#loving the Crossy content tho that’s been great
the-bi-space-ace · 6 months
I’m not main tagging this bc I don’t want to yuck anyone’s yum but I’m really confused by the pacing of S3 and I’m just kind of… lost? Like everything is both a lot and also not at all? I already knew things were happening bc of the trailer so it’s not really surprising? And I’m also confused about how in 4 episodes it’ll all wrap up in a satisfying way?
I’m just sitting here like this:
Tumblr media
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jockvillagersonly · 3 years
I am new to DMBJ fandom and I want to ask a favour. Would you introduce me to some dmbj tumblr blogs, active or on hiatus. No pressure though.
Hello anon!! I have no idea when you sent this to me, and honestly huge apologies since I've been on hiatus for , like , literal months. Yikes. At this point you've probably found all the blogs you'd like to find, but I'll include a few that come to mind under the cut anyway! 
Please keep in mind that I've been on hiatus for several months, so there could be super ✨hot✨ and ✨fresh✨ new blogs I am not aware of, and/or some of these folks may have drifted out of the fandom, and/or my memory may have failed me!
Best of luck anon, and welcome! :D
DMemeBJers (A-Z)
@cross-d-a​ - crossy baby has been on hiatus for awhile but I think about her tits post literally every day. If anyone has a link please sent it to me. Please. I’m begging. 
@ghostyshades - a Meme Queen (gender neutral), tho I’m not sure if Sasha is still posting DMBJ?
@nope4ever - the absolute funniest DMemeBJ person alive
@psychic-waffles - Jack owns my entire ass and I would die for him, you’ve seen his sketches and you don’t even know, I love him
DMBJ Fan Artists / Gif Makers (A-Z)
@ashenwren / art blog @ashenlights - wonderful artist and all around good person! Multi-fandom but has some great DMBJ stuff :)
@creeds-eagle - Wonderful gifs across a variety of DMBJ shows!
@dmbjartreblogs, run by @unforth - thanks for the addition, Foxy!!! :)
@keichin - an incredible artist!! last I checked, mostly draws HeiHua + misc. from TLT3
@rose-nebulijia - does beautiful edits as well as incredible fic, is also my heart, love, and life. You may also see her referred to as Vishie!
@tianzhens - this is someone I just recently started following!
@wu-xie - makes gorgeous gifsets, though they may also be on hiatus??
DMBJ Fic Writers (A-Z)
@achray1 - multi-fandom blog and one of the absolute best fanfic writers I have had the pleasure to read
@amidalogicdive - very kind, great writer, and super involved in fandom projects!!
@chirpybirdy - I haven’t talked to them much, but I know they have a bunch of DMBJ fic? I’m not sure how frequently they post DMBJ
@dmbjexchange - a great place to start if you wanna get in on fic!
@eirenical - very horny for Zhu Yilong, which is relatable and sexy of them
@epicwalrus - a gem of a writer, person, and being. 10/10 good vibes
@foxofninetales​ - FOXY BABY is an absolute gem, a star, a great author and all around joy to be around, I really have no idea if she is still posting DMBJ but I think so and for that I include her
@hils79 - quite literally the nicest person on this hellsite, also a DMBJ legend @humanlighthouse​ - an absolute legend, PingXie fic queen, also has a very soft aesthetic that will make your dash ~glow~
@kholran - is any DMBJ rec list complete without the RiSang pool noodle? Signs point to no
@laireshi - incredible author with equally incredible feelings about Xiaoge and I think that’s very fun, flirty, and sexy of them
@mejomonster - multi-fandom, but can always be counted on for EXTENSIVE and HEART-RENDING DMBJ tags
@merinnan - multifandom and multi-interest blog; prolific writer in DMBJ + very involved in DMBJ fan events and such!
@pissmeoffanddie - not DMBJ exclusive but YES genuinely the most wonderful
@s1utspeare​ - an absolute fucking legend, mostly posting M9, Fo/FuBa, and other fandoms now, but still a great DMBJ source!!
@thosch3i - not on tumblr a whole lot but when they are I am almost guaranteed to peel at my yellow wallpaper about it
@traineecryptid - great writer and very fun dash energy!
@undyingsunshine - if you like crying about Li Cu, have I got the blog for you!!!!
Good Vibes and DMBJ Content (A-Z)
@dmbjaddict and @theyareinlovecanttellmeotherwise are great blogs if you want lots of DMBJ / PingXie content on your feed!!
@canary3d-obsessed - actually not sure how much she posts DMBJ consistently, but her DMBJ fashion posts literally ascended me to the heavenly realm  
@jaecomments - the literal love of my life, professional hype beast
@justpostsyeet - always down for a good head canon discussion, especially about our fave bitchy ex ;)
@greymouser13 - I have no idea if they are still posting DMBJ but I do know that they bring me joy, and thus here they are
@kolachess - super interesting posts, head canons, and translation discussion! (multi-fandom)
@mythochondrion - bonk, go to horny jail
@ninbayphua - Ninby posts loads of fandoms, incl. DMBJ! Also has a writing blog that you can find here: @ninbayphua-moyan
@uschickens - great head canons and DMBJ discussion, same good vibes as @momosandlemonsoda
@xcziel - follow for the tags, stay for the incredible loving energy 
@xiaobaibai - a great place to find fanart and general good vibes :)
@xia-xueyi - not DMBJ exclusive but has a really cute turtle and really nice energy so.... 🐢
Mystic Nine Specific, & We Love That For Them (A-Z)
@elletromil - every day I think about how talented Elle is, and every day I weep. These are related events.
@gaiahenshin - immediately after weeping about Elle, I think about how kind and lovely Gaia is, and then the weeping recommences. These are related events. 
I’m sure there are loads I missed, and others I mis-labelled! Please feel free to add corrections and additions in the reblogs or notes. :)
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