#anime inspired wear online
oldtalesclothing · 5 months
Old Tales Clothing
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Website: https://www.oldtalesclothing.com 
Address: Chandler, Arizona, United States
Old Tales Clothing is a unique apparel brand inspired by the rich tapestry of human history, mythology, folklore, and fairytales. They create clothing that tells a story, bringing timeless tales to life through unique designs that showcase the beauty and diversity of the world's cultures and traditions. The brand also has a special interest in Anime, adding a modern twist to their collections.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090508333879 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oldtales_clothing/ 
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@oldtales_clothing 
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19burstraat · 3 months
unbelievably specific modern things the crows would love. too bad they live in a late-1800s fantasy world
Kaz: screenshotting nfts, those web weaving posts about dog metaphors, leaving people on read, stealing from the self checkout in supermarkets, emo phases, wearing headphones but not actually listening to anything so they're just there just as a conversation deterrent, winding up scam callers, escape rooms, pretending to know nothing about pop culture in order to annoy people, playing solitaire online, Knowing A Guy for everything
Inej: social media sleuthing, posting goodreads quotes, strictly come dancing, snoopy, easily accessible climbing shoes, mr darcy, shouting at the screen when someone's judged incorrectly on a competition show, getting unbelievably competitive about wii sports/duolingo scoreboards/goodreads goals/animal crossing islands/air hockey, texting..... With loads of elipses... Like your parents.... and dropping unprompted wisdom in them.....
Jesper: neon clothes, the 💯 emoji, making everyone as miis on tomodachi life but being so bad at it that kaz and nina's miis end up getting married, lisa frank art, scamming people on depop, cheap jewellery that makes you go green, complaining about how cottagecore videos don't correctly represent the Rural Farm Life, shitty 2000s club bangers, the kitsch movement, giving your car a name, hoiking your novelty socks really high so everyone can see them, shitty christmas films, first person shooters
Wylan: speedpaint videos, joe hisaishi, being judgemental about other people's spotify wrappeds, djungelskog, that gif of the japanese mascot costume running through a bunch of explosions, watching weird low-budget adaptations of shakespeare plays with kaz, those arcade crane games, piercing your own ears with a needle and a lighter then being somehow surprised when it gets infected
Matthias: making an instagram account in-character for your dog, posting low-quality graphics of inspirational or biblical quotes on facebook (yk the ones w the landscape or sunset behind them), taking frowning selfies from below like your granddad does, viking media of any sort, buying dozens of identical t-shirts from big tesco, mixing up celebrities all the time, perpetually caving and giving the scouts/guides/youth groups/football clubs/carollers/etc money for their fundraisers
Nina: making bait posts online in the style of 'why can't we just print more money', period dramas, wearing huge mother of the bride style hats to weddings, saving recipes/crafts/art ideas on tiktok and then never actually doing them, pink gin, tiktok edits of fit celebs/characters, 3 hour video essays abt pop culture, saying 'break up with him' in response to every relationship woe, buying cheerful tat from flying tiger
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koolades-world · 1 year
More Obey me! Headcannons
had so much fun last time I wanted to do it again
Satan is so smart, but has issues doing basic math and refuses to admit it, like he can’t figure out fifteen plus seven without his fingers or a calculator (is this me projecting? maybe)
Belphie bought himself and Mc matching house slippers. Mc thought Beel felt left out and made Belphie buy a pair for him too
Beel has a huge green thumb, and takes upon himself to save plants he thinks are sad or lonely. He buys the dying plants from the store to bring back to life (partially inspired by the chat where someone, forgot who, told beel that if he talked to plants they would grow faster my precious baby)
Lucifer is the best cook at the HoL, but rarely has time to cook. Beel is the second best but usually eats the ingredients before he can make anything with them. Mammon is probably the worst because Levi can make food from animes almost perfectly
Asmo once almost set a store he was collaborating with on fire with his rage alone because they spelt his name wrong
Beel probably needs a new toothbrush every couple weeks. Belphie probably gets toothbrushes mixed up and uses ones that aren’t his
Lucifer and Solomon like prune juice haha old men
The one thing Luke and Simeon have seriously disagreed on is if raisins belong in dessert. Michael likes them, so Luke does too. Simeon thinks they’re awful but never directly says it, so Lucifer usually says it for him
Despite always being online, Levi had not once checked his RAD email. He has 9,999+ emails, probably a lot more because 9,999 is where it stops counting
Mammon collects cool rocks and keeps them in a box under his bed
Satan’s hands are always freezing, so he sticks them under Mc (or a cat) when possible, or uses a charmed hot water bottle from Solomon that stays warm for days at a time
Solomon and Asmo have had matching bracelet sets for as long as they’ve known each other, and since they didn’t make them anymore, they got some custom done for Mc so they could also have them
For about 1,000 years, Thirteen though jelly beans were an actual kind of bean and Solomon never let her let it go
The first food Mc and Mammon ate on a date in the human world together was Taiyaki, so he made it a point to learn how to make them to surprise Mc (even though he’s a terrible cook) (I might make this a fic since I like this idea so much)
Diavolo has always wanted a Devildom version of a hamster but Barbatos refused to have any kind of rodent in the castle, rat or not
Luke probably downloads those stupid app games with the ads unironically
Satan’s favorite Disney Princess is Ariel because she ran off to do what she wanted without caring what her father thought, it’s giving daddy issues. He’s probably considered running off and marrying Mephisto to make Lucifer angry
Raphael unironically enjoys off brand chips and soda
Lucifer is a nail biter, and Asmo is helping him curve the habit by putting a nasty tasting top coat when he does his nails, and it’s also why he wears gloves all the time.
Belphie and Satan once went up to the humans world together to mess with people in Salem, Massachusetts with magic, which spawned several conspiracy theory books. They read them together and laugh as a past time
Diavolo once went to the human world in his demon form for,, reasons, and accidentally got written into ancient mythology because he got spotted by humans
Barbatos had a home garden for cooking and sometimes lets Asmo have leaves from some of the plants to make homemade skin care products
Mammon probably has lots of earwax. Don’t share your earbuds with him unless you make him clean them afterwards
Belphie has a really large water bottle that’s always on his side table. He wakes up randomly though the night, chugs an ungodly amount of water and then passed out again. In the mornings he has to piss really bad but is too lazy to get up and actually do it, so he just sits and complains. Even Beel isn’t sure how he’s able to drink that much water in a short amount of time
Satan likes waking up early to enjoy the morning air and read outside for a while since mornings can get hectic with his brothers
Thirteen’s favorite torture device is the Iron Maiden. She had her own that she bedazzled. Even Asmo is jealous and wants her to make him one too
Mammon introduced Diavolo to Gatorade, and instead of sneaking behind Lucifer and Barbatos’s backs to drink Demonus, they have secret Gatorade meetings
Diavolo and Lucifer definitely both had a hidden Dialuci stash of things and probably clash trying to collect limited edition things online
None of the Obey me cast took birthdays or passing of years seriously until Mc entered the picture and suddenly time was precious, and they actually kept track. Because of this, nobody is really sure how old the twins are
Mephisto thinks roosters want world domination
Asmo thinks cilantro tastes like soap and Levi thinks anything cola flavored tastes like cough medicine
Mammon's favorite party trick is one Mc taught him, which is rolling his tongue Everyone he meets, including his brothers, thinks it's so cool when really it's just a genetic thing
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blacksunrequiem · 1 month
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Disclaimer: I wrote this post as an enthusiast for Dune: Part Two (2024) and the ‘seductively sick’ portrayal of Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen. Any other thoughts or comments are welcomed and appreciated! TL;DR: The aesthetic choice of Feyd’s blackened teeth aligns well with the widespread custom in ancient Vietnam — a sign of beauty, maturity, and even brutality. Read more below. Original photos belong to their respective owners.
Teeth blackening in Dune: Part Two (2024) through the lens of Vietnamese culture
One thing that mesmerizes me about Feyd in the 2024 Dune movie is his blackened teeth. Not only does this provide an impressive physical appearance for Feyd, but it also reminds me of a long-lost fashionable custom in my home country.
Original inspiration. As far as I know, the film crew creatively invented this aesthetic for the movie from the inspiration of the black mamba (a type of venomous snake in sub-Saharan Africa) and images of geisha with black teeth. Similar to folklore and legends, other countries and ethnicities also dyed their teeth black with their local traditional recipes.
Vietnam-specific. Particularly in Vietnam, teeth blackening was once a popular aesthetic choice for both commoners and noblemen. As teeth blackening was a sign of elegance and decency, it was prevalent for Vietnamese women to adhere to this practice. This custom was deep-rooted as early as 400 BCE and grew so profound as an indicator of being ready for marriage or fierce on battlefields. Side note, Vietnamese people would not dye their teeth black until they came of age; it was indeed a statement of maturity.
A clash between the East and the West. It is also hilarious that until the early 20th century in Vietnam, white teeth were regarded as barbaric; only animals, savages, and evil spirits would have white teeth. During this time, one may casually make a sarcastic remark about pretty girls with white teeth such as “Oh you’ve got a pretty face but your teeth are as white as doggo.” On the contrary, in the eyes of the French colonists, the locals had impressive straight teeth but those were “as black as sewer pipes”.
Cannibalism? In some online discussions, internet users theorize that Feyd’s blackened teeth may indicate cannibalism. This fan theory is reasonable enough, because during World War I, to curb the abuse and bullying from the larger and stronger Moroccans and Senegalese mercenaries to the smaller Annamese counterparts, a French officer spread the rumor that black-toothed people were cannibals and could devour two legs in just an hour, terrifying the African mercenaries and bringing peace to the Annamese ones.
How to? So, without the privilege of wearing an Invisalign filled with black dye like Austin, how did the Vietnamese dye their teeth? In short, one must generally undergo the following stages to dye their teeth black: mouth sanitization, red dyeing, black dyeing, polishing, and maintenance, which on average took around three weeks. It was reported that the first teeth-dyeing session would rather be physically painful due to swelling mouth and lips, stinging sensation of the dyed teeth, and strict dietary restrictions (e.g., refraining from fatty and hot food, smoking).
On another side note, I don’t know exactly what the food that Feyd chewed in the early morning attacking Sietch Tabr and degrading Rabban, but to maintain the sheeny stylish black teeth, ancient and older Vietnamese often practiced betel nut chewing.
Dear Dune fan fic writers, please consider adding this long-lost social custom into your fics; multi-cultural representation would be greatly appreciated and respected.
Please let me know if you want me to delve into greater details of the teeth blackening tutorial in Vietnam. I may do a part two on this for my lovely Feyd and Vietnamese culture if you guys are intrigued!
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selfishdoll · 7 months
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FOUND OUT FT. VAMP! ARMIN ୨୧ 。 ⟡ ⋆ ࣪. ໒
armin arlert, your good friend of two years and hard crush of one. you decided to become his roommate just three months ago and all has been well. except for the fact, a ludicrous idea has entered your mind. one so silly, you didn’t even want to believe it. what was it exactly? well.. that armin, was a vampire. this wasn’t some fantasy or fairy tale.. you weren’t bella and he wasn’t edward. there was no way, no way in hell armin was a vampire.. right?
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❛content warning(s)...❜ ━━ period sex. i repeat, PERIOD SEX. if you don’t like that, leave! | oral sex (f. receiving) | soft & service top! armin | he’s a little condescending, however | pet names (sweetheart, pretty, princess, etc) | praise | blood (ofc) | biting & marking | armin talks reader through it | multiple orgasms | armin loves eye contact | ooc armin | inspired by true blood (also mentioned in the fic) | lowkey gaslighting (maybe? he’s not doing it to harm, he’s just tryna keep his identity hidden) | a bit of manhandling | reader wears pads & has really bad cramps. again if that’s an issue for you, don’t read it. | etc. if i forgot something please let me know.
❛author’s note...❜ ━━ please bare in mind i haven’t touched aot for a long time & only posting this fic for my reawakened obsession with the anime & manga. that said, if you think armin is ooc, i’m sorry— but again, i warned you (plus i’m not the creator). if you enjoy this, please give me more characters to make vamp versions of. of jjk or aot. and as always, please excuse any grammar mistakes or typos <3 (4680 WORDS)
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It was common to question reality. To ponder about situations that were outside the norm. What if a zombie apocalypse happened? What if aliens were real? And finally, what if your good friend— turned roommate, was a vampire?
You felt silly as the thought, the pondering consumed you within the first week of living together. You really had no reason to believe Armin Arlert; a sweet young man with a heart of gold was some bloodsucking beast. Or rather, you didn’t want to believe it. Such information would drastically change the trajectory of the relationship you had with him.
The pipeline from friends — secret one sided pining — to prey wasn’t one you wished to follow.
Yet, all signs pointed to the answer; all signs pointed to Armin being a vampire.
For one, you’ve never seen him eat. Ever. Each time you offered some of your food, Armin would give you a gentle smile— while refusing. I already ate. Was the signature line he delivered, no matter the time of day. But, that wasn’t too concrete; he worked at home and you worked in a clinic— there was a possibility he was telling the truth.
The second piece of evidence may have been the key. The man would stock up his side of the fridge with this.. juice. Red liquid within clear bottles, the print labeled in a language you couldn’t understand. No matter how much you searched online, you simply couldn’t find it. So, you did the unthinkable.
You popped open a bottle, taking a swig. You expected a disturbing metallic taste; one that would cause you to spill the contents of your stomach. Instead a sweet fruity flavor tickled your tastebuds, causing your eyes to widen and quickly pull back from the bottle.
In time to see Armin entering the kitchen, flashing you a smile.
“I was wondering when you’d try them. I bought so many.” He spoke sweetly, informing you it was some random juice he bought whilst on a business trip.
With both his words and the concrete evidence, you believed him.
But there were so, so many more instances where you wondering if you were grasping at straws. His refusal to enter a home without access? Well, Armin was always polite. The way he avoided you whenever you got hurt? He did inform you blood makes him queasy. Or how each time you got your period the man just suddenly had a business trip? Armin did state his work schedule was weird.
It frustrated you to no end. You hated yourself for developing the thought in the first place. You already fucked falling for him a year ago, and now you just had to come up with the most ludicrous idea.
Armin Arlert, a vampire? Please..
The breath that escaped you was ragged, eyes pinched close and leaning your head against the steering wheel. The way a cramp could ruin your mood in a matter of seconds was beyond you. Truly, it was.
You were glued to your seat unable to move due to the pain within your stomach. Which could only be described as millions of knives being rammed directly into your uterus. A dramatic metaphor, but a fitting one.
A groan escaped you as you lifted from your curled position, the back of your head pressed against the seat. The pills you consumed just ten minutes ago had obviously not taken effect yet, leaving you unable to fight against the pain. You tried, you really did try to make it to work despite the aches— but you couldn’t. You pulled over into the nearest store parking lot just to make a quick call to your supervisor.
Thankfully, she was very understanding; even gently scolding you for attempting to work in the first place. The interaction caused you to smile, thanking her profusely and promising to make up the hours.
Now, all you had to do was get home. Though, as your eyes opened from its previous pained scrunch, you focused on the store in-front of you. A soft hum escaped you as turned the engine of your car off. A quick run to get some much deserved snacks was fine, right?
You opened the car door and exited, locking it behind you with a hand pressed against your stomach. It was comical attempting to massage the cramps, but the warmth of your hand was elevating the pain— slightly. Not much.
You approached the store doors and entered, flashing a smile to a worker that greeted you. You turned down an aisle whilst looking over the selection of snacks, kneeling to take in the rest of the shelf. While thinking over what you wanted, an idea popped into your mind.
Armin was always so doting and sweet whenever he went out to the store; always asking if you needed something. You wanted to do the same.
So without a second thought you grabbed your phone from your purse, clicking his contact and placing the receiver to your ear. The ringer went off two times before the man picked up, his usual tone entering your ears;
“Hey (Y/N)— are you okay? You don’t usually call me during work.”
You smiled, standing from your kneeled position. “I’m okay!.. well, not really. Cramps are kicking my ass right now,” You hummed, walking down the end of the shelf.
A silence entered the call for a moment before Armin spoke again. “You mean.. menstrual cramps?”
“Yeah!— sorry if that was too much to share.. Anyway, I’m at the store right now do you need anything?”
Armin cleared his throat a bit, the faint sound of something entering the call— but leaving quickly. “N—no. No, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, (Y/N).”
With chaste goodbyes you ended the call, placing your phone back into your purse. You finally decided on some gummies and chocolate, heading over to the register with a little pep in your step.
Pigging out on the couch seemed like the perfect day.
You left the store quickly after paying, entering your car even quicker and reaching your shared home in record time. Opening the door, you sighed as you placed your keys onto a table nearby; purse following. You walked towards the back of the house, glancing over at Armin’s closed bedroom door. With a small smile you walked up, pressing your knuckles against the maroon colored wood.
A minute passed before the door was opened, revealing his form. His eyes bored into your own, flashing the same gentle smile he always did. “(Y/N).. you should be resting.”
You smiled back at him, “Just wanted to check on you before I lay on the couch for the rest of the day.”
The man blinked as your words set in, watching you turn to enter your bedroom. Hesitantly, he followed, standing in the doorway. “On the couch?”
“Yeah! Don’t worry I’ll have a towel under me.”
“I wasn’t worried about that..” Was the faint mumble that escaped the blonde, words you didn’t hear. A soft sigh escaped him, however, blinking to glance at you. “Hope you feel better.” Armin said more clearly, turning to walk into his room after you gave soft gratitude.
You grabbed some pink bebe shorts and a random black tshirt, walking over to the bathroom with a pad in tow. After doing your business and changing, you entered your bedroom again to place your work clothes away— grabbing a clean towel shortly after.
You exited to enter the living room, smiling at the couch waiting for you. Walking over, you stretched the towel out along the cushions, pulling the coffee table closer for convenience. After grabbing your snacks and a water bottle, a stiff sigh escaped you as you laid across the couch. The towel was a bit uncomfortable if you moved, but you rather that then possibly leaking through the pad you wore.
Your hand reached for the remote beside you, turning the channel to a tv show you’ve currently been obsessed with; True Blood. A small chuckle escaped you as your cheek sunk into the pillow under you, placing the remote down. Maybe you were watching it too much, maybe that’s why you thought Armin was some blood sucking beast.
But, there was no way. You were literally on your period and he was.. well— normal. As normal as Armin Arlert was anyway.
You turned to open the pack of gummies, taking a bit in your hand before sinking back into the cushions. Your eyes remained glued to the screen as you popped one into your mouth, oblivious to the hard stare you were receiving.
An hour and a half passed with your continued watching, getting up in between to use the restroom. Your snacks were long gone, water bottle empty, and pill; worn off. You had zero energy to get up and grab some more, especially since you just found the perfect spot to help your cramps.
You hissed softly, moving to press your face deeper into the cushion. You’ve had a period for twenty-two years now, yet it always felt as if you were experiencing it for the first time. It was annoying, truly annoying. With a subtle groan your eyes blinked open, racking your mind for a moment before an idea peaked within you.
“Armin!” You called out from the living room while turning to lay on your back, hand strewn across your lower stomach. Moments passed before his bedroom door opened, footsteps entering the living room and revealing your roommate. Who looked a little tired. Strange, you’ve never seen him in such a way.
But, instead of inquiring you gave a little smile; “Could you grab my pills from my bedroom, and a water bottle?”
Armin’s eyes carried down your form for a moment, mouth opening before closing. Instead, he simply nodded; turning to head to your bedroom.
Maybe periods really did make him uncomfortable. You’ve never seen Armin so fidgety and nervous, as if scared to speak. It would concern you more if another cramp didn’t pierce you, causing a soft groan to slip past your lips. You heard Armin move from your bedroom to the kitchen, opening the fridge and closing it after.
You looked up at the man, watching him stand a few feet away; placing the items you requested down on the table. You sat up with a sweet smile, swinging your legs over the couch. “Thanks Min.” You spoke, watching him nod and turn to walk away. Instead of leaving him be, you spoke up again;
“You wanna watch something together? I’m sure being cooped up in your room is boring..” You don’t know why the suggestion escaped you, feeling embarrassment the moment you noticed Armin’s form stiffen. Your eyes turned to the pill bottle, twisting the cap slow. “It’s uh.. cool if you don’t want t—“
“Is this another test, (Y/N)?”
You blinked slowly as his words permeated the atmosphere, entering your mind and settling there for a split second. You thought over the sentence, tongue nervously swiping across your bottom lip the moment you realized his tone. It’s usual softness was gone, replaced with something you couldn’t pinpoint.
You tried to play off your silence, a soft— forced chuckle escaping you. “Test? What test, Armin?”
You watched as the man’s shoulders lowered, body turning to face you. Your teeth was caught on your bottom lip, feeling tension enter the air.
Armin looked at you, or rather observed you for a silent moment. You didn’t know what to do, trapped under the gaze; unable to look away. Your fingers gripped the towel underneath you, debating whether to apologize or demand to know what was suddenly wrong.
Finally, after what seemed like hours but was truly five minutes; Armin spoke.
“First, you take a bottle of mine and drink it without permission.” His words were slow, as if listing off the directions of a cookbook. What’s more, Armin moved towards you, your chest bumping with each step he took. “Next, you accidentally, cut yourself whenever I’m in the kitchen.” He was close now, standing beside the table.
You sunk into the cushion behind you, gasping the moment he closed the space; hands pressed against the furniture— trapping you. “And lastly, you invite me to sit with you in such an innocent manner.. I don’t know whether to call you a genius or just plain naive, (Y/N).”
“Armin..” You breathed softly, feeling your mouth go dry. His eyes flicked between your body and lips, clearly struggling to focus on a single thing. “Armin, I—.. I’m confused, what are you talking about?”
Finally it seemed he had made a choice, gaze focusing onto your own. Silently, the man smiled, a forced one— a toothy one. Your eyes widened, breath hitching the moment you spotted the fangs placed perfectly in his mouth. A shudder went down your spine, gripping the towel even harsher.
“Oh wow..” Armin spoke lowly, stealing your attention from his canines. “I reveal something.. so, so troubling and yet— you’re excited. More then excited actually.. ecstatic, maybe?” The man pondered, coming even closer to you.
Your hands rose to grip his arms, gasping the moment you felt his face lower to your neck. As his teeth ghosted your neck, you felt your heart threatening to escape your chest. You pinched your eyes closed, twitched, even turned your head to the side.
And yet, Armin did nothing. He simply.. hovered there.
A frustration you didn’t wish to acknowledge build within you, manicured fingers digging into his cool, skin. “Armin..”
“What is it, (Y/N)? You want me to bite you, don’t you?” The words escaped him the moment you uttered his name, a hand lifting from the cushion whilst he pulled back from your neck. Now face to face, his fingers collected your chin to assure you didn’t glance away. “I thought at first you were concerned for your safety, maybe even scared. But no..” His lips quirked, thumb rising to smooth across your wet bottom lip. “You’re clearly far from scared.”
“Armin.. please just—“
“I will. I promise.” He interjected, releasing your face. Your eyes widened the moment he pushed your shoulder, laying you down on the couch. The cushion in-front of you sunk in as he sat down, hands dragging to your waist covered in shorts. “But first.. I think I’ll get my fill another way.”
Your eyes widened at his words, feeling his fingers hook under the thin pink fabric of your bottoms and panties, peeling them from your body in one swift motion. Embarrassment flooded through your body, instinctively closing your thighs.
Armin’s eyes switched from your legs over to your face, head tilting as he took in your nervous expression. To your surprise, a gentle smile stretched across his face, one that you’ve gotten used to, one that caused you to melt easily.
Noticing this, it didn’t take much to gently push your legs apart, featuring your cunt to him. “That’s a good girl..” Armin spoke softly, hand slipping under your shirt, spreading across your stomach. The man lowered until he was face to face with your slit, unfazed by the blood upon it.
You whimpered the moment his thick tongue glided up— hole to clit, hands reaching down to rest upon his hair. A soft groan escaped the man, rising up whilst licking his lips clean of your mess. It was clear all restraints were gone now, the wild look in his eyes causing your stomach to stir.
“Do you know how long I waited for this?” The man questioned you, resting on one hand; the other’s fingers gently gliding up and down cunt, collecting your mixed essence and blood. “You were gonna drive me crazy one day; parading in such small shorts, showcasing your skin to me.” His words escaped him shamelessly, fingers pushing past your folds to gently brush your clit, moving away before you could even moan.
“You wanted this from the beginning.. didn’t you?” Armin suddenly spoke, escaping the trance to look at your face. He watched as you shook your head far too quickly, a small no even escaping you. That alone caused his reddened lips to curl into a smile, “You should leave the lying to me, sweetheart.”
You gasped the moment he dove back down, lips pressed against your wet slit. The man wasted no time in allow his tongue to glide across your slit, pushing to licking at your clit. Your taste, your smell— it was enough to have him groan right into your pussy, drinking every crimson droplet that escaped you.
You thought you would feel uncomfortable, maybe even a little gross; getting ate out in such a state. But those thoughts melted the minute his lips wrapped around your swelling bud, teasing you gently with the points of his fangs. Your back was rising from the cushion now, squirming upon the towel underneath you.
Your hands lowered to his hair, fingers curling in the blonde tresses for a tight hold. With the way his tongue was moving against you, you needed leverage; you needed an anchor. You felt far too pliable, melting into the feeling as wanton moans escaped your slick lips.
Gasps of his name, sweet whispers of how good it felt. Your arousal mixed with blood was trickling freely from your entrance, making such a mess; one that Armin lapped up far too eagerly.
And the moment you felt his thick tongue curl inside your awaiting hole, oh— you were finished.
“Hah.. Fuck, Armin—!” You hissed softly, feeling the wet muscle twist and turn inside you, brushing against your gummy walls and delving on you like a meal.
Which, to Armin, you were.
The man groaned into you in response, hands moving to your thighs and gripping; halting your moving. You were forced to lay there as he ate you, a band forming within your stomach; long replacing the agonizing cramps.
Your moans bounced off the living room walls, face turning into the cushions as hot pants escaped you. Your toes were curling, a sweat presenting itself upon your forehead as the pleasure consumed you full; flooding his mouth with more crimson arousal.
Armin drunk you up eagerly, fingers digging into your skin to keep to right there. He licked you clean, leaving no spot untouched; savoring his plate. After moments of this pleasure it melted into overstimulated torture, hands falling and pushing against his head.
“A—armin.. fuck, I can’t—“ Your eyebrows were pushing close, rising to sit up; gasping the moment he tugged, forcing you to fall back on the cushions. His face was flush against your messy cunt, drinking you up completely. Little tears formed in your eyes, legs moving as your stomach clenched and clenched.
Your worried words fell on deaf ears, literally. With how much your warm thighs were wrapping around his head, he could barely hear a damn thing. Even so, Armin refused to leave— not until you came on his tongue again.
With more fearsome licks and sucks, hands massaging your skin as if coaxing you— Armin felt his dick jump the moment you cried out for him, coming all over his tongue again.
“Taste.. so good, so fucking good princess…” He drawled right into your center, the vibrations of his voice causing you to keen. Unlike before, he let up from licking you dry, raising from between your legs— a complete mess.
You watched as Armin’s tongue licked the rest of your taste off his lips, his eyes closed; relishing it.
His hands slowly dropped your body to the cushion, hand curling under his shirt and pulling it off his body. Once off, the man used it to wipe his face— tossing it to the ground shortly after.
He’d wash it later.
Armin moved to hover above you, hand falling to your chin and turning to looking at your eyes. The man smiled the moment your hand wrapped around his wrist, leaning down and pressing a wet kiss to your cheek. “Your cramps gone?” He asked in a soft, coy tone. The small huff you released caused the man to chuckle, moving to plant his lips on your own.
You moaned as his tongue intruded your mouth, ignoring the foreign taste of yourself on your tongue. Instead, you focused on him sucking your own wet muscle whilst his hand lowered to your covered chest, a thumb brushing over your hardening nipple. Your soft pants entered his mouth, hips rising against him; caring less if you soiled his pants.
And it seemed he didn’t either, hand gripping your hip and grinding back against you. Your hands traveled up his back, a hiss escaping him from how your short nails dragged across his cool, uncovered skin.
Pulling back, Armin stared down at you, taking in your bruised lips and the clear want swimming within your dark eyes. To add to the pretty picture was your bonnet slipping off your head, exposing the perfect boho braids you’ve recently got; edges sweated off.
“Such a mess.” The man murmured softly, hand rising and treading from your neck to your cheek; cupping it to allow his thumb to drag under your eye. “My pretty mess..” Armin dragged, leaning closer as his hand released your face, falling to his hips to tug down his sweats and boxers.
Your noses brushed together, your soft breaths fanning against his face. “Yours..” You murmured back, staring into his eyes. Such words brought a smile to his face, stealing your lips in another kiss while his tip brushed against your soaked slit.
Pushing you wider, Armin angled to slowly push inside, gripping your thigh the moment you tensed up. He pulled back from the kiss, forehead rested against your own. “Mm, don’t tense up; relax for me.. Just, relax.” He cooed softly, thumb tracing the stretch marks that littered your hips. With less effort he pushed all the way inside, praising you softly;
“Taking me so well, pretty.. such a good girl.” Armin spoke, chuckling at the small whine that escaped you. Pressing a gentle kiss to the space between your eyes, the vampire rose to rest on his hunches. He observed you closely, searching for any sign of restraint or discomfort. The moment he discovered neither, he was pulling his hips back until only the tip was inside.
Armin then plunged his hips forward, the wet sound echoing in the room; followed by your soft moan. His hands moved to your hips, starting a languid pace. Despite how good you felt around his throbbing length, you didn’t want to hurt him. Despite how sweet your moans were, he controlled himself in fear of harming you.
But, you were far from compliant with the current pace.
Your hips rose to meet a thrust, the action alone causing a moan to escape the both of you.
“N—need more, Min.. please.” Was the soft beg that escaped your slick lips, rocking your hips; watching the way his eyebrows creased and lip was caught under his fangs.
His restraint was dwindling with each roll of your hips, each sickeningly sweet plead that escaped your throat. Finally Armin’s inhibitions melted away, the slow; carful moans switching into fast snaps of his hips.
Your head landed against the plush cushions, crying out as your legs wrapped around his waist. He was drilling you into the mattress at this point, a harsh grip to keep you in place as he fucked you. A string of curses escaped you, gripping the towel underneath you as your feet bounced with each thrust.
Armin lowered, the new angle causing your swollen bud to brush against his pelvic area; the new sensation completely turning your brain into mush. The man enjoyed it all, glancing down at you in complete awe. You looked far too beautiful like this, far too—
“Perfect.. so fucking perfect— fu..fuck—“ The man hissed, pressing an arm above your head whilst the other grabbed your cheeks. “Look at me, princess.. that’s it, keep your eyes on me. Watch how well you take me.” His words were driving you deeper and deeper, your walls clenching as jumbled cries of his name escaped you.
His eyes were rolling back at the call of his name, drilling into you as he leaned down to your neck. Between the harsh bouncing of your body his fangs sunk right through your skin, gripping you even closer the moment a shriek escaped you.
A guttural groan escaped Armin as he delved on your blood, hissing the moment you creamed all over his cock. Yet, his hips never stopped; continuing to ruin you, using his form to keep you laid out and open on the couch.
Your eyes were meeting your skull, lips parted as shameless noises leaped from your raw throat. Soon he let up, licking the wound from his fangs and moving to be face to face with you again.
“Taking me so good, princess— like your.. fu—fucking made for me, shit—“ Armin closed his eyes tight, feeling his orgasm build. Your velvety walls were clenching him so nicely, pulsing around his heavy length with each drag of his hips. His balls were slapping against your center, the wet strikes entering the room of sex and combined moans.
Tears trailed from your eyes, staining your brown, chubby cheeks as your hand carried to his hip. Despite the pleasure, the pain of another orgasm was approaching; your body writhing as you furiously shook your head. “Fuck, I— fuck, I can’t Min!” You whined out, breath bitching as a feverish kiss was placed to your forehead.
His face was close now, nose brushing your own as his lips ghosted your own. “You’ve been so good so far, don’t stop now sweet girl.” Armin hissed between clenched teeth, a hand falling from your hip between your conjoined bodies. The moment his fingers rubbed against your little bud you were arching, the vampire easily chasing your body to continue the harsh circles.
“Fuck, fuck! Armin—!”
“That’s it, baby.. let it out, don’t hold it.” The man coaxed softly, eyebrows creasing as he felt his own orgasm arriving. Armin watched intently as your stiffened, a drawn out cry of his name escaping you while making a complete mess of his lower half. “That’s my girl.. my good fucking girl.” He leaned to plant another kiss to your lips all while his hips never stopped their pace.
Soon enough, a harsh groan entered your mouth as he flooded you with his come; some spilling out from inside.
You pulled back from his lips for air, clinging to him with your eyes pinched closed. Your body was aching, you felt sweaty, and frankly gross— but you didn’t care. Not one bit.
A subtle whine escaped you the moment Armin pulled out from you, his gaze settled on his come escaping you. With a slow rub of his thumb against your skin, the man leaned to stamp a kiss right above your heart. “I’ll start the shower up.”
You watched as he stepped off the couch, moving to walk over to the bathroom— only for your voice to stop him.
“Armin.. those bottles in the fridge, they weren’t blood right?”
He looked at you for a long moment before a little grin pulled his features. “No. Just the ones in back. I knew you would pick from the front.”
With that Armin resumed his walk to the bathroom, leaving you there; feeling just a little stupid.
Well, at least you were right. Your good friend of two years turned roommate turned something more— was definitely a vampire.
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starleska · 8 months
so 'The Amazing Digital Circus' has all kinds of fun references and wears its inspiration on its sleeve...
from Popee the Performer (the environment, slapstick, and especially Gangle's masks resembling Kedamono's), to Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach (the inside of The Tent looking very much like the Daycare), to Deltarune (Caine's eye-glitching looking very similar to Spamton's, and of course them casting Alex Rochon as Caine, who is known for his Spamton voice!). but there's also another neat little set of references which may or may not be deliberate: the nods to Toontown Online!
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Toontown Online was an MMORPG where you play as Toons (slapstick-using, brightly coloured, animal cartoon characters) fighting Cogs (evil fun-hating robots based on corporate businesspeople). the game still exists now in fan servers such as Toontown Rewritten and Toontown: Corporate Clash, with a thriving community contributing to new stories and preserving the original game. i noticed a few similarities between Toontown and TADC:
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the name generator! when you first enter Toontown, you have the option to choose your name via a random generator. although you can type in your own name, and the names are comprised of separate words rather than letters, the silliness and randomness of it seems very similar to Caine's name generator...additionally, if you typed your own name, you would have to wait to have it approved (ensuring that the name wasn't offensive), much like Caine's quickly-spouted rules about naming!
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2. portal travel! one of the big gimmicks of Toontown is that you're able to move between areas by jumping through a portable hole, also known as 'teleporting'. this looks quite similar to the one Gangle and Kinger are pushed through/Jax jumps through to find the Queen of the Gloinks!
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3. Jax's appearance! in Toontown, you create your own Toon by selecting from one of the available species, and then changing their colour, height, clothes, and more. a tall purple rabbit is definitely a type of Toon which could be created in the original Toontown game, and his whole playful nature reminds me so much of the game!
as an old fan of Toontown i'm delighted to see these references, and am sure they're on purpose. given that this is The Amazing Digital Circus, i think we're going to see a loooot of references to older online culture, like games and videos 🥰💖 everyone, please do go watch The Amazing Digital Circus pilot and support them if you can. they deserve to be funded to create even more wonderful episodes!! and i'd love to hear people's thoughts on this. were there any references you spotted? 👀
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moonllita · 5 months
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My KanNao fankids 🫡 I should do Pegoryu next right?
I’m not an native English speaker so sorry for the mistakes below! I suck as writing
Yu Tatsumi (oldest son) 15yo
Birthday: November 25th
Love: Play guitar, his band, music
Hate: School 
Favorite color: Black 
Yu is the oldest son of the Tatsumi family. He’s not a big fan of school and his grades are not good ether but he doesn’t care very much. The only thing he care is his passion for music, he skips school but never a practice with his band. He love to go against the rules, so he dye is hair blue, got some piercings and make some modifications himself on the school uniform that most of the teachers are really not fan of. He gives a lot of trouble to his parents, that are doing their best to go trough his adolescence. But even if he doesn’t show it really often by his actions, he love them. He also like to upset his little sister for fun.
Noriko Tatsumi (daughter) 13yo
Birthday: April 7th
Love: Cute stuffs, animals, solving mysteries, crafting
Hate: Her older brother 
Favorite color: Blue
Noriko is the only daughter of the Tatsumi family. She’s super cheerful and she’s always full of energy. She adore cute things and love to craft outfit and gadget help by her dad. She’s want to become a super famous detective like her mom, but also the cutest detective probably influence by Rise. Her dad make her outfit and her hat that’s she’s wearing almost every day, highly inspired by her mom working outfit. Other kids at school made fun of her because of that outfit but she still keep a positive mindset all the time. 
Shingo Tatsumi (youngest son) 8yo
Birthday: May 19th
Love: Space, video game, goodies
Hate: People
Favorite color: Green 
Shingo is the youngest of the Tatsumi family. He’s mostly shy and have trouble to make friends in general. He doesn’t like school because he doesn’t like people, and so on he’s often alone but he doesn’t mind. With his maturity even for his age he like solitude and prefer to play video game with his online friends. He still like to studies and he have good grades that make their parents really proud. Since he aspires to become an astronaut he keeps working hard at school and love to use his telescope discreetly during the night. He’s also have a good collections of featherman figures and other goodies related to his favorite franchises.
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queergaygaygaygay · 1 year
Don’t know if this has blown up on Tumblr but, in the new Spiderverse film (spoilers), we see Gwen’s room which features a trans pride flag above her door. We also see a smaller flag sowed into her father’s police jacket.
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They have been some theories sparked off by this with people speculating if Gwen is trans or just an ally. I find the argument about allyship to not quite hold up given where the flag is located. Someone’s bedroom is a very personal space and Gwen has only had one friend before Miles so it seems like the flag isn’t a social indicator for allyship but something more personal.
It’s perfectly possible that Gwen feels such close allyship that she keeps a pride flag in her room but I can’t really think of a justification for this. This level of passion for allyship would probably come out of a personal connection to a trans person but Gwen has very few people she feels close to (especially at the start of the film), namely: Peter Parker and her dad. These are the only people that could’ve inspired her allyship and it is possible for these characters to be trans, and one or both of these characters being trans would explain the trans flag on her dad’s police uniform since Peter was close with her dad, however I cannot find any further evidence of these character’s transness though it is possible.
It is semi-plausible to say Gwen saw trans people struggling online, and her father was convinced by this to wear a pride flag on his uniform to show allyship, though I personally don’t know any allies who have pride flags in their room.
This also seems like a strange detail for a film that is so purposeful in its visual nuances so I would imagine the reasoning behind this is less convulated than the allyship theories.
Another clue to her possible transness could be in her universe’s animation style which uses blues, purples, whites and pinks- the colours of the trans pride flag.
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When I was watching the film, I spotted the trans flag and thought it was interesting. I hadn’t heard the rumours or even watched the full trailer. As the plot unfolded, I made some comparisons between Gwen Stacy’s expierience in the film and my own trans experience; the alienation from society, the anger at the world, the search for a community, the disconnect with family and the eventual acceptance of family. This made me feel a rather intimate connection with the character and her story and I think it’s actually encouraging me to come out to my mother but I haven’t yet (I asked if I could go to pride with friends and she said yes so hopefully that gives me the confidence).
This subtle but poignant dropping of the trans flag into the film, the film’s nature of making every detail significant and the clear comparison between her character arc and the general trans experience gives me the impression that the team behind the film intended for Gwen to be allegorically, or even canonically, trans and, if so, I hope they do more with this since I was genuinely brought to tears.
Whilst we can not prove Gwen is trans, we can’t prove she isn’t trans and, as explained, it isn’t impossible. I read through the reddit post and found a lot of people, unsurprisingly, saying that this is just Twitter making everyone think everyone is trans and she is conclusively not trans but I don’t use Twitter (as a loyal Tumblr girl) or had heard anything about Gwen’s story arc so my experience was as organic as anyone’s experience who came out of the cinema thinking she was cis. This stubborness to not believe Gwen could be trans is ignorant, from my perspective, because there’s no reason to say she isn’t trans. It’s more logical to assume characters are cis because most people are cis statistically but, here, we have evidence for possible transness so it feels more like a Shrödinger’s transgender- where a character could be trans, due to non-conclusive evidence, or could be cis, depending on what the writers (in regards to cannon) and fans (in regards to headcannon and fan works) choose.
Thanks for reading. I love the film regardless of this detail and would happily nerd out with any fans. If you want any citations, I’ll hand you them through dms. I would add them here but I don’t know if that would be unusual.
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numbwhileintertwining · 7 months
Things I do to worship Hathor as a Kemetic who likes mixing practices and being untraditional
Devote my skincare and makeup routine to her
Make spell jars for her
Read about her lore
As a dancer, I devote my dance practices to her
Do tarot to communicate with her
Tell her about my day
Draw pictures of her
Give her offerings of sacred foods, pictures of sacred animals or symbols, or beauty items (I currently have makeup and nail polish on her alter)
I also give her offerings that aren't traditional for Kemetics. I choose to give her offerings of things such as roses and pink things associated with modern love but not traditionally associated with Hathor
Offer her some of everything I eat and drink
Spend a lot of time reading about general Egyptian mythology
Ritual baths
Make playlists for her
Listen to Egyptian-inspired ambiance and music
I live in a rural area and see cows a lot, so I always give thanks to Hathor when I see a pasture of cows
Wear red and gold
Burn red and gold candles
Look at (online) art of Hathor and thank the artists
Make physical moodboards for her
Organize her alter
Listen, watch, or do things that make me feel beautiful and/or s-xy
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avactors · 8 days
A quick rundown of the AU
In this AU "Animation vs" is a franchise consisting of movies (AvA), spinoff TV series (AvM), several specials (AvMath and AvPhysics) and webisodes (Actual Shorts). Outside of them every character are their own person with a different name, free to partake in other movies and interviews.
All characters are implied to be human and male, but you're free to interpret all of the writing as you wish.
Writing materlist:
AvA6 trailer interview - Victim
AvA30 interview - King and Purple
AvA4 debut interview - The Color Gang
Since all of the characters are real people, it's only fair that they would have real names as well. For now all of the real names will be labeled as "[character name]" for the ease of consumption.
Alan Becker - Director and one of the writers of the franchise, concept of which he had created during his senior year of college.
Victim - A rather well-established actor due to being one since early age, but one that suddenly disappeared from all the media after AvA1's sudden sucess, only coming back in the latest 6th installment. The reasons why he disappeared stay unknown
The Chosen one - A medium level actor, who directors always seek to hire together with [TDL] due to their on-screen chemistry and dynamic. Almost exclusively plays positive heroes, so AvA's role was a new experience for him.
The Dark Lord - Started his career at the same time as [Chosen], quite often auditioning for the same roles, which ended up in half-joking bickering behind the scenes, in which directors saw potential, hiring both to be opposing eachother as a hero and a villain. He is essnetially a real-life foil for [Chosen], even if they became good friend over such a long time working together.
The Second Coming - Has essentially zero roles before AvA, but is a long-term fan of the franchise, making an impression on Alan with his extensive knowledge of the franchise and sometimes over-the-top energy.
Red - Is the youngest of the Color Gang (they still have this name and it still was given by the fandom, they're just aware of it now) and so far didn't really play any major roles aside from one child comic relief in a series that had recently ended, making this his first serious role.
Yellow - The second oldest in the main gang, already had minor roles in a few movies, sharing some with [Blue] as well. That is his first time in the lead role, however.
Green - Is hardly an actor, only having appeared in sports shows on TV and online, but, being a fan of the franchise, he couldn't pass an opportunity. Refused to get a double and ended up making all of his stunts by himself. (Yellow and Green are both anime lovers and more often than not wear anime merch to interviews, making sure to match when they get interviewed together)
Blue - Wasn't actually that interested in auditioning, but after [Yellow]'s recommendation was taken to play the part. The part of Blue being a good cook actually came from [Blue], making all of his lunches for himself. Quite often sneaks out "netherwart" from the set. Other actors joke about him being actually addicted to it. (Netherwarts are an edible prop, made of sugar candy)
Purple - A rising star of the industry and a son of late [Orchid]. Was invited to star in the AvM series by Alan. Purple's backstroy in the series was partly inspired by [Purple]'s actual life events.
King Orange - An old-school actor, known and lowed by the fans, who was also invited in the series by Alan, but joined because of [Purple] and pressure from [Gold]. Is new to the series format, only really taking part in movies before AvM.
Gold - Is actually [King]'s son, who insisted on trying to play the part of Gold in the series and, much to his father's disstress, got the role. Essentially grew up with the franchise, so was extremely excited to be able to play. Also was brought to the set by [King] several times and grew really close to Purple who is much older, even calling him "brother".
[Orchid] - An actress and a singer who had died when [Purple] was just a teen, leaving him almost completely alone. Used to be good friends with [King], and also often brought [Purple] to various sets and got him to become an actor in future. (Her death resulted in [King] essencially adopting [Purple] as [Navy] was nowhere to be found)
The list of characters will be updated as new ones make an appearance.
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coqxettee · 1 year
How to be like
🧁 Cat Valentine 🎀
Tips on how to be like the cutest, pink, sugar frosting girl in the whole wide world.
Cat Valentine!! 🍭💖👄🌸🍰💝🍥
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MORNING: ☀️ Start every day with a positive attitude! Cat is fun loving, free spirited and sweet. Wake up and put on your snuggliest, pinkest, fluffiest pyjamas! Snuggle with a stuffe in bed for a while and read a book/check your phone to wake you up 💘
Try and always be in your own world. Cheery and optimistic as possible 💘
Eat sweet, sugary cereal for breakfast! I imagine cat likes lucky charms and have it with some chocolate milk! 🌈
Have a shower and use the sugariest, sweetest shower gel, body lotion and products you can find 🧁 We want to smell like a cupcake all day long, so make sure you use a body cream, hand cream, body sprays/perfume and a lip balm so you radiate cotton candy energy all day 💘
WARDROBE:🎀 ANYTHING pink! Floral print, denim jeans, pink zip-up hoodies, flats & pumps, floral dresses, pink mesh skirts, peplum tops, pink tanks, cardigans, tracksuits, anything with frills and lace, babydoll dresses and anything that gives a soft, vintage, feminine feel! The list is endless! 💘
HAIR: 🎀 Section your hair into a side part and twist the two pieces you have sectioned behind your head. Fasten with small hair pins/small claw clips. (Cat uses those exact ones!) Lastly, using a curling iron, tightly curl the ends of your hair. Lots of tight, springy ringlets! Finish with hairspray and your done! Easy Cat Valentine hair 💁🏼‍♀️
MAKEUP: 🎀 A full face of the cutest makeup you can find! Go heavy on the blush and add a line of eyeliner to your lid. Use glittery eyeshadow if you have it and use pink, sparkly lip gloss on your lips! 👄💖
Have a cute school bag/stationary/supplies. Never be afraid to customise and make everything look adorable and PINK 💗
Listen to pink, bubblegum pop-music! Put your earphones in and listen to some 2013, girly throwback music. Ariana’s album “Yours truly” is great for this, and so is her song “put your hearts up” she once said in an interview that she feels that if Cat had a single, it would of been “put your hearts up!” 🎶💗
Eat sweet, sugary things! 🍭🧁🍓🍰 Cat looooooves sugar. Especially Bibble! There are loads of “Bibble inspired” recipes online made with popcorn, but if you are in the UK, you can also buy “Rainbow Drops” from any food store! They are basically Bibble and they are soooo sweet and crunchy. They are also colourful too! 🌈 Cat loves candy, sugary breakfast cereal, ice cream and red velvet cupcake! Always carry around candy with you and offer it to others when you can! 🍭🌈💖
Carry a stuffed animal around with you. You don’t have to do this ofc, but even if it’s a cute little keychain to your backpack or bag! 🐰💘
Wear cross body bags/purses in the shape of animals or cute things. Clip a bunch of cute keychains and badges to them to customise them and make them yours! 💘
Have a cute phone case and add a cute phone charm too! Organise your phone layout and have something pink and sugary/something that makes you happy as your lock screen! 💘
Always wear cotton candy/sweet scented perfumes and body sprays so you smell like a sugar girl allllll day long 💘
Cat Valentine Activities: Watch kids cartoons, colour in colouring books, read fairytales, go to the beach, go to a dessert shop, sing, sew, study, go to the fairground, and spend time with friends! Have fun everyday and don’t be afraid to bring out your inner child. Cat is all about healing her inner child 💘
Have a pink colourful room! Cat’s room is AMAZING. Even though it’s split in half with Sam’s, she has everything she loved scattered about. Pink, glitter, sweets, stuffed animals, rainbows and more! Add some of these into your own room to give it that Cat Valentine feel 💘
Collect stuffed animals! Cat has a HUGE collection, she also has a lot of the “TY beanie baby’s” and unicorn plushies! She even gave them names and birthdays🤣💘
NIGHT: 🌙 It’s time to unwind after a long day of being ditzy and adorable. Have a relaxing bath/shower using your favourite scented products and get into a fluffy onsie! Cat has candy jammies! 🍭 Warm up some hot coco or milk to help you relax. Chill out and watch a comfort cartoon show/movie, read a book and snuggle up with your stuffies. Drift off to dream happy, sugar frosting dreams 🌈💖🍭🌸🐰
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And there you go! 🍭💖
I hope this was fun to read! I mainly wrote it to get my thoughts out and because I love the character. Cat is a great character to take inspiration from because she is so cheerful and has her friends best interests at heart, therefore she is so fun and lovely to be around. I hope this post helps you radiate her ditzy, cutesy energy at the very least 🎀💖🍭🐰🌸🌙🌈💘
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
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New oc alert! ^v^ getting more used to painting first and then lining so this came out more detailed than Tunas LOL
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TAG : #twst Mitchell
Name : Mitchell / Mitty Class : 2-E (Student no. 5) Birthday : July 31st Age: 17 Height : 171 cm Dominant Hand : right Best Subject : Music Hobby : Idol Dislikes : Clutter & tight spaces Favorite Food: Potato Kabob Least Favorite Food : Spaghetti Talents : Dance (Ballet Specific)
Quick Summary: Mitchell or Mitty, is a micro-celebrity idol. Covering popular songs and trending dances, Mitty is determined to follow his childhood idols footsteps! Even though he couldn't join auditions to be in a group, Mitty has created a good following on his magicam and magitube accounts. As Flamboyant as he is, he still gets shy when complimented or meeting people he looks up to. Overall this peacock beastman is slowly learning step by step how to brainwash everyone to be his fan! (/j... unless?) ^o^
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A peacock beastman with bright purply-pink hair and eyes. He has an ahoge that is not normal hair, turning blue towards the end. Above his left brow and below his left eye he has beauty marks. His overall body type is thin, toned and with hip dips. Very often Mitty applies red eyeshadow and lipstick as well as applying mascara and contact lenses to make his eyes appear larger. He has lobe piercings, but rarely wears earrings due to his hair covering or getting tangled easily. As for fashion he prefers deep reds and dark cool colors usually in lolita styles. For more casual looks he prefers loungewear like cardigans and loose pants.
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As a child Mitchell was extremely influenced by anime idols and cute idol groups alike. Going as far as performing his favorite songs and dances in school talent shows. However, his obsession with making the crowd feel "awe-inspired" he often used his UM to his advantage. This didn't do well with many of his teachers and other parents... so surprisingly enough Mitty had many detentions in their early years. This record left him in dim lights for group auditions. Mittys mindset got a bit skewed and began to think... I will just have to try harder to rule the crowd! Overtime their hope to inspire morphed into wanting the world to love him (through mostly any means).
Upon entering NRC Mitchell had begun seeking attention online and decided a "debut concert" was most necessary. After the entrance ceremony Mitty went back to the mirror chamber, set up his phone camera and began to perform one of his favorite routines! Thus started his online career! While he is not as popular as others, he does have a few hundred supporting him and in his mind that's the first step to his domination!
Personality wise, Mitty is pretty dense when it comes to anything besides his interests and doesn't take no for an answer. No literally it will go in one ear out the other. Despite this he does take everything surprisingly seriously, ok not rejection, but everything else! However compliments? He will grin from ear to ear, go red and just absoluetly adore you! He can be a bit clingy when he's like this, but he's just happy some one likes him. When it comes to friendship though... well he's not a terrible friend, but he does tend to only think of himself most of the time... at least he will buy you things to make it up to you;; Just don't ask him for emotional advice too much he really isn't good at it. Overall he's a bit of an annoying person, but his shy and bashful bursts at compliments may be something redeemable.
Academically he is average. He does amazing is music but that's about it, everything else is passing at least. He struggles with history most due to his disinterest in remembering about people who aren't his idols.
In his free time, Mitty practices dance and song covers from his favorite medias. Posting them as often as he records and of course running to Cater for help very often. If they're not doing that, he's grooming his feathers or sewing new outfits. Occasionally he will tour around campus and invade dorms to take photos in his newest creations as well as show them off.
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UM- Focus on me! "Let me show you who's the main star!" -This unique magic allows Mitchell to take on his peacock beast-form. When showing off his beautiful feathers they act as a hypnotizing charm; causing dizziness, crossed vision, and luring people into a trance like state. If used with full force, Mitchell can force the afflicted to follow his movements. -Movement can not be fast or the afflicted will snap out of the trance. -strength of effects depends on the amount of magic used in this UM. Less input and you can expect a simple charm and lull effect, but with heavy input the effects will increase. -Small to medium blot manifestation; long term use at low levels is usually fine, but after a few hours blot formation rate will increase.
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Relationship chart to be made !
Notable Relationships:
Vil & Mitty : Mitty looks up to Vil and respect him so much! While he isnt into acting, Vils prowess and social media standing are impressive! Mitty is too busy fangirling and stuttering to speak to Vil casually. Vil doesn't seem to mind so long as it doesn't effect his work.
Cater & Mitty : Mitty joined the pop music club and immediately wanted to quit. It was quite contrary to what they expected. Cater and Kalim were quick to talk him into staying. Ever since, Cater has been a big help to Mitty in social media learning and Mitty may have taken to mimicking Caters speech online. Mitty says they're close friends, but Cater only see it as a casual friendship.
Riddle : Currently Mitty is trying to convince Riddle to form an idol duo. Riddle had been one of the first to "compliment" one of his dances, saying "Your dancing nice, however you are trespassing on Heartslaybl property!". Ever since, whenever Mitty visits Cater he doesn't hesitate to try and recruit the house warden. While Riddle does not hate him, he is often dumbfounded by Mittys inability to "read the atmosphere". It is not currently known why Mitty is obsessed beyond the nice comment.
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Thanks for reading about Mitchell!! I did not realize until after i made his nickname Mitty that Mitty can mean "a fictional character given to grand and elaborate fantasies" and I think that's very fitting for him LMAOOOO anyways!!! Thank you for the support and time <3 !
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arimiadev · 5 months
visual novels I finished in 2023
I played quite a few visual novels in 2023, most of which are indie, and I want to share some highlights from that list. these are all VNs that I played all the way through and loved, so treat this also as a recommendation for each of these.
In the mansion on the hill, there lived two witches... It is the late 1980s—the twilight of an era of beauty and vigor. A boy moves to the city, barely missing two witches living in modern times. The boy leads a completely ordinary life. She carries herself with gallant pride. The girl lives a sleepy, hidden life. Each walks a starlit path. One would never expect their paths to cross. The story of how these three disparate people came together is soon to be told.
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I've ranted a ton about mahoyo here and how much I love it. it truly is one of the best looking visual novels I've ever seen and one of my all-time favorites. I'll never be able to approach game direction the same after playing this. please do yourself a favor and play it, it's finally on steam.
model employee
Model Employee is a corporate horror visual novel where players take control of  the latest individual amongst millions to start working in one of Tethys' online shopping labyrinthine warehouses. Just discharged from the hospital and massively in debt for their life-saving cybernetics, the player-character must adapt to the "extreme" work-life balance of a Tethys Team Member- but they have help.  Penny, the artificial personality that controls all security, waste disposal, and employee surveillance in the facility, specializes in reinforcing an especially cutthroat variety  of workplace culture- and she's taken an interest in you.  With a vibrant cast, PC-98 inspired visuals and multiple endings, Model Employee is a modern horror story that'll stick with you long after you've clocked out of your shift. If you want to get ahead in your career, you gotta be willing to take some risks.
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model employee is such a tightly structured visual novel for being made in just one month, making full use of everything while surprising you at every corner. every part of this game was so well planned and thought out- dystopian corporate satire isn't my cup of tea (we're living it) but the way they present everything in this game makes it feel so much more intense.
beary the hatchet
It's Halloween 199X, and you killed someone during your morning shift. Honestly it's inconvenient. This job was imperfect, sure, but you got to wear a mask with no questions asked and the pay was livable. But now you'll have to keep the body in the backrooms till your shift is done. Bummer. "You're... the absolutely WICKED and AWESOME Bearwater Grizzly Killer, aren't you?!" ...and now enters the dreaded true crime fan.
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beary the hatchet is such a uniquely lovely game to look at, even if the subject matter is grim. I love the color palette and tones in this, I love the 2.5D graphics, I love how expressive all of the designs are. it's a game oozing with style.
Late at night, a phone call from a friend keeps disconnecting from you... On and off, on and off, constantly... ...What would you do if you realized your friend wasn't who you thought they were? And how would you react when the truth was finally revealed? ("̷̢̑W̸̨̊o̸̫͊u̷̱͝ḽ̸͛d̴͉̐ ̵̚ͅy̵̜̽o̸̥͗u̷̮̎ ̷̜̏s̶̤̄t̸̥͐i̴̻̕l̸̰͝l̸͉̓ ̷͕́ȁ̸̩c̸̡̓t̵̜̊ ̵͓̈t̶̙̄h̶̦͂e̸̩͠ ̸̩̅s̶̘̏a̷̪͛m̵̮͒e̴͖͑ ̸̭́w̷̨̚á̴̱y̵̯̑?̶͎̌"̷͈̆) Find out what happened to our scaredy-cat protagonist, Indie-a famous horror storyteller on the H-T-M (Horror, Tales, and Mystery) forum. What would she do when she unintentionally uncovered a mystery hidden deep within her own home?
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I love the style of disconnect and the unorthodox way of getting to the truth of the matter. I'm not normally one to play furry VNs, but the designs are adorable and I love the presentation of the game, it has a lot of animation in it. there's also one moment not too far in on this screen that made me scream...
curse of the juniper tree
Curse of the Juniper tree is a tale of two siblings, a cursed tree and an isolated village. It is a short kinetic visual novel featuring 2d exploration. Walk around the snowy village and talk to its inhabitants! Story is loosely based off the fairytale called The Juniper Tree by the Brothers Grimm in Grimm's Fairy Tales in 1812.
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this is a lovely and short story about two siblings living in a frozen land together. it's a very atmospheric story with so many beautiful blues and detailed character designs. the controls were a bit hard to figure out at times but it's worth your time.
Grea Perrim is a reaper of souls, and it's her duty to bring the deceased to the other side. But in the world of reapers, death isn't any kind of equalizer. The value of a soul is directly tied to the peculiarity of its death. Grea's supernatural senses bring her to a Halloween house party with three costumed guests. She soon finds the most valuable kind of soul: the victim of a locked-room murder. In order to reap the soul, Grea must unravel the identity of its killer and explain its death in full. Is this the work of a human? A witch? Or something else entirely...?
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reaplaced is a fun little whodunnit set on Halloween about a grim reaper out on the hunt who finds herself in the middle of a murder mystery. it's much more indepth than I was expecting and the soundtrack is wonderful—there's a lot of small touches to it that make it great.
dual chroma [demo]
A gilded king, a powerful sorceress, and a malevolent figure governing a foul legion of beasts in a ruthless war against the Light.  For centuries, the Galens Empire has thrived upon the ancient tragedy that formed its foundations. No more than a fading past inked upon the pages of history, the Empire reigned in relative peace—until the monsters returned.  As the newest advisor to the Second Prince, you find yourself at the heart of a captivating saga, where mystery, magic, terror, and romance intertwine. Your choices in this narrative will determine not only the Empire's destiny, but also the fate of your heart. But take heed, for the path you tread may shatter the shackles of doomed love or repeat the ruin of Galens' past.
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I don't play many otome demos but I played several that were submitted to otome jam this year, with dual chroma being one of them. I was surprised by the amount of care and attention put into the demo- it feels very solid with a lot of polish put into easing the player into this high fantasy world. I think I had an issue with how the tooltips would be shown (probably the frequency of them, as the in-line tooltips are very helpful) but it's been months since then.
we know the devil
Anyone can kill the devil; that's why they always make teens the vampire slayers, the magical girls. But some kids can't even get that right; and that's why meangirl Neptune, tomboy Jupiter, and shy shy Venus have to endure one more week of summer camp and each other, singing boring songs about jesus, doing busywork for adults, and hoping god's radio can't hear them. Before they can leave the summer scouts, they've got to spend twelve hours in the loneliest cabin in the woods and wait for the devil to come and live through the night--or not. You know.
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we know the devil didn't release this year but I finally got around to playing it. it's a visceral experience, something that feels foreign and familiar at the same time. I love the direction for it, the sketchy monochrome sprites against the colored photos- parts when there aren't any characters on screen feel that much more real, like you're watching found footage because of how tense everything is.
The story is set in an alternate universe where the player is struggling with the memories of what they know to be TEMPUS and the mysterious look-alikes who pull them every which way. Can the player figure out the truth about this twisted world and return to the guild?
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okay this is a bit of a weird one to end on, I just wanted to talk about it. doppelganger is a game made by holostars staff, i.e. the staff for the vtubing company cover corporation. I went into it expecting very, very little but I was presently surprised by how competently it was made. a lot of "bad" visual novels aren't fun to play, because they're overly long, extremely wordy, and aren't fun to read. I'd say doppelganger is "so bad it's good", which is a rarity for VNs- it's campy at times and over the top but doesn't overstay it's welcome, the pacing is remarkably good for what seem to be first time devs.
I cannot recommend this though if you're not already a fan of holostars tempus, as this is essentially just merch for them- think of it like a higher production voice pack or art pack. if you don't know each of the boys then you'll be lost, but if you do then grab another friend and play it, it took me about 4 hours to finish it with friends.
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20dollarlolita · 6 months
How involved are you in the Lolita community? As someone who dresses historical inspired (and thus, some of my clothing dips into lolita)—I find the community, especially the international community, utterly exhausting to be around.
I'm an artist, I work at an art gallery—and I find the community to be somehow even more pretentious of an environment. It's like the attitudes of millionaires into couture combined with the same obsession weebs have with Japan and anime.
I'm a plus sized person, so if I buy something lolita, it tends to be a non-patterned dupe/replica that I alter to better suit my tastes and I made the mistake or mentioning this and people online within the lolita community were furious—telling me that I don't "deserve to be in the community"... I have no desire to go to meet-ups with people THAT pretentious, especially about clothing.
I saw your posts about your opinions on replicas, so I wanted to know—what are your opinions about the lolita community?
Are we talking about the local lolita community that banned the four most openly disabled people in the group for saying that banning someone without giving a reason was shitty and then openly saying that it was because someone was mentally ill was even more shitty?
Or are we talking about the communities that I've joined and helped build and try to create an open space. The lolita community that I'm the most active on is my own discord server, which has like 250ish members and which follows rules that I made up and think make sense.
But prior to joining the local community that I was later banned from, I spent 10 years being lone lolita. This meant that I had to get used to ideas like, "I'm going to wear what I want to whatever events that I want. It doesn't matter if there's no one else to wear it with me. I'll post it on my own social media, and if people like it, then that feels great!"
And this gave me a really interesting power, which was that when someone tried to take the local community away from me, I was offended that it happened, but no one could take the fashion away from me, because my relationship with lolita fashion is not based in a community. I like being in a community, but the fashion is mine and no one can take that away from me.
I've had people ask me before how I made a successful lolita blog, and the secret that I tell people is to find a void in what people offer, and do what I can to fill that. I started this blog because I needed more lolita things in my life, and I didn't have resources to help me make them. I figured that if I needed this resource, other people probably did too. Sharing the resource was public, but the things I was making, I was making for me. But that's what it was, finding something that I wanted to do and was passionate about and that no one else was doing.
With regards to replicas, the main thing that I absolutely cannot stand about the mainstream lolita community is the idea that replica dresses are bad, but replica shoes are fine. I've bitched about it before when people say that print replicas are theft and design replicas aren't. The community has partially changed about that, but I still get people saying, "well, replica shoes are different!" and when you ask why, no one has an answer that doesn't sound like bullshit. At the end of the day, you have to look at your own morals and the consequences for your actions. There's a lot of places where posting coords with replicas (except fucking shoes for some weird ass reason) is prohibited. If you want to participate in that group, you have to respect their rules. I absolutely fully respect groups to be able to make absurd rules and then defend them like they're life-or-death, and as long as those rules aren't inherently excluding someone for something they don't control, that's fine. I'm in a facebook group where you get banned if you use the letter N (and don't remove it when called out by other group members). It's absolutely hilarious. If brands like Meta and Atelier Pierrot, as well as taobao brands on places like 42lolita, and the handmade lolita scene, didn't exist, banning replicas would actually be a rule that excluded people who were plus-size, but it's 2024 and there are options for extended size. There's not as many and they're not as good, but this isn't 2010 and we have options other than Qutieland resellers and having shopping services visit Laforet for you.
But if you're well-informed on the economics and global impact of replicas as well as that of mainstream lolita fashion, and you're okay with making the purchase when you have all the facts, and you're also okay with how wearing replicas is going to impact your lolita social life, go for it. You've already learned that there's places where people don't tolerate it. But at the end of the day we're all stupid people in stupid dresses, so wear what you like.
If you want a short answer: There's a lot of parts of the lolita community that I don't like, so I made my own. I think it's important to have my relationship with the fashion come from within me, and not from community involvement. It's nice to have lolita friends but It's just as valid to just wear what you want for the sake of wanting to wear it.
(I limit the number of people who can join the Discord at a time because I want to get a chance to meet people. I've recently had a lot of health problems and I'm just not mentally up to meeting a ton of new people and teaching them server culture. If anyone reading this finds this post and that link has been used up or expired, please message me and I'll get you a new one if I'm able).
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poppun-chan · 1 year
Has anyone ever wondered about this book? The one mentioned in the after word of Tokyo Mew Mew volume 5? For a long time I had wondered about it, and the other night finally sat down and did a proper search for it, which lead to a deeper than expected....rabbit hole.
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What's written here is the only information I had to go on: the publication date, the illustration, and that presumably it would still be in print. I expected that it was a book that was published exclusively in Japan and was unheard of in the west and that I might translate it. So I did a search in Japanese first for "rabbit dandelion picture book" and then just "rabbit picture book" and found a video with a reading of it; surprisingly with a western name for the author and that I didn't necessarily have to translate it.
It turns out the book Mia Ikumi remembered so fondly was a translation (Translated by Kyouko Matsuoka), released in Japan under the name "Shiroi usagi to kuroi usagi" (White rabbit & black rabbit) in 1965. It was first published in English under the title "The rabbits' wedding"; her place holder title is actually closer somehow, "usagi no kekkon" instead of "usagi no tanpopo"
The story is about 2 rabbits who spend their days playing in the forest, when one day the black rabbit becomes preoccupied, when the white rabbit asks him, he tells her that he wishes he could be together with her forever, she reciprocates and they're married wearing dandelions and joined by all the rabbits and other animals in the forest in celebrating. The book was banned in Alabama for a time since it was believed to be an allegory, and is praised for the same reason now; back in the day there was a whole mess about the director the Alabama Public Library service Division contesting the ban by only removing it from general circulation, while still allowing it to be available upon request. There was even a play about it staged in 2015.
Though ultimately there may not have been any message at all, in an interview author Garth Williams said that he chose the designs based on creating contrast and inspired by a water colour painting he'd seen of two horses.
If you're a fan of Tokyo Mew Mew or any of Mia Ikumi's other works, or just want to read a cute story about bunnies getting married I recommend looking it up, you can find videos of people reading both the English & Japanese versions online easily and it is really sweet. Here is the cover image the illustration was based on:
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❄️Toxic Cosplayers: Frostplay❄️
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This is going to be a long-ass post, so get comfortable with your favorite drink and a snack. As for me, the tea is hot and I'm ready to spill.
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If you don't already know, this is Juliette, better known as Jacoby or Frostplay online. A band enthusiast, cosplayer, influencer, public figure, suicide prevention advocate, and YouTuber hailing from Southern California.
When I first saw Juliette, I assumed they were either Genderfluid or Trans in which they never stated until they made the post: "I'm a Girl!" after an Instagram account "exposed" her for wearing a binder. The account no longer exists because it was reported and deactivated.
I met Juliette at Anime Los Angeles years ago and she was very standoffish and rude to me seeing that I was also cosplaying the same character. I saw her again at ALA as Jack Frost and she asked me what happened to my leg noticing that I was in a knee brace and carried a crutch to lean on while I had my staff in my other hand.
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She wasn’t well-liked in the Jelsa community circa 2013-2015 because she used to fail to credit artists. I never really paid attention to their work because of that, and some things she did… she came across at times as if she thought she was actually Jack Frost, and therefore the authority. It was just a different vibe to others who can have fun but, end of the day you know they know they aren't Jack Frost or any other character.
Her YouTube seemed to have some blurred lines where they thought they were THE Jack Frost. There’s a difference between playing the part at a cosplay convention, or for kids, but end of the day, even the Disney face characters know they aren’t actually Cinderella or something.
Another thing that disappointed me. How can you cosplay Jack Frost and ignore children? That’s such a big part of him. He’s the one who gets the Guardians to reconnect with the kids. Jackson was entertaining the kids. Jack was there for the kids well before he was a guardian.
You might know, that Frostplay went to Disney and dressed as Jack to get those photos and videos with the Elsa face character. Disney face characters have to feign ignorance of things outside of their Disney universe, so putting her in a rough position and potentially causing issues for her at work -- all for internet clout.
So, the stuff about Juliette and the Elsa cosplayers is the tip of the iceberg. She went full Q Anon. She "came out" as cisgender and straight in an emotional video. She was pretending to be in love with them for about five years, so it's a whole fucked up thing.
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For a while, it was clear that her whole thing with Jack was some sort of coping mechanism for insecurity about who she was. She threw herself into the character so much that she dated two people at the time, both were Elsa cosplayers. So, it wasn't just one. She broke hearts and pushed people away.
There was a girl named Sofie before Alison. Sofie was from Florida and flew out here a time or two. I still think Juliette will one day accept that she's gender fluid or trans. Plus I know someone who told me that she once used a pseudo penis as a vessel to urinate through, sometimes. So, that adds to it. She's from a conservative area and that definitely influenced her. As for her being rude: she seemed to start gatekeeping the character.
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She got awfully jealous and upset that GuardianFrosty on Instagram had taken inspiration from her Royal Jack Frost cosplay. He was literally was driven off Instagram and deactivated his account a few years ago for months because of Frostplay and their friends/followers since they kept sending hate, and death threats if he ever showed up at any California convention.
Claiming a character is childish behavior. Cosplay who you want, when you want. If other people have issues, let that trash take itself out.
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