lorelexi · 3 years
Hi! New to your page but wanted to request an American reader at UA that’s with Bakugou/Shinsou/Kirishima (separately, maybe add in Izuku but if that’s too many that’s fine!) that’s struggling with her Japanese but can easily sing along to her fav anime opening songs with no mistakes? Bonus if they’ve never heard her sing in English or Japanese and are 1000% more enamored with her 💜
A/N: here you are my love😭 💙
•bonks your head when he first hears you belting out an anime op in perfect japanese
• like literally the pronunciation, annunciation and accent is perfect and he's like are u kidding me
•he's like??? I thought you were struggling with japanese???
• and you're like ahahah uhhh I am?
•probably tells you your japanese might be better if you put in as much effort as memorizing anime ops
• don't take it personally though, he’s just flustered bc he;s never heard you sing before and you were really cute
•no bc hes a weeb and I just know yall have sing offs of your favorite anime ops
•more like scream offs smh
•your dorm mates are rolling their eyes ehehe
•sometimes you really hit him hard with feels tho
•you’ll sometimes be humming or quietly singing a song to yourself and toshi is just standing there lovestruck
•like damn that’s really my s/o???
•please sing him to sleep oh my god
•softly sing his favorite op and he’ll just💤
•definition of :0
• he knew you'd been struggling with your japanese and while he’s not the best teacher he had been trying his best to help you out
•after studying with you for a bit, you two decided to take an anime break
•when the op started and you started singing along perfectly i swear he was star struck
•he’s just staring at you with stars and hearts in his eyes bc wow he loves you so much and your singing is so nice???
•you're so into the song that you don't notice but when the song is over you look over at him and laugh a little, asking what he's looking at and he’s like
•”YOU!!! I didn’t know you could sing in japanese so well!!”
•grrr he's so cute
•we know hes a big hero fanboy but I like to think he’s into anime too
•that being said he likes to use anime as a tool to try to help you with your japanese while being able to keep it interesting and recognizable
•screams internally whenever you sing your anime ops
•lowkey hes like damn her japanese is perfect in these songs but she’s otherwise so bad at grasping it💔
•no but for real he thinks you’re so forking cute and probs plays anime ops more often around you hoping you’ll start to sing🥺
•homie aint slick✋
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lorelexi · 3 years
todoroki/kirishima with a deaf s/o?? love u
A/N: this was so cute to write🥺💕
Again if there's any innacuracies than need to be altered please let me know!
•probably took him a minute to figure out what to do when you first met and he realized you were deaf
•learns simple phrases and greetings in sign so that he can talk to you and your heart melts into a little puddle
•he honestly picks it up surprisingly fast,  by the time your dating this dude has so much sign figured out
•he’s such a good bf tbh cries
•he knows that deaf people are capable and independent so he doesn’t want to be overbearing so he lets you ask him for help or offers help when he knows you really need it
•he doesn’t want you to think you're incapable of anything, because you really aren't! And he truly believes that
•you know how usually when he talks he's kinda like :|   I think he definitely got so much more expressive after he started to learn sign
•kisses ur hands a lot🥺💕
•sweet boy😭
•pls he learns how to swear and go off on Endeavor in sign and he just stands there like 🧍🏻
•he doesn't know a lot of sign at first but he knows some simple greetings and phrases that he picked up during a phase in middle school
•definitely learns a lot really fast when the two of you become closer and at the beginning of your relationship 
•probably signs 'i love you' like 50 times a day
• He is just!!! Enamored
•seriously sometimes he sees you signing to someone in the hall and he cant help but stop and stare bc you're just so beautiful and he loves watching you sign
•he may be a little more doting at times but like todoroki he knows you can be very independent
•likes to trace ur hands with his fingers,,, gentle little strokes
•kiss him pls he loves u so dang much
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lorelexi · 3 years
Hey~ Can I ask for bakugo, Kaminari,Sero (separate) w/ a dyslexic s/o and they wear bands in ther left hand...tysm! Have a great day 🌻
A/N hi love 🥺 here you go! I'm sorry this took so long. I focused more on the dyslexia aspect so I hope that's okay!
I did some research to get a better grasp of dyslexia but lmk if there's any inaccuracies that should be changed!
•surprisingly really helpful and supportive
•he knows it's not your fault so he’ll assist if you ever have trouble with anything
• proof reads your essays if you ask him to
•also he takes really good notes in class, so if taking notes is something you struggle with he’s glad to share his notes!
•he teases sometimes but he really is genuinely supportive
•he like,,, loves you or something I guess
•probably doesn’t know much about dyslexia other than the typical stereotypical things that are normally talked about
• super open minded about listening to you and learning about the different experiences and struggles that you experience that  he didn't know about
•mad we know this dudes grades aren't too great so I wouldn’t count on him for homework help but if you ever need help reading something he’s your guy
•and if you’re out in public he’ll help out without putting you on the spot or making you feel uncomfy!
•pls he plays with ur wristbands all the time when yall are cuddling or holding hands 😭
•another supportive boy!
•sometimes isn’t sure how to help if you need it, so he asks what you want from him so he can help the best he can
•I feel like he probably has messy notes but he tries to make them neat and easier to read so he can share them with you whenever you have to copy down book/board work
•probably kisses you whenever you get through a difficult day
•he just wants you to know that he supports you and loves you so much
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lorelexi · 3 years
Hey so it's my 17th birthday today and I was wondering if you could maybe write some general relationship hcs for kenma or dabi? You don't have to I saw in your rules that you're not really familiar with side characters, you could even ignore this and I wouldn't mind lol :)
A/N: 17 :0 have fun hehehe. This is a bit late but I hope you enjoy nonetheless!! I'm just writing for the students of bnha rn but Kenma was good to go so here you are, love!💖
•let's start with love languages shall we
• i think kenma’s preferred love language to show is gift giving!!
•sometimes words get a little stuck when he tries to say them so he likes to give you gifts that can convey his thoughts
•it can be anything!
•between your favorite snacks, to chapstick he heard you saying you needed, to some expensive he may have seen you eyeing!!
•your heart melts everytime and he just waves his hand dismissively bc if he dwells on it too long he’ll get embarrassed hehe
•on the other hand, his preferred love language that he likes to be shown is acts of service!
• he can get really wrapped up in different things so he really appreciate you when you do anything to ease his stress for him
•got carried away with work or video games? Don’t fret kenma! Your lovely s/o has dinner ready for you!
•exhausted from a long day of practice? You help him out by getting his spare practice clothes and his water bottle/towel ready for the next day of practice!
•cries a little internally whenever you ask “Is there anything I can do for you today, love?”
•play games with him do it 😼
• if you’re not a gamer or just a casual fan-like me-he’ll choose a light fun game you two can play together
•if you’re more of a serious gamer you bet he’s gonna recruit you to play games with his discord server LOL
•he’ll roast the hell out of any slimy gamer dude who picks on you or says anything creepy
•might send them a virus if they are particularly annoying idk idk
•i feel like movie nights would be so much fun omg 
• it kind of works out since he’s anxious and big crowds or open spaces might give him some sensory overload, movie nights are a great choice for date nights
• it’ll be a whole event! It doesn’t have to be boring
• some take out and snacks and a makeshift form sets the scene perfectly!
•kenma might be convinced to drag out the mattress to the living room if he’s feeling extra
• you guys cuddle up with your movie and a slice of apple pie after dinner and it’s so cute plssss😖💖
•touching a bit back on the anxiety thing I think you two have probably had a convo about what he needs from you if he ever needs you to ground him
•it might be a struggle for a bit since anxiety is not and easy burden to bear for either party but with some patience you both get into a good swing of things
•oh god I just thought about a 3rd wheeling KUROO AHAHAHA
•he shows up on what started out as dates and you and kenma act like hes not there😭✋
• he starts talking and yall are like “hey ken did you hear something?”  “hmm no...must be the wind”
•pls yall are so perfect for eachother
•hehe kenken🥰
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