#lu pjato au
milkyplier · 4 months
Iiiiit's WIP Wednesday!!
Do you have an art piece or fic you wanna share?
! Oh! Well, I guess I do have a little snippet for my LU pjato AU! This is very much in the works and while this scene is completed, I’m not sure if it will make it to the “canon” for this particular AU.
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Look, Link never asked to be a half-blood.
And he wasn’t, actually, the gods seemed to have just decided he deserved the life of one anyways. Link didn’t consider it an honor. In fact, as he sprinted furiously up a hill for his life, he was inclined to think it was an insult. His parents must have pissed off the gods and they were taking it out on him. Apparently, the aforementioned parents dying after he was born was not enough.
Link slipped on the grass and went sprawling onto his stomach, knocking the air out of his lungs. Goosebumps erupted over his skin and he rolled to the left, just in time to avoid a rusty sword meant to stab through his back. He scrambles to his feet, the ugly shnck of the sword sinking into sod ringing in his ears.
On his feet, he pulls his sword from his sheath, intending to finally take out these monsters, but two kids sprint past him, war cries splitting the air as they engage the monsters without a single hesitation. The battle, which would have lasted ten minutes with Link on his own, takes them mere seconds.
Silence retakes the hill as the monster dust is blown away in the wind, and then the two kids are sheathing their swords and turning to address Link.
“Hey, kid,” the first, a taller blond, greets him gently. “Are you hurt?”
Link shakes his head, and then stops. He remembers the weeks he’s been out here, all the monsters he ran into. Some of his wounds have started to heal, but there’s a long cut on his right arm that refuses to stay closed.
“Yeah,” he rasps, “a little.”
He doesn’t really think it’s a little, but he thinks to say he’s hurt badly would be exaggerating.
“Come on, it’s safer in the camp.” The older boy says, ushered him back up the hill.
Safer. Er. As in, not completely safe. His chest aches for his Uncle’s apartment in Brooklyn and the safe feeling it harbored. He thinks be might never feel that way again.
They take him to a blue farmhouse with a wrap-around porch.
“Should we wake them up?” The shorter of Link’s two rescuers asks nervously. “I mean…the last time campers did that—“
“It’ll be fine. Chiron made him change them back, remember? And they told us to wake them in the future.” Taller says confidently.
“Yeah, I guess.” Shorty pouts, and then leans over to whisper in Link’s ear. “Brace yourself. You might get turned into a dolphin.”
“Bottlenose,” Taller says.
“Heavy,” Shorty agrees.
Link knows he should be surprised, but in the last three weeks, he’s gotten to the point where he thinks he’ll be more surprised if he *doesn’t* get turned into a Bottlenose dolphin.
Taller knocks on the door, and for a moment there’s tense silence.
“This is the warning ignore-ment. If we knock again, we’ll be seafood.” Short groans.
“Or they could be asleep, still,” Taller offers optimistically. He sighs, murmurs a prayer in what Link thinks is ancient Greek, and then balls his hand into a fist and pounds on the door.
Link flinches back, Shorty turns and leaps down the stairs as agilely as a deer and disappears into the darkness.
Coward, Link thinks.
The door opens, after a few minutes, and to Link’s utter shock, a centaur is standing there. He blinks, gaze switching between gray horse legs and the perfectly normal man on top of them, who was wearing a red satin robe with cartoony Santa Clauses printed on it.
“Link, my boy, good…morning, I suppose. New camper?”
Taller nods. “Yep.”
“Has he been claimed?”
Horse-Man and Taller both look at Link.
His skin suddenly feels very warm. His stomach stirs nervously. He feels that the answer is important enough to deserve he say something cool.
“Uh…I’m mortal?”
Horse-Man and Taller exchange glances.
“Pardon?” Horse-Man says.
“I am a mortal.” Link repeats, more confidently. “The one in the prophecy.”
He lifts his left hand, the triforce mark just visible on the back of it.
“I am Farore’s chosen.”
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milkyplier · 5 months
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80s Legend for my PJatO AU
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milkyplier · 5 months
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For your ask game!
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These are excellent 😂
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milkyplier · 5 months
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An EXTREMELY rough sketch if Wars for my 80s PJatO au
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milkyplier · 5 months
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Found this cool poster, for the pjoau ask game
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They’re so photogenic
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milkyplier · 5 months
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Hyrule concept. I’m much less happy with his design, but I also don’t hate it so this is liable to change. or stay the same. Who knows?
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milkyplier · 5 months
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For the ask game, I raise you this. Can be any three of the boys!
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Feat. A review quote by my sister (she requested I credit her as “a hallucinator”)
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milkyplier · 5 months
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Apologies that this one is not as good as the others. I ran out of steam and ideas for everything this could be, but I did my best. I hope you still get a good chuckle from it at least <:
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milkyplier · 5 months
About my PJatO au:
I’m trying to get a snippet written to introduce you guys to it, because I think it will be more fun for you to discover their respective cabins and such that way instead of me just telling you :) however! I will tell you that:
1) it’s staged in the 80s!
2) Ravio is going to be a Saytr :)
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