#love that ava
potato-lord-but-not · 13 days
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The podcast protagonist boyfriend hangout is evolving to include Scientists™ and transgender allegories
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kaycapo · 17 days
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starrypawu · 1 month
yellow and tco meet !!!
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jazforthesoul · 3 months
every time someone reduces CAPTAIN !!! elizabeth "lizzie" lafayette down to "a sad lesbian" a fairy dies bc i shoot it with my gun. like you're telling me you were spoon-fed a character that has one of the most realistic and RAW representations of grief and perseverance in the series and all you got from that was "she's sad" ????
is she a constantly happy character? Fuck no! that's acknowledged!! but to take EVERYTHING that she is, which has positive and negative aspects THAT ARE BOTH SHOWN, to take the fact that she is THE DRIVING FORCE OF THE MAIN BACKGROUND PLOT, and reduce her down to NOTHING but her relationships?? ?what the hell!!!
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poorlydrawnstickmen · 2 months
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Day 34
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tsudratscigam · 2 months
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big sib chosen being a show off
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simplykorra · 3 months
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the sun looks so good on her
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violetsquare111 · 1 month
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stick alan this stick alan that. what about sticks as humans
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veryoaki · 3 months
night doodles -v-
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deeneedsaname · 2 months
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some of my favorite hugs!!!
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bittersweetbeet · 3 months
I love how Green tends to be portrayed as a sly confident flirt towards Purple when in reality, he’s just;
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itslilacokay · 24 days
played around with blues emoticon face
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starrypawu · 1 month
the stickfigure gijinkas are fighting supervillains holy!!!!!
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some fanart for this fic called "Super Sticks" made by @dynamic-k !! its a superhero au and i have been enjoying it so far! though i did kinda wing it for the designs since im not sure on their outfit details and also their hair- so i mixed it with my designs !!
close ups below:3
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poppyflavour · 2 months
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What motivates me? Hatered? Is it love?
I love this song so so much and the fact that I assosiate different parts of it with different characters is just so!!
I had this idea back in June but due to the lack of time I didn't do it, and when I finally sat to do a sketch my brain went "you know what? This pose is actually super difficult for you, let's not do it". Then I sat to it last week and did the first image in like (added up) 7 hours? Add or take, I'm bad at time
I would talk more about how I view Purple's relationship with Navy but the talking part of this post is already long enough, plus I think it deserves its own post
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tsudratscigam · 3 months
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