#lotte cinema world tower
fluffyyewon · 10 months
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cr: news1
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k-star-holic · 2 years
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Don Spike effectively misses Lotte Cinema Restorant Open
Source: k-star-holic.blogspot.com
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fyeah-tmnt · 1 year
Silly turtles
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Lotte Cinema World Tower - Seoul, Korea August 2023
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aventurasdeunatortuga · 3 months
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Sunday, July 7th
This morning I walked over to Myeongdong Cathedral, the first church built in Korea, in 1887 by French missionaries. At the time of its construction it was the largest building in Seoul. It was part of a movement in the 1880s by western countries to attempt to “modernize” aka “westernize” Korea, prior to the 1880s was known as the “hermit kingdom” because they refused to engage with the west. They established diplomatic relations with the US in 1882 and a flood of western influences came pouring in, in sharp contrast to traditional culture. This conflict eventually led to political division leaving Korea vulnerable to invasion just a few decades later. This church when it was built was larger than the Emperor’s Palace, which made a big political statement at the time.
More recently, the church has been used as a haven for protestors against the military dictatorship in the 70’s and 80’s, the church offered sanctuary there, protected student protestors against arrest, and was the site of a massive hunger strike.
After visiting there I went to the Lotte World Tower. I don’t really understand still what Lotte World is other than a gigantic conglomerate of businesses. They have so many brands here and shops and malls and hotels. Lotte World Tower is I think currently the tallest building in Seoul (Namsan Tower might be taller though, although that isn’t really a building but a telecommunications tower). It is 123 floors high with a shopping mall, cinema, aquarium, concert hall, lake, and Disneyland-esque theme park.
I rode the elevator to the glass observation deck on the 121st floor which was very trippy. It was a cloudy day but even still the view was incredible.
In the evening I attempted the food tour again, this time I made it there on time. I like doing group tours at least part of the time because its really nice to have someone who knows their way around plan things and its also nice to be around other people. I don’t like group travel when its all the time, but here and there it can be very refreshing.
I’m almost 90% sure the host of the tour did the same tour I took last year, but I didn’t realize until I got there because he had changed his name from a Korean name to an English name on tripadvisor in order to get more people to sign up.
Small world.
At the market we had tteokbokki (rice cakes in a spicy sauce), kimbap (rice and vegetable rolls wrapped in seaweed), mandu (dumplings), pajeon (potato pancakes), knife cut noodles, bulgogi (beef stew), bibimbap (rice, meat, and vegetable bowl), maekgolli (rice wine), soju, beef tartare and at the end, live octopus.
I tried everything except the beef tartare. I even ate the live octopus. It wasn’t exactly live, but it had been chopped up seconds before being served and it was definitely still moving quite a bit. I felt bad because octopus are very intelligent animals but no one else was trying it so I figured its better to not waste. It was very hard to pick up with chopsticks while it was still moving, I had to literally chase it around the plate. I’ve had cooked octopus before and it doesn’t have a strong flavor, the texture (and this time the movement) is just strange.
We learned some Korean drinking games as well which was really fun. Korea has a very intricate drinking culture based on social hierarchy and Confucian values. Most workplaces will have frequent team dinners with coworkers which are seen as very rude to skip or leave early. There are three parts: dinner, drinking, and karaoke. You can’t skip any part. Younger or less experienced employees pay and serve food to older and more experienced workers/bosses. You’re not supposed to serve yourself, fill your own cup, or put food on your own plate, the youngest person at the table is supposed to do it for you and serve themselves last. It’s very intense, especially for newer employees, but can also be a lot of fun especially since the work culture in Korea is also extremely intense.
The rain is supposed to get a lot more intense these next few days here as the monsoon properly passes over Seoul, so I’ll be spending the next 3 days mostly in museums and train stations.
I’ll try to update again on Wednesday, until then, 안녕히가세요
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roadtophantom · 1 year
Let your S(e)oul take you where you long to be - The Charlotte Theatre
pt 2 of my Seoul travelogue
August is high summer in Korea, actually a crazy month to see Phantom, but timings just lined up that way and also a part of me is just scared what if I put this off for so long and something comes up. 😬😬
Do check @fadinglandtragedy's very comprehensive ticketing and Korea travel post on what to expect, but I also will share some of my personal observations below!
About Charlotte Theatre
How to get there
Easy to find from the Jamsil subway station (just follow the arrows) but prepare for a maze if you are coming from the Lotte World Tower mall. The mall complex is HUGE. For the two days I was there, I had to go to the English-speaking info counter or ask the roaming guards — one of them was not even aware there's a theatre in the area. 😭 Actually, maybe the Naver maps app might provide more insight…
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Where to eat
The Charlotte Theatre has an in-house fancy restaurant and a nearby Angel-in-us cafe, which sells cakes and sandwiches. But if you're looking for a warm, filling meal, you're probably better off eating elsewhere.
Tip: There's a Lotte Mart B1-B2 of the Lotte World Tower mall, and you can take an early dinner at their food court or take out their boxed foods to heat at your accommodations later. They also slash off the prices of certain food late in the afternoon, so yay discounts!
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Note that after the evening show, you'll come out to a closed mall, and places in Seoul close early at night unless you're around the night market. I had to fend off with some ramen at the nearest convenience store on my first show day.
Ofc you can also eat at the mall proper, but the selections are not that wide. Also take note that Lotte World Tower mall is a luxury mall…
Where to hang out
If you've got time to burn and you just want to explore the area near the theatre, the Lotte World Tower area doesn't only have a mall, but also a famous amusement park, an aquarium, an observatory, a posh department store, underground shops, and a nearby lake (Seokchon Lake). The Lotte cinemas play the Phantom Korea ad on these gigantic monitors by the entrance - super impressive 👌. As for me, I shopped at Olive Young! As your girl would.
Dress code
I saw a lot of casual wear, actually! Jeans, sneakers, and even shorts. They don't seem strict. Just be presentable and absolutely no harm if you decide to wear a dress and something a bit more formal. I did see at least one cosplayer with a Victorian-inspired look.
The theatre has two levels of seats but the building itself has four floors in all (the seating is at the third and fourth). Make sure to go through all four! There's so much Phantom to see.
Second level seating
I can't speak for the first level, but I sat at the second level and there was hardly any leg room. You will really have to squeeze in and ask the occupants to please give way. I just did as the Seoullites do and said 잠시만요 (jamsimanyo) whenever I have to pass through.
There are washrooms at the third (or second?) and fourth floor of the theatre with numerous cubicles. The fourth floor tends to be less crowded by virtue of being at a higher level I suppose.
Photo zones
1st floor - The rose and mask background and a digital casting board (the pink bear at the entrance is leaving after August)
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2nd floor - The whole casting board
3rd floor - The Ghost mascot
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4th floor - Charlotte Theatre's restaurant and a smaller casting board
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The stairs are lined with Phantom masks and roses.
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First floor and third floor of the theatre, they charge 100 KRW for a paper bag, but it's not very sturdy. The brochure is thick and glorious and a MUST buy. If you're an enamel pin collector, there's a couple of Seoul exclusives. Then there's just phone stuff, shirts, towel, a mask, albums...idk I def preferred the ones at Blue Square 10 years ago.
There's an escalator going to the second floor of the theatre but beyond that, you have to take the lift or take the stairs.
Waiting area
Just plop on one of the plush seats scattered around the theatre or chill by the tables.
Theatre etiquette
The usual, eating and drinking inside are not allowed and I wish I understand half of what the ushers are saying but you absolutely can't film the curtain call. The ushers will find you. (Not me, I saw someone did it).
Indoor temperature
Not sure what the weather is now but the theatre was like a sauna when I visited. I decided to go sleeveless on my second day (something that is not often seen among Koreans, they usually cover with a cute outerwear, but you do see it). Not sure how this will be in the fall months, but I def didn't need to wear a sweater or anything.
View from the second floor
People asked me why I didn't go for VIP tickets when I'm rarely in Seoul. It is because, my friend, I am a cheapskate and the tickets are really expensive. 😭😭😭😭 And I planned to see the show twice. There's also the fact that I'm not actually fluent in Korean, I pick up bits and pieces from watching Korean drama. 🤓 So I thought, I don't need to be close too much. I DID cave in and bought a set of binoculars, which I highly recommend if you wanna zoom in to the acting. The theatre does rent out binoculars but you'll need a Korean number. :/
That said, it's a great view even if you sit at the back and you can see the chandelier closely and make out Jeon Dong-seok's silhouette on the angel and think, "Good God he IS tall…This thing can hold his weight, right?"
Just be mindful of your height, if you are short like me, maybe don't take the first row of the balcony coz you'll have to tilt your neck to look over the railing or move in front and you might get called out for it.
When I saw my non-Phantom show, I was taking photos of the theatre (Seoul Arts Centre) before the show started and I think the guy behind me got concerned that I'd be doing this often ;_; so he asked me (in Korean) if I could please lean against my seat. Annnd ever since I tried to keep glued to my chair and got scared to even stretch my neck lol.
After the show
Just retrace your way to the subway or follow your maps app. Do not be like me and just blindly follow where the audiences are going coz that led me to an underground parking lot at close to 12 AM in the morning and I had to run back up the stairs to chase the last train. 👍
Bring an umbrella
It rains now and then and there's a bit of a walk to the station and not all foot paths are covered. Again, do not be like me.
Stage door
To this date, the closest to a "stage-door" experience (the 'way home') is after a Cho Seung-woo show (provided it's not stormy). Because the actor does come out to the parking lot to briefly greet and wave at fans before going home (by car or a motorbike — yes, he'll pass and wave at people even from a motorbike). That is the full extent of it - no signatures or selfies. I think it's understandable as covid is still a real threat. As for the other actors, I only see them rushing out, ducking, and bowing (and for Song Eun-hye's case, putting on a helmet and hopping on a kickboard 😄).
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Prepare to wait for 45 minutes for CSW to come out though.
Any questions? I'd be happy to try to answer!
Actual review next!!
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satgurutravelae · 6 days
South Korea Things to See: Korean Traditional and Modern Architecture
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Discover the perfect blend of ancient and modern on your South Korea Holiday Packages from Dubai, UAE. Imagine strolling through a bustling city where futuristic skyscrapers stand shoulder to shoulder with ancient palaces, where neon-lit streets merge into serene temple grounds, and every corner tells a story of a thousand years. Welcome to South Korea—a land where tradition and modernity dance in perfect harmony. This captivating blend of old and new isn’t just about buildings; it's about experiencing the soul of a nation that honors its past while racing toward the future. Ready to dive into a journey that bridges centuries? Let’s explore the fascinating world of South Korea’s diverse architecture!
A Glimpse into the Past: Traditional Korean Architecture
South Korea’s architectural heritage is like stepping into a beautifully preserved history book. The country’s traditional architecture is marked by its wooden structures, elegant curves, and harmonious integration with nature. Let's take a stroll through some must-see historic sites that transport you back in time:
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1. Gyeongbokgung Palace, Seoul The grandest of all the palaces in Seoul, Gyeongbokgung was the main royal palace of the Joseon dynasty. With its sprawling courtyards, majestic gates, and stunning pavilions set against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers, it’s a mesmerizing contrast that captures the essence of South Korea. Don’t miss the Changing of the Guard ceremony—a vibrant display of traditional uniforms and rituals that’ll make you feel like you’ve stepped into a bygone era.
2. Bukchon Hanok Village, Seoul
Nestled in the heart of Seoul, Bukchon Hanok Village offers a rare glimpse into Korea’s traditional housing, known as "hanoks." These quaint wooden houses, with their distinctive tiled roofs and wooden beams, are set along narrow alleys that wind up hills, offering stunning views of the city. Here, you can wander through centuries-old streets, visit traditional tea houses, and even stay overnight in a hanok to truly immerse yourself in Korean history.
3. Hahoe Folk Village, Andong
A UNESCO World Heritage site, Hahoe Folk Village is a beautifully preserved example of a traditional Korean village. Its thatched-roof houses, communal courtyards, and serene river setting reflect the architectural styles of the Joseon era. It’s not just a village—it’s a living museum where you can experience age-old customs, watch traditional mask dance performances, and savor the simplicity of rural Korean life.
Fast Forward to the Future: Modern Architectural Marvels
South Korea isn’t just about tradition, it’s also a beacon of modernity. The country’s skyline is dotted with innovative and awe-inspiring structures that push the boundaries of architectural design. Here are some contemporary landmarks that showcase South Korea’s forward-thinking spirit:
1. Lotte World Tower, Seoul
Soaring 555 meters into the sky, the Lotte World Tower is the tallest building in South Korea and the fifth tallest in the world. This sleek, glass-clad skyscraper houses everything from luxury hotels to a sky-high observation deck offering panoramic views of Seoul. As you ascend to the top, the city unfolds beneath you—a mesmerizing blend of traditional palaces, bustling markets, and futuristic towers. It’s a visual representation of Korea’s journey from past to present.
2. Dongdaemun Design Plaza (DDP), Seoul
A masterpiece of futuristic design by renowned architect Zaha Hadid, the Dongdaemun Design Plaza is a cultural hub that epitomizes modern Seoul. Its curvaceous, metallic exterior and fluid, organic forms make it a favorite backdrop for fashion shows, art exhibits, and Instagram photos. Walking through DDP feels like entering a space-age world, contrasting sharply yet beautifully with the historic gates and markets of the Dongdaemun area.
3. Busan Cinema Center, Busan
Home to the Busan International Film Festival, the Busan Cinema Center is an architectural wonder with its cantilevered roof, which is the longest in the world. At night, the LED-lit ceiling comes alive with vibrant displays, making it a sight to behold. This cutting-edge structure is a symbol of South Korea’s global cultural influence and its position as a leader in innovation and creativity.
The Perfect Blend: Where Old Meets New
South Korea’s cities are living proof that tradition and modernity don’t have to be at odds—they can coexist and complement each other in the most unexpected ways. In Seoul, it’s not unusual to see a centuries-old palace surrounded by towering glass buildings, or a tranquil Buddhist temple nestled amid bustling shopping districts. This unique blend of architectural styles reflects the country’s dynamic culture—a place where reverence for the past meets an insatiable drive for the future.
1. Bongeunsa Temple, Seoul
Amidst the high-rises of the Gangnam district lies Bongeunsa Temple, a serene Buddhist temple that dates back to the 8th century. Surrounded by the hustle and bustle of one of Seoul’s busiest neighborhoods, the temple offers a peaceful retreat where you can witness traditional Buddhist rituals and meditate under the shadow of modern skyscrapers. It’s a living symbol of how Korea’s spiritual heritage endures in a fast-paced, high-tech world.
2. Seoullo 7017, Seoul
This elevated urban park, built on a former highway overpass, is a perfect example of how Seoul reimagines its urban spaces. Seoullo 7017 is not just a pedestrian walkway; it’s a green oasis filled with art installations, cafes, and gardens right in the heart of the city. Strolling along this sky garden, you can catch glimpses of both the historic Seoul Station and the modern cityscape, offering a literal bridge between past and present.
Conclusion: A Journey Through Time
South Korea’s architectural landscape is a living, breathing narrative of its history—a testament to the country’s resilience, creativity, and vision. Whether you're marveling at the intricate wooden carvings of an ancient palace or gazing up at a sleek, shimmering skyscraper, you’re not just seeing buildings; you’re experiencing the heart and soul of South Korea.
So, pack your bags, lace up your walking shoes, and get ready to embark on a journey that spans centuries. In South Korea, every step you take is a step through time—a unique adventure that bridges the old and the new, the traditional and the modern. And that’s a journey worth taking.
Book your South Korea Holiday Packages from Dubai, UAE today and experience the Korea Awaits: Uncover a World of Wonders!
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alphahousing · 1 year
Lotte Mall Hanoi (also known as Lotte Vo Chi Cong, Lotte Tay Ho or Lotte Mall Ciputra) is a project of a commercial center, supermarket, cinema, hotel, serviced apartment, aquarium, and office space. The level is located in Phu Thuong ward, Tay Ho district with a scale of up to 7.3ha with a construction density of only 50%, the total area of ​​the floors is 360,000m2.
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Lotte Mall Ciputra
Lotte Mall Overview
Lotte Mall Hanoi is located at Vo Chi Cong street / Lac Long Quan street. Adjacent to the project is the complex of Ciputra urban area, Tay Ho Tay urban area, Ngoai Giao Doan urban area with beautiful views overlooking West Lake, Red River view and suburban urban areas.
Lotte Ciputra is planned to develop into a multi-purpose complex including a commercial center, cinema, hotel, serviced apartment, aquarium, office for rent… The building consists of 2 towers A and B, with architectural features. The most modern and unique architecture in the capital with a height of 21 floors per tower, a total rental area of about 50,000m2 Grade A office space.
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Building specifications:
Total floor area: 61,318m2 (2 Towers)
Usable floor area: 41,088m2 (2 towers)
Floor area: 1290m2/floor
Ceiling height: 2.8m
Parking: Ground parking, 2 basements and upper parking 2F ~ 5F
Intelligent building management system (IBMS), 24 hours CCTV, 24 hours onsite, building security.
Fire protection: sprinklers, fire extinguishers
Power backup: 100% backup; 24/7
Location of Lotte Mall Tay
Lotte Mall Tay Ho is located on two sides of Vo Chi Cong and Lac Long Quan streets, in Phu Thuong ward, Tay Ho district, Hanoi.
This is the road that helps to link the two banks of the Red River, connecting the city center with Nhat Tan – Noi Bai Airport 25 minutes in the North area and large industrial parks such as: North Thang Long Industrial Park, Binh Xuyen Branch (Vinh Phuc), Thai Nguyen Industrial Park, Sam Sung Bac Ninh, Sam Sung Thai Nguyen…
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Regional link from Lotte Mall Tay Ho can easily link with surrounding areas:
To West Lake – 4 minutes Opposite Ciputra . Urban Area To Diplomatic Corps and Starlake – 5 minutes drive Ba Dinh Square – 15 minutes To Hanoi Old Quarter – 15 minutes
This is the area where a lot of senior professionals live and work in Ciputra. Many businesses from Korea, Japan, UK, France, USA, India, Philippines, Malaysia,… are renting at this location.
In addition to the high-class office/apartment areas, Lotte Group will bring Lotte Mall Hanoi the most complete and classy facilities as those announced and committed by the investor. That is:
The commercial center with the largest scale hypermarket in Hanoi is located from the 1st to the 5th floor of the building. Including many fashion stores of famous brands from around the world. Aquarium – Lotte World Aquarium; Lotte Cinema Cinemas; Global food court; Luxury hotels; ;Bar, cafe area; Gym Spacious public toilets bring the most comfort Children’s room, children’s play area Separate make-up area in women’s restroom ATMs in the area; Rest chairs; Smoking room; Battery recovery bin,…
Lotte Mall Ciputra office rental price ranges from 31-36 usd/sqm/month (including service fee). The rent will depend on the area and the rental floor (low floor from 7-14 floors, high floor from 15-21 floors).
Lotte Mall Vo Chi Cong Tay Ho includes Grade A office space for lease in Hanoi. With a prime location, unique design, best construction quality and guaranteed progress as committed by the investor, Lotte Hanoi will surely be favored by many multinational corporations, big brands at home and abroad. country of choice when needing to rent an office in Tay Ho district.
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enterenews · 2 years
All seats sold out in 1 minute for ‘Sangyeonnie’ stage greeting in Korea
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Ga-yeon Ga-yeon, Heo Kwang-han, and Shi Baek-woo, the three main characters of the multiverse fantasy romance “Sang Gyeon-ni,” are visiting Korea, and the pre-order rate for the opening week soared.
The three main actors and production team of ‘Sanggyeoni’ will visit Korea on the 26th and attend various events such as a press conference and stage greetings for 3 days from this day to the 28th.
For the first time for the three main characters to visit Korea as an entire group, all seats for ‘Stage Greetings in Korea’ were sold out in one minute as soon as the reservation window opened on the 19th. All seats for the 5th stage greeting at CGV Yongsan I'Park Mall were sold out in 1 minute after the ticket sales opened. While showing signs of a syndrome-like box office success, an “encore stage greeting” was urgently organized to reward the enthusiastic support of Korean relatives. On the 27th and 28th, more stage greeting events were held at the three theaters. In four theaters, including CGV Yeongdeungpo, Wangsimni, Megabox COEX, and Lotte Cinema World Tower, a touching meeting place between the Pengnan platoon and their loved ones will be held.
In 2009, Li Ziwei and Huang Yuxuan met by chance and started feeling a strangely thrilling feeling of déjà vu. It is continuing its unstoppable run at the box office, surpassing NT$88.88 million in just 17 days of its release in Taiwan.
It was reborn as a 'multiverse fantasy romance' with a completely new world view and a completely new story, different from the original drama of the same name.
In particular, as it is the first time for Ga-yeon Ga-yeon, Heo Gwang-han, and Si Baek-woo, the three main actors who have a big fandom in Korea, to visit Korea as a whole, their love for the drama and its main actors has not cooled down even three years after the drama ended. It is hoped that it will provide an unforgettable and touching moment to Korean relatives who are proud of it.
‘Son Seong-hee’, a Taiwanese star singer who sang the OST of the movie and who gathered topics with her participation in the MBC College Song Festival, will also participate in the event in Korea.
On the 16th, the Korean version of the song 'Tears Remember', which she composed and wrote only for the movie 'Sanggyeonni', was released on various sound source sites such as Melon, Genie, Bugs, FLO, and Naver VIBE.
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scoupsdata · 3 years
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180211 GV at Lotte Cinema World Tower © Coup De Grace | do not edit
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kstylefiles · 4 years
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SNSD's Yoona at EXIT Stage Greeting In Seoul 190815
Yoona greeted fans and press at Lotte Cinema World Tower for EXIT Stage Greeting. Yoona is wearing: Black Leather Slider Bracelet Polished Script & Heart Charm In My Heart Split Heart Charm Moments Open Bangle from Pandora 
Original post
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fluffyyewon · 10 months
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cr: ilyoseoul
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k-star-holic · 3 years
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Mogadishu, a standout action piece
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fyisuperm · 5 years
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SuperM Special Event ‘Talk About SuperM’ on November 21st at Lotte Cinema World Tower, 7PM.
400 people picked through lottery after the purchase of album through Yes24 online or offline at the Hongdae store. Baekhyun and Kai will not be attending the event.
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nso-csi · 5 years
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Taemin will be having a SuperM Special Event ‘Talk About SuperM’ on November 21st at Lotte Cinema World Tower, 7PM. 400 people picked through lottery after the purchase of album through Yes24 online or offline at the Hongdae store. - No EXO members attending
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allforwannaone · 5 years
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@AB6IX: 롯데시네마 월드타워 10관에 AB6IX관이 있는 거 아시나요⁉️👀💛 저희도 오늘 방문했는데요 ABNEW도 많이 찾아와주세요👍🏻 @uplusidollive
Did you know that Lotte Cinema World Tower Cinema 10 is an AB6IX Cinema⁉️👀💛 We visited today too. ABNEW also please visit a lot👍🏻
trans by allforwannaone ✧ take out with full credit.
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yunminjeong · 5 years
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190815 Yoona - #EXIT Stage Greeting at Lotte Cinema World Tower in Seoul by LIKE A FOOL
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