#loosha last specter
puzzlesauria · 5 months
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funkypuzzles · 1 year
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finished replaying spectre's call!!!! here r some Scribbles
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astrofiish · 6 months
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So uh. this is what happened in Last Specter, right?
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teenytinyapprentice · 7 months
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process from my PL4Day Misthallery piece - I thought it might be fun to share. I honestly started out just wanting to draw a cube with three rooms visible, but got excited abt the idea of using a rubik's cube for more possible layers (and to help me fudge some trickier perspectives haha) I really liked the line work, I don't think I ruined anything colouring but some details I liked got a little lost, so I'm glad I thought to scan and preserve it :)
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angelbellelc2 · 9 months
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This is a cute little reference to Loosha from Last Specter/Spectre's call. Katrielle having a small plushie of Loosha is a nice nod to her even though it's a small acknowledgement. I wonder who made this little plushie of Loosha in the first place.
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ultra-puzzlemaster · 5 months
Sixth and final part of my favorite LS/SC moments o/
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
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Wisely wise words of wisdom
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Luke, I hope you're taking notes on this
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When you have to tell someone that their joke is not funny
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Interesting choice of words
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HIM My man ❤❤❤
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The first thing Descole does after being revealed is just insulting Jakes. This is why I love this guy.
Okay now Descole, you're feeling frustrated because you spent about a year digging around the entire town, and battling a giant sea creature, and acting as a butler, and scheming and blackmailing and all that, and now thanks to Layton all those time and efforts were for nothing. Anger is a perfectly valid sentiment of course, but let's not do anything rash, okay? Take deep breaths, reflect on your emotions, take a walk in the woods perhaps and--
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Hahaha he still believes these two are gonna be reasonable :')
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They're talking...
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I smell something illegal, but at this point it's not like I care
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There's no way the people who made this scene thought Descole was straight. If you believe otherwise you're just lying to yourself.
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I'd like to see that
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Yes, all the people who called you a witch and said mean things about you were actually just worried! Nobody was worried about Tony though, he's not cute enough
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Er... Emmy? Are you really willing to risk Arianna's life for fame? Wait no not for fame, for immediate fame???
Well I hope you have a very good reason for not wanting to keep this discovery a secret for a couple months :/
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Clark I'm sorry I think I accidentally adopted your son
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Don't worry sir, you'll see stranger things
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Maggie HOW DARE YOU Arigatōgozaimashita, Otaki-san
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Layton is regretting his life choices
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This is not gonna end well
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I'm not crying you're crying 😥
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On your left, ladies and gentlemen, an extremely rare photo of Loosha, the last specimen of a now extinct aquatic specie.
And on your right, a photo of something even more rare: an official acknowledgment of Flora's existence! Many believe this specie to be extinct for good, while others still hope it will reappear someday. Only the future will tell!
And that's the end of my playthrough, hope you had a good time! If you wanna see me comment on the other games, let me know o/
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flowertab · 8 months
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The Melody on the Water~
Happy PL4 Day! 😁 Last Specter was one of my very first Layton games, and is still one of my favorites to revisit. Misthallery has a beautiful atmosphere, and I love watching the friendship and trust grow between Layton, Luke, and Emmy. <3 I’m so glad we got this peek into the puzzle family’s past!
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crystalpallette · 1 year
I've seen aus where either luke or layton go back in time but what about emmy huh?? gotta do everything myself?? anyway au where emmy goes back in time (more thoughts under cut, this is definitely something I've just been rotating in my mind not too much thought or detail yet. warning however that it is a bit long, i ramble a lot)
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- set a couple years after azran legacy, the og trilogy has already happened (and maybe nwos too? idk how many years it should have been tbh)
- emmy's traveling for an article for the world times, stops by [an antique store? a place to develop photos that also has a corner where they sell kitschy stuff?] for the hell of it and discovers a red butterfly pendant
this pendant is clearly something different from the other cheap things on display, it seems higher quality and there's just Something about it that emmy can't ignore
"the professor would have loved this," she thinks, can't help but reminisce about her history with the professor and luke and the adventures they had and suddenly the gem glows hot, and she's back years into the past as dean delmona welcomes her into the staff as professor layton's new assistant. she'd think it was all an elaborate dream or hallucination except- the butterfly is still clutched in her hands. she stumbles through the rest of the pleasantries and moves out of the office, back to where she remembers parking her scooter, and through sheer autopilot drives back to her old flat. tomorrow is the day she meets professor layton, chases after him on her scooter, meets luke and the specter and-
- the last specter happens as she remembers, except for one thing. as loosha slips into the sea for the final time, she can't help but wish they could have saved her this time around
and then she's back in the professor's car as they pull up to misthallery.
(whats the butterfly pendant, I hear you ask, and the answer is I don't know yet! some sort of ancient artifact or something, in the first draft it was meant to be a "wishing star" but then I remembered the butterfly effect and realized wouldn't that be cooler, and now it's a butterfly.)
- through trial and error emmy realizes that butterfly she picked up is able to transport her back through time, with limitations ofc
things she's discovered include:
- she can only move to the past, not the future (once she goes back, she has to relive everything again to get to the point where she reset)
- she can never go back further than the day she became the professor's assistant
- while everything else around her stays the same, she remains consistent. the very first time she'd gone back she had changed back to her game-canon appearance, but as she keeps going back she realizes changes to her specifically still apply
so emmy, realizing all of this, rolls up her sleeves and gets to work. the future holds quite a bit, and she's determined to get everyone to as happy of an ending as she can manage.
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probablygayattorneys · 3 months
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"Goodbye forever, all gone things. It makes me sad to know you won't be back."
(deuteronomy 2:10 - the mountain goats)
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A daily drawing: this time of an extinct species. We always quite liked Loosha, and found her voice funny.
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matchamabs · 2 years
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got a liiittle bit of heatstroke today but i still had time to finish off this cute little thing. 
im takin ideas for little layton animations yknow 👀 if anyone has any. 
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puzzlesauria · 5 months
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exploration sketch. In a drastically different style from the previous.
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justkillingthyme · 8 months
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Last Specter doodles from trivia night I went to with a friend
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101flavoursofweird · 8 months
One week until Spectre Day/PL Day on November 4th! Hope you’re as excited as I am!
Please tag your posts #PL4Day
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Black Raven week: Day 6 - The Spectre
scene redraw of some of the ravens getting to meet half of Misthallery’s Spectre... I really love this little scene, the kids turn to Crow so quickly, looking to him for direction. Spoke volumes of their respect for him, and that Crow isn’t the leader for nothing. Clearly he’s earned the ravens trust. (I’ve never drawn Loosha before!! gfkgjdf what a funny looking creature)
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laytonnpcbracket · 11 months
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About the NPCs (may contain spoilers -- proceed with caution!):
Petter is a citizen of Labyrinthia. While he often appears bored and above-it-all, he can still be helpful when it comes down to it.
Otherwise known as: ビター (Japanese); Rogger (German); Peter (Spanish, French, Dutch); Pretzel (Italian)
Loosha is a creature that once lived in the Golden Garden. She fought Descole's robot in an attempt to prevent it from destroying the town.
Otherwise known as: ラグーシ (Japanese); Lagunia (German); Dinna (Spanish)
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