#lord i see what u do for the sadistic killers
mera-kiin · 10 months
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i fucking hate these guys (affectionate)
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ittlebitz · 5 months
10 QL People That I Want Carnally
I was tagged by @sunshinesanctuary
Thank you, bebe, this was fun! I know the original call is for 10, but I never saw a limit I didn't want to challenge. Whatever, whatever, I do what I want. So, in no particular order:
1. Inspector M - Manner of Death (Great Sapol)
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Look at him. LOOK. AT. HIM. Absolutely adorable and also hot as hell. He can slap those cuffs on me any time he pleases. If he stands still long enough I will most definitely climb him like a tree (and that goes double for Great himself tbh).
2. Jang Jaeyoung - Semantic Error (Park Seoham)
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Yeah, yeah, he's cocky and a bit of a slacker, but he is also smart, talented, and let's be real, a grade A simp. Don't get me started on that lip piercing...
3. Choi Jun - Jun & Jun (Ki Hyun Woo)
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Like, they gave me this man's bare back within the first 30 seconds of the first episode, was I not supposed to get thirsty?
4. Yi Phayak Chatdecha Chen - Naughty Babe (Max Kornthas)
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Ah, Hia Yi. Wealthy, handsome, super overprotective of his beloved. Bit of a control freak but not ashamed of giving up control in the bedroom. Love that for him (me).
5. Phaya - The Sign (Billy Patchanon)
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Look, I am a simple woman. I just want him to put his hand around my throat, pin me, and call me a good girl. I don't think that's asking for too much.
6. Patts - La Pluie (Pee Peerawich)
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My beloved. He was just so good, you know? He has a good job and loves animals. He dresses nicely and charms the parents. And then a total lover in between the sheets. Let the rain come down.
7. Payu - Love In The Air (Boss Chaikamon)
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I'm pretty sure this man was singularly responsible for the meltdown of several of my brain cells. His looks, his demeanor, his dominance, his *gestures vaguely* everything, you know?
8. Jeng Kittiphong - Step By Step (Man Trisanu)
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I know for a fact that I was not the only one who had their brain short circuit during this scene. I am willing to hold a towel for him and even help him wipe down after working out. I am also willing to work him out (wink wonk).
9. Fighter - Why R U (Zee Pruk)
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Oh my god but he was so cute. The hot guy everybody wanted who had no idea how to act when he had a crush on a pretty boy. You just KNOW he kisses like an absolute dream. Also, when he was crying during the breakup scene I was ready to fly to Thailand and start throwing hands, I don't even care.
10. Bai Zongyi - Kiseki: Dear To Me (Taro Lin)
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My guilty pleasure entry. Yes, I know he's a young'un and I should be ashamed but he has those giant yaoi paws (that scene where he is holding both of Zherui's hands with just one of his absolutely makes my teeth sweat) and obviously likes manhandling his crush/lover at any given opportunity. Plus he is a professional baker? Sign me UP.
11. Pisaeng- Be My Favorite (Gawin Caskey)
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This is a guy who will cherish you with everything he has and will be a romantic sap about it. (I knew Gawin would be on this list, I just had to determine which role I chose...honestly he could have been on here multiple times)
12. Maya - Laws of Attraction (Silvy Pavida)
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She can sing, she can dance, she can be a double agent performing espionage, and she is sooooooo hot it almost hurts to look at her. All I am saying is she can step on me and I will thank her profusely.
13. Neur - Cutie Pie (Tutor Koraphat)
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This man showed up fully intending to Cause Problems On Purpose and ended up simping for the quiet, shy, devout member of the friend group he inserted himself into, and we were all of us better for it. Satu. 🙏
14. Babe - Pit Babe (Pavel Phoom)
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He's the top (ha!) racer, an alpha, and also 100% babygirl. One smirk from him and I am on my knees. Don't worry about me, though, I'm doing just fine. (I will say that I never thought I would see omegaverse on my screen and yet here we are in this year of our lord)
15. Vegas Theerapanyakul - KinnPorsche (Bible Wichapas)
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My problematic meow meow. He's a gangster. He's a killer. He's a sadist into whips, chains, and torture, not necessarily in that order. He's got a bit of a case of little brother syndrome. And I adore him, faults and all.
Aaaaannnddd okay! So, I could likely absolutely keep going, but I think I am going to tap out while I still have at least some dignity left after exposing myself as the thirsty bitch that I am. I've lost track of who all has already done this, so I am not tagging anyone in particular. If you decide to do this, tag me and let me know so we can thirst together!
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un2-verse · 3 years
BILLY — Kim Taehyung (1)
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》 News of a Sadistic Serial Killer nicknamed “Jigsaw” is spreading around town like wildfire… the nickname stemming from the puzzle piece he cuts from every victim’s body. No one knows who he’ll trap next but in a town full of delinquents and criminals, it could never be you. Right? 《
pairings: john kramer!taehyung x female reader
warnings: dark themes, angst, yandere, murder, torture, self harm, suicide, stalking etc.... (will add more when i know lol) although it is rather innocent in the first couple chapters(?) so idk it could be slow burn but i guess we’ll find out as i write it >< ,, it’s my version of saw if saw was a fucked up love story lol. Please don’t read if any of the topics mentioned trigger you!! 18+
this fic is exactly that, fiction!!!! the au does not represent the characters mentioned irl......
synopsis: you end up lost on the other side of town, where you cross paths with a handsome stranger, kim taehyung, only.... are you a stranger to him?
[a/n: daffodils represent; love me, sympathy, desire and affection returned...]
word count: 3k
series masterlist
part two
Hiding behind a mask was something you were accustomed to. Your friend group and family were clueless to the torment you endured from simply existing. You were confident your masking had convinced the world you were happy with yourself. Unbeknown to you, one other person saw straight through your façade.
You wanted to end your life.
He needed you to cherish your life.
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Nothing looked familiar. The café you frequented was nowhere to be found. Your usual hangout was most definitely not on the side of town you found yourself in. You felt anxiety slowly curl its way around your body, you were frigid. You tried and tried but couldn’t find it in yourself to run.
You lived in the more friendly part of town (so to speak) – where houses were colourful, gardens pristine, warm-hearted neighbours who would treat you like family and white picket fences are what surrounded you. That was your norm, sure, you weren’t exactly loaded but you weren’t exactly poor either. It was a healthy balance in the middle. That’s not to say you hadn’t lived or seen this side of town before.
Your Mother and Father had grown up on this side of the fence. Two young people brought up in the rougher, more unfortunate areas. Your Mother was tough; she looked like a naïve, weak girl, albeit that was not the case. She was strong willed, used to life on the streets and doing anything she could to get money to make sure there was at least some food on the table. While your Mum was the leader, your Dad was more of a sheep. He was easily influenced and was dragged into the wrong crowd (had his fair share with drugs and street racing). That was their life for a few years till they crossed paths and your Mum helped your Dad get back on the right track.
They didn’t tell you much about their childhood and adolescence but they told you enough to make you appreciate what you have and to always work hard for it. To stick with the right people, be wise and conscious of your decisions. Be kind to those around you.
Your family owned a garage; your Dad was the head mechanic. This was the sole reason you were here. You knew it wouldn’t be simple when you agreed to go to this side of town to get a few bits for your Father’s shop. However, you didn’t expect it to be this difficult. How could you be so stupid? Why didn’t you just ask Hoseok and Yoongi to come with you like your father told you to? Or at least tell them where you were… yet you decided today of all days to be stubborn and venture on yourself, knowing full well how unsafe the area was. There were rundown businesses on either side of the road, beggars at every doorstep; drug dealings happening in broad daylight, no one even trying to hide it.
You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, you took it out and sighed a breath of relief once you’d read the texts.
14:37— From Papa: U ok munchkin ??? Did u get the stuff ?
14:39— From Papa: its ok if u didnt. Yoongs rang said hes got majority this morning lol so be safe n get home soon . Love u
14:40— To Papa: ohhh ok pops, i couldn’t find the shop anyway lol i’ll head back soon, love u too x
“Fuck, trust me to forget to charge the bastard.” You rolled your eyes as you stuffed the phone back in your pocket.
Muffled shouting was heard around you. People ran across the street, bumping into you as they ran past. You gathered yourself and moved further down the path. “Great!” you exasperated, “honestly I’m so fucking stupid! Yoongi’s gonna kill me for this, I knew, I knew I should’ve told him I was coming over here but no,” your head was hung low as you dragged your feet across the pavement, “maybe I could tell Hobi, he wouldn’t be as angry right? I’m sure he’ll come,“ A sudden scream ripped you out of your chuntering. You whipped your head to the right, you could make out some figures bustling about in front of you, a group of men were quite clearly fighting… your anxiety struck you and you held your breath as you saw a man pull a knife from the waistband of his sweatpants. All thoughts and common sense seemed to leave all at once. Statue like, feet stuck to the ground. You watched on as the group rushed towards the brown haired man, you scanned his figure: tall, broad, confident… he exuded an intimidating aura even when you were this far away from him.
How could someone be so sure of themselves? It was one against five, surely the loner had no chance?
The glistening of the knife brought you back to your senses. Fucking hell. How do you always end up in these situations when you’re alone? Why me? Why? Good Lord, I need to run. Just as you were about to leave, the group who were arguing charged past you; one gripped his side as another supported his weight. Holy fuck, did he stab him? you stood frozen, yet again, your mind raced a mile a minute. Panic bubbled in your chest.
“You okay there Doll?” His voice was deep, velvet-like. It flowed so smoothly you doubted it was real, it was so soothing like it had wrapped itself around you, embracing your body. You heard his footsteps before he planted himself beside you. His shoulder reached the top of your head, his hand brushed yours. Swallowing your nerves you dared a glance up. He was fucking breath-taking, like a fallen angel. The stranger shot you a small smile that you would’ve easily missed had you not been staring at his features… a blush crept up your neck as you nodded. His smile slowly twisted into a smirk.
Cute, Taehyung thought to himself. Couldn’t help but adore the way you slightly trembled under his gaze, the way your hands gripped and twisted your sweater paws. Almost like a puppy. He cleared his throat and reached his hand to yours, “Sorry, I should’ve introduced myself. I’m Taehyung.” you took his hand into yours, apprehensively you greeted him, “I’m Y/N.”
“Ah, Y/N. I haven’t seen you round here before, you new or something?” Taehyung cocked his head to the side, his eyes seemed to stare right through you.
“Uhm, I don’t live here. I live over the other part of Town… I was just grabbing some stuff for my Dad but, my phones about to die. I have no idea where I am or how to get home, I’m sorry, I promise I didn’t see anything!” a deep chuckle cut you off, Taehyung smiled and beckoned you to follow him.
“Come on Y/N, you’re not suited for this side of Town, I’ll walk you back. A pretty little thing like you, you’re easy prey to these guys.” your feet fell into a cautious pace behind him, he glanced over his shoulder, “hurry up Buttercup, I don’t bite.” Taehyung flashed a boxy grin in your direction, which caused you to speed up ever so slightly.
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You were unsure how you felt about letting a complete stranger walk you home, Yoongi would definitely kill you for this. Especially with the recent news of some serial killer named ‘Jigsaw’, Yoongi and Hoseok had been very stern and their usual, overprotective selves when the news had broken out. “It’s on every headline Y/Nie! No more leaving the house on yourself, you need to go anywhere you ring either of us. Got it? Don’t talk to anyone you don’t know either. There’s some dodgy fucks about recently.” Although, you loved them dearly, sometimes their protectiveness was a...little overbearing. You already felt suffocated from your parents (you didn’t need it from your best friends as well). They were happy and believed you to be too; but that was exhausting, faking happiness. You had a constant façade, acted like a happy normal teenager with a happy family; when that was far from the truth.
Drowning. That’s how you’d explain the way you felt. Breathing was difficult and brought you more pain than it was worth. Growing up was tedious, you had grown differently to your peers which only brought ridicule and embarrassment for you. You had struggled with your speech (sometimes you still do), you often stuttered, mispronounced words, the list was endless. That was one of the first reasons you were a castaway. As you grew, the ridicule worsened. Verbal abuse turned physical from your classmates. They made you feel like you were a waste of space. The names they called you, you soon started to believe them. Ugly. Weird. Freak. Stupid. They took root in your brain, slowly they grew and grew till your head was overgrown with twisted, rotten weeds.
Eventually, you sought comfort in blood. You didn’t care that it hurt you; you were almost happy to feel pain. Like you deserved to.
By age 14, you had started to skip school. Only ever there for exams and a couple of art classes you had with Jeongguk. He was what you would’ve called a best friend, he supported you and was by your side till you left school. He went away to college and like always with school friends, you drifted apart. Nevertheless, he still texts you now and then to check in.
Although you were (once) close with Jeongguk. He never knew of your inner demons, the same with Yoongi and Hoseok. You didn’t want to feel like a burden and worry your friends when they had shit to worry about themselves.
Why devastate flowers that flourish beautifully with weeds that manage to twist their way around every crack?
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You had walked for a few minutes now, having chatted absentmindedly about anything and everything. The roads still didn’t look familiar to you and you just wished they did, you didn’t want to be away from your home any longer, your feet were starting to ache, your phone was on 10% battery and it was fucking cold. You just wanted to be back in bed tucked up watching Lady and the Tramp or 101 Dalmatians for the millionth time. You felt safe and content when you indulged in your comfort films. Far away from the real world and wrapped up in the false reality. They easily distracted you and that's when you truly felt at peace. Your mind was always too busy thinking about how cute it was when Tramp calls Lady, Pidge or how in love Pongo and Perdy were.
Majority of the time you fantasised about having a love similar, but then again, why would you wanna make yourself vulnerable like that? Is the risk of being hurt (more than you are now) any good? Of course it’s not. Fuck that, life isn’t nothing like those shitty romance films or novels… It’s real and painful.
As you and Taehyung rounded the corner, a little cafe caught your eye, a dainty blue and pink building. Fairy Lights strung up around the windows, you could see a handful of people inside, busy sipping their drinks and chatting away to one another. ‘Aroma Mocha’ hung above the doors. It looked so cute and simple. Your previous thoughts left your mind as quick as they had come. You wanted to go inside, it had an enticing atmosphere.
Taehyung hadn’t realised you’d stopped walking until he couldn’t hear the soft thud of your footsteps behind him, he turned as he called out to you, your eyes still fixed on the cafe. He chuckled to himself, “Fucking adorable, like a kid at christmas,” he walked back over to you. “Hey Doll, you wanna go in?” He felt his heart quicken when you looked at him with those pretty eyes, “We’ve plenty of time to get you back before it’s dark angel.” You answered him with a nod as you turned your head from Taehyung to look back at the alluring little cafe.
Not a second had passed before Taehyung grabbed your hand and pulled you across the road to the entrance; you ignored the warmth of his hand as it intertwined with yours; you ignored the way your tummy erupted with butterflies. Taehyung had stopped to hold the door for you, you murmured a small, “thank you,” looking up at him, the heat that crept up your cheeks making your face resemble that of a doll’s he thought to himself. Once he ushered you fully inside, he placed his hand to rest on the curve of your waist as he guided you to the back corner of the room, where a quaint table for two was unoccupied, a little pot of Daffodils sat atop. How fitting...
Taehyung was quick to pull the chair out for you to take a seat, you pulled it in as you sat down and sent a shy smile his way, “I’m sorry, I know we just met Taehyung but this place is so fucking precious! I hope I’m not bothering you, if I am we can just carry on walking or, I could ring a Taxi? Is this weird? Oh god, I can’t believe--”, Taehyung threw his head back as he laughed, a sound that seemed to wrap its way around your soul, twisting around your heart in the nicest of ways, it was almost like a killer to the weeds taking over your body. A temporary release. You felt like you could really breathe in those short seconds of his laughter.
“Angel, if you were bothering me, I’d have kept on walking. That, or I would’ve called you a Taxi myself, it’s no problem honestly.” You ducked your head as he sent a wink your way, fuck sake Y/N get it together! Why are you acting like a fucking schoolgirl?
“Well I uh, appreciate it so, yeah thank you?” You don’t know what to do, you’re here with the most gorgeous person you’ve ever laid your eyes on… yet you have no clue if what you saw was real, did Taehyung stab someone? Could someone have had the knife who wasn’t Taehyung? Was he even the person you saw in that altercation? Did you imagine everything that had gone off?
Before you had chance to overthink it, a light bubbly voice greeted your ears, “Hi! Welcome to Aroma Mocha, I’m Jimin and I’ll be your server today. Is there anything I can get you?” Jimin held his gaze on you as he flashed you a friendly smile, Taehyung turned around at the sound of his best friend, “Oh, Tae! I wasn’t expecting to see you today, what are you doing here? And who’s this pretty little lady?”
“This is Y/Nie, she was in the neighbourhood so we thought we’d nip in for something to drink before I take her back to hers.” you sent a warm smile to Jimin which he gladly returned, “I’ll have my usual and can you get Y/Nie a Strawberry Iced Tea? Thanks man.”
Once Jimin had disappeared to make your drinks, you shot your eyes to Taehyung, “Uhm, how’d you know I like Strawberry Iced Tea?” Taehyung didn’t even look in your direction as he scrolled through his phone, eyes glued to the screen. A minute passed by and he’d still not acknowledged your question so you let it slide, it wasn’t that big of a deal right? Your mind drifted. Your fingers rested atop of your lap, hidden from the sight of onlookers, picking around your nails as anxiety flooded your body. You felt like you were about to suffocate. You shouldn’t be talking to anyone, you shouldn’t let anyone close. You were only going to fuck everything up in a heartbeat. It’s only natural. Self deprecating thoughts devoured and made their way through your veins, poisoning yourself further; your whole body felt as though it was alight.
Jimin brought you your drinks, placed them carefully in front of the pair of you as you both said your thanks.
The click of Taehyung’s phone being locked and the clearing of his throat brought you back to your senses. “The drink I ordered for you is popular here so, I assumed you’d like to try it. You wanna talk about what’s bothering you?” your eyes shot up to meet his, your head tilted a little to the left as your tongue wet your lip, so puppy like...
You stared incredulously, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Taehyung.” You leant forward slightly as you wrapped your lips around the straw and took a sip.
Taehyung saw the way you sucked your drink up through your straw, his eyes darkened. Thankful to have worn sweatpants that day, he shifted himself discreetly, “I’m not stupid Angel, I know what you’re doing under the table. I’m here, so talk to me. I’ll listen to whatever you gotta say.”
You stuttered as you wracked your brain for something to say, “I-I only met you like forty minutes ago, I don’t even tell my friends what’s wrong. Not that there is, everything’s fine.”
You met me just short of an hour ago, he thought to himself, “You don’t have to lie to me Y/Nie…” he grabbed your hands that were laid near the cup of your Iced Tea. His thumb rubbing circles onto the back of your hand. You looked small and fragile, like the Daffodils on the table; one little pluck and you’d be ruined. He wouldn’t admit it to you just yet but, Taehyung fucking loved how delicate you seemed as you sat across from him.
How easy it would be to take your life away. How easy it’d be to pull those weeds up that are poisoning you, torturing you every single day. He shook his head, as he cleared those thoughts. No, only Y/N can make that decision. I’m just going to help her choose.
Live or Die.
You visibly winced, “You don’t know me. Think whatever the fuck you want about me, it doesn’t matter.” your eyes flashed hurt as you went back to picking your skin. You knew it, this whole encounter was too good to be true. A complete stranger (well acquaintance technically) had just presumed shit about you, the fact he was right is what hurt more. You didn’t want anyone to know how you were feeling. Or how you were dealing with it.
You couldn’t exactly tell him to piss off, you still needed his help home and so you tried to distract yourself from the unsettling gaze that watched your every move. You let out a breath as Taehyung went back to his phone. Your eyes drifted as you picked up the local Newspaper, your eyes skimmed over the headline, ‘Jigsaw Traps Continue’. Taehyung noticed you staring at the front page, and chuckled, “you scared of Jigsaw Angel?”
You shook your head, why would you be scared of some nutjob who’s targeted criminals and drug dealers? You’re a nobody. “Of some psychopathic puppet?” if anyone did anything to you that would threaten your life, it would be you. Taehyung just laughed in return as you skipped the article and skim-read the other pointless stories.
You were fucking clueless as to who he was while he knew every little thing about you. He had watched you for months… His precious little Y/Nie… Oh how silly you were, taking your life for granted.
You hated yourself that much, you were willingly marking yourself up. Tainting your skin… oh your skin, how fucking beautiful and soft it looked, even with all the scars it still looked perfect… Taehyung wanted nothing more than to whisk you away and lock you inside with him. Forever. He didn’t want anyone touching what was his.
He knew you wore a mask when in public, too afraid to show your real self. Little did you know, he wore a mask himself...only he wore it to better other people.
He had a plan.
And you’d soon find out.
Let the games begin.
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Pssssst your character music is good do you have playlists or songs for your friends' OCs too??? Will you share? *~*
oh fuck where do you people come from. (God dammit Kay if this is you YOU COULD HAVE JUST ASKED.)
Okay, first I’ll do @caezsucksdangs OCs because they have A LOT LESS THAN KAY.
P.S. sorry if there’s a bit of overlap from my other list…
- “Flawed Design” by Stabilo
- “Body” by Mother Mother
- “Ghost Towns” by Radical Face
- “Try To Change” by Mother Mother
- “Red Stars” by The Birthday Massacre
- “My Skin” by Natalie Merchant
- “The Devil Within” by Digital Daggers
- “It Took Me By Surprise” by Marina Mena
- “The Beast” by Imogen Heap
- “River Below” by Billy Talent
- “Ignorance” by Paramore
- “Smother” by Mother
- “Broken Tines” by Casey Lalonde
- “Disintegration” by Monarchy
- “Always Hate Me” by James Blunt
- “Heaven” by Messengers
- “Black Sheep” by Metric
- “Girls/Girls/Boys” by Panic! At the Disco (Ollie Piano Cover)
- “Mists Of Avalon” by Peter Jeremias
- “Run Or Die” by Christian Baczyk
- “Set Fire To The Third Bar” by Snow Patrol
- “Dread In My Heart” by Mother Mother
- “EET” by Regina Spektor
- “Arsonist’s Lullaby” by Hozier
- “You’re Not Good Enough” by Blood Orange
- “Family Portrait” by Radical Face
- “I Found” by Amber Run
- “Guillotine” by Yadi
- “Don’t Let Me Down” by The Chainsmokers
- “Stronger” by Kanye West (RaveJaxx Remix)
- “Yin Yang” by USS
- “Where The Lonely Ones Roam” by Digital Daggers
- “Die In A Fire” by The Living Tombstone
- “Everytime” by Broods
- “Buzzcut Season” by Lorde
- “Headstrong” by Trapt
- “Almost Human” by Monarchy
- “East Of Eden” by Zella Day (Matstubs Remix)
- “Dorian” by Agnes Obel
- “Ocean Eyes” by Billie Eilish
- “Oh Be Clever” by River
- “Wolf” by Leø
- “All You Are” by Memtrix
- “Pessimist” by Koven and Memtrix
- “The Good In Me” by Jon Bellion
- “Fuqboi” by Hey Violet
- “We Ride As One” by James Paget
- “Never Be Like You” by Flume (Crywolf Cover)
- “Colours” by Halsey (Stripped Version)
- “The Real Thing” by Forget Tomorrow
- “Francis Forever” by Mitski
- “I Bet On Losing Dogs” by Mitski
- “Mistakes Like This” by Prelow
- “Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea” by XYLØ
- “Believer” by Imagine Dragons
- “Ava” by Famy
- “Always Gold” by Radical Face
- “Iscariot” by Walk the Moon
- “Make You Better” by The Decemberists
- “Until You Were Gone” by The Chainsmokers
- “The Run And Go” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “When You Were Young” by The Killers (Kier Kemp Cover)
- “Here Comes The Hotstepper” by Ini Kamoze (Yuksek Remix)
- “You Can’t Hate Me As Much As I Do” by Casey Lalonde
- “Last Resort” by Papa Roach
- “Jesus Christ” by Brand New
- “Starboy” by The Weeknd
- “Gravity” by EDEN
- “The Last Saint” by Mario M
- “Garbage Truck” by Sex Bob-Omb
- “LOL” by EDEN
- “IDFC” by Blackbear (Tarro Remix)
- “Love Stuck” by Mother Mother
- “Jump The Fence” by Mother Mother
- “Infinitesimal” by Mother Mother
- “Junkie” by Kill Paris
- “The Drugs” by Mother Mother
- “Did You Wrong” by Sweater Beats
- “Frame Of Mind” by Tristam and Braken
- “The Good, The Bad, And The Dirty” by Panic! At the Disco
- “All Time Low” by Jon Bellion
- “Afraid” by The Neighbourhood
- “I’m Not Famous” by AJR
- “BADBOI VIP” by Pegboard Nerds
- “Handclap” by Fritz and the Tantrums
- “Destiny” by Jame Paget
- “Cupid’s Chokehold” by The Gymclass Heroes
- “Better Than Sex” by The Midnight Beast
- “Rustie” by Attak
OKAY. These next ones are all my friend @kalamitis OCs.
- “Hope Of Morning” by Icon for Hire
- “Sleep Alone” by Two Door Cinema Club
- “Halo” by Starset
- “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” by Say Lou Lou (Tame Impala Cover)
- “Still Here” by Digital Daggers
- “You’re No Fun Anymore Mark Trezona” by Mindless Self-Indulgence
- “Eyes Wide Open” by Gotye
- “Exile Vilify” by The National
- “Bad Wings” by The Glitch Mob
- “Little Bird” by Imogen Heap
- “Feels Right” by Godwolf
- “Suffocate” by Whipped Cream
- “Wanderer’s Lullaby” by Adriana Figueroa
- “Somethin About U” by Astronomyy
- “Bit By Bit” by Mother Mother
- “Arrival” by IHF
- “Rude” by Dilistone and LILI N
- “Sober” by Dilistone
- “Remembering Myself” by Stephen
- “Don’t Leave” by Snakehips
- “Hand Of God” by Jon Bellion
- “Sweet Revenge” by Phantom Power
- “Nothing Left To Lose” by Ethos Music
- “Believe” by James Paget
- “Say It, Just Say It” by The Mowgli’s
- “Boats And Birds” by Gregory and the Hawk
- “Rockabye” by Clean Bandits
- “St. Patrick” by PVRIS
- “The World Has I’ts Shine” by Cobra Starships
- “Coin Operated Boy” by The Dresden Dolls
- “Pretty Thing” by Broods
- “Pretty Face” by Soley
- “Bodyache” by Purity Ring
- “Cake By The Ocean” by DNCE
- “10,000 Emerald Pools” by BØRNS
- “Moondust” by Jaymes Young (Stripped Version)
- “Bare” by Wildes
- “Cosmic Love” by Florence and the Machine (Seven Lions Remix)
- “Weak When You’re Around” by Blackbear
- “Superlove” by Tinashe
- “Side To Side” by Ariana Grande
- “YALA” by M.I.A.
- “Fandango” by The Clarstone
- “Love Me” by Jane XØ
- “Anchor” by Novo Amor
- “Blow Your Mind” by Dua Lipa
- “Beyond The Void” by Cody Still
- “Gooey” by Glass Animals
- “Nasty Freestyle” by T-Wayne (Prizmo & Cpz Remix)
- “Powerful” by Major Lazer
- “Go Hard” by Kreyshawn (Valentino Kahn Remix)
- “Bitch” by Allie X
- “Get On Your Knees” by Nicki Minaj
- “Move Like A Soldier” by Kristina Maria
- “She’s The One” by Arkasia
- “Slay It” by Cryptex
- “The Prestige” by Kraddy
- “Let You Let Me” by Savoy
- “Bravado” by Lorde
- “Into You” by Ariana Grande
- “Mine” by Phoebe Ryan (Illenium Remix)
- “See Right Through Me” by Set Mo
- “All We Do” by Oh Wonder
- “That’s My Girl” by Fifth Harmony
- “Cool Girl” by Tove Lo
- “Brand New Moves” by Hey Violet
- “The Sound” by The 1975
- “Army Of Steel” by Red Noise Industries
- “Brutality Code” by Christian Baczyk
- “Instant Crush” by Daft Punk
- “Stay” by Kygo
- “Fake You Out” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “Cat And Mouse” by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
- “Black And Gold” by Sam Sparro
- “Hymn Of Acxiom” by Vienna Teng
- “Keep Your Hands Off My Girl” by Good Charlotte
- “Mister Simple” by Super Junior
- “Tear You Apart” by She Wants Revenge
- “SADIST” by Crystal Castles
- “Make You Feel Loved” by CADE
- “Single” by The Neighbourhood
- “Wrong” by MAX
- “Somebody” by Natalie La Rose
- “Dessert” by Dawin
- “Gangsta” by Kehlani
- “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd
- “Weak” by AJR
- “Closer” by The Nine Inch Nails
- “All I Wanna Do” by J-Park
- “Gangsta Sexy” by Hollywood Undead
- “The Cure” by Lady Gaga
- “That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars
- “Let You Go” by The Chainsmokers
- “GDFR” by Flo Rida (K Theory Remix)
- “Pursuit Of Happiness” by Kid Cudi (Steve Aoki Remix)
- “Freak” by Estelle
- “Recover” by Churches
- “Stranger Than Earth” by Purity Ring
- “Selfish Man” by Francis Lung
- “Learning To Hate You As A Self-Defense Mechanism” by Flatsound
- “The Beautiful Ones” by Monarchy
- “Pa Pa Power” by Dead Man’s Bones
- “Drugs” by EDEN
- “Tipsy” by J-Kwon
- “Alone” by Bazzi
- “Party Favours” by Tinashe
- “Sweatpants” by Childish Gambino
- “Company” by Tinashe
- “Drop That Kitty” by Ty Dolla $ign
- “Love This Shit” by August Alsina
- “Player” by Tinashe
- “Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time” by Panic! At the Disco
- “I Wanna Get Better” by Bleachers
- “Fake Love” by Drake
- “Do You Feel It?” by Chaos Chaos
- “Oh Miss Believer” by Twenty-One Pilots
- “Maps” by The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- “Forget” by Marina and the Diamonds
- “#MINDCONTROL” by Hot Sugar
- “Tether” by Chvrches
- “Let Go” by Frou Frou
- “Oblivion” by Bastille
- “Elastic Heart” by SIA
- “Young Blood” by Bea Miller
- “Jenny” by The Studio Killers (Lily Sevin Cover)
- “Living Without You” by Monarchy
- “Never Be Like You” by Flume
- “How Long Will I Love You?” by Ellie Goulding (EMBRZ Remix)
- “Jealous Of The Rain” by Labyrinth
- “Reforget” by Lauv
- “Ghosting” by Mother Mother
- “Perfect Illusion” by Lady Gaga
- “Bad Habits” by Monsieur Adi
- “One More Time” by Jon Bellion
- “Sex” by The 1975
- “End Of All Things” by Panic! At the Disco (Rain Demo)
- “Greenlight” by Lorde
- “Liability” by Lorde
- “I Don’t Smoke” by Mitski
- “Your Best American Girl” by Mitski
- “Be Happy” by FRND
AHHHH I think that’s it? I basically just redid my playlists for these.
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gokinjeespot · 7 years
off the rack #1150
Monday, February 6, 2017
 What a great Super Bowl 51 last night. The New England Patriots deserved to win that one. I was cheering for the Atlanta Falcons but they just couldn't sustain their amazing first half efforts and lost. Such is sports.
 Bullseye #1 - Ed Brisson (writer) Guillermo Sanna (art) Miroslav Mrva (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). He's back from the dead and back on the racks in his very own book that's heavy on the bloodshed. What else would you expect for a comic book about a psychopathic killer for hire? Bullseye kills for fun, unlike the Punisher, so that's a bit of a turn off. In part 1 of "The Columbian Connection" Bullseye is hired to retrieve a mob boss's son from a sadistic Columbian drug lord. He is also being chased by an F.B.I. agent seeking revenge for Bullseye killing her husband. These characters may not have any redeeming qualities but Ed's writing is solid and Guillermo's art is nice so I'll keep reading until the mindless mayhem and blood flow gets to be too much. There's a back up story in this giant sized issue by Marv Wolfman (writer) Alec Morgan (art) Frank Martin (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters) that shows just how tough Bullseye is. This book is targeted (har) for fans of the Punisher.
 Batman #16 - Tom King (writer) David Finch (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) John Workman (letters). "I Am Bane" starts here. This new story is a direct consequence of the mission to bring back the Psycho Pirate to cure Gotham Girl. Bane wants the Pirate back and he's going to Gotham City to get him. The first few pages where Bronze Tiger ambushes Batman were a little confusing but it goes to explain why the Psycho Pirate is so important to the story. Bruce tries to keep his loved ones safe from Bane but Damian, Dick and Jason are too stubborn to listen. This sequel to "I Am Suicide" had me hooked with the last page.
 Paper Girls #11 - Brian K. Vaughn (writer) Cliff Chiang (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) Jared K. Fletcher (letters). I am so happy that this book is back from its four month break. We catch up with the girls somewhere lost in time but we can't tell if it's the distant past or the future. I've said time and again that I'm not a fan of time travel stories but I have grown to care about these girls and want to see what happens to them.
 Star Wars: Darth Maul #1 - Cullen Bunn (writer) Luke Ross (art) Nolan Woodward (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). Whoever created the look for this villain deserved an Academy Award for make-up. Most fans would say that Darth Vader is the best Star Wars villain but Maul makes Vader look like a weenie in my opinion. Maul has a hate on for Jedis that Cullen exposes to great effect. Looks like I'm going to hang out at the Maul for a while.
 Vampirella #0 - Paul Cornell (writer) Jimmy Broxton (art & colours) Travis Lanham (letters). Vampi's back on the racks but this new effort was lacking in anything interesting to make me want to keep reading. First off; Vampirella is barely in it. Then there's her waking up with amnesia to provide a clean slate for new adventures but you don't know enough about her to care what happens next. I've been a fan since the Warren Magazine days and I have been disappointed with the latest attempts at bringing her back. It's a good thing this issue only cost two bits US.
 Karnak #6 - Warren Ellis (writer) Rolland Boschi (art) Dan Brown (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This finale sees Karnak complete his mission for S.H.I.E.L.D. leaving the bad guy in a sorry state. I didn't get the part about what Karnak wanted for payment so maybe I missed something over the course of this 6-issue mini that took 16 months to complete. What kept me hanging on was that I really liked how Warren portrayed this Inhuman. I hope his new Wildstorm book doesn't drag on like this.
 Superman #16 - Peter J. Tomasi & Patrick Gleason (writer) Tony S. Daniel & Clay Mann (pencils) Sandu Florea & Seth Mann (inks) Dinei Ribeiro (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). We find out why the bad guy Prophesy is draining powers from all the Supermen and women in the conclusion of "Multiplicity". He needs all that power to save his universe from doom. I really hope they don't bring Doomsday back. So now that the Multiverse has been saved again let's see what the next threat is.
 Hawkeye #3 - Kelly Thompson (writer) Leonardo Romero (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). I loved the TV show Veronica Mars and this comic book reminds me of that show. I think it's how Kelly uses Kate to narrate what's going on. This is fun light reading with just a hint of menace.
 Moon Knight #11 - Jeff Lemire (writer) Greg Smallwood (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Okay, part 2 of "Death and Birth" has a lot of jumping around that seems confusing at first but I'm sure it'll all make sense eventually. We are getting a lot of insights into Marc's alternate identities so I am going to trust in Jeff and keep reading.
 Champions #5 - Mark Waid (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). The teen team tackles racism. I'm glad this didn't just deteriorate into the kids beating up skinheads and white supremacists. They tried hard to do the right thing. Does Mark write Gwenpool too? I would read that book if he did based on her appearance in this issue. I just might check out her own book now.
 Monsters Unleashed #2 - Cullen Bunn (writer) Greg Land (pencils) Jay Leisten (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Travis Lanham (letters). It's wall to wall super heroes fighting giant monsters from  space. Meanwhile, Elsa Bloodstone thinks she has found who is causing all this destruction and Moon Girl thinks she knows why. I think Marvel is using this stunt as a way to undo all the animosity created by Civil War II and Inhumans vs. X-Men.
 Nova #3 - Jeff Loveness & Ramon Perez (writers) Ramon Perez (art) Ian Herring (colours) Comicraft's Albert Deschesne (letters). Hold onto your helmets folks this one's pretty intense.
 Unstoppable Wasp #2 - Jeremy Whitley (writer) Elsa Charretier (art) Megan Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). I like Nadia and this is a good way to find out more about the other female heroes in the Marvel U that I don't follow. Taina Miranda is totally new to me and I don't read Devil Dinosaur and Moon Girl's comic book. Plus, I think the art is really good.
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