#lovey dovey wally
lovey-doveywally · 11 days
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[Pardon me, I wish to have a bit of a chat with you.] :]
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*shoves* oopsie, my bad~ @:3 @lovey-doveywally
He gets shoved and once again falls on his face. He yells angrily," NOT AGAIN!" His voice is muffled by the ground.
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modium-bereft · 12 days
im just wondering, how much do you know about that lovey fellow?
“Oh you’re talking about Mr. Dovey, I know quite a bit about that one. He’s definitely doesn’t like Mixer, Inky or Obsession, it’s pretty mutual feeling on both side from the looks of it, no problem seen with the neighbours tho. He gets along with them just fine I suppose, he’s a shapeshifter too which should’ve kept in mind. He made quite the presence in the Ministry au, didn’t he? With killing a god of all things, technically he didn’t do it tho; I can recount two moments of violence for reason or another”
“The Hate?/dislike thing he has going on with what’s that about? There some other people he gets along with just fine too.”
“whatever going on with the Naga named Jealousy(the god of Jealousy), there’s also LD!Home he definitely something too.”
“He has a lot of neighbours too and that’s it, I believe”
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theguardianofcolors · 22 days
you know...I heard there was a wally made of ink. a horrible creature he is. I'd argue he's just as bad as a certain paint haired variant.
“Yes, Lovey, I know perfectly well about Inky. However, I don’t dislike them as you may think. I simply dislike being compared to them, friend.”
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welcome-home-art-dump · 4 months
Neighborhood interactions
Art Doll edition
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A little taste of an upcoming wattpad book I’m planning.~
Seemed Valentine’s Day enough to post soooo…
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2-b-art-blog · 3 months
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Time to post this here cuz why not.
This is Mixed Love or Mixed for short. A fusion between Mixer and Lovey Dovey Wally by @william-bookkeeper :333
Mixer hates Lovey Dovey for stealing the neighbours from his AU's and messing with his work. But, found Lovey interesting nonetheless and made a combination of himself and Lovey that he keeps trapped/locked in his own void where he cannot escape :3
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kandavers · 10 months
I honestly love how you make Wally and his darling all lovey dovey. It just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside🥰
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“Wally and his Darling”… I like the sound of that :>
PS. Trying out a new Colour Pallette again! Muted and Soft Colours! Let me know if you Like it ^^
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vixezn · 1 year
Request? If ya could! Can a request a yandere wally x reader BUT! The reader also loves Wally and know his yandere tendencies. So reader decided to "train the yandere" like
"Wally, sweety, love of my life, you know I love ya too right? No need for the kidnap and murder or you ain't getting kisses tonight" (-3-)
Oo! I can imagine Wally’s frustration with the reader when they don’t give him hugs or kisses because he did something bad!! Coming right up!
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💌 - You love Wally so much, and he loves you too! But the thing is, is that he’s a little.. something!
💌 - Ever since you both got together, you noticed Wally getting really possessive over you! Nothing you can’t fix!
💌 - At first, you didn’t know how to discipline him without hurting his feelings until you found the perfect thing, affection!
💌 - He loves your affection to the bone, and if you don’t give any! He’ll just try harder! So, you use that to your advantage!
💌 - The first time you used that method was when you both were at a picnic, alone, and some neighbors wanted to join! Of course, you were ecstatic!
💌 - Wally on the other hand, wasn’t so sure. He had this grim look on his face and held you close, tightly. You noticed this and got out of his tight hold to help them settle on the grass!
💌 - Wally was surprised! You preferred them over him?! Oh dear, looks like some people need to go-
💌 - You hugged him from behind, surprising him! “Be nice to them and don’t kill them, or else no hugs for the rest of the day!” You whispered into his ear.
💌 - No hugs from you?! This choice was a nightmare! Either let his love have their attention on others or not have hugs from them for the rest of the day!? Both choices were awful!
💌 - “Fine..” He decided that no hugs was too much, he needed your touch! And so, he was nice to them! (Even though he was cursing them out in his head.)
💌 - After that, you decided to use that every time a situation that would require him to go into yandere mode! It was perfect!
💌 - One day, he decided that he didn’t deserve this discipline! He was well behaved, just a little too lovey-dovey! So, he kidnapped you!
💌 - When you woke up at his house, tied up, you realized that the method may have backfired. No worries! You’ll just use it to get out!
💌 - When he came into the room, he was sure that you wouldn’t use that awful method on him! He was in control! Which means that you’ll give him affection no matter what!
💌 - Instead, you had an expecting look on your face, “Wally, Sweetie, love of my life, you know I love you too right? No need for the kidnap and murder or you aren’t getting kisses tonight!” You smiled softly at his flabbergasted face.
💌 - He was taken aback! You know what, fine, two can play at that game! “Stop giving me those choices, or I won’t let you go!” He smiled in return.
💌 - Okay, that’s new! Fine then, no kisses for you, Wally!
💌 - For the whole night, you gave him not one, not two, but zero kisses! He hated that you didn’t give him any affection, maybe it was because you were tied up?
💌 - So the next day, he untied you! Even though you weren’t let outside, you had more freedom! But, you still wouldn’t give him kisses! 
💌 - As an act of frustration, he let you out! Thankfully, when you got back, nobody died! As a thank you, you finally have him kisses and hugs!
💌 - Soon, Wally becomes more tame with his yandere tendencies! No more kidnapping, and no more threatening neighbors with murder! Although, he still likes to keep you close when others come around. He still loves you dearly!
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Lovey Dovey Darling
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I’m obsessed and clearly you guys are too! (Might make a part 2 of that other piece if people want it enough) [Another Drabble]
His eyes widened, his pupils nearly incasing his whole eye. He wants to just eat you up. Will you allow him to eat you up?
You don’t even realize that he’s tasting you. Enjoying you. Why if you knew, you’d probably be creeped out.
But you loved him, so you wouldn’t mind? Right? Oh of course you do!
Wally doesn’t want to admit it, but he gets steamingly jealous. Why must you talk to Julie when he’s right there! Talk to him. Talk to him. Talk To Him!
Nevermind that, he loves to paint you. Even if you’re unaware. Ah, that’s when he gets the best artwork done.
He’d have a shrine of you, of course. A bit of your hair, multiple paintings, a toothbrush yiy thought you lost, an article of clothing… You know, simple everyday things.
Wally loves talking to you. Well I say that, but you do most of the talking. You just have so many things to say and Wally wants to memorize it all. God you’re so cute, he could just Eat You Up.
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zipora666 · 8 months
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heyo guys! Sorry my edit video takes so long (to be honest I only did now like... 9 drawing and 8 sketches haha) here’s a little silly drawing that I laugh quite a bit tbh I think while y/n and Wally enjoy being lovey dovey in the movie zipora will just enjoy their love and don’t feel bad to be side character lol Bc plus! 2 drinks! for herself hehe 😆
Fanart lil doodle for @sketchquill (nutcracker wally au)
I hope you still waiting y’all! Haha
(The drawing idea from this)
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lovey-doveywally · 16 days
*tiny tap tap on the shoulder- before casually pushing them into a previously non-existent portal* have fun :p
"hm? is- AH!" *lovey falls through the portal, landing on a certain coiled up figure* @enviouslilsnake
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having trouble there? @:3 @lovey-doveywally
He groaned in annoyance, his hands curling into fists,"Not you!"
He was silent for a moment before growling out," I'm fine... I'm just a little stuck is all."
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nepxnth3 · 1 year
Wally Darling Headcanons
Most Headcanons are romantic ( this is an x reader, this is my first time writing so I’m sorry this isn’t good ( ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ), anyways continue)
Wally probably has matching bracelets, you picked them out, and they were hearts with red laces. you have one half while he has the other, they’re magnetic. He finds it cute and sometimes smiles at the bracelet thinking of you
He loves dancing to old songs wit you, (if you don’t know how to dance he’d 100% show you) he just loves slow dancing with you to old romantic songs
He 100% paints his nails black, he allows you to paint his nails if you want to and he knows he looks good with painted nails. He doesn’t mind other color but he feels like he just looks good with black nails (bros a girlboss)
He 100% wears eyeshadow as well, he sometimes lets you do on him
He probably has a sweetooth, I feel like he prefers sweet over salty, he likes cakes, cupcakes, pastries, basically anything sweet
He cannot bake well, like even if he’s life depended on it but he’s learning from a cook book. Since he doesn’t need to eat, he doesn’t really cook, but ever since he met you he’s been trying to learn how to cook so he can make you food to try. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it feels like it was made in the pits of hell.
He loves being called nicknames / pet names and calling you petname / nicknames. He just loves you calling him “sweetheart” and he loves calling you the petname “darling” mostly because it’s Wally’s lastname and it makes him blush thinking about you having his last name, as if you guys were married
Random headcanon , he’s just curious of pineapple, he nor hates or likes it, he’s just very curious. When you brought a pineapple he kept eyeing it and basically had a staring contest with it, he just doesn’t understand why it looks like that. He kept asking why was it so pointy, why it does it look like that? Why was it green ish? He has so many questions, some you couldn’t even answer.
He’s very affectionate and he’s just is very clingy, he’s independent around everyone and acts so confident but when he’s alone he sticks to you like glue and he constantly wants your love and affection
He does get jealous easily, he won’t ever show it or say it he rather keep it to himself. He gets jealous easily because he was never given this type of attention before and he doesn’t want you to share it. When Wally gets jealous he does get more clingy without trying to show it, he gets more possessive. He just doesn’t like it when people try to steal your attention while your supposed to pay attention to him. He doesn’t like how people over do their welcoming. But he tries to be patient and he does glare at them once in a while.
He likes taking you out on dates, it’s usually picnics or dates at home, movie nights, etc. Sometimes you guys bake / cook together on date nights and you guys laugh and tease each other during the progress. He always loves them. He loves dates more than anything he loves how much time he gets to spend with you.
He does stares at you, like a lot, sometimes it’s cute sometimes it’s the most horrifying thing, for example on on one of your dates while you were star gazing he was staring at you with lovey dovey eyes which was cute but another time at the middle of the night we was watching you sleep which scared the shit out of you, it felt like your soul left your body
He has a hate love relationship with rainy days, he loves them because they’re so calm and relaxing and he can stay in with you and do inside activities but he also hates them because sometimes when he has to go outside it messes up his hair and you sometimes tease him about it and he gets flustered about it. Since Wally’s hair is so long, it takes him so long it takes longer for his hair to dry not just that he just takes a long time to do his hair.
He loves it when you do his hair, he doesn’t really show it but he enjoys it, he likes how gentle and soft you are with him, you sometimes put his hair in funny hairstyle and he can’t help but laugh but likes how you softly and compassionate you are with him
Hello, this is the author, this is my first time writing, so I apologize if this doesn’t make sense or isn’t really good. But here these are my Wally Darling x Reader Headcanons, hopefully you enjoy them (tbh I want to improve my writing more so I will try to write more soon) (゚ヮ゚)
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Hello i hope your having a wonderful day/night! Idk if your open to request right now but I hope you are! if your not then I'm sorry!! 😰 but may I request a Jessica rabbit type reader x wally daring?? You do this then thank you sm!!
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summery: reader who's like Jessica Rabbit and how'd they'd be with Wally. gn! reader btw
tw: mentions of creepy male behavior.
a/n: my requests aren't open but I was surprisingly inspired by this. I haven't watched Who Framed Roger Rabbit in so long but I feel like I did a really good job! ALSO! I'm going to mainly write in headcanon style because for some reason I find it easier even though this is like...my third time writing headcanons lol.
wc: 0.5k
Master List
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❥When you moved into the neighborhood, you immediately noticed that you were a bit…different. Flatter than the other residents…as in they were all 3D while you were 2D. 
❥Everyone flocked you, curious as to how that was even possible. So you explained how you came from a town that was a bit more…animated. They were in awe as you told tales of your hometown. Even commenting on how they wanted to visit some day.
❥Even with all the commotion of your new neighbors, you couldn’t help but keep your eyes on a certain yellow puppet. He watched from behind the others, gaze never leaving you. You couldn’t help but let your ego grow a bit, flaunting a bit more than you already do. 
❥All the attention your first day left you a bit overwhelmed. Yes, you’ve dealt with crowds before when you worked as a singer at a bar in your hometown, but this kind of attention was different. It wasn’t the perverted stares you grew accustomed to. In fact, that was a bit of the reason why you left.
❥Even though you were overwhelmed the first day, you couldn’t help but appreciate how kind your new neighbors were. Once they learned that you were a singer they just had to have you perform (a bit to Sally’s dismay. But you're the new neighbor so she can let you have the spotlight this time). 
❥As you sung a love song, your gaze was once again drawn to who you’ve come to know as Wally Darling. A fitting name, truely. His stare was intense as he watched you. You’d think you’d be creeped out by it, but you didn’t. In fact, you felt flattered. Compared to the creeps at the bar who’d oogle at you without shame, who’d cat call, who’d stare at you like you were lesser for whatever reasons…Wally’s stare was nothing like that. A bit empty, sure, but it wasn’t disrespectful or perverted. 
❥Day by day, you found yourself growing infatuated with Wally. You wanted to spend more time with him. Get to know him better. Maybe even entertain an idea of something more.
❥It didn’t help that you caught on to his small shows of affection. His stare lingering on you being the tell-tale one. But you also caught him touching you, whether it be a pat on the shoulder or a short hug. How he gifted you things, sometimes a drawing, or just something that ‘reminded him of you’ (which made you feel more confident at the fact that he thinks about you).
❥You were the first to finally make a move. The entire neighborhood knew about the flirting you two participated in, not like you were keeping it a secret. But you could tell that Wally didn’t seem like he was going to do anything further than that.
❥Let’s just say everyone was relieved when you two became partners. Only to realize they’d have to deal with even more lovey dovey flirting afterwards.
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kenphobia · 1 year
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"Hey lover, won't you treat me right?"
summary. wally may be the town's darling but in his eyes and heart, you're the actual darling <3 (headcanons / 0.9k wc / see end notes)
contents. tooth-rotting fluff, kind of crackship core, romantic relationship. read my pinned post before interacting!
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✦ Perhaps, you were a new neighbor or just a random puppet from the outskirts of the neighborhood— whoever and where ever you are, you were bound to meet Wally some point in your life.
✦ Wally is a curious puppet and loves putting his (imaginary) nose into places he shouldn't be putting, and you caught his eye for some unknown reason. It was fine enough, he was only interested about your life before the neighborhood and what kind of things you like. Eventually, you started asking the same questions back at him and it went on from there.
✦ There was always something that Wally would get interested in someone, no matter how pathetic and boring they look and are. It's up for your own interpretation why he was so intrigued by your person in the first place, maybe it was your personality? Your smile? Your voice? Wally loves it all regardless.
✦ Being the town's local artist, Wally takes most of his inspiration from his surroundings and sooner or later, he began adding bits of you in his paintings. It began when you happened to be one of the many faces he painted to crowd his landscape paintings until he started painting portraits of you, many and many canvases pilling up in the corner, and all of them were of you.
✦ I wouldn't exactly say Wally was embarrassed, but he was coy. He only showed you few of those portraits and gave it you, but most of them are tucked somewhere in his house aka his bedroom. He reasoned was because they're unfinished when in reality, he couldn't properly 'sleep' without having a bit of you near him, even if it's just a painting he made.
✦ Wally loves it when you spend time with his friends too, especially when you get along with Barnaby! The canine puppet was his bestest friend and enjoys spending time with you two at the same time. He couldn't help but fawn over his two favorite people hanging out and actually being friends. Seems like a dream for him, to be honest.
✦ Before you and Wally had made it 'official', everyone assumed the two of you were already a thing. It was confusing, to say the least. It makes sense once you realized how lovey dovey you two had acted around each other.
Upon hearing a knock on your door, you immediately rushed to it and opened it. Though, you were about to open your mouth and blurt out a greeting, you stopped your tracks as you saw Frank holding Wally by his collar. Wally didn't look too happy being held up like a wet, pathetic cat.
"Sorry to disturb you, (Name), but I believe this is yours." Frank began, motioning to the smaller puppet beside them. "Your little boyfriend over here was found stealing few of Howdy's apples again."
You blinked, furrowing your brows in complete and utter confusion. "I— First of all, Boyfriend? And second of all, he was doing what again?"
"He was caught messing with the apples for the 3rd time this week. Eddie's dealing with an angry Howdy right now and we have to deal with your lovebirds' troubles because we're the only other couple here unfortunately." Frank explained, doing various of hand actions.
"I'm sorry, but me and Wally aren't a couple??"
Frank made a sound of confusion and acknowledgement. "Hm, I thought you were one of us. My mistake."
"I- I have no idea if you mean if we're also gay or if we're also in relationship like you and Eddie."
"Are we though?"
"Wally, I swear to god—"
✦ Wally is extremely touch starved, like most residents, and doesn't know what to do when you do give him affection so he goes limp in your arms. It takes him a few seconds to recover once you release him though, maybe stumbling a bit when you settle him back down on the floor or even crashing back into you. The latter would definitely happen and you'd be stuck with him atop you until someone pulls him off or you do.
✦ Whenever Home locks Wally out, you'd offer him to stay in your house. He'd deny a couple of times, but he'd later come with you since he doesn't want to stay out at night. He never really liked the dark anyways.
✦ He was a little nightlight at both yours and his place, and would ask you tell him bedtime stories. He doesn't sleep, yes, but he does enjoy laying down beside you and being used as some sort of stuff animal. He also even closes his eyes, so you'd think he's sleeping. You know he isn't and often call his BS.
"You know, (Name), that was the bestest sleep I had. We should do a sleepover again." Wally sugguested once, enjoying a lovely breakfast with you. He had turned away from his plate to face you for a moment, his pupils shrinking down.
"Wally, you don't sleep." You deadpanned, holding a cup of warm coffee in your hand.
"How would you know that, (Name)?" Wally tilted his head, smiling.
"Chanting 'I am sleeping' with your eyes closed doesn't count as sleeping, Wally."
✦ You're also the first one people would go to if Wally got into trouble. He's always off messing with Howdy's apples, 'borrowing' Julie's hairspray supply, breaking and entering in someone's house, etc... As much as many felonies Wally had committed, you still love him.
✦ You just wish he wasn't so nosy to make up for his lack of a nose.
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end notes. rewritten version of my previous yan!wally headcanons, friendly neighbor, although you could say this is just a normal headcanon that isn't derived from a now deleted post and it's stíll fine <33
i wanted to keep the old title but bleh, this is romantic so yeehaw (this was also queued btw lol)
requests are always open and my inbox is free for any recs (podcasts, args, etc), chatter and info dumping. ask for updates and i will burn your house like wally burned your mom /lh
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factual-fantasy · 9 months
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@octonauts16 (Post in question) TLDR at the bottom!😅
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Yeah, that was Wally <XD I doodled that on the screen while kind'a forgetting all the stuff I've talked about Welcome Home recently. How I don't wanna join the fandom and such..
But to be honest I've been kind'a torn on Welcome home over the past few days. I recently developed 3 big main reasons why I don't want to join the fandom and draw the characters. But those reasons are quickly starting to dissolve-
Reason #1. Now I don't know if I just saw the wrong side of the fandom, but it felt like everywhere I went there was shipping content. Cannon or not, it was everywhere. And of course I'm known for not liking ships or really drawing any lovey dovey content.. I was worried enough about people tagging all of my Welcome Home art as shipping, that I figured I'd save myself the trouble and just.. not post any art of it all together.
But then I thought about it.. I mean, Undertale was a huge shipping fandom too. And I was able to weasel my way around all of that and come out unscathed. Surly the Welcome Home shipping fandom wouldn't be much harder to navigate.. right?
Reason #2. I wasn't really sure.. what to draw exactly. Everyone seems to have their own interpretation for the story of Welcome Home. Wally's the Bad guy, no House is the bad guy and he's controlling Wally, no no Wally and House are both the bad guys together. Their world is real- no actually its all make believe and Wally is the only one who knows its fake- aaaa so many stories!
I felt like it would take a lot of work and research to make my own version/interpretation of the story and the characters. So I just dropped it and didn't want to bother. I'm still so busy...
...But then its like 4 AM and I have ideas for redesigns of every character, a story is being constructed, angsty situations are being plotted, lore is growing- I hardly know much about Welcome Home truly, yet I already have a whole world built that I wanna start drawing-
But! Its reason #3 that's kept me from drawing anything. Clown, the series creator.
Looking around the fandom.. It seems that Clown is like me. They have certain boundaries when it comes to their characters and what they do and do not approve of others drawing about it. I know about the copywrite issues they're dealing with.. people selling merch of their characters and profiting.. its really sad. But there's more to it.
I saw some artwork for Welcome home and went to the comments. Everyone was like "I'm so glad to finally find an artist that respects Clowns boundaries!" And I'm like uh oh- are people drawing things that make Clown uncomfortable? Has Clown been dealing with that? What are those boundaries? Is anything I would like to draw something that would cross said boundaries?
So out of laziness to not dig deeper to find these boundaries, but also wanting to RESPECT said boundaries.. I just cut off any artwork from being made all together.
But my interest in this series is definitely getting stronger. And maybe sometime after these projects are finally off my chest, I'll look into Clown and see if any of my artwork would cross a line..
For now I'm too lazy, and too busy to make any artwork for Welcome Home <XDDD Maybe someday though!
TLDR; The #1 reason why I haven't drawn Welcome Home fanart is because I think Clown has certain boundaries when it comes to fanart. And I don't know what they are, I am also too lazy to look into it. So I just decided to not draw anything at all until further notice <XDD
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