#lore inspired apparel online
oldtalesclothing · 5 months
Old Tales Clothing
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Website: https://www.oldtalesclothing.com 
Address: Chandler, Arizona, United States
Old Tales Clothing is a unique apparel brand inspired by the rich tapestry of human history, mythology, folklore, and fairytales. They create clothing that tells a story, bringing timeless tales to life through unique designs that showcase the beauty and diversity of the world's cultures and traditions. The brand also has a special interest in Anime, adding a modern twist to their collections.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090508333879 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oldtales_clothing/ 
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@oldtales_clothing 
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cineteehub · 2 months
Elevate Your Wardrobe with 5 Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts!
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Elevate your wardrobe and embrace the power of iconic comic book heroes with our Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts! Dive into a world where fashion meets fantasy, and every day offers an opportunity to showcase your love for superhero lore. With designs that capture the explosive energy and essence of superhuman figures, these t-shirts are not just clothing—they’re a statement.
Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts
Why settle for ordinary when you can wear your passion on your sleeve? Our Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts are the perfect blend of style, comfort, and comic book flair. With eye-catching silhouettes of your favorite heroes, these shirts let you carry a piece of the action wherever you go.
Premium Comfort Meets Comic Book Style
Experience the ultimate in both comfort and style. Our t-shirts are crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring a premium fit that’s perfect for everyday wear or your next comic con adventure. With a variety of colors available, you can choose the shade that best suits your style or mood.
Limited Time Offer: Unleash the Superhero Within
Don’t miss our LIMITED TIME OFFER! Get 15% OFF when you purchase five or more t-shirts. It’s the perfect opportunity to expand your collection or share the gift of heroics with friends and family. Be the hero of your squad with these stylish and dynamic tees.
Where Style and Superpowers Converge
Ready to wear your superpowers on your sleeve? Our Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts are more than just apparel—they’re a way to express your unique identity and allegiance to the world of capes and heroics. Shop now and save, and don’t forget to follow us for more heroic designs and exclusive deals.
Join the Super Squad of Style
Don’t just wear a t-shirt; make a statement with Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts. Whether you’re attending a comic book convention, hanging out with friends, or just going about your day, these shirts are sure to turn heads and start conversations. Elevate your wardrobe with a touch of heroism and style that never fades.
Shop Now and Save
Ready to transform your wardrobe with the power of Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts? Visit our online store and choose from a range of explosive designs that reflect your favorite comic book heroes. Shop now and take advantage of our limited-time offer, because in the world of fashion and heroics, timing is everything!
By incorporating your love for comic book culture into your daily wardrobe with Dynamic Superhero Silhouette T-Shirts, you not only celebrate the art and storytelling of the superhero genre but also carry its inspirational power with you. These t-shirts are more than just clothing; they’re a canvas for self-expression and a nod to the narratives that shape our ideals of heroism and adventure.
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liamandloresblog · 7 months
Fashion Meets Fiction: The Hottest Trends in Bookish Clothing for 2023
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In the world of fashion, innovation and creativity constantly push the boundaries of what's possible. One of the most intriguing intersections of creativity can be found in the realm of bookish clothing. These are not merely garments; they are a tangible expression of one's literary passion. In this article, we explore the hottest trends in bookish clothing for 2023, offering a comprehensive look at how fashion and literature have seamlessly merged.
1. Literary Graphic Tees: Wear Your Favorite Stories
Literary graphic tees are all the rage in 2023. These tees feature captivating book cover designs, quotes, and iconic literary symbols. From Shakespearean sonnets to modern-day bestsellers, there's a tee for every bookworm out there. The blend of art and literature on these shirts is not just stylish but also a conversation starter, allowing readers to proudly wear their favorite stories.
2. Book-Inspired Accessories: The Perfect Finishing Touch
Accessories inspired by beloved novels have gained immense popularity. Book-inspired jewelry, such as necklaces with miniature book pendants or bracelets adorned with literary quotes, adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any outfit. These accessories are perfect for both casual and formal occasions, making them a must-have for every literature enthusiast.
3. Customized Literary Tote Bags: A Book Lover's Essential
Tote bags have evolved into a staple fashion accessory for 2023, and when they are customized with literary themes, they become a book lover's essential. Whether you're carrying books to the library, groceries from the market, or just your everyday essentials, a customized literary tote bag allows you to express your love for reading everywhere you go.
4. Book-Inspired Footwear: Walking Through Pages
Step into the world of your favorite books with book-inspired footwear. Whether it's canvas sneakers adorned with famous book covers or high-heeled shoes featuring quotes from classic novels, your shoes can now reflect your passion for literature. The blend of comfort, style, and literary nostalgia is a trend to watch out for in 2023.
5. Literary-Printed Dresses: A Whimsical Wardrobe
Literary-printed dresses are making a big statement this year. These dresses feature artistic representations of famous book scenes, making you feel like you've walked right into the pages of your favorite novel. They offer a whimsical and unique style that's perfect for bookish events, author signings, or just a day out with friends.
6. Bookish Outerwear: Wrapping Yourself in Prose
2023 brings with it a surge in bookish outerwear. Coats and jackets adorned with literary quotes and illustrations have gained popularity for their distinctive look and warmth. With a bookish jacket, you not only stay cozy but also make a literary statement, turning heads wherever you go.
7. Book-Inspired Hats: Topping Off Your Love for Books
Book-inspired hats are a stylish way to show your love for literature. From classic literature to contemporary bestsellers, these hats feature embroidered book titles, author signatures, or bookish quotes. They are the perfect accessory for any season, adding a touch of literary flair to your attire.
8. Literature-Inspired Leggings: Style Meets Comfort
Literature-inspired leggings are the perfect blend of style and comfort. These leggings feature unique book designs, allowing you to showcase your love for literature while feeling comfortable throughout the day. Whether you're at the gym, running errands, or simply lounging at home, these leggings are a versatile choice.
Where to Find Bookish Clothing
With the ever-growing demand for bookish clothing, numerous online platforms and physical stores offer a wide variety of options. Here are some of the best places to find book-inspired clothing:
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If you need High-Quality Customized Pop culture, movie, show & bookish t-shirts & sweaters. Liam & Lore specializes in unique graphic essentials that help others express their passions and values. Visit our profile & Website also. https://liamandlore.com/collections/bookish-clothing
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nabesima · 7 years
Ranting time
Wow, okay, I suppose it’s not just me then, haha
The main reason I’m so frustrated and upset is because I really do care about FR. I love, love dragons, they’re my main aesthetic since I was 8; there was a time when FR helped me to improve my English skills, and when it inspired me to do art and jokes, and develop my characters. I met amazing people I would never know otherwise. But now all of that kind of... faded, I suppose.
Lots of random frustrated rambling below
While the community is growing in numbers, it really fell in activity. There are no lore/roleplay events, no major tag events (remember when Wish Rising was a huge thing everybody participated in?), and most “big” players left or went mostly silent. Gods, I miss Villain.
There’s nothing new to do. I don’t even use Stressing Room because its search function kinda sucks, and I usually dress my dragons by scrolling through the apparel list, and I don’t need the Room for that. I just use it to get transparent images of apparel 99% of the time <:T And apart from the Room... there’s just the Coli, I guess. Most of the site revolves around Coliseum, which is just a repeated clicking RNG hell. Which kinda got old after four goddamn years of festivals, which stay pretty much the same - oh, well, except now they’re mostly useless since the items don’t retire and the currency is dirt cheap.
Lore. Where. In the flying fondue. Did the lore go. It started so good, and then it flopped down, wiggled its legs in the air a bit, and passed away. The Bogsneaks gave me hope that the winds are changing and that we’ll be getting more lore and short stories, but alas, that was just the one-time thing with silence afterwards. Even the Q&A, that gave us some tiny bits of lore from time to time, slowed down and now pretty much stopped. And don’t even let me start talking about how much could they do with lore. 
I really miss the times when deities were active, when they messed around on forums, either making people laugh or maybe inspiring their dom efforts. Some flights really could use some encouragement, that’s for sure. And good lord, why is Windsinger still at the Wyrmwound?? I’m not in Wind and I’m pissed off about that. WHERE IS HE, HE PROMISED TO MAKE A PROPER MAP OF SORNIETH. IT’S BEEN YEARS.
And then, there’s customer support and communication. Oh boy. I don’t think I can say anything new on that topic, there are smarter people who are much better at customer communication than me. You know the drill. There’s just silence. Why couldn’t they say something like “don’t worry guys, the gene is still coming in September” when people started to get worried? Why haven’t we heard anything about the promised IriShim fix? Why did all admins’ blogs suddenly go inactive about a year ago? Etc, etc. When it comes to customer support, I’m afraid of them. I don’t think there was a single case of un-ban, right? Well, I’m this one person who absolutely hates breaking rules, yet I am afraid of getting banned for something stupid, like my NotN Coliseum-grinding raids, when I’m battling non-stop for hours at a time while watching LotR. I shouldn’t be concerned that I may lose my account, yet I am. And it’s not just because I’m a stress mess, but because some bans are kinda ridiculous. I knew two sisters who were banned for “multiaccounting”, and haven’t been unbanned, or even replied to, when they sent admins their scanned IDs.
Then there are my personal issues, of course. I pretty much isolated myself from other players lately because of one nasty... situation that occurred between me and a person I considered my friend. It’s been months and I’m still not over this, because that was a real kick in my weak spot that fed my social fears a lot. So I kinda stopped talking to people, even to my closest friends, because I feel like I’m bothering everyone I meet online or irl. But since the community is a huge part of FR experience, that whole mess sucked a large part of my interest in FR.
So yeah
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jessicakehoe · 5 years
6 Stylish Hiking Boots You’ll Want to Wear Off Trail
On my sixth birthday, I was gifted a pair of hiking boots. A video shows me opening the gift and asking, “Why would you give me these?”; My rudeness (and resistance to nature) became a part of family lore. But now that hiking boots are the height of cool, I regret my early dismissal of the trend. All I want is an adult size pair of the hiking boots that I made my father return, even though I’m still someone who doesn’t hike. 
Brands like Stella McCartney to Gucci have recently come out with heavy-soled boots that hit the ankle just so (a protective measure in hiking boots, for both support and armour against low hanging branches). The boots are colour blocked in shades of neutrality that wouldn’t look out of place on a hiking trail. Bright laces criss-cross over the tongue, contrasting against the earth-tones of the boot. The result is a mountaineering shoe for the streets.
The influx of hiking boots in high-end fashion is a byproduct of the recent gorpcore trend (a term first coined by Strategist editor Jason Chen in 2017). Celebs and runway models alike have been spotted donning North Face fleeces, fishermen-esque bucket hats, and entire outfits that look like they were bought at MEC.
High-end copycats take the aesthetics of hiking apparel and strip it of its practicality, leaving only the façade intact. Wearing a hiking-inspired-look on the runway is a form of code switching that revels in the nonconformity of being out of place. It rejects fitting in and delights in breaking rules.
As we spend most of our life online and connected to machines, hiking-inspired fashion reflects a desire to return to simpler times. A hiking aesthetic is the antithesis of the cyborg trend sprouted by McQueen and Balenciaga, and instead encompasses a granola, pro-earth, anti-fur, stance. A return to nature, one runway at a time.
Hiking Boots
Black Hiking Boots
($1155, Off-White)
Buy Now
Hiking Boots
Inca Suede Hiking Boots
($857, Jimmy Choo)
Buy Now
Hiking Boots
Flashtrek Sneakers
($1165, Gucci)
Buy Now
Hiking Boots
Women's Ontario 85 Mid Waterproof
($140, Merrell)
Buy Now
Hiking Boots
White Hiking Boots
($995, MM6 Maison Margiela)
Buy Now
Hiking Boots
Marianna Leather Hiking Boots
($678, Ganni)
Buy Now
The post 6 Stylish Hiking Boots You’ll Want to Wear Off Trail appeared first on FASHION Magazine.
6 Stylish Hiking Boots You’ll Want to Wear Off Trail published first on https://borboletabags.tumblr.com/
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Game Addiction #2 - Revelation Online
❝ Welcome to Nuanor, My Hero!❞
After being roughly disappointed by many Game Companies and their creations, I refused to spend another Holiday Season drowning hurts in an Ocean of ideas to a new The Sims visual novel. I needed to find a new MMORPG.
After wandering around with no answer and no hope, I remember the recommendation of an old partner from another MMO, after hunting every note in my documents folder, I found a name, “Revelation Online”.
Revelation Online is a free-to-play (open beta) massive multiplayer online role-playing game developed by NetEase, under the title "Revelation" (Chinese: 天谕; pinyin: Tiān Yù) in China.
It is published by My.com in Europe and North America, and is in open beta. The game combines PvP and PvE in a Chinese fantasy game environment, inspired by the books of the Chinese writer Jiang Nan.
On June 6, 2016, My.com launched the official Revelation Online website, and announced it would publish the game in Europe and North America.
My.com is a subsidiary of Mail.Ru, who jointly announced it would publish the game in Russia. The game released in Early Access on the 27th of February 201, My.com, who’s also known by Skyforge and Warface, did an excellent job with the Publisher NetEase, Revelation will blow your mind!
Q: Free-To-Play, what do you mean?
L: Revelation it’s not a pay-to-play kind of MMORPG like, for example, Black Desert. The download it’s free, but you do have options of premium content, like any other game Revelation offers paid currency, the Aurum. Fortunately, the Aurum can also be acquired for free, as the game offers a feature of exchanging free currency called Imperial Coins, for Aurum in their In-Game Store.
Q: What can I buy with Aurum?
L: The most useful thing you can buy with Aurum, it’s the Premium Membership, that offers daily doses of Experience Pouches and other consumable items that are very useful to your journey. Aside Premium Membership, you have access to Mounts, Wings, Consumables, Costumes (Apparel) and many other items.
Q: Is there a Flight System? How does it work?
L: Following the game main quests, you’ll receive many previews and guides to the use of wings, and when you reach Level 29, you will receive your first pair of wings. The flight system offers a lot of freedom, barely no height limit, and no time limit at all. But, the Wings and Mounts use a kind of energy that it’s lost from time to time, don’t worry, it takes a lot of time, but it’s good to keep an eye on that and the items you can use to fill that energy again. Once you hit level 49 you will be able to upgrade your wings which will change the look of them along with giving them additional bonuses such as increased levity speed. You also have battle skills that are exclusive to flight, they’ll have the “Aerial” name marked right after the name.
Q: What about the Mount System?
L: Not too long after you start your adventure you will gain access to your first mount, where you can choose 1 out of 3 different colored horses (Black, Brown or White). These will allow you to travel around the world at a much quicker pace.When you reach level 69 you will gain access to your very own class mount. Class mounts are exclusive to their specific class and all of them can travel on land and in the air.Some mounts can carry 2 to 3 players at the same time, some are exclusive from content packs, others from events.
Q: What are the classes of the game?
L: These are the classes of Revelation; (with the possibility to create both male and female characters for each class.)
• Gunslinger: Gunslingers offer high and precise ranged damage. They are good at taking down single targets, but are weak for crowd-control.
• Blade Master: Blademasters can act as secondary tank or twin-blade melee physical DPS. Blademasters focus on burst damage and escape skills to dash in and out of combat.
• Spiritshaper: Spiritshapers are easy to control and allow for high survivability. They act as support classes in groups, while doing ranged damage through summonings.
• Vanguard: Vanguards act as main tanks and specialize in physical close combat, with heavy armor and a focus on survival skills.
• Swordmage: Swordmages focus on ranged magic damage and AOE. They have relatively poor survivability with low health and armor, and rely on cold damage for crowd control.
• Occultist: Occultists can act both as ranged magical DPS - focusing on damage-over-time, life drain and AOE - and as healers.
• Assassin: Assassin's strike from the shadows as a physical melee DPS with some mid-range capabilities. They have stealth capabilities, wearing light armour. They come with damage-over-time effects from poison and huge AOE abilities and multiple Crowd Control Abilities. (Released: 28th November 2017)
Q: Will I be able to class change?
L: Yes. Along with the Shadowblade patch (a.k.a as Assassin Upadate), Revelation released a Class Change System, that allows you to change your class for a certain period. This is how it works:Starting at level 59, you can change your current class once every 45 days. Before changing classes, remove all equipment, mounts, wings, and costumes, and clear your Soul Grid. These will not be converted once you change class, so be ready to find replacements if necessary.However, your character attribute points will be reset, allowing you to reconfigure them once you have changed class.
Further information can be found here: Official Announcements - Class and Equipment Change
Q: How friendly is the game for players who enjoy a “solo” experience?
L: Players will be able to enjoy the story driven adventures alone or with friends. Revelation Online’s elaborate story quests will make sure you can enjoy the world alone and none of the group quests and dungeons are mandatory for your progress. The looking for group feature, will help you find new friends quickly to experience the game’s instanced zones if you wish to see all of the game’s content.
Q: What kind of PvP does Revelation Online have?
L: Revelation Online will feature open world PvP, duels, battlegrounds, arenas, castle sieges and territorial wars. The open world PvP will not be available until level 40 though, to ensure a nice leveling experience for all players. There will be 10 vs. 10, 20 vs. 20, 30 vs. 30 PvP-battles and even up to thousands of players can take part simultaneously, in the currently under development, cross-server battles. The game also has a "seasonal" ladder with rewards. Throughout the season, players will have to fight to maintain their position in the overall ranking.
Q: How does crafting and trading work?
L: The game has crafting and it is supported by various professions. Resources can be obtained in dungeons or in the seamless open world. You can freely trade between players. There is an Auction and Storage System, fully working.
Q: Is there a Housing System?
L: After reaching level 40, players can buy their own private property to decorate, invite friends to and gain daily experience for their characters.These apartments can be fully decorated with over 160 different types of furniture and come in two wildly different themes. Some of this furniture can be crafted through the profession systems in the game and some will even be rewarded for completing quests. Players will get the freedom to arrange the furniture but also can create different spaces for a walk-in closet, a bedroom and even a bath with a spa.There is also a chance of expansion to two-bedroom and three-bedroom houses, and an upcoming update that allow the purchase of an additional house, the Oceanview Estate.
Q: Is there a marriage/relationship system?
L: Yes, there is. Revelation Online offers a marriage system for players that wish to express a deeper connection with another player. The marriage system is an extension of Revelation's Relationships system. The marriage system has no gender limits for the CN/NA/EU localizations; however, the RU localization limits marriage to opposite gendered couples. There is also a Tutor/Student relationship, where new players can find help and guidance.
Q: How does the Tutoring System works?
L: [Guide is a WIP]
Q: Where else can I find Guidance and Help?
L: There is two other places you can find a lot of help;
Official Forums
Official Discord Server
Q: What are the System Requirements for this game?
L: At least;
• Intel Pentium dual-core 2.4GHz processor.
• GeForce 9500GT / GT610 or Intel HD4000 graphics card.
• RAM: 2 GB.
• Operating System: Windows XP SP3.
Q: And for the most important question, what is the Game's Lore?
L: Welp... *sigh* that will be in the next post.
Feel like being a hero with us?
Come join us in the realms of Nuanor!Download Revelation Online now in https://ro.my.com/en and don’t miss our Oceanview Update!
My Forum Profile
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maureencarolina · 7 years
Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor
Wal-Mart is creating a home for luxury fashion online.
The big-box retailer announced Monday it has partnered with Lord & Taylor to create an online “flagship store” for the apparel retailer. The landing page will launch on Walmart.com in spring 2018.
“Our goal is to create a premium fashion destination on Walmart.com,” Denise Incandela, head of fashion for Wal-Mart’s U.S. e-commerce division, said in a statement. “We see customers on our site searching for higher-end items, and we are expanding our business online to focus on adding specialized and premium shopping experience, starting with fashion.”
Incandela previously worked as chief marketing officer for Saks Fifth Avenue, which, like Lord & Taylor, is part of Hudson’s Bay. She just moved to Wal-Mart in October and is responsible for the company’s fashion business across Walmart.com, Jet.com and Shoes.com.
Through this partnership, Walmart.com will provide Lord & Taylor dedicated space on its website, as the department store chain continues to operate its own e-commerce platform.
“Walmart.com is a shopping destination that reaches a wide base of customers looking for premium fashion brands,” Lord & Taylor President Liz Rodbell said in a statement. “As retail continues to change, this flagship store creates enormous growth opportunities for Lord & Taylor and our brand partners.”
It was rumored in October that this deal would come to fruition.
The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that this was part of Wal-Mart’s broader effort to build a shopping destination online that rivaled that of Amazon.com.
The Arkansas-based retailer’s strategy of late has been to acquire smaller brands, many of them with a focus on fashion. The list of apparel and accessories brands now owned by Wal-Mart includes Bonobos, Modcloth, Shoebuy and Moosejaw. In a move to beef up its grocery offering, Wal-Mart also acquired Jet.com, bringing Quidsi co-founder Marc Lore to its management team.
Lore has specifically said he wants to “elevate the Walmart.com brands.” At a recent investor day, he also explained that Wal-Mart has plans to redesign its website, with a focus on household goods and fashion.
“Expect to see those experiences get elevated,” Lore said about Wal-Mart’s home and fashion departments.
Wal-Mart said Monday it’s beginning to build out “elements of discovery and inspiration” within the fashion portion of its website. The company declined to comment on whether there will be more brand partnerships in the future.
In working with Lord & Taylor, Wal-Mart could begin to shift Walmart.com’s image away from that of a discount site for consumer packaged goods and into that of an online platform with luxury brands.
Meantime, Lord & Taylor has problems of its own, met with declining sales and weaker foot traffic. In a bid for fresh capital, the retailer recently announced that its flagship store on Fifth Avenue will soon become the new global headquarters of WeWork. After the holidays, Lord & Taylor will occupy only a small portion of the building.
A Wal-Mart partnership could entice more shoppers — and new ones at that — to the department store chain’s brands.
The two companies have yet to reveal which retailer will be shipping purchased items. But the Journal reported in October that — in the event of a deal — Lord & Taylor would own the inventory and fulfill orders from the new website.
Monday’s announcement comes as Amazon has been making its own push into fashion. One example of this is Prime Wardrobe. The internet giant also recently unveiled two private-label athletic apparel brands, as it continues to lure top brands, such as Nike, to sell directly from Amazon.com.
Earlier this year, Amazon began working with department store chain Kohl’s to sell some of its electronics in the retailer’s stores. In turn, analysts are already predicting Kohl’s locations will be a testing ground for Amazon’s private-label apparel business.
Kohl’s and Amazon declined to comment on future initiatives.
All things considered, competition is only intensifying within the industry. Wal-Mart is also reportedly raising prices on some items across its website, in a move to drive store traffic where Amazon doesn’t operate, the Journal reported Sunday.
Wal-Mart is set to report third-quarter earnings before the bell on Thursday.
— CNBC’s Courtney Reagan contributed to this reporting.
The post Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor appeared first on Retailnewsfeed.com.
#amazon Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor posted first on http://retailnewsfeed.com/
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tiffanystocktonlove · 7 years
Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor
Wal-Mart is creating a home for luxury fashion online.
The big-box retailer announced Monday it has partnered with Lord & Taylor to create an online “flagship store” for the apparel retailer. The landing page will launch on Walmart.com in spring 2018.
“Our goal is to create a premium fashion destination on Walmart.com,” Denise Incandela, head of fashion for Wal-Mart’s U.S. e-commerce division, said in a statement. “We see customers on our site searching for higher-end items, and we are expanding our business online to focus on adding specialized and premium shopping experience, starting with fashion.”
Incandela previously worked as chief marketing officer for Saks Fifth Avenue, which, like Lord & Taylor, is part of Hudson’s Bay. She just moved to Wal-Mart in October and is responsible for the company’s fashion business across Walmart.com, Jet.com and Shoes.com.
Through this partnership, Walmart.com will provide Lord & Taylor dedicated space on its website, as the department store chain continues to operate its own e-commerce platform.
“Walmart.com is a shopping destination that reaches a wide base of customers looking for premium fashion brands,” Lord & Taylor President Liz Rodbell said in a statement. “As retail continues to change, this flagship store creates enormous growth opportunities for Lord & Taylor and our brand partners.”
It was rumored in October that this deal would come to fruition.
The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that this was part of Wal-Mart’s broader effort to build a shopping destination online that rivaled that of Amazon.com.
The Arkansas-based retailer’s strategy of late has been to acquire smaller brands, many of them with a focus on fashion. The list of apparel and accessories brands now owned by Wal-Mart includes Bonobos, Modcloth, Shoebuy and Moosejaw. In a move to beef up its grocery offering, Wal-Mart also acquired Jet.com, bringing Quidsi co-founder Marc Lore to its management team.
Lore has specifically said he wants to “elevate the Walmart.com brands.” At a recent investor day, he also explained that Wal-Mart has plans to redesign its website, with a focus on household goods and fashion.
“Expect to see those experiences get elevated,” Lore said about Wal-Mart’s home and fashion departments.
Wal-Mart said Monday it’s beginning to build out “elements of discovery and inspiration” within the fashion portion of its website. The company declined to comment on whether there will be more brand partnerships in the future.
In working with Lord & Taylor, Wal-Mart could begin to shift Walmart.com’s image away from that of a discount site for consumer packaged goods and into that of an online platform with luxury brands.
Meantime, Lord & Taylor has problems of its own, met with declining sales and weaker foot traffic. In a bid for fresh capital, the retailer recently announced that its flagship store on Fifth Avenue will soon become the new global headquarters of WeWork. After the holidays, Lord & Taylor will occupy only a small portion of the building.
A Wal-Mart partnership could entice more shoppers — and new ones at that — to the department store chain’s brands.
The two companies have yet to reveal which retailer will be shipping purchased items. But the Journal reported in October that — in the event of a deal — Lord & Taylor would own the inventory and fulfill orders from the new website.
Monday’s announcement comes as Amazon has been making its own push into fashion. One example of this is Prime Wardrobe. The internet giant also recently unveiled two private-label athletic apparel brands, as it continues to lure top brands, such as Nike, to sell directly from Amazon.com.
Earlier this year, Amazon began working with department store chain Kohl’s to sell some of its electronics in the retailer’s stores. In turn, analysts are already predicting Kohl’s locations will be a testing ground for Amazon’s private-label apparel business.
Kohl’s and Amazon declined to comment on future initiatives.
All things considered, competition is only intensifying within the industry. Wal-Mart is also reportedly raising prices on some items across its website, in a move to drive store traffic where Amazon doesn’t operate, the Journal reported Sunday.
Wal-Mart is set to report third-quarter earnings before the bell on Thursday.
— CNBC’s Courtney Reagan contributed to this reporting.
The post Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor appeared first on Retailnewsfeed.com.
#amazon Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor published first on http://retailnewsfeed.com/
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retailnewsfeeds · 7 years
Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor
Wal-Mart is creating a home for luxury fashion online.
The big-box retailer announced Monday it has partnered with Lord & Taylor to create an online “flagship store” for the apparel retailer. The landing page will launch on Walmart.com in spring 2018.
“Our goal is to create a premium fashion destination on Walmart.com,” Denise Incandela, head of fashion for Wal-Mart’s U.S. e-commerce division, said in a statement. “We see customers on our site searching for higher-end items, and we are expanding our business online to focus on adding specialized and premium shopping experience, starting with fashion.”
Incandela previously worked as chief marketing officer for Saks Fifth Avenue, which, like Lord & Taylor, is part of Hudson’s Bay. She just moved to Wal-Mart in October and is responsible for the company’s fashion business across Walmart.com, Jet.com and Shoes.com.
Through this partnership, Walmart.com will provide Lord & Taylor dedicated space on its website, as the department store chain continues to operate its own e-commerce platform.
“Walmart.com is a shopping destination that reaches a wide base of customers looking for premium fashion brands,” Lord & Taylor President Liz Rodbell said in a statement. “As retail continues to change, this flagship store creates enormous growth opportunities for Lord & Taylor and our brand partners.”
It was rumored in October that this deal would come to fruition.
The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that this was part of Wal-Mart’s broader effort to build a shopping destination online that rivaled that of Amazon.com.
The Arkansas-based retailer’s strategy of late has been to acquire smaller brands, many of them with a focus on fashion. The list of apparel and accessories brands now owned by Wal-Mart includes Bonobos, Modcloth, Shoebuy and Moosejaw. In a move to beef up its grocery offering, Wal-Mart also acquired Jet.com, bringing Quidsi co-founder Marc Lore to its management team.
Lore has specifically said he wants to “elevate the Walmart.com brands.” At a recent investor day, he also explained that Wal-Mart has plans to redesign its website, with a focus on household goods and fashion.
“Expect to see those experiences get elevated,” Lore said about Wal-Mart’s home and fashion departments.
Wal-Mart said Monday it’s beginning to build out “elements of discovery and inspiration” within the fashion portion of its website. The company declined to comment on whether there will be more brand partnerships in the future.
In working with Lord & Taylor, Wal-Mart could begin to shift Walmart.com’s image away from that of a discount site for consumer packaged goods and into that of an online platform with luxury brands.
Meantime, Lord & Taylor has problems of its own, met with declining sales and weaker foot traffic. In a bid for fresh capital, the retailer recently announced that its flagship store on Fifth Avenue will soon become the new global headquarters of WeWork. After the holidays, Lord & Taylor will occupy only a small portion of the building.
A Wal-Mart partnership could entice more shoppers — and new ones at that — to the department store chain’s brands.
The two companies have yet to reveal which retailer will be shipping purchased items. But the Journal reported in October that — in the event of a deal — Lord & Taylor would own the inventory and fulfill orders from the new website.
Monday’s announcement comes as Amazon has been making its own push into fashion. One example of this is Prime Wardrobe. The internet giant also recently unveiled two private-label athletic apparel brands, as it continues to lure top brands, such as Nike, to sell directly from Amazon.com.
Earlier this year, Amazon began working with department store chain Kohl’s to sell some of its electronics in the retailer’s stores. In turn, analysts are already predicting Kohl’s locations will be a testing ground for Amazon’s private-label apparel business.
Kohl’s and Amazon declined to comment on future initiatives.
All things considered, competition is only intensifying within the industry. Wal-Mart is also reportedly raising prices on some items across its website, in a move to drive store traffic where Amazon doesn’t operate, the Journal reported Sunday.
Wal-Mart is set to report third-quarter earnings before the bell on Thursday.
— CNBC’s Courtney Reagan contributed to this reporting.
The post Wal-Mart counters Amazon in online fashion by joining forces with Lord & Taylor appeared first on Retailnewsfeed.com.
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ntrending · 7 years
Wal-Mart strikes deal with Lord & Taylor, growing in fashion against Amazon
New Post has been published on https://nexcraft.co/wal-mart-strikes-deal-with-lord-taylor-growing-in-fashion-against-amazon/
Wal-Mart strikes deal with Lord & Taylor, growing in fashion against Amazon
Wal-Mart is creating a home for luxury fashion online.
The big-box retailer announced Monday it has partnered with Lord & Taylor to create an online “flagship store” for the apparel retailer. The landing page will launch on Walmart.com in spring 2018.
“Our goal is to create a premium fashion destination on Walmart.com,” Denise Incandela, head of fashion for Wal-Mart’s U.S. e-commerce division, said in a statement. “We see customers on our site searching for higher-end items, and we are expanding our business online to focus on adding specialized and premium shopping experience, starting with fashion.”
Incandela previously worked as chief marketing officer for Saks Fifth Avenue, which, like Lord & Taylor, is part of Hudson’s Bay. She just moved to Wal-Mart in October and is responsible for the company’s fashion business across Walmart.com, Jet.com and Shoes.com.
Through this partnership, Walmart.com will provide Lord & Taylor dedicated space on its website, as the department store chain continues to operate its own e-commerce platform.
“Walmart.com is a shopping destination that reaches a wide base of customers looking for premium fashion brands,” Lord & Taylor President Liz Rodbell said in a statement. “As retail continues to change, this flagship store creates enormous growth opportunities for Lord & Taylor and our brand partners.”
It was rumored in October that this deal would come to fruition.
The Wall Street Journal reported at the time that this was part of Wal-Mart’s broader effort to build a shopping destination online that rivaled that of Amazon.com.
The Arkansas-based retailer’s strategy of late has been to acquire smaller brands, many of them with a focus on fashion. The list of apparel and accessories brands now owned by Wal-Mart includes Bonobos, Modcloth, Shoebuy and Moosejaw. In a move to beef up its grocery offering, Wal-Mart also acquired Jet.com, bringing Quidsi co-founder Marc Lore to its management team.
Lore has specifically said he wants to “elevate the Walmart.com brands.” At a recent investor day, he also explained that Wal-Mart has plans to redesign its website, with a focus on household goods and fashion.
“Expect to see those experiences get elevated,” Lore said about Wal-Mart’s home and fashion departments.
Wal-Mart said Monday it’s beginning to build out “elements of discovery and inspiration” within the fashion portion of its website. The company declined to comment on whether there will be more brand partnerships in the future.
In working with Lord & Taylor, Wal-Mart could begin to shift Walmart.com’s image away from that of a discount site for consumer packaged goods and into that of an online platform with luxury brands.
Meantime, Lord & Taylor has problems of its own, met with declining sales and weaker foot traffic. In a bid for fresh capital, the retailer recently announced that its flagship store on Fifth Avenue will soon become the new global headquarters of WeWork. After the holidays, Lord & Taylor will occupy only a small portion of the building.
A Wal-Mart partnership could entice more shoppers — and new ones at that — to the department store chain’s brands.
The two companies have yet to reveal which retailer will be shipping purchased items. But the Journal reported in October that — in the event of a deal — Lord & Taylor would own the inventory and fulfill orders from the new website.
Monday’s announcement comes as Amazon has been making its own push into fashion. One example of this is Prime Wardrobe. The internet giant also recently unveiled two private-label athletic apparel brands, as it continues to lure top brands, such as Nike, to sell directly from Amazon.com.
Earlier this year, Amazon began working with department store chain Kohl’s to sell some of its electronics in the retailer’s stores. In turn, analysts are already predicting Kohl’s locations will be a testing ground for Amazon’s private-label apparel business.
Kohl’s and Amazon declined to comment on future initiatives.
All things considered, competition is only intensifying within the industry. Wal-Mart is also reportedly raising prices on some items across its website, in a move to drive store traffic where Amazon doesn’t operate, the Journal reported Sunday.
Wal-Mart is set to report third-quarter earnings before the bell on Thursday.
— CNBC’s Courtney Reagan contributed to this reporting.
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liamandloresblog · 7 months
Bookish Clothing: A Novel Approach to Personal Style
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In a world filled with fashion statements and personal expression, bookish clothing is becoming a trend that not only allows people to showcase their favorite stories but also adds a touch of uniqueness to their style. Combining the love for literature and fashion, bookish clothing is the perfect way to express your literary passions. This article delves into the magical world of bookish clothing, exploring what it is, where to find it, and why it has become such a beloved trend.
What is Bookish Clothing?
Bookish clothing is a form of wearable art that celebrates literature and the world of books. It's all about incorporating elements from your favorite novels, authors, and literary themes into your wardrobe. These clothing items typically feature quotes, illustrations, and designs inspired by books, allowing you to wear your favorite stories on your sleeves, quite literally.
The Popularity of Bookish Clothing
A Unique Expression of Personality
One of the reasons behind the rising popularity of bookish clothing is its ability to express one's personality in a unique and charming way. Instead of relying on traditional fashion trends, bookworms and literature enthusiasts can proudly display their favorite books and authors, making a powerful statement about who they are.
A Conversation Starter
Wearing bookish clothing also serves as a fantastic conversation starter. When you sport a t-shirt with a famous book quote or a hoodie featuring your beloved fictional character, fellow book lovers are likely to strike up a conversation with you. It's a fantastic way to connect with like-minded individuals.
Supporting Small Businesses
The bookish clothing market is predominantly populated by small, independent businesses and artists. When you purchase bookish clothing, you're not only expressing your love for literature but also supporting these small ventures. This adds an extra layer of charm to your fashion choices, as each piece often has a unique and personal touch.
Where to Find Bookish Clothing
With the ever-growing demand for bookish clothing, numerous online platforms and physical stores offer a wide variety of options. Here are some of the best places to find book-inspired clothing:
Liam And Lore
Wear your love of literature with unique and custom-designed apparel and bookish merch from Liam & Lore. Featuring designs and bookish goods trending on Tik Tok! Get inspired by the latest designs in our bookish Shop.
If you need High-Quality Customized Pop culture, movie, show & bookish t-shirts & sweaters. Liam & Lore specializes in unique graphic essentials that help others express their passions and values. Visit our profile & Website also. https://liamandlore.com/collections/bookish-clothing
Bookish Clothing for All Occasions
Bookish clothing is incredibly versatile. You can find pieces suitable for various occasions, from casual wear to special events. Here are a few examples:
Casual Wear
Bookish t-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts are perfect for everyday wear. You can stay comfortable while proudly displaying your literary passions.
Work Attire
If your workplace allows for a more casual dress code, you can incorporate bookish accessories like book-themed scarves, ties, or even book-shaped jewelry into your professional attire.
Special Events
For special occasions, there are elegant book-inspired dresses and suits that let you dress up while staying true to your love for literature.
In a world where fashion is often a reflection of personal identity, bookish clothing has emerged as a delightful trend. It allows you to showcase your love for literature and express your unique personality. Bookish clothing is more than just fabric and ink; it's a tangible manifestation of the magic of storytelling. So, whether you're attending a literary event, a casual outing with friends, or a day at work, don't hesitate to wear your favorite stories and let the magic of bookish clothing enrich your life.
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actionfigureinsider · 7 years
On March 10th Celebrate 20 Years of Slaying #BuffySlays20
  Fox Consumer Products Announces Exciting Activities to Celebrate March 10th Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  Pop Network to Air Premiere Episode on 20th Anniversary
  BoxLunch named Exclusive Retail Destination for Kick Off
Los Angeles, CA (March 1, 2017) – The genre-busting cult classic from Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer turns 20 years old on March 10, 2017!  To celebrate Buffy Summers, the Scoobies and all the monsters that go bump in the night, 20th Century Fox Consumer Products announces exciting product launches – from board games to new books to fashion accessories to apparel — and multiple fan-focused activities including a “Sunnydale High Yearbook Contest” offering a trip to 2017 San Diego Comic Con.
  Plus, on the anniversary, fans can tune-in to relive the two-part premiere episode on Pop (to find your channel go to Poptv.com) on March 10th at 9 AM ET/PT.
  New Buffy Merchandise
Fox Consumer Products announces a wide-range of key licensing partners including Dark Horse, Simon & Schuster, Insight Editions, Hot Topic, Harper Design, AC/DC Apparel, Jasco, Upper Deck, Ripple Junction, and more to showcase everything from unique Buffy apparel and accessories to board games to brand new books and comics.
  In addition, BoxLunch, a pop culture gift and novelty gift store with a cause, has partnered with 20th Century Fox Consumer Products to mark next week’s 20th Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with an exclusive promotion across all their U.S. retail locations and online website. While simultaneously helping to provide meals to those in need, BoxLunch celebrates the beloved series with an assortment of products that include never-before-seen themed apparel, accessories, jewelry, and books. The merchandise will hit shelves and BoxLunch.com on March 10, 2017 and to fulfill their charitable mission, for every $10 spent in-store or online, BoxLunch helps to provide a meal to a person in need via their philanthropic partner Feeding America.
  Online Initiatives to Celebrate Anniversary
On March 10th the Sunnydale High Yearbook Contest launches across the United States. With a prize of a trip to San Diego Comic Con fans will be rewarded for uploading their high school class photos — and providing their best Buffy caption in the form of a “senior quote”. Participants will be able to share their submissions across their Facebook and Twitter feeds. Contest details and rules will be found on BoxLunch.com
  Additionally, the best-selling recent release, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book, is the inspiration for “drawing in” fans eager to wish ‘Team Buffy’ a Happy Anniversary. On Friday, a selection of complimentary designs from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book will be unveiled on the BoxLunch & official Buffy Facebook pages, allowing Buffy enthusiasts to color and submit personal anniversary messages. Using the hashtag #BuffySlays20 fans are encouraged to share their designs and messages across social media, sending it to those responsible for the beloved series:
  Sarah Michelle Gellar @SarahMGellar
Joss Whedon @joss
Alyson Hannigan @alydenisof
Anthony Stewart @AnthonySHead
David Boreanaz @David_Boreanaz
James Marsters @JamesMarstersOf
Charisma Carpenter @AllCharisma
Amber Benson @amber_benson
Emma Caulfield @emmacaulfield
Eliza Dushku @elizadushku
Danny Strong @DannyStrong
Michelle Trachtenberg @RealMichelleT
Seth Green @SethGreen
Nicholas Brendon @NicholasBrendon
Kristine Sutherland @thekutherland
Tom Lenk @tomlenk
Armin Shimerman @ShimermanArmin
Juliet Landau @julietlandau
DB Woodside @TheReal_Db
    “Decades after its television debut, Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to stake its ground in pop culture,” said Jim Fielding, President of Consumer Products and Innovation at 20th Century Fox Consumer Products. “As one of the studio’s most memorable programs, we are thrilled to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary alongside the devoted Buffy fan community.”
  Releasing throughout the anniversary year, Fox Consumer Products reveals a wide-range of licensing partners.
From Jasco, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game where players must help Buffy The Vampire Slayer protect Sunnydale from the forces of evil in this fully cooperative board game. (Available Now)
Hot Topic, the retail destination for music and pop culture-inspired clothes and accessories, plus fashion apparel for girls and guys, is celebrating 20 years of slaying with AC/DC Apparel.  Together they are unveiling a unique fashion collection available exclusively on Hottopic.com this summer.  The collection will celebrate the style of beloved Buffy characters, including Willow’s iconic 90s sweater, and a long trench coat inspired by Buffy Summers herself, as well as tops featuring iconic lines from the series.
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The team of imaginative pop culture fanatics at Ripple Junction have locked themselves in the library and studied up on the last 20 years of fandom celebrating Buffy.  Ripple Junction has developed a full line of tees for young men and women available at major retail outlets, as well as ripplejunction.com and Amazon.com (Available Now).
  Longtime publishing partners, Dark Horse and Simon & Schuster plan new books and comics that will release during the anniversary year, with highlights that include:
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book (Dark Horse/Available Now) – your favorite characters and moments from the Buffy television series are all represented in this engrossing adult coloring book.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11  & Angel Season 11 Comic Series (Dark Horse /Available Now)
o   Buffy: The High School Years – Parental Parasites (Dark Horse/June 2017)
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus Season 8 Vol 1 (Dark Horse/September 2017)
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Big Bads & Monsters Adult Coloring Book (Available for Pre-Order/Releasing Fall 2017)
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher’s Guide 20th Anniversary Edition (S&S/October 2017) Just in time for the show’s twentieth anniversary, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Watcher’s Guides have been compiled into one hardcover collector’s edition for the first time! Inside, you’ll find all the best content from Volumes 1–3 of the original Watcher’s Guides, as well as exclusive new content, including never-before-seen interviews with the cast and crew.
  Insight Editionsand Harper Design will release several books and novelty items in celebration of the anniversary, including:
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer Encyclopedia: The Ultimate Guide to the Buffyverse (Harper Design/September 2017) is a lavishly produced and written book by Buffy experts and is the authoritative source for fans, allowing them to indulge in the intricacies and nuances of the series as never before.  This authorized companion is a must-have for all Buffy enthusiasts as this full-color A-to-Z encyclopedia catalogs, explains, and cross-reference every detail of the Buffyverse, from characters, locations, and weapons to episodes, demons, and recurring gags.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Official Grimoire (Insight Editions/October 2017) is the first and only truly comprehensive collection of every magical moment from all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, humorously narrated by beloved resident witch Willow Rosenberg. Completely illustrated and annotated by the rest of the gang, this book of spells is a unique keepsake for fans of the Buffy-verse and an incredible celebration of the show’s 20-year legacy.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Definitive Visual Handbook (Insight Editions/October 2017) is a one-of-a-kind infographic guide to all things Buffy, blending striking illustrations with a bounty of facts and stats that shed light on just about every aspect of the show. Full of fun insights and surprising details about the lore, characters, quips, and most legendary episodes, battles, and villains, this refreshing take on the Buffy-verse will delight fans old and new.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampyr Stationery Set (Insight Editions/August 2017) includes a 192-page blank pocket journal, 20 blank notecards featuring iconic Buffy quotes, envelopes, and 20 Hellmouth sticker seals. Enclosed in a keepsake box designed to look like it came from Giles’ library, this special stationery set allows fans to share the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with their fellow Scoobies.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampyr Hardcover Ruled Journal (Insight Editions/August 2017) includes a section of text adapted from the original Slayer Handbook before giving way to blank ruled pages. Atmospheric, engrossing, and designed with a dynamic in-universe aesthetic, this blank ruled journal invites readers to add their own story to the legacy of the Slayer.
o   Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sunnydale High Hardcover Ruled Journal (Insight Editions/August 2017) is a finely crafted writing journal that includes a ribbon bookmark, elastic closure, inside back pocket for storage, and beautiful leatherette cover featuring the iconic emblem of Sunnydale High.
  From Upper Deck, Legendary: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Deck Building Game for 1-5 players.  Slayers must work together to recruit powerful heroes, build their decks and take down the Big Bad once and for all.  (Available August 2017)
  At the core of SG@NYC there’s isn’t a Hellmouth. There is a dedicated team of people who truly believe fashion is about design; but not just design you have to add the team, the suppliers, the designers and of course the fans!  SG@NYC is creating a jewelry and accessory line for the celebration of the 20 years Buffy Summers has been slaying! (Available Soon)
  Surreal Entertainment has answered the Calling to provide only the most iconic and unique Buffy must haves, essential for any true Slayer. With a full line of drinkware, desktop accessories, fleece blankets, and much more, any nearby force of darkness would be a fool to cross your path…except to compliment you on your cool gear! Check out your local retailers and get prepared…for battle or complete Buffy fandom! (May 2017)
  About Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The series, created by Joss Whedon, premiered on the WB Network on March 10th, 1997. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the Emmy and Golden Globe-nominated series, which ran for seven seasons from 1997-2003, stars Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers. Chosen to battle vampires, demons and other forces of darkness, Buffy is aided by a Watcher who guides and teaches her as she surrounds herself with a circle of friends called the “Scooby Gang.”
  About BoxLunch, LLC
BoxLunch is a specialty retailer offering a curated collection of licensed pop culture merchandise. With every $10 spent across the retailers’ themed product offering of apparel, accessories, home goods, gift and novelty, and collectibles BoxLunch will provide a meal to a person in need through its philanthropic partnerships. To join the movement and help in the fight against hunger visit BoxLunch in-store or online at www.boxlunch.com to learn more on how you can get involved in your local community. BoxLunch is headquartered in CA and currently operates 50 stores throughout the US. For more information please visit our e-commerce website and Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
  About 20th Century Fox Consumer Products
20th Century Fox Consumer Products licenses and markets properties worldwide on behalf of 20th Century Fox Film, 20th Century Fox Television and FX Networks, as well as third party lines.  The division is aligned with 20th Century Fox Television, the flagship studio leading the industry in supplying award-winning and blockbuster primetime television programming and entertainment content and 20th Century Fox Film, one of the world’s largest producers and distributors of motion pictures throughout the world.
  Fox Consumer Products Celebrates March 10th Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer #BuffySlays20 On March 10th Celebrate 20 Years of Slaying #BuffySlays20   Fox Consumer Products Announces Exciting Activities to Celebrate March 10th Anniversary of…
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liamandloresblog · 8 months
Unveiling Your Literary Style: Bookworm Fashion Trends
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In a world where we often wear our interests on our sleeves, quite literally, bookworms have carved out a unique niche for themselves. The love for literature goes beyond just the words on a page; it extends to the fashion choices that allow avid readers to express their passion in a trendy and creative way. Bookish clothing, as it is fondly referred to, is all the rage among those who find solace in the pages of a good book. In this SEO-optimized long-form article, we will delve into the world of Bookworm Fashion, exploring the trends, where to find them, and how you can curate your literary style.
The Rise of Bookworm Fashion
Bookish clothing has gained significant momentum in recent years. Readers have moved beyond simply collecting books and have embraced a unique fashion subculture that reflects their passion. What's remarkable about Bookworm Fashion is that it allows you to wear your favorite stories as a conversation starter. From classic literature to contemporary bestsellers, there's a wide array of options for every book lover.
Essential Bookish Wardrobe Pieces
1. Literary Quote T-Shirts
One of the most popular choices among bookworms is wearing their favorite book quotes on t-shirts. This simple yet effective approach allows you to showcase your literary taste proudly. Whether it's a Shakespearean sonnet or a quote from a modern thriller, literary quote t-shirts are a hit.
2. Book Cover-Inspired Apparel
Book covers often feature stunning artwork that captures the essence of the story. Why not wear that artwork on your clothing? Many online stores offer a range of clothing featuring the cover art of famous books.
3. Classic Novel Scarves
For a more subtle touch, consider classic novel scarves. These scarves often feature the text of a classic book, allowing you to wrap yourself in a literary masterpiece. They are perfect for accessorizing and keeping warm.
4. Reading-Inspired Jewelry
From necklaces with tiny book pendants to bracelets with literary charms, book-inspired jewelry is a fashionable way to express your love for reading.
Where to Find Bookish Clothing
If you're eager to dive into the world of Bookworm Fashion, several options await you:
Liam And Lore
Wear your love of literature with unique and custom-designed apparel and bookish merch from Liam & Lore. Featuring designs and bookish goods trending on Tik Tok! Get inspired by the latest designs in our bookish Shop.
If you need High-Quality Customized Pop culture, movie, show & bookish t-shirts & sweaters. Liam & Lore specializes in unique graphic essentials that help others express their passions and values. Visit our profile & Website also. https://liamandlore.com/
Curating Your Bookish Wardrobe
When creating your bookish wardrobe, there are a few tips to keep in mind:
Versatility: Mix and match bookish pieces with your existing wardrobe to create unique outfits.
Quality: Invest in well-made clothing that will stand the test of time.
Balance: While showcasing your love for literature is fantastic, ensure your wardrobe reflects your personal style too.
Diversity: Don't limit yourself to a single genre or author. Explore a wide range of literary fashion to keep your wardrobe fresh.
Bookworm Fashion is more than a trend; it's a lifestyle for those who have an undying love for literature. By incorporating bookish clothing into your wardrobe, you not only showcase your favorite stories but also connect with fellow book enthusiasts. So, if you're ready to wear your love for books on your sleeve, go ahead and explore the world of Bookworm Fashion. Whether it's a cozy scarf with your favorite novel's text or a t-shirt featuring a memorable quote, this literary fashion trend allows you to express your passion and engage in conversations with fellow bookworms. Embrace your literary style, and let your wardrobe tell your bookish tales.
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mredwinsmith · 7 years
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Turns 20 on March 10th, 2017
The genre-busting cult classic from Joss Whedon, Buffy the Vampire Slayer turns 20 years old on March 10, 2017! To celebrate Buffy Summers, the Scoobies and all the monsters that go bump in the night, 20th Century Fox Consumer Products announces exciting product launches – from board games to new books to fashion accessories to apparel — and multiple fan-focused activities including a “Sunnydale High Yearbook Contest” offering a trip to 2017 San Diego Comic Con.
Plus, on the anniversary, fans can tune-in to relive the two-part premiere episode on Pop (to find your channel go to Poptv.com) on March 10th at 9 AM ET/PT.
New Buffy Merchandise Fox Consumer Products announces a wide-range of key licensing partners including Dark Horse, Simon & Schuster, Insight Editions, Hot Topic, Harper Design, AC/DC Apparel, Jasco, Upper Deck, Ripple Junction, and more to showcase everything from unique Buffy apparel and accessories to board games to brand new books and comics (Selection of downloadable product images here and highlights below).
In addition, BoxLunch, a pop culture gift and novelty gift store with a cause, has partnered with 20th Century Fox Consumer Products to mark next week’s 20th Anniversary of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with an exclusive promotion across all their U.S. retail locations and online website. While simultaneously helping to provide meals to those in need, BoxLunch celebrates the beloved series with an assortment of products that include never-before-seen themed apparel, accessories, jewelry, and books. The merchandise will hit shelves and BoxLunch.com on March 10, 2017 and to fulfill their charitable mission, for every $10 spent in-store or online, BoxLunch helps to provide a meal to a person in need via their philanthropic partner Feeding America.
Online Initiatives to Celebrate Anniversary On March 10th the Sunnydale High Yearbook Contest launches across the United States. With a prize of a trip to San Diego Comic Con fans will be rewarded for uploading their high school class photos — and providing their best Buffy caption in the form of a “senior quote”. Participants will be able to share their submissions across their Facebook and Twitter feeds. Contest details and rules will be found on BoxLunch.com
Additionally, the best-selling recent release, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book, is the inspiration for “drawing in” fans eager to wish ‘Team Buffy’ a Happy Anniversary. On Friday, a selection of complimentary designs from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book will be unveiled on the BoxLunch & official Buffy Facebook pages, allowing Buffy enthusiasts to color and submit personal anniversary messages. Using the hashtag #BuffySlays20 fans are encouraged to share their designs and messages across social media, sending it to those responsible for the beloved series:
· Sarah Michelle Gellar @SarahMGellar · Joss Whedon @joss · Alyson Hannigan @alydenisof · Anthony Stewart @AnthonySHead · David Boreanaz @David_Boreanaz · James Marsters @JamesMarstersOf · Charisma Carpenter @AllCharisma · Amber Benson @amber_benson · Emma Caulfield @emmacaulfield · Eliza Dushku @elizadushku · Danny Strong @DannyStrong · Michelle Trachtenberg @RealMichelleT · Seth Green @SethGreen · Nicholas Brendon @NicholasBrendon · Kristine Sutherland @thekutherland · Tom Lenk @tomlenk · Armin Shimerman @ShimermanArmin · Juliet Landau @julietlandau · DB Woodside @TheReal_Db
“Decades after its television debut, Buffy the Vampire Slayer continues to stake its ground in pop culture,” said Jim Fielding, President of Consumer Products and Innovation at 20th Century Fox Consumer Products. “As one of the studio’s most memorable programs, we are thrilled to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary alongside the devoted Buffy fan community.”
Releasing throughout the anniversary year, Fox Consumer Products reveals a wide-range of licensing partners. Highlights below:  · From Jasco, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game where players must help Buffy The Vampire Slayer protect Sunnydale from the forces of evil in this fully cooperative board game. (Available Now)
· Hot Topic, the retail destination for music and pop culture-inspired clothes and accessories, plus fashion apparel for girls and guys, is celebrating 20 years of slaying with AC/DC Apparel. Together they are unveiling a unique fashion collection available exclusively on Hottopic.com this summer. The collection will celebrate the style of beloved Buffy characters, including Willow’s iconic 90s sweater, and a long trench coat inspired by Buffy Summers herself, as well as tops featuring iconic lines from the series.
· The team of imaginative pop culture fanatics at Ripple Junction have locked themselves in the library and studied up on the last 20 years of fandom celebrating Buffy. Ripple Junction has developed a full line of tees for young men and women available at major retail outlets, as well as ripplejunction.com and Amazon.com (Available Now).
· Longtime publishing partners, Dark Horse and Simon & Schuster plan new books and comics that will release during the anniversary year, with highlights that include: o Buffy the Vampire Slayer Adult Coloring Book (Dark Horse/Available Now) – your favorite characters and moments from the Buffy television series are all represented in this engrossing adult coloring book. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 & Angel Season 11 Comic Series (Dark Horse /Available Now) o Buffy: The High School Years – Parental Parasites (Dark Horse/June 2017) o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus Season 8 Vol 1 (Dark Horse/September 2017) o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Big Bads & Monsters Adult Coloring Book (Available for Pre-Order/Releasing Fall 2017) o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Watcher’s Guide 20th Anniversary Edition (S&S/October 2017) Just in time for the show’s twentieth anniversary, the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Watcher’s Guides have been compiled into one hardcover collector’s edition for the first time! Inside, you’ll find all the best content from Volumes 1–3 of the original Watcher’s Guides, as well as exclusive new content, including never-before-seen interviews with the cast and crew.
· Insight Editions and Harper Design will release several books and novelty items in celebration of the anniversary, including: o Buffy the Vampire Slayer Encyclopedia: The Ultimate Guide to the Buffyverse (Harper Design/September 2017) is a lavishly produced and written book by Buffy experts and is the authoritative source for fans, allowing them to indulge in the intricacies and nuances of the series as never before. This authorized companion is a must-have for all Buffy enthusiasts as this full-color A-to-Z encyclopedia catalogs, explains, and cross-reference every detail of the Buffyverse, from characters, locations, and weapons to episodes, demons, and recurring gags. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Official Grimoire (Insight Editions/October 2017) is the first and only truly comprehensive collection of every magical moment from all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, humorously narrated by beloved resident witch Willow Rosenberg. Completely illustrated and annotated by the rest of the gang, this book of spells is a unique keepsake for fans of the Buffy-verse and an incredible celebration of the show’s 20-year legacy. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Definitive Visual Handbook (Insight Editions/October 2017) is a one-of-a-kind infographic guide to all things Buffy, blending striking illustrations with a bounty of facts and stats that shed light on just about every aspect of the show. Full of fun insights and surprising details about the lore, characters, quips, and most legendary episodes, battles, and villains, this refreshing take on the Buffy-verse will delight fans old and new. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampyr Stationery Set (Insight Editions/August 2017) includes a 192-page blank pocket journal, 20 blank notecards featuring iconic Buffy quotes, envelopes, and 20 Hellmouth sticker seals. Enclosed in a keepsake box designed to look like it came from Giles’ library, this special stationery set allows fans to share the world of Buffy the Vampire Slayer with their fellow Scoobies. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Vampyr Hardcover Ruled Journal (Insight Editions/August 2017) includes a section of text adapted from the original Slayer Handbook before giving way to blank ruled pages. Atmospheric, engrossing, and designed with a dynamic in-universe aesthetic, this blank ruled journal invites readers to add their own story to the legacy of the Slayer. o Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Sunnydale High Hardcover Ruled Journal (Insight Editions/August 2017) is a finely crafted writing journal that includes a ribbon bookmark, elastic closure, inside back pocket for storage, and beautiful leatherette cover featuring the iconic emblem of Sunnydale High.
· From Upper Deck, Legendary: A Buffy the Vampire Slayer Deck Building Game for 1-5 players. Slayers must work together to recruit powerful heroes, build their decks and take down the Big Bad once and for all. (Available August 2017)
· At the core of SG@NYC there’s isn’t a Hellmouth. There is a dedicated team of people who truly believe fashion is about design; but not just design you have to add the team, the suppliers, the designers and of course the fans! SG@NYC is creating a jewelry and accessory line for the celebration of the 20 years Buffy Summers has been slaying! (Available Soon)
· Surreal Entertainment has answered the Calling to provide only the most iconic and unique Buffy must haves, essential for any true Slayer. With a full line of drinkware, desktop accessories, fleece blankets, and much more, any nearby force of darkness would be a fool to cross your path…except to compliment you on your cool gear! Check out your local retailers and get prepared…for battle or complete Buffy fandom! (May 2017)
from AwesomeToyBlog http://ift.tt/2mnNUnu
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