dragonstone-au25 · 4 months
Incorrect quotes collection
-♤ Incorrect quotes pt.1
All of riptide_pools' lmk AU's (by @riptide-pools )
-♤ Incorrect quotes pt.2
All of riptide_pools' AU + mine (by me)
-♤ Incorrect quotes pt.3
Flames & Ashes AU ft. Dragonstone AU/The dragon sisters (by @riptide-pools )
-♤ Incorrect quotes pt.4
Flames & Ashes AU ft. Dragonstone AU/Dragon sisters (by me)
-♤ Incorrect quotes pt.5
Flames & Ashes AU ft. Dragonstone AU/Dragon sisters (by me)
I was bored so I decided why not post these??? I will probably take it down continue it. Who knows?
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dragonstone-au25 · 4 months
Incorrect quotes pt.4 Flames & Ashes AU ft. Dragonstone AU/Dragon Sisters
Mei: My parents are strict, but they love me for who I am.
Redson: My parents also love me even when I disappoint them.
Yue & Lord Crimson who got traumatized by their parents and they despise them: ...
Red: Soooo when's the wedding?
Mei: Saturday.
Red: Ohhh, so that's why Lord Crimson is acting more weird than usual, and Yue is running after him.
{Lord Crimson making sure everything's perfect while Yue is trying to drag him to bed to rest}
Mei: Alright SO, how inexperienced are you? >:3
Red: Can't really say I'm inexperienced.
Lord Crimson: Me either.
Yue who wasn't been with anyone sensually: ..... I hate you so much, sister...
Mei: I love you too ☺️
After the wedding
Lord Crimson: That was a crazy day...
Yue, glaring at him: If you ever try to invite mine or your parents to something important to us, again, I will kill you in your sleep...
Lord Crimson: Yeah, yeah, come now, I know how badly you want to cuddle...
Yue: Slowly, lays on him, cuddling
Yue : I'm pregnant ^^
Lord Crimson : ....
Red : {Whispering to Lord Crimson} You forgot to use protection, didn't you....?
Incorrect quotes Collection
This was written by me. Yueying is created by me and Lord Crimson is create by @riptide-pools :>
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dragonstone-au25 · 4 months
Incorrect quotes pt.3 Flames & Ashes AU ft. Dragonstone AU/Dragon Sisters
Lord Crimson : Yue and I don’t use pet names.
Red : I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Lord Crimson : Honey?
Yue : Yes, dear?
Lord Crimson:
Red: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Red: How's the sexiest person here~?
Mei: I don't know, how are they~?
Red, flustered: I-
Lord Crimson, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Yue: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Mei: You were flirting with Lord Crimson.
Yue: So what? He's my partner.
Mei: You asked him if he was single.
Mei: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
Mei / Red: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Yue: I'm a knife.
Lord Crimson, from across the room: She's the little spoon.
Red: Hey, Crimson? Can I get some dating advice?
Lord Crimson: Just because I’m with Yue doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Red: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Lord Crimson?
Lord Crimson: … No.
Yue: I do!
Red: I know, Yue.
Yue: I’m sad!
Red: I know, Yue.
Lord Crimson: Red, can I talk to you for a second?
Red : Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Yue are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss?
Lord Crimson: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Yue and Mei sitting in jail together
Mei: So who should we call?
Yue: I’d call Lord Crimson, but I feel safer in jail
Lord Crimson: Yue and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us
Red: *Sighing* What did Yue do?
Lord Crimson: She chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and...
Yue: Who wants a steering wheel?
Red: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Lord Crimson : It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean, and Yue isn’t.
Incorrect Quotes Collection
Pt.3 is written by @riptide-pools not me. Lord Crimson also belongs to riptide_pools, Long Yueying/Yue belongs to me.
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dragonstone-au25 · 4 months
Incorrect quotes pt.2
**Lord Crimson**:*Tortures ppl as a hobby*
**Yue**: *Loves to torture ppl or watch ppl while they sleep*
**Lu Sicheng**:*Watches ppl while they sleep*
**Li Xiú**:*Torture ppl as a hobby as well*
**Xiaoling**:*Eats ppl's souls when she bored*
**Xiao**:*Helps his sister find victims*
**Jian Yang**:... What the fuck is wrong with my family...?
**Hâiyáng**: Don't ask me,
**Wolf Spider**:Should... Should we send them to an mental asylum?
**Lady Crimson**:*With hesitation* Yes.
**Rai**:... I ain't paying for it.
**Rai**: You kids are weak... you can't even kill a fly-- ....
**The triplets & Twins who have traumatized every single innocent person they can find**: ????
*Yue and Hâiyáng arguing*
**Wolf Spider**: Is anyone going to stop them?
**Lady Crimson**: No, let me enjoy the drama.
**Lord Crimson looking for Yue.**: For fuck's sake... *Drags his mentally ill girlfriend to the ✨️ShAmE cOrNeR✨️*
Incorrect Quotes Collection
This is done by me. However, the only character that belongs to me is Yue. The rest belong to @riptide-pools .
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dragonstone-au25 · 4 months
Incorrect Quotes pt.1
Kidnapper: I have your partner.
Wolf Spider: What? I don't have a partner...
Kidnapper: Then who just called me a lowlife bitch and spit in my face?
Wolf Spider: Oh my god, you have Haiyang.
Wolf Spider, about Rai and Lord Crimson: My god, would you two just get a room already?
Rai: Excuse me?
Wolf Spider: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing everybody else's misery. So seriously, when's the wedding?
Lord Crimson: ...
Haiyang: I ship it!
Lady Crimson: CAN YOU NOT!
Lord Crimson: Who wants to go out of the country on a road trip?
Wolf Spider: Yea, I could drink legally!
Haiyang: I could hang out with the boys!
Lady Crimson: I could hide from the consequences of my actions.
Rai: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
Haiyang: *raises hand*
Wolf Spider: *puts their hand down*
Demon: Hey, I took your soul last month and-
Lady Crimson: No returns.
**Demon**: *sobbing* But it's making me sad...
Rai: What’s your biggest fear?
Haiyang: That I’ll never be good enough for anyone.
Lord Crimson: Everyone hates me and talks about me behind my back.
Wolf Spider: Zombies.
Haiyang: ...
Lord Crimson: ...
Wolf Spider: BUT they can open doors.
Rai: Are you mad?
Lord Crimson: No.
Rai: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?
Lord Crimson: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Wolf Spider : ... Your what?
Lord Crimson: My friends.
Haiyang: Are they saying “friends”?
Rai: I think they're being sarcastic.
Wolf Spider: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Lord Crimson ! All of your friends are in this room.
Lord Crimson: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
Incorrect Quotes collection
Pt. 1 is done by @riptide-pools ,not me, so please DO NOT credit me for it, and the characters belong to her, not me.
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