#friendos fic
angel-baby479 · 2 years
okokok this is pretty long so you might wanna longpost tag this
its the full thing, so it has all of the part one thing i sent yesterday (yes i did go back and finish the sentece) and i think it turned out pretty good for my first time writing this genre. That said,,,
Elitello fanfic coming at you!
It was night three in a row that Donnie had no sleep, and it was around this time that Elijah started to seriously worry. Sure, Donnie stayed up ridiculously late most days, but normally he wouldn't have been up for this long. 
The only good thing about this, is the longer he stays up, the more often he leaves his desk for coffee. It was during his most recent coffee run that Elijah had finally decided he was putting his foot down. He was making Donnie go to sleep, even if it meant destroying whatever he was working on currently (misinfo. Despite how much he wanted to sometimes, Eli could never bring himself to purposefully break something that Don had put his time into.)
The first stage was the simplest part. He had to make it to Donnie’s desk. Considering he had been keeping Don company for the past,,, several hours of the night, this part was easy. Looking through all the organised mess on the desk, he looked for something, anything important enough to Donnie that taking it would make him go after it. 
God this desk was a mess, he hardly knew what was important! Maybe it was about time to start paying more attention when Don infodumped about his creations.
“Elijah, love, what on earth are you up to?”
Fuck. ok. He may have taken a bit too long this time, but maybe he could prompt a hint on what he could take out of this situation?
He took a few steps back from the desk and turned to look at where Donnie was approaching, fresh mug of coffee in hand. “It looked interesting so i was just trying to see what it was”
“Well, maybe if you pay attention this time, I can explain it to you?” He nodded enthusiastically, waiting as Donnie sat down and placed his coffee to the side before leaning slightly against the back of his chair, fully prepared to listen to him ramble for the next half an hour. He may have messed up his first attempt, but he swore, hed do better the next try. He looked at Donnie fondly, listening intently to the words he spoke almost seamlessly.
The things he would do for this man.
It's about 3 coffee trips later when Elijah decides to take another stab at operation: make Donnie sleep, after all, the opportunity practically handed itself to him on a silver platter. During the last few coffee trips, he had meticulously timed how long Donnie had spent out of the room, only for him to be handed a solution where timings would hardly matter.
The device Donnie was working on was rather small. All Eli had been told was that it would go into a handheld device and that he wasn't allowed to know anymore. Odd, but sometimes Don liked to keep the air of mystery to make things more fun and he wasn't going to ruin that for his own curiosity. Not just yet anyway. More importantly, because of its size, Don had been using his goggles the entire time while working on it and after having complained about how they were annoying him, Elijah managed to convince him to take them off for his next coffee run.
There, in all their scrap metal glory, sat Donnie’s goggles. They were currently centre-stage on Donnie’s desk, their placement something he would be sure to notice if it were to disappear. It was perfect. Something necessary for the project that he could take away without fear of damaging anything.
So that's exactly what he did.
As gently as he could, he took the goggles from the table, the cold metal pressing softly into the palm of his hand as he swept quickly across the lab to the still open doors. His footsteps were light, echoing quietly through the lair as Elijah made his way towards Donnie’s room. With around one minute until Donnie got back to the lab to find him gone, Elijah crossed the threshold of Don’s room. He left the light off, it would look more normal that way. And besides, Elijah had spent enough sleepless nights in there with Don to know the layout better than he would the layout of his own room back home. 
There, by the foot of Donnie’s bed, was the bag he normally took with him when staying over at the lair. That would be as good a place as any to hide the goggles, at least then he knew there would be no chance of it accidentally getting broken. Slipping them gently into the main pocket, he settled himself into Donnie’s bed. He knew there was no way that stubborn turtle would just go to sleep when asked, so his only other option was to drag him kicking and screaming. But he was fine with that.
And now, Donnie should have entered the lab to find Elijah and his goggles missing. All he had to do was wait.
"Elijah? Love, are you in here?"
Elijah raised his hand and waved at Donnie, who stood just at the door frame. Upon seeing such a lacklustre response, Donnie crossed the room in strides, whatever he was doing before could wait until after he checked in on his boyfriend.
"Are you alright my love?"
"I'm alright, Don."
"Thank god, I don't know what I'd do if you weren't." The two shared a quiet laugh. they felt so,,, safe in there, away from what the others expected of them, with just each other for comfort. Elijah looked up at Donnie’s eyes and he could see how soft they were. It was moments like this, where the self proclaimed bad-boy turtle let down his walls, that made him fall in love all over again.
"Love, have you seen my goggles? I need them to get back to work,,," Donnie's voice sounded gently in the quiet room, as if trying to preserve the soft and sleepy atmosphere between the two. He was tired and it was starting to show.
"no, i've not. but don't you think you should stop working for a while?" God, he was lying through his teeth right now but it looked to be working. Donnie looked hesitant, almost scared at the prospect of stopping his work.
"Tell you what, D." he sat up slightly, causing Donnie to look at him expectantly. " Take a nap with me now, it doesn't have to be long, just a couple of hours, and I'll help you find your goggles when we wake up, sound fair? They're not gonna be outside the lair, so it'll be fine." Donnie was torn. On one hand, he needed to find his goggles. If Leo had them (he was the only one of his brothers who might possibly be awake at that time) they could very easily get broken. On the other hand, he was so fucking tired and he really did need sleep.
"Fine, ill take a nap with you" a wide grin stretched across Elijah's face as he layed back down on the bed and moved further towards the wall, lifting the blanket and leaving enough room for Donnie to slide in next to him. And that's what he did. Thankfully, he didn't have any of his gear on since it bothered him while he was working. Adjusting the blanket over them, Eli moved closer to Don, resting his head on his plastron where he could hear the rhythmic beating of his heart. Donnie wrapped his arms loosely around Eli's waist, pulling him even closer.
The air was so full of love, you could almost feel it. The trust between these two was so strong, not even the greatest of disasters could do anything to harm their bond. 
"Hey Don?" Donnie hummed in acknowledgement. He was already in the lightest grips of sleep thanks to the warmth between them.
"I'm the one who took your goggles. I wanted you to go to sleep."
"You sneaky bastard,," he sounded so tired with his response
"You love me really,"
",,,yeah. I do. Now go to sleep, dummy." Elijah chuckled under his breath
"Whatever you say, love,,," <33
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww oh my goshhhhh this is so sweet and wholesome!! i was legit smiling the whole time <333 it's so good for ur first time writing fluff fr oml! :O i love this so so so much treasuring it forever tysm for writing it bestie, it's wonderfulllll!!!!!
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teddywesworl · 10 months
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my excuse is I was just on vacation for a full week and therefore cannot be held responsible for my actions
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nancyheart11 · 2 months
"I don't see a boss in this big empty room, were you pulling my leg Vet?"
Legend held up a finger as bars closed over the door and an earthquake started.
Warriors swore as he diving out from under the falling statue.
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fumiku · 11 months
Hear ye hear ye!
I come bringing two Dungeon Meshi marchil fanfics to share
He got crumbs of it in moments, here and there, and it would be more than enough to last the winter. Chil knew how to live on little, with only what he could afford. But love? Love he had had enough of for a lifetime.
I'll start with the shorter one that I wrote first, a quick Chilchuck POV 1.3k words oneshot that's bittersweet if not just plainly sad. It’s about repressing a crush essentially, but the marchil is mostly a front for a character study about Chilchuck’s complex feelings on his marital situation and love in general. I’ve been told many times in comments that even without shipping marchil it was enjoyable, so give it a shot if that sounds interesting!
He soaked her in, like hard bread softening in broth.
Grind Me Down Sweetly
Even years after their journey into the dungeon, Marcille wasn’t quite over her existential dread over short lifespans… And it showed. Every other day, she came by to Chilchuck’s locksmith shop with a shocking lack of locks to smith.
Coffeeshop au except it’s not an au and there’s no coffeeshop. This one is a long oneshot of 17k words, and contains flashbacks that are meant to loosely span over a year. This fic can pretty much be entirely read as platonic. They’re just close friends but they give married energy is all. Slice of life and cozy with a side of banter & tsundere behavior, and existential dread hurt/comfort as the cherry on the sundae. It contains some classic Dungeon Meshi things like storytelling through cooking and sharing meals~ If you like the Marcille and Chilchuck dynamic in canon, this is pretty much just a bunch of that, shenanigans abound!
She clung to her friends like time was always running out.
Blonde hair is the epitome of beauty to him meanwhile his greying hair brings her existential despair. I am composed and collected about this
"I am going to chase you out with a broom"
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Some related-ish memes I made!
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Extra author notes and marchil rambling under cut
With how chil is so irritable and private about romance and his feelings it makes sense that their romance would have passive-agressive energy. Are they just friends or pining? Oh wouldn’t you like to know. Are they just lightheartedly bantering or is he legitimately pissed or are they blinking in morse code their true feelings at each other? Yes
My post-canon timeline is Chilchuck lives a nice life living alone in his house-shop except his friends all visit him and care, and even though he likes living alone it’s also bittersweet and every corner of his life is haunted by the ones he loves and loved and the moments he had with them. That’s it that’s all I want… (mostly the nice life part lol)
My marchil manifesto is that she grows on him stubbornly like fungal yeast and it brings out his flavor like beer <3 Because she stubbornly puts her nose everywhere and refuses to give up on getting closer to her friends and it makes him open up and repress his feelings less and aaaa <33 Obligatory shout out to the dunmeshi discord serv for engaging with my rambles
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For someone who dislikes alcohol I’m having so much fun working beer metaphors and stuff into the writing, Chilchuck has all the fun motifs to play with fr... Traps, lockpicking, married life, work, destitution, starvation, rejection, repression, opening urself up to the world. Give me the most domestic fluff and give it a subtle foundation of angst and hurt comfort 👌
And I do think that Marcille takes a particular interest in Chilchuck especially because he’s so set on being a closed book as well. Yeah she def is like 👀 at him. Aaah the way she wants to meet his family so bad 😭💕 I think she romanticizes him & his family life/idealizes him as a virtuous husband a lot too. Like how she tends to think of things in a more flowery story-like way.
I do compare him to bread and her to soup in that he soaks up in her warm vibes and softens up. Which has become a personal favorite. He was bread, she was soup, can I make it any more obvious /lyr Soggy bread Chilchuck is so funny to me. Like, you know that rock solid bread but then you soak it in soup and then it just becomes the softest crumbliest thing. I think Chilchuck is a really hard bread that will break your teeth if you don’t put him in some soup beforehand. Or wine. I wracked my brain a lot about what food Chil would like (because his Adventurer’s Bible profile just says he love alcohol and hates sweet dishes rip) and I end up giving him a bread motif a lot, since it pairs well with alcohol and whatnot.
With marchil I either do unrequited angst because Chilchuck will NOT allow himself to feel, or the most domestic fluffy shit ever but in a mostly platonic dimension because once again -gestures at Chilchuck- But in a true Marcille "If I was Chilchuck’s wife" Donato fashion she manages to get her nose into the most stubborn’s people stuff like a barnacle and it’s. So married people coded anyways. They’re a lil messed up but it’s ok they’ll iron out those bumps. Ironing because they are gonna do the most domestic chores together 🔥🔥 MARRIEDCORE I TELL YOU I should get around to making more fics and more different vibes though, I already have a bunch of prompts written down~
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Even more rambling and headcanons!!
I hc that when he gets his shop all his living quarters are half-foot sized so whenever the party comes to visit they suffer sitting down at the dinner table and whatnot
There’s a very specific horror in not being able to grow old with your loved one… It’s gotta be rough being in a relationship where you don’t mature at the same speed/rate. It must be so heartbreaking to turn around and your lover suddenly looks 70 while you’re still like 26 Chilchuck living until he lives with either Meijack or Flertom or at the castle and spends his days grumbling about people being even more incompetent than they used to be real. He can live longer than 50 🙏 come on peepaw you can make it to 70. He’s got so many friends ready to nurse him, prob while he complains about it. This is why I find elderly half-foots a funny mental picture. For a while I wondered if half-foots aged visually much at all in the traditional sense, and then I remembered these.
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In my post-canon headcanons I’ve adopted the idea that Marcille doesn’t do her hair, it’s always someone else making her hairdos like an attendant or Kabru and like maybe Falin learns. In the "it takes a village to raise someone" community mutual aid energy… And the rare times where the task befalls Chilchuck he learns how to put it in a single braid (even if it’s so much hair for him to hold in his small hands all at once rip) because the one time he braided it in two in canon it reminded him of Meijack and gave him psychic damage. WHICH. Ohhh my god you have no idea how much I care about Chilchuck’s daughters now. After writing the first half of Grind Me Down Sweetly I am forever changed I know them all by name and know everything there is to know about them, I am making so many headcanons every day… Meijack wears thigh-high boots because she hates when sand, dirt or snow gets in her shoes- I have fanart coming up of them over at @fuumiku and I’d love making fics centered around them as well eventually yippee The angst of old senile Chilchuck still tying marcille's hair... Old senile chilchuck confusing marcille for one of his daughters… "Have you gotten taller? Oh how much you’ve grown" -breaking his neck looking up at her- I want Chilchuck to get the top notch elder treatment.
Ok this is the alcoholism tangent. I really want to believe Chilchuck can be super old, but… Realistically he’s gonna drink himself to an early grave, he’s a work hard play hard kinda guy.
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Marcille would be horrified if she knew the extent of it fr fr, but I do think it’d drive a wedge between them if she tried getting him to lay off of it… If he’s open to it though that’d be so nice and sweet. Hey hey btw did you know, Chilchuck is canonically underweight due to extremely strict dieting and alcohol can act as a good hunger suppressant! Lots of issues to dig into here It’d be cute if his daughters visit him often and collectively keep tabs on him in a caring way. It’s less cute actually beinh the daughter and having to deal with it but- CHILCHUCK IS WORTH IT okay!!! Where’s that meme of "You can fix him? So is 5 other people y’all look like a construction crew" bc this increasingly looks like ‘Marcille Senshi Laios Izutsumi and his family make sure he doesn’t poison himself like a dog with chocolate’ mission.
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Truly for some people reason just flies out the window when it comes to alcohol, coherence gives way to excuses. He reminds of someone I know who got a grave disease that’s worsened by alcohol and just. Continues to take it regularly. You know that thing that’s said where "an alcoholic parent will have 2 kids, one will grow to be alcoholic too while the other will never touch a drop of alcohol" and Chilchuck is def the first I think. He gives the vibe that he’d say "An alcoholic parent puts a strain on familial relationships?? Pshh, my father was and look at me! I turned out great!". I don’t think Chil could really get shaken out of it at this point tbh, seems very ingrained in him, would prob fight it back. I relate with my own familial situation ughh. Maybe if he realized how it hurt the people around him and not only himself though…. I’d def like to see him ease up on it. Drinking is often a social activity though. That gives me hope, especially with the whole dunmeshi lesson of sharing meals, that he might be able to/have recontextualized how or when he likes to take alcohol, that alcohol is better when you have others with you and you’re still able to talk and whatnot. Chilchuck says that he’s pretty picky with alcohol tho, like he has specific tastes or a high bar. Laios can ban good beer in the kingdom and then Chilchuck just stops because it all tastes awful and he’s not rich enough to import. The brewery he likes mysteriously burns down in a fireball incident one night. Marcille risks prison for her loved ones part 2, now with diplomatic immunity! ✨
I have hcs about Chil’s family dynamic, about his daughters and how alcoholism or workaholism may have affected everyone (not me inferring that Puckpatti being the most idealistic and optimistic from Chil’s daughters is probably a result from her being the youngest and perhaps Chil being the most often at work during that time and so she was mostly raised by her mother without much involvement from him). That’s a topic for another day though, for now I leave you all with thoughts of Flertom painting flowers on a shitty ceramic mug when she was 3 and Chil begrudgingly asking Marcille advice on picking a birthday gift for Puckpatti :) Oh yeah, because if we look at the timeline in The Adventurer’s Bible and combine it with when Chilchuck said that "Due to certain circumstances he hasn’t seen his wife or daughters in years" in the Senshi backstory chapter, besides letters with Flertom he has seemingly not seen them in 4 years. 4 YEARS. Thank god dungeons disappeared, it took that much for him to retire
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what is (or are) your favorite terror ship(s)?
(pairings not the sailing vessels, tho if you have opinions on those i’d also be happy to hear them lol)
Ooh fun! :)
Slightly niche perhaps but one of my enduring favourites is actually Gore/Little.
I just really love the idea of Golden-Boy Man-of-Action Gore discovering that he rather likes being bossed around/dominated/treated like the pretty little princess he is.
And I'm equally enamoured with the notion of sweet Nedward finding that he enjoys getting to be powerful/assertive/just a bit of a sadistic wee bastard for once. ;)
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doverstar · 5 months
send me a one-word prompt and a ship and I'll write you a lil oneshot and post it on ao3, how's that? feed me
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bmodiwrites · 2 years
I hear it's @thefreakandthehair's birthday... happiest of days pal, enjoy the fluff!
Eddie is nervous.
There's no getting around that fact. He's been planning his surprise for days, knows all the ways it can go wrong, even has a couple of back up plans if it all goes to shit. Yet, the nerves in his gut bubble up and toil around in his gut like bad food.
See, Steve's birthday is something special. It's the day he was born, so Eddie is especially glad for the occasion. Steve, on the other hand, is not. Up until meeting Eddie and being honest about his dislike of the day, Steve never celebrated. Between shitty parents and an overall lack of interest, the big day rolled by every year without a single present, balloon, or muttered 'happy birthday'.
It's the sort of travesty that Eddie's going to spend the rest of his life remedying.
So, there's a bit of pressure (all self-applied) for Eddie to make the day a little extra special. The first year, he threw Steve his very first family birthday party. The one following, Eddie took Steve to a Tears for Fears concert in the city. That trip is still one Eddie looks back on fondly - the gift ended up being amazing for them both.
This year, Eddie's decision to keep things on the down low is driving him a little mad. While he knows it's the right decision after the last few months they've been through, Eddie's still trying to come to terms with his very small, though still big and heartfelt, gestures. He doesn't want Steve to think any less of a day that's more important to Eddie than his own day of birth. His husband isn't that sort of person, yet Eddie feels the sting of nervousness all the same.
Instead of something big and flashy to start the day, Eddie gets out of bed a little early and makes breakfast. He's careful about the color of Steve's toast (because if it's too burnt, he'll eat it out of petulant stubbornness, not actual enjoyment). The good orange juice is sitting in Steve's favorite cup and the eggs are just about ready. Everything is going perfectly when the creaky floorboard gives Steve's presence away.
"You're cooking, babe?" Steve asks as he wraps his arms around Eddie from behind. His nose settles into the curve of neck and shoulder - Eddie still loves the feeling of Steve breathing him in there.
"Yes! And you're supposed to be in bed. I was going to bring this to you." Eddie tries not to let the pout leak into his voice, but Steve's arms tightening around his waist give him away.
"I think I like this better. I can hold you while you finish up and then we can eat together."
It's so sweet and beautifully mushy that Eddie lets this ruined surprise slide. He can't be disappointed when Steve beams at him like they're still newlyweds throughout the entirety of the meal.
Except, the rest of the day is pretty off, too. Eddie gets caught in a meeting at work that blows up his plans to take Steve lunch. He employs Dustin to head to the sub shop Steve likes to pick up the food, instead. He's late to get home and misses Steve before his husband takes off for his evening run, so the pre-workout blow job is off the table.
By the time dinner rolls around, Eddie's feeling less than and so disappointed in himself. Steve finds him at the kitchen table with his head in his hands after his post-run shower.
"Baby, what's wrong?" There's that sickeningly sweet care in Steve's voice that have the tears in the corner of Eddie's eyes finally falling.
"Today's been all wrong, Steve. You deserve the best and today just wasn't it. Nothing went as planned." He swipes at the rebellious tears but more fall in their place. "I wanted your birthday to be perfect."
Shower-warm hands frame his cheeks; Steve uses his grip there to tilt Eddie's head up so they're looking eye to eye. "Eddie, I love you but my birthday has never mattered to me. It's just another day. You love me so well all year that an entire day of spoiling me is just gluttonous. I'm a happy man, baby. Let's celebrate that together, instead."
Eddie is too moved to say anything, so he leans in to seal their lips together. The kiss lingers long enough for Eddie to forget about his troubles and simply enjoy the moment.
Later, when they're tangled up in the sheets together, blush and sweat still marring their skin, Steve rolls over to press his lips against Eddie's ear. "Best birthday ever," he whispers, a smile in his voice.
It's real and genuine and Eddie knows he means it.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
haha scared to post anything longer than like 300 words now i dunno, like it’s forever up for debate if people like my writing or if i’m even any good at it and my brain has just gone into overdrive panic mode writing my commissions and looking at requests thinking “someone else could do that better probably” ;-;
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chevvy-yates · 11 months
Decided it is time for another update so here's a longer post to what I've been up to and stuff that circles around in my head lately.
@medtech-mara, @imaginarycyberpunk2023, @itzsassha, @humberg, @kittenchrissy, @rosapexa, @cinnamon-mey, @heywoodvirgin, @dreamskug, @drunkchasind, and everyone who sees and wants to do as well.
No pressure as always!
Let's begin with sth. first I have on my mind for a while: As this fandom (sadly) seems to fall more and more apart, I would like to know if there are still people interested in reading actual lore content or not. As some of you know my dear friend @nervouswizardcycle and I are continously building up some sort of our own expansion after the main game events with rp/fic, character builds, backstory lore and support by vp and it eats a lot of time. The lack of interactions on tblr during the last few months and in several discord servers has led to me not posting a lot anymore either (beside my mental exhaustion phases that come and go). It seems more active again though, as majority already played Phantom Liberty by now or are right into it, so they slowly come back bc they presumably avoided spoilers. —————— So, here is me wondering how many following my blog are 'really' interested to see me sharing all lore of the boys (including story parts) or does the majority prefer just to see pretty pics and that's it? —————— (I've wanted to add a poll here but it doesn't let me save my post so I might do it in a seperate one a bit later) I know: it's my blog, I post what I like in the first place, and I'll likely continue that way but somehow I would like to know if it's worth the effort of formating and thinking about how the posts could look or if I can take that time to do something else with it instead if there's less interest. So, I would just keep it in my tiny discord server I share with my rp partner(s)/in private chats with those interested bc it's gotten to be a lot and we are still at the very start it feels.
As I'm the type that can't have ocs with no background/lore, I sat down the other day and did a build for each with their skills, wrote down what chrome everyone got (incl. additional c-ware from the lore books plus I'm reading e.g. into what programs my runner twins are likely to make use of). It went this far that my friend used the amount of the game's 'cyberware capacity' as 'humanity loss'. It is used in the lore books/ttrpg anyways. So I've counted all my boys possible capacity* and use it as humanity loss (HL) now which led me to thinking about which one of my ocs goes to get treatment and how often they go to see a MedTech on regular base. I thought I could give them a certain minus amount to reduce the HL for each depending on how much or less c-ware they got — e.g. Thyjs as soldier has most (but all is good Militech chrome) and used to go and still goes regularly so his HL gets a huge reduce — whereas Ryder's gets always nulled no matter how often he gets threatment, because BEAST (rogue AI) eats it away each time (to understand that in full you probably have to know the story). Ry must have most HL loss as he often walks along the edge towards cyberpsychosis, so I'm forced to reduce Thyjs' with most c-ware installed a huge amount. And that's how I made it now. It's probably far away from canon ttrpg as my 'canon cp world' consists of 75% game, 20% lorebooks and 5% own added ideas I haven't seen on the lore yet. And I like it that way I gotta say. On a little side note: It also had me thinking about creating a new support character for the team that could be in fact a MedTech. But I won't do that anytime soon.
* some things might still change as I slowly started playing their playthroughs and skill them for real now. I love each build so far because it's a whole different experience! And playing someone with noe netrunning ability is hell as I was only usedto paly netrunner before.
I decided to give you an insight of what I've roughly written yesterday about Ryder and Thyjs having a talk about how they feel for each other:
“Ik ben eerlijk. I liked that accidental kiss we shared a-and i-ik find je leuk, Ry. Probably more as— a friend is supposed to do.” De Wit instantly starts feeling nauseous and something tightens around his stomach but he needs to get it off of his heavy feeling soul. “I-I guess I have stronger feelings for you than I had expected and it’s confusing me.” He frowns, “It’s not usual for me. Never felt any kind of such an attraction towards other men. I-It’s just you— I think I might be into you, Ryder.” The last sentences came in a mere murmur than spoken and Ryder’s name was only a light whisper. Thyjs didn’t dare to look to his left. He feared he would lose his new gained friend now because he said his stupid thoughts aloud. Instead he continues staring at the distant horizon feeling the lump in his throat only getting heavier. The sun was already half arisen and the sky was painted in a bright orange and yellow fading out into never ending blue. After de Wit seems to have finally finished his long talk, Ryder realizes the pack has fallen out of his hands. He needed to repeat in his mind what Thyjs just told him. Did the man really pour out his heart to him at this very moment? He couldn’t believe it at first. The pale soldier he obviously secretly fell for just told him he was having feelings for him that reach further than friendship? It took him what seemed like an eternity to get out of his frozen state. Ry moves up into a straighter position, still supporting his body with his right forearm, turning more towards Thyjs, who is still watching the rising sun with a rather sad look on his face blinking every once in a while. Eventually Scharfenberg brings up his left hand to reach for the older man’s face and de Wit suddenly feels two fingers under his chin making him look at the younger man again. He sees a tiny smile on those dark lips he caught himself looking at so many times in utter secrecy. That tiny smile that’s usually the base for a brighter even more heartwarming smile baring dangerous fangs who make the man look frightening, but smiling like that? Thyjs often caught himself thinking Ry looked cute with these fangs as well. Ry sees Thyjs’ confusion as his eyes look questioning right back at him. So Ry better says something now. “I-Ich äh—” he clears his throat, “—I don’t know where to start. How to talk feelings in the first place.” Letting Thyjs talk himself off seemed to be right for Ryder and it was worth it, because he thinks it’s the most earnest confession someone has ever made to him, yet he doesn’t know how to answer to all this best. So he decides to place himself into a sitting position, to look the soldier boy straight into the eyes. His gaze gets distracted by Thy’s slightly opened lips for a split second. It is the same situation as earlier downstairs, only that Ry has his fingers still under de Wit’s chin and starts to lead his face towards the other man. Just a few inches are left between them and Thyjs can feel the younger man’s warm breath on his skin. He also has this incredible sight at those beautiful male black eyelashes again the very moment they cast down and then he feels those same lips from before on his own with such a soft pressure that again he closes his eyes in an instant and starts to revel in that same electricity running through him but also the revenant paralyze surrounding him again.
It is just a brief kiss, similar to the one in the apartment downstairs but shyer in its move. As soon as it happened it ended. Ryder opens his eyes afterwards immediately because he fears somehow the man in front of him would get up, step back and turn away but instead he still feels his chin pressed softly against his fingers. It casts another tiny smile onto Ryder’s face as his now racing heart skips a beat or two, seeing that Thyjs didn’t make a move nor a sound. His eyes open now as well and Ry swears he’s never seen heterochromia looking so soft but also surprised at the same time at him like Thyjs does right now. He waits for a reaction but Thyjs just keeps looking at him, lips parting shortly just to close again. “What? — Did that make you that speechless now?” Ry asks with nearly the same surprisement. Thyjs lets out a heavy breath and nods, eyes totally lost looking at him which lets Scharfenberg put on a warm smile. “Want to— try again?” Thyjs swallows his unspoken words that gathered in his throat he couldn’t speak aloud and nods again. Heavier, his lips turning into a smile as well and his eyes are suddenly filled with happiness and relief, like he’s telling Ryder that he cannot wait to have their lips meeting once more and to feel that intense buzz from before as it spreads through his entire body like when he’s powering up electricity. This feeling right now? It’s strong and sends an entirely new sensation through him. Is dat het gevoel van vlinders in je buik? He wonders but doesn’t get much more time to think about it because Ryder choses to lean in for a second time.
It can and probably will be rewritten or changed but I definitely want to have it this way! Thjys starts talking and talking almost doing a monologue instead of a dialogue until he comes to the final point and Ryder wants to respond with words but doesn't know how to (he may find them a bit later) and just does what's best: kiss this soldier. I'll max out this kissing scene for a lot more pages just because I can.
I love the idea of Thyjs as war machine being totally romantic and getting super takative when alone with Ryder. And Ryder definitely is a soft romatic boy, alsways was bu Beast made his life harder to show this side more but Thyjs gets to see it also in private.
4. VP
Since I do more 'actual play the game' now even though I have installed most of all mods back, I rarely do pics atm. If I do, they are just rather nice pics where I try to use the ingame light rather than to spawn spot lights. here's a preview of what comes next:
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I have so many ideas I want to put into reality. Especially pics that underline the rp/fic chapters mentioned above. But I'm not going to force myself. I'll see what I can realize for the rest of the year and what gets to be stamped as a New Year's resolution. I'll probably focus on a few blorbo pics this weekend because Ryder's birthday is around the corner (31st October) and Jay's boyfriend Enzolino has just a day prior. So if I can manage, I'll do that in the first place.
Thanks for reading! <3
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Maira Live Reacts!
Read a fic, had some thoughts... Bon appetit.
About a quarter of the way through Descendants of Cyrano by the fantastic @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels I decided to write notes in a kind of live-reaction reading.
Mads, this is for you. Thank you for writing this amazing fic. ❤️
(Spoilers within, read at your own risk!)
I meant to save this as a draft as I was worried about posting it, but Technology™️ intervened, so, here it is? I guess?
Me: *reads scene (Imbolc loves Atton to the core)*
*literally throws phone (It's fine, there was a pillow)*
Me: Fuck me dead, he did not just-
My fiancé: Fic?
Me: Fic. Christ.
*me reading the scene from between my fingers a la Chimney*
Me: I can't I can't I can't
Me, to my cat who is asleep on my lap: Evie, boys are dumb.
Evie: *twitches ear*
Me: I'm so glad you agree.
*the session after The Sexting*
Me: Oh MY god.
Me: Just... come on.
*after the in-game fight, when Buck comes over*
'There's not point in going only halfway to Hell' Me: Boy, you ain't wrong, damn. Get it.
Me, after the blowjob against the wall scene, literally face-palming over Buck thinking EDDIE ONLY DID IT IN CHARACTER FOR THE GAME like, baby honey sweetie... No.
... You realise you both admitted you had to 'clean up' after that, right? Right?!
*hits them both (lovingly) with a clue-by-four* Y'ALL!
"Can I kill him?"
"I'd rather you didn't."
I can hear Bobby's deadpan delivery and it is *chef's kiss*
... Crossroad's demon? Really?
*Eddie's speech to the Wives of Hell*
Me:... No, no, I'm fine, I'm not sobbing, it's cool.
Me: Oh, no, it's getting too real, oh, gods.
Xedgin called, they want their paladin back.
*panicking at the thought of the 118 breaking up because of retirement or other captaincies and knowing those are good reasons but still wanting to cry*
Gold star for that reference indeed.
'Marry me.'
Me: What the FU-
Evie: *in cat* Mother, do stop yelling, I am sleeping.
Jesus H Christ, Mads, I can't believe you actually went through this as an actual campaign and SURVIVED, my god.
*keeps reading*
*squeaks at how much they fucking love each other*
Y'all we're in this temple for the wedding and I'm waiting for one of them to straight up go 'I can't do this' and walk out of the game because it hurts too much and they want it to be real.
Simultaneously weeping and giving heart eyes and feeling my heart break because Eddie thinks he doesn't deserve to say this IRL.
Oh, Eddie Diaz, my beloved.
(Could say that about the whole fic, but, specifically here)
'He was bound to slip up' oh this bodes well.
*gasps* Oh nooooo.
My boy Eddie Diaz, y'all. I'm so proud.
I take it back, I choked on my tea when he said the core line TO BUCK IRL I WAS NOT PREPARED!
“If you say intelligence was my dump stat…”
Okay the 'so hot it's almost cold' thing? I get that too, and the one person I told gaslit me about it, saying it was impossible and I was making it up, so I never told anyone again and now I am Holt from B99 yelling vindication! dot gif.
THAT REVEAL! *dies laughing*
Seriously, can't stop cackling.
Watching Chimney have an aneurysm shouldn't be this entertaining.
Ofc Bobby figured it out, he's the real MVP.
My heart, right in the feels, damn.
Fucking great last line.
And oh good, your friends admitted it, thank all the gods.
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Todoroki vs Mineta
Happy belated birthday @supaserajupiter 😘
Rating: T
Words: ~6600
Mineta asks Todoroki for help in garnering Midoriya’s attention. For some reason, despite his own feelings, he agrees.
Shoto wasn't entirely sure how he ended up in this position.
One moment, he was on his way to Midoriya's room—an excuse of wanting to look at his friend's All Might figure on his lips—and the next moment, he was being dragged into the neighbouring room, which belonged to the most repulsive character in class A.
Shoto tried not to look at the walls. He was mostly unbothered by the numerous pairs of tits around him—after all, there was only one broad chest that made him flustered and it wasn't a double D cup—but he really wanted to be able to look Midnight-sensei in the eye during class, so he kept his gaze firmly ahead. Shoto shuffled from where he was sitting on the floor, protected from the suspiciously stained carpet by the jacket he had placed on top of it and would later have to cremate.
He'd rather not contract an infection, especially when he didn't really want to be here in the first place.
'I've called you here today because I want to talk, man to man.'
Shoto raised an eyebrow when Mineta narrowed his eyes at him.
'Then talk.'
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nancyheart11 · 4 months
The hylian in question looked up from organizing his pack after a jar of honey had shattered inside it.
"What in Farore's green ground is that?!"
"You mean my cheese?"
the horrible slimey and fuzzy substance could in no way be identified as cheese and Legend resolved to throw it away when Hyrule wasn't looking
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raeofthelight · 14 days
🫂 🧠 🪻 🌻🥊🐚
🫂 If you wanna hug me approach it like you're capturing a stray cat. I have raebies.
🧠 Oh buddy I can ramble. When the alignment of the moon is correct. And you're pretending not to listen so I don't feel perceived. In those circumstances I can ramble like a...uh....something that rambles alot. (For further study on this subject please refer to the tag #raerambles as well as the tags in general of anything Rae reblogs)
🪻 Sneezing over this flower sorry did I lose cool points.
🌻 I'm not crying over what you said I just tripped in the sunflower field and got speared by the garden shears in my hand
🥊 Lets beat up an eldritch stranger together
🐚 Sorry about the soul connection but when you're friends with the devil that tends to happen. Don't worry. Once I've fully absorbed your soul into mine you won't notice anything. At all. Ever again.
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Fic Rec Friday returns!!
Todays Fic Rec is by my beloved @giddyfenix!!
Amores anacrónicos
Secret tasks but created by a shipping secret keeper <3 /silly
Seriously I love this, please go read it if you like mcyt
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rainebowevee · 10 months
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colored by shibausaworld, line art by me
gift fic: Be Your Strength
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kcrabb88 · 11 months
Fic Writer 20 Questions
Tagged by the lovely @foreverchangingfandomsao3!
1.) How many works do you have on ao3?
2.) What's your ao3 word count? 
3.) What fandoms do you write for? 
I've written for Les Mis, Phantom of the Opera, Black Sails, Captain America, Hadestown, and Star Wars.
4.) What are your top five fics by kudos?
Shoulder the Sky: My RoTS fix-it AU and the first installment in the series of the same name! Obi-Wan figures Palpatine out and gets stabbed and put on trial for his trouble. Anakin has to sort his way out of Palpatine's manipulations.
Les Hommes de la Misericorde: My first long fic in the Les Mis fandom, which is very dear to my heart! It established many long lasting friendships as well as my brand of "Valjean saves some or all of the Amis after the barricade"
Whispers From the Dead: The sequel to Shoulder the Sky, featuring undead Sith, lots of QuinObi, Obi-Wan whump, Anakin being the Jedi master he always could have been, really cute Skywalker twins, and Padme finally getting to be chancellor.
Conjuring Miracles: My OWK what-if, where Vader gets his hands on Obi-Wan at the end of episode 3.
Between the Soul and the Star: My Les Mis fic where I attempt to save ALL the Amis and put Javert through his paces :D
5.) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I like to! I don't always get to every one, but I do try and answer as often as I can, especially long comments--I like to thank people for that effort! Plus, I've made friends by talking in comments!
6.) What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that one goes to By Force of Friendship, my Les Mis Barricade Day fic where Enjolras watches each of his friends die one by one, until he reaches his end. I mean, blame canon for that! But still, it hurt.
7.) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I dunno if I can pick one? I've written a lot of fix-it fics for various fandoms, although my Hadestown fix-it, As If it Might Turn Out This Time, might be the winner .
8.) Do you get hate on fics?
Hmm I got flames like everyone else back in the 'ole ff.net days, but the only hate I ever got was on my Les Mis pirate AU (long taken down and turned into my series of novels) and I wouldn't even call it hate so much as weird and aggressive.
9.) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do! I used to do almost entirely closed door/implied smut, but over the last few years, between my girl Raoul Phantom of the Opera AU and QuinObi fic for Star Wars, I write it a lot more! And I've really enjoyed writing it, too. Lot of character work that can happen!
10.) Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I wrote a Criminal Minds/House MD cross years and years ago, pre-Ao3!
11.) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12.) Have you ever had a fic translated?
A couple of Les Mis ones, yes! Into Chinese.
13.) Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Wayyyyy back in the day, pre-Ao3, but not since then.
14.) What's your all time favorite ship?
I write a lot of gen fic, but as far as romantic ships go, it's a tie between QuinObi and Raoul/Christine, both of which I'm feral over and have written the most shippy content for.
15.) What's a WIP you'd like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Don't currently have any unfinished ones! Well, WFTD, but it's almost done and will definitely be finished.
16.) What are your writing strengths?
I think character-depth and character arcs are probably my biggest strength? It's what's most important to me as a reader, so that's where I tend to focus the most.
17.) What are your writing weaknesses?
God, blocking!!! Not even in action scenes, that I can do, but when people are just sitting in a room! Constantly have problems with that.
18.) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Sometimes I do! I've used French in Les Mis here and there.
19.) First fandom you wrote for?
Rurouni Kenshin, back when I was a tiny baby on Media Miner.
20.) Favorite fic you've ever written?
This is like picking a favorite child??? I can't pick, but I will say that I'm proud of how I've expanded my horizons and written new things in Whispers From the Dead!
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