#louis give us a photo boxing please i beg
harrynexttolou · 5 years
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louis x boxing
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
Reminscing Hours
Pairing:  Bryce Lahela x F!MC (Casey Valentine)
Book: Open Heart
Warning: none, just.. bittersweet fluff. Minor mentions of death. 
A/N: I AM BACKKKKK, and with finals is over. I am finally writing once more, I have loads of plans and I am excited. I am so sorry if updates is very slow, I been in up and down lately but... I mange to finish this piece. It is dedicated to a close friend of mine, who had lose someone close to her. @jaxsmutsuo​ , I hope you loved it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It’s a bittersweet tale, as some of these... just its hard to write. I didn’t cry but, its just.. hit hard in a way.  This fic, mostly revolves around Casey but, Bryce plays a part into it too. I hope all of you enjoyed it as much as I do. <3 
Tags:  Tags:  @bitchloveskcbaseball​ , @storyofmychoices​ @jaxsmutsuo​ , @mvalentine​ , @princess-geek​ , @lahellacute​ ,  @this-person-is-busy​ , @annekebbphotography​ ,  @mrsbhandari​ , @dcbbw​ , @choicessa​ , @choices-confessions​ ,@fantasyoverreality98​ , @baltersome​ , @ofpixelsandscribbles​ , @thundergom​  @starrystarrytrouble​,  @kelseaaa​  , @rookie-ramsey​ , @bratzlahela​ , @choicesficwriterscreations​ , @soft-for-drake​ , @lalizah​ , @drethanramslay​ , @arcticlumineer​ , @choicesstan1​ , @aveeiro​ , @eleanorbloom​ , @openheartfanfics​
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It was a rare occasion for the Lahela family to take a leave, as both of them are doctors which shows the harsh reality of full schedules either, it begins on midnight or 12 p.m. The family will always be absent in the house. But, everything changes after Louis was born. After that, Alexis and Kailani came to grace into their lives bringing a joy that no one would compare. It was a compromise, but they manage to still continue medicine despite everything. And, today was a different day. Casey decides to finally introduce a huge part of her childhood to the kids.
It was a beautiful Friday morning, as they begin their journey. The trip consists of a few snacks and gas stops, followed by a tradition that Casey and Bryce created which includes a small picnic along the roads of Boston. The Lahela children were enthusiastic on the family trip despite it clashes with their school timetables except for Alexis who is much pleased on skipping a day of school, which hints a bit of Bryce rebellious phase that had maybe inherit inside of her.
‘Let’s get the party started!’ An enthusiastic Bryce shouted in the car, as Casey laughs in delight at her husband’s actions. The kids were jumping along the enthusiasm, as they hit the road. After a few hours, they arrived at the destination. It was a breath of fresh air as it is home.
As the modern architecture was in view, she felt a small lump in her throat. It happens every time she came to visit. It was that wave of nostalgia that is begging for her to be hit. The view in front of her, was different than what she remembers a decade ago, maybe two decades ago.
It was wooden before, as it was modernized once more. Every part of the area was scanned as a memory appear, reminding her how life used to be. Happiness, screams that followed in between and the nastiness of junk food can be seen throughout the area.
She was greeted with a familiar face, her grandmother. Alice Valentine, who has been crushed into a hug by the kids. Bryce steps forward and pulled her into a hug too, as the scent of chocolate chip cookies can be smell from afar making the kids jumping in joy.
‘Who wants the best chocolate chip cookies??’ Grandma Alice says in joy, as the three of them yelled simultaneously with huge grins that made the parents smile too.
After the commotion was over, Bryce noticed the stiffen atmosphere around Casey. She has been seen zoning out as they arrived, and he knows that particular look. The look where she is almost on the edge. Bryce took her hand in his, and said.
‘Hey, it’s gonna be alright okay?’
Casey wipes the tears that had managed to accidentally fall, and nods giving his hand a squeeze. The parents started to unload the stuff, as they started the short getaway together.
The day went well, as Alice and Casey teaches the whole family on how to make chocolate chip cookies from scratch. It ended up with a huge success, as the cookies came out perfectly even from Bryce which earns a surprise look from Casey. Afterwards, they ended up walking together around the small town, for dinner supplies which is a tradition in Casey’s family. 
The house was quiet, as Casey and Bryce put the kids to bed. They decided to hang out and enjoyed each other’s company that night where they bumped into Alice, Casey’s grandmother who is fetching her night medication.
‘Casey honey, Bryce. Come, let’s chat. I have been busy with the kids and haven’t gotten the chance to check in with the both of you.’ She gestures on the couch as the couple made their way over there.
As they all were seated, Grandma Alice scoots forward and took their hands into hers giving it a squeeze.
‘How are you both? How is the family doing and everything?’
Casey smiles at the question, as she let both of their hands go.
‘We are doing great, the hospital been quite busy and with the kids too…’
‘It can be a lot, but we enjoyed a challenge!’ Bryce continues her sentences as he place an arm around her.
‘How are you Gran? I am so sorry we haven’t came sooner, our schedules were packed and I literally begged mom to watch the house for us to leave..’ Her reply earned a small laughter from the elder.
‘I have been okay, did some groceries, water the plants and the usuals! When your mom called me about your upcoming visit, I was ecstatic! I missed the kids, and playing with them once more add ten years of my lifespan.’ She said, as her gaze dropped onto the small whispers in the other room where the kids were found whispering among themselves, a smile tugged on their faces.
‘I missed your cooking gran, especially the homemade stew and the cookies, nobody could make em like you did.’ Bryce compliments earning an eye-roll from Casey as Alice laugh in delight.
‘Well, I can packed some for you to bring back home yes?’
Bryce nods enthusiastically earning a shoulder punch from Casey, who smiles at his frown. Alice looked at them and smile, somehow reminiscing an old memory.
‘Grand, you okay?’ Casey scoots forward, and held her hand somehow warm in her touch.
Her eyes were closed, as a smile appears on the corner of her mouth. In a split second, she opened it once more, somehow teary and the happiness were still visible on her face.
‘I am okay, seeing the both of you; reminds me of your grandfather. Fun and bright just like your husband there, and somehow, seeing both of you here. Reminds me of our fondest memories…’ She stood up and came back a few moments later with a medium sized box in her arms. Both of them stood up, and held her, as Bryce took the box from her hands.
They all sat down once more, as curiosity fills their mind especially Casey’s at the sight of the box.
‘What is this grand?’ She gestures onto the box, as Bryce scoots forward aswell.
Alice smiles, as she unlocks it. It was filled with pictures, trinkets, a few visible letters and a plated straw hat that Alice immediately holds in her hands. She traces the lines and texture of the hat, somehow visible tears could be seen.
‘This was his, he would wore it everytime we go out. I thought it was an embarrassing gesture as he would walk on this world with that beautiful smile of his…’ She passed the hat to Casey. She took it and held it, somehow felt like it was a treasure.
‘This was his favorite, I remembered when he would take me on his bike rides. He would wear it with his beach shirts and we would eat at the crack of dawn…’ The tears starts to flow in her eyes, as Bryce scoots on to rub her shoulders.
‘Y’know Bryce, if he was still here… he would loved you. I think he already has.’ Alice said with a smile on her face, as she took out some of the trinkets from the box, bringing back all kind of memories for both Casey and Alice.
‘Based on the stories Casey told me about him, I think the feeling is going to be mutual Mr.s Valentine.’ Bryce smiles as he takes a look at the pictures, and stop at one in particular which is a pic of baby Casey in her grandfather’s arms.
‘You look very cute Cas.’ Bryce presented the photo to her, and a smile appeared on her face despite the tears that kept on flowing.
‘I am a cute baby after all, right grand?’ Alice laughs at the statement, before answering.
‘Between you and Dan, I think both of you are equal. I love my grandkids too much to pick in between them.’ Alice replies, earning a stifled of laughter from Bryce, as Casey pouts from the answer.
They sat there looking at old memories for a while, until the clock finally strucks at midnight earning a look of surprise from the three of them.
‘I can’t believe its already midnight..’ Casey states in disbelief, as she held onto some more memories.
‘Your grandfather would still be awake at this time, screaming and yelling at the television over soccer. Ah, good times.’ Alice states one more, as they started to tidy up the mess.
After a few minutes, they were done. Before she had a chance to stood up, Alice passes her a brown envelope with cursive writing onto it.
‘This is…a letter from your grandfather years ago. We did do the same for your mom too, why not for our favorite grandchild too? We gave Dan, his letter already. But, we kept yours as he wanted to give it to you after you graduated med-school. We planned to surprise you during your first day of residency; but… his life was cut short. But, now… it seems to be a good time for you to have it.’ She gestures at the envelope, as Casey pulls her into a hug.
Bryce stood there smiling upon the scene, before he was pulled too into the hug by Alice herself. The three of them hugged for a while, and let go as the both Casey and Alice’s eyes were watery from all the emotional turmoil of the day. It was a tiring end for a day, but it was worth it.
The walls were cream, as the 5th paper was crumpled once more followed by a groan by a young man who is in his 30s.
‘James, that’s the 5th paper today. What’s wrong?’ Alice asked, as she made her way to the study area of her husband.
‘I wanted to write something good for Casey, dear. I already wrote for Dan, and everytime I start… it seems to get worst.’ He rubs his temple as Alice massages his shoulders slowly as a hint for some rest.
‘You are a story teller dear, just write anything you can think of. It will make sense on paper, I promise.’ She gives him a kiss on the cheek before moving onto the daily tasks leaving him with his thoughts.
A smile appear on his face, as he starts scribbling through the day. It ended with a satisfied look on his face, as he reread it once more; a small practice for him to read it to her dear granddaughter one day.
Casey was awake at 3 a.m. as she couldn’t sleep, somehow the thought of the letter kept her awake. She decides to give in, and took the letter in her hands. She made her way to the balcony of their bedroom, and took a seat on the wooden floors. Western Red Cedar, a small callback to her childhood.
The wind was blowing, as she shivers in the night. She took a deep breath, before tearing the small envelope with delicate movements. Her hands is shaking at the moment, fear overcoming her as the words were written somewhat visible to her vision.
A deep breath was taken once more, before she starts reading it. A vision of himself rereading it can be seen through her subconscious.
My dearest Casey,
I remember the day, your parents told us about your arrival. We were over the moon; we were excited to meet another grandchild of ours and I was surprised that we were announced of a baby girl. Your mother was our lucky shot for a girl, as all of our children were boys. I was ecstatic, and I remember calling your mother every day; asking everything about you. Before you were born, we knew you were going to be an amazing human being, a beautiful daughter indeed.
There was a story I wrote before, about a pair of siblings on an adventure. It somehow reminded me of you and our Daniel. We had watched you both grown into your phases and, I am very lucky to watch you grow from your first step to your first full meal. One day, I would love to show you more of my stories. All the worlds I created in, as you would live in this world with all the joy and happiness.
We never know what the future will hold, but I promise. I am there with you, when you are happy, scared, lonely, sad and even during your lowest point. Life as a story-teller teaches me, somehow the stories we wrote are a reflection of who we are, and when I looked into those emerald eyes of yours. I saw a million of stories in one that is waiting to be written in the future. I am excited to watch you grow into the amazing woman you were meant to be.
Lots of love,
Grandpa James Valentine.
She felt herself tear up as she reached towards the end, as she traces the words on the letter. It felt like it was written a lifetime ago, as it brings back the memories from the past before. She folded the letter, as she found the familiar hat in her position once more. A pair of arms were felt hugged around her, as Bryce held onto her. The Lahela’s stood there into the night, as Casey continues to reminiscing the old times with the love of her life.
There was a time, she wonders how the world will look like, how life would turn up if any of these didn’t happened. She wonders what types of conversations she would have with her late grandfather, as they took a sip of cocoa during winter nights, but… she is grateful for the time and memories she had with him. She knows, she will see him again one day in another life.
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bt2018bt2018 · 7 years
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Retail Insights February 16, 2018 http://ift.tt/2EwGMz9
Click on an image below to zoom in & open photo gallery >>
Beautiful roses with wedding rings
Beautiful Wigs
Big Shopping Bag encourage customers to buy more products
Bin with flap prevents rubbish odour from wafting out
Black font of brand name against dark grey shoe box fail to create brand awareness (waste of printing cost)
Buy this pairing of belt and pants that complement each other
Chopping Board for different purposes
Clogged Drainage System Flood Singapore's Streets
Commando Security Guards Patrol This Mall
Welcome to Shaw Online!
Cute Mug
Different way of hanging clothing attract customers into store
Display products at the corner of the shelf edge to up profits
Gaming ERA - Singapore, Singapore - Video Games ...
DVD in fishbowl display
Poh Kim Video
DVD store welcome suggestions
Ethical Pet Shop advise shoppers not to buy pets on impulse
Facials that taste so good
Fans outside store cool shoppers n attract them in
Y is pointing out design flaws important for the next generation
Weighing Scale Magnifies its weight readings
Footprints direct u to the cashier
Getting Head over Heels for Surfing
Glass ledge of display window obstruct front view of product
Good Telco Products come in Pairs
StarHub Ltd Official Website
Yellow Teeth of Magazine Boy
Watch that tell the time of two countries
When things get Bitchy; Be Well Dressed
What is the cost of waiting to get free newspapers against the productivity of the nation
Green carpeting relaxes customers as they enter golf shop
-Stop! Looking at my Chest Please-T-Shirt for Ladies
How to encourage Staff to take the initiative to check if walk-in customers need help
Implement a Sales Tally Board and hang it in a conspicuous corner of the store within all staff view. Optus Melbourne - Springvale
How do small stores sell Bikinis
When customers are interested in a range of bikinis and they may not be able to try it on for hygiene reasons, why not 1. little signs with model no. On the stand hanging the bikini,> customers could enter the model no. in the IPAD stand to view how models look wearing that bikini. 2. If there are other concerns, the sales staff could simply hold the IPAD and talk and show to the customer on the "Bikinis" in action. Photos of models wearing the bikini on the IPAD
Trick Eye idea for Angel Wings and Halo for photo taking
Y not Green Pallets that contrast with Grey Hamsters
Grey Pallets makes it difficult to view the grey hamsters. 
Given that Singapore sells edible green coloured spinach noodles. 
Y does not have pet safe green pallets that create a relaxing contrast with the hamsters colour?
How to pick up chicks - t-shirt
Imagine Special / Nuru Massage Masseuse starts their sales pitch with this sentence
I was nearly pulled into one of the special massage places at Orchard Plaza, Singapore. I will have went in if they start their sales pitch with .. "I give u special price because u are so handsome" after "Come ..."
Dressed to Seduce - Dress Idea
1. Translucent long skirt / one-piece dress. Flowery Lacey top with a transcluent long skirt. You can see a vague mini skirt through the translucent skirt. 2. Beige underlay dress with black flower lacey patterns on the beige dress. It gives the illusion that the wearer is naked below the black flower lacey patterns
Y use scotch tape instead of stapler for receipts at the cashier
Politically correct reason = Environmentally Friendly Real reason = cut cost
Dog Groomer that comes to your home makes lots of money
Morphsuit Mannequin helps to sell Sun Glasses
Quirky Tattoo Parlour quote
"In GOD we trust..., all others pay ca$h" by Johnny two thumb Tattoo parlour - Far East Plaza
How to bring customers attention to ur BIG SALE
What is the logo or image that communicate product sales or discounts to all races? Promotional discount. Will you reject cash from customers that don't understand English?
Y not a charity donation box at each money changer
How about a sculpture of a dog, with a hole on its head for gathering donation for the Singapore Prevention of Cruelty to Animals besides the branded money changer e.g. UOB bank at Changi Airport.
Y not a group of mannequins in the same outfit n pose with one mannequin in a different pose, colours n outfit
How optical shops could help the elderly to see
Donate your old eyeglasses n help old people to see. 1st eye care. The central mall, Clarke quay Singapore
How could the cashier go the extra mile to provide service excellence
What if competing clothing brand's cashier ask customers if they like them to help remove the tag. Applies to low traffic high-profit brands or store
Advertising in 1 sentence.
"I make u feel better if u buy me"
How do u sell wood
Naked Man with yellow construction helmet. Holding a plank covering his manhood. Wood. 100% Wood.
Bag tag prevent being stolen by striking compassion in thief
Bag tag = "Please don't take my bag. I had already misplaced my keys n glasses"
-When nothing goes right. Go left-shirt
Quirky Tattoo Parlour quote
"In GOD we trust..., all others pay ca$h" by Johnny two thumb Tattoo parlour - Far East Plaza
How to bring customers attention to ur BIG SALE
What is the logo or image that communicate product sales or discounts to all races? Promotional discount. Will you reject cash from customers that don't understand English?
How optical shops could help the elderly to see
Donate your old eyeglasses n help old people to see. 1st eye care. The central mall, Clarke Quay Singapore.
Store's Nameboard communicate sales line instead of brand name
"Where dogs play all day" name board is seen at upper Thomson road, Singapore instead of "XXX petshop"
$ale <- would this logo be seen in retail stores
Photo of my head Popping out of giant shoe taken with shoe's brand name
Chewing gum lighter. Grenade coin pouch. Animal necks as mug handle
G Shock Robot watch head attract buyers
Plaza Singapura
"Do u need anything else" sign scattered beside price tags in supermarkets or stores
Beige underlay with flowery lace sexy dress
How to compete if you r a money changer
Moneychanger with foreign exchange rate board showing 3 to 4 digit places gets more customers than other money changers that only show 2 or 1 digit places
Cool mall guard on wheels
Global warming; it's not cool
T-shirt quote
Clip on pram safety armrest in front of baby in pram
How to get babies attention to take their photos
Hold phone playing cartoon video beside camera held by photographer to take pictures of babies
Barcode newspaper
JML hot nails
Name for the tattoo parlour. LOVESICK TATTOO Singapore
How do post office take passport photos
A white screen drops down from the ceiling in front of the service counter at a push of a button. The customer stands in between the white screen and the service counter. The staff takes a picture of the customer with a camera and prints their passport photos for them.
Don't touch my stuff or my face or my hair- bag
360 degrees rotation for Rollerball at the end of walking cane needed for effortless use by the Blind
How to take Egg Yolks out of Eggs
Which Battery Brand do Firemen Trust
Prevent theft with a Policeman at ur store Entrance
Hulk wants to get into ur world
Wish I can see the sizes of the clothing at a single glance
Design of Mall's Floor eliminates obvious distraction from Dirt
Reduce wastage of brochure n max outreach if distributor wears a conspicuous signage
Get Flexible with Louis Vuitton
R Money more Important than Friends
Conspicuous Mall Directory
Happy Christmas Tree
Bridge over a pond
Prevent Shoplifting by communicating the penalties explicitly at the storefront
Train Station signage inform passengers which exit leads to the mall
A simple logo encourages people to spend and dine in the mall which boosts the economy, that's what the rich upper class says.
Store display top fridges viewable at a single glance
How do u know which Cleaning Sign belongs to which Floor
How to get kids to stay still for their haircut
Does ur store incline display television from the bottom shelf
Sales Signage positioned in line with name board attract customers
Nameboards on space between Mall's Floors attract shoppers
Y not offer Gift Wrapping Services for Charity
Colour coding Toys Store Layout
Recruitment Poster attract candidates by showing career path upfront
Enumerating Newspaper headlines helps readers to locate information quickly
TaylorMade nameboard
One Lock to Lock them all
Lighted Willow Tree
Soft toys help to sell kids jewellery
Bag with Giant Zip
Put a Condom on top of tis Christmas Light Stick and have fun with it playing jingles
Glow in the Dark Watch
Contrast clothing on mannequin with background of plants gives honest info to customers in jungle Singapore
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Our Ideas, Our Ideas - Retail February 17, 2018 at 12:20AM
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