shireentheunburnt · 2 years
Humidity. That was the first thing that struck the princess before she had even opened her eyes. That and a deep sense of wrongness. Even in the deepest halls of Winterfell, the warmth was only marginally stronger than being out in the bitter winds perpetually howling outside. The heat of summer had long since faded away, to the point where the child had almost forgotten what it felt like upon her skin...
Looking about herself as she slowly sat up, Shireen clutched her stag to her chest, over her heart, with both hands for comfort. Gazing up at the verdant trees towering over her, the girl’s brows furrowed in confusion. Where was this? How had she gotten here? Was this... one of her dreams? Those could feel quite real when they had a mind to.
Pulling herself to her feet, she tentatively started forward. Remaining where she was in a daze was hardly going to help her, so her only option was to explore and look for someone who might be kind enough to offer her assistance. She doubted, from the unfamiliar nature of this place, that she would find her way back to Winterfell on her own after all. 
“Hello?” she called, a wounded part of her she tried to ignore doubting her voice would be answered. “Hello, is anyone there? Please... I’m lost and I need help. Hello?”
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stygicniron · 2 years
lordlittlefool asked:
“You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool!” ((from the Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Starters !!))
Ask Meme: Miraculous ! -- @lordlittlefool
"Yeah. Yeah, that was something," Nico says, hands on his knees as he braces himself, breath coming in short pants.
They'd almost been overwhelmed by a rush of einherjar, the undead warriors appearing one after the other with no end in sight in bursts of blue light. They'd been fighting one on one in the ruined streets of some Vanaheim city and Nico lost contact with the other fighters. And a terror seized his throat, the fear that he would die in a land so far from home, not even in the same world, that he unleashed, letting go on the power that he'd been holding back to pull the dead to himself.
And fortunately, or unfortunately, there was a lot of dead around. Responding to his command, the dead rose from their rest, spirits finding themselves called to fight an all to familiar target, and it helped to have a common enemy. The fight ended quickly after that, the dead repelling the oncoming force as Nico sunk to the ground, the enemy either died or fled.
"How much of it did you see?" he asks curiously.
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fallcnangcis · 2 years
《@lordlittlefool asked: “ i can’t pretend to understand all this stuff you’ve got going on. but i do promise that i’ll be here to help you through it all. alright? ”.》
his yellow eyes glancing the other over. The yellow halo that hung over his head flickered in tune with the sun above their heads. His yellow eyes narrowed before turning to a rather deviously untrustworthy smile that only a snake could produce.
"Oh?" Cocking his head as he kept his hands planted firmly behind him. His clothing dark. Black and red with a few spots of gold. And around his neck. A yellow pendant shaped like a diamond with five glowing orbs engraved into it.
If eyed close enough it would have looked like it was a heart beating.." is that so, Aesir? A man of...so many promises. Mm?" He asked. Studying him. He was stunning in looks. Almost flawless. But the think that should have been most noticable. Was the fact the other would have felt calm and almost forcibly happy around him.
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ofspvrta · 2 years
"give me a day or two to think of something clever." (( from Billie Eilish's Happier Than Ever))
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μ::|| meme:   BILLIE EILISH’S HAPPIER THAN EVER (2021) ALBUM PROMPTS | accepting [ Ξ ]
θ::|| @lordlittlefool
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The immortal misthios raised a brow at the god. A day or two. Certainly, it would be too late by then, wouldn't it? She shook her head. "Can we try for an hour or two? Maybe we can come up with something between the two of us... I hope." If not, she wasn't certain what they were going to be able to do. This wasn't looking good.
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berserkerofrealms · 2 years
《@lordlittlefool asked: “ but it’s not that i’m scared of death. i just don’t want to die yet. ”》
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"Oh? You don't want to die? No no. Killing is for Odin." He grinned widely. His eyes wide with excitement and anticipation as his fist clenched. Cocking his head to the side as he dug his icy foot into the ground ready to charge." For you I only wish to put you in your place, Aesir!" He sneered.
Approaching quickly like a wrecking ball as his friends would just bounce off of him as they would try everything to stop him. Only for it to be in vein as his massive hand would wrap itself around his neck. Lifting Freyr up.
"I want every god to see what I'm capable of..fear me for the monster you made. Quiver in fear at my name and sob at it's mere thought of it." He lowky chuckled." Oh how easily I could snap your neck like a twig.."
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gyllentanne · 2 years
Hey btw freyr has his own blog
Still found at @lordlittlefool but now he's his own thing
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stcrforged · 2 years
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" everyone else is more important than me."
you're deathly afraid of being selfish. you're also deathly afraid of being forgotten. all you want is to be somebody's favorite person, but that feels like a far off dream. you try and make yourself interesting so that people stick around you. it doesn't feel like that's working. you want to hang out more with your friends, but it seems like they're always busy or that they have better friends than you.
tagged by: @lordlittlefool
tagging: @r4gnorak (for sigrun!), @everwrote (for kratos!), @boyofwar
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what do you wish you could say?
Tagged by: @hammerofavoid Tagging: @stygicniron, @shadxwcd, @frstwomn, @ofspvrta, @lordlittlefool, @radiiancecrowned, and everyone lese
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"i'm hurting and help is beyond me."
there’s something going on with you mentally. you haven’t told anyone because you don’t want to drag them down with you. it kills you on the daily and you feel like you’re falling apart, however, nobody’s noticed. you feel like you should be thankful for that, but it just hurts more. you feel selfish and weak for wanting help, yet something deep and knotted beneath your diaphragm is screaming to let go of the pain and let someone else handle it for awhile. 
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of-thieves · 2 years
[ ATTEMPT ]  for sender to intervene in a fight receiver is in but receiver has already sustained an injury. 
Vanaheim. Beautiful Vanaheim... the realm of the Vanir, home to the clearest of waters and greenest of flora. It was told the grace of the fauna of the land were unlike any other in the surrounding worlds. The skies were said to always be clear and the rain was said to never flood the crop, only pour enough to feed the land. Hermes had always heard such wonderful poems of the beautiful realm from both written and spoken word, and stubborn as he always was he had decided to visit the lands and see them for himself as usual. Every time he came to see it he learned more and was encouraged to return and expand his knowledge further.
Which, this time around, had proven to be a terrible decision.
The juvenile Dreki that attacked the god had come out of nowhere. One moment he had been running gleefully across the surface of the river, and the next moment he felt something heavy clamp down around his left leg, which after a numbing shock surged through his body he concluded that what the creature must be. He had been dragged underwater less than a second after realizing what his ambusher was.
While certainly a great athlete, Hermes was far from a combative fighter. He could outspeed or outshine any enemy he was up against but he wasn't a soldier by any means. And hostile wildlife he knew nothing of wasn't exactly easy to simply challenge it's strategy and wit. The dreki may have been small- not too much larger than Hermes himself- but it was still nimble.
Hermes violently fought the monster for a minute or two. If there was one thing he was good at it was utilizing the strength of his legs. He kicked the beast in it's eyes and jaw until it's grip finally managed to give, giving Hermes a free window to successfully swim to the surface. Though the trail of blood he left behind only led the Dreki to follow and swim up to the surface with him. He was only able to get one hand up upon the river shore before he was being tugged back into the water once more.
"Let me go, you mangy-!" He dug his heel into the scaly neck of the dragon. The scales were too thick for him to do any real damage, so after a few useless kicks he resorted to wrapping his entire leg around the front of it's jaw and compressed his thigh and calf together as hard as he possibly could. The dreki desperately failed about in the water while spewing bolts out of it's body that Hermes strained to overpower.
As the god had been focusing on trying to crush the jaw of the now desperate monster underneath his knee, suddenly out of thin air came a sort of magical whirring sound. Hermes turned his head to see what new creature could possibly be coming for him next but he was shocked to see it was not the sound of a creature at all being made but instead a.. weapon?
A golden, glistening sword came flying through the air like a hummingbird. It spun about for a moment, getting closer and closer to Hermes by the second. He thought for certain the sword was coming to him. He prepared to roll over to dodge any upcoming attack the sparkly blade may throw his way but his concerns faded into confusion when the blade dove itself into the back of the dreki creature.
The dreki let out a gruesome wail which made it loosen it's jaw grip on Hermes. He as well in response to the cry let the creature out of his leg's vice grip, and he watched as the dragon instantly swam away in the blink of an eye, still in pain and terrified.
Hermes finally pulled himself fully out of the river and pressed both his palms against his left leg, which was not only bleeding red blood profusely but showing more veins on the surface than it should no thanks to the lightning the little dragon had shot throughout him moments ago.
Hermes' eyes followed the levitating blade as it flew backward away from him and into the hand of it's apparent owner.
Freyr. Of course.
"Well if it isn't the Son of Njörd," Hermes managed to only get a few words out before needing to spit out river water and cough. "I did not need you to intervine. I had that situation under control.."
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stygicniron · 2 years
lordlittlefool asked:
[ WARN ] : sender, seeing incoming danger, shouts a frantic warning to receiver.
Lost Meme -- @lordlittlefool
Nico hears his name cutting through the air a few quick breaths before he realizes what happened. Even as his head snaps to the voice, his eyes sweep over the oncoming gradungr, the toothy maw of the creature gaping wide, horns twirl around its head like particularly threatening trees. It looks like a Nemean lion, he considers for a wild moment, the thought slipping in before the rest of him manages to catch up to the problem.
And he is bowled sideways, seized in the creature's teeth and leaving his breath a good twenty paces behind. Air wheezes in his throat as he tries to thump ineffectively at the monster's snout.
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of-thieves · 2 years
🥴 a drunk kiss (+ 💛 a kiss on the cheek)
Hermes attempted to lean away initially, the stench of mead on Freyr's breath was potent.
The kiss was sloppy and wet, and when Hermes moved his body he witnessed the other god drunkenly following suit, spilling half of the beverage in his wooden bowl. The mead splattered onto the messenger's lower half.
"I'm flattered, Freyr. Really. I know I'm irresistible, but would you please save your smothering for when you're sober?" He wiped the clumsily spilled alcohol off his thighs using his wrists.
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stcrforged · 2 years
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" i want to be myself, but i can't."
you have a secret interest or a personality trait that others wouldn't like about you. you may have shown it off once, but it was received badly, and now like hell you're gonna be vulnerable like that again. you dream of the day where someone you like will act this way too and you can finally release this lock in your chest, although that's extremely unlikely. you feel disconnected from others' reality of yourself. it's very uncomfortable.
tagged by: @lordlittlefool
tagging: @fadedpath (for suhani!), @caracarnn, @gracesmuggled
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of-thieves · 2 years
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the mouth
sharp teeth, sharper tongue, all growl and bark and bite, bite, bite. your power is gritted teeth and set jaws, quick and powerful words, decisive actions. everything you do is so personal and vulnerable - the way you love, the way you are loved, the way you attack, the way you drink in and feast on life.
tagged: @gyllentanne // thank you!!
tagging: @hammerofavoid @lordlittlefool @luposcainus @rageinacan and whoever else would like to.
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of-thieves · 2 years
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"someone hurt me and i wish they would fix it."
it doesn't have to be a deep hurt, but someone made you feel horrible. you find yourself composing mental messages to them constantly, yet the thought of sending them makes you feel levels of ill that you didn't know were possible. all you want is to get over this pain and stop thinking about it when you think of them. you can't yet, though, and it feels like a failure.
Tagged ▪︎@hammerofavoid (thank you ☆)
Tagging▪︎ @berserkerofrealms @gyllentanne @boyofwar @lordlittlefool
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character/blog association !!
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animal : Falcon color(s) : Gold & Blue month : September song : Here, here comes this rising tide so come on / (Put on your war paint) / Cross walks and crossed hearts and hope to die / Silver clouds with grey linings So we can take the world back from the heart-attacked / One maniac at a time we will take it back [ The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy ] number : Five day or night : Evening. plant : Snowdrop or Lily of the Valley smell : Fresh fallen rain or the pine scent of trees. gemstone : Amber & Jade . season : Spring; when the flowers bloom and life returns after winter. place : Vanaheim and Midgard. food : Strawberries. element : Earth & Air. drink : Vanaheim Wine and hot teas.
tagged by : @ofspvrta & @angrbxda tagging : @shieldn, @frstwomn, @runsonchaos, @lordlittlefool, and anyone else who wants to
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gyllentanne · 2 years
I'm still trying to work out a theme for him but if you guys wanna give him a follow... he can be found at @lordlittlefool
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