thxemazingem · 5 years
A faint whistling pierces Em’s ears.  Xe frowns and looks around for the source of the sound, but xe can’t pinpoint it. No one else seems to be bothered. 
It comes and goes all day until Em’s about to burst. Finally, xe looks over at the dude Jojo introduced xer to (Style?) and asks,
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“-Did you hear that?”
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bucketxfsunshine · 5 years
“Gooood morning, Stiles!” Charlie sang as she burst through the door. She was not a morning person, but it wasn’t really morning- it was almost 2pm. Their plan would be executed after nightfall, however, so she wasn’t too late.
The pink-haired girl leaned over Stiles shoulder to see what he was working on now. 
“You ready for tonight?” she whispered. “I sure am!” 
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badassxqueens-blog · 5 years
Reconnecting with Stiles had been what she’d wanted ever since he left and now that it had finally happened, Malia felt like her world had snapped back into focus. It felt like things were finally the way that they should be again, but then there was one thing that Malia didn’t know how she felt about. Lately, she simply felt different and actually sick, which was a feeling she’d never experienced before in her entire life. The brunette wanted to be sure that she wasn’t being hexed or whatever else could be wrong and with her being a supernatural creature, she wasn’t just thinking of normal, human things. No, this could be a supernatural thing too, something mystical or magical and in this town, you never knew. Before she’d seek Deaton out for help however, Malia had read about feeling sick online and well, if this was a normal, human thing, then she’d get rid of this in about nine months. It was why she’d gotten herself a pregnancy test at the local drugstore, which looked a bit confusing and stupid because who had even invented girls having to pee on a stick in order to find out if their was a life growing inside of them? As idiotic as she thought it was, the brunette followed through with the instructions on the box and truth be told, she didn’t think that she could be pregnant. There was no way - she was undead, half werewolf and half vampire. She couldn’t procreate, no matter how hard she tried as her body wasn’t made for it. 
Dead beings weren’t able to carry babies inside of them. But what if it was true either way? Was it the werewolf side of her that made this possible? Could she really be a mother and take care of a child? And what about Stiles? Did he even want to be a dad? It wasn’t like she’d been with anyone else, so she knew for a fact that it was his, there was no doubt about it. While Malia didn’t want to look at the test once the results were displayed, she knew that was what she’d have to do or it would just eat away at her. Picking the test up with one hand, she stared down at what it said and according to the results, she was indeed pregnant. Okay, fine, it said that, but that didn’t mean that Malia blindly believed it. She needed Deaton or some sort of witch to figure this out for her. “How the hell am I pregnant? I don’t even breathe. Even Stiles has a better chance at nourishing a baby inside his body.” she mumbled, eyes lifting towards the veterinarian once she’d explained it all to the man. She’d asked him not to tell Scott or anyone else because it was still too confusing and she still needed to tell Stiles about it too. But having Deaton confirm her pregnancy just made it more real - and scary. What was she supposed to do now? Tell Stiles, right? They’d made plans for tonight, but Malia wasn’t sure if that’d be the right moment to tell him. Not unless she wanted him to have a heart attack and pass out. Maybe it was better to just wait until Stiles was here, maybe that would make her feel better. Finally arriving back home after what felt like the longest day ever, Malia got comfortable on the couch until Stiles arrived.
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imworthfivedollars · 5 years
@lostvacvnt cont. from x
[ 📱 — hellboy🔥]: wow dude i seriously cannot believe you don’t have me in your phone [ 📱 — hellboy🔥]: i thought it’d be easy to figure out [ 📱 — hellboy🔥]: who do you think would send you multiple random memes at 3 am??? 
[Stiles] ...Good evening, Stiles. [Stiles] What exactly is it that you need?  [Stiles] I’m not at the station right now, so I can’t get you anything until the morning.
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laboranti · 5 years
plotted starter for @lostvacvnt​
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Harlow had been drawn to power and dominance ever since she could remember. The ones who were strong caught her eyes. Of course, she had never really acted out on it, but the draw was there the pull. When she had met her father, that power rolled off him in waves so thick and overwhelming; she found herself almost smothering while sitting in the same room. More than blood, she was drawn to that. The unhinged power sitting in his veins, she wanted that control, that strength. He was her blood, so she had to have that too, right? She guessed that was why when Stiles had opened up about Void, it had made so much sense why she was drawn to him more than anyone else. From the start, something about the boy called to the dark parts of her. She wanted to follow him, and she would, to the ends of the world, to whatever purpose. The Nogitsune... He was power beyond anything else. Her family, Peter, and Derek were powerful creatures. Apex predators. And yet even they were no match when it came to the spirit of chaos. Hearing the stories had sent chills down her spine, only increasing that draw she had to the Stilinski boy. When Void finally showed himself again? Well. She was drowning in the power that he held, knew from the beginning he could kill her with the effort it took her to growl.
So much had changed in the months following that fateful night. Stiles had come to her, and said he was leaving, told her they were all in danger. No more blood would be on his hands, not hers. And it had broke her. A lifetime of loneliness, she'd only just began to dip her toes into the lake of affection and happiness. Finally, grasping some sense of normality with relationships, and just like that, she would lose it all again. She would never come to terms with what she would have to give up, sacrifice, but when Stiles's face showed up at her front door the next day with that overwhelming assertion of power oozing from him, she knew it wasn't right. Something darker, the Nogitsune. At first, she just followed him because of Stiles. He was in there somewhere, he saw everything, remembered it all. She knew he was alive, and that was good enough for her. While she knew to do what the Nogitsune wanted wasn't right, she did it anyway. Because it meant she could be close to them. She would never admit it, but as time went on, she'd come to realize she craved being lead, needed someone with that much power to ground her to the world, and allow her to see her full potential.
And see her full potential she did. It took little time for The Nogitsune; whos name was later revealed to be Hibiki, to show her that unleashing that rage wasn't wrong. It was what was right by nature - why else would she have such cravings? Why else would she be that powerful? And so she accepted it, embraced it. She followed the fox to the end of the world into wars. She'd dismembered people for getting too close to him, always looking to make sure not a single bit of harm came to him. It wasn't just that she'd grown fiercely loyal to the fox that had taken her into his home, but she knew that her friend's life depended on it. She couldn't let anyone hurt Stiles. As the time ticked on, she'd become a master of torture. Or, at least, compared to how she had been when she first joined forces with Hibiki.
He had promised her a present. He told her she'd been so well behaved that she deserved this blessing, something he and Stiles had discussed and decided on. She didn't have a clue what it was, the fox never giving up his trick. The day had finally come, and now she sat on the couch with Hibiki stood in front of her, hands folded in front of him. She stared at him, the familiar soft features of her friend harshened by his attitude and overall existence. It wasn't a bad look for him, she'd grown used to the more hostile expressions rather than Stiles' awkward bubbly habits, but she missed him. Harlow always searched for any sign of the boy inside the beast, even if she didn't view Hibiki in that light anymore. He was still death incarnated, and he wasn't someone to mess with. The opposite of Stiles. Whole different sides to the spectrum. The only time she didn't search for the familiar glint in his eyes, or in the twitch of his lips, was when they were hurting people. Deep down, despite Hibiki saying that Stiles was proud of her, of what she did, she didn't want him to see that part of her. She never did -  it was ugly, scarred, broken. But Hibiki was scarred and broken too, the same side of a different coin. It was why she relished in that darkness when he was around.
The sound of a door opening had her eyes snapping to the sound, always on edge. Brown eyes morphed into blue, ready to defend her family. Prepared to kill whoever dared break into their home to threaten them; it wouldn't have been far fetched. They'd made quite a few enemies over their travels, and this town had been filled to the brim with them. But blue hues fell on familiar boyish features, softened with the kindness his heart carried. Mid snarl, her full body went deadweight. Frozen in her spot, she just stared for a moment. "Stiles?" His name was but a whisper on shaking lips, the tears swelling in her still blue gaze before they began to roll down over her cheeks. He was before her in one piece, and while she doubted he would be there long, or if it was even real, it felt real. He looked real. He looked healthy, safe. Unharmed. She blinked a few times, trying to see if he would disappear when she did.
He didn't.
Within seconds her body was scrambling over the back of the couch, leaping off the back to land in a run. She all but threw her body into his chest, arms wrapping tight around his torso. He smelled like Stiles. He had the feeling of Stiles - because no matter the fact Hibiki inhabited his body, she'd long since learned the differences between the two. Slight, but noticeable. Stiles was soft, while Hibiki was hard. Always tensed. Always ready for the next fight. Her face pushed forth into his shirt, a small sob falling off her lips. This had been their surprise? Their present? Letting her see him, touch him, exist with him? She would've continued doing exactly what she was told and then some even without the motivation, but now... Now she was convinced to keep going, with the proof the boy she loved still existed in there. Hibiki would always be enough for her, but their connection was different than the one she shared with Stiles. It didn't have as much history behind it, as much care. She knew the whole thing was one-sided, Hibiki was a demonic spirit, he didn't do gushy feelings or humane friendships. He treated her with respect, and sometimes it seemed like he genuinely did care about her. But in the end, it would never be quite the same. She had come along for Stiles, and she would've left for him too.
Or tried.
"I missed you. I missed you so much." Her words shook when they left her lips, fingers curling into the fabric of his top, eyes squeezing shut. "You're here... You're real..."
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ohdeer-malia · 5 years
continued from here bc i don’t have self control & would you look at that it’s gonna be celebrity verse   » @lostvacvnt​
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WHY did she have to open her mouth? Her fingers aren’t that interesting, but they’re all she can keep her focus on. Stress has made it so her thumbnails are chewed down as low as they can go, the skin around it red and irritated. Nowadays, her pinkie nails were at the mercy of her anxiety. Gnawing at them never stopped mentally exhausting merry-go-round spinning around in her head. The pounding in her chest is too loud, too jarring. Malia clasps her hands together and shoves them between her legs to keep Stiles from seeing them tremble. 
❝ I— ❞ She's gonna be sick. Her voice grows small. ❝ I don’t feel so good. ❞
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antoniwrites · 5 years
Giselle was starting at a new school, new town, in California. When she was introduced in class, she heard a few light gasps. Great, some serial killer know it alls. She thought. Especially when those few people were staring at her. When the class finally let out, she got to lunch, sitting alone at a table outside. She was eating her sandwich when someone suddenly came up to her and she nearly tossed her sandwich in the air. “Jesus! Don’t scare me like that!”
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iiimpulse · 5 years
@lostvacvnt​ liked for a starter!!
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Working with the McCall pack was the very last thing Travis Raeken had on his mind, but it had to be done because it was precisely what Theo wanted to do. And he had to protect his brother, the last living member of his family. Right now, standing next to Stiles Stilinski, flicking through pages of a book to try and find information, he wanted death.
“Why is this necessary?” Travis found himself asking the same question time and time again. Eyes flickered to Stiles, head tilting with suspicion lacing every feature.
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thewailer-archived · 5 years
plotted started for this one     //  @lostvacvnt
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       She may have been the SHORTER one in this dynamic of pairs, but she sure made up for it in stature and determination. There was no way Lydia Martin was letting Stiles Stilinski leave in his Jeep alone to go to the next town over.   ❝  I don’t even see the point of investigating this. The Sheriff's department clearly aren’t concerned. Plenty of people have dogs, Stiles. And plenty of people die. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence ❞ 
A silence lingered for a moment. Lydia watched him; heart caught in her throat for just a second as the reality of him being in danger kicked in. She couldn’t wouldn’t let him risk his life again.
❝ But if you’re so determined then I’m not letting you go on your own. I’m coming with you❞  it was decided (in her mind anyway) ❝  we can make it into a road trip❞ 
Two hours later and Lydia had packed a bag which was ridiculously heavy for a one night stay. She heaved the large thing into the back of the jeep and shot the male a look anticipating the inevitable comment. 
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astormofagirl · 5 years
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My Tumblr Crushes:
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𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 — @lostvacvnt
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Lydia can’t remember the last time she’s been addressed as such. Lydia. The name sounds foreign even as she considers it mentally, letting the name tumble through her mind. It tastes strange on her lips as they form the mechanics of the word but do not sound it  — she is not that person anymore. 
She goes by another name now, a name chosen for her by those whose orders she must obey or else face consequences she doesn’t even want to imagine. 
But tonight she doesn’t get to think about that; it’s inconsequential. Tonight is the first mission that they’re engaging in which isn’t a simulation. Tonight is the first time they’ve been trusted to do this for real without anyone else’s help, and she isn’t going to let him mess it up for her.
“Remind me, Mischief,” Lydia drawls under her breath as they approach the hotel, “Why I have to be the hostage again?” Her heels clack rhythmically on the pavement as she does her best to keep up with him — their combined height difference and her assigned footwear don’t make it an easy task, but there’s no way she’s going to give him the satisfaction of her asking him to slow down.
They aren’t on venue yet and as such she isn’t worried about talking through the plan just a little; they’re already pretty in character as it is with their arms interlocked loosely like some soppy young couple ready to try and book their first hotel room together. Their not yet being on the premises is a technicality she’s sure he’ll pick up on but she knows she’s right; technicalities are important when they have their own separate challenge going on within all of this — not that anyone else needs to know about that. 
“You’re scrawny enough that anyone would believe that I could take you — and they wouldn’t be wrong either, as we’re both fully aware,” the girl smirks faintly, a look that could easily be perceived as one of ‘young love’ by any witness or passerby. “That bruise on your side proves it.” She laughs faintly, elbow nudging him in the side in the exact place she had thrown him to the ground precisely twenty hours previous. In her opinion, there is still nothing better than the repeated look of surprise on his face whenever she manages to floor him; seemingly, the guy never learns.
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badassxqueens-blog · 5 years
Since Stiles wasn't ever gonna notice her, Elena had decided to try and move on from her feelings for her best friend. What other option was there? Either wait for him forever or move on and find someone who did see her the way that she wanted to be seen and the brunette had decided to go with the latter. Tonight was date night and Elena had cooked an entire meal for her and her new boyfriend, having spent hours to perfect their dinner and even turning her dining table into a romantic setting. The candles were lit, the music was playing softly in the background and for once in her life, Elena felt like things might not be so bad after she'd moved on from Stiles. The guy she was currently dating was normal and nice - he held out her chair for her whenever they went out to eat, got her flowers and texted her frequently to show that he wanted to be with her. Of course, she'd only been with him for a few, short weeks, but at the moment, things were looking good. After his arrival, the two began their date night and it started off great because here they were, talking and smiling and laughing, simply being together and having a good time right here in her home. Though the conversation began to go south rather quickly when Elena mentioned Stiles because that was the moment where her boyfriend told her that he didn't like how close the two were. He'd picked up on the fact that she had a lot of pictures of Stiles inside her home, though she had a lot of those of all of her friends really. Still, he was growing angry in a gradual manner, accusing her of having feelings for another guy and pointing out even more things about her and her best friend. Elena denied it of course, she was leaving her feelings for Stiles in the past, but the man in front of her didn't agree. He still felt like she spent too much time with Stiles and talked too much about him. Then it also didn't help that Stiles sometimes left his hoodie or other clothing at her apartment because her boyfriend had found some of them and didn't like another man's scent lingering inside his girlfriend's house. "I don't have feelings for Stiles! We're just friends! He's my best friend! Of course he's gonna be inside my house a lot. He's a big part of my life and I can't just erase that. I won't." she protested firmly, though that sparked more anger and before she knew it, he'd smashed the dining table to pieces right in front of her. Eyes widened on cue and she backed up until she was against the wall, her breath getting stuck in her throat as well as a big lump that she felt unable to swallow. This was scaring her so much as she'd never been through this with him before and she felt as though she was staring at a complete stranger right now. Who was she dating? "Stop, okay?! You're scaring me! Stop, please!"
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imworthfivedollars · 5 years
Special Agent Parrish is the new man on campus, and as such, he knows the importance of a good impression. But more than that, he genuinely would like to be friends with his coworkers, or at least on good terms. Thus he comes to the Delta Division with a load of cookies, some for Captain Maldonado, and some for Special Agent Stilinski. After a brief meeting with the captain, he makes his way to the latter’s office and knocks politely. At the invitation to come in, Parrish enters and shyly holds up the package. 
“Good morning, Special Agent Stilinski. I’m Special Agent Parrish. I don’t want to keep you for too long, but I wanted to introduce myself, and give you these. They’re homemade assorted cookies.” 
Parrish really hopes that he doesn’t look to degrading. He’s not trying to be!
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laboranti · 5 years
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I Would Destroy Every Piece Of Evidence To Protect You. I Would Burn The Whole Town To The Ground.
@ohdeer-malia && @lostvacvnt
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ohdeer-malia · 5 years
► ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AU ✘ plotted with @lostvacvnt​ 
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SWEAT drips from Malia’s hairline. In fact, sweat drips from pretty much every pore on Malia’s body. The sun is sizzling her skin as if she’s a strip of bacon on a griddle. Mmm, bacon. She would kill for a piece of bacon. In fact, she might have to.
BEACON HILLS, the place she used to call home, is a G H O S T  T O W N. A shell of its former self, it’s former glory...well, if you can even say it had any glory. Whatever it had, it was a hell of a lot better than this. Buildings were crumbled. Windows were shattered. Businesses were looted. It was Hell on Earth. 
Malia had dealt with a lot of supernatural shit, but not once did she ever think she’d have to deal with zombies. Walkers, Biters, Roamers, Lurkers, the Undead, THE INFECTED—whatever you wanted to call them—freaking sucked. Hard. They were pretty stupid because, hello, rotting brains, but they were fast as hell. They were ruthless. If they got their hands on you, might as well start practicing your zombie growls.
Her stomach rumbles lowly, reminding her at the business at hand. Right, bacon. More specifically, food. A hoard of those UNDEAD BASTARDS had holed her up in her bunker, preventing her from leaving. She had run out of ammo, so she couldn’t blast her way out. It was a waiting game. A game that lasted three days. She ran out of food halfway through day two and ran out of water the morning of day three. As soon as she was able to get out, she stocked up on shells immediately. Now it was time to get food. What good was a shotgun for protection from the outside if you were already dying from the inside from starvation?
Since there’s no power throughout the town, Malia has to push the doors open herself. She plants her feet, her cheeks puffing out and she pushes with all her might. The doors seem to be rusted on the tracks. Great. With one final grunt, she manages to force the doors open just enough to slip inside. As soon as she’s in, the doors immediately slide shut, thankfully without a sound.
She keeps her footsteps light as she makes her way through the aisles. Though bacon sounds good, she needs non perishables. Canned food. They didn’t taste the best, but they’d keep her ALIVE. She wouldn’t have to worry about lurkers smelling meat and raiding her stash either. She pulls her olive green knapsack off her back and begins filling it with as much stuff as it can hold. Beans? Yup. Rice? Sure. Dehydrated bacon strips that might be for dogs? ...Sure. That’ll do.
Chips! Oh god, chips would be great. They had to be around here somewhere. Malia slings her knapsack over her back, opens the pack of bacon strips and takes one out to nibble on. If they were for dogs, she couldn’t tell the difference.
Most of the aisles were bare or on their way to being bare. Had to be the looting. Whenever someone or something raised just a little anarchy, humans lost their shit. Malia likes to think that she keeps her cool, well, when she needs to. There were times when a little heat was needed. 
Malia’s in the middle of grabbing another strip when she hears a low mumble. She freezes in her spot, listening for more. It sounds almost...melodic? Like someone is...singing? 
She closes the bag and slips it into the side pouch of her bag before creeping into of the aisles to hide. It’s getting closer, louder and farther off from the key it’s supposed to be on. Malia’s not the biggest Miley Cyrus fan but she can recognise Wrecking Ball and also recognise that who ever is singing it is getting the words all wrong. 
Making as little noise as possible, Malia pulls her shotgun out from off her back. She presses herself against the shelves, careful not to accidentally knock anything off. Whoever it is is approaching the chorus (and her) pretty quickly. Once the person is close enough that Malia can hear their footsteps, she steps out. Her chin is tilted down, her dark brows low and her shotgun pointed directly at them. 
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pjtraveller · 5 years
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“Hey, Stiles,” comes Parker’s voice as he rests an arm across the other’s shoulders. “How ya doing, buddy?”
His long hair is tied back into a hair tie, though it’s obviously wet, a clear sign that he’d just gotten out of the pool. That, and the fact that he still smells like chlorine because he hadn’t gotten a chance to take a shower after practice in an effort to catch Stiles on his way out of the locker room.
Parker’s wearing one of Scott’s LAX hoodies as usual, but he’s colder than usual (thanks to the fact that he’s undead) because he hadn’t been able to warm up after the chill of the pool yet. He’d noticed Stiles acting weirder than normal around him lately, and he wants to get to the bottom of why.
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