#loveblogging ep 4
chalkrevelations · 1 year
Well, I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say when I have more time, but here's my immediate takeaway from DR Ep 4:
WOW, Kanghan. That failure to protect Sailom cut deep. Not even Pimfah is allowed to be the one who rescues him, it's not just a matter of keeping him safe - no, it has to be you, personally.
I'm surprised you didn't tell Grandma, "Listen. You can hire him back as my tutor, or I can go hang around his house with a gun."
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
August 2020 schedule!
I AM A BUSY BUSY LITTLE JET WOLF. There’s a ton of stuff I have to get done this month, but a lot of that stuff is FOR YOU GUYS, and here’s my plan! (As always, subject to change as life is all lifey and shit.)
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Did you know I have a Patreon? Probably! But just in case: I HAVE A PATREON. It’s that Patreon that allows the content to flow here, and YOU can help keep that happening! While also getting sweet sweet bonus exclusive content?? WHAT A FUCKING VALUE. If you’d rather just toss me some change though, why not buy me a ko-fil? It’s all the awesome distraction and entertainment, AND I get to eat? You know what that is? WIN/WIN
Okay, that’s done! Now, the schedule for the 8th month of this hell year!
Week 1
Monday, 3rd: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 4th: PGSM Loveblog
Wednesday, 5th: @guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 27 early release [Patreon exclusive] 
Thursday, 6th: Princess Tutu liveblog (sponsored by Calantian!)
Friday, 7th
And Steven liveblog (”Know Your Fusion”)  [Patreon exclusive]
Public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast Ep 27
Saturday, 8th: And Steven liveblog (sponsored by Jayden!)  [Patreon exclusive]
Week 2
Tuesday, 11th: Whatever the fuck Doc wants me to for her birthday!
Wednesday, 12th
Same as above!
@guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 28 early release  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday-Saturday, 13th-15th: Off to the Hi Line with my birthday gay, but more relevant to you will be two of these days with queued up Un Nouveau Voyage crossposting
Friday, 14th: @guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 28
Sunday 16th: private liveblog
Week 3
Monday, 17th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 18th: PGSM Loveblog
Wednesday, 19th
Carmilla liveblog (evening, sponsored by @cello-moon​!)
@guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 29 early release  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 20th
Orphan Black liveblog (sponsored by @skylineofspace​!)
(evening) Livestream (tbd)  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 21st
And Steven liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
@guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 29
Saturday, 22nd: (evening) Control gamestream, pt 3  [Patreon exclusive]
Sunday, 23rd: PGSM Loveblog
Week 4
Monday, 24th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 25th: Xena (”The Quest”) liveblog (sponsored by @bardofsomerset!)
Wednesday, 26th
Gravity Falls (”Society of the Blind Eye”) liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
@guidedbyanewpodcast Episode 30 early release  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 27th: PGSM Loveblog
Friday, 28th: @guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 30
And then the rest of the month, I’m working on some other projects that I hope to be able to share with you soon!
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chalkrevelations · 1 year
Also, trawling the tag a little bit, and Grandma's getting shout-outs as Cupid, but I'll tell you why Sailom is actually staying at Chez Sukprasert - it's to get him out of his own house, which is not safe.*
Otherwise, Kanghan would be over at Sailom's house every debt-collection day with a gun.
And Grandma knows her idiot grandson well enough to know he'd do it.
*(Also, this means Kanghan can keep an eye on Sailom and keep him from getting into trouble at all times.)
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
September, and also, a schedule
Can you believe we’re already nine months into September? What the actual shit. If you, like me, exist somewhere between confused sentience and befuddled reluctance, you could do with some motherfucking scheduling to help you know what’s coming next. WOULDN’T WE ALL LIKE SOME ASSURANCE OF WHAT’S COMING NEXT
I can’t help with the world at large, but I CAN help with my own particular brand of distraction! And we’ll get right to that, after a word from our sponsor.
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It’s true! We’re all hostages in this capitalistic hellscape, so while I’d happily do all the things I do without a dime, sadly, the mortgage company does not agree, and I haven’t yet figured out how to break that pesky “eat to live” habit. But worry not! Thanks to this here Patreon, you can help keep me in Diet Pepsi and my cat’s bowl full, so he won’t have to gnaw my face off! And when you sponsor me at that aforementioned Patreon that I will conveniently link again right here, you also gain access to delectable exclusive bonus content! Adventures with Mina and Hot Pocket! Liveblogs, including nearly one hundred Steven Universe episodes! Livestreams and gamestreams and chats, and just, holy fuck, SO MUCH AWESOME SHIT. But if you’d rather something more direct and done, if I make you smile even once in September, how about buying me a Ko-Fi? THANKS AND LOVE AND HEY YOU LOOK GREAT IN THAT SHIRT
Enough of that. September’s schedule!
Week 2
Tuesday, 8th: Working on some stuff you’ll see soon!
Wednesday, 9th
MAH BIRFDAY, so probably fuck all, if we’re being honest.
Oh well except for the early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 10th: Working on stuff you’ll see soooooooon
Friday, 11th
Orphan Black liveblog (sponsored by @skylineofspace!)
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast Old Fuck Special
Saturday, 12th: (evening) part 4 of our Control gamestream  [Patreon exclusive]
Sunday, 13th
And Steven liveblog (sponsored by Jayden!)  [Patreon exclusive]
(evening) Private livestream
Week 3
Monday, 14th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 15th: PGSM loveblog
Wednesday, 16th
PGSM Loveblog
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 17th: And Steven liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 18th
Gravity Falls liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​, Outtakes Special #2
Sunday, 20th: Princess Tutu liveblog (sponsored by Calantian!)
Week 4
Monday, 21st: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Tuesday, 22nd: PGSM loveblog
Wednesday, 23rd
PGSM loveblog
(evening) Carmilla liveblog (sponsored by @cello-moon​!)
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 24th: And Steven liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 25th
BoJack Horseman liveblog/essays (sponsored by @docholligay​!)
public release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ Episode 32
Saturday, 26th: Xena liveblog/essays (sponsored by @bardofsomerset​!)
Sunday, 27th: (evening) Livestream (content tbd)  [Patreon exclusive]
Week 5
Monday, 28th: ASKSHARKNADO Monday
Wednesday, 30th
Children’s Fair liveblog winner (to be drawn and announced today!)
(evening) Ask a Jet Wolf LIVE  [Patreon exclusive]
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​  [Patreon exclusive]
That’ll be of Ep 33, which will release that Friday as always, but we’re technically into October then, soooo.
All that, plus whatever other Asks, musings, knitting progress, UNV crossposting I manage to actually get queued up, and whatever other random ass live shit happens that bears commentary.
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keyofjetwolf · 5 years
March Schedule (take 2)
Bunch of stuff had to get reshuffled for March, and I think it’ll be easier to just go from today forward with where things are now. So this is that!
Week 2
Tuesday, 10 March
afternoon: Simshi liveblog (sponsored by Julia!)
evening (~6pm MT): What We Do In The Shadows livestream [Patreon exclusive]
Wednesday, 11 March
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast​ ep 9  [Patreon exclusive]
afternoon: Utena ep 7 liveblog (GIFTENING spillover)
evening: Carmilla liveblog (sponsored by @cello-moon!)
Friday, 13 March: @guidedbyanewpodcast Episode 9
Saturday, 14 March: Firewatch gamestream  [Patreon exclusive]
Sunday, 15 March: private liveblog
Week 3
Monday, 16 March: ASKSHARKNADO Day
Wednesday, 18 March:
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast Ep 10  [Patreon exclusive]
And Steven “Greg the Babysitter” liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Thursday, 19 March: Gravity Falls liveblog  [Patreon exclusive]
Friday, 20 March
@guidedbyanewpodcast Episode 10
Orphan Black liveblog (sponsored by @skylineofspace!)
Saturday, 21 March: Remainder of PGSM ep 6 (GIFTENING spillover)
Sunday, 22 March: Princess Tutu liveblog (sponsored by Calantian!)
Week 4
Monday, 17 March: ASKSHARKNADO Day
Wednesday, 25 March
early release of @guidedbyanewpodcast Ep 11  [Patreon exclusive]
Galavant liveblog
Thursday, 26 March: Xena liveblog, part 1 (GIFTENING spillover)
Friday, 27 March
@guidedbyanewpodcast Episode 11
Bojack Horseman essays (sponsored by @docholligay!)
Xena liveblog, part 2 (GIFTENING spillover)
Saturday, 28 March
afternoon: PGSM Loveblog, day 1 (of 4)
evening: Ask a Jet Wolf LIVE  [Patreon exclusive]
Sunday, 29 March: PGSM Loveblog, day 2 (of 4)
Week 5
Monday, 30 March: PGSM Loveblog, day 3 (of 4)
Tuesday, 31 March: PGSM Loveblog, day 4 (of 4)
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