#lost tje hyperfixation
fluffypotatey · 6 months
ya know, *in a harley quinn voice* for someone crazy about monkies on main, 'm surprised i didnt find ya sooner!
(more seriously!) !!!!!!!!! i think i found one of your swk essays which i read over tje course of two hours and promptly lost my mind to, which ked to me reigniting my lmk hyperfixation. thanks!!!! (genuinely!) i didnt realize you wrote so im gonna go read that now :] bai!
aw shucks! i guess i got too good of a grade in not being perceived :3 which i don’t mind lol i like my corner of this site
but yeah! idk lmk just scratches an itch for me and that led to a brainrot of metas and fics so i’m happy to see the feeling’s mutual (sunburst duo especially like i can’t with them T^T i will never be ready when s5 drops)
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sunstar121 · 3 years
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hehe kitty........ @doodledream
imagine going to help out ur friends fight for their country back and when u get home the anarchist that was kinda?? on your side has moved in next door, and later on he kinda inducts you into his secret society. how do you even react to that.
[I.D: Two pages of drawings of my dsmpsona. they are a pale orange cat hybrid with blue-green eyes, purple and brown hair, long claws, many piercings, and moles on their face. they wear a high-necked black tanktop, fur-lined brown jacket, black pants, black fingerless gloves, mukluks, gray toque, and a cloak that is coloured like a sunset. Labels in orange text on the first drawing reads: 'Chris Star / They/them / 17 • Pisces / Can talk to cats / Honorary Syndicate member / 9 lives / Orange cat hybrid / Lives in the tundra' As well as a small drawing of their cape.
The second page has an assortment of doodles: two cats (one black and white, the other siamese) labeled Webster and Mouse, a small comic of the Syndicate showing up at their door, and them nervously asking 'Can I help you??', them lying on the floor chatting with three cats, and a sketchy comic of them coming home after helping Pogtopia and seeing Technoblades cabin. A box labeled 'Misc Info' holds this text: '-huge gossip / -just wants to watch and not get involved / -wicked baker / -hehe kitty has nine lives....' and a list of their bros, including Phil, Ranboo, Techno, Niki, Tubbo, Ant, and Remy. end I.D]
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My 69 year old mother, oklahoman born and raised, looks at some of the states videos when i show them to her. this is usally how it goes with all my hyperfixations.
She told me today that she liked the oklahoma charicter because she thought ben looked good playing him. (obvious bias on her part but damn if it aint the truth 😳)
I showed her the old design, the boomer sooner shirt. thats the one she was familiar with. i showed her the new design, with the OU suit shirt. she HATED it. "Thats like somone lost a bet!" is one of the things she said. "i no longer like him >:(" (the charicter, not ben.)
THEN she asks me to "Tell them to change tje design" im not sure what she means by that but im goanna tweet at ben, wish me luck boys o7
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