Jay Halstead
He deserves love. Everyone has been shipping him since season one and fighting gotta stop. Who cares which is better ship for him. Everyone is allow to have their opinions but don't attack one another over it. Writing should be enjoyable not so negative. I will love whomever he is currently ship with as well his past ships. Therefore i will be neutral party and if you don't like that then don't follow me.
Therefore i love you @thejayhalsteadway and plan to always be a follower of yours. ♡
Anyway i just felt i need to say something since I'm tired of seeing negative things in this world.
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loverofvillains · 5 years
Shippers gonna ship
I got more SigmaxReader content coming! I swear, cross my heart! But I also have a guilty love for MaxMaker (Maximilien and Widowmaker), thanks to a wonderful artist named Dashiana and her amazing art (Really, her MaxMaker art made me fall in love with the pairing!) This was a one-shot that I hope is worthy of some love here on Tumblr! And this one is SFW! More fluff than anything! Also, this pairing...I dove down rabbit holes...to the point of even recounting events Amelie would have gone through, how her psyche changed from the initial conditioning, and further after killing Gerard, and the little clues she may be breaking the conditioning as of late. There are plans for a full fledged fanfiction I may make for them and post to Wattpad sometime, if anyone is interested!  The main idea is her conditioning is breaking, and she has kept it quiet for a while, not wanting to be re-conditioned. But Maximilien can tell, and has had her on some business trips with him, and over time, has become quite fond of her, to the point he neglects to alert Moira about Amelie’s deteriorating conditioning. To the point he knows he feels something for her, especially when she begins to warm up to him. 
                                                  French Nights                                             
Storm clouds rolled across the French skies and thunder rumbled and boomed over the towns and cities. It was a perfect night to spend at home...and Maximilien could not think of any other way to spend it. He'd wrapped his evening up at his casino and headed home, where he had a 'guest' residing for the week. It had been quite the day for them both, and both desired the need to rest and relax. 
Her blue form was curled up to his side as he laid propped up, reading over his tablet. His arm laid around her, cradling her there to his side, his glowing, red eyes soaking in the information displayed on the tablet. Something distracted him from the glowing screen before him. Sensors in his hand felt the woman shivering against him despite the many covers they were under. He looked down, seeing her dark brows twitching. A nightmare...ironic it is a tattoo on her arm, he thought to himself. These nightmares, he was getting used to her calling out his name...but this time, it was different.  "Max..." she uttered softly. Fingers closed in on the shirt he was wearing. Maximilien blinked, his hand rubbing her back gently. "Don't..." " Ma petite chérie," he murmured, giving her a gentle shake. "Wake up...you're having a nightmare." Amelie woke with a start, freezing as her golden eyes snapped open. The heart was beating against her ribs painfully. Only fragments of the nightmare remained in her memory, and each detail was slipping away. All she knew was it was frightening to her. Golden eyes focused on him and his relaxed demeanor. She averted her gaze, closing her eyes as she laid back down with her head on his chest.  " Forgive me...I must drive you absolutely insane with the nightmares as of late," she said.  "It is perfectly fine. I'm not bothered by it at all," he said, pressing a button on the tablet. The screen's lighting went out as it was set on the nightstand. " Are you okay?" Amelie gave a silent nod against his chest, her arm draping over his middle. "I shall be fine long as I am here." Maximilien carefully let his fingers slip through her long locks of dark hair, the sensors in his hand feeling the silk-like quality of it. How soft it was, how heavy it was...and it always had a scent of flowers. "Did I...say anything embarrassing?" she asked, afraid to look at him. Maximilien thought about lying and saying no, that she said nothing. Part of him wanted to keep that moment to himself. For her to call his name out meant their bond was closer...that she truly thought of him. He also wondered if it would scare Amelie off, making her realize her emotions for him and making her think she was wrong for it. " I believe...you said something about wanting eggs with toast and grapfruit in the morning," he jested, wanting her to smile and forget about the nightmare. A faint smile did come to those soft lips when he said that. "Stop teasing, Max..." she said, having found her comfortable spot against him, lying there warm and for once in her life, feeling safe.  Max looked to the wall a moment as his hand continued to idly play with her hair.  " You...did say something," he admitted. "What?" she asked, her eyes opening now to gaze at the closed balcony doors. "...My name," he said, finding he couldn't lie or hide anything from her. As much as his better judgement told him he ought to, it was becoming impossible. Amelie said nothing when he said that. Fragments of the nightmare came back, and all she could remember was being distressed and frantic. "You said...Max. Don't..." he added, and looked to her. "What...was it you did not wish me to do?" That word brought a few details back. Some building, some nameless hallway. Her begging him to not leave and go somewhere, fearing for his well being. Him assuring her he would be fine...and some knowing instinct in her shouting he would not be. No wonder it was a nightmare. "...I...didn't wish you to leave somewhere. I..." she started but the words got stuck in her throat. Even though she was feeling emotions again, vocalizing them, and showing them was still a challenge. Lips closed as she furrowed her brows, and closed her eyes, burying her face against the clothed, metal chest. "...It's okay," he said softly, and pulled her close, his head resting atop of hers. Context clues led Max to believe he knew those next words. That she didn't want him to leave her alone. "I'm here." "You looked busy...forgive me for disturbing you," she murmured, letting him comfort her as she laid with him. " Simple business transaction. The owner is not being very cooperative at the moment, but...I'm sure my next method of 'intense negotiations' will change his mind," he said lying down fully and holding her.  " Did you need to get back to it?" she asked. "No...I can finish the orders I need in the morning. My concern and priority now is you, cherie. I want you to get back to sleep, and get your rest. I'm right here if you need me," he said and held her close, his other hand rubbing her back. Amelie managed a weak smile against his chest, her heart steadying as he held her. It never failed that when she woke, he was right there. It didn't matter if he had business to attend to. He always made sure to wait for her, or wake her if it was urgent to say his good byes. He could be shady and rather devious as a Talon leader, but he was quite the gentleman outside of it.
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My babies deserved better
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ari-nair · 7 years
ive decided to immerse myself in other bts ships so that i dont become some crazy hater. its so hard tho lol
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