#and yesterday i was with my best friend and another beloved friend and we worked and ate and laughed sooo much!!!
zelzelez · 2 years
okay it was good to gush about my feelings for him but overall it’s also really nice to be in a place where i don’t feel like i need him, i just like him and want him to be around. it is liberating not to feel desperate about my feelings right now but more like a soft witness to the whims of my heart.
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desi2go · 1 year
Proposing to you
How would they propose to you?
Pairings: Stray Kids x reader
Warning: fluff
Hyung line maknae line
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~~Bang Chan~~
You two were together for a while now. Today was your fifth anniversary. Five years. That's a long time but for him it was like he just met you. The time flew by so fast. He remembered the day you met like it was yesterday. You wore a simple blue hoodie and a black jeans. You looked so stunning even in that simple outfit. He met you in the JYP building. You worked as a manager and from the first moment on, he fell for you.You two were friends for some time, til he confessed his feelings for you. That was five years ago.
Now, for your fifth anniversary, you two took some days off and visited his family in Australia. Today, it was only your day. In the morning he brought you breakfast in bed and you exchanged your presents for each other. It was like a tradition. On your first anniversary, he gifted you a bracelet with a jewellery pendant. Each year he gave you another pendant. Every single one held memories and you love this gift. You wore it every time and everywhere.
After your breakfast, you two decided to spend the sunny day at the beach. You stayed til the sun sets, admiring the beautiful sunset that painted everything in a light orange. You two walked through the shallow water, holding hands, until Chan let's go. Confused you turned around. Chan had his hands in his pockets and looked nervous. He took a deep breath and finally looked into your eyes. " Y/n. We know each other for over five years. And the first time I saw you, I knew that I want to be with you, forever."
He took another shaky breath, went slowly down on one knee and took something out of his pocket, a ring. Your eyes widened and you gasped.
"Y/n, will you marry me?"
You nodded as your eyes were filled with tears. "Yes... yes. Of course, Chan!" you answered. He gave you the ring and smiled widely. He closed the short distance and hugged you tight. "I love you, Y/n." You kissed him and played with his hair. "And I love you"
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~~Lee Know~~
Minho wouldn't date for fun. So when you two became a couple, it was his intention to marry you someday. You two know each other for seven years. The first time he saw you, he was mesmerized by your breathtaking beauty. You were Han's best friend and visited him in the dance practice room. You two instantly clicked and talked after the practice for hours. After that Minho and you started dating pretty fast, after he had kissed you at a party. In this seven years, you two went through ups and downs together, creating a incredible bond.
Minho thought about a proposal for a while now. He even asked Han about his opinion. As Minho's and your best friend he was so excited and helped Minho to organise everything. They chose the perfect location and bought the perfect ring.
For you it was just a normal date with your beloved boyfriend. You two went to your favourite restaurant and then you walked through the city and in the park. It was already night and the park was barely lit. As you nearly reached this one special spot, you noticed that the path was illuminated with candles. You were confused but continued walking. You reached your favourite place, it was at a small lake, where Minho asked you for seven years if you want to be his girlfriend. Everywhere stood candles.
Minho let's go of your hand and drove through his hair. "Y/n, this is our place. For seven years, I asked you here if you want to be my girlfriend. I love you. I enjoyed every moment with you. You are my soulmate." He let out a shaky breath and fumbled in his pocket, then he goes down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"
The first tears start to fall and you could just nod. You closed the distance between you two and hugged him tightly. "Yes, of course. I love you so much" You stumbled between sobs.
You heard a rustle and the cracking of sticks. You looked up and saw your best friend jumping up and down with a huge smile on his face. "Congratulations Minho and Y/n!" He shouted excited. You chuckled and leaned your head on your fiancés chest.
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Changbin and you were together for four years. He met you on a festival as you ran into him and spilled your coffee over his jeans. You apologised instantly but he laughed it off and said that as a reparation you should buy him a drink. You two got something to drink and got to know each other. At the end of the day, you exchanged numbers. The other members immidiatly knew that he fell for you. You met each other regulary and the friendship turned into love pretty fast. It was love at first sight.
You often visited him in the studio and when he had dance practice, you watched him, giving everything for you. The other members of Stray Kids adored you and from time to time Changbin got jealous, because especially Felix, Han and Innie were attached to you. You laughed as he glared at them, turning his face towards you and gave him a quick kiss.
After two years of relationship, he couldn't wait any longer and told STAYs that he was taken. Luckily, many fans were excited and were happy for you two. You could work from everywhere so that you could sometimes go with him on tour and watch your boyfriend singing and dancing. The fans screamed as Binnie lead you, at the end of a concert, on stage, introducing you to the fans. It was the first time you showed your face as his girlfriend in public.
The thought of marrying you came pretty early. He even mentioned it as joke to you sometimes. You would smirk and answer that you couldn't wait to become his wife. So, after four years of relationship, he thought that it was time to make you his fiancée. He bought with the help of Chan a beautiful ring and decided that he want to propose to you on stage, where all the persons were he loved. His friends and STAY.
The concert went on effortlessly. The crowd was cheering and singing as your boyfriend gave everything. You stayed backstage to watch him from the side. It was breathtaking. The concert approached his end and the last song was played. Then you could here your boyfriend stopping the music. " STAY before this concert is finally over, I want to say something" You frowned irritated. Chan walked towards you and lead you on stage. There you stood: stiff and confused. "Y/n, my soulmate. You're my everything. In the last few years I became fond of your love and I can't live without you."
"I want to use this moment to ask you something" He pulled a little box out of his trousers and knelt infront of you. The fans went bizarre. "My love, will you marry me?" He looked in your eyes, his eyes full of love and adoration. You gasped and ran towards him. You nearly knocked him over as you hugged him tight. "Yes...yes, Binnie" You kissed him as he put the ring on your finger. STAYs cheered and clapped. Now, you just remembered that you stood on stage. Shyly you leaned your face against his chest to hide your blush.
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You were Hyunjin's muse. Since he met you four and a half years ago at a art gallery, you were his inspiration. Whether it was while dancing, singing or painting, you were the centre of his creativity. The other members noticed it too. Whenever you were with him, it was like he shone brighter and strove harder to show you what he can do.
He loved to draw you, his entire art room was decorated with paintings of you. Even your entire office was embellished with his beautiful drawings and you adored it. It was like he was there the whole time.
The thought of marrying you came to his mind one night as he was painting another masterpiece. He really wanted to become your husband, but he was anxious. Would you say yes? And how should he propose to you. You too never talked about this topic. So he asked Felix and Chan about it.
They helped him to set up everything. It was a Friday evening. Hyunjin and you were on a date and since you two were interested in art, you like to go to different exhibitions together. Today you wanted to visit a exclusive one, as Hyunjin told you. You were excited and chatting happy with him. As you got there, he opens the door for you and let you in first.
Suddenly the lights go out. "Jinnie? Where are you?" "I'm right here, love" he answered and lead you in another room. "Hyunjin what are you doing?" You asked as he released your hand. In this moment the room was lighted with the help of fairy lights, turning everything into a soft orange. You admired the room. It was filled with pictures of Hyunjin and you and you recognised a drawing that showed you two on your first date.
You stood there in shock because you didn't imagine that something like that would happen. And there was Hyunjin, your love of your life, standing on the other side of the room. His hair was messy as he kept running through it. "What's that all about, Jinnie? Did I miss an anniversary?"
"No, absolutely not. I just want to make this special" He took a deep breath and continued. "Y/n, you're my muse, my inspiration. Living without you would be grim and colourless. I can't imagine a life without your love and support. My love, will you marry me and live with me until death do us part?"
"Oh Jinnie" You whispered. "Of course I will marry you" You ran into his arms as he lifted you up and swirled you around.
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ofmdrecaps · 2 months
07/10/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Oritz and Samba Schutte; Rachel House; Lindsey Cantrell; Kristian Nairn and Nathan Foad in Wee John Wednesday!; Gypsy Taylor/Ra Vincent/ Adam Wheatley; Articles; Cheers M'Queers; YouBearFineThingsWell Day 2; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika: National Kitten Day!
== David Jenkins ==
Chaos Dad was out in droves today inspiring more honking all around! First, he retweeted one of our incredibly creative crewmates' Calypso cosplay and moving words from this past weekend!
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Source @ StellarCyn's Twitter
Next up, David responded to our beloved @ofmooshd with some encouraging words! What are you up to David?
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Source: David Jenkins' Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew are pushing everything bear this week and we love to see it! We're with you crew, so excited! Here's the Decider Article they linked, and the exclusive clip with Rhys below!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Today I learned that Taika was one of the Executive Producer / Director of one of the episodes of the new series Interior Chinatown, premiering November 19th on Hulu! The man is involved in everything it seems!
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Source: Ronny Chieng's Instagram
Follow up from yesterday, I had forgotten to include OFMD's bestie (Astroglide)'s response to the latest Taika version!
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Source: Astroglide Twitter
== Rachel House ==
Rachel House was featured in a Concrete Playground article about her directorial debut film The Mountain!
Jumping Behind The Camera When You Love Being A Supporting Actor: Rachel House Talks 'The Mountain'
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Source: Concrete Playground's Instagram
== Vico Ortiz + Samba ==
Florida Supercon is coming this weekend, 12-14 Jul and both Vico and Samba will be there both Saturday and Sunday!
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Source: Vico's Instagram
Vico's other upcoming work, Lesbophilia, will be joining the LaughAfterDark Comedy Fest in October! Visit their site to learn more!
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Source: its_michellewest Instagram
Ticket are now on sale for the LA premiere of FireFuckingFire at @lashortsfest  They'll be screening at 10pm July 28th and closing out the festival! You can buy tickets here!
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Source: juliaeringer's Instagram
A little late on my part sorry-- Happy Non Binary Awareness Week from Vico!
Source: Vico's IG
== Gypsy Taylor / Ra Vincent / Adam Wheatley ==
Gypsy, Ra, and Adam were nominated for Costume Design, Production Art Department/Design, as well as Concept Art Awards with the Australian Production Design Guild! Congrats you three!
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Source: Gypsy Taylor's Instagram / APDG Awards Website
== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Reminder! Our beloved set designer's new short Watching Walter will be airing at the LA Shorts festival in LA on July 19! You can buy tickets here if you're in the area!
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram Stories
== Kristian and Nathan ==
Our darling Kristian and Nathan gave us YET ANOTHER insanely fun WJW. These two are the absolute best. If you get a chance, give it a watch. CW: Mention of Witnessing Shootings/Death
Some minor highlights from WJW today!
Nathan's been traveling!
Both of them are going to a bunch of American Comic Cons
Kristian has been working on his book and being crafty (turned some white Nikes into Spiked, Glittery Nikes)
Kristian and Nathan will be doing a wee WJW in Raleigh with the cast if they can
Nathan will be going to a not yet announced European Comic Con sometime this year
Kristian read a few excerpts from his book
There will be an audiobook version that Kristian will voice
During OFMD S1 Kristian asked David and everyone about his accent and if he should change it and David replied with "We just want YOU Kristian"
One of the funniest days on set was Nat Faxon and the GreenScreen teeth when the Swede had Scurvy
Nathan described himself as "Nathan Underscore Foad" and now the fandom will henceforth call him this.
These were some of my favorite shots of these two:
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And this is a bit of bonus features for the WJW but you'll have to watch it for context:
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Source: Nathan's Instagram
Adopt Our Crew was kind enough to put together his list of where you can buy Kristian's Book! Reminder-- bookshop is great if you want to support your local bookstores!
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Barnes & Noble
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Articles ==
Adding already mentioned and one more article to this section for more easily finding them later! Thank you @adoptourcrew for sharing them!
Decider: The Hungry Games
The 10 Best Show's To Watch If You Love 'Lady Jane'
== Cheers M'Queers! ==
The Cheers M'Queers variety show tickets are on sale now! Join Our Flag Makes A Difference on July 31st at Akbar, in Los Angeles for drag, music, and so much more! Get your Tickets here!
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Source: Our Flag Makes A Difference Twitter
== You Bear Fine Things Well ==
Yesterday was Day 2 of #YouBearFineThingsWell by @adoptourcrew and they asked the fandom what kind of bear each member of the crew would be! Starting off the fan spotlights, I'd like to give a special shoutout to the fab @ everyonegetcake on twitter, for their brilliant submission of Kraken Ed Bear aka Cocaine Bear to the event! I laughed pretty hard at this one.
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Source: @ everyonegetcake
I am so very happy that our dear crewmate @sirencalll included Mary Louis and Alma! Look at that proud mama bear! <3
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Source: Sirencalll on Twitter
Our badass crewmate Jeniye aka @ nifafifa on twitter got one I didn't think I'd ever see and that is Buttons and Karl!
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Source: NifaFifa's Twitter
And to close out the fan spotlight of #YouBearFineThingsWell Day 2, I'd like to end on a submission by the glorious Manu, aka @ VictoriaVan9 on twitter! That is an impressive spread by both Ed AND BearEd!
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Source: @ VictoriaVane9's Twitter
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies! I saw so much continuous clowning today! 2-3 days in a row? It's been a while since we've had that much all at once! I'm so happy to see people feeling the love and camaraderie with each other again! I hope that continues even if we see things calm down! Something I heard in WJW today that really stuck with me was "We just want YOU Kristian", something David said when Kristian kept asking if his Belfast accent was okay for the role. How absolutely heartwarming is that? We knew that David and the rest of the cast and crew were kind and wanted everyone to be themselves, but to hear that out of the mouth of Kristian and how it affected him, in his book where he poured out his soul-- just hit so much harder. That really is one of the major values that drew me, and I know quite a few others of the crew to OFMD so hard. Acceptance and celebration of individual uniqueness is at the core of OFMD-- it's part of the building blocks that makes our show so special. Each crew member has their own skills they bring to the table, and we can feel safe when we're allowed to be our true selves around others.
OFMD exudes that kind of acceptance in droves. We can hear it in their varying accents, in the wide array of queer portrayal, in the character's love and acceptance and forgiveness of each other-- in the music, the stage decoration, and the cinematography. We each are different, and we all bring things to the table that make the fandom, or the world a better place. We may not always get along, but it is in the uniqueness of so many crew we find creativity, love, kindness, acceptance, and a place where we can feel safe and learn to be more of our true and authentic selves. Embrace your uniqueness lovelies. You are different from me, from your moots, from your favorite fan artist/writer and that's fucking beautiful. We want YOU, crew. Be YOU in everything you do. Rest up lovelies, see you tomorrow <3
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Today was National Kitten Day so these two appropriate gifs just HAD to make an encore appearance. Gifs courtesy of the stunning and brilliant @kiwistede and @yourcatwasdelicious!
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hiii i have a request . Can you do as 9th straykids member when you left the group? and their reaction or maybe their massages? Just please as a friend not SHIP 💀 TYSM ❤️🫶🏻
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title -> sooner or later genre -> angst my beloved | voicemails pair -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader a/n: i wrote it as voicemails since it's my favorite style. i hope you still like it ¡!¡!¡ since i don't really do messages. ALSO this is not romantic like you wanted i put a + instead of an x, that's how i differiante it.
"(y/n). where do i even start? i'm not mad, let's say that. i'm just mostly concerned, it was just announced to us that you left the group and we never talked about this? like, i've never  seen you look discontent with being a part of stray kids. is there things that i don't know? i would love to talk to you before it goes public and we have to say you're not a part of the team anymore. i just wanna know what happened, you're like a sibling to me and i don't wanna lose one of the most important parts of the band because we just didn't talk you know? anyways, please answer as fast as you can".
chan left the voice message with as much strength as he could as he looked around the room. he didn't even wanna know what was gonna happen now because he never planned for stray kids to be eight. there was an empty space in the dorms now, a new type of silence and an increase of anger & confusion in all of the members that was justified right? why would you just leave? that's what they said. you weren't kicked out, just decided your time on stray kids was enough and he needed to speak to you to know what you felt.
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"so you decided to just leave? without telling any of us? real funny of you. i'm not disappointed or sad, i'm just fuming (y/n) and to think we trusted you. do you not understand that you ar- were a part of this for life? we were supposed to stay together forever. how do i even explain to felix and jeongin you're probably not gonna come back? i've never seen them look so distraught. i know i didn't show it but i really wanted you to be there for me in my most important moments 'cause i thought of you as a friend for life. i don't know what went down but this doesn't excuse your reaction to leave us in the dust".
minho felt betrayed, like he was stabbed and someone twisted the dagger. he wanted to protest against the manager that announced it all and he did, he did not stay silent like the rest. the shock then suddenly appeared knowing that they were eight members now and the fact that he wouldn't see you around the dorms, in practice, at the concerts, or at the music shows. it made him sick to his stomach that someone he considered a brother/sister just disappeared with no reason.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey, i know it's kinda late but the news were just blurted out to us. i have no idea how to react. i just wanna know what happened, clearly there was something we didn't know that we need to talk about right? 'cause you can't just leave. i'm not gonna go out without a fight either, you are like one of my best friends and that's not gonna change. it's just so weird, we were talking about so much shit yesterday and you said you could only see your future with us and now you're gone? just like that? all your things are getting packed and it's just hard to watch. i don't imagine stray kids without you and i don't even want to".
changbin was completely lost. utterly and weirdly lost as he processed everything, another time he would've fought against it and he would've invaded his manager with questions (even if they were gonna remain unanswered). in this state he found himself in, he spammed you messages after sending the voicemail but they all weren't even seen. he wanted to go to chan for help but he saw the leader lost that shine in his eyes when all of this was announced. 
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"(y/n), i-i literally don't think this is the right decision. i know it's already in the work and that you will decide what's best for you. i am no one to tell you what to do but have you thought this through? leaving us? i'm just worried to be honest. felt like crying when they told us but i was a strong boy for you and yet you wouldn't care if you didn't care about leaving either. god i'm sorry, i'm just going through all the emotions at once and i still don't know how to react. just please call me and we'll talk it out like we always do, the team won't be the same without you and i don't even wanna think about you leaving me".
hyunjin knew he was being selfish by sending a voicemail like that and he did not care. even if didn't feel like crying before, he sure as hell was crying now thinking of his brother/sister and what could have happened for them to just leave. how did the person who was the most excited for him to come back from hiatus just decided to leave? and now they wouldn't answer their texts, it's like they disappeared face off the earth. hyunjin just wanted to get out of the dorms and go look for you, and guess what? he did.
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"hey. gosh, is it too late already? to be sending you this voicemail and hoping you come back? i know it's not easy. i don't know exactly what you went through for you to be making this decision on your own but i wanna know, i wanna get to know you better. even after all these years, i feel like we didn't discover each other fully and i want more, i want your visits at the studio, us messing up choreography on purpose and writing lyrics together till the morning. tomorrow is gonna be awful for all of us but for you especially as this is gonna go on public and i wanna be there for you before it all crumbles apart".
jisung wanted to know what happened first of all. then he wanted to hug you and not let you go, afraid you would slip away from his embrace and he would have to be left alone. if there was a thing people didn't mess with was his friends and he considered you to be on top of his list with the rest of the members. sharing a dorm with him, must've been a nightmare but you two managed to be a mess together. now looking at box after box of your stuff, he just felt the biggest hole in his heart.
✉ ✉ ✉
"are you okay? do you need me to go where you are? i know it's late but i would do anything for you, you know this. even right now as everyone is losing their minds, i just care about you and that might show a bit of favoritism. i just don't know what the hell happened for you to go, was it something we did or said? 'cause i can't recall and i will apologize a million times if i have to. it's just a lot okay? just to be told that you decided to leave and it was your choice. and if it was i just wanted to know if we could remain friends because i seriously don't want to lose you. just call me back please".
felix was devastated. the fact that you were alone somewhere, away from them, away from him. knowing that even if he said that he wanted to remain friends, the company wouldn't like that and you two would probably never see each other again. it just felt so weird to wait around for a message when you were the quickest to type them out but now it was as if the world was against him or something. he needed to hear your voice and to maybe tell him that it was all a really well calculated prank.
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"why did you leave? i don't wanna go in circles. i just need to know bluntly and straight the reason why you decided to leave us. weren't we forever? you said that so many times that right now it just feels like another lie. all the things we promised, they're gone too right? (y/n) please fucking answer me before i lose my mind. i am not a person to beg for anything but i would do it right now for you to explain what the hell happened. we are all as confused and lost as we could be! you didn't even say it to our face, were you scared to face us? why would you be scared? we were always gonna support you if you gave us a reason".
seungmin of course didn't mean to sound as angry as he did. he just couldn't help it when he was left in the dark by one of his closest friends and the worst part is knowing that this voicemail was gonna be left on seen. he threw his phone onto his bed as he sighed, hoping you would just answer. it was just scary to him that all of this was happening and he had no idea how to react. you weren't there with them like you always were and he wished for nothing more than for you to come back.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey (y/n). it feels weird to call you by name but i just need to get your attention somehow so you answer me. it's been forever since we know each other and now to be witnessing what might be the end for what we were building, just leaves me with a bad taste. did we do something? or was it just something else happening that you never told us? either way i would rather you have stayed. i don't wanna cry because you wouldn't have liked that but i feel like i'm gonna do it anyway. not like you're here to stop me even though i wish you were. just please call me or any of us back, i wanna hear your voice telling us the truth".
jeongin's eyes were watery but he quickly wiped them away. he sat there on the couch while everyone was in their rooms and waited. he looked at the door every once in a while thinking maybe it would help him but at the end of the day it just hurt more to now that you probably weren't gonna come back. scrap that, you weren't gonna come back at all and this would be announced tomorrow. he felt like choking but he still stayed strong as he tried to think of the good moments with you and holding on to the memory for dear life.
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somebluemelodies · 8 months
@atthebell's SPIDERBIT WEEK DAY TWO: coffee shop | sparring i wanted to participate yesterday but i got a little too busy :') so today it is!! coffee shop my beloved classic au <3
The bell above the entrance jingles, but Roier doesn't pay too much mind to it, organizing some pastries on one of the back shelves. Mariana can attend to the customer.
Until he's nudged. "Your boyfriend is here."
His head snaps over to his best friend, who has that knowing, shit-eating grin on his face. "Pinche pendejo-- cállate," he hisses under his breath. "He's not my fucking boyfriend! We barely know each other!"
"Sorry, it's hard to remember sometimes with the way your eyes burn into his head every time he sits down," Mariana responds, and it takes all of Roier to not strangle him then and there.
He ignores Mariana's snicker as he takes the man's place at the register, just as the frequent customer approaches. The man in front of him smiles fondly, and Roier's stomach does a somersault as his lips curve up in return.
The man first started coming in a couple of weeks ago - Cellbit. Roier's brain had nearly blue-screened the second he'd approached the counter, and he wasn't sure if he was seeing things, but Cellbit had seemed just as flustered as him.
(Cellbit had nearly fumbled through what would become his usual order trying to maintain eye contact with the gorgeous barista, and he still kicks himself in the ass to this day over it.)
As of the last week or so, they've had some semblance of flirting going on; compliments thrown between lingering gazes and brushes of fingers. But nothing has happened.
It goes like clockwork: a brief game of catch-up since Cellbit's last visit a couple days ago (Roier finds his job as a private investigator rather fascinating, if not exhausting) before Roier reluctantly pulls away to actually complete his order.
When Roier hands off Cellbit's coffee, their fingers brush, sending a familiar electricity through his veins. Cellbit's smile returns, but something about it feels warmer than usual. More... flirtatious.
"Gracias, guapito."
Roier short-circuits. Guapito? Guapito? That's... new. That's very new.
He prays to God the heat he feels creeping up his neck isn't visible, and in his attempt to recompose himself, his mouth works faster than his brain. "Ay-- de nada, gatinho."
Cellbit looks pleasantly surprised, cheeks flushing, before he's smiling wider and laughing. All Roier can do is laugh as well as the investigator turns to go find his usual spot.
(New territory. This is very new territory.)
(Does that mean Cellbit feels the same after all? Or is he just having fun? Wait, when did all of this become so serious--)
"And I thought I was bad."
Roier is once again drawn back by Mariana. "Hijo de puta-- don't you have better things to be doing right now, man?"
"There's not much better than this, man."
"Go-- I don't know, go text your fucking fiancé or something." Roier grabs a rag to wipe the counter. "And for the record, you and Slime were bad, man. Fucking terrible."
Their bickering continues for a few minutes until Mariana finally fucks off disappears into the kitchen. Roier attends to a few customers, mind momentarily distracted with the work.
He ultimately spares another glance in Cellbit's direction, though. The man has taken a brief break from typing on his laptop to instead write something down on a napkin. He watches Cellbit run a hand through his hair, evidently frazzled about something, pushing it back as he turns his head.
They lock eyes, and he sees Cellbit's piercing blues widen behind his glasses momentarily. Roier feels like he's been caught red-handed, frozen in place, but Cellbit's stress seems to dissipate as he flashes him a smile.
(Do something.)
Roier instinctively smiles back, waving - and then immediately internally kicks himself in the ass for doing so. But Cellbit chuckles, returning the wave before turning back to whatever he's been writing on his napkin.
The barista is surprised minutes later when Cellbit approaches the counter, rather than heading right out like he normally does. The napkin is in his hand, folded, and he looks awfully sheepish.
(Do something.)
Roier takes a moment to admire him, heart racing in his chest. And then, before Cellbit can even speak first, he finally cracks. "Are you free tomorrow? I get out early."
Cellbit is stunned. "I-- sí. Sí."
(Do something.)
"Do you wanna go out? On a date?"
"I would love to." He sounds almost breathless, trying to compose himself, and Roier's heart could beat right out of his chest with adoration.
Cellbit's hand trembles slightly as he holds the folded napkin out for Roier to take, but his smile is blinding. "We can work out the logistics a little later. Hasta mañana."
Roier opens it, finding two words and a series of numbers. call me <3
Still riding his courageous high, he nods, looking back up at Cellbit and smiling. Winking. "Hasta mañana, gatinho."
(Cellbit's knees feel like jelly. He feels like a kid having his first crush, but he isn't sure how much shame he has left at this point.)
(It's hard to care when they're both blushing messes.)
"Guapito," is all Cellbit can manage before he's turning around and heading towards the door, feeling hell of a lot better than he did walking in.
Roier watches him leave, and as soon as the door is closed, reality crashes onto his shoulders. No mames.
It doesn't feel heavy, though. It's... light. Really light. Exuberantly light.
It feels like the start of something truly wonderful.
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
I love your writing and I was so excited to see this event! I promise I am still rereading and reading all your new releases and each and every one gives me life! May I get a Fairy Tale AU with Rex? Maybe where reader is a second born princess, with a protective but very feminist older brother, who has encouraged her to train to defend herself. Rex is the captain of her guard and he loves her because they grew up beside one another and yet she’s promised to a prince who doesn’t swing her way? They’ve grown up and “grown up” with each other in every possible way and she loves him back but it must be secret? But the prince she’s promised to sees their closeness and realizes that the only way he’s not going to be miserable is release her from the betrothal and take her older brother’s hand in marriage (which he’s not complaining about because her older brother is sweet and wonderful and very much more so who HE’s interested in). And because her older brother is a real one, he unapologetically rewrites their governing laws when he takes the throne to say screw you I’m not providing an heir because I don’t fancy women and you wouldn’t accept any foundlings I adopt, when my sister marries her beloved best friend Rex, that little one will be my heir to the throne. Angst at the beginning because reader doesn’t know how she can have what her heart wants while fulfilling her royal expectations, Rex loves her dearly but doesn’t think he’s worthy of standing at her side (honorable and self deprecating King he is), and all along her cheeky older brother is the unsung hero bringing justice and love to them all. Even if this isn’t quite how it plays out when you write it, I know you’ll work your magic! 💕
My Lady's Choice
Summary: Rex has been in love with his best friend for as long as he can remember. And he knows that she loves him too, she tells him often enough. But he’s just a knight, and she’s been promised to another man.
Pairing: Captain Rex x F!Reader
Word Count: 1239
Warnings: None
Prompt: Fairy Tale AU
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: Hi there! Thanks for your request! I hope this is close to what you wanted! Also, sorry that it took so long, words haven't wanted to agree with me for a bit.
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“You’ve been in a foul mood all day,” Rex notes as he offers the Princess another arrow, “What’s wrong?”
Her pretty lips become a scowl as she notches her arrow and draws the sting back, “Nothing.” She releases the string and the arrow flies true, striking the dummy in the center.
Rex watches her momentarily, taking in the tension in her frame and how her lips are turned down, and he sighs. “You might be able to lie to yourself and your brother, but you can’t lie to me.”
She hesitates and lowers her bow, “My betrothed is coming to meet me.” She finally admits, “My brother told me yesterday.”
Rex feels a pang in his chest, but he shoves it to the side. He always knew that he was going to lose her one day, he just hoped that it would be one day far in the future. “Well, perhaps you’ll like him?” He offers.
She tosses him a frustrated look, “I don’t want to like him.”
“Now you’re just being stubborn.”
She whirls to face him, “I’ve made my choice. I made it years ago.”
Rex sighs, soft and slow, “Princess,” His voice is so softly pained, “I’m not an option. You know that.”
Her lower lip juts out and she lifts her chin defiantly, “I don’t care.”
“I love you!”
Rex pauses and his heart swells with affection for the woman standing in front of him. He glances around and, upon seeing that they’re alone, he takes a step closer to her and brings his hand up to cup her face, “I know you do.”
There’s something almost panicked in her gaze, “And you love me?”
His smile spreads, “More than I can put into words.”
The panic settles into something a little steadier, and Rex lightly brushes his thumb across her painted lower lip, “Then why won’t you fight for us?”
“We always knew that this was going to happen, cyar’ika.” Rex murmurs, the familiar endearment falling from his lips without thought. “That someday you would be claimed by someone else, and that I would lose you.”
She says it so firmly that Rex almost believes her. But then, she’s always been so sure that they would find a way to be them, even within the constraints of the laws.
“Cyar’ika,” Rex pauses, “Princess,” He corrects, “Maybe it would be best to end things before you lose everything.” It’ll break his heart, but he won’t stand here and watch her throw away everything that she has a right to because she was fool enough to fall in love with a lowborn knight.
The panic returns to her face, “Are you breaking up with me?” Her voice is small, fragile sounding almost, and Rex wants to kick himself. He knows, better than most, how his cyar’ika views herself. And why she’d view a breakup as a form of abandonment.
Rex presses his other hand to her cheek, “No. I said that I should.”
Confusion slides across her face, “Rex?”
“I should let you go.” He murmurs, “You might find happiness with your betrothed. But I don’t want to.”
“I won’t be happy with anyone who isn’t you.” She announces as she presses her hands over his.
For some reason, her announcement surprises him. Never mind that he already knew that. Never mind that he thinks the same thing.
He’s still shocked to hear her say it.
Slowly, he leans in and presses his forehead against hers, and a small smile lifts his lips when he feels her warm breath against his face.
Stars, he really does love her so much. 
Maybe he can talk himself into her guard after she gets married, that way they won’t be separated. And it’s not like she would be the first Queen who had a low-born lover after getting married.
It’s a horrible idea. And Rex knows it.
But he also knows that watching her ride off into the sunset with her betrothed will destroy him.
She leans in and catches his lips with hers, and Rex surges into the kiss, one of his hands moving to tangle in her hair as he adjusts her head to deepen the kiss.
He smiles into the kiss as she almost becomes boneless against him, her soft hands lightly gripping the plates of his armor to try and pull herself closer to him. She breaks the kiss before he does, her eyes closed and a small smile on her face.
She looks happy. Content.
He’d sell his soul to keep her smiling like that.
She opens her eyes and favors him with the warmest smile he’s ever seen, “Cyare?”
Slowly she reaches up and traces his lips, “I think I have an idea, Rex.”
Rex eyes her, doubtfully, “A good idea?”
Her smile widens, “Trust me.”
He watches her for a moment, and then sighs, “As if you have to ask,” Rex leans in and kisses her one more time, and then pulls away from her. It wouldn’t do for anyone to catch him kissing her, after all.
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Rex doesn’t see much of his cyare for the next couple of weeks, a fact that makes him unbearably anxious. He knows that the wedding hasn’t happened, as there’s no way that he would miss that, but the constant meetings between his cyare, her brother, and her betrothed don’t bode well for his relationship.
When he does see her again, he’s a bit surprised.
Well, ‘a bit’ is something of an understatement.
The truth is, he almost doesn’t recognize her when she comes running up to him. She has a bright smile on her pretty face and her hair, normally pulled into a series of intricate braids, hangs loose around her head.
And she’s wearing civilian clothes. A tunic and comfortable trousers with boots, rather than the delicate gowns that she’s supposed to wear as princess.
“Princes—” Rex is forced to drop the training mat that he is supposed to be bringing to the salles when she flings herself into his arms. His arms wrap securely around her, supporting her weight as she wraps her arms around his neck.
She’s giggling as she bumps her nose against his, her grin so broad that it looks like it’s going to crack her face in two.
And, despite the audience, Rex can’t help but smile back at her, her good mood infectious, “Why are you so happy, cyare?” He murmurs.
“My brother has canceled my betrothal,”
“He did wha—”
Her hands come up to cup his face, “He’s also rewritten the laws, I am free to marry anyone I choose. And if the council of old people have a problem with it, they can take it up with him and his sword.”
“Cyare, what—?”
“My brother is going to marry my former betrothed,” She continues, “As it happens, my brother is more his type.” Her fingers slide over his short hair, “And, to keep the throne in the family, my firstborn child will be named heir.”
Rex stares at her, wide-eyed, and then a slow smile crosses his face, “So, that means—”
“—nothing is stopping us from being together.” She finishes.
That’s all Rex needs to hear as he crashes his lips against hers, no longer caring about their audience. Needing her as close as he can get her.
Looks like he’ll actually have a use for that ring he’s saved up for after all.
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schvmacher47 · 6 months
venus | oscar piastri (preview III)
oscar piastri x fem oc
author's note: enjoy this little preview of my beloved best friends to lovers story, which i am currently uploading on wattpad! i would appreciate it so much if you would give my work a chance and i am 100% sure you'll love kaia as much as i do! feel free to share and also come over to my wattpad to enjoy the full thing. much love xx
read preview I & II here!
13 | how i obsessively adore you
»You know, I’m getting major flashbacks right now. This feels like the old Prema days all over again.«
»Oh really?«
»I’d call this a proper full circle moment.«
»Oh so you want the full Prema experience?«, I grinned, immediately turning on the camera and practically shoving it into his face. »How about this then?«
»And here I was thinking you were past the days of ambushing me with a camera.«, he complained. »You better cut this out!! I swear, if this makes the final cut…«
»Well, you did say you wanted the full Prema experience… So don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.«, I steadied the camera in my right hand, a grin still present on my lips. Oscar just shook his head at me, a smile tugging at his lips nonetheless as he finally fell back into the old habits of his Prema days.
»So we’re here in Monza..«, he began, stating the obvious. »Not so much in holiday mood this year. No thongs, all serious business.«, he added, grinning, referring to last year’s mishap. I rolled my eyes. »We get it Mr. popular F1 driver…«, I mumbled, shaking my head. Oscar chuckled, ignoring my playful jab.
»I’m being serious! Gotta be focused all the time. But yeah, it’s definitely great to be back.« I nodded in agreement. It all felt so familiar, as if it never really changed. As if it was yesterday, Oscar was still in F2, just about to win the championship in Abu Dhabi. I was experiencing a proper deja vu, it almost gave me the chills. 
»So what’s the game plan for today?«, I asked, getting back to our little made-up interview as we made our way to the gates of the F2 and F3 paddock.
»Well, this isn’t our strongest track this year. Low downforce, high speed. Not really suiting our car, but we’ve been working hard and my pace yesterday was quite good. So the main goal is to score some solid points, maybe even a podium… Monza can be quite chaotic so…«, he shrugged.
»Confident as ever, huh?«, I remarked, a smile playing on my lips. »It wouldn’t be a proper Italian GP without a bit of drama..«, I agreed, secretly hoping and crossing my fingers for another podium finish.
»Confidence is key and a little bit of luck here and there doesn’t hurt either..«, he quipped, shooting me a playful look. I couldn’t help but let out a laugh.
»Speaking of luck, any superstitious rituals this time?«, I asked, but definitely wasn’t prepared for the answer Oscar was going to give me despite him already mischievously grinning.
»You know I’ve added a few new ones since the Prema days. Can’t spill all the secrets though.«, he grinned. »Let’s just say there’s a lucky charm involved.«
»Intriguing.« That cheeky little bastard. He was clearly referring to Silverstone. My cheeks turned a faint shade of pink, growing suspiciously hot and I was just glad that nobody was there to witness it. Oscar’s mischievous grin widened as he noticed the subtle blush creeping onto my cheeks.
»She’s blushing.«, he mouthed, definitely not planning to stop teasing me anytime soon.
»Am not!«, I protested, already thinking of how I can best cover up this situation. He glared at me, a smile tugging at his lips as if he was trying to say ‘you sure are’. 
»But for anyone wondering, no I won’t go into further detail. I don’t plan on sharing my lucky charm anytime soon. I’m definitely not gonna favour any of my opponents, that’s for sure.«, he quickly added, closing off that part of our conversation.
I bit down on my lower lip, trying to control and stop the blood rushing to my cheeks. If people only knew what he was talking about. I gulped as I pulled out my passes just to press them on the scanner seconds later to enter the paddock area.
»You know it’s only fair if I get to film some bits too, I’m pretty sure people would love to see what you actually do behind the scenes.«, he said, pointing at the camera in my hands. If looks could kill, he’d be a dead man walking. I knew he was up to no good.
»Oh come on, you tortured me all season last year, just let me have fun this one time?«, he practically begged until I gave in.
»Fine…«, I sighed and handed him the camera. Internally, I already prepared for my own downfall. I knew that he would get back at me for every single bad angle and ‘torturing’ challenge I put him through. He was most definitely going to beat me at my own game.
Seconds later, I was the one awkwardly smiling into the camera.
»So folks, it’s finally my turn now. I’ve been waiting for this moment since last year!«, Oscar declared, dramatically gesturing behind the camera. 
»You better not make me look ridiculous. You know I still have unseen footage from last year.«
»I don’t care, your bribing won’t work today.«, he grinned, as we were on our way all the way to the back of the paddock.
»But let’s start easy, what’s your plan for the day?«
»Well, hopefully we can celebrate a championship.«, I said, shrugging my shoulders. »Apart from that, just the usual things, might start editing in the break between F2 and F1, depending on what mood I’m in.«, I added. »And I can’t wait to go home again tonight.«
»No books involved in your planning?«, he asked in disbelief.
»I’m here to work, and considering my plans for later, I actually don’t have the time to read.«
»I’m actually shocked.« I chuckled at his facial expression, pure disbelief visible on every inch of his face.
»Anyway, let’s stay with the books for a second. Last book you read?«
»Some random biography on the plane to Zandvoort.«, I lied, knowing that if I named the book I finished two days ago, we’d end up in the same situation as the morning after Silverstone.
»Lies. I call lies.« Shit. I was fucked. There was no way he'd skip this one now.
»How would you know?«, I tried to overplay it, not daring to look at him. I knew he had that smug grin on his lips knowing he caught me.
»Well I don’t want to break it to the world, why don’t you tell them about your reading habits like you told me?«, he asked, raising an eyebrow. I shot him a death glare. There was no way he was using that conversation from that morning against me right now.
»Ohw come on Kaia, it’s not that bad.« No, just ‘soft porn’ as he liked to call it. Just when I thought the red tint had finally left my face, I felt my cheeks growing very warm again.
»Fine, the last fictional novel I read was ‘The Cheat Sheet’.«, I gave in. »It was very good, definitely a recommendation worth.«, I added. »And no, not for the reason you’re thinking it’s recommendation worthy.«, I grumbled, shooting Oscar another death glare before he could even dare to say the ‘forbidden’ words.
»For anyone who's interested, it’s best friends to lovers, but both of them think they’re in the friendzone with the other one, but they’re both in love with the other. They’re so in love, it’s almost annoying. Like, why don’t you just tell each other.« I explained, glancing over at Oscar, giving me the ‘I see what you did there’ look. I grinned in so thought victory, until the mischievous grin spread on his lips again.
»So it wasn’t just soft porn?«
»Oh for fucks sake Oscar!«, I exclaimed, my cheeks blazing with embarrassment.
»Don’t blame me, you’re the one who made it sound so scandalous in the first place, if I remember correctly.«, he grinned, shrugging his shoulders. 
»So if I heard correctly, you’ve basically been reading about us, huh?«
»Oh my god, stop it, will you?«
»No, winding you up is too easy and easily my most favourite thing to do.«, he grinned.
»That’s it, I’ve had enough.«, I grumbled, closing the gap between us to try and get my camera back. »Can I please get my camera back? I think you’ve embarrassed me enough for the rest of this season.«, I added and let out an annoyed groan, when he held the camera far out of my reach. He just grinned, stopped in his tracks and held the camera above his head. I crossed my arms in front of my chest, shooting him yet another death glare, but he just grinned at me victoriously. I got on my tiptoes, trying to reach for the camera, but my arm just wasn’t long enough.
»A kiss and I’ll think about giving it back to you.«, he grinned, trying to bribe me.
»You’re impossible.«, I muttered, already scanning our surroundings for the possibility of any prying eyes. Oscar’s mischievous grin widened, as he continued to hold the camera just out of my reach. It was clear that he was enjoying every single bit of annoying me.
»Fine..«, I sighed, ready to surrender. Getting on my tiptoes again, I pressed a quick kiss on his cheek.
»You know that’s not what I meant.«, he chuckled at my terrified expression.
»Feeling a bit risky, are we?«, I said, raising an eyebrow.
»If it means I get a kiss from you, then yes. Definitely.«
»Oscaaar…«, I whined as a laugh shot through his body. He put his arm, that was not holding the camera, around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I could feel the warmth of his body radiate against mine, sending a shiver down my spine. I couldn’t help, but look into his eyes, getting lost in the infinite shades of brown. I was unable to suppress the smile that was tugging at my lips, as I felt my tummy doing turns again.
»If this ends up on the internet, you’re the one who’s gonna deal with it..«, I mumbled, as I brought my right hand up to his face and ran it through his hair.
»I don’t care.«, he whispered. His mischievous grin faded away as our faces drew closer. His lips were just mere inches away from mine and it felt just like the very first time. 
He was so close. So close, I could tell every little detail of his skin. Every little detail of his eyes.
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mepuppy · 25 days
Let It Ride - Supernatural rewrite
A.N.: I do not own the characters, nor the storylines. I'm simply adding a twist to the episodes. Please feel free to help me out with constructive criticism on the story or the writing. Sorry for the mistakes, not proofread and english is not my first language. Sorry for not posting yesterday, I had a little moving day because I'll be spending the next 3 months in another state for work. But here it is, I hope you like it!
1x01 1x02 1x03 1x04
Word Count: 7.1k
1x05 - Bloody Mary
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“Sam, wake up.” Sam jolts awake and looks at his brother on the driver seat of the Impala looking at him concerned. Y/n is on his window with a hand still on his shoulder, from trying to wake him up. The large building in front of the parked car tells him they arrived in the hospital in Toledo, Ohio, where they found a possible next case.
“I take it I was having a nightmare.” Sam looks between the two older hunters.
Y/n nods “Yeah, another one.”
“Hey, at least I got some sleep.” He gives Dean a small smile.
“You know, sooner or later we're gonna have to talk about this.” his brother replied sternly
“Are we here?” Sam tries to change the subject.
“Yup. Welcome to Toledo, Ohio.” Dean tells him and gets out of the car. Y/n gives Sam space to do the same. He grabs the newspaper with the obituary they circled earlier  from his pocket.
Shoemaker, Steven
The Shoemaker family is sad to announce the sudden death of their beloved husband and father Steven Shoemaker. Steven was 46. A short service will be held on Wednesday, [...] 31 at 2:00 p.m. at the Toledo [...] and cherish you [...] Your [...]
“So what do you think really happened to this guy?” Sam looks at the two in front of him.
“That's what we're gonna find out.” Dean says turning around and heading inside. “Let's go.”
The trio walks into room 144, marked Morgue. There's two desks. The empty one has a nameplate that says Dr. D. Fejklowicz and y/n tries to memorize the name. The table has the morgue technician. “Hey.” the man looks up at them.
“Hey.” Dean replies and smiles at him.
“Can I help you?” he asks when noone says anything.
“Yeah. We're the, uh… med students.” Dean replies after a quick glance at Sam and y/n.
“Sorry?” the technician asks, frowning.
“Oh, Doctor…” y/n tries to save but the name was complicated “...Figlavitch didn't tell you?” she tries knowing she got it wrong, but keeps going “We talked to him on the phone. He, uh, we're from Ohio State.” she smiles fondly at the man sitting down “He's supposed to show us the Shoemaker corpse. It's for our paper.”
“Well, I'm sorry, he's at lunch.” the man tights his lip in a false smile and points with his thumb to the other desk.
“Oh well he said, uh...” she looks quickly at her best friends and back at him
“Oh, well, you know, it doesn't matter. You don't mind just showing us the body, do you?” Dean tries.
“Sorry, I can't.” he simply says and looks down at the magazine he is reading. “Doc will be back in an hour. You can wait for him if you want.”
“An hour? Ooh. We gotta be heading back to Columbus by then.” Dean looks at y/n with a concerned expression.
“Yeah.” she agrees.
“Uh, look, man, this paper's like half our grade, so if you don't mind helping us out…” Dean tries one more time looking back to the man.
“Uh, look, man...no.” the technician sits up, putting the magazine down, and stares at Dean.
Dean laughs a little, turning around and mumbles to Sam and y/n. “I'm gonna hit him in his face I swear.” 
Y/n puts her hand on Dean’s arm and pushes him out of the way a little. Sam steps in front of them and opens his wallet pulling out some twenties. He lays a few of them, at least five, down on the technician's desk. He picks up the money and gets up. “Follow me.”
 Dean grabs Sam when he tries to follow. “Dude, I earned that money.”
“You won it in a poker game.” y/n retorts and passes between the two following the morgue technician.
“Yeah.” he replies but Sam already followed her and Dean is alone. He goes after the rest of the group.
“Now the newspaper said his daughter found him. She said his eyes were bleeding.” Sam states when the man pulls back the sheet over Steven's face.
“More than that. They practically liquefied.” he tells Sam and the trio looks at the corpse’s face.
“Any sign of a struggle? Maybe somebody did it to him?” Dean asks, going to the side of  the table.
“Nope. Besides the daughter, he was all alone.” the man answers.
“What's the official cause of death?” y/n looks at him with curiosity.
“Ah, Doc's not sure. He's thinking massive stroke, maybe an aneurysm? Something burst up in there, that's for sure.” the guy says as he motions to Steven’s head.
“What do you mean?” Sam looks back at the dead man.
“Intense cerebral bleeding. This guy had more blood in his skull than anyone I've ever seen.”
“The eyes. What would cause something like that?” y/n asks him with her eyebrows knitted.
“Capillaries can burst. See a lot of bloodshot eyes with stroke victims.” 
“Yeah? You ever see exploding eyeballs?” Dean looks at the man.
“That's a first for me, but hey, I'm not the doctor.” he laughs humorlessly.
“Hey, think we could take a look at that police report? You know for, uh… our paper.” Dean asks him.
“I'm not really supposed to show you that.” the guy looks back at Sam who  pulls out his wallet again looking annoyed.
The man takes them back and shuffles through his desk pulling one folder out and hands it to Sam. He opens it while the man sits back down and reopens his magazine. Dean and y/n go to each side of Sam and look at the papers with him.
After some time, they give the folder back to the technician and head out. “Might not be one of ours. Might just be some freak medical thing.” Sam says as they start climbing down the stairs.
“Yeah, but how many times in John’s long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?” y/n looks over her shoulder at him without stopping.
“Uh, almost never.” he replies.
“Exactly.” Dean agrees and they head out of the door going to the vehicles.
“All right, let's go talk to the daughter.” Sam says entering the Impala when Dean and y/n go to their respectives driving seats.
When they arrive at the house the funeral is still happening. There is a picture of Steven on the desk. The attendees are all men in black suits and women in black dresses, except the trio.
“Feel like we're underdressed.” Dean jokes when they walk in looking around. They keep going through the house towards the back. They ask a man about Donna and Lilly, Steven’s daughters, they are sitting with their friends.
“You must be Donna, right?” Dean asks when they get close enough. Dean and Sam get to the circle first and y/n see one of the friends eyeing the two hunters with interest, making the woman roll her eyes.
“Yeah.” The girl with the shorter hair says.
“Hi, uh… we're really sorry.” Y/n tells her making the 
“Thank you.” she replies.
“I'm Sam, this is Dean and that's y/n. We worked with your dad.” As Sam tells the girls look at each other and Donna looks back at Sam.
“You did?” she asks incredulously.
“Yeah. This whole thing. I mean, a stroke.” Dean cuts in quickly.
“I don't think she really wants to talk about this right now” one of their friends says.
“It's okay. I'm okay.” she replies looking at her friend and smile.
“Were there any symptoms? Dizziness? Migraines?” y/n questions the girl and she shakes her head.
“No.” the little girl by her side turns around facing them. 
“That's because it wasn't a stroke.” she states. The trio frowns.
“Lily, don't say that.” the older sister looks at her.
“What?” Sam asks.
“I'm sorry, she's just upset.” Donna tells them.
“No, it happened because of me.” the girl looks back at the hunters.
“Sweetie, it didn't.” her sister tries one more time. Y/n goes around the group and crouches in front of the girl.
“Lily. Why would you say something like that?” she asks worried.
“Right before he died, I said it.” the girl looks sadly at the hunter.
“You said what?” she questions looking in the girl’s eyes.
“Bloody Mary, three times in the bathroom mirror.” she says. Y/n pauses and looks at the boys “She took his eyes, that's what she does.” 
“That's not why Dad died. This isn't your fault.” her sister puts her hand in Lilly’s shoulder.
“I think your sister's right, Lily. There's no way it could have been Bloody Mary. Your dad didn't say it, did he?” Dean goes close to her as well and stops behind y/n.
“No, I don't think so.” The girl looks up at him. Y/n gets up and turns around, realizing Dean is much closer than she expected.
“I’m sorry for your loss, again.” Sam says and turns to leave. Y/n and Dean stare at each other for a heartbeat and then follow him. Her heart is running a marathon, but she keeps her face straight as they enter the house and go up the stairs.
“The Bloody Mary legend… Dad ever find any evidence that it was a real thing?” Sam pushes the bathroom door open. There is still some dried blood on the floor.
“Not that I know of.” Dean looks at y/n wondering if she remembers something, but she shakes her head denying it as well.
Sam stoops to the floor and touches the dried blood. “I mean, everywhere else all over the country, kids will play Bloody Mary, and as far as we know, nobody dies from it.” he looks up at the other two.
“Yeah, well, maybe everywhere it's just a story, but here it's actually happening.” Dean says looking around the bathroom. 
“The place where the legend began?” Sam wonders out loud and gets up. Dean shrugs and y/n opens the medicine cabinet. “But according to the legend, the person who says B…” he stops short when he notices the medicine cabinet mirror is now facing him, and closes it “The person who says you know what gets it. But here…”
“Shoemaker gets it instead, yeah.” y/n finishes for him.
“Never heard anything like that before. Still, the guy did die right in front of the mirror, and the daughter's right. The way the legend goes, you know who scratches your eyes out.” she eyes the mirror too.
“It's worth checking in to.” Sam says as they start going out of the bathroom.
“What are you doing up here?” One of Donna’s friends asks, stopping in front of them.
“We… we had to go to the bathroom.” Dean says and the other two look at him with slightly widened eyes in disbelief with the lie.
“Who are you?” the girl questions them.
“Like we said downstairs, we worked with Donna's dad.” Dean explains.
“He was a day trader or something. He worked by himself.” the girl retorts with both hands on her hips.
“No, I know, I meant…” he starts.
“And all those weird questions downstairs, what was that? So you tell me what's going on, or I start screaming.” she looks at them, specifically to the two men, threatening..
“All right, all right. We think something happened to Donna's dad.” Sam raises his hands.
“Yeah, a stroke.” she adds.
“That's not a sign of a typical stroke. We think it might be something else.” y/n tells her.
“Like what?” 
“Honestly? We don't know yet. But we don't want it to happen to anyone else. That's the truth.” Sam tells her.
“So, if you're gonna scream, go right ahead.” Dean tells her, narrowing his eyes a little.
“Who are you, cops?” she asks them. The look at each other.
“Something like that.” Dean tells her.
“I'll tell you what. Here.” Sam reaches into his pocket, pulls out a paper and pen, and starts writing down his cell number  “If you think of anything, you or your friends notice anything strange, out of the ordinary… just give us a call.” he hands her the paper as they walk down the hallway.
“All right, say Bloody Mary really is haunting this town. There's gonna be some sort of proof… Like a local woman who died nasty.” Dean says as they walk into a building.
“Yeah but a legend this widespread it's hard. I mean, there's like 50 versions of who she actually is. One story says she's a witch, another says she's a mutilated bride, there's a lot more.” y/n turns to enter the library.
“All right, so what are we supposed to be looking for?” Dean looks down at her.
“Every version has a few things in common. It's always a woman named Mary, and she always dies right in front of a mirror. So we've gotta search for local newspapers… public records as far back as they go. See if we can find a Mary who fits the bill.” she adds.
“Well that sounds annoying.” Dean looks back ahead.
“No it won't be so bad, as long as we…” Sam starts but he then sees the computers which all say ‘Out of Order’ on them and stops giving a light chuckle “I take it back. This will be very annoying.”
They check some files out and head back to the motel. At the motel, Dean went to check in and y/n hopped off the Harley grabbed her duffel, unbuckling it from the passenger seat, and went to Sam and the Impala. 
“202” Dean announced and motioned in the direction with his head. The two followed him. The room was simple, it only had two beds, no pull-out. So they would be sharing.
Growing up the way they did, sharing beds wasn’t something new. They would sleep in the same bed more often than not, as a matter of fact. They would alternate pairs (and sometimes, when John was away, one would have a bed for themselves). They even slept all three on the same bed when they were kids, but soon enough Dean was too big to share with other two, so they went back to pairs.
Dean entered first and dropped his papers on the table by the window. Y/n and Sam followed, each dropping a bag on one bed. “I’m going to grab some snacks, want anything?” Y/n asked the two brothers. 
“Mm-hmm” Dean answers but Sam only shakes his head. She leaves the room and follows the hallways until she finds a vending machine. Grabbing a turkey sandwich for Dean and cookies for herself she heads back to the room. They accommodate themselves, each on a different spot, and start reading different obituaries to try and find a Mary who was killed in front of a mirror.
“This is imp…” Dean starts but the woman shushes him.
She lowers the finger she had put in front of her lips. “Sam’s asleep.” She whispers. 
He looks past the bed she’s crossed legged on and spots a laying Sam with his eyes closed. “Good.” He whispers back.
“Yeah. How can he function so well with the amount of sleep he’s been getting is beyond me.” She turns back to look at Dean “18 years having a bad sleep routine and I’m still not used to it.” She rolls her eyes chuckling a little.
“At least you’re not too grumpy when you’re tired. Otherwise I would’ve murdered you and blamed on a werewolf.” He gives her an amused smile and she rolls her eyes, going back to read more obituaries.
After 20 minutes Sam jolts awake and looks around. The other two look at him “Why'd you let me fall asleep?” He asks passing his hands through his hair.
“‘Cause I'm an awesome brother. So what did you dream about?” He asks putting te file down.
“Lollipops and candy canes.” The youngest say sarcastically.
“Yeah, sure.” Y/n disapproves his scorn.
“Did you find anything?” He asks them
“Oh besides a whole new level of frustration?” Dean starts and Sam sits back up on his bed “No. we’ve looked at everything.”
“A few local women, a Laura and a Catherine committed suicide in front of a mirror, and a giant mirror fell on a guy named Dave, but uh, no Mary.” Y/n says as she reads through the files on the side.
“Maybe we just haven't found it yet.” Sam falls back into the bed
“I've also been searching for strange deaths in the area, you know...eyeball bleeding, that sort of thing. There's nothing. Whatever's happening here, maybe it just ain't Mary.” Dean says looking over all the papers spread through the bed and table.
Sam’s phone rings and he answers it. “Hello?” He says and a concerned look crosses his face before he speaks again “okay, try to calm down we’re coming to you. Stay there!” He hangs up and looks up to Dean and y/n “It was Charlie, Donna’s friend. She’s at the park waiting for us. Their other friend is dead.” He explains getting up and the the other two already started putting their shoes back on to leave.
Already at the park Charlie is telling them about the phone call she had with Jill, the friend who died, right before her death “And they found her on the bathroom floor. And her… her eyes. They were gone.” She chokes.
“I'm sorry.” Sam says sitting by her side.
“And she said it.” Sam looks up at the two “I heard her say it. But it couldn't be because of that. I'm insane, right?” She looks between the three hunters.
“No, you're not insane.” Y/n reassures her
“Oh God, that makes me feel so much worse.” The girls looks back down.
“Look. We think something's happening here. Something that can't be explained.” Sam starts trying to catch her attention back.
“And we're gonna stop it but we could use your help.” Dean tells her.
“Do you think you can get us to Jill’s bedroom?” Y/n asked hopeful.
“I think so. Can you guys get to a second floor window?” She looks at the woman.
“We’ll manage.” Dean reassures her.
The three hunters climbed to the roof from a tree and are waiting Charlie by the window she pointed at Jill's. She comes in from the bedroom door and locks it. Going over to the window and opening it. Sam enters first and Dean throws him a duffel bag, giving space for y/n to enter and following right after. Sam sets it on the bed and starts going through it.
“What did you tell Jill's mom?” Sam asks as he ruffles through the bag.
“Just that I needed some time alone with Jill's pictures and things.” She answers as Sam pulls something out of the bag and Dean shuts the curtains. “I hate lying to her.”
“Trust us, this is for the greater good.” Y/n tells her and Dean goes to the interruptor and turns the lights off.
“What are you guys looking for?”
“We'll let you know as soon as we find it.” Dean answers her at the same time Sam stretched a digital camera to y/n.
“Hey, night vision.” He says and she turns the thing on for him and he hands her the camera.
She grabs the digital camera and it is aimed at Dean. He looks up and sees the camera. “Do I look like Paris Hilton?” Dean asks, turning a little and looking over his shoulder. She snorts and walks away slowly with the camera. She opens Jill’s closet door and begins filming around the mirror.
“So I don't get it. I mean… the first victim didn't summon Mary, and the second victim did. How's she choosing them?” Sam turns to Dean and Charlie.
“Beats me.” Dean answers when y/n closes the closet door. “I want to know why Jill said it in the first place.” He turns to Charlie.
“It's just a joke.” Charlie looks up at him.
“Yeah well somebody's gonna say it again, it's just a matter of time.” He says again and looks over at y/n who is in the bathroom filming around the mirror when she stops and sees trickles of something running out from behind the mirror.
“Hey.” She says and Sam and Charlie also turn to look at her “There's a black light in the trunk, right?”
She takes the mirror off the wall and carries it out to Jill's bed and lays it on the bed upside down. Dean comes over with a black light. Y/n peels off the brown paper that is on the back of the mirror. And Dean shines the black light over the back of the mirror and they see a handprint, and the words ‘Gary Bryman’.
“Gary Bryman?” Charlie asks the trio, making all heads snap at her.
“You know who that is?” Sam asks
“No.” She shakes her head.
“Okay. Let’s get out of here.” Y/n says taking the mirror again and putting it back in its place. Sam turned the light back on and Dean puts the camera and the light away on the duffel. They head to the window and get out again. Charlie closes it behind them and goes to the door. They walk slowly to the tree. Sam goes back first. Dean gives him the duffel and climbs down and then turns to help y/n down. “Oh. Thank you” she says smiling when she notices what he’s trying to do.
They go back to the bench. Dean and Charlie are sitting on it, y/n is standing up in front of them and Sam comes up behind her.
“So, Gary Bryman was an 8-year-old boy.” Y/n turns around startled with a hand on her chest “Sorry.” He smiles “Two years ago he was killed in a hit and run. The car was described as a black Toyota Camry. But nobody got the plates or saw the driver.”
“Oh my God.” Charlie half whispers.
“What?” Sam asked at the same time y/n did:
“Did Jill drive one of those?”
“Yeah.” She looks to the woman.
“We need to get back to your friend Donna’s house.” Dean looks at Charlie.
“Linda Shoemaker.” Sam says as he turns the light off and stands up, putting the mirror back on the wall. 
“Let’s go talk to Donna.” Dean states and leaves the bathroom.
They all follow him downstairs where they found Donna in the kitchen.
“Hey, we need to ask you a couple of questions. Is that alright?” Y/n asks from behind Dean.
“I guess, sure.” She shrugs.
“Is Linda Shoemaker your mother?” The woman questions Donna
“Uhm, yeah. Why” she answers frowning.
“She died right? How was her relationship with your father?” Did they get in fights a lot?” Dean looks at her. 
“Why are you asking me this?” She inquiries.
“Look, we're sorry, but it's important.” Sam tells her
“Yeah. Linda's my mom okay? She overdosed on sleeping pills, it was an accident, and that's it. I think you should leave.” She looks distressed.
“Now Donna, just listen.” Dean starts, trying to talk to her.
“Get out of my house!” She runs upstairs.
“Oh my God. Do you really think her dad could've killed her mom?” Charlie asks the three hunters with a concerned expression.
“Maybe.” Sam replies.
“I think I should stick around.” She tells them
“All right. Whatever you do, don't…” but Charlie cuts Dean off before he can finish.
“Believe me, I won't say it.” She gives them a tight half smile and turns around to go after Donna. The three hunters leave the house. 
Dean’s sitting in front of a computer with Sam and y/n behind him. “Wait, wait, wait, you're doing a nationwide search?” Sam asks him when he sees what Dean is typing.
“Yep. The NCIC, the FBI database… at this point any Mary who died in front of a mirror is good enough for me.” Dean answers as he scrolls.
“But if she's haunting the town, she should have died in the town.” He arguments looking between the back of Dean’s head and the screen.
“I'm telling you there's nothing local, we’ve checked. So unless you got a better idea…” he replies to his brother looking STV the screen.
“The way Mary's choosing her victims, it seems like there's a pattern.” Y/n tells them, standing behind Dean with her hands on his chair.
“I know, I was thinking the same thing.” Dean glances over his shoulder quickly.
“With mister Shoemaker and Jill's hit and run.” Sam thinks it over.
Y/n looks at Sam “Both had secrets where people died.”
“Right. I mean there's a lot of folklore about mirrors… that they reveal all your lies, all your secrets, that they're a true reflection of your soul, which is why it's bad luck to break them.” Sam keeps going.
“Right, right. So maybe if you've got a secret, I mean like a really nasty one where someone died, then Mary sees it, and punishes you for it.” Y/n tilts her head raising her eyebrows.
“Whether you're the one that summoned her or not.” Sam finishes.
Dean calls their attention to the screen “Take a look at this.”  He points to a picture of a woman lying by a mirror in a puddle of blood. He prints out another picture and hands it to y/n over his shoulder it is of a handprint and the letters ‘Tre’.
“Looks like the same handprint.” Y/n says looking at the picture.
“Her name was Mary Worthington… an unsolved murder in Fort Wayne, Indiana.” Dean skimmed through the article.
The trio of hunters decided to go to Fort Wayne and try to talk to the detective that worked on Mary’s case. After an hour and 30 minutes with Dean on the wheel, they arrived at the city. 
 After some research they went to the detective’s house to talk to him.
“I was on the job for 35 years… detective for most of that. Now everybody packs it in with a few loose ends, but the Mary Worthington murder…” he pauses and looks at Dean, who’s in front of him “that one still gets me.”
“What exactly happened?” The oldest hunter asks.
“You kids said you were reporters?” He asks, looking up and down at the three, one at a time.
“We know Mary was 19, lived by herself. We know she won a few local beauty contests, dreamt of getting out of Indiana, being an actress.” Y/n starts by leaving the bookcase behind and joining Dean.
“And we know the night of March 29th someone broke into her apartment and murdered her, cut out her eyes with a knife.” Sam continued.
“That's right.” the detective answered.
“See sir, when we asked you what happened, we wanted to know what you think happened.” Y/n explained to him and the older man went to a file cabinet and pulled some files from it.
“Technically I'm not supposed to have a copy of this.” He opens a file to the picture Sam and Dean found on the computer. “Now see that there? T-R-E?”
“Yeah.” Dean agrees.
“I think Mary was trying to spell out the name of her killer.” He tells them.
“You know who it was?” Sam asks him getting closer.
“Not for sure. But there was a local man, a surgeon… Trevor Sampson.” He pulls out a picture of a man and hands it to the hunters. “And I think he cut her up good.”
“Now why would he do something like that?” Sam questions.
“Her diary mentioned a man that she was seeing. She called him by his initial, ‘T’. Well, her last entry, she was gonna tell ‘T’’s wife about their affair.” He tells them looking up form the papers on the table.
“Yeah but how do you know it was Sampson who killed her?” Dean looks from the mirror picture to the detective.
“It's hard to say, but the way her eyes were cut out… it was almost professional.”
“But you could never prove it?” Y/n half guesses.
“No. No prints, no witnesses. He was meticulous.” The man explains and drops his eyes.
“Is he still alive?” Dean drops the picture on the table.
“Nope.” He sits down and sighs “If you ask me, Mary spent her last living moments trying to expose this guy's secret. But she never could.” He looks up at the hunters who are side by side.
“Where's she buried?” Sam asks.
“She wasn't. She was cremated.” He frowns a little.
“What about that mirror” y/n nods at the one in the picture “It's not in some evidence lockup somewhere is it?” 
“Ah, no. It was returned to Mary's family a long time ago.” 
“You have the names of her family by any chance?” Dean wonders. The detective pauses for a while and then started looking through the papers on the file handing them one.
They are heading back, after a while with the detective, and y/n is on her cell while Dean is driving and Sam is on the backseat, close to her phone “Oh really? Ah that's too bad Mr. Worthington. I would have paid a lot for that mirror. Okay, well maybe next time. All right, thanks.” She finishes and hangs up.
“So?” Dean asks glancing at her.
“So that was Mary's brother. The mirror was in the family for years, until he sold it one week ago to a store called Estate Antiques. A store in Toledo.” She looks at him
“So wherever the mirror goes, that's where Mary goes?” He question again.
“Her spirit's definitely tied up with it somehow.” Sam leans back.
“Isn't there an old superstition that says mirrors can capture spirits?” She looks over her shoulder.
“Yeah there is. Yeah, when someone would die in a house people would cover up the mirrors so the ghost wouldn't get trapped.” He answers her.
“So Mary dies in front of a mirror, and it draws in her spirit.” Dean complements.
“Yeah but how could she move through like a hundred different mirrors?” Sam wonders looking at his brother through the rear view mirror.
“I don't know, but if the mirror is the source, I say we find it and smash it.” He replies
“Yeah, I don't know, maybe.” Y/n looks over to the front.
Sam’s cell starts to rings. “Hello.” The look of concern comes across his face “Charlie?” He pauses “Okay don’t look at anything that has a reflection and go to 5335 Heatherdowns Blvd and wait for us. We’ll be right there.” He hangs up and looks at Dean “It was Charlie, apparently Donna called bloody Mary on the school restroom and now Charlie is seeing her.”
“Why are adolescents so stupid?” Dea rolls his eyes and starts going faster.
Arriving at  the hotel they find Charlie sitting in front of their door with her hands around her knees and face deep on them. The get to her and Sam helps her get up guiding her to his bed,where she sits and Dean and y/n start covering every window and mirror on the room. After  covering, what they think is everything they look at each other and around, both spotting their reflections on the TV at the same time. Dean gabs anoter sheet and hands the woman one ennd and they cover the TV.
Sam, then, sitsnext to Charlie and says “Hey, hey it's ok. Hey, you can open up your eyes Charlie. It's okay, all right?” the girl lifts her head from her knees slowly “Now listen. You're gonna stay right here on this bed, and you're not gonna look at glass, or anything else that has a reflection, okay? And as long as you do that, she cannot get you.”
“But I can't keep that up forever. I'm gonna die, aren't I?” shhe looks at Sam, her eyes filled with tears.
“No. No. Not anytime soon.” y/n tells her while putting a hand on her shouder while sitting on the end of the bed by thhe one Charlie is.
Dean sits next to y/n and looks at Charlie “All right Charlie. We need to know what happened.” 
“We were in the bathroom. Donna said it.” The girl starts but y/n cuts her off.
“That's not what we're talking about. Something happened, didn't it? In your life… a secret… where someone got hurt. Can you tell us about it?” she asks drpping her hand back to her own lap.
“I had this boyfriend. I loved him. But he kind of scared me too, you know? And one night, at his house, we got in this fight. Then I broke up with him, and he got upset, and he said he needed me and he loved me, and he said ‘Charlie, if you walk out that door right now, I'm gonna kill myself.’ And you know what I said? I said ‘Go ahead.’ And I left. How could I say that? How could I leave him like that? I just… I didn't believe him, you know? I should have.” She puts her face back on her knees and starts crying again.
The three  hunters look at each other and then back to the girl.
Dean is driving the Impala, with Sam in shotgun and y/n on the backseat. “You know her boyfriend killing himself, that's not really Charlie's fault.” he says looking at the road.
“You know as well as I do spirits don't exactly see shades of gray, Dean. Charlie had a secret, someone died, that's good enough for Mary.” Sam looks at his brother.
“I guess.”
“You know, I've been thinking. It might not be enough to just smash that mirror.” Sam continues.
“Why, what do you mean?” he asks quickly at the youngest.
“Well Mary's hard to pin down, right? I mean she moves around from mirror to mirror so who's to say that she's not just gonna keep hiding in them forever? So maybe we should try to pin her down, you know, summon her to her mirror and then smash it.” he tells them.
“Well how do you know that's going to work?” y/n questions.
“I don't, not for sure.” 
“Well who's gonna summon her?” Dean wonders as soon asSam finishes.
“I will. She'll come after me.” Sam looks bac to the road.
“You know what, that's it.” Dean says and pulls the car over. “This is about Jessica, isn't it? You think that's your dirty little secret that you killed her somehow?” he turns his body to half face his brother.
“Sam, this has got to stop.” y/n looks at him concernedd coming closer. “I mean, the nightmares and calling her name out in the middle of the night.. it's gonna kill you. Now listen to me… It wasn't your fault.” she puts a hand on his shoulder to make her look at him but he doesn't.
“Exactly. If you wanna blame something, then blame the thing that killed her. Or hell, why don't you take a swing at me? I mean I'm the one that dragged you away from her in the first place.” Dean tells looking up and shaking his head.
“I don't blame you.” he then looks at his brother.
“Well you shouldn't blame yourself, because there's nothing you could've done.” y/n tells him.
“I could've warned her.” he looks back at her.
“About what? You didn't know what was gonna happen! And besides, all of this isn't a secret, I mean I know all about it. It's not gonna work with Mary anyway.” Dean says, but as he starts to turn back to the wheel Sam speaks.
“No you don't.” 
“I don't what?” Dean and y/n frown.
“You don't know all about it. I haven't told you everything.” Sam looks at his hands.
“What are you talking about?” the woman with an anxious voice.
“Well it wouldn't really be a secret if I told you, would it?” Sam half smiles looking at them without turning his face.
The two expressions shift to surprise. “No. I don't like it. It's not gonna happen, forget it.” Dean tells and finally turns back to the steering wheel.
“Dean, that girl back there is going to die unless we do something about it. And you know what? Who knows how many more people are gonna die after that? Now we're doing this. You've got to let me do this.” he looks  at his brother, determined and shoots a glance to y/n on the backseat to make sure she doesn't try to argue too.
Dean huffs and starts driving again, mumbling complaints every now and then. Y/n spends the rest of the way looking at Sam with her eyebrows together, trying to come up with a plan where his life won't be at risk. The youngest hunter ignores them. When they arrive at the shop no one has  a better idea, so the plan remains the same. They get out of the car and grab a couple of crowbars, going to the entrance, where Sam gets down to pick the lock. 
Once Sam succeeds they enter and start looking around. At the back of the store they see many mirrors. “Well...that's just great.” Dean moans  as he pulls out the picture of Mary's dead body to look at the mirror “All right let's start looking.” he shows the other two the picture, holding a lantern over it so they can see it better. They split up and walk around the store “Maybe they've already sold it.” as Dean is finishing his sentence y/n's flashlight tops on the mirror.
“I don't think so.” she says and calls them over. Deann walks over to her and pulls out the picture again to compare. 
“That's it.” he sighs and looks at Sam “You sure about this?” Sam hands Dean his flashlight.
He sighs “Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary.” he looks at the other two who give him an unsure look back. Sam picks up the crowbar and holds it over his shoulder “Bloody Mary.”
Dean turns to see a light coming through the store windows and nudges y/n. “We'll go check that out. Stay here, be careful.” she instructs Sam who rearranges his shoulders and readies the crowbar again.
“Smash anything that moves.”  Dean and y/n go silently towards the front door. They see a headlight “Crap.” He puts the crowbar down and they begin to walk to the door.
The two leave the store together to talk to the police. “Hold it.” one officer says and they stop.
“Whoa guys, false alarm, I tripped the system.” Dean chuckles lightly but the police men remain unimpressed.
“Who are you?” another officer asks.
“I'm the boss's kid.” he smiles politely.
“You're Mister Yamashiro's kid?” the first cop questions. 
“I was  adopted.”Dean answers without hesitation, as he has been saying this his entire life. 
“And who are you?” one of them looks at y/n and shifts the gun a little.
“I'm his fiancé.” She smiles lovingly and holds Dean's hand.
“What do you guys need here?” the cop questions.
“My father asked me to grab some stuff for him.” Dean tells him.
“Can I see some ID?” the officer said and Dean grabs his wallet on the back pocket, handing the man his id.
“You're not Yamashiro.” the man raises an eyebrow.
“Like I said, I was adopted.” He lifts his hand asking for the id back.
“Yeah.” one officer says as another walks around to be on the two hunter’s back.
“You know, we just… I really don't have time for this right now.” Dean punches the cop in front of them and y/n turns and kicks the other on the stomach. They are now on the ground.
The two hunters  run back inside and as they getting closer they seeSam on the floor looking at the mirror. Dean grabbed the crowbar on the way in and goes through the mirror  as y/n goes to Sam.”Sam, Sammy!”
“It's Sam.” Sam tells her as Dean squats down by her side to look at him.
“God, are you okay?” “God, are you okay?” Dean asks and puts one arm on y/n back to steady himself as he cleans one side of the blood that came out of his eyes.
“Uh, yeah.” he answers, starting to get up.
“Come on, come on.” Dean and y/n pull Sam up. They begin to walk out, supporting Sam, until they hear some glass noise. They turn around to see Mary coming ou of the frame and crawling over the broken glass. Mary walks towards them and they fall to the ground. They all start bleeding from the face, but Dean reaches up and pulls over a mirror so that Mary is forced to see her own reflection. Mary starts choking to death and melts into a pile of blood. Dean throws down the mirror he held and it shatters.
“Hey Sam?” y/n calls him relaxing on the floor.
“Yeah?” he turns his head to look at her.
“This has got to be like… what? 600 years of bad luck?” she asks, looking at the ceiling and Sam chuckles weakly.
They went back to the motel and explained to Charlie she is safe, and Mary's gone. They grabbed all their stuff and Dean and Sam drove Charlie back to her house, with y/n following the car with her Harley. Arriving there Charlie gets out of the car and y/n opens  her helmet visor. “Charlie?” the girl turns around looking at thee hunter “Your boyfriend's death… it really wasn’t your fault. You should try to forgive yourself. No matter what you did, you probably couldn't have stopped it.” Charlie smiles faintly, then turns around to go into the house.
The bike pulls up to the driver's window, that is rolled down. Dean looks at her “That's good advice.”she smiles at him and he turns and lightly hits Sam “Hey SAM?”
“Now that this is all over, I want you to tell me what that secret is.” as Dean says it the woman on the bike lowers her head a little to look at the man too.
“Look… you're my brother and my best friend and I'd die for you, but there are some things I need to keep to myself.” Sam looks out the window and the other two look at each other, with concern in their eyes, and then back at the road. Dean drives off and y/n follows.
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My thoughts on the Ritsu&Shou related parts in the Fanbook
because I am kinda going insane.
The way ONE was able to melt all the gays down in one go should be studied, analysed and locked deep in the black void of Shou’s black shirt in the Cultural Festival scene in the manga, because there’s no way. 
As a warning, while I’ll be mostly talking about their relationship in terms of friendship anyway, I ship them, so this is kinda biased on this side of things. Enjoy what I have to say under the cut.
Okay, so, with the premise that the translations around on Twitter aren’t official so the info might not be 100% accurate, I am still more than willing to trust our beloved fantranslators and their hard work. Let’s actually begin this slide deep into the tunnel headed to Copium Land, shall we?
• To the question "Who are your friends, excluding your brother?" Ritsu just answers with Student Council Members and Classmates. And that we (readers) don't have to worry, since he has many people he can ask about the weather to. Now.
We... never see him hang out with his classmates, nor his Council members. Ever. Except for the whole S1 "Middle school criminals purge" fiasco and even then, it ended up with him breaking through the Student Council President Kamuro’s house. When I say Ritsu isn't normal, I mean it (go off, King). 
Ritsu is the same person who asked the other Psychic kids from the Awakening Lab their names only after they were all kidnapped. And solely for the sake of escaping. He... doesn't know how to socialize well or doesn't particularly care. 
To him, friends are ones he can ask the weather to. I honestly feel like, no matter how popular he is (mostly, due to his looks... let’s remember how he is the one among the kids in the cast who gets the most chocolate on Valentine’s Day, but he finds it a nuisance) he doesn’t really know how-to-friend and how-to-people. And partially, he isn’t too focused on that due to the many things he has going on. 
I truly appreciate the idea of autistic Ritsu, because it would explain many things tbh, and this difficulty of approaching others/making friends/even having a basic understanding of friendships and what they mean would be clearer. 
Now, onto Shou. We have two questions to take into account:
• To the "What do you like doing with your friends?" he answers mentioning only Ritsu. Not even the kids that call him leader in S2,nor any classmate. Just Ritsu. And he mentions how Ritsu doesn’t like crowded spaces and noise (I'll return to that later) and how they went fishing together and Ritsu didn't manage to catch anything. From this we have: 
THEY WENT FISHING TOGETHER. Even with the whole text thing later, Ritsu still cared enough to go out with him. Without Mob being involved at all. I think it's important. They canonically hang out together.
Shou cares so much that he wanted to go to a place where Ritsu would feel comfy. Fishing is probably not an activity Shou prefers among others. But Ritsu might appreciate it and that's enough. 
Ritsu is bad at fishing and this is honestly a fun detail lol. 
• Through the same question, we have the whole text bit with Shou saying he texts Ritsu from time to time, but Ritsu answers slowly/not frequently. So-
For one, Ritsu does answer. He is a busy person with Student Council matters and he is, yk. At the top 10 of the best students in the school, in his first year competing with third years. And yet, he still answers these messages. 
Shou goes to school THIS IS A WIN BTW I KNEW IT, Shou literally emits the energy of that one kid who is actually totally listening during class, remembers everything and gets damn good marks, called it. Anyway, Shou probably isn't a slow texter like Ritsu is and has another perception of time lol, not to mention how he probably isn’t as busy. Can relate to Ritsu here. 
They still text. That's pretty good in my book (copium). 
Again, noise. They should have 2012-13 flip phones and now, I have used them in the past, but forgive me, I forgot what I did yesterday, imagine remembering 2012 phones, but I believe they did have an option to turn off notifications. And with Ritsu disliking noise... it's no wonder he would. It also helps with studying. 
•  There was a question about the Cultural Festival bit. Shou says that Ritsu didn’t ask him to come personally, he just caught wind of it and thought “why not?”, which makes more sense now that we are 100% sure he goes to school. Honestly, it’s no wonder Ritsu didn't ask Shou to go and see him. He was uncomfy with that outfit and the whole Maid idea. But as soon as Shou caught on that, he just. Went. Without honestly any other reason if not to see him. Still fruity enough in my book. 
• Last but not least. Ritsu does call Shou a friend in the World Domination Arc. And, truly, I am not willing to believe they aren’t on friendly terms after them texting together, hanging out together (fishing) and Ritsu just... accepting Shou burnt down his house and going along with his plan without a second thought lol. Hence why:
Either Ritsu truly just doesn't know where to place Shou in his mind. Thinking back also on Shou's VA interview helps with this.
Or, since he was mentioned as a friend in Shou’s profile, ONE believed it would have been redundant to put him in Ritsu’s as well. Which I believe is actually a fair point, since Ritsu wouldn’t have added that much insight, knowing him lol.
Or, regarding them being established as friends in World Domination Arc... ONE forgor. And truly, it has been years since he finished that arc, and he has written so many drafts of manga (ONE PUNCH, the rest of Mob), the new upcoming one and all of the extras since then. Wouldn’t blame him.
There is also this little important DETAIL of ONE just casually mentioning he would like a spin-off with Ritsu AND Shou. Together. Can’t separate, idc.
And... gosh, I think this is all. Thanks to all the ones that translated the bits that came out with this book and Katya’s translations of all the other interviews! Between this, the whole deal with Teru (aka his freaking terrible fashion sense and especially his parents), Reigen’s family, Serizawa’s pay, a few peculiar ages being revealed... this fanbook has been a trip and a half. But just in case, thank you all for coming to my Pep Talk, feel free to add anything if you want.
UPDATE 18/11
NEW INFO IS OUT and I reblogged this post of mine with all of such info compiled and my thoughts on it! It kinda changes a few of my highlights here and for the better. I’d say... we ultimately truly won. 
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idridian · 11 months
what are your favourite horror movies
what a question to ask me lol. ohhhkay, strap in.
(please note that when you ask me "favourite", that means you get favourite regardless of quality. and you get no tv shows or any such things, strictly movies)
(btw i haven't actually seen that many horror films. many of the iconic franchises especially - chucky, elm street, scream, friday the 13th, texas chainsaw massacre, what have you - just never piqued my interest. maybe some day)
(also these are in no particular order)
1. hellraiser franchise
my working theory is that all "hellraiser" movies are bad movies, but for different reasons. the og from 1987 is a bad movie because it was made on a budget of ten pounds and a packet of crisps. hellraiser 8 is bad because its plot is about a group of teens obsessed with a hellraiser video game getting murdered at a weird sex party. these two are not the same
that being said, i love these movies very much (except for hellraiser 10. i hate hellraiser 10 and will never ever watch it ever again, thank you. no reason) and love to look at pinhead and his many cenobite buddies doing weird kinky shit <3
2. halloween movies (only 1978 and the green trilogy from 2018 onwards)
i haven't seen any of the other ones because i was introduced to the series by my very good friend miri aka @asylos, who showed me those four and no others. and i was like okay :D and just never watched the rest because i don't consume media unless prompted
i'm a basic bitch, i see a man in a jumpsuit and get gender envy, so og twink michael delights me. that being said, old man michael from the green trilogy? CHEF'S KISS. love that fucker. he's the best
3. anything del toro
a lot of his films don't really stay within the constraints of a single genre, but they definitely contain horror elements. my favourite is "the shape of water", which has its moments but is overall not that scary. the pale man from "pan's labyrinth" made quite the impression on me when i first saw the movie because while i had seen the iconic shot of him raising his hands to reveal the Palm Eyes before, i was unaware of the fact that that fucker gets up and shambles around and i was Not Okay with that
crimson peak is very pretty and i love it. for obvious reasons, i think
4. willy's wonderland
nic cage night janitor animatronic murder fight bonanza my beloved. like honestly, i watched the fnaf movie yesterday and it had zero good cleaning montages, wasn't as funny and had fewer bangers, music-wise, than willy's does. like what's the fuckin point
5. fright night 2011
this film has david tennant in it and that's why i watched it. apart from him being an absolutely show-stealing delight, the rest of the film is also a fun romp. there's vampires and stuff
6. bad samaritan
this film ALSO has david tennant in it. he's doing an american accent (a way better one than in "gracepoint", a show that you should Not watch. just watch "broadchurch" instead please, i promise you're not missing anything) and is playing a rich asshole obsessed with horses who abducts and kills women. also he throws a phone out of a car window at two separate occasions and it cracks me up
the main character is played by some actor whose name i can never remember. he's irish or something and i think he might have been in one of those pieces of media i haven't consumed. umbrella academy? was he klaus in umbrella academy? who's klaus?? is klaus FROM umbrella academy? who knows
anyway, the film is a thriller and i quite like watching it. it's tense with zero unnecessary padding, it knows what it's here for and delivers
7. the thing 1982 + 2011
another one i watched with miri. miri likes to show me horror films (and tv shows) a lot <3 we watched both the og and the new one and i quite liked them! the dog in the 82 one is really really good at his job. i highkey struggle with big groups of characters bc i can't remember names and faces for shit, so i was reeeally bad at spotting the Thing. also i liked the teeth thing from the 2011 one that was smart
8. bunny lake is missing
does this count as a horror movie? idk, but i'm putting it here
9. psycho
it's pretty good. i liked it. i think norman would have been a tumblr sexyman if such a thing had existed in the 1960s
10. the one hour long space horror segment trapped in the middle of otherwise meandering artfilm "2001: a space odyssey"
you know the one
11. alien
classic. i haven't seen any of the others apart from "aliens" because the internet said they were bad
12. the abyss
veers closer to sci-fi than horror, but i'm counting it bc it sure is tense. this is a film by james cameron about *checks smudged handwriting* some underwater diving alien nonsense or something. idk, it's been a while since i've watched it. another movie with a big group of characters i can't tell apart for shit, which is why i'm always rooting for some of them to start dying already
i watched this one because i unfortunately am doing a handshake meme with jimmy cameron labelled "hello i am obsessed with the ocean" and unlike me, he has the money to make really long epic films about it
13. the haunting 1963
this is a movie adaptation of "the haunting of hill house" by shirley jackson. it's very good! (if you're familiar with flanagan's netflix show, there are some parts of this movie that will be... quite familiar)
i watched this one with miri, followed immediately by the 1999 remake (?), which i found very strange and occasionally hilarious because of cgi that hasn't stood the test of time. also, i'd like it to be put on record that i fuckin CALLED the thing about the fireplace (somehow lol)
14. rocky horror picture show
my parents showed me this movie when i was maybe a bit too young to see it, at a point in my life where i hadn't quite figured out yet that i was various shades of queer. it sure made an Impression
many years later, i finally got around to watching the sequel, "shock treatment" (thanks to miri, of course) which is very different but also a good time, and has some bangers of its own!
those are all the ones i can think of (and look up in the big movie watchlist google doc miri and i use to keep track of what we've seen so far) without digging through my dvd collection, which i don't feel like doing right now because it'd be a bother.
but just for fun, a few brief honourable mentions:
the shining (i care about shelley duvall and nothing else. so glad she got to punt jack nicholson's character down a flight of stairs with a baseball bat)
black christmas (keir dullea what IS your haircut shgsjfghs)
cabin in the woods (i knew nothing going in and miri was very pleased by this fact)
house on haunted hill 1959 (skeleton lol)
young frankenstein (my parents showed me the german dub version when i was, again, a bit too young for it. iconic movie tbh)
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krishna-sangini · 1 year
The Surprise
It was a cloudy day. Not too gloomy, the clouds were just the perfect shade of grey. I was getting ready to spend my day off laying on my couch, reading ‘Hold Still’ for the umpteenth time. It was Sunday, the beloved day for all to go hang out with their friends and family. But I had none, at least not where I lived.
I lived in Bengaluru then, working my new job. It was a great offer; so, even though I had to leave my family back in Odisha, I decided to take the job. The first few weeks were manageable; I was busy with shifting and putting things in order in my tiny new apartment. But after everything was settled, I started feeling the initial pangs of homesickness. I started missing my mom’s cooking, my sister’s annoying giggles, and even our street dogs’ unending howling. In short, I missed even the most annoying things about my hometown.
Work was good, though it was tiring. We had to work continuously for five hours before getting a one-hour break, and then again work for four long hours. The compensation we got wasn’t bad either; uninterrupted weekends at home, and a decent salary along with social benefits. The toil was worth the fruit.
I sat down with my breakfast tray, the T.V. remote in hand. I surfed channels until I reached the news channel. Just when I was about to take a bite out of the aloo paratha, I got a call. A smile spread on my lips as I saw the name on the screen, ‘Rashmi Aunty’. I picked up the call after pressing ‘Mute’ on the remote.
“Hello, Aunty! Namaskar!” “Yes, beti. Namaskar. How are you?” “I’m good, Aunty. How about you?” “Yes, dear. I’m all fit. By the way, I have a favour to ask.” “Sure, Aunty. What is it?” “Can you call Priyal to check where she’s reached? That brat isn’t picking up my call. She left home yesterday to give you a surprise visit.” “What- O-Okay, Aunty. I’ll call her right away. Bye!” “Bye, beti.”
Priyal is my best friend. We’ve been friends since kindergarten. And yes, she lived back in Odisha. I really had no idea that she was visiting. I was happy and, at the same time, was a bit disappointed that Aunty spoilt the surprise. I smiled and picked up my phone, hiding my excitement even though I lived alone. I turned my back to the T.V. as I walked into the kitchen, ignoring the news playing on the channel.
I scrolled through my contacts and pressed Priyal’s name. The call rang for a few moments, but it was unanswered. I tried her other number; that too was unanswered. “My girl is so dedicated to surprise me. Poor child! I’m just gonna act surprised,” I said aloud. “Ah, dumb me forgot to ask Aunty how she’s getting here,” I said with a facepalm. After another call with Rashmi Aunty, I got to know that Priyal had boarded a train to Bengaluru which was to arrive that day at 10.30 a.m. I looked at my watch, it read 9.55 a.m. I decided to go pick her up from the station myself, intending to surprise her instead.  
I changed into a pair of denim jeans and a black oversized hoodie before hopping on my scooty and starting for the station. On reaching, I saw that the station entrance was unnaturally crowded. People were screaming, yelling, and rushing in and out of the station. There were multiple ambulances with sirens; the medical staff rushed into the station with stretchers. Many people were pouring out with bloodied clothes. I began panicking.
I parked my scooty hastily and ran over to an ambulance. I went up to a nurse and asked, “Sister, what is this situation?” The maiden, who had just finished writing something in a register, looked up at me with distressed eyes and replied, “There has been a severe train accident a few metres from the station, ma’am. There have been many casualties. Please move out of the way and make way for the patients!”
I stumbled aside as I saw a severely wounded person being brought on a stretcher into the ambulance. My mind went blank for a few moments. The only image that came to my mind was that of Priyal; she had boarded a train to visit me.
She had boarded a train to visit me.
I rushed into the station and started screaming out Priyal’s name like a mad woman. I collided with many people, some desperately searching for a loved one, some desperately wanting a loved one to find them. Everyone was in hysterics; the atmosphere was one of pure chaos. The air was heavy with dust and the pungent smell of blood. As I neared the edge of the platform, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. A great relief washed over me as I saw the name ‘Piyaaa’ flashing on the screen.  
“Hello, Piya?! Are you fine? Where are you right now?” I yelled into the phone the moment I picked up the call. “Hello? Am I speaking to Miss Baanhi?” came an unfamiliar voice from the other side. “Yes? Who is this and where is Priyal?” I screamed into the phone, my voice cracking in the middle.
I ran to the reception and asked for the whereabouts of Priyal. The receptionist gave me a room number and a floor number which I blindly jabbed into the elevator. My legs seemed to have a brain of their own as they carried me to a large crowded room. There were around 30 beds in that room. Each bed was occupied by a patient, maimed and still. And beside almost every bed was that loved one who was waiting for their surprise visit. I scanned the room for the face I was looking for; I found it in a corner. I rushed over to her side. A doctor had just finished examining Priyal and was moving on to the next patient with a disheartened look.
“Doctor, doctor! What is wrong with her? She will survive, right?” I asked desperately, grabbing the doctor’s arm. She held my hand gently and said, “I’m afraid, Miss. You don’t have much time together. We tried all we could. Her spine is badly damaged and 20 of her vertebrae have been crushed. I’m really sorry.”
These words fell on my ears like lightning bolts. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand. ‘Rashmi Aunty’ was the name on the screen. The phone slipped from my grip. I slowly walked up to Priyal’s bed. She had the same face twinkling with mischief, only it was covered with dried blood and hastily wrapped with bandages. Her whole body was bloodied; her arms and legs were covered with bandages too. Her purple tee was discoloured with blood and was torn in many places. The doctors had probably shifted her to this room after examining her condition, and ascertaining that there was no hope of saving her.
There was a drip attached to Priyal, but there was no oxygen mask. The doctors probably didn’t want to waste the precious gas on a lost cause. There was a heart monitor, however, with a feeble reading. I kneeled beside her and took her hand gently.
“Piya?” I called quietly. She slowly opened her eyes and stared at me blankly. After a few seconds, a light of recognition flashed in her eyes as she squeezed my hand. Tears started blurring my vision as I squeezed her hand back.
“Why… Why didn’t you wait for a few more days… Why you…?” I muttered in between sobs. Priyal’s pale lips curled into a weak smile. “Surprise, babe!” She whispered using all her strength. I could say nothing; all I could do was hold her hand and cry my heart out.
“Heiii! Now don’t send me off all messy like that,” I heard Priyal’s feeble voice again. I looked up at her. Her eyes were filled with the same innocence that she had when we were kids. I made a shaky attempt to wipe my tears. Putting on a smile as best as I could, I said, “Shut up, dummy. You’re getting back on your feet within days and we’re celebrating my birthday at my place. No excuses now!”
She chuckled, and I giggled. Tears spilt out of our eyes without us realising. She tightened her grip on my hand. “Baanhi yaar… Tell maa and baba that I’m sorry for not being able to see them for the last time,” Priyal said, sniffing while smiling. “Don’t talk rubbish, Piya! You’re walking out of this horrid place,” I said as if I was consoling myself.
She smiled wider as I felt her grip loosen. “I love you, Baanhi. I’m really happy to have you here with me now. I’m at rest and remember, I’ll be watching over you always…” said my best friend on her deathbed. “I love you more, Piya. I always will…” I muttered. Priyal’s smile never faltered, but the heart monitor did. It showed a flat line.  
It’s still a cloudy day, even after 10 years. The clouds are the perfect shade of grey, yet it feels too gloomy. It’s Sunday, and I’m on my couch reading ‘Hold Still’ for the umpteenth time. I’m still in Bengaluru, with no family or friends to visit me, except for the bright jolly girl in a purple tee who still watches over me.
My phone rings, and a smile spreads on my lips as I see the name on the screen, ‘Rashmi Aunty’.
“Hello, Aunty. Namaskar!” “Yes, beti. How are you?” “I’m good, Aunty. How about you?” “Yes, dear. I’m all fit… I have a favour to ask, by the way.” “Sure, Aunty. What is it?” “Please live well, my child, and be happy.” “I will, Aunty. I definitely will…”  
A story that I wrote inspired by the recent triple-train crash in Odisha... The fact that hundreds of people were left waiting for a loved one forever absolutely pained me. I can never imagine the amount of pain these people must have felt...
My heart goes out to those people and the ones who had to leave untimely...
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shirogane-oushirou · 5 months
OMG RO HAPPY ANNIVERSARY WAJFEKAHFEKE ;-; take this as an opportunity to gush if you want!! <333
KJNASDKJN THANK YOU NICK!!! technically i messed up yesterday, it's actually tomorrow kjsndfjkn, but i started the gif and art reblogging early bc i've collected so many lmao ;; i'm the only oushirou gif-maker and people WILL see my boy!!!!!
i was going to gush on my anniversary art post, but you've handed me a golden opportunity to do it here. you will regret this. :3c 💞
[cw quick mention of a scene where he's called a slur]
oushirou's been my most beloved, specialest, best boy since my first year in college. i was working my way through the games, and i saw his profile in some artbook scans, and i went... who the FUCK is this guy??? KAJSNKDJN. i hated his design so much; it didn't fit with the rest of the series's designs.
but he immediately won me over as a side character in the pc game, and then i was Doomed the second i booted up to play the PSP port with the added oushirou route (our 13yr anniversary is the day i started posting about playing his route lol). i became The Oushirou Guy™ in the eng fandom from that point on ;; and, of course, now i'm like "i need MORE characters who look like this guy, RIGHT NEOW" kjsnfkjn.
and then a year later -- 12 years ago tomorrow -- the last game released AND, FINALLY, he had his own karedanna cd! a fandom friend sent a rip to myself and my also-oushirou-lover friend, as we were waiting for ours to ship... and he proposes in it. my friend and i both made this day the wedding anniversary in commemoration. i even have some ancient joke art i made on the release day itself LMAO
Tumblr media
i love him so much more than i think i let on; ren's my main right now, so that's what people know me for, but oushirou really is The Blueprint for me.
he's so self-driven. he could have lived a cushy, comfortable life following the family trade as a western fortune teller, but he would rather throw that -- and an unealthy relationship with his family -- away so he could follow his dreams of being a photographer and journalist.
and he's loyal. after his life is saved by another student (kazuki), and he realizes kazuki will be held back due to spending too many days recovering from the injuries he incurred, he makes sure he's also held back a year so he can play as kazuki's right-hand-man during the remainder of their time at seigetsu academy.
also like... ngl, him being a scorpio is like 👀 he's a freak like me LMAOOOO we can be like "every zodiac girlie hates our pussiessss" together. 💖
oh. and then of course he's the Ambiguously Queer Character of the series. he's a little fruity w it in general, he loves crossdressing, he's flirty with kazuki, homare, and shiki, he's stated outright that his love for kazuki and tsukiko are equal and he can't decide between them, and his fashion sense is just a little cherry on top ksjdnfk.
ugh. honeybee's just itching to call him a slur i s2g.... wait omg wait they actually had some one-off characters call him a slur in his first route KJASNDKDJNSDFKJN WAIT???????? I JUST REMEMBERED??????? it was one of the first scenes i translated from his route i'm lksnfkns oh my fucking god. and everything since then has been like. doubling down without actually calling him anything. crying omg ksjdnfkjns.
ANYWAY. just a year ago, he was the character everybody associated me with, only beaten out once ren appeared. even my art username is based on him (zerofoursix -> 0-4-6 -> o-shi-ro -> oushirou). he's pulled me through so many things, from shitty college experiences to my health issues... to even being part of the reason why i picked art back up after i took a 5-6yr hiatus due to art school burnout. ;;
i love him so so much, forever and ever, my beloved hentai sentai red*, my adhd king, my most skilled f/o by a LONG shot**, my scorpio twin, my misunderstood weirdo... he's Everything to me 😭💗
* think i've posted about it once before, but it's a running joke that he's a sentai hero who regularly saves tsukiko from creeps in his AW route ;;
** photographer, journalist, multilingual, fashion-forward, western fortune teller, super emotionally intelligent... i could go on. the guy hides SO MUCH of his power level around others.
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writteninthesewalls28 · 8 months
A story about a girl wanting to find out the truth
A/n: chapter seven!
Warnings: mentions of death
Milly’s POV:
After a full night of sleep with Calum next to me, I woke up the next morning, pretty relaxed. With the soft smell of vanilla, probably still from the scented candles we put on yesterday, I got out of the cuddly bed after noticing that Calum wasn’t next to me anymore. Every once a week, he gets up before me, carefully, so he doesn’t wake me up, and prepares breakfast with the things I love the most: pancakes, breakfast tea (yes, I am a full brit when it’s about that), honey, peanut butter and fresh fruits. It is a tradition we picked up from Calums mum, who did it for him and his sister when they were little. I, sadly, never got to experience that since my mum had to work a lot during mine, Louis' and Félicité's childhood. When we were older, we sometimes tried doing it for the younger kids, but 3 to 4 teenagers (ages 14-17) in a kitchen is not working out in the slightest. You simply couldn’t call the pancakes pancakes because they were burnt half of the time. But we had fun doing it and it helped keeping the mood up in the rainy Doncaster.
As soon as I stepped out of the bedroom door, I already heard Calum moving and working in the kitchen. When he saw me entering the room, he gave me a sweet smile and I myself felt like the honey he put on the table at that moment. How can someone be that perfect?
"Good morning beautiful!" He greeted me and gave a quick kiss on the cheek while carefully turning around the delicious looking pancakes in the pan.
"Morning, thanks for doing all this." I said, not really knowing how to thank him for all the extra work he does, just for me.
"Oh, no need to thank me, I love making you happy!" My Calum. He’s simply the best. "Come on, sit down princess, I'll do the work today!"
After the long but definitely good breakfast, me and Cal spent some time talking about upcoming events.
"We’re putting together a tour list at the moment. Should I show it to you, so you can think about coming to some of them?" Calum knew, I‘d love to just come with the boys on tour, but my job of course didn’t allow me a break of 6 months, so I‘m always very involved in the tour planning with the boys, to get to see them at least 3 times.
"Yes, I'd love that. By the way, how’s the album, how many songs do you have?" Calum and I are both very introverted and private about our job life, so even though we understand each other blind, we mostly don’t really have that much knowledge about one another’s job.
"We got around 5 songs where we are pretty sure, we’re gonna put them on the album they’re simply amazing." He sighed. "But other than that, we seem to have a lack of inspiration at the moment. All of us." It felt good to have a complete platonic talk with him, not even wasting a single thought about the whole googling-the-names thing because if I'm being honest I am kind of scared about that. I'd rather just not do it and pretend it isn’t even there.
Before I could answer Calum, we heard the doorbell ring. We looked at each other. "Did the boys say, they want to come today?" I whispered at Calum. He just shook his head as a response.
Slowly making my way to the door, I wondered who'd have the idea to visit us at a Tuesday morning at 10 am. Opening the door, the familiar face of an irish person, wearing one of his beloved cardigans in a soft baby blue and his strong accent when he said:
"Missed me?" Made me jump into his arms, screaming because of how happy I was to finally get the chance to see my best friend again.
"Nialler!! I missed you so much!"
Me and Niall definitely do have some history. As soon as Louis got put into 1D and the five lads started to hang out more, I of course also met them, shortly before I went to Australia for the exchange year, and immediately became best friend with Niall. You know, these weird people where you think, they have to be dating because they act so couple-like, but are actually just best friends? Yeah, that’s us. I remember having a very exhausting 30-minutes talk with Louis just because he was convinced I was hiding the fact from him that I was dating his friend Niall (which I‘d never even dare to do, he would’ve killed me) and then couldn’t believe we literally were JUST friends.
I really hope no one ever finds these chaotic photos from 2013 on my phone where I was on tour with them. Me and Niall used to cause so many problems and make the most chaotic things ever, but it was the best time of my life, even now.
"Why are you here though?" I asked after letting go of him. He looked at me with a huge grin on his face, showing he loves being with me as much as I do.
"I haven’t seen y'all in too long and since I do not have anything to do at the moment, I thought why not visit my bestie and her Australian boyfriend in this little city called Adelaide." Calum approached us from behind laying his arm around my shoulder.
"Not to mention that we just talked yesterday." He said, earning a confused look from me.
"I sent him songs." Calum informed me. I pouted.
"I didn’t even got to hear them, but you are showing them to my bestie?“ I asked. Niall simply couldn’t stop laughing, he wasn’t used to the daily banter me and Calum had whenever other people were around since he wasn’t visiting us that often, mostly also busy with touring, songwriting and promoting new stuff.
But that only made me even happier he was there right now.
"Come inside!“ I said to him, stepping away from the doorstep, to let him in our house.
The break I took from work, originally for other reasons, was the best idea ever. I got to catch up with Niall and we talked about the last year that we haven’t seen each other. Currently, all of my musician friends - which are basically all of my friends - are working on albums and preparing a world tour, also including Niall. He’s writing songs, already played some for me, and is gonna call his second album 'Heartbreak Weather' because of his breakup last summer, his songs representing his feelings to different times during the relationship.
"And how are you?" He asked me, after he literally talked for over 1 and a half hours about himself and how he’s doing. But I totally appreciated it, catching up with my friends, especially with him, was something I always enjoyed.
"I'm… good." I said, not sure, if I'd upset another important person in my life with breaking the current news to him. So that sentence seemed to describe my current state pretty perfectly.
Niall raised his eyebrows, immediately seeing through my lie, simply debating if he should say something about it. He decided to just let me go with it right now.
"Okay, that’s amazing!" In this moment, Calum entered the living room again, sitting down exactly in the same spot as yesterday when I came home and had that horrible conversation with Lou. For a moment, I couldn’t focus on what the two of them were talking about. I got lost in my thoughts, having a flashback from yesterday, how Cal comforted me, understanding how much Louis words hurt me. Is Louis okay now? Is he still angry? I stared at the spot on the comfy couch and stopped breathing for a second.
"Milly?" Calum said, waving both of his hands in front of my face.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" I responded, snapping out of the weird situation I was in seconds ago. I was completely unsure and also scared what just happened, it felt like, someone held me underwater and I couldn’t break out of it.
Both of the men looked at me with a both worried and concerned look in their face.
"Are you okay? You are really pale." Calum said, softly placing his warm hand on my shoulder. Was there fear in his eyes?
"I'm not feeling so good right now, I’m gonna go upstairs for a bit." Seeing the worried look Calum gave me as he let me go, I added: "Don’t worry, I just forgot to take my medicine this morning." Which was the truth, I indeed forgot to take my pills to make sure my blood pressure stays okay and I don’t faint all of a sudden, but I never got this weird feeling from not taking them.
Cal's POV:
Of course he was worried when he saw her go up the stairs in a very slow pace, also scared she’s gonna faint on the stairs. But Niall asked him a way more important question in the mean time, he couldn’t seem to ignore.
"Why are both of you acting so strange? Please don’t tell me it’s nothing, I know there is something going on."
As much as he felt like ignoring this would be the best idea, his inner voice didn’t stop telling him that if he’d talk to Niall about Milly’s father’s death, everything will get a little easier, he won’t have to handle the whole situation and his knowledge completely on his own. Someone else would know.
"Milly is searching for her biological parents." All of the color in Nialls face who was sitting right beside him, suddenly vanished and he nearly got as pale as Milly was before she went upstairs.
"Oh no…. How is Louis?" Niall seemed to know that he doesn’t have to worry about his best friend, Calum would take care of her. But he knew Louis better than anyone else, he’s too protective to just not care.
"He and Milly had a fight on the phone yesterday, she was away for 8 hours and forgot to answer her phone while visiting the empty house of her biological parents." Calum explained the poor situation between the two siblings. He continued telling him about everything else Milly went through yesterday, not leaving out a single detail, and Niall got more and more uncomfortable on the sofa. When he finished a awkward silences stood between them, like a wall was built up in the middle of the sofa, Niall being the first to break it.
"And you? You seem to deal with something too." Calum definitely was surprised Niall also noticed that, since Calum tried hiding it pretty successfully in front of Milly, as much as he could tell.
"Well…" He tried thinking about a more gentle way of explaining his misery to Niall, but didn’t get a single idea. "I googled their names. I know I shouldn’t have done that since Milly basically forbid me to do anything without her consent, but I just need to protect her you know?" He took a deep breath before continuing.
"I found a obituary. And-" His voice cracked, he didn’t know how to finish this sentence, why he even started it in the first place.
Niall placed both of his hands on Calum shoulders.
"What happened?" Calum could easily spot the fear in Nialls tone.
"And it said that her father died right before her birth, that’s probably why she was adopted." He finally said it out loud. How relieved he felt. He finally got to say it.
But Niall obviously wasn’t very happy about that piece of information.
"He’s dead?" He asked one more time, getting a little nod from Calum. Milly really didn’t deserve this. She is such an amazing girl who is already dealing with so much in her life, death sadly being an important part of it. He'd love to just hide it from her for forever and make sure she never finds out, just to protect her.
"You have to tell her." Niall then said, much to Calum’s surprise.
"But Niall, do you understand this? He died, Milly maybe won't recover from another death in her family!" He tried explaining it to his old friend with a desperate tone in his voice.
"But what do you think will she do if she finds out, he boyfriend knew all along? Be happy that you tried 'protecting' her? She’s not gonna appreciate your concern for her, not this time Calum!" He got louder and louder, causing Calum to bring more space between them by sitting back a bit. He knew, Niall was right, he already felt it last night that his decision isn’t the best. But something in Calum still made him believe that this is the best way of dealing with the current situation.
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firesign23 · 2 years
I am so sorry you are not having fun anymore, is there anything we could have done? But thank you for the Heads Up and also thank you for the reminder to always immediatly download everything I want to keep re-reading! Are you absolutely sure you don't want to do the orphaning option, so more new people can find joy in your work in the future? And you don't have to curate anything, you can just ignore it! (I have no experience with orphaning my work, but I believe that's how it would work?)
So, first of all, thank you (and everyone else) for the lovely messages. This response might be a little long and I apologise in advance for that.
My reasons for planning this deletion are not, really, about not having fun with it anymore, because I am still foolishly besotted by these noble idiots. It's been on my mind for a few months for various reasons, and honestly the specifics aren't super important and until recently were outweighed by the good parts of participating in the fandom. But once that balance began to tip, I took a few days serious contemplation to make sure this was the route I wanted to take, consider alternatives, etc and reach the conclusion before making any mention of it, even to friends. Because the absolute last thing I wanted to do was enter into a cycle of… validation, I suppose? where I feel bad and people say nice things and then I kick the underlying issue down the line and repeat the cycle. A few very long time followers (well before JB) might recall exactly why this is on my radar. It's not a good or healthy way to approach fandom. I debated posting about the deletion at all, for fear of that same cycle, but as someone absolutely awful at downloading I have mourned so many fics lost to me and decided it's what I would prefer from another author.
As for orphaning, I am generally hugely in favour of it over the deletion. I am often the person making sure people know it's available, because it's a great option! In this case, the loss of control (we'll be coming back to this in a moment) over my work was definitely not the route I wanted to go. I considered anonymising them all instead, but that wasn't actually a solution to my specific problem.
Here's where it gets… well, I don't want to say interesting. 😂 But psychological, I suppose. I made this decision the way I usually make decisions. Matters were weighed up, factors thought through, I made sure it wasn't an impulsive choice. We've all got brain gremlins and this is how I make sure mine are not calling the shots, because they're dicks. And I posted yesterday very confident that it was the best option.
Enter: one asshole (my husband) (affectionate(mostly))
Because he pointed out (far less articulately than I am going to now, but damn if he didn't nail it) that if I really had been considering it for months and not yet acted, was I sure I wasn't doing this in reaction to the Grandmother Situation? My grandmother, beloved, died recently. Tumblr isn't the place for all the details, but suffice to say it has been a clusterfuck, as deaths in families often are, and it has been made significantly worse by the fact I am a continent away and have absolutely no way of dealing with the fallout. And, well, "Exerting control via social withdrawal to deal with the complete lack of control elsewhere" is… plausible. Having one's art shared, anonymously or not, is exposing. And usually that's one of the real joys of fandom, but when you're already exhausted and worn thin by Drama even a pebble in your shoe can be A Lot.
What does that mean? Honestly, I don't know. It doesn't mean that I was wrong in my conclusions. It doesn't mean that I won't delete the fics. It does mean that I will be putting a pin in the deletion plan until the Grandmother Situation gets a little less ridiculous and I can re-evaluate though, and I'm not sure how long that will take. It's really fucking ridiculous. Some real Lannister drama on a redneck budget.
I do still recommend people make sure anything they want to keep is downloaded in the near future, and if I do delete and you have missed a fic you're welcome to message me and I will send a copy. And maybe, instead, I'll find my equilibrium and not delete at all. That's going to be something I have to figure out myself. But there is some absolute joy in this fandom, and whatever I end up doing I'm very glad to share it with you all
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remyfire · 8 months
I hope you feel better soon! I am also very tired and have no pets to share funny anecdotes about so I will just tell you some random nice things that happened here today. It was a beautiful day! ten degrees and sunny and everyone has cheered up a bit. My friend's 10yo came out as trans last week and tomorrow I'm going to buy her a coming out present. I went to see some old colleagues yesterday including my deeply-well-beloved mentor, and he was never very mentally well in the years I knew him best (a brilliant mind often turning in on itself) and a year into retirement he has become steady and quiet and has got himself two cats called Eustace and Caspian. It is a wonder to see him happy and well. Another colleague sent a policy working paper around our department today with the covering note " a document haunted throughout by the ghost of Iona" which made me laugh no end. (addendum from me: "thank you for acknowledging my terribly significant contributions, still not dead.") We had risotto for dinner! followed by Sainsbury's individual tiramisus. and now I am going to take a bath. take care of yourself, my lovely friend. <333
I am a very normal person having very normal responses to things because at least 5 things in this ask made me tear up for various reasons haha <3 Thank you so much for sharing!! I feel many many emotions rn, including but not limited to just sheer delight.
I have never had risotto. One day I will eat a risotto.
I hope you have a wonderful night, my friend!!
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fpjaysangprobinsyano · 8 months
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Let’s Make this Year 2024 as ENGENEs and ENHYPEN’s year. 2024 Fighting!
Happy New Year, ENGENEs!🎉 It is time for everyone to leave all the bad experiences behind and take a step into the future with positive energy. Another year, Another age for everyone and also myself. 😆 I believe this year needs more happy enthusiasm for their own and their beloved one’s happiness, healthiness, and fortune in the coming New Year. I suppose this year to bring more happiness in the lives of people as it reflects new, fresh beginnings and leaves all the bad and negative experiences behind. It is something that we all look forward to besides our ENGENEs. It is the most active-minded holiday where people take time to evaluate their lives and make plans for the future. This day allows us to spend quality time with our friends, family, my members, and I only hope for our ENGENEs to be always happy wherever you in this new year celebration. ❤️
Hello, ENGENEs! Oh? Have you seen nor watched the “ 2023 MBC Gayo Daejejeon ” 🤙🏻 yesterday? It's played on New Year's Eve if I'm not mistaken. It's a new great page of number 1 indicates January 1 of apart of 366 pages of this leap year. It's been a year since we have been fulfilled in a get-together with our ENGENEs. Many exciting moments happened on Gayo Daejejeon previously, many artists performed and do their best to enjoy this year special for everyone. We performed our greatest hits and top hits of this era of our songs. Just like our newly released « Sweet Venom » 🧡 , and the « Orange Flower (Christmas version) »🍊🌼 ; and we think every member did a great job performing our top songs. Performers did a really great job amusingly and practically did their best before 2023 ended. Many events happened within a year, Just like we had our many comebacks and song to repay the hardships of everyone and as well as the ENGENEs. Struggles that we're facing throughout this year, challenges that we faced as same as the ENGENEs in our side. Just as we had a Companion in the previous months, We look forward to more fan meetings and concerts by a new year for us to celebrate and to make enjoyable this season. A new year for us to celebrate and make a change for us every day. Struggles that we had in 2023, having the same hard time seeing our beloved ENGENEs seeing them almost every comebacks... All of that, we conclude our struggles reaching our goals in this industry and life. And I hope this year have a more healthy living for everyone. 😄
ENGENEs! Let us make the most of this day and make everyone feel comfortable as we begin the new year with our friends and family. ENGENEs have shown us more respect, fondness, and hope for the future, and we are grateful to be able to bring our fans into the world. And, once again, we, ENHYPEN are grateful to everyone. As we improved and worked hard for one another in our comebacks and achievements in the new year! ENGENEs! I'm still here to encourage everyone to have a wonderful day and to do their best. ENGENEs! Even now, I can't believe we did a few things for you that you adore! I'm still grateful for the significant accomplishments we made in the previous year, 2023. ENGENES, and that we are grateful to everyone who has helped us since our return and this New Year, and will continue to do so until the end! Happy New Year and Thank you for challenging us every day! You're aware of how much ENHYPEN values everyone, aren't you? 사랑해! ❤️
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