kingfyre · 1 year
– it’s a crime scene, baby | z.cl & n.jm [prologue]
In the harsh neon glow of the ostentatious Neo district, there is a creature that hides within its shadows. A creature with a wide smile on its red lips, an innocence underneath the blood it begins to take.
Here, it will thrive.
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PAIRING. zhong chenle x na jaemin
GENRE. noir, murder mystery, drama, cabaret!au, detective!au, cabaret performer!chenle, detective!jaemin
CHAPTERS. prologue (1.6k) | one (tbd)
WARNINGS. blood, non-linear narrative, slow burn, unhealthy and ambiguous relationships, chenle's raging inferiority complex, crime, eventual sexual content, unrequited love, (+ more tbd)
TAGLIST. send an ask to be added!
NOTES. ongoing! this is a work of fiction! this is crossposted from ao3! irregular updates.
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DONGHYUCK PERFORMS with everything he has. Performs like it's his birthright.
And Chenle watches. Seethes, quietly. As he always does.
It should be him – burning beneath the ardent eyes of the audience, burning underneath the harsh lights. Instead, he's dressed in dull white, stuck watching from the sidelines as the role he was meant to play is performed – no, embodied by the person he detests most.
“There is nothing left for me in this world!” Donghyuck cries to the audience, anguish palpable with his every word. There are tear tracks on his cheeks, glistening under the limelight. He points to himself, overwrought with emotion, and weeps. “I have given everything! Everything! And still, I am undeserving.”
Chenle knows these lines by heart. He knows it all – every move, every step Donghyuck takes. He can feel it on his skin – the scarlet fabric Donghyuck wears when he rushes across the stage, when he kneels to the floor and scrabbles for the knife. It’s rough, it’s heavy – it should’ve been his to wear. And God knows he would’ve suited it far better.
It should've been him in the middle of that stage all along.
Chenle looks to the opposite wing where others stand and watch, transfixed on the star of the show. His eyes search until they land on Renjun, dressed in green, hands fisted around the dark fabric, who he finds already staring right back. Come here, Chenle mouths, and if this were any other night the response would have been immediate – Renjun stepping backstage, rushing through the crossover, ever at his beck and call. Tonight he shakes his head and averts his eyes, pink lips pressed into a tight line. Chenle watches as Renjun’s eyes drift to Donghyuck and feels the bile rise in his throat.
It’s quiet now. Donghyuck stands in the middle of the stage, staring at the knife in his hands that will bring his character salvation. The room is silent with anticipation; the audience on the edge of their seats. There’s not a single sound – no clanking of forks and knives on Johnny’s precious plates, no rustling of clothing when someone shifts in their seat, no hurried whispering between posh patrons – Chenle can’t stand it.
When Donghyuck breaks the silence, the audience hangs onto his every word – even regulars who’ve seen him utter the lines a dozen fucking times. His voice grows calm. Resigned. Sounding everything like he did all those months ago when he took this from Chenle and had the audacity to pretend like he deserved it more.
“There is nothing left for me,” Donghyuck says.
His voice is a dulcet lullaby designed to deceive, but Chenle knows better. There is blood in that voice, blood in his beady, doe eyes, and the mesmerizing way he moves and smiles to disarm. It’s easy – being drawn, falling prey to him and his striking demeanor. He had fallen for it too, before – almost let himself be swept away into the illusion of complacency for second place. But no matter how greatly he likes to pretend, Chenle was born of artifice, into a family that thrives off fraudulence and had nurtured his innate passion for triumphing above all. He’d found his senses, after a while. Now, he knows better.
Chenle scowls – feels all the rage inside him bubble to its boiling point, keen to spill over the pot and splatter those around him.
He has no right. No right. Donghyuck has no right and yet, he’s still there – standing centerstage.
A rueful smile graces Donghyuck’s lips as he tugs his head up high, bares his neck for the audience, and stutters out a breath. He raises the knife to his throat with a trembling hand and hesitates –
Chenle holds his breath. The silence that preludes feels deafening.
Donghyuck’s eyes are wide. Gasps echo across the room and Donghyuck’s mouth falls open – in shock, in horror – but no sound makes it out. He stumbles back, and the knife clatters to the ground as he wraps both hands around his neck. His hands are dyed crimson – grasping and clawing at his throat as if it would stop the gushing liquid that begins to taint the scarlet of his dress.
Chenle wonders if the cut is deep enough.
Donghyuck falls to the floor, knees hitting the stage with a thud, and slumps on the ground like a marionette cut from its strings. He gasps. He bleeds. Red on honeyed skin, on slender fingers, pooling into the cold floor. He bleeds and bleeds, and the red overflows through torn flesh, thick and strong.
Beside him is the knife that glints harshly beneath the spotlight. It’s bright, blinding – enough to tear your eyes from the tear tracks shining across Donghyuck’s cheeks if you weren’t looking for them.
Donghyuck heaves, shakes. He’s terrified – it kills him all the quicker. Geled lights flood the stage and drown the scene in red. Then, he stills, gazing listlessly above, looking every bit like a painting delicately stroked to perfection.
There are only a handful of performances on stage that Chenle has witnessed and would describe as art truly brought to life. This makes the fucking list.
Chenle wants to laugh. Of course. Even in his final moments, Donghyuck hypnotizes, commands the room, and delivers a performance from death’s door. He simply must shine. Donghyuck always shines.
The audience gives him thundering ovation. In another life, Chenle imagines he would be sitting there, among the self-important, entitled nobs who come to watch and pretend like they understand theatre. Fools who think the world revolves around them – who won’t notice it until it’s too late.
The curtain closes with agonizing slowness.
Donghyuck still lies there, eyes glossy, lips parted. Taeyong calls his name in whispers, eyebrows furrowed, urging him to stand, make his way through the drawn curtains, give his adoring house his gratitude with a smile, and take his bow.
The applause continues.
Chenle shifts his gaze to the other side of the stage and catches Renjun slipping away, behind others who begin pushing and craning their heads for a look.
Donghyuck won’t get up.
Donghyuck won’t get up, but no one crosses the playing area. The audience’s claps begin to waver behind the cover of the curtain, replaced by the standard clamor of mindless chatter and clanking of forks and knives. He still needs to take his bow, but the audience have already made excuses for him.
No one approaches Donghyuck until Taeyong himself finally jostles his way through the gaggle of performers on the opposite wing. He stops right before the pool of red, looking down with a blank stare. Chenle sees the way his mouth falters, lips shaping themselves to the sound of Donghyuck’s precious name. Then, he kneels, white pants soaking in the warmth still oozing out and Chenle can see the moment it clicks.
Taeyong does his best to appear calm — as much as one possibly can when one realizes they have a fresh corpse in front of them — and waves Ten over with a hand, pulling him close to whisper in his ear. Ten is better, at hiding the shock or whatever it is he must be feeling right now, offering not a single change in his expression — just a simple nod at whatever Taeyong must have told him before he’s rushing offstage.
People are beginning to whisper behind Chenle, some tense, some spiteful and low, but all unsubtly audible.
This is taking too long.
Chenle steps closer downstage, where Jisung stands next to the pulley, waiting with eyebrows furrowed tight and lips pressed into a line. When Chenle’s fingers wrap around the thick rope, Jisung shifts his gaze from centerstage and looks at him, half-dazed.
“What are you doing?” Jisung whispers, eyes flitting from him to Taeyong, who still hasn’t left Donghyuck’s side.
Chenle raises his eyebrows and murmurs, “He needs to take his bow.”
Jisung’s still looking at him with confusion plastered all over his face when Chenle pulls on the rope, and the velvet curtains jerk open, halting the white noise of the house. Oh, what a scene it truly is, to capture an audience twice over.
Taeyong freezes in his spot when he realizes he is no longer under the curtain’s protection, white pants damped in red, hands on Donghyuck’s limp frame as he tries to pull him up. It should not take all that much for onlookers to realize why Donghyuck had not taken his bow this time, but Chenle stands there, counting too many fucking seconds.
Someone screams – then the drag of a chair, scraping against the black marble floor, and then –
“He’s – he’s dead!” The voice shakes. Chenle can’t pinpoint where within the crowd it’s coming from. “He’s actually – oh my god, he’s fucking dead –”
The shouts begin, the gasps and shrieks – from the audience, from backstage. Wives reach for their husbands, husbands reach for their mistresses. They rush from their seats, knocking chairs down in their haste, ignoring Johnny’s futile attempts from the bar to appease the havoc.
Large hands grab at Chenle’s arm, and he realizes it’s Jisung tugging him away from the pulley before they’re sent tumbling down onto the floor. A light falls from the batten in the chaos, and Chenle flinches as it hits the ground, shattering into little fragments and broken shards that cast red speckles of light across the stage and into the wing. In the field of his vision, he sees Taeyong crying now, clutching Donghyuck’s body tightly.
Such an uproar hasn’t happened in the cabaret in a while.
Jisung still clutches his arm, asking if he’s alright in a voice Chenle can barely register in his head amidst the turmoil. The light flickers, casting red across Chenle’s face. He exhales – breathes out his despair, his horror.
Slowly, his lips curve into a wide smile, white teeth bared for the cast of red. “I think I’ll be just fine, Jisung-ah.”
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frances73 · 6 months
🎀 You are so incredibly talented and speak for the masses and are just as wild for them old men as I am🎀
awwwwww babe dude ♡♡♡♡ yesss i often try to speak for the masses (puts steven prince tag under picture of someones cat) eeeeeeeee
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Bătrânul kaghebist avea un fler de netăgăduit la porecle. Și-au dovedit valabilitatea. Iată, Cârlanul a ajuns consilier onorific pe externe al primului ministru. La aspirațiile lui, munca voluntară pentru adversar mi se pare o înjosire. Oare l-o fi învățând și pe Bulibașa ăsta cum se ia ușor cetățenia sârbă? Știți că de mai mult timp se laudă cu lovelele adevărate pe care le câștigă din…
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kalbiminkirintisi · 7 years
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New Post has been published on JurnalulBucurestiului.Ro
New Post has been published on http://bit.ly/2iDTpbN
AM Press : E gaură ”largă” sau nu e gaură ”largă”?
 Lucian Avramescu
În Piața Galați, din capătul belevardului cu ambasade, Dacia, cred că se cheamă acum, paralel cu strada Eminescu (fără legături de profunzimi culturale!), îți ia ochii, concentrați pe semafoare, o covrigărie. ”La covrigul Ceraselei sau Maricicii sau.. cu gaura largă sau cea mai largă”. Mă rog, e un covrig atractiv, cu conotații nițel sexuale, motiv pentru care covrigii mari (având gaura largă!), sunt, e de presupus, cu perimetrul generos și se vând mai bine, fiind bogați în făină coaptă. Cu cât gaura covrigului e mai mare, logic discutând, merită să-l iei la același preț cu un covrig îngust, cu pâine puțină. Atent, fără să vreau, la disputa pe ”gaura mare” lăsată în buget de guvernul de un an al lui Cioloș, în fricțiune de interese propagandistice cu guvernul Dragnea, trag, pentru mine, niște concluzii. Am chiar și o opinie cu care, ca în vechiul banc, nu sunt de acord. Domnul Dragnea, premierul de drept și de fapt al României, zice că Cioloș a lăsat o gaură largă de 10 miliarde, dacă nu chiar mai mare, în buget. Miliarde de lei sau de euro, nu mai țin minte, dar e limpede că actualul premier se plânge de un furtișag. Ascultându-l sau citindu-i declarațiile, fiindcă există și varianta silabisirii, pe care televiziunile o vor omorî cu totul, înclin să-i dau dreptate. Cioloș să dea socoteală. Ce dacă – așa cum urlă un amic al meu – el a trăit înghesuit între două guverne PSD? Asta-i soarta! Spune nenicule ce ai făcut cu banii? Păi, zice el, nu i-am furat, ci n-am putut să-i încasez de la populație. Ușor, ușor, bruxelezule! De ce nu i-ai încasat? De pe mine și firma mea se iau anual șapte piei. Mi-ai luat-o și tu pe a opta. N-am simțit o despovărare tehnocrată. Umblând azi prin oraș, ca un bărzăune de asfalt, constat că iarna e mai blândă în varianta urbană decât la mine, la Sângeru, unde până ajungi la grămada cu lemne din spatele curții, te mănâncă lupii gerului. Dar să mă întorc la gaura bugetară, în largă dispută între premierii Dragnea și Cioloș. Dragnea cere anchetă – și bine face – pe motive de gaură în lovelele la dispoziția guvernului. De ce n-ar fi furat Cioloș, pe rețeta exersată a celorlalți? N-a avut timp! Pe naiba! Suntem țara în care un portofel e șmanglit într-o secundă. Eu cred că au dreptate amândoi. Premierul Dragnea zice că Cioloș a furat! Rezon! Să se cerceteze! Consimt! Cioloș zice că Dragnea nu poate da ce a promis și de-aia face garagață! Rezon! Să se cerceteze! Consimt! Întrebarea mea de alegător, hâc, care de la pasopt, e: Cine cercetează? Cestiune grea, onorabililor! Ambii premieri au pârghiile lor susținătoare și superlative, inclusiv despre cine a făcut cea mai largă gaură în covrig, opreliști și armii potrivnice. Poporul să-i caute, zice amicul meu, dascălul, la gogonele, să vadă unde e falsul și cine minte! Eu, în netrebnicia mea, cum zicea un personaj de film, sunt în stare să le dau dreptate amândurora și să-i găsesc înfrățiți.De ce? Fiindcă ei sunt politicieni, iar eu sunt popor! Fiecare cu soarta lui!
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kingfyre · 2 years
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park jisung x zhong chenle, huang renjun x zhong chenle (implied), angst, historical fiction, fantasy, wuxia, drabble, 1.5k
cw: implicit violence, implicit sexual content, time skips, minor character death
this is kind of a repost? ;) i had this posted last year as an x reader but now i've resolved to post in its not so (as i’ve rewritten some bits and added more scenes) original glory as a chenji fic! 
There is serene beauty within the garden that Jisung is certain he would never witness back in Seoul. An ocean of mist shrouds the garden from the touch of dawn, but muted rays of orange and rose still stretch down from above, desperate to kiss the blooming petals of vibrant yellow. Jisung is awake far before he should be, but the sunrise is different here in Jeju. There’s peace within it. Peace that one would have difficulty coming across in Seoul.
Truth be told, despite the alluring sights Jeju has to offer, Jisung harbors no desire to be here. He would like to believe there was no need for him to be either. Only under the threat of his father has he returned when he had left so eagerly the year before. 
Jisung watches from where he sits as the Chinese pupils saunter to the cold river bank with hushed murmurs. They do not look his way. Huang Renjun, Jilin’s heir, and Zhong Chenle, Shanghai’s second scion. It’s as the saying goes: Birds of a feather flock together. They make to discard their glaring red robes, both adorned with intricate dragons of golden thread and stunning peonies of white when Renjun falls in, half undressed, at Chenle’s hand.
Chenle laughs.
It’s bright – much too loud for the breaking dawn. 
The smile that graces Chenle’s lips grows into another laugh as Renjun pulls him into the cold bite of the river, his robes already hastily discarded and kicked off to the side. Chenle resurfaces and Jisung watches as sodden hair falls over bare shoulders and sticks to pale skin – raven strands on untarnished marble.
Jisung stares.
No birdsong could ever convince him to stay. This one would be no different.
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Zhong Chenle is boisterous and that falls well with Lee Haechan, heir of Jeju. 
The clatter of their swords rings harmoniously, every strike parried with ease, every attack dodged or deflected. It is not easy to make a spar flow like water but they make it look effortless. A simple conversation between their blades, a dance of blow after blow after blow. 
Haechan smiles at Chenle after, the same type of brightness Jisung had seen on Chenle by the river. 
Jisung scowls.
Much has happened since then.
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What Jisung hates most about Zhong Chenle is that he shines much too bright. 
In a place where Lee Haechan already shines, it is only becoming for the two to join hands. They become inseparable – truly two sides of the same golden coin, two halves on the same whole. They call attention to themselves easily, but it is easy to tell that their broad, divine smiles are only meant for the other.
Huang Renjun is left alone. His face mirrors the emotions within Jisung’s heart, longing well hidden behind a glare.
Jisung begins to hate the glorious blaze of the never-setting sun.
Jisung hates.
Jisung yearns.
There is no room left for him or Huang Renjun, who will never shine as bright.
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The desire for home lessens within him, but there they are all sent unwillingly.
They arrive far too late. Seoul is gone – fallen. His mother is missing, and his father is dead, stripped bare and hanging down the gates to the place he used to call home with pride. Barbarians, he shouts, at the people who have invaded his gates, long limbs and broad chest fueled with fury.
They return to Jeju with heavier hearts, bleeding hearts, but already Jisung feels a hollowness – a gaping cavity right where his heart should be.
Chenle keeps him company in the garden and pretends not to notice the tears that fall from his eyes. There is a burning glint – bloodlust, perhaps – residing within Chenle’s eyes that tells him he’s ready for the battle. For the inevitable war.
Chenle does not apologize as the rest did – does not offer his condolences as the rest did. Instead, he shuffles close, smiles – that bright and burning smile – and intertwines Jisung’s hand with his. Jisung watches the curve of Chenle’s full lips, the exact shade of fresh blood. 
Jisung mourns.
“We’ll kill them all,” Chenle says quietly, and in Jisung’s ears, it sounds like a promise.
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The war begins.
It has been months since the slaughter of Jisung's family. Since the loss of his home.
Months since Chenle had taken his hand, and promised the lives of the bastards who had taken everything from him.
The war begins. 
Only now it begins.
The war has long begun for Jisung.
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Blood stains the only thing he has left of his family.
Renjun enters the tent, and Jisung averts his eyes from his sword. It is the first time in weeks that he sees the Jilin heir for longer than a glance.
"Jisung," Renjun greets, curt and quiet. 
Jisung does not show him the same courtesy and keeps quiet, biting at his lip. 
Renjun takes his seat beside him, and pulls him closer by the hand so he may do his work, finish, and move on to his next patient. 
He has changed; changed in the way one must during war, much like everyone else. There are some things that Renjun manages to keep: his face, staying unmarked and porcelain; his hair pinned back as it always is now, still long and neat in the midst of war. But no longer does he wear his red robes around camp with pride.
Unlike Chenle, Jisung thinks. Whose hair now falls only to his shoulders. Chenle whose red robes still glare in the field of combat, tainted and darkened by the blood he has learned to so eagerly spill. 
Jisung winces as his wound is cleaned.
The process is quiet. It always is. Jisung prefers it this way.
"I used to think we were the same," Renjun murmurs near the end. "I've seen the way you look at him. The stares, the longing."
Uneasiness blooms inside Jisung's chest. He ignores it.
"I used to think we were the same," Renjun says – pauses – wrapping the cloth around Jisung's wound before he meets his eyes. "But I was wrong."
"You covet him."
Renjun stares at him, accusing, resentful; Jisung refuses to look away. And what of it? he wants to say, but the words die on his tongue.
Renjun finishes and Jisung counts the seconds until he leaves but Renjun pulls him closer, murmuring in a voice so quiet that Jisung could perhaps pretend that he'd heard him wrong. "You covet him, but you will never have him." 
The words haunt Jisung for longer than he will ever admit.
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When Renjun dies, Jisung almost feels satisfaction making a home of his chest. 
It is quick – a merciful death. Better than he deserved.
Jisung did not know him well, but he knew him enough. Enough to have had heinous fantasies of taking matters into his own hands, taking blood into his own hands. But Renjun's corpse drops to the floor and Jisung sees the way Chenle's heart falls along with it. 
The battle is over but Chenle pushes for more. Chenle thrashes in their hold – screams and cries, laughs as they pull him from the battlefield. He does not stop his screams, even after they've dragged him inside the tent. They resort to restraining him, binding him with rope as if he were the enemy, gagging him in a futile attempt to keep him quiet. 
Chenle calms long after nightfall. They untie him with cautious looks, wariness deep-set within their eyes, but Chenle only smiles at them, as if they had not kept him tied to a chair while he grieved his loss. He is still bright, burning – blinding underneath the darkness of the night and Jisung refuses to find it within himself to look away.
Jisung finds him again later that night, drowning in his sorrow, far from the field of red and camp. Far from all that Renjun had left behind.
"We'll kill them all," Jisung whispers, and hopes that Chenle does not take it as a promise.
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The war rages on for too long.
Jisung wonders how much blood must still be spilled for peace.
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Chenle kisses like the battles he fights – fucks like the war he leads and guides to victory. 
Jisung wouldn't have it any other way.
Chenle fucks him often – climbs into his bed whenever he likes, which becomes every night they find themselves free long enough to find release. And when Jisung begins to drown in the blood that he takes, he gets on his knees and takes refuge between Chenle's thighs. 
Renjun was wrong.
Renjun was wrong. 
Jisung has him. 
He had paid his dues – in blood, in scars, in suffering, and now, Jisung has him. Chenle is his, and he is Chenle's, and any man who would dare to disagree is a fool. 
How could he not be mine, Jisung thinks, when he comes back to me every night?
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Chenle is a terrible, demanding creature, clothed in the same red Jisung had first seen him in by the river – in the red that he demands when he steps into the battlefield, in the red that he takes from the crying bodies of men their age that bleed to never see another day.
Jisung wants and wants and wants.
Jisung is alive – he is here, he is warm, he is breathing, and yet he is still inadequate replacement for a boy who now rots beneath the ground.
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Întrebări simple
Simple, dar de mare curaj. Ia să vedem dacă le-ați pus vreodată. L-ați întrebat vreodată pe Dorel care vă ia lovelele la negru de parcă ar plăti TVA – Bă, da’ tu ai făcut vreo scoală – de faianțat, de tras fire electrice prin casă, de făcut instalații de gaze? În cazul în care v-ați manifestat atât de șocant, i-ați cerut un act doveditor, o diplomă, un document? Urmează să aveți o intervenție…
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Bună ziua
Cel mai comun salut. Dar limba română are o grămadă de nuanțe. Poate fi un bună ziua umil și umilitor, acela pe care îl dai când intri într-un birou de bugetari scârboși și ciubucari de la care aștepți un act important. Poate fi salutul fals amabil, cântat, al unei corporatiste care te întâmpină la recepție introducându-te pe țeava în care ai să-ți lași lovelele. Bună ziua plictisit pe care-l dai…
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Breaking news
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Miliarde adevărate
A venit și momentul adevărului. Iohannis i-a chemat la ordine teutonică pe tinerii frumoși dar furioși și a pus oarecum lucrurile la punct. Până la urmă, împărțirea efectivă este destul de neimportantă la gradul de înapoiere în care ne aflăm. Deși multe, lovelele nu ne ajung. Dar este un mare pas înainte, extrem de important. Doar că, sunt bani europeni, iar noi avem o aversiune față de ei. Se…
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Revoluția lu' Ghiță
Revoluția lu’ Ghiță
Nu e vorba despre acela cu paiul în bot, ci de fugar, acela din Serbia. Cetățean sârb, identitate schimbata – Sebiov Ghițivici. Prietenul lui Cârlan o fi și el? Oare ce face Ghiță? Păi, trăiește pe picior mare, ba prin Serbia, ba prin vreo țară exotică. De unde sunt lovelele? De la noi, firmele lui Ghiță merg, desigur tot contracte cu statul, când mai dă una greș, o bagă în insolvență pentru a…
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I-ați uitat?
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Ne-au limitat drepturile în plină pace. M-am simțit ca în răzbel, când și-au folosit jigodiile sadice. Au aruncat lovelele până în ultima clipă. Ce tari se credeau. Cum schimbau ei legile, fiindcă puteau.
Cât de obraznic ne privea Carmecita, făcătoarea de sâni. Privirea ei vexată s-ar fi putut întrece doar cu a lui Veo. Ar fi fost acum aproape un prim-ministru. Ce i-ar mai fi plăcut să pună șaua…
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Carpe diem
Pentru prima oară, cei ce iau lovelele sunt de acord cu cei ce le dau. Cârciumarii, hangiii fac presiuni să se reia încasatul banilor. Clienții, abia așteaptă să îi dea. Un acord frumos, idilic. Minunat.
Am ascultat-o aseară pe ambasadoarea Greciei, apelând la noi, desigur elegant, să ne lăsăm biștarii pe la ei. În contrapartidă, a promis că-și va face, doar jumătate de concediu, cu soțul în…
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