#lovely thetanzanitequill
thepinklink · 29 days
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Do you have an art piece or fic you wanna share?
! Oh! Well, I guess I do have a little snippet for my LU pjato AU! This is very much in the works and while this scene is completed, I’m not sure if it will make it to the “canon” for this particular AU.
* * *
Look, Link never asked to be a half-blood.
And he wasn’t, actually, the gods seemed to have just decided he deserved the life of one anyways. Link didn’t consider it an honor. In fact, as he sprinted furiously up a hill for his life, he was inclined to think it was an insult. His parents must have pissed off the gods and they were taking it out on him. Apparently, the aforementioned parents dying after he was born was not enough.
Link slipped on the grass and went sprawling onto his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Goosebumps erupted over his skin and he rolled to the left, just in time to avoid a rusty sword meant to stab through his back. He scrambles to his feet, the ugly shnck of the sword sinking into sod ringing in his ears.
On his feet, he pulls his sword from his sheath, intending to finally take out these monsters, but two kids sprint past him, war cries splitting the air as they engage the monsters without a single hesitation. The battle, which would have lasted ten minutes with Link on his own, takes them mere seconds.
Silence retakes the hill as the monster dust is blown away in the wind, and then the two kids are sheathing their swords and turning to address Link.
“Hey, kid,” the first, a taller blond, greets him gently. “Are you hurt?”
Link shakes his head, and then stops. He remembers the weeks he’s been out here, all the monsters he ran into. Some of his wounds have started to heal, but there’s a long cut on his right arm that refuses to stay closed.
“Yeah,” he rasps, “a little.”
He doesn’t really think it’s a little, but he thinks to say he’s hurt badly would be exaggerating.
“Come on, it’s safer in the camp.” The older boy says, ushered him back up the hill.
Safer. Er. As in, not completely safe. His chest aches for his Uncle’s apartment in Brooklyn and the safe feeling it harbored. He thinks be might never feel that way again.
They take him to a blue farmhouse with a wrap-around porch.
“Should we wake them up?” The shorter of Link’s two rescuers asks nervously. “I mean…the last time campers did that—“
“It’ll be fine. Chiron made him change them back, remember? And they told us to wake them in the future.” Taller says confidently.
“Yeah, I guess.” Shorty pouts, and then leans over to whisper in Link’s ear. “Brace yourself. You might get turned into a dolphin.”
“Bottlenose,” Taller says.
“Heavy,” Shorty agrees.
Link knows he should be surprised, but in the last three weeks, he’s gotten to the point where he thinks he’ll be more surprised if he *doesn’t* get turned into a Bottlenose dolphin.
Taller knocks on the door, and for a moment there’s tense silence.
“This is the warning ignore-ment. If we knock again, we’ll be seafood.” Short groans.
“Or they could be asleep, still,” Taller offers optimistically. He sighs, murmurs a prayer in what Link thinks is ancient Greek, and then balls his hand into a fist and pounds on the door.
Link flinches back, Shorty turns and leaps down the stairs as agilely as a deer and disappears into the darkness.
Coward, Link thinks.
The door opens, after a few minutes, and to Link’s utter shock, a centaur is standing there. He blinks, gaze switching between gray horse legs and the perfectly normal man on top of them, who was wearing a red satin robe with cartoony Santa Clauses printed on it.
“Link, my boy, good…morning, I suppose. New camper?”
Taller nods. “Yep.”
“Has he been claimed?”
Horse-Man and Taller both look at Link.
His skin suddenly feels very warm. His stomach stirs nervously. He feels that the answer is important enough to deserve he say something cool.
“Uh…I’m mortal?”
Horse-Man and Taller exchange glances.
“Pardon?” Horse-Man says.
“I am a mortal.” Link repeats, more confidently. “The one in the prophecy.”
He lifts his left hand, the triforce mark just visible on the back of it.
“I am Farore’s chosen.”
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skyward-floored · 29 days
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Been working on anything you wanna share?
Gosh what haven’t I been working on XD
I’m in that mood I get into sometimes where I work on like six fics at once (and make... a tiny bit of progress on all of them 🤣), so I really have been up to all kinds of things, most of which I’m totally fine with sharing!
Okay let’s see... I’m still working incrementally on those IAU prompts I asked for (they’re getting there), I wrote a little bit of the twilight turns, though I didn’t get very far because I kept getting interrupted by stuff. I messed with my botw dark link au the other day and have still been messing with it on and off, I’ve been writing a little with my Berry Link guy, been trying to finish these two stubborn oneshots for hdw au, and this morning I remembered I’d written a solid half of the next kitty Wind chapter so I was rereading that to see where I was and messing with it a little.
I. Don’t know how to decide between any of that 😅 But if you’d like to see a wip of any of those you can give me a poke and I’ll show ya XD
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thepinklink · 2 months
Hi! :D
For a sketch request, any of the boys from your ranch au on their horse. Let 'em ride!
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Rescue Ranch Wind and Waker, tearing up Time’s pastures :)
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Windy Boy™.
I think you capture his balance between being a kid and being a hero really well! Your characterization is canon to me 👍
That’s really interesting, I wouldn’t have guessed that for a trademark! I’m glad I’ve got him down in a way that feels canon :D
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Ok, cool!
How bout...
Or maybe flop, I know splat is a little out there heh
I didn’t have any with just splat, but I had a few with splatter and splatted. I also didn’t really have any with flop either so here’s a splat one XD
A piece of banana splatted against the window.
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skyward-floored · 2 months
I am very intrigued by what Lost's Zelda would try, different from light magic.
Other light magic??
Well I don’t know if there’s different kinds of light magic, aside from maybe like, fairy magic. And I don’t think that would work in this instance. I could see her trying different types of magic period, like water, or fire maybe, just to see if they’re more effective, but I don’t think they would be against darkness like that.
Also before all of this happened... Zelda didn’t use her magic very much. She got the essential basics from her mother, but aside from that... nope. It’s very unrefined, and doesn’t have much skill behind it. Zelda just knows she can use it if need be. So as she goes along this journey and meets other skilled magic users, and learns how to more properly use her magic and train herself up in using it better... she realizes the only way she’ll be able to save Link is to use her magic. Even if it hurts him.
And she knows he would want her to try. Even if it ended up killing him.
​So long story short, Zelda needs to level her magic up so she can properly purge all that yucky darkness from Link and hopefully not kill him. She has no clue if this will work or not.
At this point she has the support of the sages she found though, so she’s truly hopeful between their help and her magic... they can maybe save Link.
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skyward-floored · 2 months
Hey, I heard you were having a rough day, so I doodled something for you (it took me a long-ish time but...)
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Some IAU Downfall Duo cuddles to make you smile :)
Been praying for you!
- Tansy
Aww look at them!!! This is so sweet, thank you so much :D
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Just wanted to say I'm thinking of you and praying for you! :]
Hope you're having a great day 👍
Hi there! My day’s been alright, I’ve been getting some writing done, but I’m kinda sick again so that’s annoying.
But it’s also pretty warm today so my mind is going towards gardening and what I should get started on, which I’m looking forward to! I like winter but I miss my vegetables 😔
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skyward-floored · 15 days
(I may be behind the times but)
You changed your icon!? 😱
Hehe, yep! A couple days ago now. I’ve finally stopped getting confused and thinking my posts are someone else’s, which is nice XD
I just thought it was time for a makeover, ‘specially since I’ve only changed my icon once since I’ve had this blog.
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skyward-floored · 1 month
Hallo Peggy! :D
How's your day been? How was your weekend?
Hello! My day’s been pretty good, I got a bunch done on the cross-stitch pattern I’m working on, and I helped my brother with some garden prep stuff. I did lose my needle though, so hopefully that turns up sooner rather than later 😅
My weekend was nice too, I went to my favorite little greenhouse with my mom and got some plants to put in the garden (I’m going to try cantaloupe this year, since last year I had such good luck with watermelons!). And I made my mom this chocolate swirl bread stuff for for Mother’s Day, and though I had to fight with the dough for a while (it was super uncooperative which is unusual) it tasted good in the end so that’s all that matters XD
I hope your day’s been good too!
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skyward-floored · 3 months
I see everything...
But I reblog nothing 😔
So I just wanted to let you know that I'm really enjoying your incredibles au kick and your dragon Wars au! Both are fun in their own way. Four is one of my favorites (he's in the top 10 lol) so it's been fun to see him taking the spotlight for a bit. And I love seeing some of Warriors family and backstory! Everyone's interpretation is different, it's really interesting. (Also the sneezing lolll)
It's also nice to see the return of kitty Wind- the sassy fluffy boy 😁
Hope you're having a great day :)
Aw, thank you so much! I’m glad you’re enjoying them. Sometimes it feels like I’m just shouting into the void of the Internet, it’s nice to know people really are enjoying what I’m making ^^ Thanks for the lovely message!
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Hope you feel better soon Peggy!
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... Also are you still doing the ask game?
Aw thank you! I hope so too, I’m getting extremely worn down by all of this 😅 so far this year has not been very nice to me XD
You mean the ask game where you send a word in, and I share a line from a wip that has the word? Yep!
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