lurking around every corner.
He had initially assumed you and him weren't meant to be, life destined to run on different paths. Had given up at first, when you were both just kids, then given a sliver of hope when you met again.
Except isn't that worse than having no hope at all. To get a taste, a glimpse of what he could have?
He has tried to be so good, so selfless.
A good son and a good friend and a good leader. Tried to give everything his all and come up short and weak.
But for you, it never really mattered. You didn't want him to be anything but himself. Didn't care that he was Gapryong Kim's son or Big Deal No. 1.
With you - it's painfully uncomplicated. Even as all other areas of his life crumble.
You're still the right person. Even if nothing else had been right or felt right, you did.
You do.
And in the end, isn't that all that really matters?
Jake lets his selfishness take over.
Watches you from the doorway, pacing back and forth and is surprised you haven't worn a path into the floorboards.
Reasons with himself that he deserves this, deserves you. Thinks that he would go insane if he doesn't allow himself this.
This one thing, the most precious thing.
Something he held back and repressed for years. Putting everything but himself and his happiness first.
He's weak. He's simple. He wants to, needs to give in and he wants to be happy.
“I'm back,” he calls over, and your face snap to his in shock.
You ignore his new scars and fresh bandages. It doesn't matter because he's here. He's come back to you.
Jake opens his arms, an invitation, and you take one step, two, three-
And throw yourself at him. Clinging on. Feeling his skin, his body against yours.
“I was worried.” You say, voice muffled into his t-shirt.
“I can tell,” Jake is grinning. Whenever he thinks he may never smile again, you always tease it out of him.
“Don't make fun of me,” you say, lifting your head and frowning up at him
“Sorry.” And he is. For a lot.
Jake gently grips your chin once more, angling your face towards his.
He wonders how he managed to resist for so long, impressed at his own control because how could he ever say no when you look at him like this.
(He knows he looks at you like this too. Seen pitying glances from Lua and heard sniggers from Sinu.)
Jake surges forward.
Captures your lips with his, feels your body turning stiff with surprise and then-
Feels you sag with relief, with happiness, with pleasure. Melting and leaning forward, seeking out more.
His free arm winds around your waist and pulls you close. Pressing the lengths of your body together and promising never to let go again.
During Jake's worst days, he didn't think he would have the privilege of growing old.
No family of his own. And though you were just friends, instead of a faceless partner, he would still imagine it was you by his side and the kids were the perfect mix of you and him.
Dark thoughts would turn to lamenting letting you slip through his fingers. Thinking about what could have been.
On his best days, he dreamt of growing old with you.
In time, Jake will come to know that fate will be kinder to him, his dreams will become a reality.
From the start you've always been the right person, at the right time, at the right place.
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nepentheseeker · 3 months
How Minseon and Gapryoung's marriage should have ended
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redninjaaaaa · 6 months
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i had to do it to 'em
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akiyamanemu · 2 years
Okay, where are Jake's stans?
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I'll finish it up to post on Twitter tomorrow, stay tuned!!
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sscarletvenus · 5 months
one thing about ptj's writing that always leaves a bad taste in my mouth is sometimes i feel he doesn't completely grasp the issues of abuse and sexual trauma, mostly and majorly for the female characters, but the male characters too.
take for example mira getting sexually assaulted by the cult leader and camp instructor, zoe's transaction with logan, club vivi, vin'mom being raped and killed by the shaman, sujin being abused and preyed upon and sexually assaulted before getting beaten to death by taejin... ALL of this feels so catatonic, almost unnecessary in its cruelty. this is a horrible world no doubt. but whatever he inflicts to his female characters seems to be done purely for the sake of shock value, almost like an indelible grief or hurt or helplessness a MALE character has to overcome in his path to nirvana. it is never shown what the woman feels about her own violation, no impact of it can be seen on her own life before she dies or simply forgets and moves on (kinda telling of the author's attitude towards how victims ought to react...).
then lets talk about the male victims. daniel gets stalked, goo and gun and eli were all minors who trained under a man who unironically touches people's genitals and brags about doing so, olly gets raped, eli gets groomed (i will not argue here about this one), sinu is shown naked often with the woman who brainwashed him. not mentioned in the comic but should be pondered upon is the fact that jake and jiho were in juvenile prison, a place with alarmingly high rates of sex crimes. dg is an idol who deals with invasive fans (sasaengs in real life are legitimately terrifying). seongji and vin were the ritual vessels for a cult. but this aspect of their trauma gets completely brushed under the rug, as if even alluding to it would take away from their strength and uhhh, masculine nature.
much to be thought about his treatment of his own characters...
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melljam · 4 months
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i love this interaction an ungodly amount
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vynnyll · 2 months
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Boyfriend material (ft. Jake Kim)
Other characters in this series: Samuel Seo | Gun Park | Goo Kim
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— Featured: Jake Kim x fem!reader — T.W: none, just Jakey being a giant baby — A/N: A small headcanon for my baby because I've been thinking about him lately. I would have published Gun’s version first, but since he has pissed me off enough, I decided to just (temporarily) ignore that bastard.
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✮ Would ensure your safety wherever you go. If he can't be there, he'll make sure his men are there to accompany you.
✮ Would be a great listener. Loves to hear you talk about your day and can give you helpful advice if you ask him.
✮ Would expect a kiss/a hug from you when he comes home.
✮ Man of physical touch. Literally a big fan of cuddling.
✮ Would be the big spoon; however, he sometimes expects to be the little spoon when he is down and needs you to baby him. In fact, he always wants you to baby him and considers himself your baby.
✮ Would love to sit you on his lap, let you pat his back, snuggle his face into the crook of your neck, and sniff your own scent.
✮ Would love to spend quality time with you. Whenever he has spare time, being with you is what he loves most.
✮ Would appreciate and treasure anything you buy him.
✮ Would find you cute in his oversized hoodie and loves the lingering scent of you on his items.
✮ Would peck your cheek every time he hears you calling him your man.
✮ Would call you by pet names and expects you to call him "baby."
✮ Would take a more patient approach during arguments, ensuring you are calm before tackling the problem together.
✮ Wouldn't be able to afford expensive gifts; however, he chooses them wholeheartedly with the hope that you will like them.
✮ Wouldn't let you participate in any of his work because it's dangerous for you, even if you beg to help him.
✮ Wouldn't hesitate to show everyone that he loves you and is proud of you. Being extra-talkative when it comes to you, especially with his members.
✮ Wouldn't leave you alone. When you need him, he’ll be just one call away.
✮ Wouldn't force you to do anything you don’t like.
✮ Wouldn't and never forget your ceremonies. If he can’t make it to your ceremony, he’ll make it up to you properly.
Overall, he is 1000/10 to me. Absolutely have nothing to complain about :)
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koiiiji · 1 month
canonical event
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anticapitalistclown · 7 months
Hello! Can you do when they saw reader and their baby girl or boy sleeping together on the bed hc's? 🙊
omg sure! <3
since the characters aren't specified, I'll do the ones I get requested the most, if you don't mind.
Jake, Gun and Vin Jin reacting to reader and their baby sleeping together on the bed headcanons
he doesn't mind when his kids sneak in your shared bed
honestly, he appreciates the parenthood times, enjoying every hour he gets to spend with his kids, and you, his beloved family.
and finding you sleeping, snuggled with the life you both created, just melts his heart.
After a long day that he had out with the old big deal boys, Jake rushed home to his family, he sure had a great time with his friends, but it was late, and he so understands how hard it is to put both your sons to sleep.
Quietly he made his way into the bedroom, listening the sounds from the TV, there you were deep asleep, snuggling with your eldest son, your arms hugging him with care, his face resting on your chest, Jake knows from first hand how comforting it is to sleep hearing your heartbeat, your hold protecting the ones who are in, telling them that everything was fine there in your arms, he kissed your forehead. He directed his eyes to the youngest, he was awake, sitting next to you and your son, his eyes focused on the cartoons, his tiny hands not leaving the remote.
He sighted and closed the TV, too much screen would be bad for the baby, Jake held the youngest in his arms, rubbing the little one's back with his hand, walking around the apartment in order to make him sleep. It was successfully done, Jake didn't last long to join you on bed, your youngest sleeping close to his father.
Gun is the first one to spoil your daughter, so if his child is afraid, dad would not hesitate to bring her up to your shared bed.
having that little child in his arms, knowing that he can make her feel protected (because honestly she is truly protected) just calms him, as a father, he feels so grateful to have that child in his life.
you understood that co-sleeping was something normal in Japan, but doing whatever your daughter wants will just worse her attitude.
After finally getting home, he quietly made his way to your bedroom, spotting you cuddling with your daughter, and he was the one who had to take the blame for spoiling her?
He closed the light to prevent waking you both, his lips kissing the tip of your nose, making you grunt "shh, keep sleeping" he caressed your hair, putting some strands behind your ear, then his hand caressing your daughter's cheek. Then his eyes admiring her features, that silky black hair she got from him, her eyebrows she got from you, her nose she got from him, her cute lips, that always arcs in a smile whenever she sees him, that were just same as yours.
"thank you" he murmured, admiring you and the life you both created together, watching you both sleep until he joined soon after.
Vin Jin
he spent part of his childhood sleeping next to his mother, so he has no problem on having your daughter join you to sleep.
Vin is the one who tends to spoil her more, joking with her or extending bedtime in order to play more with her, that of course makes her to prefer sleeping with dad and mom.
also, since both of you work, having time with your daughter is quite difficult so even if it's sleeping together, Vin just wants to spend time with his family.
The weather was snowy, it was so cold that Vin just wanted to be home asap, while he was shivering from the cold, in his head he could only think of his daughter, hoping that she wasn't cold "I'll bring her to sleep with us".
When he got home he sighed with relief as he felt the warmth of home. He went to his daughter's room to take her to sleep with mom and dad, but he found her bed empty.
When he entered his room, he found you and your daughter sleeping snuggled, he smiled to himself, grateful of being able to see you both every day. He joined you both waking unintentionally you both "dad is cold" your daughter murmured, her little arms hugging him, your leg wrapped around his waist "we have to warm daddy" you murmured, Vin hugged you both on his arms, receiving your warmth
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sasucaty · 27 days
lemme worship you sir aksgsgshhjshz!!!
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 months
Jake Kim x Reader: I love you more
G/N. Soft, sappy.
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"I love you more," is always Jake's answer to your I love you's.
Not I love you too, but I love you more.
He says it sometimes with a playful toothy grin, other times hushed and reverent, eyes impossibly soft.
He means it. Thinks it's true.
Jake loves you more than you love him, and it's not a complaint - he is happy with that. In his limited experience, relationships are never fully equal, are they? There's a constant give and take, scales constantly trying to balance.
You're his favourite person. Having the privilege of you loving him back is enough.
Except you think you love him more. Even if Jake says this regularly, it doesn't mean it's true.
At least in your mind.
You both show your adoration with grand and small gestures. Big Deal boys at your beck and call, a steady rotation of Jake's inner circle by your side, because you might as well also be their Leader. Home-cooked meals for Jake; tight embraces for those hard days, quiet company for those harder nights.
He makes you laugh and you make him snort.
You've seen each other red faced and blushing.
Broken down, dejected and spirits fragile.
Occasionally expressions contorted with anger, body language defensive and on guard.
More frequently eyes half lidded, faces lovestruck, voices low and limbs tangled together.
Jake is right, when he thinks relationships are a continuous rebalancing of the scales. You love him more some days, and he others.
As you lie in his arms, waking up to his bedhead and a sweet smile beaming down at you, you wonder how your heart doesn't burst with how much you love this man. You definitely love him more.
Jake thinks about how wonderful you are, blearily blinking up at him and your face lighting up when you see him already awake and looking at you. How this sort of peace, this relationship he has only dreamt about. He loves you with everything he has and more. A lot more.
The first thing you say that day, voice croaky with sleep-
"I love you."
Jake grins, he will never tire of hearing you say those three words, and tells you, "I love you more."
It doesn't really matter, in the end, neither of you are keeping count.
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