#lori l otto
gacmediadaily · 8 months
Great American Pure Flix recently announced the premiere dates for their Christmas movie premieres from Great American Family.
Here are the dates provided in their press release:
B&B Merry (Wednesday, November 1), starring Jen Lilley, Peter Louis Chouinard, and Jesse Hutch. Tracey a travel blogger is invited by Graham Cooper to Christmas getaway for family's small bed and breakfast. B&B is facing tough competition from a hotel resort that has been stealing guests and threatens survival of the family business.
'Twas the Text Before Christmas (Thursday, November 2), starring Merritt Patterson and Trevor Donovan. An unexpected text message sent to the wrong number (Patterson) sets into motion a Christmas tradition with a new family (Donovan) over three separate years.
Christmas Keepsake (Friday, November 10), starring Jillian Murray and Daniel Lissing. A father (Lissing) bonds with his daughter and stumbles upon an unexpected romance (Murray) while tracking down the original owner of a Christmas time capsule.
A Christmas Blessing (Thursday, November 16), starring Lori Laughlin, Jesse Hutch and James Tupper. Renowned TV star Mandy Gilmore (Loughlin) says goodbye to her hit culinary series, A World of Food, with plans to travel the globe dining in all 142 Michelin star restaurants. Before jetting to Paris, Mandy stops in Milwaukee with the deed to her deceased aunt's food pantry, Angel's Fare, recently purchased by adjacent business owner, Adam Carraway (Tupper). A simple transaction. Until pantry volunteer, Otto Nessen (Hutch) reminds all that Aunt Susie's love of cooking was truly love of feeding and inspires one more holiday feast for those who need it most. Haul out the holly! For we need a little Christmas now.
Santa, Maybe (Wednesday, November 22), starring Aubrey Reynolds and Samuel Whitten. Can theater director Lila (Reynolds) rise to the challenge of putting on the perfect Christmas ballet, while also discovering her office Secret Santa in the process?
A Dash of Christmas (Thursday, November 23), starring Laura Osnes and Christopher Russell. To apply for her dream job at a foodie startup, an executive (Laura Osnes) must learn to bake. When she recruits a handsome baker to help her (Christopher Russell), she inadvertently ends up entered in a Christmas Bakeoff.
Destined 2: Christmas One More (Thursday, November 30), starring Shae Robins and Casey Elliott. In this sequel, Theo (Elliott) continues to miss connecting with his girlfriend, Kim (Robins) as he attempts to propose at Christmas.
My Christmas Hero (Friday, December 1), starring Candace Cameron Bure and Gabriel Hogan. US Army reservist and orthopedic physician, Nicole Ramsey (Bure) is dedicated to serving military service members and their families at the Joint Military Base in Lacey, Washington, home of I Corps and the 62nd Airlift Wing. This Christmas, with the help of many dedicated heroes, Dr. Ramsey is on a mission to honor a special fallen soldier and bring much needed healing to her own family.
Christmas on Windmill Way (Thursday, December 7), starring Christa Taylor Brown and Chad Michael Murray. Mia Miejer (Taylor Brown) excitedly anticipates the Christmas Market Fest Dutch Bake-Off competition and is filled with confidence her Mimi, Ann, will win the festival's top prize with her award-winning Kerststol when she learns Mimi has difficult news to share. Ann had to sell land around the family-owned Jansen Inn, including easements all around the heritage Tall Wooden and Brick Dutch Windmill renowned for centuries for its fine millwork and beautiful wooden furniture. It's an especially tough pill for Mia to swallow when she learns the land developer's representative is her former boyfriend, Brady Schaltz (Michael Murray), who also must let Mia and Ann know the agreement includes the Inn and sawmill, all of which will be torn down.
Peppermint & Postcards (Friday, December 8), starring Christopher Russell, Ella Cannon and Dave Kenneth MacKinnon. When a Christmas letter concerning her love life goes viral, one mom discovers that romance might be right at her door.
Other Christmas movies playing this holiday season on Great American Pure Flix include: An Angelic Christmas, Buttons: A Christmas Tale, A Christmas... Present, etc... There will also be a weekly theme on the streaming platform during the Christmas season... Getting In the Spirit (Nov. 1-5) Celebrate Family (Nov. 6-12) Celebrate Romance (Nov. 13-19) Celebrate Taste of the Season (Nov. 20-26) Celebrate Coming Home (Nov. 27-Dec. 3) Celebrate Christmas Wishes (Dec. 4-10) Celebrate Christmas Miracles (Dec. 11-17) Celebrate Keeping Christ in Christmas (Dec. 18-24)
*Video Promo - 
Celebrate Christmas with Great American Pure Flix:
I just love that Great American Pure Flix focuses on the True Meaning of Christmas! 
Hopefully, this will be a helpful guide to those of you who have a subscription to this streaming service.
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annasense · 5 years
Surprise! My next book is coming early!
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This is a super short post, but I want to let all the wonderful bloggy people know that I finished A Holland and a Fighter much sooner than I expected and decided to release it nearly a month early on Sunday, June 16.
As I’ve said in other social posts, this one is a love letter to the most devoted of readers. This isn’t a stand-alone by any means. To get the most out of it, read allthe other…
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
The Loud House Reviews: L is For Love
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Happy Pride Month Everyone! I have to admit I didn’t realize pride month was in June. Luckily that just meant two things: 1) This was a plesant suprise for once in an escalatingly terrible year when I found out early yesterday morning when most of this review was written. And 2) I already, thanks to thinking about them due to the she ra finale and watching more loud house again now i’m back on cable, planning to do the three Saluna episodes as at trilogy after getting blood moon ball out of the way. 
Today’s ep takes place in late season 2. As mentioned in the “Brave the Last Dance Review’ the series had some growing pains before it got to it’s current shape: the series largely focused on lincoln at first, but as season 2 went on the show slowly eased off him. While he still gets plenty of episodes focusing on him, and still gets the ocasional weird zach morris talk to the camera moment when the episode calls for it, the show wisely decided to make itself into an ensemble piece. INstead of being about the one boy navigating a big house it became about 11 children and their parents navigating being a big family and the perils of adolsence and what not.  As such today’s ep , while focusing on the kids as a whole, evnetually zeros in on my faviorite Loud child, Luna. Luna, as you probably know but what the hell, is an aspiring rock star, most of the time fairly chill and using the word dude a lot but not afraid to get loud, pun intended, or throw up the devil horns at a moments notice. She’s also a loving big sis, cares about her siblings, and is in short a wonderful character that season 1.. really didn’t give much focus. Season 2 rectified that to my delight, giving her a focus episode early on, Roadie to Nowhere, which revealed that she also has some confidence issues that are brought to the forefront here and go on to be a vital part of her character. I also admitely was delighted to see her voice actress, Nika Futterman, in a major role again, and she’s delightful in the role and even does luna’s singing. And this ep while being an “all hands on deck’ episode about all of the siblings, does have a major focus on luna as it goes, and thus I jumped on it immidetly.. that and you know, the fact it canocially made her bisexual, making a headcanon I had about her canon and being something they actually hinted at back in season 1. But we’ll get more into that later. For now, L is for love, lunacy and luna after the cut!
We open with Lincoln getting the mail and then gasping in shock at one letter, before calling an emergency sibling meeting. The sibling meetings are something that had been set up before with Lori,a s the oldest, leading them, and a thing I like: it makes sense with this many kids to have some sort of internal way to solve problems with them or vote on things as a group when needed. Simple, makes sense and i’m glad it’s stuck around. After dealing with the previous meetings minutes, Lincoln reveals what rattled him a bit: A mysterious love letter adressed to “L.Loud”. And it’s a nice way to use the series cute naming gimmick as a plot point: ONE of the siblings has a secret admirer,a nd while Lori, being lori, assumes it’s her boyfriend bobby, sh’es quickly shot down. And that.. makes sense. Bobby is a romantic, and a great character who I love dearly and will watch the spinoff soley because he’s in it.. but it’s been shown before this ep that bobbi’s a big romantic gesture guy. The boy put himself in a giant present and nearly suffocated to death to surprise his girlfriend for Christmas and went above and beyond for their anniversary. The guy’s a peach.. but he’s also not subtle. He’s also, while not lacking in cleverness as his later career as a bodegaman shows, not very bright so if this was him, his name would probably be crossed out somewhere on it.  But each of the louds have their own crushes... which is a problem with the ep. Now to the shows credit, besides the obvious of having Sam come back, two of these characters DO come back later: Chaz, Leni’s crush, ends up mentioned in season 3, and Luann’s crush Benny ends up the focus of a spotlight episode for her in late season 3, voiced by another one of my boys (and girls) stable of voice actors Sean Gambone later on. However even with that in mind this disconnect is the episodes biggest issue: outside of sam, since we see Luna visably struggle in a bit and we’ll get into that then, we have no real investment in seeing the louds get together with most of those people other than because the episode tells us to.  It didn’t really help that Lincoln and Lucy HAD love intrests in previous episodes. And sure Ronnie Anne had moved at this point, but Lincoln had a previous crush before her Cristina to use, and we had an entire episdoe about Lucy having a crush on rocky. And somehow Rocky still hasn’t come back, but his dumbass brother is a recurring character, which if nothing else is my proof that god hates me specfically. Also yeah.. while the crushes all have names I’m purposfully not looking them up as most of them are nondiscrept at best, and the only notable one is LIsa’s crush who looks like a tiny Doctor Octopus..so apparently Otto cloned himself and gave his son black hair? I mean that’s what i’m going with it sounds like the kind of contingincey he’d do and he did die for a while. Twice. Oh and the fact Lily is crushing on a teddy bear which is just really cute.  That being said, the episode DOES get something big right: Doing this kind of stock plot right. I mean “everyone thinks a romantic letter/card/card and flowers’ is for them is a stock sitcom plot and an annoying one at that half the time as the person who sent them comes off as super dumb, or the card has to be smudged or it has to be a nickname or something something, etc etc. Here... while they all think it’s for them, it makes perfect sense for once: They ALL have the same initials, so not knowing which ones which, aside from not Bobby because of reasons I mentoined already and Bear because AS FAR AS WE KNOW he’s not alive... I mean they do live in a house with a 4 year old who tampers with the natural order as part of her to do list every day, so it’s really a matter of when not IF with that.  It also avoids: “Everyone fights and gets petty over it” .. which itself the series has botched at times for other plots, so instead while they all want it to be them and breifly get agitated over it, they instead all work together using the same tactics to try and suss it out. It’s a nice change of pace and part of why this episode works despite the repettition.. more on that later.  Anyways of all of them it’s Lucy who offers the easiest way to narrow it down, knowing how secret admirers work because she reads a lot of vampire fiction and vampires , while inhumanly goregous are also deeply insecure which, having watched all 5 seasons of angel.. yeah that tracks good work. As such she suggests they all send a signal to gage their intrest and if their intrested, they’ll send another letter.  Shenanigans insue, my faviorite being Leni pretending to be a manquin and scaring the shit out of Chaz. Not bad jokes, but we’ll get to more about it later.  The plan actually works and the next poem has a rose and-mentions the targets brown hair, so our bachlerottes are down to Luna, Luann, Lynn and Lisa. It’s also a nice clue for the reveal later. Naturally their all stoked.. except Luna who looks visably depressed. Turns out she never GAVE her signal because she talked herself out of it, thinking Sam’s out of her league. But her siblings quickly all jump in to encourage her. It’s a nice scene. Starting with the easier part to talk about I do love the siblings comradere. Sure they fight, scheme against one another, ocasinally encourage one of their siblings to date a bully or throw him out of the house.. okay the last ones aren’t as typical or easily forgivable but still, the point is despite it all.. they love each other and when it counts, their there for each other. Hell here Luaan, Lisa and Lynn are all directly against Luna, hoping the letter we’ll be there’s.. yet they have nothing but support for her. The rest of her siblings just found out this wasn’t about them.. but the instant they realize Luna is so down on herself she thinks she’s out of the running, they change from disapointi to being her cheer section. It’s really sweet and it’s this among other moments that helps boost the episode up. I also like the special touch of Lori chiming in at the end, not to be lost in with the rest of her siblings, knowing likely that being both the oldest and the only one there having been in a relationship for a while, her words likely carry some weight. The other thing.. is Luna’s character, and how this episode cements self-doubt as a major part of her character. And i’ts a part I really like, a nice contrast from her usual confidence, and most episodes about her afte rthis would zero in on this aspect for good character growth.  So since Lucy was already right, they follow her advice for round 2: Give there crush a token of affection, and wait for at third letter. Which honestly aside from actually giving signals back, she’s not entirely wrong: most “love letter plots” have this sort of rhythm.  Speaking of rhtyum.. yeah this sequence is basically the same one as before just with a diffrent goal in mind.. however I do give the episode credit. In my previous review I spoke about my annoynce at the series love of repettion, and while this episode does suffer for it.. I inflated it in my head that it was worse here. Here the jokes land enough and it does work to the episodes benifit to repeat stuff. Plus here it ends up being plot relevant: After gifts of a pie to the face (Luann), a literal hart (Lisa) and a jock strap (Lynn), Luna has a decidedly less psychotic gift in mind: Her faviorite guitar pic, which even has a heart within a heart and is a very cute gesture... but she once again backs out and accepts not being that lucky. But I also like it because it cleverly shows that it’s not Luna herself that’s the problem: out of the 4 remaning siblings she’s the only one with a valid gift, and it make sense given both her personality and her siblings inexperince. It’s jsut she’s so scared of rejection she can’t bring herself to try.  So the family is familing in the living room when Leni comes in with the final letter from the mail man... and with the final letter admitting to a love of their sounds and all things british, yeah it’s gotta be Luna? So the secret admirer has set up a meting at bangers and mosh, a place that serves british food and is a rock venue. Luna is shocked but happy and the family carry her off.. minus Leni who being Leni wants to make sure the mailman is okay since she tried letting him down gently thinking the letter was from him.  The kids arrive, all coming with for moral support apparently.. only to find their parents. Wah wah wah! In all seriousness, this twist works. With the episode geared towards Luna, most fans probably woudln’t think about their parents or this being some wacky sitcom solution, but the episode gives decent hints: Brown hair, a love of british things , an established trait for Luna as much as Lynn senior, who spent a year abroad, ironically enough revealed in the same ep Luna hinted was bi and all the girls stalked an innocent british person because of course the head writer with a history of sexual harassment would think that was a good idea. Anyways, he also was established to have a band in “House Music”, luna’s other spotlight ep from season 1, So it’ a really good use of continuity, and if you were a diehard fan of thes how or rewatched those two eps a lot, you’d probably be able to figure it out. To their credit though I did not.  Anyways Leni gives out an amaazing line “Sam likes dad?” , Rita, after a bit of confusion at her daughter’s hilarous dumbassery, explains she sent the letter: As it turns out it’s how they met. Now granted you’d think they would’ve told the kids this before but I brush it off as the kids simply not thinking of that: It was a resonable assumption the letter was for them, and none of the letters had anything about Lynn Sr. That didn’t apply to his kids. Anyways, thinking Lynn Sr out of her league, much like her daughter’s current delimma which is a nice touch. ON the third note she asked him to meet her at the very restraunt they are now, celebrating the 20th anniversary of their first date. And to me this little story is just.. really fucking adorable, as is Rita’s love of Lynn Sr.’s pisstake british accent.  Rita, being a great mom, does try and comfort luna hoping she’s not disapointed. However while Luna was at first... her story inspiries Luna to take a risk. After all it worked for her parents, she and Sam could work. She just has to make that move and rallies her family to do the same. We also get one more fantastic gag before we get to the end montage: Lynn Sr: This calls for a celebration! Meat pies for everyone! Restraunt: Yay! Lynn Sr: Actually I just meant my family Restraunt: (grumbles) Lynn Sr: Oh come on theres 13 of us! So we end on one last montage as each loud kid gives their crush a note, some seeing it some not, and for Leni does the manquin bit again, which is adorable. Also the otto kid is apparently not named otto, but in my defense.. I don’t care. So after some genuinely cute bits, we get one last one as Luna leaves a note for sam.. and you see, as you probably know for most of the episode the show hadn’t been specific on which one Sam is, so when it turned out to be one of the girls, it’d be a twist. Of course it isn’t NOW: I called this a saluna trilogy after all and really most people hearing about the loud house probably know about her and Luna but at the time it was a smart twist. 
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And I loved it. WHile i’d headcannoned her as bi, there were hints after all, it was, much like the korassmi ending of legend of korra , a plesant shock to have it be REAL. And the ending shot, of luna simling at the above from behind the lockers, is really sweet.  But I also give Nick and the Loud House credit where it’s do. While they weren’t the first children’s cartoon to have an out and out gay/bi/pan protaganist, they were one of the first to not only have a bi protagnist during the context of the show, but to have it be visable.. it was really nice. Even if I do wish they’d use the term bi i’m not greedy and the show to it’s credit, while giving moments like this florish, dosen’t go out of it’s way to pat itself o the back about it’s represenation. The characters who are queer or disabled or POC are just.. there , with enough prominence to be proper representation while not letting that be ALL they are. Now sure at the time of this writing Representation, even within the Loud House itself as it followed up on this, has taken even greater leaps: In Adult Animation we have Harley Quinn having the last act of it’s second season be dedicated to Harley’s emotiona turmoil over being in love with her engaged best friend and said best friend, for now NOT wanting more, a pairing fans had wanted to see played out since the two first met. She Ra had two LEADS angished declartions of loved save teh unvierse and be the emotional climax of the finale. And netflix has gone on to have several gay characters in it’s childrens show on top of that, all leads. But while I think all of tihs would’ve happened without L is for Love, I do still applaud it as a good step forward. Sure the show had Clyde’s  dads’ before, and they are good characters don’t get me wrong, but this was something else and as  Bi person myself.. I really welcome it.  Final Thoughts: Not much to say I haven’t, but overall a realy damn good episode with a hell of an ending that makes use of the repetttion rather than usingit because “Oh shit we have a lot of episodes to get out this season”. Of course we’ll be getting back to sam and luna soon enough with season 3′s followup racing hearts, and with me knowing it’s pride I have tons of review ideas a coming, but for now, reblog this review if you liked it, or just like it if youd ont’ feel like that, send me an ask if you have any other episodes i’d like to cover, or comission one if you wnat to make SURE I cover it, and i’ll see you next time. Later days. 
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gokinjeespot · 5 years
off the rack #1276
Monday, August 26, 2019
 Sorry for the lateness. I went fishing this morning with my buddy David and he brought his fly rod that he got recently. He's a novice but he caught two sunfish using it. That made me very happy as they were the first fish that he caught that way. Penny and I went to see a matinee at our local theatre earlier and I had to have words with a teenager who talked and then took out his phone during the screening. The second time he turned on his phone after I had asked him to put it away the first time he showed me no respect so I went and got a staff member to deal with him. By the time we got back to the theatre he had left with his friend but he still abused me verbally while standing at the exit doors. The kid couldn't have been more than 13. The language and disrespect was what upset me the most. I suspected they snuck into the theatre and the fact that they left before staff could deal with him confirmed my suspicions. I didn't care that they snuck in. If this kid had just sat and watched the movie I would not have had a problem with him. I must be an asshole magnet because the kid and his friend were the only other people in the theatre and they sat close to us.
 I picked up a copy of Marvel's "Heralds" trade paperback while working at the store last week and while reading the credits I see that it was lettered by Virtual Calligraphy's Clayton Cowles. So that's what the "VC's" stands for.
 Batman #77 - Tom King (writer) Mikel Janin & Tony S. Daniel (pencils) Mikel Janin, Norm Rapmund & Tony S. Daniel (inks) Jordie Bellaire & Tomeu Morey (colours) Clayton Cowles (letters). A death in the family and this issue is in super high demand because of it. Damian tries to fight Thomas Wayne/Batman while Bruce is recovering under Selina's care. The prospect of the Bat Family gathering has me all excited.
 Daredevil #10 - Chip Zdarsky (writer) Jorge Fornes (art) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). We get a glimpse of real Daredevil action when Detective North is threatened by corrupt cops in his own precinct while Matt is there. Matt gets a visit from an ex that had me chuckling on the last page.
 Fearless #2 - This is an excellent anthology for young readers, particularly young female readers.
 "Campfire Song" part 2 by Seanan McGuire (writer), Claire Roe (art), Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) & Cardinal Rae (letters) sends Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel to the leadership camp where Captain Marvel, Storm and Susan Storm/the Invisible Woman are going to give keynote speeches. Something nefarious may be afoot.
 I liked "Night Nurse: A Cape of Her Own" by Karla Pacheco (writer), Iolanda Zanfardino (art) Rachelle Rosenberg (colours) & Cardinal Rae (letters). It's always a treat to see Night Nurse mending super powered people.
 To help get over the end of X-23's book Eve L. Ewing (writer), Alitha Martinez (art), Rosenberg (colours) & Cardinal Rae (letters) show us what Laura and Gabby are up to now.
 Ghost-Spider #1 - Seanan McGuire (writer) Takeshi Miyazawa (art) Ian Herring (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). So Spider-Gwen is now Ghost-Spider. She has dual dimensionship between Earth-65 and Earth-616. In her own dimension of Earth-65 everyone knows that she's Ghost-Spider but in Earth-616 where her secret identity is safe, she's just Gwen Stacy, freshman at Empire State University. Peter Parker helps to get her enrolled and now she can go back and forth taking classes and fighting crime. This is a good place to start if you're looking for another female super hero to follow but there wasn't anything really special in here to make me add this title to my every burgeoning pile of comics books that I want to read.
 Strayed #1 - Carlos Giffoni (writer) Juan Doe (art) Matt Krotzer (letters). In this new Dark Horse science-fiction book military scientist Kiara Rodriguez invents a device that allows her to talk to her cat Lou. The cat is special because it can astrally travel through space. Kiara's superiors are using her cat to conquer other planets and exploit their resources. They're the bad mans. This sounds familiar to me with Kiara's race being like Galactus and Lou like the Silver Surfer. I'm not much of a cat person so I'll pass on the rest of this story.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #8 - Donny Cates (writer) Cory Smith (art) David Curiel (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Rocket's back and we even get a mini origin story for the little furball. This issue also reveals what the Universal Church of Truth's very bad plans are. I loved seeing the cocoon. With the impending battle with Death, I'm wondering if Thanos is going to show up. This would be a cool way to bring the Mad Titan back.
 The Avant-Guards #7 - Carly Usdin (writer) Noah Hayes (art) Eleonora Bruni (colours) Ed Dukeshire (letters). The one and only basketball based comic book on the racks and it's a three points shot at the buzzer to win the game. I love the message about team work in this issue.
 Powers of X #3 - Jonathan Hickman (writer) R.B. Silva (art) Marte Gracia (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This issue clears things up for me. Nimrod is the big bad guy and Apocalypse is a good guy in this story. I'm so glad they took last issue to explain Moira's character and her mutant ability because she's crucial to everything going on. If you're not reading this and House of X, you're missing out on a major event in Marvel Mutant History.
 Marvel Action Spider-Man #7 - Delilah S. Dawson (writer) Fico Ossio (art) Ronda Pattison (colours) Shawn Lee (letters). Introducing Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat. Her bad luck powers have Peter, Gwen and Miles all tangled up. They're going to have to learn to work together to keep her from stealing again.
 The Superior Spider-Man #10 - Christos Gage (writer) Mike Hawthorne (pencils) Wade von Grawbadger (inks) Jordie Bellaire (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Man, Spidergeddon sure did cast a wide net. So the super villain for this story is revealed to be the Norman Osborn of Earth-44145. He wants revenge for being humiliated by the Superior Spider-Man during the debacle with the Inheritors. But first Norman is going to kill everybody that Otto cares about. It's a tried and true basis for many a comic book story but it still works great.
 Superman Year One #2 - Frank Miller (writer) John Romita Jr. (pencils) Danny Miki (inks) Alex Sinclair (colours) John Workman (letters). Okay, so Clark trains to be a Navy Seal so that Frank Miller can set it up for him to meet and fall in love with Lori Lemaris and clash with her father Poseidon. It was a slog for me to read through this issue. I think Miller was trying for something epic like The Odyssey by Homer. I found that Clark's time in the navy was contrived, which soured my enjoyment.
 Valkyrie #2 - Jason Aaron & Al Ewing (writers) Cafu (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). Why is it that the death in Batman #77 is bigger than the death in this comic book? Bullseye somehow got his hands on Valkyrie's sword Dragonfang and Jane Foster has to take it away from the killer or else a heck of a lot of innocent lives will be forfeit. The last line of this issue made me groan.
 Year of the Villain: Sinestro #1 - Mark Russell (writer) Yildiray Cinar (art) Julio Ferreira (inks pages 21 - 26) Hi-Fi (colours) Steve Wands (letters). A solo story of Sinestro doing Lex Luthor's bidding. This story uses sentient nanobots which to me was a silly concept. I thought they did a good job showing how smart and arrogant Sinestro is but unless you're a Green Lantern fan you don't need to read this.
 Year of the Villain: Black Mask #1 - Tom Taylor (writer) Cully Hamner (art) Dave Stewart (colours) Wes Abbott (letters). This is a good origin story and sets up the villain for what's coming next. These Year of the Villain one shots are a good way for new fans to learn about these characters which should give them a better understanding of their involvement in the big picture.
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 28 Febbraio al 6 Marzo 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, siamo agli sgoccioli, se avete una band, se siete cantautor*, iscrivetevi alle selezione dell' AREZZO WAVE Love Festival per il VENETO. https://www.arezzowave.com/concorso-arezzo-wave-band-2019/ CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ ᴥᴥᴥ SABATO 2 MARZO ᴥᴥᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) ᴥᴥᴥ LAST NITE Party torna e sgancia la bomba ospitando sul palco del Vinile i grandiosi DOWNTOWN BOYS (garage/punk/HC da Providence-RI- su SUBPOP Records) + i nostri bellissimi BRUUNO post-hardcore. dopo djset folgoranti e spaccaginocchia con CASTE / ORDINARY NOISE / CHECcO MERDeZ (LAMETTE). https://www.facebook.com/events/361818257729861/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 28 Febbraio ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA rock blues psychedelico per CABOOSE terzetto italico di stanza a Berlino. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) il cantautorato multicolore di JOE SANKETTI. ᴥ Biblioteca CIVICA piazza IV Novembre 48 MARTELLAGO (Ve) dalle 21 ultima data della rassegna "Volumi Sonici", con il progetto voodoo-blues dell'ottimo Mr.WOB e la sua band the CANES. ᴥ Osteria da FILO calle Tentor 1539 Santacroce VENEZIA dalle 19 Giovedì Grasso carnevalesco con gli accattivanti AL & JAY and the STONE CRAZY blues miscelato a reggae, funk e altro ancora. ᴥ Osteria Dai KANKARI via Fossa Donne 93 MARANO di Mira (Ve) concerto ridotto ed accomodante per DIPLOMATICO & il Collettivo NINCO NANCO. ᴥ POMOMERO osteria creativa via Castelletto 84 MAROSTICA (Vi) dal Belgio la rock pop per ELECTRIC CHÂTEAU progetto nato come one/man/bad e divenuto band vera a proprio. ► VENERDÌ 1° Marzo ᴥ BRENTA WAVE via Piave FONTANIVA (Pd) primo festival dell'anno, all'interno della sagra, si parte con il reggae degli EARTH BEAT MOVEMENT + soundsystem Bom Chilom. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) serata Dischi Soviet con il trio DON RODRIGUEZ, power rock, che presenterà i brani del nuovo disco. ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA in collaborazione con Padova Estrema live death/thrash con le band CHRONIC HATE, GRIND ZERO (Co) HORDER e i locals DETONATION BOULEVARD. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) carnevare rockabilly con il live per The MOGGIES e formidabili djset per LUKINO UNGAWA e MAT the CAT. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO rock fuso con il jazz altamente energetico per i ROOTS ON BOOTS. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) sul palco salirà REDY MIK e i suoi GROOVERS. ᴥ HOME Rock Bar via Fonderia 73 TREVISO sarà qui CYBORG ZERO power blues duo nato dalle ceneri dei Cyborgs. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) dal Texas arrivano Keegan Mc INROE & Matt TEDDER tra blues folk e country. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) sesto appuntamento Voci Sparse alla scoperta della scena underground, presentazione disco per i MDM, poi EAST SUNSET e DIPLOMATICO & il Collettivo NINCO NANCO. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) un tranquillo venerdì punk/hardcore con le band RESET CLAN (Vr) DEFINITE (Go) e OSSACAVE (To) ᴥ PIKA Future Club via Salisburgo 10c VERONA intensa serata hardcore con gli storici e leggendari RAW POWER, con loro anche ROUND7, EGOCIDE e ANGOSSA. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) dalla Lessinia con furore i TIME TO ROCK, presenteranno il loro ultimo disco "From Fire" hardrock. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA in collaborazione con HERØ Booking un'intensa serata con i live per SUNPOCRISY (postprogr/BS) NORTHWOODS (noisecore/PG) VESPERTINA (funeral pop/PG) e i gli enormi STORM{O}. ► SABATO 2 Marzo ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) grande evento THREE BLACKBIRDS con protagonista il raffinato cantautore PAOLO BENVEGNÙ, già leader degli Scisma, in apertura l'eroe locale Tommaso MANTELLI in versione acustica. ᴥ BRENTA WAVE via Piave FONTANIVA (Pd) seconda serata del festival con INDIANIZER psych tropical beat, in apertura gli ottimi GRAPPA, a seguire djset Wet Hot Rookies. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8a TREBASELEGHE (Pd) alternative rock per i BOOK of MIRRORS. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) in collaborazione con HERØ Booking presentazione disco per i WRONG WAY TO DIE metalcore, ad accompagnarli PROSPECTIVE e SEVENTH OAR. ᴥ AE ROSE via Battisti MARSANGO di Campo San Martino (Pd) i Fuochi di Amon Din organizza i live per le band BUNKER 66 (Messina) BARBARIAN (Toscana) e CHILDREN of the VOID (Ferrara). ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA un viaggio tra musica elettronica, acustica ed improvvisata per I SORDI progetto dei fratelli Nicolin. ᴥ Cso PEDRO via Ticino 5 PADOVA tappa patavina per la presentazione del nuovo disco per i TRE ALLEGRI RAGAZZI MORTI, in apertura PISSED LANE, djset Momostock. ᴥ SAN LEONARDO Libreria Universitaria piazza S.Maria Battuti 16 TREVISO dalle 18:30 concerto chitarra acustica in solo, con qualche pedale e un pochino di elettronica per CHRISTY DORAN, grande chitarrista irlandese. ᴥ BRITANNIA Pub via Crico 29 FOSSALUNGA di Vedelago (Tv) serata alternativa rock metallosa con i WELKIN (Tv) e BLARING SILENCE (Ve). ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO diverte garage rock'n'roll per I GILET con cantato in italiano che presentano il nuovo disco, al pomeriggio showcase all' INDIE Records Store via Inferiore 31 TREVISO. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) festa per il primo compleanno del locale con le band LOSTAIR metal/VI LOUWIPER stoner/TV e SCYTHER thrash/PD-VE. ᴥ CLUB 27 via Romanina 29 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) carnevale rockabilly con il trio POSITIVA vintage revisited. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) ritorno live in showcase acustico per i BLOODY MILLIONARIE roots rock. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) carnevale hardrock/metal/hardcore con ben quattro band, PERFECT FIT, HELL'n'THEN, BRAIN of MAGGOTe NV CIRCLE. ᴥ GATTO ROSSO via Forte Marghera 30 MESTRE a Forte Marghera si celebra la tradizione con il BATI MARSO, suoneranno I GONDOLIERI. ᴥ ORVETT Space via Vittoria 75 MUSSOLENTE (Vi) quelli di UGLYDOGS Aps mettono a segno un altro grande colpo ospitando una delle quattro date italiane del tour di GRANT LEE PHILLIPS impegnato in un unplugged solitario, fondatore di Grnat Lee Buffalo, in apertura i padroni di casa ONCEwereSIXTY. ᴥ Bar COMPANY via Are SANDRIGO (Vi) release party per I PROMESSI SPOLPI punk rock alla vecchia. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA rock blues psychedelico per CABOOSE terzetto italico di stanza a Berlino. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA in collaborazione con HERØ Booking saranno qui stasera i JASPERS (la band di Quelli che del Calcio), con loro The LIZARDS'INVASION e i REESE. ► DOMENICA 3 Marzo ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo punk'n'roll con le band SHITTY LIFE (Pr/Tn) e i locals CUORE MATTO. ᴥ INDIE Records Shop via Inferiore 31 TREVISO dalle 17:30 presentazione in negozio del nuovo disco "Doom Spring" per il grande CONNY OCHS che eseguirà anche qualche brano in acustico. ᴥ Studio 33 GIRI via IX Strada 21 Z.Industriale FOSSÒ (Ve) dalle 18 doppio concerto carnevalesco per i VOLUME 33 (band dello studio) e per LES MANOVELLES che presentano il disco nuovo. ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici 11 TREVISO presso l'osteria Mandragora SISMA mvmnt presenta i veneziani DENOISE con il cantante Bruno Sponchia. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA dalle 18:30 appuntamento intimo ed acustico "Tiny Desk" con protagonista la giovane cantautrice MARION MORODER. ᴥ OTTO & MEZZO Cafè piazza Prandina 9 S.PIETRO in GÙ (Pd) aperitivo organizzato da Sorry MoM, che festeggia il proprio boss, con due acustici: JOE KEDDA e gli ARCANA OPERA. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) dalle 19 aperitivo con presentazione nuovo disco per GLINCOLTI (Go DOwn Records) rock progressive ed acido, in apertura ROCKERS's GUITAR. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 aperitivo con i giovani genovesi SAAM emo/posthardcore. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA dopo cena jazz con il duo formato dai grandi Giulio CAMPAGNOLO e Gioele PAGLIACCIA che incontra Riccardo DI VINCI. ᴥ DUMP galleria Bailo TREVISO dopo la presentazione pomeridiana all'Indie, si terrà qui il concerto vero e proprio di CONNY OCHS cantautore dark folk. ► LUNEDÌ 4 Marzo ᴥ non serve che vi mascheriate, indossate maschere ogni giorno. ► MARTEDÌ 5 Marzo ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) grasso martedì al faro, suoneranno i francesi STONE CAVALLI post-punk-wave duo da Grenoble. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA passa per la città patavina il tour di tre artisti svedesi, MAG one/woman/orchestra  poi LAUGHING EYE ovvero Hanna Östrergen a chiudere i fesetggimanti del martedì grasso DJ KOLONI. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) raduno mensile del collettivo di polistrumentisti delle RAINY VALLEY Sessions, aperto il palco anche a jam session. ► MERCOLEDÌ 6 Marzo ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Pontecorvo 1a PADOVA vinelli, cicchetti, birre artigianali e concerto per MAGGIORE cantautorato indiepop. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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Battle of The Walking Dead - Batch#1 Heats (featuring Maggie, Travis, Alicia and Shane!)
Let the Battle of The Walking Dead begin!
Here we have the first of four batches... featuring 16 characters from the AMC series THE WALKING DEAD and FEAR THE WALKING DEAD.
Get yourselves over to twitter - add procrastinalien -and get voting for your favourites.
So, who can you vote for?  Let's find out!
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We first met Dwight in the sixth season of TWD.  Daryl met him in the woods, along with his wife Sherry. When we met him later, Dwight had become a member of Negan's Saviors… and was responsible for killing Dr Denise with Dwight's own crossbow.  Eventually Dwight proved to be an ally rather than foe, as he turned on Negan (the guy who scarred his face with an iron, and took his wife for his own).  Dwight is played by Austin Amelio,
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Jerry! Jerry!  Jerry quickly became a fan favourite from his first appearance in the Kingdom in season seven in THE WALKING DEAD.  Although really only a supporting character, Jerry is a loyal warrior under King Ezekiel, as well as a cool babysitter for baby Grace.  Jerry is played by Cooper Andrews.
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Alex was actually first seen in online spin-off FLIGHT 462, before she joined the regular cast of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, if only for a couple of episodes in the show's second season.  Played by Michelle Ang, Alex is still alive so could pop up in future episodes.
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Amy was Andrea's sister, and really one of the first of the notable characters to be bitten by a walker.  She only appeared in the first season of THE WALKING DEAD.  She was played by Emma Bell.
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We first met the cowardly Gregory in season 6 of THE WALKING DEAD, in his role as leader of the Hilltop community.  Since then he's only shown loyalty to himself, trying to save his own backside in the war with Negan.  Gregory has basically be de-throwned by Maggie Rhee, so it'll be interesting to see where the character goes from this point.
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Right at the beginning, Shane was Rick's best friend and partner at work.  After the breakout, and with Rick in hospital, Shane looked after Lori and Carl.  He fell for Lori and they started a secret relationship. When Lori fell pregnant, it was suggested the baby - Judith - is Shane's.  During the second season of TWD, Shane essentially became the villain of the piece... it all came down to a fierce fight between Shane and Rick.  Shane was killed, and turned.  Carl them shot Walker Shane.  Shane was played by Jon Bernthal.
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Daniel used to torture people for his job... that's a skill that can come in handy during a zombie apocalypses, and has been several times during the first three seasons of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD.  During the second season he was left for dead in a fire, but survived.  Right now, after the time jump, Daniel is AWOL.   Ruben Blades plays the character, and word is he'll be returning at some point during the fourth season.
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A member of the Alexandria Safe Zone, Jessie made a quick impression on Rick Grimes from her first appearance in season five of TWD.  Jessie and Rick became an item following the death of her husband, but when the safe zone was over-run with walkers, sadly Jessie - along with her two sons - were bitten and killed.   Jessie was played by Alexandra Breckenridge.
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During the third season of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, the Clark family found themselves on the Otto Ranch.  Jeremiah seemed a good guy at first, but digging into his past, Madison didn't like what she found.  Jeremiah was a violent man and wanted things done his way. Dayton Callie played the senior Otto until the character's violent death.
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Lori was the wife of Rick Grimes, and mother to Carl and Judith.    During the outbreak, believing Rick to be dead, Lori started a relationship with Shane, falling pregnant.  It was this pregnancy which would eventually kill her... in a troubled birth, Maggie was forced to perform a C-section on Lori... and then Carl had to kill her before she turned.  Sarah Wayne Callies played Lori for the first three seasons of THE WALKING DEAD. 
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Caesar was on of The Governor's followers at Woodbury.  A recurring character, played by Jose Pablo Cantillo during TWD's third and fourth season.  When The Governor disappears after the fall of Woodbury, Martinez becomes a leader - of a small group that includes Tara and Lily Chambler - but when The Governor returns, Caesar finds himself dragged into a walker pit.
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We first met Maggie on the Greene farm, in TWD's second season.  Maggie fell for Glenn Rhee and they become the romantic story of the series.  When separated from each other, after the fall of the prison, finding each other became a driving force in the series.  In season six, she fell pregnant with Glenn's baby... before Glenn was killed by Negan.�� Since his death, a pregnant Maggie has taken over as leader of the Hilltop community.  Maggie is played by Lauren Cohan.
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When Tyreese' group showed up at the prison in the third season of TWD, Rick turned them away, and they found themselves aligned with The Governor.  They switched sides though, joined the Prison eventually.  When his wife became ill, she was killed by Carol - something Tyreese found out about, but forgave her.  Eventually, Tyreese was bitten by a walker and left Sasha the last member of their group alive.  Tyreese was played by Chad L Coleman.
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When Dr Eugene Porter said he knew a cure for the Zombie Apocalypse, Sergeant Ford made it his mission to get the doctor to Washington DC.  However, when it became apparent, Eugene had been lying, Ford lost his sense of purpose for a while.  On the road, Abraham, Eugene and Rosita (Abe's lover) met Glenn and Tara following the fall of the prison... which eventually lead to them joining Rick's group.  In Alexandria, Abe found himself falling for Sasha, dumping Rosita in the process.  Fresh into their relationship, all three found themselves on their knees in the dreaded lineup in front of Negan.  Abraham was the first regular character to be killed by Negan, getting his head caved in by a baseball bat whilst everyone watched - including both Rosita and Sasha.  Abraham was played by Michael Cudlitz from season four to season seven of the TWD.
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The father figure in the FEAR THE WALKING DEAD cast, Travis, a peaceful man, was boyfriend to Madison Clark, who took a darker route,  Travis was forced to kill Liza his ex wife, after she was bitten, and became a darker man himself after the death of his son, Chris.  During the show's third season, Travis was shot and let himself fall out of a helicopter to his death.  Travis was played by Cliff Curtis.
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Madison's daughter, and sister to Nick, Alicia seemed to be the softest of the Clark family.  She's grown in confidence however, and now - in the fourth season of FEAR THE WALKING DEAD, Alicia finds herself the last Clark standing alive.  Alycia Debnam-Carey has played Alicia since the first season.
So there you go, people.  Those are your 16 characters, ready for you to vote for your favourites.  Who will be popular enough to make it into the quarter-finals?  That's up to you.  You've got three days to vote!
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Octobre 09. Project Pitchfork – Petit Bain 10. Carbon Sink + Belmont Witch + Gauchoir + Sissifioul – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) (gratuit) 10. Futuroscope : cinéconcert sur des films du Bauhaus (fest. des cinémas différents) – Grand Action 12. Casio judiciaire – Chair de Poule (gratuit) 12. Peter Kernel & Their Wicked Orchestra + Tiny Feet + Adam H. – Petit Bain 12. Mlacoler Culkin + Rouge Gorge + Passenger of Shit + Tabatra$h (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les Nautes 12. Techno Thriller + Axel Larsen + Svezia Inferno + Haydée – La Java 13. Heimat + Stakattak + Marietta + Moyo + Iueke – La Station 13. Zëro + Heliogabale – Batofar 13. Part Chimp – La Mécanique ondulatoire 13. Urs Graf Consort + Marius Loris & Blanca Camell Gali + Grammata – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Shifted + Artefakt + Giorgio Gigli – Concrete 14. Apulati Bien + Accou + Radiante pourpre + O.Xander + Théo Muller b2b Calcuta – La Station 14. Forest Swords (Biennale Nemo) – Badaboum 14. Wardruna + Dayazell – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 14. Elsiane + Jad Wio – La Java 14. The Pilotwings + Goto80 + Constance Chlore + Bill Vortex + Tryphème + Franck Gérard + Sauk from Mélodies souterraines (Serendip Lab fest.) – Les caves Lechapelais 14. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux + Le Fruit vert – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14. Totorro + Faire + Julien Gasc – théâtre Antoine-Vitez (Ivry/Seine) 14. Bas Mooy + Clouds + Verset Zéro + Yan Kaylen + Paulie Jan + Terdjman – La Machine 14. UVB + Yann Cook + Anthro + Run X b2b Herrmann + Kuss – tba 15. Daikiri : cinéconcert sur "Epileptic Seizure Comparison" de Paul Sharits (fest. des cinémas différents) – cinéma Le Grand Action 16. Micah P. Hinson – Point FMR 17. Les Hôpitaux + None – L'International (gratuit) 17. Robedoor + Chicaloyoh – Olympic café 17. Unsane + Pamplemousse – Petit Bain 18. Soft Kill + Minab + Dead – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Richard Francès & Konpyuta + Cycloptik + Sneakhead (Serendip Lab fest.) – La gare XP 18. Loth + Ave Tenebrae + Le seul élément – Olympic café 18. Red Axes + Poison Point – La Station 18. Me Donner + Andcl + Otim Alpha & Leo P – L'Époque 19. Nosfell – Café de la danse 19. Pharmakon + Ensemble économique + Deeat Palace – La Station 19. Robin Fox & Sean Baxter + Thomas Ankersmit (Biennale Nemo) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 20. Avenir + Affreux Beat – Le Zorba (gratuit) 20. Marylou Guerra + Gaël Segalen + Blason – Le Génie d'Alex 20. Gary Numan – Trabendo 20. Mattias Aguayo & The Desdemonas + La Mverte + Casse Gueule – La Maroquinerie 20. Otto Von Schirach + Distorsion tropicale + DJ Diamond 999 (Serendip Lab fest.) – Petit Bain 20. Bogdan Raczynski – Batofar 20. Bader Motor – Doc 21. Hypnobeat + Josh Cheon + LAAM + CIA débutante (Serendip Lab fest.) – L'Esplanade 21. Jarboe + Father Murphy – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 21. AZF + Von GDK + Waldman – Sacré club 21. Codex Empire + Pär Grindvik + Parfait + Setaoc Mass + Shed – Dock Eiffel (Aubervilliers) 23. Sly and the Family Drone + Grid – Olympic café 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 24. The Dream Syndicate – Centre Barbara FGO 24. Kenny Larkin & Erik Truffaz jouent Miles Davis + Gui Boratto & Ksenija Sidorova jouent Astor Piazzolla + Marc Romboy & Tamar Halperin jouent Henry Purcell + Arnaud Rebotini & Céline Scheen jouent John Dowland + Maud Geffray & Lavinia Meijer jouent Philip Glass – La Cigale 25. Gazelle Twin + Vatican Shadow + Powell (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 25. Lite + Bennasr Alghandour – Olympic café 25. Rinji Fukuoka & Michel Henritzi + Trou aux rats + Yves Botz & Bruno Fernandes + William Nurdin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. N.M.O. + Aufgang (Biennale Nemo) – Hasard ludique 26. King Dude + The Ruins of Beverast + (D O L C H) – Petit Bain 26. Cent ans de solitude + The Dead Goldfish Ensemble + Club Dilletante (Serendip Lab fest.) – Gare XP 26. Sete Star Sept + Maria Bertel & Mariachi – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 26. Uriel Barthélémi & Mathieu Sanchez : We are Stellar (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alexandre Bellanger & Marek Jason Isleib (fest. En chair et en son)  – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. The Breeders – Gaîté lyrique 27. MoE + Dead + Chafouin – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 27. Don Vito + La Confraternita del Purgatorio + Bob Cooper – La Comedia Michelet (Montreuil) 27. David Fenech & Tamara Pitzer (fest. En chair et en son)  ��� Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 27. SNTS + W.LV.S (The Driver vs Electric Rescue) + Minimum Syndicat + Hemka – La Machine 27. Paula Temple + Blawan + Len Farki + Thurman b2b Julian M. + Avalon Emerson + SHDW & Obscure Shape + Madben + Maxime Dangles + Mark Höffen + Präri (Big Bang fest.) – Les Docks de Paris (Saint-Denis) 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon 28. Bo Ningen – La Maroquinerie 28. Jerusalem in my Heart + Oiseaux-Tempête, Mondkopf & G.W. Sok – Centre Barbara-FGO 28. Big Brave – Gare XP 28. Delacave + Ventre de Biche + Le Prince Harry – Gibus 28. UVB76 + Omega Point + Vox Low... (fest. Rou(x)-teur) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 28. BlackNox + Cocoon + Paradis Noir + Super Stoned (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28. Spacelex + Waterproof + Botine + Musique chienne (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 28. Tommy Four Seven + VSK + Oake + Stephanie Sykes – Concrete 29. Omar Di Bongo + Raymond IV + Sacré numéro + Couloir Gang + OKO dj + Opaque (Serendip Lab fest.) – Wonder/Liebert (Bagnolet) 30. Boss Hog – La Maroquinerie
Novembre 01. La Cabine : cinéconcert sur "Mimesis" + Hélas – La Station 02. The National + Ride + Chassol + This is the Kit + Moses Sumney + Mina Tindle + Ethan Lipton & his Orchestra + Kevin Morby (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. Jungle + Kamasi Washington + Polo & Pan + Isaac Delusion + Sylvan Esso + Cigarettes after Sex + Andy Shauf + HMLTD + Rejjie Snow + Tommy Genesis (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 03. The Residents : In Between Dreams – Centre Pompidou 03. Skullflower + Kleistwahr + Jean-Marc Foussat – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Amelie Lens + Anetha + Präri – Rex Club 04. Run The Jewels +  Talaboman + Badbadnotgood + The Blaze + Bicep + Sigrid + Princess Nokia + Jacques + Loyle Carner + Tom Misch + The Black Madonna + Sônge (Pitchfork fest.) – Grande Halle de La Villette 04. Toumani Diabaté + Memo + Gaspi – Cabaret sauvage 06. John Maus – La Maroquinerie ||COMPLET|| 07. Godspeed you! Black Emperor – Elysée Montmartre 07. Max Cooper (Biennale Nemo) – Gaîté lyrique 08. Vincent Epplay (fest. FAME) – Médiathèque musicale de Paris|Forum des Halles (gratuit) 08. Zola Jesus – Point FMR 08. The Wedding Present plays "George Best" – Petit Bain 08. The Horrors – Trabendo 09. Annabelle Playe (Biennale Nemo) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) 10. Red Zebra + Pour X raison – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Golden Oriole + Lotte Anker + Réservé aux insensés (fest. Coax) – Centre Barbara-FGO 11. Keith Fullerton Whitman + Chris Watson [+ Biosphere : ANNULÉ] + Éliane Radigue (diff.) – Maison de la radio 11. Rien virgule + Mette Rasmussen & Julien Desprez + Sarah Terral (fest. Coax) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 13. Liars – La Maroquinerie 14. Shannon Wright – Gaîté lyrique 14. BJ Nilsen + Thomas Tilly + Les Acharnistes – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie 16. NSDOS + Watchin' with Milesdavisquintet ! (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 16/17. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 17. Trisomie 21 + The Saint-Cyr + Rendez-Vous – La Machine 17. Dälek – Batofar 17. Up-Tight + France – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 17. Transglobal Underground feat. Natacha Atlas + Asgaya – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 18. Mr D & The Fangs + Nick Grey & The Random – Supersonic (gratuit) 18. Max Richter : Sleep – Le Studio|Philharmonie de Paris ||COMPLET|| 18. Essaie pas + Nova Materia + Colombey – La Maroquinerie 18. Kristoff K.Roll : A l'ombre des ondes (fest. d'Automne) – La Pop 18. Operant + Verset Zero – Olympic café 19. Ulver – La Machine 19. Agnostic Front + Bishops Green – Gibus 19. Thurston Moore – Café de la danse 21. Sun Kil Moon – Gaîté lyrique 21. Metz + Decibelles + Drahla – Trabendo 21>24. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – Espace Pierre-Cardin 22. Annabelle Playe & Hugo Darcier + Robert Piotrowicz + Floris Vanhoof (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Carl Michael Von Hausswolf + Julien Ottavi + Jean Philippe Gross (fest. Bruits blancs/Biennale Nemo) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 24. Ensemble Ire (Kasper Toeplitz & Franck Vigroux) + ErikM + Benjamin De la Fuente (fest. Bruits blancs) – Anis Gras (Arcueil) 23. Sophia + Dead Horse One – Espace B 23. Clan of Xymox + My Great Blue Cadillac – Bus Palladium 23. Modeselektor (dj) + Tijana T + Simo Cell – Rex Club 24. Emma Ruth Rundle – Espace B 24. Laibach – Trabendo 24. Arnold Dreyblatt + Prescott + Borja Flames (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 24. Zombie Zombie + Aufgang – Le Tamanoir (Gennevilliers) 25. Stranglers – La Cigale 25. Mount Kimbie – Trianon 25. Mark Lanegan – Café de la danse 25. Protomartyr + Pierre & Bastien – La Maroquinerie 25. Etienne Jaumet, Peter Kember & Céline Wadier : La Monte Young Tribute + Colleen + Accident du travail (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 25. Dynatron + Christine + Mlada Fronta – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 25. Phase fatale & Silent Servant – La Machine 26. Quator Tana joue "Mishima" de Philip Glass – Collège des Bernardins 26. Ropoporose + Die!Die!Die! – Batofar 26. James Holden & The Animal Spirits + Groupshow (Andrew Pekler, Jan Jelinek & Hanno Leichtmann) + Paalma (BBMix fest.) – Carré Bellefeuille (Boulogne-Billancourt) 27. Marilyn Manson – Bercy|Arena 28. Chapelier fou – Le 104 28. John Zorn & Abraxas + Autoryno + Garth Knox – New Morning 28. Totorro + La Jungle – Badaboum 30. Simon Fisher Turner : The Picture from Darkness (Biennale Nemo : Optical Sound) – Le Cube (Issy-lès-Moulineaux) (gratuit)
Décembre 02. Carl Craig + Bambounou + Chloé + Fabrizio Rat (fest. Marathon!) – Gaîté lyrique 02. Frustration + Komplikations + Plomb – La Clef (Saint-Germain-en-Laye) 03. Depeche Mode – Bercy|Arena 08. Punish Yourself – La Maroquinerie 09. Plug (Biennale Nemo) – Le 104 (gratuit) 09. Pascal Comelade, Ivan Telefunken & Charles Berberian + Sophie Agnel & Jérôme Noetinger (dessin) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 10. Chocolat Billy & Sam Mary (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 12. Snap + Martin Messier (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 12. Zayk + Hyperculte – Centre culturel suisse 12. Le Club des animistes (Vincent Epplay & Ravi Shardja) (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 14. Diemo Schwarz : musique pour "Wolfson" d'Anne Ropers (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Jessica93 + Bryan's Magic Tears – La Maroquinerie 15. Déficit des années antérieures + TWVSTCG (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 15. Oiseaux-Tempête – Paul B. (Massy) 15/16. Éléonore Auzou-Connes, Emma Liégeois & Romain Pageard jouent "Musiques de table" de Thierry De Mey – La Pop 16. Ensemble électron (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa) 16. Marius Loris + Les Hôpitaux (Semaine du bizarre) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) (gratuit sur résa)
Janvier 23. Uriel Barthélémi (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 26. Alex Augier + Paul Jebanasam & Tarik Barri + Daniele Ghisi + Rune Clerup + Alexander Schubert (Biennale Nemo) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 30/31. Pierre-Yves Macé & Joris Lacoste (festival d'Automne) – L'Apostrophe (Cergy-Pontoise) 31. Doplereffekt & AntiVJ : "Entropy" (Biennale Nemo) – L'Avant-Seine (Colombes)
Février 02. Uriel Barthélémi, Gaspar Claus & Maude Trudet (Biennale Nemo) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Nils Frahms – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo ||COMPLET|| 15. Franck Vigroux & Laurent Gaudé : "Le Chant des ombres" – L'Ecam (Le Kremlin-Bicêtre) 16. Radian + David Rothenberg & Scanner (Biennale Nemo) – La Dynamo (Pantin)
Mars 07/08. Ryuchi Sakamoto & Shiro Takatani (Dumb Type) : "Dis.Play" – Maison de la Culture du Japon 23. PurForm + TRDLX (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 23. Pierre Henry + Anabelle Playe + John Chantler + Bill Orcutt + Anthony Child (Présences électronique) (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 24. Alva Noto & Anne-James Chaton : Alphabet (Biennale Nemo) – Grande Halle de La Villette 24. Else Marie Pade + :such: + Bellows + Phonophani + The Caretaker (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104 25. Jacques Lejeune + Chris Corsano + Ben Vida & Marina Rosenfeld + Mads Emil Nielsen + Gravetemple (Présences électronique) – Maison de la radio|Studio 104
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last newsDes concerts à Paris et autour
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SAIL 2016 - Campionato Italiano Dinghy 12’ - 2016 - Vittorio D’Albertas vincitore - 2016
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4 settembre 2016 - Con cinque prove disputate, si è concluso oggi sabato 3 settembre l’81° Campionato Italiano Dinghy 12’, organizzato dallo Yacht Club Hannibal con la partnership di Stroili Gioielli e la collaborazione dello Yacht Club Portopiccolo.  Un’edizione di elevato livello tecnico espresso dagli almeno venti timonieri in grado di aspirare al titolo: dopo una serrata lotta all’ultimo bordo, la vittoria assoluta è andata al ligure Vittorio D’Albertas (CV Santa Margherita Ligure) seconda piazza per il veneziano Massimo Schiavon (CN Chioggia) e terza per Ubaldo Bruni (CC Roggero di Lauria), papà dei campioni Francesco e Gabriele. Primo tra i classici Antonio “Toni” Anghileri (SC Lecco), mentre la Campionessa Italiana2016, al suo decimo titolo, è Paola Randazzo (CV Sicilia). Ottimo risultato Under 28 per la slovena Lara Poljsek (YC Portoroz), quinta assoluta e vincitrice dei Trofeo Stroili Gioielli e del Trofeo Daccà riservato ai giovani. Anche nell’ultima giornata di regate Monfalcone non ha deluso le aspettative dei regatanti con la giornata di maggiore intensità, grazie ad un maestrale che ha raggiunto gli otto nodi.   Il successo di giornata è andato al veneziano Luciano Foscolo, sparring partner storico di Dodo Gorla, primo al traguardo sabato 3 settembre che ha distanziato il leader del Campionato, Vittorio D’Albertas. Il Golfo di Panzano ha regalato un campo di regata dominato nelle giornate del Campionato da venti perlopiù leggeri ed  incostanti, a volte di moderata intensità, che hanno fatto emergere tutta la difficoltà di conduzione e la tecnicità di questa deriva senza  tempo.  Ideata nel 1913 dall’avvocato inglese George Cockshott, il Dinghy 12’ è infatti un barca sempre attuale, che ha con Monfalcone e lo Yacht Club Hannibal un legame privilegiato. Fu proprio con Il Dinghy che nel 1928 Tito Nordio -cui è intitolata la Scuola Vela dello Yacht Club Hannibal- partecipò ai Giochi Olimpici di Amsterdam, classificandosi sesto.  Monfalcone regalò alla classe svariati campioni, tra i quali Sergio Michel vincitore assoluto nel 1994 del Campionato, guarda caso disputato proprio a Monfalcone, rappresentato idealmente in questa edizione 2016 dal figlio Enrico (SV Oscar Cosulich), oggi titolare di un cantiere nautico che costruisce anche Dinghy 12’ e che, con grande emozione si è classificato settimo assoluto. La cerimonia di premiazione che si è protratta fino a sera inoltrata dopo la prova di giornata conclusa alle 17.30 si è tenuta presso l’Arena della Scuola Vela Tito Nordio, alla presenza delle autorità cittadine, il Sindaco di Monfalcone Silvia Altran e il Presidente del Coni Friuli Venezia Giulia Giorgio Brandolin, del Direttore Loris Plet e ditutto lo staff Yacht Club Hannibal, dello Sponsor Stroili Gioielli e dei rappresentanti dello Yacht Club Portopiccolo. Grande soddisfazione da parte dei regatanti, provenienti da tutta la penisola, per la buona riuscita della manifestazione e per la cortesia e attenzione del personale Yacht Club Hannibal, che non ha mancato di far sentire tutti a casa, per l’intera durata dell’evento. Il Segretario nazionale di classe, Francesca Lodigiani, ha commentato al termine della cerimonia “Un Campionato difficile dal punto di vista meteo, dove i migliori sono riusciti ad interpretare al meglio i salti di vento e ad imporsi sulla flotta. Bello il duello tra il ligure Vittorio D’Albertas, già campione nel 2014 e l’ottimo Massimo Schiavon, che ha sfiorato il titolo per soli tre punti. Siamo molto soddisfatti dell’ospitalità dello Yacht Club Hannibal e del Marina, che ci ha seguito con entusiasmo, cura e professionalità”. In occasione della Cena di Gala offerta da Portopiccolo ai partecipanti al Campionato Italiano Dinghy 12’ è stata promossa una raccolta fondi in favore del terremotati di Amatrice.   Nel corso della cena tenuta presso la suggestiva piazzetta a Sistiana, tra ottimi vini e cibo raffinato, il Direttore dello YC Portopiccolo Giorgio Martin ha proposto agli armatori un’asta benefica con prestigiosi premi, il cui importo sarà devoluto al Comune di Amatrice per un aiuto diretto alle popolazioni colpite dal sisma.
FROM http://www.navigamus.info/2016/09/campionato-italiano-dinghy-12-vittorio.html
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honeyndaylight · 7 years
119, 120, 127 I AM INTERESTED
Favorite book?
theres nothing i love more than reading a good book so this might be hard. there are three that i love so much so ill list them starting with my all time fav first.
1. Lost and Found series by Lori L. Otto. this series has three books, and nothing has ever made me cry so hard, i had to take a break in between reading because it killed me!! i defiantly recommend reading
2. Just One Day and the second book Just One Year by Gayle Forman. i read these two books in one night, theyre amazingggg!
3. Where She Went also by Gayle Forman. this book is the second in the If I Stay series but i definalty loved this one a lot more than the first book
Are you afraid of the dark?
I used to have a nightlight up until i was like 11? but i do still get scared if i start over thinking things and imagining things,  i usually like to sleep with my tv on those nights
What makes you happy?
I feel like i should say my family but………………………watching my favorite movies all day while it snows outside and a little peppermint hot coco doesn’t hurt,,,,, then if you add a cozy harry into that mix id die of happiness
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inloveandwords · 4 years
This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story).
I’ve decided in 2020 that I’m going to do this twice a month and double the number of books that I’m going through (so, I’ll be doing 20 books for the rest of the year, twice a month). I have way too many books on my Goodreads TBR and I need to fix that!
I’m also thinking about completely redoing my Goodreads shelves – stay tuned!
It works like this
Go to your Goodreads to-read shelf.
Order on ascending date added.
Take the first 5 or 10 books (I’m doing 20 because I have way too many on my list)
Read the synopsis of the books
Decide: keep it or should it go?
Lost and Found (Emi Lost & Found #1) by Lori L. Otto
Independent and sensitive, idealistic and hopeful, Emi Hennigan lives her life with optimism and an open mind. Between sharing a tiny Manhattan apartment with her fun-loving roommate and spending most of her free time with her heart-breaker friend, Emi’s seen enough failed relationships to know what to avoid in her quest to find her true love. Not only that, but a single moment from her past lingers in her mind, setting high expectations for every man she dates.
Emi’s best friend, artist and hopeless romantic Nate Wilson, has been her closest companion all of their adult lives. After swearing off love with Emi in a silly high school pact, Nate has been seeing other women in hopes of finding one that evokes stronger feelings than the ones he’s been harboring for Emi since he was a teen. Over the span of a year, boundaries are crossed, feelings are confessed, and their unique friendship begins to blossom into something more.
Through Nate’s eyes, an atypical romance unfolds, disrupting the comfortable safe haven their friendship has provided. With a promising future ahead of them both, fate intervenes to bring two soul mates together.
Photography and cover design by Christi Allen Curtis, assisted by Katrina Boone
Date added to TBR: 12/19/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I don’t remember adding this?
Angels Watching Over Me (Angels Trilogy #1) by Lurlene McDaniel
Happy Holidays! Bah humbug. “Happy” is not the way Leah Lewis-Hall would describe herself at the moment. She’s spending her twelve days of Christmas in an Indianapolis hospital, while her mother is thousands of miles away on a honeymoon with husband number five. Leah went to the doctor with nothing more than a broken finger, but he ordered her to undergo some tests. Now she’s stuck in the hospital, alone. Then Leah meets her hospital roommate, a young Amish girl named Rebekah, and her big family. Cynical sixteen-year-old Leah has never known people like this before. From Rebekah’s handsome brother, Ethan, who can barely look Leah in the eye, to her kind older sister, Charity, the Amish family captivates Leah with its simple, loving ways. When Leah receives frightening information about her condition, her new friends show her that miracles can happen. And that sometimes angels appear in the most unexpected places.
Date added to TBR: 12/19/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Super not interested in this one anymore
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green
Katherine V thought boys were gross Katherine X just wanted to be friends Katherine XVIII dumped him in an e-mail K-19 broke his heart
When it comes to relationships, Colin Singleton’s type happens to be girls named Katherine. And when it comes to girls named Katherine, Colin is always getting dumped. Nineteen times, to be exact.
On a road trip miles from home, this anagram-happy, washed-up child prodigy has ten thousand dollars in his pocket, a bloodthirsty feral hog on his trail, and an overweight, Judge Judy-loving best friend riding shotgun–but no Katherines. Colin is on a mission to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which he hopes will predict the future of any relationship, avenge Dumpees everywhere, and finally win him the girl.
Love, friendship, and a dead Austro-Hungarian archduke add up to surprising and heart-changing conclusions in this ingeniously layered comic novel about reinventing oneself.
Date added to TBR: 12/21/16 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: I’ve heard good things about this one and I’m still somewhat interested.
Odd Thomas (Odd Thomas #1) by Dean Koontz
“The dead don’t talk. I don’t know why.” But they do try to communicate, with a short-order cook in a small desert town serving as their reluctant confidant. Odd Thomas thinks of himself as an ordinary guy, if possessed of a certain measure of talent at the Pico Mundo Grill and rapturously in love with the most beautiful girl in the world, Stormy Llewellyn.
Maybe he has a gift, maybe it’s a curse, Odd has never been sure, but he tries to do his best by the silent souls who seek him out. Sometimes they want justice, and Odd’s otherworldly tips to Pico Mundo’s sympathetic police chief, Wyatt Porter, can solve a crime. Occasionally they can prevent one. But this time it’s different.
A mysterious man comes to town with a voracious appetite, a filing cabinet stuffed with information on the world’s worst killers, and a pack of hyena-like shades following him wherever he goes. Who the man is and what he wants, not even Odd’s deceased informants can tell him. His most ominous clue is a page ripped from a day-by-day calendar for August 15.
Today is August 14.
In less than twenty-four hours, Pico Mundo will awaken to a day of catastrophe. As evil coils under the searing desert sun, Odd travels through the shifting prisms of his world, struggling to avert a looming cataclysm with the aid of his soul mate and an unlikely community of allies that includes the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll. His account of two shattering days when past and present, fate and destiny converge is the stuff of our worst nightmares, and a testament by which to live: sanely if not safely, with courage, humor, and a full heart that even in the darkness must persevere.
Date added to TBR: 12/21/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Why is this even on here?
The Red Notebook by Antoine Laurain, Jane Aitken, Emily Boyce
Heroic bookseller Laurent Letellier comes across an abandoned handbag on a Parisian street. There’s nothing in the bag to indicate who it belongs to, although there’s all sorts of other things in it. Laurent feels a strong impulse to find the owner and tries to puzzle together who she might be from the contents of the bag. Especially a red notebook with her jottings, which really makes him want to meet her. Without even a name to go on, and only a few of her possessions to help him, how is he to find one woman in a city of millions?
The Red Notebook has already been sold in twelve different languages. French TV is making a film of The President’s Hat and the movie rights of The Red Notebook have been sold to UGC.
Antoine Laurain was born in Paris. He is the author of five novels, including The President’s Hat.
Date added to TBR: 12/21/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I don’t get it.
Hold Still by Nina LaCour
An arresting story about starting over after a friend’s suicide, from a breakthrough new voice in YA fiction.
dear caitlin, there are so many things that i want so badly to tell you but i just can’t.
Devastating, hopeful, hopeless, playful . . . in words and illustrations, Ingrid left behind a painful farewell in her journal for Caitlin. Now Caitlin is left alone, by loss and by choice, struggling to find renewed hope in the wake of her best friend’s suicide. With the help of family and newfound friends, Caitlin will encounter first love, broaden her horizons, and start to realize that true friendship didn’t die with Ingrid. And the journal which once seemed only to chronicle Ingrid’s descent into depression, becomes the tool by which Caitlin once again reaches out to all those who loved Ingrid—and Caitlin herself.
Date added to TBR: 12/23/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: The synopsis says this is devastating and I can’t…
Captive Prince (Captive Prince #1) by C.S. Pacat
From global phenomenon C. S. Pacat comes the first in her critically acclaimed trilogy—with a bonus story.
Damen is a warrior hero to his people, and the rightful heir to the throne of Akielos. But when his half brother seizes power, Damen is captured, stripped of his identity, and sent to serve the prince of an enemy nation as a pleasure slave.
Beautiful, manipulative, and deadly, his new master, Prince Laurent, epitomizes the worst of the court at Vere. But in the lethal political web of the Veretian court, nothing is as it seems, and when Damen finds himself caught up in a play for the throne, he must work together with Laurent to survive and save his country.
For Damen, there is just one rule: never, ever reveal his true identity. Because the one man Damen needs is the one man who has more reason to hate him than anyone else…
Includes an exclusive extra story!
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: I think this is pretty polarizing, but I’d like to read it to see what I think!
The Assassin and the Pirate Lord (Throne of Glass 0.1) by Sarah J. Maas
A Throne of Glass novella.
On a remote island in a tropical sea, Celaena Sardothien, feared assassin, has come for retribution. She’s been sent by the Assassin’s Guild to collect on a debt they are owed by the Lord of the Pirates. But when Celaena learns that the agreed payment is not in money, but in slaves, her mission suddenly changes—and she will risk everything to right the wrong she’s been sent to bring about.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I think this is part of Assassin’s Blade
The Assassin and the Desert (Throne of Glass 0.3) by Sarah J. Maas
The Silent Assassins of the Red Desert aren’t much for conversation, and Celaena Sardothien wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s not there to chatter, she’s there to hone her craft as the world’s most feared killer for hire. When the quiet is shattered by forces who want to destroy the Silent Assassins, Celaena must find a way to stop them, or she’ll be lucky to leave the desert alive.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: “”
The Assassin and the Empire (Throne of Glass 0.5) by Sarah J. Maas
Celaena Sardothien is the assassin with everything: a place to call her own, the love of handsome Sam, and, best of all, freedom. Yet, she won’t be truly free until she is far away from her old master, Arobynn Hamel; Celaena must take one last daring assignment that will liberate her forever. But having it all, means you have a lot to lose . . .
This fourth fantastic e-novella gives readers an inside look at the characters who appear in the full-length novel Throne of Glass. Don’t miss out!
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: “”
The Assassin and the Underworld (Throne of Glass 0.4) by Sarah J. Maas
When the King of the Assassins gives Celaena Sardothien a special assignment that will help fight slavery in the kingdom, she jumps at the chance to strike a blow against an evil practice. The mission is a dark and deadly affair which takes Celaena from the rooftops of the city to the bottom of the sewer–and she doesn’t like what she finds there.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: “”
The Assassin and the Healer (Throne of Glass 0.2) by Sarah J. Maas
Meet the Assassin: beautiful, defiant, destined for greatness. Celaena Sardothien has challenged her master. Now she must pay the price. Her journey to the Red Desert will be an arduous one, but it may change the fate of her cursed world forever…
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: “”
A Court of Thorns and Roses eSampler (A Court of Thorns and Roses) by Sarah J. Maas
Get a FREE sneak peek at the first four chapters of New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas’ thrilling and seductive new series, which blends Beauty and the Beast with faerie lore.
When nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre kills a wolf in the woods, a beast-like creature arrives to demand retribution for it. Dragged to a treacherous magical land she only knows about from legends, Feyre discovers that her captor is not an animal, but Tamlin–one of the lethal, immortal faeries who once ruled their world.
As she dwells on his estate, her feelings for Tamlin transform from icy hostility into a fiery passion that burns through every lie and warning she’s been told about the beautiful, dangerous world of the Fae. But an ancient, wicked shadow over the faerie lands is growing, and Feyre must find a way to stop it . . . or doom Tamlin–and his world–forever.
Perfect for fans of Kristen Cashore and George R. R. Martin, this first book in a sexy and action-packed new series is impossible to put down!
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: Clearly I went crazy adding SJM books and accidentally added this randomly.
Catwoman: Soulstealer (DC Icons #3) by Sarah J. Maas
When the Bat’s away, the Cat will play. It’s time to see how many lives this cat really has. . . .
Two years after escaping Gotham City’s slums, Selina Kyle returns as the mysterious and wealthy Holly Vanderhees. She quickly discovers that with Batman off on a vital mission, Batwing is left to hold back the tide of notorious criminals. Gotham City is ripe for the taking.
Meanwhile, Luke Fox wants to prove he has what it takes to help people in his role as Batwing. He targets a new thief on the prowl who seems cleverer than most. She has teamed up with Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn, and together they are wreaking havoc. This Catwoman may be Batwing’s undoing.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This is on my bookshelf
Angels’ Blood (Guild Hunter #1) by Nalini Singh
USA Today bestselling author Nalini Singh introduces a world of beauty and bloodlust, where angels hold sway over vampires…
Vampire hunter Elena Deveraux knows she’s the best—but she doesn’t know if she’s good enough for this job. Hired by the dangerously beautiful Archangel Raphael, a being so lethal that no mortal wants his attention, only one thing is clear—failure is not an option…even if the task is impossible.
Because this time, it’s not a wayward vamp she has to track. It’s an archangel gone bad.
The job will put Elena in the midst of a killing spree like no other…and pull her to the razor’s edge of passion. Even if the hunt doesn’t destroy her, succumbing to Raphael’s seductive touch just may. For when archangels play, mortals break…
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I’ve tried reading books by this author before and I wasn’t super interested.
Monstress, Vol. 1: Awakening (Monstress #1) by Marjorie M. Liu, Sana Takeda
Set in an alternate matriarchal 1900’s Asia, in a richly imagined world of art deco-inflected steam punk, MONSTRESS tells the story of a teenage girl who is struggling to survive the trauma of war, and who shares a mysterious psychic link with a monster of tremendous power, a connection that will transform them both and make them the target of both human and otherworldly powers. Collects MONSTRESS #1-6
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This has actually made a comeback on my radar!
A Rogue by Any Other Name (The Rules of Scoundrels #1) by Sarah MacLean
What a scoundrel wants, a scoundrel gets…
A decade ago, the Marquess of Bourne was cast from society with nothing but his title. Now a partner in London’s most exclusive gaming hell, the cold, ruthless Bourne will do whatever it takes to regain his inheritance—including marrying perfect, proper Lady Penelope Marbury.
A broken engagement and years of disappointing courtships have left Penelope with little interest in a quiet, comfortable marriage, and a longing for something more. How lucky that her new husband has access to such unexplored pleasures.
Bourne may be a prince of London’s underworld, but he vows to keep Penelope untouched by its wickedness—a challenge indeed as the lady discovers her own desires, and her willingness to wager anything for them… even her heart.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I very rarely read historical romance
Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake (Love By Numbers #1) by Sarah MacLean
A lady does not smoke cheroot. She does not ride astride. She does not fence or attend duels. She does not fire a pistol, and she never gambles at a gentlemen’s club.
Lady Calpurnia Hartwell has always followed the rules, rules that have left her unmarried—and more than a little unsatisfied. And so she’s vowed to break the rules and live the life of pleasure she’s been missing.
But to dance every dance, to steal a midnight kiss—to do those things, Callie will need a willing partner. Someone who knows everything about rule-breaking. Someone like Gabriel St. John, the Marquess of Ralston—charming and devastatingly handsome, his wicked reputation matched only by his sinful smile.
If she’s not careful, she’ll break the most important rule of all—the one that says that pleasure-seekers should never fall hopelessly, desperately in love.
Date added to TBR: 12/26/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: “”
Mindfulness in Plain English by Henepola Gunaratana
Since Mindfulness in Plain English was first published in 1994, it has become one of the bestselling — and most influential — books in the field of mindfulness. It’s easy to see why.
Author Bhante Gunaratana, a renowned meditation master, takes us step by step through the myths, realities, and benefits of meditation and the practice of mindfulness. The book showcases Bhante’s trademark clarity and wit, as he explores the tool of meditation, what it does, and how to make it work.
This expanded edition includes the complete text of its predecessor along with a new chapter on cultivating loving kindness, an especially important topic in today’s world. For anyone who is new to meditation, this is a great resource for learning how to live a more productive and peaceful life.
Date added to TBR: 12/28/16 Keep or Ditch? Ditch Comments: I ended up unhauling this a while ago.
Immortal Beloved (Immortal Beloved #1) by Cate Tiernan
Nastasya has spent the last century living as a spoiled, drugged-out party girl. She feels nothing and cares for no one. But when she witnesses her best friend, a Dark Immortal, torture a human, she realizes something’s got to change. She seeks refuge at a rehab for wayward immortals, where she meets the gorgeous, undeniably sexy Reyn, who seems inexplicably linked to her past.
Nastasya finally begins to deal with life, and even feels safe–until the night she learns that someone wants her dead.
Date added to TBR: 12/29/16 Keep or Ditch? Keep Comments: This is still on my bookshelf!
Bye-Bye Books: Decluttering my TBR #1 This post was inspired by Ally’s series (which was inspired by Lia at Lost in a Story…
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annasense · 5 years
Lost and Found Excerpt | Triple Date
Lost and Found Excerpt | Triple Date
If you follow me on Facebook, you may have seen my post last night about how much I love Chapter 7 of Lost and Found. It’s a very full chapter with plenty of content to love (11,311 words?!)… why I didn’t break it up, I’ll never know. It was my first book, and it admittedly has its quirks.
Anyway, I’m not here to apologize for lengthy chapters. I am here to give you a big, juicy excerpt from…
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tmnotizie · 6 years
ANCONA – Agenda Estate, gli eventi dal 30 agosto al 2 settembre  2018
Giovedì 30 agosto
h 6.00 Passetto- Concerto all’Alba Luciano Pompilio – Corde mediterranee
h 17.00 La Feltrinelli Ancona Presentazione di Il passo dell’acero rosso. Alberi, pecore e macerie di Matthias Canapini
Incontro h 18.15 Foyer Auditorium Mole Vanvitelliana Diritti e Rovesci, a cura del Garante dei diritti – Ombudsman delle Marche Incontro sul “Diritto al lavoro e alla dignità”  con Aboubakar Soumahoro e Stefania Prandi, autrice di “Oro Rosso”
Proiezione alle 19,15 del documentario  “L’oro blu” alla Mole, alla presenza del regista Flavio Oliva e dei ricercatori CNR-Ismar
Incontro h 19.30 FARgO – Faro del Cardeto Quartetto Se.Go.Vi.O
Concerto h 21.15 Mole Vanvitelliana  di Bombino (Gomour Almoctar) – Ingresso €12
22.30  Presentazione di La chiave di cioccolata di Enrichetta Vilella al Wine Not Hotel Palace
h 23.00 Porto Antico – Frontiere Mr Jod Concerto
44° Festival del dialetto di Varano,   alle ore 21:30  la compagnia degli Intronati di Tolentino presenta “Lu sequestru” di G.Teobaldelli, regia di G.Gesueli
A TCI PORTO Festival- Molo Rizzo, Porto Antico, ore 21, “Sulla luna, ti ci porto”, laboratorio per bambini;    ore 21,30  Incontro:   “Talk, il mondo che i ragazzi salveranno”
Venerdì’ 31 agosto
h 6.00 Passetto – Concerto all’Alba Giuseppe De Trizio – Flumine
h 17.00 La Feltrinelli Ancona Presentazione di Chi Brucia. Nel Mediterraneo sulle tracce degli harraga di Marco Benedettelli
Incontro h 18.15 Foyer Auditorium Mole Vanvitelliana Diritti e Rovesci, a cura del Garante dei diritti – Ombudsman delle Marche incontro “Diritto di scrivere e liberà di parlare”: Turchia 2018”   con Hakan Gunday che dialoga con Marco Ansaldo
Incontro h 19,15 alla Mole “Media e crisi dimenticate” con Loris de Filippi (Medici senza Frontiere) e i giornalisti Pierfrancesco Curzi e Barabara  Curzi e Schiavulli a cura di MSF
h 19.30 FARgO – Faro del Cardeto  Concerto di Gabriele Giuliano
Concerto h 21.15 Mole Vanvitelliana A.T.A – Acoustic Tarab Alchemy Concerto – Ingresso €8
h 22.30 Presentazione di Sulla Schiena del Drago di Enrico Mariani e Francesco Mazzanti alla Vineria Il Bugigattolo
h 23.00 Lazzabaretto – Frontiere dj Apeless Mindfields – electronic sounds colors and territories Concerto
Con replica il 1° e il 2 settembre, alle ore 18 e 18,30 DEPOSITI APERTI , visite straordinarie ai depositi della Pinacoteca civica F. Podesti . Quota di adesione: 5 euro.
Prenotazione obbligatoria al n. 071.222.5047 o scrivendo a [email protected]
Il Museo Tattile Statale Omero propone una singolare performance itinerante lungo le sale: saranno le statue a raccontare i loro ricordi, sogni ed emozioni tra vanità e ironia.
“SE LE STATUE POTESSERO PARLARE…” è il titolo di questa speciale serata in cui i visitatori potranno ascoltare quanto può essere civettuola la Venere di Milo, vanitosa la cupola di Santa Maria del Fiore, scocciato il David di Michelangelo, in crisi d’identità l’imperatore Augusto e molto altro.  A dar voce alle statue saranno gli attori dell’Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti – sezione Ancona: Daniela Bottegoni, Luciano Carnevali, Daniele Casarola, Maurizio Mazzieri, Samuele Mazzieri, Barbara Roefaro, Stefania Terré, Lucrezia Violante; con la partecipazione di Francesca Santi, operatrice del Museo Omero.
Lo spettacolo avrà una durata di circa 20 minuti; al termine la Cantina Castrum Morisci di Moresco offrirà una degustazione dei propri vini.
L’evento è organizzato dalle volontarie del Servizio Civile Nazionale.
Ingresso libero con prenotazione obbligatoria al numero 071.2811935 o all’indirizzo [email protected]; massimo 30 persone per ciascuno dei tre turni previsti (ore 21, 21.30, 22); età minima 8 anni. Il Museo sarà aperto solo per gli spettatori della performance.
44° Festival del dialetto di Varano – alle ore 21:30 la Compagnia del Gallo di Pesaro presenta “Quasta do’ la mett?”   testo e regia di Paolo Cioppi
A TCI PORTO Festival- Molo Rizzo, Porto Antico, ore 21, 30   Concerto della band Tetes de Bois
Sabato 1 settembre  
Dalle ore 19, piazza del crocifisso, Archi:  I PATTI NON HANNO COLORE …….E VANNO RISPETTATI,  manifestazione di sensibilizzazione cittadina sul congelamento di fondi stanziati e già concessi dallo Stato con il Piano Periferie, a 96 città italiane, tra le quali la Città di Ancona.   Verranno proiettati su un maxi schermo le slide ed i video relativi ai progetti di riqualificazione finanziati dal bando periferie, sono previsti interventi da parte degli amministratori locali e di alcuni cittadini dei quartieri interessati.  Nella zona pedonale  sotto gli Archi giovani musicisti suoneranno brani in acustica mentre bar e ristoratori del quartiere serviranno aperitivi e cena all’aperto.
h 6 .00 Passetto-Concerto all’Alba Sandor Szabò – Tra Oriente e Occidente
h 17.00 La Feltrinelli Ancona Presentazione di Il Silenzio del Mare di Asmae Dachan
Incontro h 18.15 Foyer Auditorium della Mole Vanvitelliana Diritti e Rovesci, a cura del Garante dei diritti – Ombudsman delle Marche Alessandro Barbano presenta Troppi Diritti
Incontro ore 19  alla Mole- Tra Europa e Libia: Il Mediterraneo, frontiera di diritti negati” a cura di AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL con Matteo De Bellis e Paolo Pignocchi
Incontro h 19.30 FARgO – Faro del Cardeto Hyper+
Concerto h 21.15 Mole Vanvitelliana Mezsecsinka Concerto – Ingresso €8
h 22.30 Presentazione di La musica vuota di Corrado Dottori
h 23,30 al Porto Antico- Frontiere- Sangennarobar dj set
44° Festival del dialetto di Varano 
h 18- Gruppo folk Canti popolari: La Pasquella di Varano”
h 19,45 Serata finale e premiazione di VARANO CANTA
A seguire la compagnia  Amici del Teatro di Loro Piceno presenta “Toccata e fuga” di D.Benfield, regia di E.Forti
Domenica 2 settembre 
FESTA  DEL  MARE  (presentazione domani alla stampa, ore 12)
44° Festival del dialetto di Varano–   h 18 La musica popolare delle Marche al sud Itali con le bambine della Compagnia del Solstizio mediterraneo (Luna Dance)
h 19,45: Premiazione compognie teatrali
Commemorazione del varanese Dino Socionovo, recentemente scomparso
A seguire la compagnia teatrale Il Focolare di Loreto (fuori concorso) presenta “Da giovedì a giovedì” di A. De Benedetti, regia di R.Papa
Prosegue fino al 3 settembre alla Mole, sala Boxe, con il patrocinio del Comune di Ancona econ il sostegno degli Ospedali Riuniti, promosso dalla Fondazione Ospedale Salesi Onlus  l’iniziativa “Kostabi sostiene il Salesi”: si tratta della mostra personale del pittore Mark Kostabi ,  ingresso libero.
Prosegue fino al 16 settembre al Museo Tattile statale Omero FORME SENSIBILI, apertura ore 18. Paolo Annibali, Egidio Del Bianco, Giuliano Giuliani, Rocco Natale, Valerio Valeri, a cura di Nunzio Giustozzi. Cinque artisti marchigiani a significare, nell’originalità delle loro poetiche, gli orientamenti della scultura contemporanea.  Quasi quaranta le opere – tra sculture, disegni e bozzetti frutto delle ricerche più recenti – fatte di diversi materiali cui si riconosce una sorta di “vocazione formale”, un’anima sensibile.  L’argilla dipinta, il legno, il travertino, i metalli, lavorati o assemblati, ma anche carte, stoffe, spaghi di un’inedita qualità tattile, offrono, tra figurazione e astrazione, sviluppi espressivi inattesi e forma e materia si modulano vicendevolmente, raggiungendo una mirabile sintesi.
INGRESSO LIBERO- VISITE GUIDATE tutti i sabati e le domeniche alle ore 18. Costo: 4 euro a persona; gratuito: disabili e loro accompagnatori, bambini 0-4 anni.
Prenotazione consigliata:  [email protected] – tel. 0712811935.
24 e 31 agosto ore 18-20;  7 settembre ore 17-19
Costo: 4 euro a partecipante; gratuito: disabili e loro accompagnatori, bambini 0-4 anni. Prenotazione obbligatoria:[email protected] – INFO  0712811935.
Fino al 24 ottobre è possibile visitare presso la Biblioteca Benincasa una nuova mostra libraria e documentaria. Si tratta della mostra “Tra editoria e letteratura: A. Gustavo Morelli editore e tipografo ad Ancona tra Otto e Novecento”, incentrata su una figura notevole nel panorama culturale cittadino tra Otto e Novecento: il tipografo editore A. Gustavo Morelli (1852-1909). La mostra è visitabile presso lo Spazio d’Ingresso della Benincasa, in Via Bernabei 30, dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 19.
Durante il periodo estivo (luglio e agosto), sarà visitabile il mattino, dalle 9 alle 13.30 e di pomeriggio anche il martedì e il giovedì dalle 14.30 alle 17.La mostra espone anche tra l’altro una lettera del pittore Francesco Podesti, di cui Morelli pubblicò due opere. Della mostra è disponibile un catalogo presso la Sala di lettura e a richiesta si effettuano visite guidate.
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newyorktheater · 6 years
Ruthie Ann Miles and Kelli O’Hara
Ruthie Ann Miles as Imelda Marcos in David Byrne’s “Here Lies Love”
In the week since the horrendous car crash in Park Slope that killed two young children, including the four-year-old daughter of Broadway actress Ruthie Ann Miles, and put her in the hospital, almost 8,000 people raised more than $400,000 to help her family.
The driver who ran the red light has chronic illnesses, and was “cited on four previous occasions for running red lights and another four for speeding through a school zone.”
— Ruthie Ann Miles (@RuthieAnnMiles) March 8, 2018
  Here she is in 2015 singing Something Wonderful from The King and I, a role for which she won a Tony Award.
This week in New York theater: The Prom gets a date; Hamilton breaks another record, playwrights Lucas Hnath and Suzan Lori Parks get rich. A preview of Rise, the new TV series about a high school drama class. And two startling revelations from Shakespeare scholars in Cincinnati.
  The Week in New York Theater Reviews
Chukwudi Iwuji and Chris Perfetti,
The Low Road
Bruce Norris’s “The Low Road”  presents the improbable adventures of a scoundrel, one Jim Trewitt, to whom an adversary rightfully attributes “a rather comprehensive wickedness.” It is a wild ride through the first two decades of Jim’s life in Colonial America, which lead up to the American Revolution, peopled by some 50 vivid characters – whores and highwaymen and Hessians; celibates and slaves and British soldiers; Mohegan scouts , rich liberal benefactors and giant alien bees — portrayed by a superb cast of 17, including Chris Perfetti as the delightfully sniveling anti-hero, and the priceless Harriet Harris as the naïve Madame who raises him. Norris intends “The Low Road” as a lesson in economics – or, more precisely, as a cautionary tale about the evils of Republican-style capitalism.
“Hangmen” is Martin McDonagh’s first new play in New York since the misbegotten “A Behanding in Spokane” in 2010 (He’s been busy elsewhere, most recently writing and directing the Oscar-nominated film “Three Billboards in Ebbing, Missouri.”) “Hangmen” is undeniably entertaining….There are however several caveats…As with many McDonagh plays, the mordant humor, as funny as much of it is, involves a gleeful reliance on violence bordering on the sadistic.
Mark Blum, Jamie Brewer and Vanessa Aspillaga,
Amy and the Orphans
“Amy and the Orphans” is inspired by the playwright’s own Aunt Amy (who “was born with Down syndrome during a time in this country when medical professionals told my grandparents they’d just given birth to a ‘Mongolian idiot’” who should be institutionalized), and by her introduction to Jamie Brewer, the actress with Down Syndrome who is portraying Amy. “Spending only an hour with Jamie completely changed what I believed people with Down syndrome were capable of, despite having known my aunt my whole life.” It’s plainly the playwright’s main aim to have the audience spend 90 minutes with Amy/Jamie and change our beliefs as well.
In “queens,” the latest resonant, heartfelt play by Martyna Majok, a Polish immigrant woman named Renia reigns over a crumby basement in the New York City borough of Queens, but she sees it as her home, her world, and her salvation…
“queens” is not just a portrait of one woman, but of a community of women, mostly newly arrived in America, who pass through this cluttered basement, with nowhere else to live, from 2001 (shortly after September 11th) to 2017.
Week in New York Theater News
The Prom, with Beth Leavel, @therealsieber, and  Brooks Ashmanskas, is opening at the Cort Theater November 15. Plot: 4 “fading Broadway stars” descend on small-town Indiana prom to bask in publicity by supporting a student who wants to bring her girlfriend.
A sneak preview from BroadwayCon:
History repeating itself, across the pond: Hamilton gets 13 nominations for 2018 Olivier Awards, the most in the British award’s history. Not surprising, given what the British critics said
Other New York-affiliated shows nominated for Olivier Awards include Angels in America (which originated in England and is now on Broadway), Audra McDonald for Lady Day (which originated on Broadway), The Ferryman (which will be on Broadway in October), as well as a slew of shows by American playwrights.
Full list
Playwrights Lucas Hnath & @suzanloriparks among eight writers to be awarded @WindhamCampbell Prizes — each receiving $165,000!https://t.co/kpnc0tdlyz pic.twitter.com/pgjen8fkhL
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) March 7, 2018
The 2018 Susan Smith Blackburn Prize has been awarded to U.K. playwright Alice Birch for her play “Anatomy of a Suicide”. Now celebrating its 40th anniversary, the Prize is awarded annually to recognize women from around the world who have written works of outstanding quality for the English-speaking theatre. “Anatomy of a Suicide” premiered to glowing reviews at the Royal Court in the spring of 2017, directed by Katie Mitchell. The play portrays three generations of women struggling with a legacy of depression in a family haunted by its past.
Evan Yionoulis, professor at Yale Drama School, to lead the drama division at the Juilliard School, succeeding the late James Houghton.
2018-19 Paper Mill Playhouse season: September: Unmasked by Andrew Lloyd-Webber. November: Irving Berlin’s Holiday Inn. January 2019: My Very Own British Invasion (music by Beatles, Herman’s Hermits et al).April: Benny & Joon, musical based on movie. May: Disney’s Beauty & the Beast 2018-19
2018-19 Primary Stages
Sept: Final Follies by A.R. Gurney
Nov: Downstairs by Theresa Rebeck, wit  Tyne Daley
Jan 2019: God Said This, by Leah Nanako Winkler
May: Little Women by Kate Hamill
  Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties, written by Jen Silverman and directed by Mike Donahue.  replaces MCC’s recently canceled production of Neil LaBute’s Reasons to Be Pretty Happy.”
Darko Tresnjak, who’s just announced he’s leaving his job as artistic director of the Hartford Stage Company next year, is taking over as director of “This Ain’t No Disco,” at the Atlantic Theater Company this summer. Trip Cullman, who is currently directing “Lobby Hero” at the Helen Hayes, had scheduling conflicts.
RISE — “Most of All to Dream” Episode 102 — Pictured: Josh Radnor as Lou Mazzuchelli
RISE — “Most of All to Dream” Episode 102 — Pictured: (l-r) Ted Sutherland as Simon Saunders, Sean Grandillo as Jeremy — (Photo by: Virginia Sherwood/NBC)
Rise premieres March 13
Based on “Drama High,” Michael Sokolove’s 2013 nonfiction book about the visionary Levittown, Pa., teacher Lou Volpe, the first 10-episode season follows the permanently rumpled Lou from the moment he lands the drama job, beating out Rosie Perez’s better-qualified fellow teacher, to the opening night of his first musical: “Spring Awakening.” Hamilton  producer Jeffrey Seller is making his first foray into series TV The showrunner of Rise, is Jason Katims, who created Friday Night Lights, and sees the show as closer to that sensibility than Glee.
Nevertheless, there are so many musical numbers that Atlantic Records will each Friday release original cast recordings of the tracks featured in the following Tuesday’s episode of “Rise,” culminating in a full album in May.
Last Friday, they released five, including:
“Glorious (Rise Cast Version)” – Rise Cast, Auli’i Cravalho & Damon J. Gillespie
  Broadway Standouts at the Oscars
The fabulous @KealaSettle!! The rest of the world gets to hear what we’ve done on Broadway for years! pic.twitter.com/Yamo8OQTcE
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) March 5, 2018
  You’ve got to love this couple! They just won their second #Oscars for Best Song for @pixarcoco Their beloved songs – and new ones — are in @FrozenBroadway, opening this month! pic.twitter.com/lkuMOn61NS
— New York Theater (@NewYorkTheater) March 5, 2018
With his Oscar, Bobby Lopez becomes 1st ever Double #EGOT (DEGOT?), with two Emmys, two Grammys, two Oscars and two Tonys (for Avenue Q and The Book of Mormon) .
Unexpected Broadway trend: Two of this season’s new musicals (SpongeBob and Escape to Margaritaville) feature scenes on volcanoes.
  Shakespeare in Cincinnati
“Hamlet” outside Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
Brian Isaac Phillips, CSC’s producing artistic director in front of the set for the current production of “Othello.”
on the wall of CSC
Each room is named after a pub mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays
Shakespeare wrote his plays knowing they would be cut during performance, says Terri Bourus of the New Oxford Shakespeare Project, speaking at a panel on Shakespeare for the the first-ever Regional Conference of the American Theatre Critics Association in Cincinnati over the weekend. The city fathers of London REQUIRED running time be no more than around 2 hours, to avoid the spread illness and insurrection. Full Hamlet takes four hours.
As a result of the research conducted for the New Oxford Shakespeare Project, Bourus maintained, there will no longer be 38 plays in the Shakespeare canon. There will be 43, including The History of Cardenio and Arden of Fevershame
Gary Taylor and Terri Bourus, general editors of The New Oxford Shakespeare Project, in the lobby of the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company after the Shakespeare panel
The panel was held at the brand new $17.5 million building of the Cincinnati Shakespeare Company, which features state-of-the-art acoustics and lots of whimsical touches: a sculpture of a pig outside entitled “Hamlet,” rooms named after pubs in Shakespeare’s plays (like The Elephant.) CSC began in a church basement 25 years ago; the Otto M. Budig Theater is its fifth venue, the first specifically constructed for the theater, and one that it owns.
CSC’s building is only one of an extraordinary amount of theater/arts building and rebuilding happening in Cincinnati, including a $135 million renovation of Cincinnati’s Music Hall
and continuing expansion of Ensemble Theatre Cincinnati as well plans for a new theater from the Tony-winning Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park.
  Ruthie Ann Miles. Rise is Not Glee. Bard Cut and Expanded. Week in New York and Cincinnati Theater In the week since the horrendous car crash in Park Slope that killed two young children, including the four-year-old daughter of Broadway actress Ruthie Ann Miles, and put her in the hospital, …
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 21 al 27 Marzo 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, e venne la primavera e l'allergia !!! è tempo del contest più figo del festival più figo che c'è sulla penisola italica, AREZZO WAVE LOVE Festival. da venerdì partono le semifinali venete, venite e sostenete. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ SABATO 23 Marzo >>> NOVAK via Castellana 59f SCORZÈ (Ve) in collaborazione con Go Down Records arrivano le belle e brave newyorkesi BABY SHAKES e il loro travolgente powerpop punk, con loro le romagnole SMALLTOWN TIGERS. dopo si balla con i djset delle altrettanto belle e brave JULIE e BARBARELLA, poi CHECcO MERDeZ (Lamette Party) e il padrone di casa ROBERT BOOGALOO. https://www.facebook.com/events/1001943393348738/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 21 Marzo ᴥ 8dB web radio dalle 13:15 alle 14:00 appuntamento con Bruno Mantra per disquisire di ottima musica indipendente, per ascoltare https://www.spreaker.com/show/otto-decibel ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) alternativa alla musica alternativa BEA ZANIN pop sperimentale ed eclettico con violoncello e loop station. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) stasera CADILLAC CIRCUS giocoleria rock'n'roll. ► VENERDÌ 22 Marzo ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) prima serata di selezione per l'AREZZO WAVE Contest 2019 e siparte alla grande con ANAM, LO STRANO FRUTTO e VIN MARTIN. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA tornano a Padova per presentare il nuovo album "Discoteca Rock" I CAMILLAS poprock scanzonato, impegnati anche nel djset versione Dj Youtube. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) sarà ospite live il cantautore GASTÒN, origine argentine e un passaggio per X-Factor. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) spazio alle realtà locali con i MORE THAN MURDER e NEITHER metalcore per entrambi. ᴥ GREENWICH via Sant'Andrea 48 CURTAROLO (Pd) tosto alternative rock con voci femminili in apertura HORRANGE, a seguire HI FI STACEY. ᴥ DETOUR festival del cinema da viaggio ABANO TERME (Pd) al via stasera la settima edizione tutte le info qui https://www.detourfilmfestival.com/ ᴥ Birrificio BRADIPONGO via Pin delle Portelle 16 COLLE UMBERTO (Tv) dalle 21 terza serata della rassegna "Senza Corrente" con le esibizioni in acustico per DODO RIDERS, GENERAL NP e COL PLAID, in collaborazione con ROCK4AIL. ᴥ Spazio MAVV via del Gelsolino 43 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) presentazione del disco "Meccanica" nuovo lavoro per gli ottimi GINAH. ᴥ DIRTMOR via Pisa 13b TREVISO all'ombra del grattacielo approda MIMAN trio tra jazz ed improvvisazione dalla Norvegia. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO a presentare il suo nuovo disco MATTEO SANSONETTO e la sua Blues Revue. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) dark/wave night con il concerto dei DER HIMMEL ÜBER BERLIN + djset Rusty Nail e Darkemist. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) in versione acustica qui con il loro rock alternativo i SOMMOSSA. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) sonorità pop rock moderne per il cantautore FRANCESCO DAL POZ in duo in collaborazione Sweetnoise. ᴥ STARÀ KRÀVA via Castellana 63c SCORZÈ (Ve) energico punkrock mescolato a sferragliante hardrock per i giovani DROP OUT. ᴥ MORION Laboratorio Occupato salizada S.Francesco de la Vigna VENEZIA cantautorato nostalgico criminale per il tarantino DIPLOMATICO & il Collettivo NINCO NANCO + Le CRI djset. ᴥ MUSEI CIVICI piazza Garibaldi 34 BASSANO del Grappa (Vi) dalle 19 aperitivo in mostra "Valentina - una vita con Crepax" con la musica del trio STRATA-GEMMA power dal collettivo LYNFA. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA dalle 21 serata stoner desertica e granitica con le band A FOREST MIGHTY BLACK, DESERT WAVE, JAHBULONG E MONGOOSE. ᴥ LABI ROOM via del Lavoro 3 ROSÀ (Vi) doppio live per la doppia presentazione singoli per i giovani LOSING BREATH e WEST RED. ᴥ Hosteria al GALLO viale Riviera Berica 72 VICENZA serata acustica con la performance live per Alexander WYRD di ARCANA OPERA noir folk prog letterario. ᴥ BRÄUSTÜBERL MÜNCHEN via Aroldi 35 MONTEFROTE d'Alpone (Vr) party Twistin' and Surfin' con la coinvolgente musica dei FAT TONES. ᴥ Osteria S'CIAVINARO via Pertini 15 VOLPINO di Zimella (Vr) presentazione disco "Dove & Crows" per gli ATTACK the SUN alternative rock. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) rock alternativo per il duo misco JOHNNY QUALCOSA, in apertura i vicentini LÄSER. ᴥ MUSICA ATTIVA il programma radio che promuove la musica indipendente veneta dalle 21 alle 23 ogni quindici giorni ormai da molti anni, con intensità, in studio per l'intervista gli ottimi ANANDA MIDA (Go Down records), per ascoltare la diretta o 94 MHz o in streaming http://www.radiogammacinque.it/ ► SABATO 23 Marzo ᴥ GEKYGIO via Alberese TREMIGNON di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) con il loro solido postpunk moderno e ricercato saranno qui i TALK TO HER band di casa SHYREC. ᴥ the WEREWOLF KOALA Pub via Visome 62 BELLUNO potente serata hc/metal con i local ORGAN e i venexiani HOBOS. ᴥ BAHNOHF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) DioDrone night con le performance live per i grandi UOCHI TOKI e i DOLPO, aftershow Ran e Badgirl. ᴥ RUVIDO Barber Rock Club viale Arcella 3e PADOVA dalle 20.30 barbe folte e concerto per i FALSE MEMORIES rock intimista. ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA serata Saintless con il recupero della data degli SVETLANAS hc/punk Ita/Rus saltata a febbraio, in apertura DEFINITE skatepunk + guest. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) rockpop estermo per gli OCEANDRIVE band formatasi dalle ceneri degli H-Strychnine. ᴥ ESSE MUSIC via Piave 110 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) dalle 17:30 showcase organizzato da Cantieri Musicali che presentano la giovane band INFINITY & BEYOND. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) doppio concerto per JOHNNY RUNS AWAY funk/metal e ANIME di PONGO rock sonico. ᴥ CATEN Pub via san Pio X CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) qui stasera set acustico per gli ARCANA OPERA, in apertura i giovani ed energici DROP OUT. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO rock hard con il combo DOBERMANN che passa per di qua nel suo girovagare per l'Europa. ᴥ Birreria OLD SALOON via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) serata death metal con headliner i milanesi SELF DISGRACE, con loro anche MILL of STONE e MANAM. ᴥ REVOLVER Club via JF Kennedy 39 San DONÀ di Piave (Ve) evento deathmetal con gli yankees INCANTATION, con loro DEFEATED SANITY (Ger) e SKINNED (Us). ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA release party per IN AUTUMN combo dark/doom/prog metal, con loro anche IMMELMANN post-grunge/alternative e WE ARE NOT ALONE postrock/space. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) dalle 19 apertura expo artistica, in serata "Grave Alter" con le esibizioni drone/doom/ambient per ZYKLUS, FOG, HOW HOLLOW e qqqØqqq. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA cantautorato indiepop tra Brescia e Colonia per TEO WISE. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 S.VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) la notte delle fanfare, musiche fuori dell'ordinario per FANFARA STATION (Tun/Ita) OTTONE PESANTE e CATEATERS PIPE Band (VI/fanfara scozzese). ᴥ MAMO Bar via Carlo Porta 14 LONIGO (Vi) rock alternativo con cantanto in italiano per i SOMÌA. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) presentazione del nuovo progetto folk irlandese The NORTHERN BREEZE con gli artisti Michele BALATTI e lo scozzese Mike BRYAN. ᴥ SPERY Bar via Padovana 118 ARCOLE (Vr) serata metal con i DEFIANT CULT balck/thrash e gli HELL VALLEY sludge/doom. ᴥ HOLLYWOOD Bar via XX Marzo 22 COLOGNA Veneta (Vr) questa sera il rock industriale degli HORVATH. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) celtic  irish folk per i MENEGUINESS. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) serata garage'o'rama con ospiti sul palco gli inglesi WEIRD OMEN surf'n'roll e i BAKUKIN powerpop + djset Germano Beat Italiano. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA folk viscerale per STELLA BURNS (Gianluca Sorace) con band al completo. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA con la sua nuova incarnazione e superband The HITMAKERS sarà qui il leggendario Jon Spencer, in paertura la brava ELLI De DOM one/woman/band a seguire Fog Surfer djset. ► DOMENICA 24 Marzo ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo bello doom/stoner con i concerti degli INVIDIA e da Modena i MONOLITH GROWS. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO ad orario operativo presentazione del nuovo disco "Tra la Polvere e il Sole" per la storica band QUARTO PROFILO. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) dalle 18 aperitivo stoner in collaborazione con GoDown records, suoneranno MONGOOSE, JAHBULONG, MALOTA e GOD is WOMAN (VolcanoHeat+Underdogs). ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) dalle 19 aperitivo che festeggia il primo live della nuova formazione dei BANZAI BANANA, alternative rock con spruzzate punk. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO di Vicenza (Vi) per l'Acoustic Sunday ospite il cantautore blues sardo Andrea CUBEDDU. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) dalle 20 saranno qui a presentare il loro recente disco i NULARSE indietronica cantautorale, in apertura HARÌA e la bravissima MARTÆ. ᴥ Spazio CATAI ponte San Leonardo 1 PADOVA dalle 20 il cantante chitarrista patavino NICOLA LOTTO e il suo reading poetico "Il Canto Nudo". ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA dopo cena di arte cultura e percorsi di società civile "Mille e un IRAQ", incontro con Shirwan CAN (Tobacco Factory) e ROOZ MOHAMMED giovane artista curda. ᴥ DUMP galleria Bailo TREVISO per i live della domenica sarà il turno di MIMOSA CAMPIRONI (LaTempesta dischi) cantante ed attrice di cinema e teatro. ► LUNEDÌ 25 Marzo ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) in collaborazione con GoDown records approda qui il power trio CRYPT TRIP heavy psych dal Texas. ► MARTEDÌ 26 Marzo ᴥ leggete libri, se non avete nulla da fare. ► MERCOLEDÌ 27 Marzo ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Pontecorvo 1a PADOVA vinelli, cicchetti, birre artigianali e live della Piccola Orchestrina FELIX LALÙ. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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viralhottopics · 7 years
11 Things You Never Knew About Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa
Ina Garten is most well known for her cooking shows, but her fans love her even more for her amazing personality.
Ina seems to really have it all figured out. She has a loving husband, she’s always wearing a smile on her face, she’scontent with exactly who she is, and she’s always having the time of her life with her best friends. To be able to do all of this, though, she had to work very hard.
Have you ever wondered what Ina’s life islike when the cameras aren’trolling? She’s a pretty gosh darn incredible woman! She and her husband Jeffrey don’t have any children, but their lives are rich and lovely all the same.
These 11 little tidbitsare just a part of her fascinating bio. They show what an unbelievablewoman she really is.
Don’t you think that going to one of Ina’s dinner parties with her and her husband would be one of the best experiences ever? I know it’s atthe top of my wish list!
Please SHARE this fun list of Ina Garten bio facts with your family and friends on Facebook!
Thumbnail Source: Instagram / inagarten
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1. She Met Jeffrey When She Was Only 15 Years Old
Instagram / inagarten
When Ina was visiting her older brother at Dartmouthat the age 15, she met the 17-year-oldJeffrey. They immediately felt aspark and were married by the ages of 20 and 22, respectively. She even postponed her own schooling for a bit so that the two of them could be together.
2. She Worked For The White House
Wikimedia Commons / Ad Meskens
Ina’s career didn’t start in cooking. She once worked for the White House Office of Management and Budget. One of her many duties was writing the nuclear energy budget, which is no small task!
3. She Doesn’t Really Cook For Herself
Instagram / inagarten
When it comes to entertaining, Ina puts on a real show in the kitchen. But when she’s just cooking forherself, she prefers to throw a salad togetherand not even touch the oven.
4. Her Mother Wanted Her To Focus On School Instead Of Cooking
Instagram / inagarten
Ina’s mother, Florence, used to tell Ina that she should concentrate on her schoolwork instead of helping out in the kitchen. Clearly, though, that desire to be in the kitchen never went away, despite what her mother wished!
5. She Always Excelled In Science
Wikimedia Commons / Jaeger5432
Her mother may not have been too far off with her advice to focus on school. Ina was always good at the sciences, and she says that she still uses that knowledge and intuition in her cooking, as if every little measurement were as delicately planned as a science experiment.
6. Her Net Worth Is Huge
Instagram / inagarten
Ina is worth $40 million. There’s really not much more to say to that except “Wow!”
7. She Collects Cake Stands
Wikimedia Commons / Lori L. Stalteri from North of Boston, US
She keeps her giant collection of cake stands and cookbooks in a test kitchen in East Hampton, New York. She even goes so far as to jokingly call herself a “cake stand hoarder.“
8. She Has Three Places To Call Home
Instagram / inagarten
Ina and her husband divide their time between Manhattan, East Hampton, and Paris. Now that’s the perfect setup, if you ask me!
9. She Has A Pilot’s License
Wikimedia Commons / Alan Radecki Akradecki
While her husband was deployed in the Vietnam War, Ina decided to do something with her time other than twiddling her thumbs (and cooking delicious food). So, she got her pilot’slicense.
10. She Hates Cilantro
Wikimedia Commons / Prof. Dr. Otto Wilhelm Thom
You know how you have that handful of friends who won’t touch your guacamole if you put cilantro into it? Ina is one of the folksfor whom cilantro tastes like soap. It’s not her fault it’s all about genetics!
11. She Tried To Sell A Show To Martha Stewart
Wikimedia Commons / Rubenstein
Before Ina had her big break, she tried to sell a pilot to Martha Stewart. The show wasn’t picked up, but that didn’t stop the Barefoot Contessa from following her dreams!
Did you know these 11 things about Ina? Please SHARE with family and friends on Facebook!
Read more: http://bit.ly/2lKGuHg
from 11 Things You Never Knew About Ina Garten, The Barefoot Contessa
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