#love when be disciplines people (hua hua) around that's MOTHER
hualianschild · 5 months
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xie lian said "this isn't you" LMAO
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asunshinepuff · 3 years
Secrets of the Darkened Seas
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🧜🏻‍♀️ Hello! It's been a while guys, welcome to chapter nine! Please please please give a like and follow to my co-author and best friend Luna (@ladynightmare913) because this story would not be where it’s at without her help!
Just a small reminder that the next chapter will be posted on Luna’s blog!
The included lore for this tale has been written under the guise of Fantastic Nautical Creatures by Newt Scamander. As always it will be taken from the book “The Secret World of Mermaids” by Francine Rose while still having my own twist.
Here's the link to the previous chapter, and if you’ve missed any chapters here’s the link to the masterlist for this story. 🧜🏻‍♀️
Chapter 9: The Escape
Remus was doing his best not to punch the pirate in the face, or at the very least refrain from tossing him into the open sea, which was a true testament to his restraint because the desire was overwhelming. Walking up to the deck, Sirius followed and Remus was praying to God for him to kindly shut up.
“I want to see him, who knows what you’ve done to him.”
“I already told you, he doesn’t wish to be anywhere near you, and I share his sentiment.” He looked at the pirate and for a moment, spotting pain in the other’s storm blue eyes.
But like a lightning strike, it was gone in a second. Sirius hardened his gaze once more.
“So you’ve been telling him lies then.” Sirius sneered.
Remus scoffed, “Contrary to the Captain’s reputation of being callous and merciless, he would never lay a hand on a child. He only took Regulus because he was treated worse than cattle.”
At that, Sirius had nothing further to say, what could he say when it was the truth?
An awkward silence followed the two like an anchor as the tawny-haired boy turned and continued walking on deck, the distant voice of a crewmember calling Remus for assistance. With a sigh, he turns to the ebony-haired boy.
“I have to go, but don’t do anything stupid.”
“What do you think I’m going to do? Sprout wings and fly away?” Sirius scoffed.
Remus rolls his eyes, giving a pointed look. “In this world? I wouldn’t put it past you.” He turns back around and walks off.
Sirius simply shook his head as the pompous tawny-haired boy walked off. He honestly couldn’t fathom why anyone would allow him on this ship. Then again, Sirius thought, it suited the infamous White Sea Serpent to have someone like him aboard his ship.
Pompous, the whole lot of them.
The crew were fine in his opinion, they minded their own business. Which probably explained why they were ignoring him as if he were the plague.
Deciding upon himself that he might as well look around, considering no one was really paying attention to him. He might even be lucky and find his brother. Motivated at the prospect of finding his lost brother, Sirius set out to search the entire ship. He went down to the kitchens, then to the cargo hold which, astonishingly, only had two barrels of wine and not a single barrel of rum.
There were many things Sirius could forgive, but not having rum was a crime he could never forgive. However, there was a ridiculous amount of white grain, labeled rice. And some strange red and green foul-smelling thing that made Sirius gag.
Next, Sirius decided to wander through the hallways of the cabins. Checking through the glass windows to peek inside, in the hopes of spotting his brother. At last, he reached a cabin door where a woman dressed in white sat in a rocking chair, holding two small boys, resting their heads close to her bosom, her eyes were closed and her lips were parted as she sang a soft lullaby that Sirius couldn’t hear through the door.
One of the boys was who Sirius had been searching for. Regulus was being rocked to sleep.
Regulus looked, in peace. His face had a healthy flush, his cheeks had rounded in only just a few days. His clothes were clean and he looked properly dressed. The woman in white, rocked gently, rubbing both of their backs.
Regulus shifted in his sleep, the woman gently lulled the child back into a deeper slumber, shifting to her arms to accommodate the changed positions so Regulus wouldn’t hurt his neck as he slept. The woman smiled as she continued her song, never once did she open her eyes.
Sirius couldn’t help but feel a pang of pain in his chest. Oh, how many times did he long for his mother to hold him as the woman in white did so for the boys, Sirius had lost count. Lost all hope of his mother ever giving them an ounce of affection.
And when Regulus was born, Sirius prayed that his mother would at least show affection to him. Instead, she treated them as nothing more than pests that she must learn to tolerate. Sirius tried to take to the brunt of their “discipline,” but there was only so much he could do as a young boy.
And as soon as Sirius was able, he escaped that hell hole. Leaving Regulus behind. He knew that what he did would only make things worse for Regulus, their mother would take it out on him, and Regulus wouldn’t have Sirius to take the brunt of it. Sirius cursed himself for being weak. Sirius had every intention of coming back for him, to give Regulus a better life. The tawny-haired boy’s words echo in his head.
“He only took Regulus because he was treated worse than cattle.”
Sirius wasn’t blind. Their mother never once loved them. Yet here was this woman, who was not Regulus’ mother, tenderly cradled him, sung him a soft lullaby, rocking him to sleep, as if he was her own, would make anyone think she loved Regulus.
And with how at peace Regulus looked, he might even love her as well. How cruel, for a mother to loathe her offspring, only for a stranger to show them affection and kindness. The boy was right, the captain of this ship didn’t kidnap Regulus, the captain saved him.
And just like before, Sirius came to a decision he thought was best. He will leave Regulus here. But this time, he was leaving Regulus in a place where he was clearly cared for and treated well. Regulus didn’t need him. With a heavy heart, Sirius turned away.
Back on deck, Sirius peered over the railing. He couldn’t swim back to shore, they were too far from land. But, he lamented. Spotting a lifeboat hanging by ropes. He could steal a boat.
Remus managed to finally resolve the problem the crewmate had been dealing with. Returning to the deck, his eyes scanned for the ebony-haired male. His eyes narrowing the longer he searched and still not finding the pirate.
“Captain!” A crewman called. Pointing towards the open sea, “The pirate is making a run for it!”
Of course, he would try to run. Only seemed to be about time. Rushing to the side of the ship, Remus glared at the jolly pirate, watching as his figure grew further from the ship.
He wasn’t even taking Regulus with him?! That good for nothing, pirate!
Captain Hua merely raised a brow, watching the pirate rowing away with an amused smirk. “How daring.”
“Been planning huh?” Opal chuckles as she stands against the base of a cargo net.
Quinn smirked, crossing his arms as he leaned forward on the railing. He looked at the greek woman. “Oh, this’ll be interesting to witness.”
“Shall we turn the ship?” The crewman asked.
“That won’t be necessary,” He looked to Remus, “Remus, please bring Brielle up on deck.”
Remus turned at Captain Hua’s request, nodding in confirmation. Briskly walking across the deck, he couldn't help but wonder why Sirius had decided to forgo his entire reason for ambushing the ship? Did he just not care about his brother anymore? Or had something happened for him to ultimately decide that perhaps Regulus was alright?
There was nothing he could decipher for himself, he muses, as he wouldn’t know the thoughts of the ebony-haired pirate. Or find answers for his theories. Sirius Black, the youngest pirate captain of their age. As infuriating and insufferable as he may be, there was more to him.
If what Brielle said was true, then perhaps there was more to Sirius Black than being a complete idiot.
This was the second time he considered the thought. But why? Standing at the base of the stairs below deck, brought him back to the matter at hand. He found himself at the door to Brielle’s room much sooner than he had anticipated.
Sirius couldn’t help but grin as he rowed farther away. He looked back to the ship, the captain, the first mate, and the tawny-haired boy were all watching him. He was over surprised that they weren’t turning the ship around.
Oh well, more time for him to get farther away.
He heard a loud splash behind him, they’re probably sending another lifeboat out to catch him, he assumes, chuckling to himself. There was no way they could catch him from this distance unless they used the ship.
The boat lurched. Rocking Sirius sharply, causing him to drop the oars. Sirius looked around the small boat, he didn’t see anything, did he hit something? The boat rocked again. Sirius looked back to the ship, and from what he could tell, more people had gathered to watch him. The crew seemed to be laughing. As if they knew something he didn’t.
The boat was rocked nearly capsized this time, Sirius gripped the sides of the tiny boat in panic. His eyes searched everywhere, was he closer to land than he expected? Did he hit a rockbed? A coral reef? Just what exactly did he hit?
Or, did something hit him?
There, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of white. But it was gone when he turned his head. His breath hitched as he saw a clawed hand grip the front of the boat, pulling it into the water. Sirius backed up, gripping the boat for dear life. Whatever it was, it was clearly strong.
The hand sunk into the water just as the front of the boat, ahead rose from the water. Sirius could hear his heart pounding.
“Oh hell, don’t tell me you’re part of that lot too!” Sirius found himself shouting.
The head had dark hair, pale skin, and two slitted eyes with finned ears, the head opened its cursed mouth, revealing a row of pearly white fangs. Sirius most certainly, did not scream.
The head then dared to smile like a mad man, then dove underwater. The boat shot upwards back towards the surface. Then it started to move, a rope pulling it along, as the thing pulled the rope.
The boat moved fast, then it started gaining speed. In just a few moments, Sirius was already within swimming distance of the ship. He started to panic that the thing pulling his small boat was going to make him crash. At the last possible second, the boat came to an abrupt halt, sending Sirius forward.
The crew on the ship laughed at the haggard sight of the pirate.
“So kind of you to join us again Mr. Black.” Captain Hua spoke. “Did you have a nice swim?”
At that, the head dived down, its scaly tail sending a splash right at him. He was soaked.
Sirius couldn’t be certain, but he swears that he saw a gleam in the captain’s eye. “Who are you?” Sirius couldn’t help but ask. He was no fool, that creature definitely belonged to the insane captain with the accursed sword.
“A man of many talents.” Was all the captain said.
The pirate was pulled back aboard the ship, the crew members took in the sight of the soaked pirate before returning to their posts. The first mate threw a blanket at the pirate to dry off. The tawny-haired boy had returned, a small smile on his face from when he tried to contain his laughter.
Remus looked to the pirate after a minute for composure, shaking his head in exasperation. It was rather a hilarious sight, and once again this was a new record towards Sirius’ idiocy.
Quinn completely found the scene amusing, his smirk still clearly evident upon his face.
The sound of dripping water caught Sirius's ear, turning, he saw the hideous head that dragged him back to this awful ship pulled aboard, The head then started to sprout bloody human-looking legs from its tail! The finny fish-like traits vanishing before his eyes, the captain wrapping a blanket around it.
Sirius’ eyes widened, it was the woman in white! The one who tended to Regulus!
The woman, no, the monstrous head, looked to him. She made a mock gasp, her eyes widening. “You!” She responded. A wide grin on her face. Her teeth the same shade of pearly white.
“I take it you had your fun?” The captain eyed the head.
If it weren’t for the fact of what Sirius just went through, he would have called the woman handsome.
“I was only teasing.” The head answered the captain, who only shook his head in amusement.
Sirius decided right there. He did not like her. Nope. Not one bit.
The captain led the head back to wherever it was they were heading to. Sirius turned to Remus when he saw the tawny-haired boy approach.
“You let that thing near the children?”
“I see that you have been sneaking around. And the children are safest with her. Not to mention they love her. Everyone loves Brielle.”
“I don’t love her. In fact, I dare say I hate her.”
“Well, that’s a personal problem then, not mine. And why is that? Might I ask?” Remus tilts his head in mock curiosity. “Is it because she takes better care of your brother than you and she’s not even the same species?”
At that Sirius, only glared, he turned away.
“Remus.” The captain called from his post on the helm. “You have a slippery one on your hands, don’t you?”
“It would appear so captain. I can’t take my eyes off him for a moment.”
The captain nodded, then reached for his sword. Untying it from his belt, then tossed Remus the dark green sword.
Remus caught the hilt and sheath of the sword with careful hands, looking down to the golden snake that could quite simply kill him in one bite. Then he looks back to the captain with a questioning look, “Are you sure?”
“Perhaps it will give Mr. Black the incentive to behave himself.” Captain Hua gave Sirius a knowing glance before he looked back to Remus. “Besides, he missed you.”
With nothing further to add, the Captain turned away.
Sirius looked to the tawny-haired boy. “Who?”
Remus simply held out the sword towards Sirius, a smirk on his lips. Sirius instantly backed up when Remus brought the accursed sword closer to him. “Dúi hǎi.”
Sirius knew that sword, he remembered it quite well, and would kindly prefer to be as far away from it as possible thank you. He did not wish to be bitten again. But up close, Sirius reluctantly had to admire the sword.
It was a wide sword with a dark forest green sheath with gold accents that looked coral. The hilt of the sword had a metallic gold snake, with emerald gemstones for eyes. It blinked, Sirius backed away.
The tiny gold snake came to life, hissing softly as it moved towards the boys' hand. Sirius’ blood froze. Was it going to bite him?
The gold snake slithered up Remus’ hand, then coiled its cold metallic body around his wrist. It looked to Remus for a moment, flicking its tongue. Remus only smiled at the tiny deadly snake.
These people are insane, thought Sirius.
As if reading his thoughts, the gold snake turned to Sirius and hissed loudly. Sirius didn’t need to be told to stay away from that thing.
The snake looked smug. If that were somehow possible? Remus chuckled at Dúi hǎi’s antics. “I think he gets the message Dúi hǎi.”
Satisfied with terrifying the pirate, the snake hissed softly. Then winked at Sirius. These people were most certainly insane. The snake rested its head on the back of Remus’ hand and became inanimate once more. Its emerald eyes shimmering brightly with the rays of the sun.
“That is not a normal sword.”
“Thank you for stating the obvious.”
Previous chapter: Captain Hua
Masterlist: Secrets of the Darkened Seas
Moodboards: SOTDS, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Quinn Sandoval
Tag List: (Let me know if you wish to be added!)
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hamfamilyblog · 6 years
Ham Family Update (September 29, 2018)
Ryker: 2 months:
Very aware of new surroundings and new people. His eyes get really big when something new is going on. Starting to laugh and will smile at you if you start talking to him. Ryker has been trying to sit up when you place him on his back in a reclined position. He is a strong little guy and can roll over from him stomach to his back. He’s been doing this since he was one month old. He is a good and sweet baby and we are so happy he’s a new addition to our family.
Flynn: 20 months:
Still loves balls and balloons and bubbles right now. He often goes around saying balloon most of the day in Chinese (qi qiu). He also typically asks for bubbles daily, which he says very clearly. Still loves music and dancing but takes more to hip hop, rock or alternative where Ellis takes more to classical. He is a strong little guy and can hold himself on the TRX bands and swing. He still loves to draw or paint and asks to do so nearly every day. He says it in Chinese “Hua Hua.” Flynn also loves to brush his teeth and often asks to do so multiple times a day, while Ellis hates to brush his teeth. He also loves lotion and asks for me to put lotion on his hands nearly every time I change him. He then likes to run the lotion in his hair, which I tell him it’s not for his hair, so then he rubs it on his tummy or elsewhere. He also really likes to brush his hair and often takes my hair brush. Ellis in the other hand, hates lotion and never likes me to massage him with it. So funny how different Ellis and Flynn are but they get along really well for the most part. Flynn loves to eat bananas and lately, he asks for one nearly every day. Sometimes, he wants to eat more than one. My boys are big eaters! He loves to say “Ook” (look) to show us something or make sure we are watching him.
Ellis: 3 years, 5 months
One of his favorite things right now is dancing to the theme song of Superman while he wears his Superman shirt and cape. He gets a very serious and determined look on his face as his prances around and appears to really believe he has super powers. He also pretends he is flying as he swings around using the TRX bands. He’s doing well in preschool three mornings a week. He can count to at least 10 in both English and Chinese. He is a good and a protective big brother to Flynn. He understands dangers and will often protect Flynn from any possible harm. He still likes to help me cook or bake and play with pretend kitchen kits. Ellis also loves to play games together and wants to race every day. Lately, he wants to run instead of ride his bike or scooter, and he will say, “Mom, let’s race!”
Doing well and excelling in work as he increases his knowledge in the finance world as treasury analyst. He works on negotiating bank loans for
the Shiek’s company, Meraas. He is an amazing hands-on father to the kids and the boys adore him. They love when he gets home so they can wrestle with him, build awesome structures with the legos, marble works or magnetiles, dance to music or read books. He is also good at teaching the boys important life lessons, such as learning to pick up after themselves, put their toys away, or to be nice and share. He is also good at disciplining them and then showing an outpouring of love afterwards. I love to watch him smile at our boys with pure love and affection, as well as to watch him play with them. The boys are so lucky and blessed to have him as their father. Unfortunately, Mitch has had a struggle with health for the past two years now. He has Ulcerative Colitis and was recently diagnosed with a liver disease called, Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. As a result from his health issues, he often feels achy all over, suffers from daily headaches, and lately has had very little energy. He seems to have a good doctor helping him and we have been praying a lot for him. He was given a Priesthood blessing last week for his health. In the blessing, it promised he would be healed of all symptoms soon, so we are faithful and hopeful that will be any day now. Despite how he feels, he still does a good job being a team player, helping me around the house when he can and spending time with the boys. It just makes me sad to see him suffering for this long. He is a good husband to me and does an amazing job also serving in the church and honoring his priesthood. He currently is in the young men’s stake presidency and also holds a calling in primary teacher the 8-11 year old boys.
I am still recovering from my birth with Ryker two months ago, trying to get back in shape and improve my strength. I am also working with a women’s health physiotherapist to heal better internally as well (vaginally and abdominally). I am loving being a mother to my three boys and am thankful I’ve also been blessed with Brecken, who I look forward to being reunited with as an entire family. Three boys 3 and under keep me very busy and I am typically exhausted EVERY single day by the late afternoon or end of the day. I struggle to accomplish everything I’m wanting to, and also find time for me to get a workout in. I have been blessed because a lady in my ward, Carol Khan, who is retired, has offered to come twice a week to take my older boys swimming while I go to the gym with Ryker. I have offered to pay her but she says she does not want payment but enjoys helping me and spending time with my boys. The great thing is that my boys love her and call her “Nana Carol.” They look forward to when she is coming. She often brings fun toys for them to play with in the pool. I know Heavenly Father is aware of me and my needs and wants. I often feel his extra strength and help as I go about my day with the kids. Some days I feel, “I got this three boys three and under thing,” and then other days, I feel like I’m just trying to get through the day in survival mode. Ha!
Lately, I’ve been pondering a lot and feel like I need to read my patriarchal blessing again sometime soon. It has occurred to me that I’ve probably nearly completed half of my life if I live to an old age. It surprised me a bit when I thought about it, and then it led me to ask some questions. “Have I leaned everything I should have up to this point regarding the gospel and life?” “What more should I be doing or learning to make sure I’m on track to becoming the person my Heavenly Father wants me to be?” I’ve been reflecting on these questions for a couple weeks now, and I hope I gain more insight after reading my patriarchal blessing and continuing to pray and read my scriptures. I know though that I need to be better at my personal prayers and scripture study. Something I’m always striving to improve. Currently, I’m the first counselor in the Primary Presidency. I was recently called to this and released from my called as youth Sunday school teacher. I was sad to be released as I love working with the youth.
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