#love your inner dean winchester and crank that metaphorical taylor swift
coffeeteaitsallfine · 4 years
Fascinating to see a lot of supernatural posts talking about how wild it is that they’re doing gender studies on dean winchester and doing critical theory on thee supernatural on tumblr dot edu which....lol yeah... and usually it comes with an air of “i don’t care anymore fuck it! why the hell not?” The growth here we love to see it! It’s not dumb to want to think critically about supposedly “bad” media. that’s why we eschew Cringe. Things are Good and Smart if you talk about it that way, for important reasons (which could be as simple as it’s fun and not harming anyone!). It’s so fascinating too given how back in 2014-16ish i pretty much only followed spn blogs that were shameless in their love for it and/or wrote very serious metas on purpose. 
There’s few things more appealing to me (and stimulating for my dopamine craving adhd having brain) than something I can think very deeply about, at length, keep coming back to and rarely getting bored by, for the sole purpose of intrinsic value. I like thinking of “smart things” about critically acclaimed media and the classics, but those require more spoons than I have to give more often than not tbh! I like the option to deeply analyze without that being the primary source of enjoyment. Whatever the hell the dead center between McDonald’s and Caviar is that’s spn for me. and its 15 season length? the gift that keeps on giving. 
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