#loved scarf refound
zelzelez · 2 years
okay it was good to gush about my feelings for him but overall it’s also really nice to be in a place where i don’t feel like i need him, i just like him and want him to be around. it is liberating not to feel desperate about my feelings right now but more like a soft witness to the whims of my heart.
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jekunitrash · 5 years
Chaos in the Alicein household
Chapter 2
Mikuni woke up to the sound of chirping birds, the sun was already high in the sky. He looked to his left to see a still sleeping snake. He then remembered the previous day and smiled contently. After a lot of crying and after he and his refound family exchanged sweet words of affections and promises for the future, they all went to bed since they were worn out because of the fight. So they all went to their own rooms, even Mikuni who had been reassigned to his former one. Jeje thought that since they came back, he would have to go sleep in the attic again but his eve said there was no reason for him to do so, and insisted that they should just sleep in the same room like before. Jeje was taken aback but soon followed after the blonde man. He smiled under his paperbags after making sure Mikuni wouldn't see it.
The servamp of envy woke up when he felt someone was caressing the top of his head. He didn't need to open his eyes to know who it was, he had long gotten used to the sensation of Mikuni's fingers on his skin. It was too bright for him to turn in his human form so he just slithered around the other male's arm. They went downstairs and saw Misono who was still in his pajamas. The purple haired teen was reading a fantasy novel, waiting for Dodo to finish preparing breakfast. He glanced up to the other two when he heard them entering.
-« Good morning, » he said, « did you have a good night ? »
As soon as he finished his sentence, his brother leapt at him, tackling him into a hug.
-« Misonooooo~~ how are you ? You didn't have any nightmare, right ? »
Said Misono tried to push him off, he wasn't used to be attacked like this in the morning.
-« Let go of me you idiot, I can't breathe ! »
« Oh, sorry. I guess I was too happy to see you, hehe. »
« Well it's not like I'm not happy... » he said while blushing. Mikuni was going to tease him more when Lily came in.
-« Hello everyone ! Mikuni, did you sleep well in your room ? »
« Hello Lily ! Yeah, thank you. It felt weird at first though, gotta get used to it again and all. »
« I'm glad to hear it ! Then we should move to the table for breakfast, Dodo must be done preparing it. »
They all nodded, Mikuni released his brother so he could stand up and they went to eat together. Of course the blond wanted to sit next to Misono who didn't make any comment for once. Jeje sat on the chair between Lily and his eve even though he rarely ate anything, be it in the morning or later in the day . They picked various things to eat from the tray and talked about trivial things until Mikuni asked :
-« Where is father by the way ? I don't recall him working on Sundays. »
« He probably had an appointment or something of sort, no need to worry about it. » Misono simply answered.
« Okay. What should we do today then ? I can't wait to spend some time with my dear little brother~~ »
« We could play chess. I'm pretty sure I can beat you by now. » the purple haired boy suggested with a smirk.
'I doubt it'... Jeje and Lily thought at the same time but they didn't say it out loud. Mikuni just smirked back at his brother, daring him to try. The shorter boy wasn't backing off, he stood up in order to go find the chess board. Once he got it, he came back and sat in front of the blonde who was still smiling slyly.
-" My, someone is impatient." He said jokingly.
"Indeed. I haven't played against you in years and I was never able to win before. So I want to see if I have improved. You're the best opponent, after all."
Mikuni's sly smirk was soon replaced by an embarassed but happy expression, which made both the servamps smile. However, it went unnoticed by the two Aliceins as they were starting the game and were both focused. Misono got to make the first move since he was younger and his brother wanted to spoil him. The game lasted for two whole hours and predictably enough, it was Mikuni who won this one too. The boys were now tired, thinking about a strayegy and having to anticipate the other's moves was quite hard.
-"Damn, you beat me again. Just how good are you at chess?" Misono said more to himself but everyone heard it.
"Well, I love that game." His brother replied. "And I have more experience."
Lily who had kept quiet to not disturb them seemed to suddenly remember something.
-"Oh that's right! Mikuni, do you still play the violin?"
The man and his servamp looked at each other then he answered:
-"No, I had to stop after leaving since I hadn't taken mine with me. I never considered buying another one because we had to save money for food and such. "
Lily took a disappointed expression.
-" That's too bad... I loved hearing you play and the children too."
-"But Lily, I think we stocked it with the other things we didn't want to dispose of." Misono said.
-"Oh, you're right! We do have a place where we keep all that! Wait here, I will go see if I find it." The servamp of lust announced before leaving. The other three waited in silence until Lily came back ten minutes later.
-"I found it! And it's not damaged in the slightest!" he exclaimed joyfully. He then handed the violin to Mikuni who stared at it bewildered.
-"You know... as nice as it is, I don't think I remember how to play."
-"Bullshit." Misono scoffed. "Of course you remember."
"Yeah but-"
"Mikuni." Jeje finally opened his mouth. "Come on, try it."
The eve of envy was still hesitating but gave in. He took a deep breath and started to play a melody, following his instincts. He let himself get carried by the music and closed his eyes while playing. It was like everything around him had disappeared, he was only focused on his instrument. When he reopened them, he saw that the other three were looking at him mesmerized.
-"It was beautiful." His brother truthfully said.
Lily was ranting on how splendid and moving the blonde's music was while Jeje gave him a look that meant 'you see you can do it'. Mikuni blushed madly which was a bit uncharacteristical of him but he hadn't received so much attention in years. When Misono noticed this he decided to tease his older brother as payback for their previous game.
-"Oh? Someone is embarassed?" he asked playfully.
"Uh n-no I'm not." Mikuni retorted but he wasn't really credible with all the blushing and stuttering.
Jeje thought that he was kinda cute at the moment. His eve usually hid his feelings behind a cheerful and sometimes annoying facade, and he often played jokes on the vampire. But he also knew how fragile and sensitive he could be. That's why he didn't mind staying by his side. He had always felt that he had to protect him at all cost. Mikuni had been broken seven years ago and he was going to make sure it would never happen again.
He was so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed the lust pair was gone and his eve was approaching him. The blonde wrapped his arms around him and cooed:
-"Jeje~~ what are you thinking about?"
He was expecting the servamp to get annoyed and push him away but he just stared at him and said "nothing". Mikuni hummed in response before turning serious again. Talk about mood switch.
-"Actually." he started, "would you mind if we went upstairs for a moment?"
Jeje was surprised by the strange request but agreed nonetheless. They went in Mikuni's room who shut the curtains. Now that was really weird.
-"Mikuni, what are you-"
"You know..." the eve cut him before he could finish, "I think it's about time I take my responsibilities. For all my unkept promises." He said completly serious while taking his scarf off.
Jeje's eyes widened and his troath suddenly felt dry. His eve couldn't be referring to 'that', right...? However, all uncertainty was dissipated when the blonde said something they both thought was impossible.
- " I'm gonna let you drink my blood."
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