#defending vanaheim
stygicniron · 2 years
lordlittlefool asked:
“You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool!” ((from the Miraculous Ladybug Season 1 Starters !!))
Ask Meme: Miraculous ! -- @lordlittlefool
"Yeah. Yeah, that was something," Nico says, hands on his knees as he braces himself, breath coming in short pants.
They'd almost been overwhelmed by a rush of einherjar, the undead warriors appearing one after the other with no end in sight in bursts of blue light. They'd been fighting one on one in the ruined streets of some Vanaheim city and Nico lost contact with the other fighters. And a terror seized his throat, the fear that he would die in a land so far from home, not even in the same world, that he unleashed, letting go on the power that he'd been holding back to pull the dead to himself.
And fortunately, or unfortunately, there was a lot of dead around. Responding to his command, the dead rose from their rest, spirits finding themselves called to fight an all to familiar target, and it helped to have a common enemy. The fight ended quickly after that, the dead repelling the oncoming force as Nico sunk to the ground, the enemy either died or fled.
"How much of it did you see?" he asks curiously.
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dragonsbluee · 6 months
I'm trying to count how many times Hiccup is captured/kidnapped throughout both series, the movies and the short films, so here's my criteria:
Any time he is unwillingly moved from one location to another by a dragon, viking or other character.
This includes any dragons picking him up and flying off somewhere, even if he is okay with it later.
This does not include when Toothless/his friends drag him off to show him something.
Any situation that prompted the dragon riders to rescue him.
Any plans that involved him giving himself up or joining up with a villain/antagonist.
This does not include the time he and Dagur were trapped on that island together.
Any time he is tied up and led somewhere or locked up/held in place with a guard.
Here is the list of situations I have compiled in (hopefully) chronological order:
Congratulations, no captures or kidnappings.
When Meatlug (accidentally) brings Hiccup along to the Rookery.
S1E6 - Hiccup gets taken to Dragon Island.
S1E16 - Hiccup is captured by the Outcasts on their island.
S1E19 - Alvin Captures Hiccup and Toothless at the "Isle of Night".
S1E20 - Hiccup gives himself up to Dagur as part of his plan with Alvin.
S1E1 - the Dragon Riders get captured by Daugr on a hunter ship.
S1E7 -The twins put him in prison (this one's just here because I think it's funny).
S2E6 - The Dragon Hunters capture him.
S2E11 - The Dragon Riders get captured trying to save the Skrill.
S3E1 - Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters while trapped on an island with Dagur.
S3E8 - Hiccup and Toothless get caught in a Dragon Hunter Trap and are kidnapped and forced to participate in dragon fights.
S3E12 - Viggo captures all the Dragon Riders at the auction.
S3E13 - The Defenders of the Wing capture the Dragon Riders.
S4E3 - First Hiccup is caught by Amos and Berthel.
S4E3 - Then he's caught by Savage.
S4E3 - Then Krogan gets him after Throk saves him.
S4E3 - Ryker captures him for the tiniest bit right before the riders arrive.
S4E10 - Hiccup is caught with Ruffnut when he tries to rescue her from Viggo's trap. Unlike the other traps, he needs the other dragon riders to rescue them.
S5E2 - The Sandbuster captures Hiccup and Snotlout.
S6E8 - Viggo hands Hiccup over to Krogan as part of their plan.
Valka kidnaps Hiccup and Toothless.
Grimmel captures the dragon riders.
Once again, no captures of kidnappings
Up For Debate:
There are a few situations which technically fit the criteria, but I'm not sure if they fit considering the context of the show:
S5E5 - the riders are stuck on Vanaheim, guarded by the Sentinels. (Rtte)
S1E3 - This is a technicality, but when Hiccup joins up with Dagur to keep him away from the other dragons. (Dob)
EDIT: I forgot that even though my criteria says that the time Dagur and Hiccup are trapped on that island together (S3E1 of RTTE) doesn't count, because he is joining up with an (at the time) antagonist, there is a moment when Hiccup is captured by Dragon Hunters near the end of the episode.
After careful discussion (aka me ranting at my roommate) S4E10 of RTTE is also moving from "up for debate" to the official list. These changes are reflected above.
This brings our official count to 22 captures/kidnappings!
Honestly, the hardest part about this was finding the distinction between being captured or being trapped and what I wanted to count. When Hiccup isn't captured, he spends a lot of time in traps.
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overmorrowpine · 6 months
an incomplete list as to why putting all the dragons into a hole in the ground and leaving them there doesn't work:
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[image ID: a death song from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE eat other dragons
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[image ID: a deathgripper from the hidden world. end ID]
THESE eat other dragons
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[image ID: the skrill from defenders of berk and race to the edge. end ID]
THESE eat other dragons
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[image ID: a scauldron, from most httyd media. end ID]
THESE eat other dragons
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[image ID: a cavern crasher from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE eat other dragons' eggs
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[image ID: a sentinel of vanaheim from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE live on exactly one island and it's the island where dragons go to die
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[image ID: an eruptodon from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE live in active volcanoes and eat lava
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[image ID: a buffalord from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE exclusively eat a plant that grows on One island
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[image ID: a shellfire and a submaripper from race to the edge. end ID]
THESE are mortal enemies
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landofadonises · 7 months
Álpheheimr - Analysis Overview of the Land of the Elves - Dissertation
Within the current lands of Adonis, the means of practicing religion and historical belief systems continue to vary based on personality and prior culture, but all of them anchor onto a similar concept, the most similar concept to our understanding being the Old Norse mythological system of Yggdrasil and its connected lands. There's an undercurrent of understanding amongst the people of Adonis that implies that the development of NG-AD0372 was almost meant to be, and that its creation was garnered from the very giants it now creates existing prior, just spreading the gift to more men and helping them become who they were meant to be from the beginning. This feeds into where it all began, and from unearthed documentation, epic poems, and tomes dating back thousands upon thousands of years, it seems that it might just be grounded in some form of reality.
These epics and tomes are filled with remarkably vivid imagery even prior to the exceptional restorative technology the nation of Adonis has at its disposal, and upon applying such things, these stories may as well be as common as a Marvel comic or holy scripture. The fantastical nature of these images and what they imply left people bewildered and breathless at first, but are now such a source of imaginative excitement, hoping that, somehow, these men will come to exist again as Alpha Dom infiltrates the fabric of humanity within Adonis, an ultimate return to form.
Yggdrasil's lands have come to represent somewhat-individualized belief systems in Adonis, even representing archetypes and personalities of individuals, much like the Zodiac. The first to address, with the largest following, from the devout to the casual, would be the land of Álpheheimr--the land of the elves.
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One important distinction between the comparable Old Norse mythology structure and that of Adonis's is that there is no "Midgard"--the humans of this realm had their own individualities and characteristics but permeated nearly every sect of Yggdrasil, excluding the more exclusive sects such as Vanaheim and the near-uninhabitable zones like Niflheim and Jötunheimr. The sense of scale of these men is egregious--Jötunheimr has some of the least currently-discovered documentation but is noted to be the "Land of the Giants", while some elves within Álpheheimr seem to tower above others, seemingly ranging from 8, to 10, maybe even 15 feet tall or larger. How does this quantify a land of giants? What will scholars find?
Despite the vast amounts still to discover, due to Álpheheimr's essence representing a passive, kind path of life, "love thy neighbour"-adjacent, much has been discovered and unearthed about the tumult within this realm. There exist the normal álfr, of similar complexion to humans, which are the traditional visual of elves training, defending their towns, and living fruitful lives in general sanctity.
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But intriguingly enough, it's as if the sun and moon that preside over these lands are like a lens, switching factions to a dormant state as another rises and takes over, as if three timelines exist simultaneously on the same thread--one of the aforementioned álfr, and that of the dökkálfar and the ljósálfar--dark elves and light elves. Between these lens switches between daylight, moonlight, and twilight, the foliage and greenery of the forests shifted and morphed into the respective faction's dominance, nightblooms and mullberries draping across the hills as the dökkálfar rose from underground, lilies of the valley and orchids blossoming from the dead bushes as the ljósálfar materialized from the skies, and once again returning to the daylilies and berry bushes ripe for picking as the álfr awoke. Conflict inevitably arose during these periods of change, and this is what justifies these immense elven statures and musculature. It was quickly discovered that it exists out of necessity, and consequentially, out of worship by those that it protects.
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The dökkálfar were borderline demonic, ravaging the landscape as they sought out sustenance and dominance for the time they could reign, seeking comforts they could no longer achieve. Fallen from other echelons of álfr, the dökkálfar were stripped of the capability to experience certain sensations they yearned for--contentment, peace, love. The closest that could be achieved would be the humans that aligned themselves with their faction worshiping their forms and being there for them as trainees and confidants. The dökkálfar valued them greatly, as the sensation of tending to a lesser being was the closest they could get to feeling the pleasantness of caring for another being, and this dynamic allowed them to shift from beings of destruction to beings of self-preservation, only doing what they had to to continue feeling alive.
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The ljósálfar were a somewhat mysterious and mischievous faction, and responsible for planting the majority of the lifeblood that fed into the land. Bountiful ambrosia seeping into the dirt, feeding their worshipers, spilling from the skies and coating their bodies during their time on the ground, was a sought-after source by the dökkálfar, who would drain the land and kill it if they could due to how it made them feel--specifically, the ability to fully feel again. This led to resentment from the ljósálfar as they sought to renew and invigorate the land with life. The mischief mentioned before lies in the way they interact with their worshipers, as while the dökkálfar will tend to their humans in a parental, guardian manner, the ljósálfar, in multiple instances, see them as devout playthings, toying with their emotions and desires and the inherent pull the ambrosia has on their psyche. The wondrous illusion of grandeur would always fade as vicious combat ensued once the dökkálfar were able to attain some of the golden liquids and fruits. It's a tragic sight to bear witness to as you see their consumption allow a smile to cross their lips, leaning in for a kiss with their humans, as the cycle continues to chase that feeling once again, to the point of bloodshed.
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More analyses will be presented on how these factions came to be--whether the ljósálfar exist due to ascension of standard álfr, more explanation on the descent to madness of álfr to dökkálfar, and just how their societies interact within themselves and with others. There's a vast amount of imagery and depiction present for Álpheheimr.
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jasminewalkerauthor · 9 months
Deep dives into folklore: Norse mythology
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Norse mythology is a rich and complex tapestry of tales, gods, and creatures that originated from the pre-Christian belief systems of the Norse people, who lived in what is now Scandinavia. These myths have been preserved primarily in two major sources: the Prose Edda, written by Snorri Sturluson in the 13th century, and the Poetic Edda, a collection of anonymous poems from earlier centuries. Together, they provide a fascinating glimpse into the worldview, cosmology, and cultural values of the ancient Norse people.
Cosmology: The Nine Worlds
Norse mythology describes a cosmology that is divided into nine interconnected worlds, held together by the World Tree, Yggdrasil. These worlds are:
Asgard: The realm of the Aesir gods, including Odin, Thor, and Frigg. Asgard is often associated with the sky and serves as the dwelling place of the divine.
Midgard: The realm of humans, representing the Earth. Midgard is connected to Asgard by the Bifrost, a rainbow bridge.
Vanaheim: Home to the Vanir gods, a group of deities associated with fertility, prosperity, and nature. The Aesir and Vanir fought a war in the past but eventually established a truce.
Jotunheim: Inhabited by the Jotnar, or giants, who are often portrayed as antagonists to the Aesir. Not all giants are malevolent, and some even form alliances with the gods.
Alfheim: The realm of the Light Elves, benevolent and ethereal beings associated with light and beauty.
Svartalfheim: Home to the Dwarves, skilled craftsmen and blacksmiths who create powerful artifacts for the gods.
Nidavellir: Another realm associated with Dwarves, specifically known for its connection to the creation of the legendary hammer Mjolnir, wielded by Thor.
Helheim: The realm of the dead, ruled by the goddess Hel. It is a realm for those who did not die in battle and is often described as a cold and dreary place.
Muspelheim: A realm of fire and heat, inhabited by fire giants and ruled by the fire giant Surtr. Muspelheim is associated with chaos and destruction.
The Pantheon of Gods
The Norse pantheon is composed of a diverse array of deities, each with distinct personalities, domains, and roles. Some of the key gods include:
Odin: The Allfather and chief of the Aesir. Odin is associated with wisdom, war, poetry, and magic. He sacrificed an eye at Mímir's well to gain knowledge.
Thor: The thunder god, known for his incredible strength and his powerful hammer, Mjolnir. Thor is a defender of Asgard and Midgard.
Frigg: Odin's wife and queen of the Aesir. She is associated with fertility, motherhood, and wisdom.
Loki: A trickster god and shape-shifter, often causing mischief among the gods. Despite being a Jotunn, he forms complicated alliances with the Aesir.
Balder: The god of beauty, light, and joy. Balder's death becomes a significant event in Norse mythology, leading to Ragnarok.
Freya: A goddess associated with love, beauty, and fertility. She is also skilled in magic and has a connection to the Valkyries.
Ragnarok: The End of the World
Norse mythology predicts a cataclysmic event known as Ragnarok, signaling the end of the world and the rebirth of a new cycle. During Ragnarok, a series of events unfold, leading to the downfall of many gods, the destruction of Yggdrasil, and the submersion of the world in water. The surviving gods and two human survivors will then emerge to repopulate the world and begin a new era.
Norse mythology provides a rich and multifaceted view of the world, blending elements of creation, destruction, fate, and free will. The stories and characters within this mythology continue to captivate readers and have left a lasting impact on popular culture, influencing literature, art, and entertainment for centuries. The intricate web of relationships among gods, giants, elves, and humans creates a narrative tapestry that reflects the complexities of the human experience and the forces that shape the world.
Taglist (reply/reblog to be added): @axl-ul @crow-flower @thoughts-fromthevoid @alderwoodbooks @harleyacoincidence @tuberosumtater @sonic-spade @theonlygardenia @holymzogynybatman @nulliel-tres @w0rkah0licz @sylvanthorn @tigertaurus22 @profiterole-reads @mathias-musings
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unmaskthewriter · 1 year
Sacrifice {Kratos x F!Reader}
Summary: The Gods give and the Gods take away, and Kratos is all too familiar with the latter.
A/N: This has been sitting in my Google Docs for quite some time, and I’ve finally decided to release it to the world.
I do not give permission for any of my work to be copied, published and/or translated on any platform including Tumblr.
Warnings: depictions of violence, suggestions of character death
W/C: 1511
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In which Kratos wages a war he will never win.
“I came to these lands to escape my past, to start a new life. I can hide no longer. I do not want this war,” He begins as everyone begins to gather around inside the temple, “we have suffered enough.” He turns away for a small moment. You stand alongside the shield maidens, former Valkyries. While you never fought a Valkyrie before, Atreus told you enough of his adventures of doing so with his father.
You’ve known Kratos for some time, having encountered him in Vanaheim after rescuing Freyr. You were Birgir’s younger sister, and had proven yourself useful as a guide to the former God of War and the young Atreus in Freya’s stead. As a reformed traveler, you knew how to hold your own in a fight and proved yourself to the Spartan, not that you tried to. He was quite distrustful of you in the beginning considering your past and his experience with Travelers. You couldn’t blame him.
You sit across from Kratos, and beside Atreus in the rowboat as you travel through the many channels of Vamaheim. Mimir’s head rested on your lap. You felt the gaze of the god across from you.
“Do not let this sword misguide your judgment,” You tell him with a small smirk as he eyes you. “It is a path I no longer walk.”
“What made you decide to become a Traveler in the first place?” Atreus asked, looking over to you.
“Oh laddie, I’ve already told you this story-“ Mimir interjects to which you chuckle.
“It’s fine, Mimir. I enjoy the curiosity. Growing up, Birgir and I could only make ends meet through hunting or other odd ends such as ridding villages of raiders and such. So when we heard that someone was promising endless riches and Valhalla, well… anything sounded better than how we were living, lad,” You explain to Atreus, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, “The most important thing is realizing that sacrificing who we were was not worth any riches the Allfather could have promised us. So we left the ways of the Travelers and started defending the realms again from those who meant harm.”
“Prophecy did not lead us here, nor will it win this battle. Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything. If that is the cost of vengeance, so be it.” Kratos continues as Freya steps forward.
“Odin has taken so much from us already. The realms have suffered enough,” She paces back and forth as she speaks, “no matter the cost. This ends today.” She takes her place beside Kratos.
“If going out in a blaze of glory means Odin burns too, then that’s where I’ll be… with a big, fat smile on my face.” Freyr steps forward with a mischievous glint in his eye. ‘Surely he’s imagining all the ways he will get his hands on Odin,’ You think.
“For Brok.” Atreus vows as he steps forward toward his father. Kratos pulls the Gjallarhorn from the back of his belt and walks toward us, raising the horn to his lips. We watch in awe as the realm towers open in sync with each other as the horn’s tune blows through the temple. A purple mist exhibited from the horn before disintegrating into thin air.
Behind you, the door to Asgard opens and Kratos pauses, looking at you, then everyone else. You both share a look between each other for a fleeting moment. That is all your feelings towards the God of War ever amounted to — quick glances and unspoken thoughts.
“Ready yourselves.” He warns before leading us through the realm tower doors into Asgard. As we enter, explosions are heard and seen overhead. Elves are flying towards the impenetrable walls of Asgard. Off in the distance, war machines fire up and aim their fire towards the Realm Towers.
“The Muspelheim Tower has fallen.”
“And if Odin goes after Niflheim next…”
“They’re trying to shut out Ragnarok!” Freyr exclaimed in a frustrated tone.
“We gotta stop those War Machines!”
Freyr leads the Shield Maidens to aid the Elves on their assault. Meanwhile, Kratos leads Atreus, Hildisvini and yourself to the War Machines. You tear through enemies, getting caught up in the lust and chaos of battle. Upon arriving at the war machines, Sindri sets up the equipment and destroys one of them. People wail and cry out for help in response.
“W-wait… look!” You call out, placing a gentle hand to Kratos’ back and pointing to the distance as Ragnarok emerges.
“You see the size of that thing? I think we’re gonna win.” Freyr speaks confidently with Ingrid in hand as he emerges from the fight. Suddenly, the rock behind him collapses and he swiftly turns, using his magic to deflect and toss the boulder aside.
“I mean.. if they don’t kill us first.” Freyr huffs. Freya takes a step towards Kratos.
“Why have you stopped? Ragnarok is here. We finally have Odin right where we-“ Without waiting another moment, you step between her and Kratos.
“We will not risk the lives of innocent people, the people who used to call you Queen, for vengeance. We will seek out Odin.” You insist, looking up to Kratos who seems mildly surprised at the initiative.
“That’s suicide.”
“Perhaps but it is a death worth dying for if it means justice for the nine realms.” You explain, searching Freya’s face for an answer or emotion.
“If Odin gets away.. so help me.” She warns, glancing at Kratos who only nods.
“I know.” Kratos begins instructing the elves, led by Hildisvini, to lead the Midgardians to safety.
“Freya and I will do what we can to slow Ragnarok.” With that said, Freyr flies off towards Ragnarok with Freya close behind.
Just when you thought you would move forward with your goal, Ragnarok slams his hand down upon the earths, causing a tower of rocks to come tumbling down above you all. Immediately, you and Kratos move into action to prevent the boulder from crushing anyone.
“Go, Atreus! Protect Sindri! I’ll meet you at the Flaw.” Kratos demands. Atreus reluctantly abides by his fathers command. With the help of Kratos, you are able to push the large rock aside. Before you’re able to catch your breath, the two of you are surrounded by Einherjar. You unsheathe your sword.
“Go find Atreus, I’ll hold them off.”
“I will not leave you alone.” He insists, tightly gripping his axe.
“This fight is only meant to delay, now go!” You push him out of the way as an Einherjar moves to strike. You parry their move and strike back. The fighting feels endless and you are near collapse by the time you are surrounded by lifeless bodies. Weakly, you sheathe your sword and scale further ahead in search of Kratos and Atreus.
Kratos found Atreus and Sindri at the Flaw with a girl with untamed, red hair that resembled fire. The Asgard Tower had just begun to crumble from Atreus and Sindri’s assault.
“Where’s Y/N?” Atreus asked, looking to his father desperately seeking an answer.
“She’ll be alright. Who is the girl?” Kratos demands an answer as the group pushes further into the fight.
“Hi! Thrud Thorsdottir.”
As the group carried on in their search and fight for Odin, to put an end to his tyranny once and for all, you continued your push past what seemed like endless waves of enemies through a haze of smoke. Just when you thought you would find a moment’s rest, you hear a voice behind you.
“Just when I thought the Travellers were a dying breed. It must be my lucky day.” You turn around slowly to see a Valkyrie pacing before you. She is donned in golden armor, an enemy you’ve certainly never faced before.
“Incredibly strong and unforgiving… unpredictable at times…” You hear Atreus’ voice in the back of your mind. Weakly, you unsheathe your sword and begun muttering a Traveler’s prayer.
“Let’s end this.” The Valkyrie demands before levitating into the air and beginning her assault. You deflected her attacks and parried when possible. Atreus was right when describing how difficult and unpredictable they could be. There were only mere moments you could catch your opponent off balance. Most of your armor was gone at this point, you had nothing left to defend yourself. You looked to the Valkyrie as you felt exhaustion slowly working you.
You couldn’t give up here. What would they tell Birgir? He probably didn’t even know you were here.
With one last wind of strength, you pushed a final assault on the Valkryrie, landing blow after blow. You swiftly knock her off of her feet, and tear her wings from her body. Bruised, injured and bloody, you begin to walk away, leaning down to grab your sword from the ground. You feel your body slowly crumble without much resistance as you collapse, allowing the darkness to consume you.
Wars are won by those that are willing to sacrifice everything.
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clobertina · 2 months
I think we can all agree that HTTYD 3 is the most divisive movie in the franchise.
So I'm curious to know your personal opinions on it!
I personally have a love hate relationship with it. There's a lot of things I love while there's a LOT of things I hate.
I love a lot of it. But I'll go ahead and state the problems I had because they are easier to describe compared to the things I loved about it.
-Some aspects involving The Light Fury. She was a plot device more than she was a character and the "behind the scenes" creaton of her was problematic imo. Although it's slightly grown on me, her design is weird and I really want to redesign her lol.
-Some things involving Toothless. I LOVE Toothless, but I have a lot of problems with how he was handled in this movie. For one, he's TOO OVERPOWERED! like really? Not only can he control all dragons, but you gave the ONE ability that made the Light Fury unique and gave it to Toothless 🤦‍♀️. Although it's a result of the ending of movie 2, I don't like the idea of Toothless being able to control dragons, but this is a personal gripe that I explained in detail before and isn't a fault of the writing in movie 3. This is a nitpick but I don't like how they got rid of Toothless' subtle patterns that have appeared in all instalments (including series) except this movie. This is also a nitpick but I also found it weird that they made Toothless act so much like a dog in this movie when he almost always acted more like a cat in every instalment. Also, his want to leave Hiccup was way to sudden and is not in his character... I could explain a lot more but idc exactly how to put it to words and this post would go on forever lol.
-Kinda a nitpick but I don't like how Astrid was reduced to just moral support. I wish we had more moments of her being badass. Because one thing I always LOVED about Astrid was that she's independent and strong but also allowed to act feminine. As a woman myself, all women are different- Women can act feminine, women can act masculine, and seeing a strong independent woman character that can act masculine but also act feminine is something you rarely really see in mainstream media imo.
-The side characters where done SO DANG DIRTY in this movie... ESPECIALLY if you watched Riders/Defenders of Berk + Race to the Edge. The characters I feel got ruined the most though, where Snotlout and Ruffnut. WHAT HAPPENED TO SNOTLOUT BEING COCKY BUT ALSO HAVING A HEART OF GOLD!? WHAT HAPPENED TO RUFFNUT BEING PURPOSELY STUPID TO CONFUSE HER ENEMIES? WHAT DID THEY DO HHH???
-Grimmel was just a half baked Viggo from Race to the Edge. Nobody can change my mind.
-BIGGEST COMPLAINT. Like EVERY installment, both movie, short film, comic, and series, where built on exploration and discovery. In every part of the franchise, we saw new species and worlds. So when the marketing for HTTYD 3 came out... Naturally I assumed we where going to spend a lot of time IN THE HIDDEN WORLD (in my mind as just Toothless and the Light Fury as they bonded). But no. IT HAS SO LITTLE SCREENTIME spent ACTUALLY IN there! Even VANAHEIM was eventually explored in-depth... HHH Just kinda felt like a let-down to me, you know?
Things I personally loved.
-Toothless has his own motivations and goals completely separate from Hiccup in this movie. I really love this as it separates them as individuals more than it has been done before. Only problem is that I feel they didn't handle it as good as I wish they did.
-The very end of this movie was so beautifully bitter sweet with Hiccup and Astrid and their kids!
-Goes without saying that the animation was phenomenal! And although the soundtrack is not as memorable as the first 2, it's still EXTREMELY good!
-Adored the fact we got to see Fireworm Dragons for a few shots! Always love when a movie sneaks in series content.
-Hiccup and Astrid's relationship is still so wholesome to watch and amazing to see!
-The Stoick flashbacks where great!
-I will not lie, I am blinded by my love of HTTYD to completely disown this movie LOL.
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vktrsnclr · 1 year
plot: the greatest betrayal Loki will ever do to you.
pairing: loki x f/m reader
word count: 600+
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"I just... Don't see myself getting committed to someone." Loki's brows crumpled in confusion as he walks off.
You feel an ache down your throat as you try to hold your tears. You try to chase Loki on the hills, just minutes after confessing.
You've been friends with him since the dawn of times, you've given him comfort at times when he's vulnerable, you stood by him at moments when he's filled with joy, his comrade when battling, his defender when he's in the wrong. You're surely more than friends but definitely less than lovers.
A sudden change in your relationship started when you were teenagers. Or atleast for you. You started noticing his features, his lashes that almost raises up to his brow when he's looking up, the sweat that drops out of his neck when you're training, you even memorized his body language and the way he acts when he's excited, upset, sad or angry. He gave you mixed signals, light touches and platonic kisses.
That night after the battle in Vanaheim, you told yourself that you'll finally confessing your feelings, which you did.
Loki wanted you to have someone better. He still thinks of him as a monster, a vile and cruel Prince that everyone hates even though you always remind him that he's not.
"You won't be happy with me. We both know that and I'm quite sure that if you see me for who I am, you'd be terrified and... and you'd leave eventually!"
"The only time I felt genuinely happy was when I'm with you! I wanna see you for who you think you are, Loki! I fucking dare you!" You exclaimed and a tear rolled on your cheek. An uncomfortable moment of silence echoed through the vast snowy hill.
"It's not worth it y/n, I'm incapable of love. You have to understand." He stops and then turns to you
"Then... Th-that time when you said you need me..... What does that mean?" Your voice pitches in pain.
"That doesn't mean a thing! You're a necessity, sure! but friendship is the only thing I can give you!" he exclaims.
"But I do care for you... deeply. You don't have to hate me because of this y/n." His voice dissipates and holds your hand firmly as an attempt to comfort you.
You know it would never be the same, he wouldn't treat you the same way again and might even avoid you. You know you can't handle the weight of it so you decided to run away and hide.
It went on for years in different realms, in an attempt to distract yourself but still, you lie awake at night, a part of you expects him to search for you and for once, be there when you're vulnerable. The most horrifying fact is that he never did. You mostly lived those years miserably alone.
One day, you decided to show up in Asgard after years of longing. Who knows? Maybe he looked for you and you're just too far to reach?
You walked onto the bridge up to the palace, people seem to be gathered for what it seems to be an asgardian wedding. Curious, you decided to sneak in, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ceremony. To your surprise, you discovered that the groom was none other than Loki himself, saying his vows to his bride.
You heart dropped, as though a sword was plunged in it. You felt betrayed. All you can think of is that time when he said that he doesn't see himself getting committed to someone but seeing him now, utterly captivated by her. She's living the life you've always wanted. All of the things you wished he could've done to you.
You can't help but think that maybe he meant that he doesn't see himself getting in a relationship with you, maybe there's something lacking but you just can't think of anything. You gave him everything. All those times you spent alone, hoping to be found might have felt like a waste of time and energy.
After he kissed the bride, your eyes met his. His inner brows curled upwards. The face he only makes when he feels worried or sorry. You nodded as the crowd clap their hands.
"I understand." You mouthed.
This is a bit trashy, my mind's been occupied by college admissions lately but lemme know what you think.
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inactive02 · 2 years
The opportunity chapter 2
Hey! Welcome to another chapter of heimdall being heimdall, well not really because this chapter doesn’t include him but he’ll show eventually. This chapter took a while to write because essays yadada but now I don’t have anything to do now it’s time to get the show on the road.
I hope y’all enjoy this as much as I did writing this!
Warnings: Thor being a goof, no other warnings. besides the warning of my fucked up writing (I didn't get to read over it because I was tired)
1,6k words
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welcomed into Odin’s lodge, you feel as if you’ll learn many things, even blacksmithing from other hand craftsmen in the lodge, and gain new friends as well, with Thor's daughter being the first. Others weren’t so welcoming, Over time the lodge became more comfortable than a prison once you got used to it. Day after day you made many things for Odin or anyone who needs them, doing this made you happy, not being bothered by Odin’s dog, heimdall. There were a few times when he watched you with those Bifrost eyes, not having any context or reason for it, just watching you. Maybe Odin sent him to do this or something else must be the reason for it.
“Oh, good morning y/n! Pleasant to see you up bright and early”
You turn your attention to the Allfather, who was adoring his cane with him. Who would’ve thought an old man would give you a jumpscare.
“Good morning, Odin” you greeted him.
His hand on his beard thinking deeply “Since you're here, I have a request for you to get something for me in a different realm” he started walking, leading the way toward his library. You didn’t mind doing a request for him since they weren’t such a big problem in your time.
“What might be the request?” You asked.
“I need you to go to the Vanaheim to get something from a dark elf there for me” he smiled, it seemed like he knew his people, probably all across the realms. Maybe it was for an item he needs “and I will send someone with you for safety” . You felt like a pretty princess who needed a knight and shiny armor to protect you while you went there.
It’s not like you couldn’t defend yourself, you weren't a damsel in distress. 
“Odin I don’t think it’s necessary, I think I’ll be fine”
“Oh nonsense, that place can be dangerous at certain times. So I will be sending thor with you” he called his name, and in seconds he was there, catching you off guard with a scare that made you jump slightly. Thor, the god of thunder, you wouldn’t say this is your first time seeing him since there were a few times he walked by in the lodge, but you were only able to get a glimpse of him. Now that you are able to get a better look at him, he’s really tall, gigantic compared to you, You opened your mouth and were interrupted a second later “yes, all father.” the god sounded like he just woke from a nap or something, his messy hair and tired like eyes.
“Good your here, please take my friend to vanaheim to malur” thor groans in response, stepping into the feathery circle, ready to go, you follow behind and stand by thor getting transported.
You’ve heard many things about this god, being the god of thunder and all, he can probably end you if he wanted to. Knowing that made you tense up a little while standing there. Once the ravens disappear you are greeted by the very nature and smell of vanaheim, this isn’t your first time being here, there were a few times your parents took you here for some friendly visits to friends or family. “Come on kid, I wanna get this over with” his voice rumbles, bringing you back to the task at hand, following behind him as he walks. This place looks almost the same as when you first came here, with poisonous things lying awake, overgrown moss, and vines.
 As you two walked he cut a few vines away and moved branches so you wouldn’t trip if you weren't paying attention, distracted by nature. “This must be your first time coming here” you looked up at him, hearing that question made you reminisce.
“No actually it's just been a long time ever since I’ve seen the beautiful scenery” you laugh slightly remembering the fond memories of childhood, he hums in response understanding what you meant. To him nature wasn't ugly, it was just nature to him, not like he hasn’t seen it before.
Feeling a tug on the back of your shirt, it was from him stopping you from moving forward. Looking ahead you could see a few daugr, roaming the area as if it belonged to them, your eyes move to the side finding thor taking out his hammer and walking forward in a few steps before blasting them away, disintegrating them in seconds. You couldn’t lie you were quite impressed by that, giving him a small clap, looking at you with a slight smile behind his beard.He motions for you to come on
“I’m glad you're enjoying the show” you sure did, witnessing Thor’s power firsthand is pretty cool. He’s a way better person than how people actually talk about him, makes you feel bad that people judge him as the drunken slob and big, scary god who means. When he isn’t truly like that from what you see. Continuing on the journey, walking towards a cave Clift you could see a ledge high up from below.
“Is that where we go-!” He caught you off guard with a grip from his hand on your shirt and him throwing his hammer into the air, following behind it while pulling you along. A loud scream left your lips as you launched into the air almost as if you were flying, as quickly as you got into the air you were back on the ground again shaking like a little twig. Hearing a throaty laugh beside you from Thor, having the time of his laugh seeing you like this. “Warn me next time!” You said, slightly laughing, you weren’t mad at him at all because the flying felt somewhat fun.
the man had a laugh alright, a laugh that felt like a friend or you two are having a good time. It felt nice, when your body stopped shaking, finally you followed him heading into a cave that was hiding behind moss, greeted by a lit fire and a homey place for someone to live.  “finally you decided to arrive, and felt like you were…oh you ain’t the old geezer, it’s been a long time thor” the tall elf remarks, wrapping the bandage around his wrist as he stood at 6ft. “want some tea, we all plenty of time on our hands”
“I'm good, malur” so that’s the elf’s name, you thought as you look between him and thor watching him puts his hand up in a gesture of not wanting any, the elf nodded at his response before looking at you.
“I'm quite alright but I am grateful for the offer” you smile softly, you wish you could sit down for tea time and have a break for once but you felt like Odin would scold you for taking so long. Malur walked over to his table, picked up a box, and presented it to thor. Takes it and puts it in his satchel, the exchange felt normal, them talking like a long-time friend you could tell the two knew each other for a is what you noticed. Enjoying this small little trip with him made you feel a bit relaxed since it was a while since you actually had time to go out somewhere besides Asgard. 
“I guess this bids our meeting, god of thunder. Let’s not keep that old geezer waiting, probably looking for two” the two laugh with each other at the joke, including yourself. You enjoyed the small convo with the dark elf, only hoping you could see them again.
The long walk back to where Odin transported you at first since there were a few times you and Thor ran into more problems, him coming unscathed but you had a little scratch nothing too much of a problem. “I’ll have sif patch that up for you, no worries” sif? Now that you remember he does have a lovely wife, she was very icy cold to you when she first saw you but she eventually warmed up to you. Becoming a great sister at heart with hard advice that helped you through tough days. Your mind was deeply elsewhere until the ravens disappeared in front of you
“You’ve returned in one piece I see, I hope this big guy didn’t give you any trouble” you shook your head no, telling him how you actually learned a thing or two from him, enjoying the journey with Thor.
Thor steps forward looking at Odin “it’s quite late all father, y/n is a bit tired so we should head off” he lightly touches your shoulder in a comforting way before walking off, Odin smiles in response letting you go off to your room to rest after a long day. Stepping out of his study, “I just saved you from a long and draining conversation with that man” Thor laughed a little, walking up the stairs to knock on his room door, it was opened by his wife, sif.
“Oh your back and you brought y/n” she smiles, glad to see.
“She just needs a little band-aid honey, and she’ll get outta yah hair” sif nods leaving the door open so you two could go in with her, she takes out a small little strip for you. She asked you to present the scratch and you did, her patching it up for you. Thanking her In appreciation before walking out of the room, telling the two goodnight. Going to your room and closing the door, relaxing after the long day. Feeling pretty happy that you gained another friend today, probably many more in the future.
If they choose to.
omg you made it to the end, tHANK YOU for reading this. i hope this Christmas you get everything on your list my friend!
(the way it took me a mintue to figure out how to tag people lmao)
@heleciacrow @sloppy-little-witch-bitch26
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darknight3904 · 11 months
Horns and Claws
Masterlist to This Love
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Asgard 987 A.D (Thor 17, Loki 17, Astri 15) 
   "Compensating for something, brother?" Thor asked with a grin on his face 
Astri stifled her laugh into an ugly snort as Thor voiced her exact thoughts. They had been waiting for Loki at the stables for some time before he finally showed his face. Of course, once he showed up he came wearing what might have been the strangest thing in all the realms. 
   "I know you are not commenting on my helmet when you both have ones of your own," Loki replied. 
    "Yes, we have helmets. You look like one of those Midgard animals we saw on our last trip there. What were they called again, Thor?" Astri laughed
   "I believe the animal was called a deer." Thor smiled as he helped Astri onto her horse. 
Astri only laughed harder when Loki made a clear point of not even looking at them in a clear attempt to ignore their taunts. 
   "Laugh all you want. My helmet also serves as a weapon." Loki said as they rode towards the Bifrost. 
   "Hope your head doesn't get caught in the doorway when we get back home," Astri smirked 
Thor's loud laughter drowned out Loki's quip back that was undoubtedly about how Astri had fallen over her own feet in the training grounds the other day. They had finally calmed their insults against each other when they reached the Bifrost. 
   "My princes. Lady Astri." Heimdall greeted the trio "I wish you all luck on Vanaheim." 
   "The bandits will not know what hit them." Thor grinned 
   "Loki I saw you putting your helmet on. I was hoping if I turned my eyes you'd have left it back at the castle." Heimdall said ever so seriously. 
   "Ha! I'm telling you it's weird looking," Astri smiled nudging Loki's side with her elbow 
Loki's response was a sideways glance at Heimdall and a harsh tug on a strand of her hair before he pulled her towards the dazzling lights of the Bifrost.
Leaving Asgard for the first time without Odin or Frigga felt strangely freeing to Astri. Of course, It would have been more freeing if bandits that were plaguing the planet would've let them at least step out of the Bifrost's scorch marks before attacking. Astri watched wide-eyed as Thor was able to take down 15 of them just by summoning his lightning with Mjolnir. She quickly moved to defend herself against the one on her left that had missed being scorched but Loki beat her to it. 
   "Stay close to me." He ordered before turning to swiftly stab another ugly bandit in the eye 
Always so overprotective. Despite Loki's rude tone, Astri listened to his words and stayed within a few yards of the black-haired man as he cleared through the battle field while Thor flew on ahead. 
   "Is this all Asgard could summon to fight us? A little girl in armor?" A mocking tone suddenly filled her ears. 
   "If you must know, the AllFather is testing us to see if we are ready to go to battle on our own. He's confident that three of us are enough to bring your army down. So what does that say about you?" She smiled, unsheathing her sword.
   "Strange choice of last words." He grumbled
His large battle axe went slicing through the air, aiming for her head. Astri could feel her heart rate increasing as she dodged another blow, this time her dodge had her stumbling over her own feet and to the ground. She had never been good at sparing on Asgard and now this was the first time she fought someone who wanted to rip her head off. Another heavy blow came at her but this time she quickly rolled to her side to evade it. The giant battle axe meant for her face landed in the trunk of a fallen tree.  Her attacker began pulling at it while Astri took a moment to assess his skill. He was the more experienced fighter and was physically stronger than her. She glanced down at her sword that glittered in the warm Vanaheim sun. 
You shouldn't always depend on magic, dear.
Frigga's warning that she had told Astri since she was a child had gone in one ear and out the next as Astri sheathed her sword. 
   "Giving up, girl?" The man laughed as he finally pulled his axe free.
   "Just switching strategies." Astri smiled 
The bandit snorted like her words were merely childish ignorance, and maybe it was but as he charged once more Astri could see the fear in his eyes when her hands glowed. Her magic hit him square in the chest and he was sent back quite far. Two of his fellow fighters rushed over to scoop him up. 
   "A witch! They brought a witch to the field! I'll kill her! I've always wondered if they truly have black blood!" He exclaimed, pulling off his now broken chest piece
   His comrades glanced at him and then Astri who was still several feet away. Then, as if they had coordinated it, they all let out a rather annoying battle cry before attempting to rush her. Her hands lit up once more and she let go of a rather strong burst. Her three attackers hit the ground unmoving, they'd never move again thanks to her. 
   "Astri!" Loki's faraway voice broke her trance as she stared at her first kills. 
Before she could turn toward him, she was slammed to the ground by something rather heavy and smelly. She opened her eyes to find what might have been the ugliest individual in all the realms on top of her, sitting on her lungs. 
   "What a pretty girl...almost as pretty as that oaf with the hammer." His disgusting voice said 
   "Get off," Astri commanded, letting her hands glow once more. 
The ugly heavy lug went flying off her and a little to her right as she heaved, trying to catch her breath. She looked over at him and saw his large form pulling itself off the ground. He had to be twice the size of Thor with horrible claws that looked ready to slice her in half. Along his belt, there was a dozen throwing knives, and a sword that looked as long as she was tall. His skin was welted and peeling like he was singed by fire or rather lightning. On his back, there was a large bow with arrows to accompany it. He was armed to the teeth and all Astri had was a sword, knife, and what Frigga had taught her. 
   "A rather strong, pretty girl." He said, quickly recovering "All right, beautiful... let's see how well you fight." 
Astri barely had time to duck before a knife went over her head. The man? Creature? Animal? Laughed as she righted herself again. Another knife. Dodge. And another. Quickly jump to your left! What're you doing? Just fight back! Astri turned to face the thing once more and quickly let out a burst of power. Of course, that ugly thing could dodge that. She thought to herself. She readied herself for the next knife, but it never came. Instead, there was a soft whistle of air before an arrow lodged itself in her leg. 
   "No more magic for you, little one." His voice filled her ears as she ripped the arrow out of her leg with a gasp 
   Astri looked at her hands, willing any power to come to her, instead, she was met with nothing as he charged again, this time with claws extending from his hands. That quiver must have been laced with something to subdue her magic.
   "After we beat Thor and that idiot with the knives I'm taking you back to my home!" He laughed and got ready to swing at her. "Can't wait to take that armor off!" 
Astri's heart pounded as she pulled her sword out. She could do this she just had to focus. A sharp inhale and as the air filled her lungs she swung to block his hands. Success! The screeching of metal on whatever those claws were made of filled her ears as she pushed back, jumping back to a safer distance. Here comes the second attack...breathe Astri. This time though she must've been holding her damn sword at an incorrect angle because when they made contact it snapped leaving her with a short stub of metal and an ornate hilt in hand. 
   "Looks like I'm winning this one." He smiled 
Astri quickly pulled her knife from her side. It was rather short but she had spent years watching Loki fight with his. She could do this. It was as if he moved in slow motion as he charged at her, claws out ready to cut her in half. Her grasp on the knife turned her knuckles white as she quickly dodged and jumped onto his back. He cried out when her knife made contact with what she was pretty sure was his throat. She pressed down hard and quickly dragged it backward toward herself in an attempt to behead him. Hot blood sprayed and got in her mouth as she pulled before he collapsed backward. 
Astri groaned as she pushed his heavy form off her. Of course, he had to fall backward onto her and not forward onto that ugly face of his. Warm blood dripped down her and dyed the grass. She glanced at his head which had come fully off like some children's toy. Her thinking was interrupted by loud yelling and she looked up to see what must have been 50 men charging at her. Gods she wanted to go home and take a soak in a bath. Her knife remained sharp as ever as she picked it up from the reddened grass at her feet. 
   "She killed our champion, get her!" one yelled as they got closer 
So this is how I go. Odin never should have sent just three of us, she thought to herself.
A loud crack of thunder filled her ears just as she had gotten her knife tight in her grasp once more. To her delight Thor landed in the center of all the madness, his lighting leveling the enemy's forces. 
A hand at her back nearly sent her screaming as she quickly grabbed the thing and slammed it to the ground, quickly straddling her attacker's waist.
   "It's me!" Loki's strained voice cried as she pressed her blade harshly to his throat
Relief filled her as she let him go and collapsed on the ground next to him.
   "Are you alright?" Loki asked sitting up next to her 
   "Don't I look alright?" Astri groaned 
   "Well, you look..." Loki trailed off
   "You look terrible!" Thor said as he sauntered over 
   "Thank you, Thor," Astri said as she let Loki help her to her feet.
Astri was a few steps ahead of the brothers as they walked through the battlefield making sure there were no remaining fighters. 
   "I want to apologize for leaving the champion to you. They released this ugly beast that kept my attention for too long." Thor said falling into step with a bloody Astri.
   "It's okay. I feel accomplished. I've never really beaten anyone in hand-to-hand combat before" Astri responded 
   "That was more of a near-death, lucky survival experience, Astri," Loki said catching up to the pair
   "Hush. No one asked." Astri said with a wave of her hand "You should be glad I killed him. He called you the idiot with knives when we were fighting." 
   "Did he call me anything?" Thor asked 
   "I believe it was something along the lines of pretty oaf with a hammer." She smiled 
   "Well, he has good tastes." Thor grinned.
Astri laughed when she saw Loki's disgruntled look as Thor accepted the compliment.
   "Don't worry Loki," She smiled, tossing an arm around his shoulders "At least he didn't call you greasy." 
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Astri's Armor Pictured above
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revive-the-fandom · 2 years
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bladesofkyber · 2 years
I can’t remember if someone else has talked about this, but i’ve got a brain worm so it’s gotta come out:
I cannot stop thinking about how impossibly cruel it is that Freya was banished to midgard; separated from her people, humans, and even her own twin. Freya, as a goddess of fertility, beauty, love, sex, war, gold & seiðr, as well as a leader of the Vanir, would have been surrounded by others. I can’t remember if this is canon or just my HC that i’ve adopted as actual canon, but Freya might have stolen away from her duties as a child to play among the flowers in Vanaheim. It would be a poetic tragedy if the activity she chose as a child became the bane of her adult life.
When Odin bound Freya with the roots of Yggdrasil he took everything from her. Everything that made Freya, Freya was taken away and locked up or given to someone else. She was [just] the Witch of the Woods when we met her, Odin took her entire identity. Her people believed she abandoned them for Asgard; that Freya, ever loyal to Vanaheim, chose the tyrants over her own. No one in Vanaheim knew she was trying to escape back home when Odin trapped her in Midgard.
By the time of the Journey, Freya’s been bound to Midgard for 120 years (per Atreus’ timeline in Lore & Legends.) Almost two whole lifetimes without anyone except Hildisvíni and Chaurli. Stripped of her home, her titles, her friends, her family and her ability to defend herself, Freya is nearly entirely alone and trapped in a realm that is not hers. That’s 120 years without human contact, without touching another person. The woman is literally touch starved, and for a goddess of love, fertility & war? That is devastating.
In Norse mythology, Freya gets half the souls that die in battle and, correct me if i’m wrong, she gets first pick of the souls too. and our Freya no longer has her warriors in Fólkvangr or her valkyries. She is alone. (Sans Chaurli & Hildisvíni, of course)
With her “warrior spirit” taken from her, Freya’s alone & defenseless sans magic to hide herself. She’s been almost neutered in a sense, a forced sterilization as punishment for having the audacity to leave. This leaves her no choice but to further isolate in order to protect herself. The desolation, begun by Odin when he corrupted the valkyries, means the only inhabitants of Midgard are essentially raiders and draugr.
And Freya cannot fight anything. Not even to defend herself.
The cruelty of this act cannot be understated.
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spyderschaos · 1 year
Sometimes I rlly wonder about other places after the ending of thw
Like what about caldera cay? Did the eruptodon leave or not? If it did, then what happened to the defenders of the wing? Did they have to move islands or smth
What about the wing maidens and the razorwhip babies? What’s gonna happen to all the babies?
The sentinels in vanaheim? Do they stay? I mean probably
The buffalord?? It doesn’t leave that island bc that’s where it’s food source is at. So what would it do??
Rlly wonder how that would work if the movie y’know cared about the show
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victoriousfidelity · 1 month
@skurge asked: "Why did you bring me here?" 200 random dialogue prompts. | accepting.
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"Because you are injured." Sigyn replied, indicating for him to sit down on one of the chairs in the makeshift infirmary she'd managed to put together on the ship.
They were not lacking for people in need of healing in the aftermath of Ragnarök, and she was glad for the few civilians who also had the skill to help. She may have been a skilled healer, but the scale of the damage here was more than she would have been able to deal with alone. As it was, she'd now taken on the role of chasing down those who were too stubborn, too stoic, to seek out aid on their own. Thor had been the first, and it had taken both her and Loki to convince him to stop long enough for her to treat his injuries.
Skurge, at least, had put up slightly less of a fight.
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"Any warrior who defended our people deserves to be healed." She continued, moving closer to examine his wounds. "There are people on this ship who owe you their lives." And then, meeting his gaze with a fleeting smile: "Besides, I'll always have a soft-spot for those who helped defend Vanaheim, all that time ago."
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limesandcoconuts · 2 years
Ranking RTTE Seasons
This list might offend some people 😬😬 here goes nothin
6) Season 1
Season 1 isn't bad - the first episode is actually one of my favourites - it's just it was more of a taster, a dip in the water shall we say. No huge plots or anything, everything's mostly being introduced. But still fun.
Fave episodes: Eye of the Beholder, Imperfect Harmony, Gone Gustav Gone, Have Dragon Will Travel Pt. 2
5) Season 3
Again, nothing wrong with Season 3 - hello?? Buffalord Soldier?? Flawless - but just purely out of the most memorable episodes and most enjoyable episodes, wasn't as much as some of the other seasons. But RTTE is perfect so Season 3 is still top notch TV 😩
Fave episodes: Buffalord Soldier, A Grim Retreat, Defenders of the Wing Pt. 1
4) Season 4
I feel like I'm committing a crime ranking this one so low because this season is so good but somehow the others are even better (idk how no one is talking about RTTE outside of the Httyd random). For me, there were a couple of great filler episodes but there was also great plot related episodes. I just think apart from the the Hiccstrid episodes and maybe one other, i don't think about this season much, I rewatch the other ones a lot more. That's not to say it isn't good because the episodes i do watch are *chef's kiss*. How can we forget this season is the long awaited birthplace of Hiccstrid??
Fave episodes: Gruff Around the Edges, Not Lout, The Longest Day, Out of the Frying Pan, Blindsided, Shell Shocked Pt. 1 & 2
3) Season 6
For me, a lot of my nostalgia for this show lies in the earlier seasons (1-3) so how it went was I lost touch with the Httyd fandom for a couple years (around 2018) and then came back in 2020 after RTTE Seasons 5/6 and Httyd 3 had been released so I kinda missed out on the hype for it which is really annoying because as season 6 is the finale, I feel like it would've been a great high for the fandom. And then Httyd 3 was the ultimate finale but that's a story for another day. Anyways, I enjoyed a lot of episodes in this season, filler and plot. I think the episodes were enjoyable and it was a very well done send off to the show, i mean the final battle/epilogue always makes me emotional for some reason. Plus, all the little Hiccstrid moments were so cute this season, i mean, the hair touches?? Too much. I also liked how they tied everything up to Httyd 2 quite perfectly, with Drago, Valka, the Bewilderbeast and other small details - it was well thought out.
Fave episodes: All Bark, No Bite, A Gruff Separation, Mi Amore Wing, Family Matters, Darkest Night, Guardians of Vanaheim, King of Dragons Pt. 1 & 2
2) Season 2
This was a real toughie because Season 2 is such a great one, I mean it's nostalgic and so enjoyable and funny and there's so many great moments that happen. The filler episodes are so entertaining and the plot based ones were really interesting, I find season 2 to be so easily rewatchable. I also liked the subplots in the season between certain characters and i think it had some of the best stories.
Fave episodes: Team Astrid, Night of the Hunters Pt. 1 & 2, Bad Moon Rising, Snotlout Gets the Axe, The Zippleback Experience, Snow Way Out, Edge of Disaster Pt. 1 & 2, Maces and Talons Pt. 2
And finally...
1) Season 5 - My Favourite Season
I feel like a lot of people are gonna disagree with me on this bc i don't really see a lot of people talking about the episodes in season 5 much but what the hell. Season 5 was definitely my favourite season. The lighthearted episodes were just so goddamn rewatchable and good, most of my favourite episodes in this season are actually fillers. But I don't know why, there's something about the vibe of season 5 that i just love, it feels...calm?? In a way?? I don't know. But this season just has so many of my favourite moments in the show, maybe in the franchise.
Fave episodes: Living on the Edge, Sandbusted, Something Rotten on Beserker Island, Snotlout's Angels, A Matter of Perspective, Dawn of Destruction, The Wings of War Pt. 1 & 2, No Dragon Left Behind, Snuffnut.
And there ya go! Just a quick reminder that this is completely my opinion and how I feel about the seasons, definitely not saying any of this is a straight up fact.
Bonus: My Overall Fave Episodes:
Night of the Hunters Pt. 1 & 2, Bad Moon Rising, Buffalord Soldier, The Longest Day, Blindsided, She'll Shocked Pt. 1 & 2, Sandbusted, Snotlout's Angels, Dawn of Destruction, Mi Amore Wing, Darkest Night and King of Dragons Pt. 1 & 2.
Lemme know what you guys think!
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greatdevourer1231954 · 5 months
Humans can be seen as the most insignificant race in the Nine Realms, but this is far from reality, because without them, the gods would not survive.
Who are they
The mortals of Norse mythology usually gets involved with the Norse gods in various stories of being servants, heroes, warriors or cursed by magical items. As time passed, Norse mythology would later get intertwined with real Nordic history and tell mythological stories of legendary rulers who might or might not have existed such as the first rulers of Denmark (Skjöldungs) and Sweden (Ynglings).
In my AU, the Skjöldungs and Ynglings did in fact exist, with Skjöldr being the Skjöldungs first ruler.
In my AU, there was a certain mystery as to how humans ended up in the nine kingdoms, but the most accurate theory is that just as many animals ended up in Madagascar, many humans arrived on rafts made from trees.
In my AU, one of these mortal groups, was found by none other than Odin and his brothers, who credited themselves in creating the first man, Ask, and the first woman, Embla.
Because of this lie, many humans began to look up to the gods, seeing the Aesirs as the protectors of Midgard and defenders of mortals.
While mortals do exist outside of Midgard such as Asgard and Vanaheim, they aren't classified as Midgardians, but as Asgardians and Vanirians.
Midgardians are known to be at war with one another as they are in disagreement of worshipping either the Aesir or Vanir gods. If a mortal dies in battle, then that mortal afterlife shall go to either Valhalla or Folkvangr with the help of the Valkyries or Shield Maidens depending on which Norse gods they worship.
If a mortal does not die in battle or without worshipping any of the Norse gods then they will end up in Hel and turn into mindless Hel-Walkers. If mortals choose to deny their death, then they will come back to life as Draugrs who fights uncontrollably until someone kills them which results in them moving onto the afterlife.
In rare occasions, mortals can be stuck between the mortal realm and the afterlife as incorporeal spirits if they got an improper death and have no deity available to help them move onto the afterlife.
As far as many know, most of the Midgardians are in hiding or have been turned into the undead as the Nine Realms are out of sync, caused by the event known as The Desolation.
Vanirians due to the constant invading progress of the Aesirs have tried to keep themselves hiding with magic, while some started to use Seidr magic, corrupting themselves and becoming toxic and poisonous monsters.
Meanwhile, Asgardians are living a very luxurious life, with abundant food and prosperous peace, not knowing that their gods will soon use them for something horrible.
Mortal Resilience: Mortals have an innate ability to endure and withstand incredible amounts of physical and magical damage. This resilience allows them to survive attacks that would typically incapacitate or kill lesser beings. As mortals fight and gain experience, their resilience grows, making them increasingly formidable opponents even against gods and monsters.
Adaptive Mastery: Mortals possess a unique adaptability that allows them to learn and master new combat techniques and strategies rapidly. When faced with a new opponent or situation, mortals can quickly analyze and adapt, turning their enemies' strengths against them. This ability makes mortals unpredictable and dangerous adversaries, capable of outmaneuvering even the most skilled of opponents.
Ancestral Insight: Mortals have a connection to their ancestors that grants them access to ancient knowledge and wisdom. Through meditation and reflection, mortals can tap into this ancestral insight, gaining valuable guidance and advice that can aid them in their quests and endeavors. This ability allows mortals to learn from the mistakes and triumphs of those who came before them, enabling them to make more informed decisions and avoid repeating past errors.
Spiritual Empowerment: Mortals possess a latent connection to the spiritual energies of the world, allowing them to channel these energies to enhance their physical and magical abilities. Through meditation and communion with the natural world, mortals can tap into this spiritual power, temporarily boosting their strength, speed, and resilience. This ability also grants mortals limited control over elemental forces, allowing them to manipulate fire, water, earth, and air to a certain extent.
Divine Intervention: An unique ability that allows mortals to temporarily borrow a fraction of the power and magic of the gods, granting them immense strength and abilities beyond their natural limits. However, this power comes at a cost, as mortals must be willing to endure great physical and mental strain to harness the its full potential. Additionally, the gods may demand a price for their assistance, requiring mortals to fulfill a quest or task in exchange for their aid. Divine Intervention is a last resort for mortals facing overwhelming odds, providing them with a fleeting but potent advantage in the face of adversity.
Mortals possess several attributes and qualities that can make them more dangerous than gods in certain situations:
Adaptability: Mortals are incredibly adaptable creatures, capable of learning and mastering new skills and strategies rapidly. Unlike gods, who may rely on their innate powers and abilities, mortals can quickly adjust their tactics to exploit their opponents' weaknesses. This adaptability makes mortals unpredictable and difficult to anticipate in combat, giving them an edge against more powerful but less flexible adversaries.
Resourcefulness: Mortals are resourceful beings, able to use their surroundings to their advantage in ways that gods may overlook. Whether it's crafting makeshift weapons from scavenged materials or leveraging their knowledge of terrain to gain the upper hand in battle, mortals excel at making the most of limited resources. This resourcefulness allows mortals to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles through cunning and ingenuity, posing a significant threat to even the mightiest of gods.
Tenacity: Mortals possess an unparalleled tenacity and resilience that enables them to endure hardship and persevere in the face of adversity. Unlike gods, who may grow complacent or overconfident due to their immortality and invulnerability, mortals understand the value of determination and perseverance. This tenacity allows mortals to keep fighting even when the odds are stacked against them, refusing to surrender or back down in the face of overwhelming opposition.
Unity: Mortals have the ability to form alliances and work together toward a common goal, pooling their resources and talents to overcome challenges that no individual could face alone. While gods may possess immense power as individuals, mortals can achieve feats of strength and courage through collective action and cooperation. This unity allows mortals to stand united against even the most formidable foes, combining their strengths to achieve victory where gods might falter due to arrogance or infighting.
Overall, while gods may be more powerful in terms of raw strength and magical abilities, mortals possess qualities such as adaptability, resourcefulness, tenacity, and unity that can make them incredibly dangerous adversaries in the right circumstances.
Although they may be seen as a weak and pathetic race, humans are not to be underestimated, for if they are left unwatched, they can be just as dangerous and greedy as the gods they cherish.
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