headcanonings · 4 years
so um here's a little playride drabble ft. jeremy :] i'm gonna respond to asks (@xlittle-graciex) soon with the assclass hcs but i also want some other content on this blog so i'm really sorry but they'll be a bit spaced out :) enjoy!
tw// brief mention of weed
christine sighed, and tied up her hair into a messy bun. it's not like this place was overly formal, right? it just looked like a nice café, quite spacious - she was suprised to see - and clean. it was one of those cafés where those young bright people would come with their laptops and phones and chill out and do work. yeah, it was a young people's café, that was for sure.
she looked over to her co-worker. pale faced, dark curly hair, freckled, and nervous looking. he looked a bit lost, and scared. slightly pathetic. christine internally scolded herself - you shouldn't judge people. she definitely needed to remember that for when she met her roomates later. who knows what they could be like... so far, she'd only briefly met one.
when she'd entered her dorm earlier in the morning - at like 4am, mind you, it was frickin' early - there wasn't anyone there apart from one guy in a red hoodie who was smoking something that smelled suspiciously like weed, playing video games in the lounge. she didn't investigate further, just dumped her stuff in her assigned room and tried to catch up on sleep. tried, but failed.
"um... hi." the nervous, freckled boy, who'd she assumed was her co-worker, addressed her, looking around at his surrounds like a lost deer. essentially, he looked fucking terrified. "i'm, uh, jeremy. heere." he looked awkward as hell, and christine felt immediate pity for him.
"oh, hi!" christine waved brightly, and flashed a smile. he looked at her in shock, as though he wasn't expecting her to respond to him. "i'm christine." she paused, and an awkward-as-hell slience ensued. "sooo..." she trailed off, laughing nervously. "pretty scary first day, huh?"
jeremy visibly relaxed a little bit, nodding and smiling slightly, his shoulders slouching, and christine spotted a soulmate mark on his hand, which was tucked into the pocket of his jeans. soulmate marks were always some strange, flowery, swirly pattern. some people liked to cover theirs up with some kinda concealer or makeup, but the majority of people just kept theirs. christine's one was on the back of her neck, so she just lived with it. it was like a pretty tattoo that doubled as a match-making site. that is, if she was ever able to actually find her soulmate.
it was busy in the café, christine had noticed. thank god she had some training in drink and food making beforehand, or she would've totally freaked out.
the bell rung. christine felt her heart pounding. it wasn't like she hadn't had training or anything. probably just first day nerves. yeah, first day nerves, she thought quickly, and laughed to herself, looking over to the door. and standing there was possibly the prettiest girl christine had ever seen. long blonde hair and smiling face.
jeremy cleared his throat quietly, and christine glanced over to him. his eyebrows were raised and he had a smile on his lips. christine blushed. had she been staring? she tucked some hair behind her ear and smiled at the girl.
"hi!" she said brightly. "what can i get'cha?"
"ooh, um... a tea, please? with milk." she smiled, the light and cheerfulness in her expression reaching all the way up to her eyes. "i'm brooke." brooke grinned warmly, and despite the blush on her face, christine grinned back. brooke paid for the drink, leaving a tip, and christine set to work making the tea.
jeremy, now obviously more comfortable with christine after them being introduced to one another, sidled up to her and muttered under his breath. "whipped." christine looked at him.
"shit, was it that obvious?" she whispered hurriedly. "ugh, i'm such a hopeless romantic. seriously, i see one pretty girl and my heart goes BOOM. and then i can't function for a good two minutes. oh crap, i need to focus- one sec-" and she got to making brooke's tea again. "sorry for all that talking... really super fast. sometimes i get lost in thought."
"nah, it's okay, i'm more of a listener, anyway." he shrugged, and started working on a drink for another customer. christine smiled at him gratefully, and continued to brew brooke's tea until it was ready.
"tea for brooke!" she called out, and the blonde haired girl came over to collect her drink.
"gosh, this looks great. thanks-" brooke looked down at christine's nametag, and christine gave her an awkward thumbs-up in return."-christine. i'll be sure to come here again." brooke grinned at her, and the shorter could feel the blush on her cheeks already. brooke waved goodbye, and left the store.
"y'know," jeremy started, suprising christine, who was a bit dazed from her recent encounter with the very-pretty-and-nice-girl-who's-name-she-now-knew-was-brooke, "she seemed kinda into you. my gaydar was going off." he said slowly, looking into the distance. "who knows, she could be your soulmate."
mkay so that was the end of this little drabble. i also uploaded this on amino if you by any chance are also on there :)
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headcanonings · 4 years
send me some asks!!
i would love to start writing some hcs for assclass, bmc, cucumber quest, tua and good omens... i'm also starting to get a few followers so i would love it if y'all could send some anons regarding these fandoms <3 bye! 💞
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headcanonings · 4 years
Are you comfortable with angst?
yup! i plan to write some in a bit, and maybe upload some previous angst works later on <3 thanks for the anon!
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headcanonings · 4 years
What's the most crackhead au for Assassination Classroom you can think of?
thanks for the ask!! god i love group 4 so much... and i do have a couple ideas for crackhead aus haha. let's go!!
- koro sensei assigns class 3-E with group projects on whatever they want, in groups of 6, let's say, for convenience. obviously, group 4 decide to work together, and plan to meet up at, let's say okuda's or sugino's house.
- karma and kayano come slightly late, and they have a massive assortment of snacks with them. nagisa starts to realise that they might not get everything done... or anything at all.
- sugino and kanzaki get bored eventually - and when i say that, i mean after like 10 minutes - and start to see who can throw the most scrunched up paper balls into a trash can.
- okuda brings out a huge chemistry set - "the project isn't even on chemistry, manami!" - and starts experimenting with multitudes of different, rather dangerous chemicals.
- karma joins in with okuda and manages to spill some 'accidentally' on sugino and nagisa - "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, KARMA? THAT'S DANGEROUS" - much to nagisa's anger.
- karma looks at him innocently "i know they're not dangerous! they do make you smell, though."
- kayano starts try to mix different flavours of kit kat together, and kanzaki helps her.
- nagisa is the only one really trying to get any work done, with a little bit of help from kanzaki and okuda.
- kayano and sugino take turns in trying on okudas glasses, and then sugino says "wow, these really do help your eyesight, huh?".
- it turns out that sugino has needed glasses since he was younger, but never bothered to get any. his vision was just always slightly blurry, and he only realised this was a problem when karma and kanzaki pointed out that he needed to get some glasses.
- kanzaki starts playing shooter games on her phone, and nagisa gives up at this point. he joins in and gets really good at the game - still not good enough to beat kanzaki though.
- in the end, their project is about procrastination. i wonder why...
this one was also really short, i'm trying to make them longer, and i'll get better i promise :) thanks for the ask <3
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headcanonings · 4 years
okay so i was kind of lazy... and i re-uploaded this from my other account, but eh, it's here now :] here are some bmc headcanons, hope you enjoy!
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- the whole squad goes to college together and it's some kinda york shit bc they're all sharing a dorm. chaos ensues.
- rich and jake are boyfriends, and they're trying to be lowkey about it, and literally everyone knows. but it's arson bros so there's no way in hell that they can be subtle.
- christine was brought up by her dad who is literally the nicest person on this planet and he loves all of her friends but he like michael the best, because i mean who doesn't :D.
- brooke is a dog person and christine is a cat person, but they make it work because they're useless lesbians who are very much in love.
- whenever jeremy can't sleep (which is always) he goes downstairs and makes a cup of tea, which doesn't help his insomnia but he doesn't care because it's TEA.
- okay!! to establish ships:
- boyf riends because... how can you not ship em?
- playride (i have no regrets, they're adorable)
- arson bros because... it's rich and jake
- chloe and jenna are single :] sorry
- rich says he hates all animals but in reality he loves cats. like he starts crying when he sees kittens or strays, and the only people that know are christine and jake.
- jeremy and michael got together after rich 'accidentally' told them that they liked each other.
- michael and brooke work in a cafe, and across from there jeremy and christine work in a bookstore :D.
- rich wears glasses now that he doesn't have a squip. jake likes to tease him about them, but in fact he thinks they make him look really cute. he will never admit this to anyone.
- rich is honestly pretty smart. he majors in latin and while he complains about it all the time, he's pretty much fluent, which he's honestly pretty proud about.
- rich is an assistant teacher for year 4s (3rd graders) and they call him 'sir'. whenever one of these kids makes a homophobic/transphobic comment (bc they're young kids yknow) he'll sit them down and teach them that it's okay to be lgbtq+.
- for like a year after the events of the play, jeremy tries to earn back michael's trust. eventually he forgives him, but jeremy has to do some serious courting shit to get michael back as his friend.
- jeremy catches feelings for michael first. no debate.
- jenna is a fashion youtuber/vlogger kinda like bestdressed. chloe joins her and they're literally best friends.
- chloe doesn't specifically have a redemption arc, but she does learn over time to treat people at least a little bit better.
and for now i would say that's about it! the headcanons no one asked for, but i gave anyway! likes and reblogs are always appreciated, too :)
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headcanonings · 4 years
Can you do some general Karma headcanons?
yes!! I love karma with my whole heart haha :D
- His favourite hobby (aside from messing with people) is playing board games. There is not a single game of cluedo that he hasn't won. And somehow everytime he plays Monopoly, he manages to land on and buy Ginza (the best city you can get).
- The only other person that rivals him in his board game luck is Kayano, whom he regularly ties with.
- He's pretty closed off, scratch that, very closed off. If anyone he doesn't know tries to talk to him, then he will stare at them venomously until they walk away. If it's someone he doesn't like, for example Gakushuu, he will tear them to shreads.
- Like Nagisa, he secretly admires Koro Sensei. To the point where he also considered being a teacher. But he then he thought about how much of pain it would be to teach himself and the rest of Class E-3, and decided to never even think about becoming a teacher ever again.
- Once he's done drinking his strawberry milk, he will chew on the straw absent-mindedly. Like he doesn't even notice that he's doing it until the entirety of Class E-3 turn to look at him in horror, because all they can hear is him chewing on his straw.
- Karma hides it very well, but he gets embarrassed so easily. Like in Chapter 3 when he said that he would date Okuda out of all the girls in the class, if anyone even hints to mentioning that, he would kill them. Or just beat them up. And the same goes for when they mention that time that he slacked off during mid-terms.
- After a while, he eventually becomes less embarrassed over stuff and can laugh over them instead.
- He will try and encorpirate strawberries into EVERYTHING. During chemistry he will mash up some strawberries and try to make a strawberry explosion. Koro Sensei gets annoyed while Okuda trys to explain to him that that's not how strawberries work. Somehow, he manages to make them explode anyway.
- Much to Karma's amusement, the classroom then smells of strawberries for weeks after.
- He will cry at books. Never at movies, only books. Kayano and Kanzaki first figured this out when they lent him 'Little Women' and he came back to them, sobbing. Beth was his favourite character, he had a right to cry.
- Yes, I did sorta steal that from friends. Shhh.
i hope that was enough karma hcs!! i know it wasn't that much but oh well :] i'll definitely do some more on him in the future, he's one of my favourite characters after all.
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headcanonings · 4 years
here's an arcade fic for the karma and kanzaki dynamic (along with the others in group 4). they're not in a relationship, this is exploring how they'd react to each other and their friendship :) and this mainly started out with karmzaki dynamic but it slowly devolved in the whole of group 4. enjoy :)
"Karma, I didn't know you were good at this?" Kanzaki laughed. Karma gritted his teeth in return. She was trying to throw him off.
"I'm good at everything." He muttered, his eyes locked onto the screen in front of them. She wad trying to distract him. Make him lose his focus.
Left, left, right, back, left, forward, right.
Sugino and Nagisa looked at them in amusement. Well, Nagisa did. Sugino just looked faintly confused.
"How are they... that fast?" Sugino looked like he was about to faint from just watching them. Nagisa shrugged. Kanzaki watched them out of the corner of her eye, feet moving at lightening speed no matter her being distracted.
She knew that Karma was smart, not to mention clever. He could probably win anything if he tried hard enough. Or probably without trying... Karma was like that.
But if there was that Kanzaki was good at - if there was one thing that she was unmatched in, it was gaming. Kanzaki narrowed her eyes, and blocked out the sound around her. She focused solely on the game. She also might've cursed a bit while playing.
Right, back, forward, back, left, right, right. And repeat.
After, another three or so rounds, Karma begrudgingly admitted defeat. Kanzaki had undoubtedly completely destroyed him. And he thought he was doing well. Sugino laughed with him, while Kayano shook her head in disbelief at Sugino's childishness, and Okuda patted Karma on the back, trying to hold back a smile.
"Congrats. You were... pretty good." Karma turned to Kanzaki. She smiled at him sweetly in return.
"Thanks, Karma!" She said, a hint of triumph in her voice. He grinned. On the outside, Kanzaki was a sweet girl who just so happened to be good at games. Well, anyone who saw Kanzaki as just that was a bit of a dipshit.
She was blunt, competitive, and hard working, and knows when she's won. He admired her for it, even if he would never admit it publicly. Karma saw a good friend in Kanzaki. They ha bonded over small thing - but they were important to them, and that was what mattered, he guessed. Outside of school, he knew she didn't have the best home life. Heck, his was the same. He knew how shitty it was. Games were her escape, his was... getting in trouble? Being reckless? He wasn't exactly sure.
"So," Kayano piped up, swirling some yoghurt- toffee mixture - that she seemed to had produced out of nowhere - with a spoon. "What's your favourite game to play, Kanzaki?"
Kanzaki tilted her head in thought, her brow furrowed once again. "Well... I like shooter games. Like Call of Duty." Kayano nodded her head, interested, a look a bite of her yoghurt.
"That's seems like a Kanzaki type of game." She smiled happily, and turned to Karma. "How about you?" Karma scrunched up his nose, thinking.
"Honestly? I like competitive games. Ones where I can win." He stuck his tounge out, and laughed. "But also Hitman. I've cleared every level in that sucker. Completed every objective." He said proudly, seeing Kanzaki's suprised expression.
"Hm, yeah, that makes sense. I thought that Nagisa would prefer stealth games, though." Okuda spoke up this time, while timidly, smiling at her friends in the little cluster that they had made in the corner of the arcade. Nagisa laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
"I like chill games. One's where you can just sit back and enjoy the game at your own pace." Karma and Kanzaki nodded. Nagisa might've had an almost murderous undertone to the way he acted, always quiet and unsuspecting, but he was really as chill as anyone else. Well, maybe not Karma, or Nakamura, but close enough.
"That's sounds like Nagisa, all right." Sugino smiled. The others knew that both he and Okuda didn't really play games. Sugino played baseball already, he preferred sporty games rather than those on a screen, and Okuda simply couldn't be bothered with it.
Karma laughed along with the others. Sometimes it was nice to have friends, even for Karma Akabane. But sometimes, it was also nice to have peace and quiet. And he may have also been craving some strawberry milk.
He cleared his throat. "Well, looks like I'm off." He gave a grin, waved his hand, and turned to walk away. They called goodbye to him, Okuda just waving, and he slunk off to the nearest mall, in hopes for a vending machine.
One by one, the friends seperated, first Karma, then Kayano, then Okuda, then Nagisa. Suprisingly, Sugino went next, not nearly as begrudgingly as he would've usually been, leaving Kanzaki standing awkwardly in the middle of the arcade. Maybe his crush had gone over the time that they had become closer friends. Kanzaki hoped so.
She liked Sugino, but secretly, she was pretty tired of the way that his face would turn red everytime she talked to him. She just wanted to be his friend. Maybe that was finally happening.
Kanzaki looked around the arcade. It was mostly empty. She smiled. Time for her to do some practicing for the next time she beat Karma. No doubt he would do the same. He might've been good at everything - well, mostly - but he sure as hell wasn't going to beat Kanzaki in the gaming department. She was sure of that.
Smiling, she slid a quarter into a pac-man machine. Show time.
so as it turned out this was a pretty short drabble, kinda just an intro fic, if you will. but if you enioyed, feel free to leave asks for headcanons or senarios, and i'll answer them as soon as possible! bye ٩(ര̀ᴗര́)
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headcanonings · 4 years
so, um, i guess this is an introduction to this blog :]
i'm lara, i'm from the uk. i frickin love making headcanons for all my favourite fandoms :D here's a list for the main fandoms/characters that i like to create hcs for:
- assassination classroom
- be more chill
- good omens
- the umbrella academy
- cucumber quest, maybe? :] if people want it
my main acc is @fairygahyeon, but i'll probably be on here more!! feel free to leave asks on here for you fav ship/scenarios that you wanna see and i'll be (usually) happy to oblige! :) i'll also probably be doing some writing on here. always fluff or crackheadedness, don't worry.
hcs/ships/senarios that i will not do:
inc*st, p*dophilia, nsfw. anything that i'm uncomfortable with. this is because a lot of the characters that i hc for are minors.
i'll add more onto this later if i feel it needs anything else <3. see ya!
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