k7sed · 4 months
ما انكتبنا لبعضنا وش نسوي الشكوى للّٰه
عاد هذا حظنا من كثيره خذنا قِلـه
الله يعوضك فيني ويوهبك ما تستحقه
ولا أنا لو هو بيديني ما ابعدتنا اي فرقا
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legsandhighheelspumps · 7 months
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adenial · 8 months
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aetheryic · 7 months
stares down at alisaie for a very very long time, before bending down and pinching her cheeks. cute.
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she allows this ! her own bright blue eyes settle upon lovek with a curious expression, nose scrunching up once her cheeks were pinched. ' hey ... what did i do ? '
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adenial-a · 2 years
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a  reunion .
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charmingbrute · 1 year
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
drapes himself across the chifon couch all dramatically, "ohhh im just a poor useless little bottom, woe is meeee, i need a strong top to carry my delicate feelings."
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An amused smile tugs at the corner of her lips as Yotsuyu watches the Viera sink onto the couch and announcing his woes. How dramatic. She takes one last drag from her smoking pipe ere setting it to the side, getting to her feet so she can saunter over to the couch Lovek has draped himself across.
"So you do, hm?" A purr as she leans over the other, nudging one of her legs between Lovek's and placing both of her hands next to her head, trapping her beneath her.
"If you wish for my attention, you need but ask for it nicely."
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primalvessel · 10 months
licks the blood of maru's face
Swats her away with a small grimace and a wrinkled nose.
"Thanks Lovek, but I think I'll go wash the blood off properly. You'll be there a while otherwise..."
Head wounds bled a lot after all.
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revorto · 11 months
slinks close to pyke after he's had a few too many glasses and takes his hands, before beginning to spin them both around while singing a sea shanty obnoxiously.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐧 as if he was caught by a current in the ocean , yet he is not beneath the waves. for the contact of warm & feverish fingers clash with his , frigid & calloused hands still soaked with the cold of the deep. it's biting chill would never dare leave. he is forced to tiptoe around stumbling boots & is barely able to avoid the tables as they spun with no destination in sight. the song kept changing in tempo , with scattered chairs & uneven wooden boards making the dance more of a test than a dance entirely. however , as well as he was doing , in an instant everything stopped. as the dancing had turned to falling , they did not let go , hands still gripped tight & the sing-along coming its abrupt end with a surprised shout. pyke couldn't be sure who had first fallen or how , but now his hands were free from the clutches of the other. grumbling as he sat up , he finds the other still sprawled out on the floor as small giggles flood out of his mouth. ❝ i didn't sign up for dancin' classes. ❞ & he is sure to never ask lovek to show him again if there was even a hint of booze in their breath. ❝ not the right words either. ❞ / @adenial
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k7sed · 8 months
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أنا بغيب وإن كان لك قلب إزعل أعطينِ أعذار وأنا أبقى بحبك..
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adenial · 6 months
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curenone · 1 year
yes my self esteem is as low as the bowels of hell, yes that means i let somnus do me in the back of a denny's by the dumpster, but that doesn't mean i love you any less babe.
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ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ❛ ❛ —— not the backshots ... ❜ ❜
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adenial-a · 1 year
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nothing is more exciting and wholesome than violence against solus.
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phoenix-flamed · 10 months
would elwin or would elwin not gift lovek expensive teas and cakes
He absolutely would, hands-down, no question about it.
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tsckcyomi-archived · 1 year
"are you my mother now?" His voice is timid, looking up at her in all her splendor. He's so small compared to his father, and now especially so in comparison to his step mother. His ears point up, on high alert, and his periwinkle eyes grow wide in anticipation. The marriage between radagon and rennala had, in loveks eyes, come from nowhere: but he heard matches like this often were, something to be kept to adults only, children need not interfere. But now lovek has to share a manor, an unknown place, with a stranger, his father the only known thing he has to cling to. He'd heard so many ghastly stories of step mothers in the past, and now that they come to mind he shrinks a bit in nervous anticipation, wondering what life might be like with the queen of liurnia.
Would father still love him? Would he still get the same attention as before? Would lovek, orphan viera that he was, be locked up away by his step mother, like all the horrible story?
Ah, he'd worked himself up nearly to tears, sniffling a bit, his chin wobbling. "I can be a good boy, I p-promise. Please don't lock me up like the mean stories."
When she first heard of the child that her then spouse-to-be adopted in the wilderness, Rennala was rather taken aback. The fearsome champion of the Golden Order, soft and pliant around a kit. Yet, as unexpected as it was, she also, undeniably, found it... endearing.
Yet when the time for introductions came, Rennala remained distant to Lovek. She didn't know how to act around the small Viera, and she doesn't think he quite understood what their meeting meant back then ━ that his father and her were to be wed, that from now on, he and Radagon would remain in Liurnia. A child such as himself wouldn't know of the many trials and tribulations surrounding Radagon and her, and perhaps it's best he remains ignorant for a while longer. And as such, until Rennala and Radagon spoke their vows, she left the champion to tend to his child alone, protective as he was over him. It's an arrangement that she is content with, although she is rather curious about him. How or when they meet proper, now that every dynamic that Lovek has trusted in has shifted, is not up to her.
Naturally, Lovek moved into the manor along with Radagon nonetheless. The few days that passed ever since the wedding, Rennala often spent at the academy or with only Radagon. It's inevitable that eventually, whensoever Lovek dares leaving the room Rennala had furnished for him, they'd run into one another. And when they do, she stops in her tracks the moment she notices the small child wandering the halls. The way he looks up at her with such big eyes, so small and frail... The weight of his innocent inquiry is then laid upon her shoulders and Rennala finds herself stunned, her thoughts spiraling within mere seconds.
This matter is naught that her and Radagon discussed extensively before. Mentions of Lovek, their meetings, it all felt as though it was but a matter of courtesy. Radagon himself seems uncertain how to go about his new life as the queen's consort in these lands so foreign to him, so Rennala never pushed farther than she felt would prove productive. A mistake, in retrospect, but she cannot rectify this error now. All that she can think of is that she's not fit for a role with such heavy a burden. She's a scholar, a teacher, a warrior, a queen, now even a wife, but a mother? Having a young soul look to her for guidance, not out of admiration and loyalty or their thirst for knowledge, but due too a sheer dependence on her and her love for them? It's a foreign, a nigh terrifying thought. But taking Radagon as her spouse, did she not also bind herself to the duty of at the very least looking after his child?
The young Viera before her looks every much as worried as she feels. The stories that he heard, some certainly carry merit. Rennala, however, would only lock up prisoners of war and criminals. The way he quivers before her she cannot possibly imagine him capable of even only taking one too many desserts when not permitted.
"Thou needst not be good for me, dear child. I would never lock up thee." For a moment, she falls silent. She hasn't answered his initial question still, and she needs to gather her thoughts first, perhaps even her courage. A sigh slips past her lips before Rennala reaches up to remove the crescent crown sitting atop her head, adding to her height. Long, ebony strands fall over her shoulders as Rennala sets the crown aside and crouches down before Lovek so that they may see eye to eye. She reckons this way she is less intimidating to the small child.
Patiently, she offers a hand to him. "Whatever thou needst of me, I shall provide. And if it is thy wish, and only then, I shall be thy mother." 'Tis not her decision to make, after all. Should Lovek prefer her to remain but his father's wife rather than his mother, then Rennala would accept it without question. However, would Lovek want her to adopt him as one of her own... Then she'd do so without questions, as well. Perhaps she's not a mother, and perhaps the thought of becoming one shakes her to the core, but she's confident that she can learn what it means to raise and care for a child.
"Thou needst not make a decision right now, either. Regardless of what it is that thee wants, I will look after thee and thy father."
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