#losing my minnnndddddddddd
angel-baby479 · 2 years
okokok this is pretty long so you might wanna longpost tag this
its the full thing, so it has all of the part one thing i sent yesterday (yes i did go back and finish the sentece) and i think it turned out pretty good for my first time writing this genre. That said,,,
Elitello fanfic coming at you!
It was night three in a row that Donnie had no sleep, and it was around this time that Elijah started to seriously worry. Sure, Donnie stayed up ridiculously late most days, but normally he wouldn't have been up for this long. 
The only good thing about this, is the longer he stays up, the more often he leaves his desk for coffee. It was during his most recent coffee run that Elijah had finally decided he was putting his foot down. He was making Donnie go to sleep, even if it meant destroying whatever he was working on currently (misinfo. Despite how much he wanted to sometimes, Eli could never bring himself to purposefully break something that Don had put his time into.)
The first stage was the simplest part. He had to make it to Donnie’s desk. Considering he had been keeping Don company for the past,,, several hours of the night, this part was easy. Looking through all the organised mess on the desk, he looked for something, anything important enough to Donnie that taking it would make him go after it. 
God this desk was a mess, he hardly knew what was important! Maybe it was about time to start paying more attention when Don infodumped about his creations.
“Elijah, love, what on earth are you up to?”
Fuck. ok. He may have taken a bit too long this time, but maybe he could prompt a hint on what he could take out of this situation?
He took a few steps back from the desk and turned to look at where Donnie was approaching, fresh mug of coffee in hand. “It looked interesting so i was just trying to see what it was”
“Well, maybe if you pay attention this time, I can explain it to you?” He nodded enthusiastically, waiting as Donnie sat down and placed his coffee to the side before leaning slightly against the back of his chair, fully prepared to listen to him ramble for the next half an hour. He may have messed up his first attempt, but he swore, hed do better the next try. He looked at Donnie fondly, listening intently to the words he spoke almost seamlessly.
The things he would do for this man.
It's about 3 coffee trips later when Elijah decides to take another stab at operation: make Donnie sleep, after all, the opportunity practically handed itself to him on a silver platter. During the last few coffee trips, he had meticulously timed how long Donnie had spent out of the room, only for him to be handed a solution where timings would hardly matter.
The device Donnie was working on was rather small. All Eli had been told was that it would go into a handheld device and that he wasn't allowed to know anymore. Odd, but sometimes Don liked to keep the air of mystery to make things more fun and he wasn't going to ruin that for his own curiosity. Not just yet anyway. More importantly, because of its size, Don had been using his goggles the entire time while working on it and after having complained about how they were annoying him, Elijah managed to convince him to take them off for his next coffee run.
There, in all their scrap metal glory, sat Donnie’s goggles. They were currently centre-stage on Donnie’s desk, their placement something he would be sure to notice if it were to disappear. It was perfect. Something necessary for the project that he could take away without fear of damaging anything.
So that's exactly what he did.
As gently as he could, he took the goggles from the table, the cold metal pressing softly into the palm of his hand as he swept quickly across the lab to the still open doors. His footsteps were light, echoing quietly through the lair as Elijah made his way towards Donnie’s room. With around one minute until Donnie got back to the lab to find him gone, Elijah crossed the threshold of Don’s room. He left the light off, it would look more normal that way. And besides, Elijah had spent enough sleepless nights in there with Don to know the layout better than he would the layout of his own room back home. 
There, by the foot of Donnie’s bed, was the bag he normally took with him when staying over at the lair. That would be as good a place as any to hide the goggles, at least then he knew there would be no chance of it accidentally getting broken. Slipping them gently into the main pocket, he settled himself into Donnie’s bed. He knew there was no way that stubborn turtle would just go to sleep when asked, so his only other option was to drag him kicking and screaming. But he was fine with that.
And now, Donnie should have entered the lab to find Elijah and his goggles missing. All he had to do was wait.
"Elijah? Love, are you in here?"
Elijah raised his hand and waved at Donnie, who stood just at the door frame. Upon seeing such a lacklustre response, Donnie crossed the room in strides, whatever he was doing before could wait until after he checked in on his boyfriend.
"Are you alright my love?"
"I'm alright, Don."
"Thank god, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't." The two shared a quiet laugh. they felt so,,, safe in there, away from what the others expected of them, with just each other for comfort. Elijah looked up at Donnie’s eyes and he could see how soft they were. It was moments like this, where the self proclaimed bad-boy turtle let down his walls, that made him fall in love all over again.
"Love, have you seen my goggles? I need them to get back to work,,," Donnie's voice sounded gently in the quiet room, as if trying to preserve the soft and sleepy atmosphere between the two. He was tired and it was starting to show.
"no, i've not. but don't you think you should stop working for a while?" God, he was lying through his teeth right now but it looked to be working. Donnie looked hesitant, almost scared at the prospect of stopping his work.
"Tell you what, D." he sat up slightly, causing Donnie to look at him expectantly. " Take a nap with me now, it doesn't have to be long, just a couple of hours, and I'll help you find your goggles when we wake up, sound fair? They're not gonna be outside the lair, so it'll be fine." Donnie was torn. On one hand, he needed to find his goggles. If Leo had them (he was the only one of his brothers who might possibly be awake at that time) they could very easily get broken. On the other hand, he was so fucking tired and he really did need sleep.
"Fine, ill take a nap with you" a wide grin stretched across Elijah's face as he layed back down on the bed and moved further towards the wall, lifting the blanket and leaving enough room for Donnie to slide in next to him. And that's what he did. Thankfully, he didn't have any of his gear on since it bothered him while he was working. Adjusting the blanket over them, Eli moved closer to Don, resting his head on his plastron where he could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart. Donnie wrapped his arms loosely around Eli's waist, pulling him even closer.
The air was so full of love, you could almost feel it. The trust between these two was so strong, not even the greatest of disasters could do anything to harm their bond. 
"Hey Don?" Donnie hummed in acknowledgement. He was already in the lightest grips of sleep thanks to the warmth between them.
"I'm the one who took your goggles. I wanted you to go to sleep."
"You sneaky bastard,," he sounded so tired with his response
"You love me really,"
",,,yeah. I do. Now go to sleep, dummy." Elijah chuckled under his breath
"Whatever you say, love,,," <33
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww oh my goshhhhh this is so sweet and wholesome!! i was legit smiling the whole time <333 it's so good for ur first time writing fluff fr oml! :O i love this so so so much treasuring it forever tysm for writing it bestie, it's wonderfulllll!!!!!
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